Healthy Beginnings

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February 2018





ISSN 2150-9921

Northern Nevada’s Local Resource for Natural Living


Healthy Beginnings | February 2018





06 Pelvic Exercises to Perform Better in Bed 14 Practice Yoga for Self-Love Before Extending Love to Others 22 Debunking Myths: Chiropractors are Real Doctors, Right?


10 Replace Sushi with these Plant-Based California Rolls 11 Chocolate Avocado Mousse a Healthy Dessert Option 16 Pros and Cons of Consuming Chocolate On Valentine’s Day


05 Essential Oils for American Heart Month 08 Feldenkrais Techniques to Improve Your Love Life 20 Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Therapy Advancement

Healthy Beginnings | February 2018


12 Embrace Love in Your Life, No Matter Your Age 18 Overcome Obstacles on Your Spiritual Path to Enlightenment 24 Ten Steps for Healthy Brain Function (Part 2) 26 The Ins and Outs of Post-Concussion Syndrome (Part 2)

IN EVERY ISSUE 04 28 30 31

Editor’s Note Local Wellness Directory The Cork Boards Local Events Calendar

ON THE COVER 06 12 14 16

Empower Your Pelvis All You Need is Love Embrace Yourself Cuckoo For Cocoa

24 3



“All you need is love, love is all you need.” — The Beatles Greetings, readers, and welcome to the February 2018 edition of Healthy Beginnings. The above quote is from one of by favorite songs of all time, sung by my absolute favorite rock band of all time. The Beatles, in my opinion, were geniuses when it came to writing song lyrics, and while most of the words in the band’s July 1967 hit, “All You Need is Love,” are fairly straightforward, there’s no denying the message John Lennon and crew were spreading. According to various media accounts, Brian Epstein, the band’s manager at the time of the song’s release, gave the following statement about the tune as part of in interview for Melody Maker magazine: “It was an inspired song and they really wanted to give the world a message. The nice thing about it is that it cannot be misinterpreted. It is a clear message saying that love is everything.” If there was ever a theme to this edition of Healthy Beginnings, it surely is that of Epstein’s latter point: “Love is everything.” The month of February is a special time of year for everyone. We’re 30 days removed from the turn of the new year — and thus, the new beginnings that surround it. Now, a month later, hopefully everyone is knee-deep into accomplishing their New Year’s Resolutions. If you’re not — no worries! February gives us the perfect opportunity to get back on the right path. Why? Because February (despite it being our shortest month) is the month in which we celebrate the power of love. But, what exactly is the power of love? Go ahead, Google that exact question and see what you get. The first thing that pops up for me is from a November 2013 blog from the Huffington Post, the title of which is, fittingly, “The Power of Love.” A short synopsis is as follows: “There is no greater power than love! Love has the ability to heal the world. Love is pure and decent, innocent and true. When the energy of love takes hold of you, resistance is futile. It has the capacity to heal old wounds and cleanse you of any negativity that does not serve you.” I couldn’t agree more, and it’s that mantra of cleansing that serves as a perfect backdrop to the content we have featured in our newest edition of Healthy Beginnings. From learning about exercises to get your pelvic floor ready for healthy sex (page 6), creating yummy recipes to embrace the winter season (pages 10-11) practicing yoga for self-love (page 14) and learning how to overcome obstacles on your path to spiritual enlightenment (page 18), among other topics, I hope you’re well informed and ready to embrace the power of love this month. So go ahead, read on and spread the love. After all, it really is all you need. Cheers! Kevin MacMillan



Kevin MacMillan | 775-850-2145



Elaine Brooks, Carole Bucher, Dr. William Clearfield, Dr. Andy Drymalski, Dr. Robert A. Eslinger, Dr. Randall Gates, Marie-Claire Hermans, Dr. Tony C. Jensen, Annora McGarry, Dr. Karla Moore, Dr. Melvin Ibarra Nario, Dr. Martin Rutherford, Brittany Wade, Dr. Andrew Whyman


Healthy Beginnings Magazine’s mission is to provide resources and information on alternative and integrative medicine, nutrition, fitness, green living, sustainability and the products and services that support living a natural, holistic and healthy lifestyle. Healthy Beginnings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by local advertisers. Magazines are distributed monthly throughout the Reno, Sparks, Carson City, Minden, Gardnerville, Lake Tahoe and Truckee areas. To find Healthy Beginnings Magazine at a location near you, or if you would like to distribute the magazine at your business, call 775-881-1233 or email We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Always consult your health care provider for clarification. All rights reserved. 2017© by Sierra Nevada Media Group. Although some parts of this publication can be reproduced or reprinted, we require permission be obtained in writing. Please email for permission. Past issues may be found on our website at Printed in the USA HB Magazine is printed on partially recycled newsprint. PLEASE RECYCLE

Healthy Beginnings | February 2018



Essential oils from the Ylang Ylang flower can help you have a healthy heart.

