So Young Issue Twenty-Seven

Page 22

Silverbacks Daniel O’Kelly has just had his first post-lockdown

Gary: I think as a group we don’t take ourselves

haircut. It’s a surreal experience, the guitarist, singer and

particularly seriously. Dan’s lyrics are very observational

songwriter left pondering over how personal taking off

and quite telling of the times around. But at the same time,

someone else’s own facemask to cut their hair is, and

we don’t feel like we’re figures that need to be telling you

just how surprised he was at his reaction to the whole

what you need to think about stuff or telling you how it

situation. It’s these little things that have made the world

needs to happen. We’re saying this is what’s happening,

just that little bit more unusual - we’ve all been using

here’s how we take it. But it’s not us shouting we think

our elbows to touch traffic lights, doing a little dance to

it’s this way so we think you have to as well. As a group

avoid being anywhere near another member of the public,

we’ve got a quite a good sense of humour and we’re not

taking social distance walks up hills for pleasure (?!) -

afraid to laugh at ourselves, we take the music and what

it’s a weird world. But what’s most intriguing is our own

we’re doing very seriously, but as people we tend not to

response to having to deal with such adaptation - and how

take things very seriously.

we look in on ourselves and our behaviour to make any sort of sense of it.

D: I think as well a lot of the time, I find if we’re writing lyrics or music like Gary said, we’re not doing it to tell

With ‘Fad’, their debut record released during lockdown

people how they should think, we’re not even putting

in July no less, Silverbacks have found this canny little

messages in their head for them to think “oh yeah, I’ve

spot for themselves, somewhere they can attempt to make

never thought of it in that way”. If they do then great,

sense of the world even before this all kicked in, while

but really it’s just a tool for us to have fun and try and

looking at themselves and how they deal with such minute

understand the way we are. I don’t think there’s anything

experiences. That natural desire for comprehension has

more high-brow than that, I don’t think we were putting

blossomed into a meticulous and captivating album - one

this album on a pedestal and saying “this is your new

that embraces the band’s own dry sardonicism but also

ideology, all hail Silverbacks”.

revealing where their priorities in seriousness lie - and how they intelligently find the balance of both.

I think that’s the thing, it’s not got this one mindset - it’s trying to achieve different things and ideas that

I feel ‘Fad’ cleverly captures the overly accepting state

all come together to make this nice cohesive record,

of modern culture while also being self-aware of its

whether it’s intentional or not?

own flaws and inadequacies. Was it important for you to find a balance of sardonicism and self-critique?

G: I think from our point of view, nothing is really limited and off the table. We’ve got no problem doing a rocker

Daniel: I think in myself anyway, I’m pretty self-critical.

like ‘Just In The Band’ and then two or three songs later

I would constantly look at things I do and then try and

putting Killian’s guitar moderation in there, we’re not

re-examine why I did it, whether it’s good or bad - like

limiting ourselves. Ideally we want everything to sound

a post-mortem, I’m known for doing them. Even after a

like a Silverbacks song.

conversation with someone, I’d text them the next day and say “sorry if i said something in a certain way”, and they’d say “what? I haven’t been thinking about this at all”.


Words by Ross Jones, illustration by Bàrbara Alca

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