Essential oils work on many levels — not only physically, but mentally, spiritually and emotionally — so using them can really be a great adjunct to getting a healthy heart. One of the most prevalent problems in our society today is high blood pressure, often brought on by long-term tension or stress. Not that in our society anyone should have tension or stress, right? Hmm. Jokes aside, it is inevitable that at some time we all get a little (or a lot) stressed. Using a combination of 3 drops of Neroli, 2 drops of Ylang Ylang, 4 drops of Lemon and 1 drop of Lavender placed in a diffuser can help with high blood pressure. Neroli helps relieve the strain of long-term tension and helps to regulate heart rhythm so it can be used on its own to assist the heart. Another method of lowering blood pressure is to use a roll-on bottle with 10 milliliters of a carrier oil, such as sunflower oil or grapeseed, combined with 1 drop of Neroli, 3 drops of Bergamot, 1-3 drops of Lavender and 1-2 drops of Ylang Ylang. Mix these together and roll on pulse points several times per day. You can also bring this aroma to your nose throughout the day. Another single oil that may be helpful for heart issues is Clary Sage, although best used in moderate doses. You can combine it with the above oils and add more carrier oil and use in a massage.

Healthy Beginnings | February 2018

Clary Sage has antispasmodic properties that can help with treating asthma and muscle strain as well as nervous anxiety, nervous tension and depression. Do not use while pregnant, while drinking alcoholic beverages or in cases of low blood pressure or estrogen-dependent tumors.

“During this month of love, let’s also love our heart and treat it with all the best that nature has to offer.” Low blood pressure can be a problem for many as well. The essential oils of Rosemary, Eucalyptus, Thyme Linalool and Pine can help. You can combine these with herbs such as Capsicum, Ginkgo and Licorice, as well as a carrier oil, and use as a brisk massage of the chest and extremities. This will get the blood flowing and moving right along.


Palpitations or Tachycardia can often be helped with a massage of the following oils mixed with a carrier oil. Using 1-2 drops of Ylang Ylang, 1 drop of Rose or Lavender and 2 drops of Neroli, and then either massage into the chest or use in a roll-on bottle on the pulse points at the wrist. Taking Magnesium Citrate and Hawthorn Berry with CoQ10 on a regular basis may also be of help with heart issues. Poor circulation is another issue many grapple with in their lives. Using Peppermint, Tei Fu, Rosemary, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Pine and Marjoram in combinations, mixed with 1 ounce of massage oil, and massaged into the extremities can warm and cause better blood circulation. During this month of love, let’s also love our heart and treat it with all the best that nature has to offer. Use essential oils and herbs to gain our health and strength back and have a fantastic year going forward. Elaine Brooks is owner of The Herb Lady, located in Sparks. Visit or call 775-356-1499 to learn more.




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Women can relax a tight pelvic floor by trying yoga’s happy baby pose (a.k.a. the Ananda Balasana pose) prior to sex.

I am often asked the question, “What is pelvic health?” Usually the person asking thinks that I am saying “public health,” so I see myriad surprised looks when I begin an explanation of the sling of muscles located between the pubic bone and tailbone that have a sexual role, responsible for sexual arousal, sexual function and orgasms.

The pain may occur with deep penetration, with erection, after orgasm, with entry or preventing entry, and the pain may linger for hours to days. Many problems that cause pain with sex have a physical component affecting the pelvic floor muscles, and it’s important to know that relief is possible.

Other responsibilities of the pelvic floor include controlling urine, controlling feces and gas, and supporting internal organs and support of the spine and pelvis. The pelvic floor is the unconditional source of human power and vitality, affecting many aspects of our lives — a significant area being our sexual health.

Tightness or injury in the lower back, hips or pelvic floor and/or muscular trigger points in these areas can lead to pelvic pain and sexual difficulty.

When our sex lives are fulfilling, and everything works as we think or know it should, we don’t question it. But what happens when sex doesn’t work correctly or the way it had for you or your partner in the past — or if sex has never worked for you, with or without a partner? Problems that may occur range from painful sex to an inability to achieve orgasm or an erection, among others.


Trigger points are those “knots” within a muscle, tender when touched and can create pain when untouched. Trigger points are known for referral patterns to other areas, contributing to muscular shortening, spasms and tightening, and non-muscularly to vaginal dryness and other sexual difficulties. Sexual health is an integral component of wellness and it impacts our overall wellbeing through its involvement in our physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual dimensions.

Healthy Beginnings | February 2018

Achieving orgasm is more complicated in women related to pelvic floor activity, physical anatomical variations and the nervous system, and although achieving orgasm does not have to be the outcome of every sexual encounter or for intimacy, a healthy pelvic floor will improve the strength of orgasms. If your sexual and pelvic health are both in peak condition, maintain a continued focus on healthy sexuality that changes as you change. This involves familiarity of the physical aspects of sexual anatomy and the pelvic floor, as well as the multi-factorial aspects of sensory, emotional, psychological, intellectual, social, cultural and spiritual. If you experience pain or difficulties with sex, it is vital to rule out other causes, such as cyst or infection, through visiting your physician. Clear, positive communication and respect are key to healthy intimacy and sexuality. Support your partner in sexual challenges by working together to gain an understanding as you work with an expert and address all your concerns immediately for quick resolution.

“Sexual health is an integral component of wellness and it impacts our overall wellbeing through its involvement in our physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual dimensions.”

Use a team approach of a physical therapist specializing in pelvic health, a physician and a counselor or sex therapist. Pelvic health is possible and everyone deserves a satisfying and vibrant sex life.

PRACTICE THESE SELF-CARE TIPS: 1. Relaxation of a tight pelvic floor prior to sex: • Women can try the yoga happy baby pose — lie on your back, bring knees to belly, grasp outside of feet with hands, open knees slightly wider than torso and bring knees toward armpits. Shins should be perpendicular to the floor. • Deep diaphragmatic breathing during initial entry or other times of sexual discomfort will help to loosen a tight pelvic floor. • A side-lying position with partner behind you allows leg muscles to relax. 2. Stronger orgasms: • Lying on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor — contract the pelvic floor muscles by pulling up and in vaginally for women and rectally for men. • Hold 10 seconds maintaining a consistently strong contraction, then rest for 20 seconds. Repeat 10 repetitions. Perform 2x/day every other day. Then perform quick full contractions with immediate relaxation as fast as you can. If unable to hold for 10 seconds, start with 5 seconds. • If difficulty contracting or if the muscles are tight, contact a physical therapist specializing in pelvic health.

Healthy Beginnings | February 2018

Dr. Karla Moore is a Doctor of Physical Therapy, Board Certified as a Clinical Specialist in Orthopaedic Physical Therapy, specializing in Pelvic Health and solutions to persistent pain conditions. She is the owner of NeuroFit Wellness & Physical Therapy in Reno. Contact her at RenoNeuroFit@gmail. com or 775-863-8766. Visit to learn more.

Photo: Luke Sorensen

Dr. Karla Moore, DPT, OCS

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When you are more balanced skeletally and muscularly, all movement is easier and more pleasurable, including sex with your partner.

“I want to improve my love life” — this is not a reason I’ve ever heard when asking someone what he or she wanted out of Awareness Through Movement classes or individual Functional Integration lessons.

• Our movement is less inhibited and we are less judgmental toward ourselves. We move more freely and are more spontaneous. We recognize that we have choice in how we think about ourselves.

• With this lower center of gravity, low back pain diminishes. Our hip joints and the sacrum are more symmetrical, which improves our alignment and balance. We feel and move better.

But think about it. There are lots of ways that Feldenkrais would help our love life. We know that increased self-awareness and self-sensing lead to meaningful changes, some almost miraculous. For example:

• Physically, our center of gravity shifts from a higher-up, shoulder-chest-orientation to a lower-down, pelvic-leg-orientation — think martial arts and Qi-Gong. This is the power center, where the root and sacral chakras reside, expressing our sexuality. When movement is oriented and initiated through this region, we are more grounded, stronger and safer.

• And amazingly, as we become more mindful and body-aware, time seems to slow down. We notice our habits more; we make new choices. We use a lighter touch and less force as our sensitivity and sensuality increase. We become more aware of nuance, textures and changes.

• Feeling supported from within with a well-organized skeletal structure means we feel more self-empowered. Our wellbeing and self-confidence increase.


All in all, we become more comfortable, flexible and mobile. We regain our capacity to feel the pleasurable and playful aspects of life again.

Healthy Beginnings | February 2018

We start doing aerobic activity more comfortably and confidently, and get value-added benefit for our hearts and circulation. Our interest in activities that we have abandoned may be reawakened, including sex. So here is a short Feldenkrais sequence that will bring you into more clear contact with your pelvis as the center of movement, grounding and balance: 1. Sit on the front of a flat chair or bench, with your feet under your knees, shoulder-width apart. Feel your feet on the ground. 2. Notice how the bottom of your pelvis meets the chair. Can you find/feel your seat bones? They are the two large, rounded bones between your hip joints and coccyx. Slide your fingers from behind under your seat bones and feel their location and how heavy and strong they are. 3. See if you can determine if your habit is to sit on top of your these bones vertically. Or are you behind them (common in people with hunched shoulders or rounded back)? Or are you in front of them (common to people who arch the back)? 4. Now exhale and round your back. Do this a few times. Can you feel that your weight goes behind your seat bones? Then pause. 5. Next, inhale and arch your back a little. This will take you in front of your seat bones or more vertically on top of them. 6. Repeat this rounding and arching a few more times, feel the rocking movement of the pelvis, keeping your spine and back relaxed. Then rest. 7. Resume the gentle pelvic rocking movement, making it smaller and smaller until you end up right on top of your seat bones, vertically. Feel the sensation. When you are sitting on top of your seat bones this way, you are upright, comfortably and lightly. You use your pelvis (the two seat bones) and your legs as your structural support. Your spine is long, and your muscles are relaxed and balanced. You can do this gentle pelvic rocking to reduce strain and discomfort in your hips, low back and spine, and to help balance your pelvis. This also helps to balance your chest and shoulders. Move slowly and mindfully — don’t do anything uncomfortable. Now back to your love life. When you are more balanced skeletally and muscularly, all movement is easier and more pleasurable, including sex. Here is what one of my students, who inspired this article, recently told me after class, “Carole, I am so glad to be doing Feldenkrais! It is having the most fabulous effect on my love life (wink, wink — and she gave me a huge, happy Cheshire cat grin)! Wishing you the happiest of Valentine’s Days, dear friends. May all your movement be pleasurable and bring joy to your hearts! Carole Bucher, BA, is a Guild-Certified Feldenkrais practitioner/teacher and owner of Reno Feldenkrais Integrative Movement. Visit to learn more. Thanks to Marsha Novak for her version of this Feldenkrais sequence.

Healthy Beginnings | February 2018

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Marie-Claire Hermans, of Energy for Experts.

Photo: Marie-Claire Hermans

Take to sushi a different way with these plant-based options

Stopping cooking your food doesn’t mean that you have to stop indulging the fancy little joys of life. On the contrary — so many more benefits come your way when you get rid of all the junk on your plate and replace it with quality alternatives: energy, a youthful feeling and look, balance, self-love, and a fulfilled heart, among others. An essential factor that many overlook when they start eating healthy is: always replace with style. The eye wants to enjoy your healthy choices, too. Take these hip California rolls for instance; by looking at them, can you tell that they are purely plant-based? That there is no fish or other animal products involved? Would you say “no” to them if someone served them to you with the message that they are raw? That’s exactly why these hipsters are packed with omega 3 for a strong heart, smart decisions and strong focus. Who knew that good taste and health go so well together?


TOOLS • Food processor (any will do) • Chef’s knife • Sushi mat • Plastic Ziploc bag, large enough for the sushi mat FIRST, MAKE YOUR FILLING (for about 3 rolls) • 2 parsnips • 3 tbsp. grated ginger (if you want stronger, add more) • juice of half a lemon or lime (taste for the right balance) • 1 clove of garlic, pressed • ½ to 1 tsp. sea salt (to taste) • a grip of white and black sesame seeds • 2 tbsp. cashew butter (or white almond butter — the filling needs to stay white) INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE ‘RICE’ • Chop up all ingredients for the filling — except for the cashew butter — in your food processor until you have a fine rice structure. • Now add the cashew butter and process into a very fine sticky grain. • Taste and add what you miss (salt, ginger, lemon), set aside.

INGREDIENTS FOR THE ROLLS • ½ nori sheet (rip off about half of the sheet) • fine-sliced cucumber, red bell pepper or red beet, spring onion • handful of sprouts or fine green of choice (alfalfa, chervil) • 3 fine young green asparagus per roll • about 3 fine slices of avocado per roll • fresh cilantro (can be replaced by chervil) • 1 ripe, but firm, avocado INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE ROLLS • Shove your sushi mat into the plastic bag, push the air out and close. • Place half a nori sheet with the wide side against the side of the mat. The shiny side of your sheet is on the sushi mat. • Flatten a few spoons of the parsnip rice onto the sheet. • Divide the rice on to the sheet with your fingers: cover all of it. • Gently push the rice down and make a thin layer of about 0.15 to 0.19 inches.

Healthy Beginnings | February 2018

• Sprinkle some white and black sesame seeds on top and push gently again. • Now flip the sheet over on to your plastic wrapped sushi mat: the nori is now on top. • Place a small selection of your sliced veggies in the middle of the sheet. • Roll up and stop to firm up the roll: push gently with your index fingers on top. • Continue rolling firmly but don’t push too hard. • Close the roll and push slightly again with the sushi mat so you have a firm roll. • Spoon half of an avocado out of its peel (optional step but hip and healthy). • Placed on the cutting board, make very thin slices in the width with a sharp knife. • Transfer to your hand palm and gently spread them out a bit: looks like scales. • Now flatten them on to your roll and push again with your plastic wrapped sushi mat. • Eventually, you can cut the sides of the avocado straight to have a clean effect. • Take your sharpest knife and make even, bite sized pieces (the seam is at the bottom). • Serve with a little bit of Tamari, Wasabi and pickled ginger.


Avocados for dessert? We love avocados in so many savory applications — from COMPLIMENTARY FACE PAINTING guacamole to avocado toast and much, much more. Saturday, February 14th only: From 12 pm to 2 pm. there will be a face are painter The health benefits of avocados also at the Day Lodge.

CHOCOLATE AVOCADO MOUSSE well-known. Avocados are a great source EPICMIX of monosaturated fatty acids, which may PHOTO IS A HEALTHY help to reduce the risk ofSaturday diabetes, heart and Sunday - EpicMix Photo will have large conversation disease and cancer. Additionally, they are hearts for guests to take photos with in various locations around AND INDULGENT a great source of many essential vitamins the resort. Photographers will also be available at the race course and minerals, including folate, potassium taking photos. DESSERT OPTION and vitamin E, among others. SCAVENGER HUNT However, most of us haveVALENTINE’S not tried this By Annora McGarry super fruit as a dessert. AndSaturday I’m here toand tell Sunday - prizes will be hidden in the village and on you that you are missing out if you don’t try to be found. the mountain this chocolate avocado mousse recipe — and it only takes about 5 minutes to make! VIRTUAL PIN EPICMIX


Ingredients: WEEKEND FESTIVITIES • 2 ripe avocados • 4 tbsp. of honey or agave syrup AT NORTHSTAR TAVERN 6330’

Come ski on Valentine’s Day, Saturday 2/14, and receive the Ski Heart pin on your EpicMix account.

½ cup of unsweetened cocoa powder Tavern 6330’ will be donating 10% of all dessert sales on February 14th to Tahoe SAFE Alliance. They will also be offering a Valentine’s • 4 tbsp. milk Day Menu on 2/14. • pinchRACE of salt FUN

FEBRUARY 14, 2015 - FEBRUARY 2015 • 15, 1 tsp vanilla extract

TIPS • Once you get the hang, these rolls are ready in 15 minutes! First time may take 30 minutes, however. CUPID’S COURSE VALENTINE’S • You can serve these rolls without the last step STAR GAZING SNOWSHOE TOURS Directions: To bethe held 10:30 amwhen to 3:30 your loved with avocado on top you’repm. in a each hurry. day. Challenge Varies. a head-to-head Valentine’s race and find •one Thesetorolls are a hip and hot starter for any party Halveout andwho pit thegets avocados,Time: and blend with Take advantage of the dark skies above Northstar on a snowshoe bragging rights for the next year! Skiers and riders of all levels or “sharing” table; they also look hip in your the rest of the ingredients in a blender ortour and telescopic viewing with star guide and poet Berendsen. The 2 to 2.5 hour guided tour begins at the Cross are welcome participate in this fun race at our Race lunch box to yourtooffice or a meeting. foodEpicMix processer until smooth.Tony Taste and adjust Country Ski, Telemark & Snowshoe Center at 5pm. The group will be $6. •Venue. You can EpicMix easily makeRace these fees rolls the evening seasonings if needed. Top with fresh fruit. will trek through the serene forest while observing the starry sky before you need them. The first 150 racers each day will receive a complimentary above, all while working your way to the Village at Northstar. Each Decadent doesn’t have to be unhealthy! • Store covered in the fridge: They stay well for Northstar Valentine’s Day pin. adventure will include a laser tour of the stars and constellations, Indulge yourself in this rich, chocolatey Photo: Delphine Hourlay three days. a telescopic viewing using top-of-the-line Celestron telescopes, dessert withouttothe guilt. •50% Rolls of are all a heavenly way to use up veggie race fees collected both days will be donated the and a chance to relax around a fire pit and warm up with wine leftovers in your fridge. Tahoe SAFE Alliance. Annora McGarry is a loverand of all things outdoors has madeare herwelcome home in Tahoe City.inShe works hot cider. Dogs who on leashes to join the fun!for • First make the “mise en place” of your The mission of time! Tahoe SAFE Alliance is to end the incidenceTahoe, and located in Tahoe City, California. Visit to learn more. Granlibakken vegetables: saves of domestic/intimate partner violence, sexual violence, •trauma You can replace the parsnips by cauliflower and child abuse in North Lake Tahoe and Truckee. or almonds.

Non-Toxic HAIR COLOR by Kim

•Tahoe Leftovers of the Alliance filling are lovely in a salad. SAFE believes every person has the right to live a life free of violence and abuse. Marie-Claire Hermans becameisanthat energy coach The core of our beliefs violence with for Experts afterand surviving a killerit is aEnergy learned behavior therefore cocktail six disabling diseases,education, cracking • Highest quality non-toxic hair color can beofprevented. Through the code of complete exhaustion, and healingin • 100% grey coverage advocacy and engaging everyone • non-toxic Hair Color two remaining so called “incurable” diseases • Private salon environment our cause, we can create violence-free • 100% Grey Coverage bycommunities mastering herwhere diet, mindset self-care. • One-on-one consultation, healthyand relationships • Rich in Nutrients She specializes in showing peopleplease how they highly personalized service thrive. For more information visit • Kim specializes in Color,and texturizing can generate the energy they desire to express • Expert color, cutting Cutting & Texturizing their full potential and live their ideal lifestyle. • No PPDs – environmentally friendly Visit to learn more For appointments, call Kim at 775.843.7659 | 1539 S. Virginia St., Reno and to book a free conversation.

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Healthy Beginnings | February 2018 February 2015 Life’s a journey. Make it a healthy one.®





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Being in love is perhaps the most pure way to enjoy health and happiness in life.

Valentine’s Day is here, and as the 1970s hit song tells it, “Love is in the Air.” But, asks a subsequent hit of the 1990s, “What is Love?” Moreover, why make such a big fuss over it?


So, if you’re looking for health and happiness, be in love — and be in love for the long haul, for your past and your future. Let’s get down to basics. Love is not hot sex, or sexual relations at all, though one of the bonus benefits of love can be a satisfying sex life.

Well, if you want to be happy, if you want a longer and more satisfying life, if you want lower blood pressure and fewer heart ailments, if you want to sleep better and mitigate the adverse effects of stress, if you want to improve your mental outlook, and age more gracefully … then listen up!

Love is not lust, though love is frequently accompanied by lust, particularly in the earlier stages of a relationship.

It turns out that love is an elixir, a bromide, a magic potion that can ease both the physical and emotional pains of life in ways that fame, great wealth, business success or professional accomplishments can’t touch.

Lovers are more likely to have a satisfying sex life than folks in short-term intimate relations. Why? In short, because lust lasts a minute — but love lasts a lifetime.

Sure, those later successes can provide satisfaction, even fleeting delight, but they can’t provide the nurturing, continual deep emotional connections of love.

“OK, OK,” you say. “I get it. Better to be in love. But what exactly is love, and how do I find it and then make it last?”


By Andrew Whyman, M.D.

“Glad you asked,” says I. Love is a deeply caring emotional bond coupled with a willingness to sacrifice in the service of your devotion to the one you love. Love, in the beginning, just seems to happen. You meet, and then, over the course of days, weeks, months or even years, you’re in love. Not much effort in this early stage. It all appears so deliciously enjoyable and effortless. Things just seem to flow. A few minor glitches, maybe, but mostly it’s all good — a persistent desire exists to be with that person, to share a life, to commit to someone beyond you.

Healthy Beginnings | February 2018

This is not to be confused with good sex or even great sex, which may well be present, but may not, particularly if you’re shy, undereducated in the ways of the world, or otherwise traumatized by earlier life experiences. Some of the other benefits of enduring love can include sharing your true self; giving and getting guidance and support; and embracing personal growth in learning to accept your lover for who he or she is, rather than who you want him or her to be. When the early years of enduring love include sexual passion, so much the better. But don’t count on it to take you through the middle years and old age together.

If you’re still in love, you’ll be present, involved and invested in each other’s ups and downs, sensitive to your lover’s wellbeing and his or her moods. If there are children in the relationship, they will likely have moved on, for better or worse. Together, relish their success, and support each other when they fail.

In mid-life, look forward to both sharing your successes with each other and comforting each other during the hard times.

And then come the “golden years,” a time when all those prior years of true love provide cushioning and comfort for the invariable travails of aging.


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Understood — but as long as there is life, there’s also a love train out there somewhere. So, be ready and be available, should the magic strike you.

Incline Village resident Andrew Whyman, MD, is a clinical and forensic psychiatrist. He can be reached for comment at

Here’s where the wedding vow of “in sickness and in health” really starts to matter. Life challenges mount: illnesses, sometimes terminal; disability; diminished stamina; and eroding finances can each take a toll.

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Some of you may be saying, “Hey, I’ve never really been in love, or married, or I’ve already been divorced twice, and don’t want more heartbreak.”

“As long as there is life, there’s also a love train out there somewhere. So, be ready and be available, should the magic strike you.”

Biologically, sexual ardor diminishes with increasing age. Caresses, tenderness, skin contact, petting and even deeply satisfying eye contact become more prominent as sexual ardor fades.


A declining spouse, aging faster than you, will test your love and your commitment. Support, nurturance, patience and acceptance are valuable virtues in this late stage of true love, and provide benefit to both parties.

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Healthy Beginnings | February 2018




They say how we “show up” on our yoga mat is the same way we “show up” in our lives. There are many personal reasons why we choose to “show up” on our mat and for our yoga practice. Hopefully, self-love is one of those reasons, but what matters most is that we make the effort to step away from our busy lives and show up for ourselves. We live and function in a very fast-paced world, always doing, always thinking. In the midst of the chaos that is our lives, it is often easy to forget that we so desperately need that time for ourselves to turn inward and discover the intricacies of our mind, the capabilities of our unique bodies, and to step into our truth, power and strength.

Creating vibrant smiles for healthy lifestyles! Creating vibrant smiles for healthy lifestyles!

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Yoga allows us to embrace the high levels of self-love and acceptance that everyone should have in their lives.

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Healthy Beginnings | February 2018

“We must learn to take the time to care for, and to value, ourselves before we will be able to extend that love and care to others.” We must consciously dedicate time for ourselves so that we can remember to celebrate the abundance of love that we are. The time spent nurturing our bodies and taking care of us is as critical to our mental health as our physical health. A consistent practice can help us learn to quiet and train the mind to respond, rather than react. As we become less tight and rigid on the mat, we become more flexible in our lives. We must learn to take the time to care for, and to value, ourselves before we will be able to extend that love and care to others. Yoga gives us the opportunity to practice this by encouraging us to focus on self-love. It reminds us to give our attention and appreciation to the poses our bodies CAN do, rather than focus on our limitations. We thrive when we give ourselves permission to do the best we can, rather than wanting to achieve the “perfect” pose or the “perfect” body.


Perhaps most importantly, yoga offers us tools to take with us off of the mat and into our chaotic lives — where self-love and acceptance matters the most. When a pose becomes difficult, when your body is shaking, when your mind is complaining, how do you choose to show up? When you wake up late for work only to discover you locked your keys in your car, how do you choose to show up? The answer is always the same … choose love. Not because it’s the right thing to do, but because you — more than anyone — deserve the love you have to give. Brittany Wade is a certified yoga teacher and instructor at Freestyle Fitness, located at 9590 S. McCarran Blvd. in Reno. Check out for class times and try a free class.

Get Outside and RIDE


Andy Drymalski, EdD, is a Jungian psychologist providing psychotherapy that honors the uniqueness and individuality of each client by facilitating the psyche’s own healing powers and wisdom. Psychotherapy Services For:

• • • • •


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Not all chocolates are beneficial. The rule is “bitter is better.”


It’s another busy holiday for good old cupid, as he shoots his arrows toward the hearts of lovebirds on Valentine’s Day. Not only is he hitting his mark, but he is also on target in piercing our pockets. noted that Valentine’s Day 2016 generated a total spending of $19.7 billion, with 47.5% of that money being spent on candy as gifts. In addition to that, 81% of Americans admitted they ate chocolate, and 58 million pounds of it were purchased during that week alone. Usually, the chocolates come in the shape of little hearts to symbolize the love and affection between two people. On any given day, chocolate has been noted as the most craved food in the world, proving its popularity all year long. The love for chocolate comes from its sweet, creamy taste, which remedies this craving for nearly everyone’s palate as they gobble it up to their heart’s content. On the flip side, we all know that candy of any kind, including chocolate, is also the dentist’s number one enemy in relation to the formation of cavities. It can be a double-edged sword, but where does chocolate stand really on the health perspective of things? Let us dig deeper into the truth behind our favorite Valentine’s gift. Cocoa, which is the primary ingredient of chocolates, comes from beans. By itself it has the ability to dilate our arteries due to the increase release of nitric oxide and antioxidant effects of the flavonols and phytonutrients it contains, according to a 2014 article in the “Scottish Medical Journal.” One teaspoon of the powder form alone can produce this effect within 1 to 2 hours of consumption, thus improving the blood flow in the vessels specifically in the heart (lowers plaque formation), the legs (relieving the symptoms of peripheral


Healthy Beginnings | February 2018

arterial disease), the retina in the eyes, the kidneys and the brain (lowering the risk of strokes), according to a 2012 article in the medical journal, “Neurology,” as well as a 2007 article in the journal, “Circulation.” In general, it lowers the blood pressure and bad cholesterol, increases the good cholesterol (almost comparable to the effects of exercise), supports the immune system and has been noted for its anti-aging effects, per the 2009 article, “Cocoa and Cardiovascular Health,” in the journal, “Circulation.” The American Heart Association even recommends cocoa bean solids and powder for these specific purposes. An even better option would be getting nut and cocoa combinations, for together they pile up the antioxidant and phytonutrients for us. From this description, it sounds as though chocolate is the ultimate superfood for our health woes — until we dig a little deeper. Unfortunately, the commercial chocolate that we buy on the market is now a hybrid of not only cocoa, but also milk and butter fat. The cocoa being used is also processed and packaged, stripping off the bitterness, flavonols and phytonutrients (a good example would be Dutch-processed cocoa), according to 1998 article in the “Journal of Vascular Surgery.” Milk, whether it is mixed in with the cocoa or drank separately, actually reduces the antioxidant effects of the contained phytonutrients. Added sugar also acts directly to lower healthy arterial function. Even the dairy-free chocolate is not recommended, for it contains sugar and saturated cocoa butter, which is fat that can increase cholesterol levels, according to the 2011 article, “The Benefits of Chocolate for the Cardiovascular System,” in the journal, “Current Hypertension Report.”


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Due to this, having “a chocolate habit” has been proven to lead to longterm weight gain, according to a 2010 article in the “American Journal of Hypertension.” As we can conclude, not all chocolates are beneficial. The rule is “bitter is better.” When we taste bitterness, it means that the flavonols are fully intact for our bodies to utilize. Thus, sugar-free versions are the ones we should consume to maximize cocoa’s health benefit. Here at BIHCI, our dietary guidance protocols, IV infusions (such as chelation and bio-oxidation therapy), natural supplementation (such as resveratrol and berberine) and acupuncture techniques will assist you in keeping a robust heart filled with love that will beat a lifetime for more Valentine’s days to come! Melvin Ibarra Nario, M.D., H.M.D., is among the physicians who work at Bio Integrative Health Center International in Reno. Visit or call 775-827-6696 to learn more. *To view the unedited version of this article, please visit

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Healthy Beginnings | February 2018


DANGERS ON THE By Andy Drymalski, EdD


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Beware of dangers that exist on your path to spirituality.

While working as a psychology intern in a federal prison camp years ago, I had the chance to speak with a Native American inmate who performed a weekly sweat lodge ceremony for the other inmates. He described how he conducted the service: “In a wood fire I heat the rocks that will later be placed inside the lodge. I want the rocks to be very hot so that they will produce a lot of steam when water is sprinkled on them. It becomes like an oven in the lodge. I make it as hot as I can so that only those who are most committed to the purification process remain. Those who can’t stand the heat leave. The ceremony selects its own participants.” In alchemy, there is stage of transformation called the “calcinatio.” The chief transforming agents in


this phase are fire and heat. In purifying a substance, great heat is sometimes applied to burn off impurities and isolate the desired metal, such as gold. Heat transforms; it can purify; and it can facilitate the combining of two substances to create a third substance with its own unique properties. Psychologically, “calcination” symbolizes the containment of emotions (such as anger or anxiety) in order to promote self-restraint and healthier forms of self-expression. In addition, the process of containing the “heat” of your emotional life — rather than running away from it through alcohol or drugs, as one example — leads to psychological growth and integrity of the personality.

The prison sweat lodge leader sought to apply this alchemical principle to the inmates who attended his sweat lodge services. He believed that the intense heat would not only cleanse the body of toxins, but also purify the souls of the participants and purge the sweat lodge of what he considered to be spiritual pretenders. Sadly, he was misusing a spiritual principle to promote his own spiritual arrogance and that of his loyal attendees. Through these ceremonies, a sacred ritual was turned into the equivalent of a frat house initiation rite. It became a competition to see who can tolerate the most physical pain, and then equated that tolerance level with spiritual development. Unfortunately, all

Healthy Beginnings | February 2018

“Spiritual growth and maturity can be derailed and hijacked by evil in various ways. Spiritual competitiveness is one of them.” that it was really producing was men with seared lungs, blistered skin, and inflated egos.

tual arrogance. Rather than serving the soul or God, the ego serves itself and our persona (public image).

Spiritual growth and maturity can be derailed and hijacked by evil in various ways. Spiritual competitiveness is one of them. Who can fast or meditate the longest? Who can do the most difficult yoga pose? Who attended workshops by today’s latest and most popular spiritual teacher/author? Who has gone to more holy lands, met more medicine men, had more peak experiences, toured more ashrams, pursued a healthier diet, or built more habitats for the poor?

Sometimes, sensing our underlying arrogance, we may even put on a false show of humility in an attempt to convince ourselves — and others — that we aren’t really arrogant or spiritually competitive. We thus become members of the “Secretly Superior Society.” Fortunately, this society has no formal meetings because all of its members are too secretly superior to admit they are members of it.

Dr. Andy Drymalski is a Nevada-licensed psychologist and Jungian psychologist in private practice in Reno and Carson City. He specializes in psychotherapy for depression; grief and loss; life transition issues; personal growth; and Jungian dreamwork. To learn more, visit www. or call Andy at 775-527-4585. Enjoy his blog at

Our inherent tendency to egocentricity can turn a spontaneous urge to spiritual growth into a cancer of spiri-

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Healthy Beginnings | February 2018



By Robert A. Eslinger, D.O., H.M.D.

References • Riordan, PA, PhD, Neil H. — “Stem Cell Therapy - A Rising Tide,” 2016 • Ichim, Solano, Lara, Paz Rodriguez, Cristea, Minev, Ramos, Woods, Murphy, Alexandrescu, Patel, Riordan — “Combination of Stem Cell Therapy for Heart Failure,” International Archives of Medicine, 2010.

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Stem cell therapy shows promise in treating a variety of ailments.


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Detailed image of a stem cell.

Healthy Beginnings | February 2018

“Stem cell therapy shows promise in treating everything from eczema to congestive heart failure, Parkinson’s, MS, Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis, and COPD, as well as preventing damage from a heart attack.” Regenerative therapies that go way beyond just “managing” symptoms or chronic diseases are coming to the market. These therapies aid and supplement the natural healing mechanisms of the body, rather than blocking or covering up symptoms. Cell-based therapies employ the activation of stem cells to stimulate renewal of cells and tissues that have been damaged by injury, disease or age. The rapid expansion of scientific knowledge offers immense promise for continuing advances in this field of medicine, which holds vast potential and transformative promise for healing from both injuries and chronic degenerative diseases.

The company that uses a proprietary process to provide these cells is located in Utah, not some third world country. They operate under very strict guidelines for the processing of human cells that are overseen by the FDA. These therapies are available today, not some nebulous time off in the future. Dr. Robert A. Eslinger, D.O., H.M.D., specializes in cancer and chronic disease and is an integrative cancer doctor licensed to practice in California, Idaho and Nevada. He is head doctor at the Reno Integrative Medical Center. Visit or call 775829-1009 to learn more.

Stem cells are undifferentiated basic building blocks of life that are found in the body’s tissues, organs and systems and are able to differentiate into various kinds of cells and tissues. The ability to regenerate parts of the human body confirms the paradigm shift that is taking place in the practice of medicine. There is no ethical or moral dilemma in collecting these cells, because they are derived from birth tissue donated by mothers delivering healthy live babies by Caesarean section. These cells include minimally manipulated material from the amniotic membrane, umbilical cord tissue and blood, and they are of the highest quality. The extraction process maximizes the bioactive cellular messaging components for optimal tissue regenerative benefits. Our bodies use stem cells to repair themselves; however, injury, disease or the aging process often inhibits our own stem cells. These therapies provide potential successful treatment for the cellular breakdown caused by inflammation and tissue damage resulting in pain syndromes, as well as certain systemic conditions, overall disease and dysfunction. The body’s immune system is unable to recognize umbilical cord-derived stem cells as foreign, and therefore, they are not rejected by it. As a matter of fact, allogeneic (not the patient’s own) stem cells are approved to treat graft vs. host (immune system rejection) disease in Canada and New Zealand. Stem cell therapy shows promise in treating everything from eczema to congestive heart failure, Parkinson’s, MS, Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis, and COPD, as well as preventing damage from a heart attack.

Healthy Beginnings | February 2018

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A chiropractor will look to take pressure off your nervous system in order to fix your ailments.

Some people still wonder if chiropractic care is a real medical profession because of all the things they have heard over the years. Over the many years, there have been plenty of things said about chiropractors. Some are true, while others were made up to scare people so they wouldn’t seek care from chiropractors. The truth is that until 1983, the American Medical Association held that it was unethical for medical doctors to associate with an “unscientific practitioner,” and labeled chiropractic as “an unscientific cult.” In 1976, Chester Wilk and four other chiropractors sued the AMA, several nationwide health care associations and several physicians for violations of sections 1 and 2 of the Sherman Antitrust Act.


The plaintiffs lost at the first trial in 1981, then obtained a new trial on appeal in 1983 because of improper jury instructions and admission of irrelevant and prejudicial evidence, according to the federal antitrust case, Wilk v. American Medical Association. On September 25, 1987, Judge Susan Getzendanner issued her opinion that the AMA had violated Section 1, but not 2, of the Sherman Act, and that it had engaged in an unlawful conspiracy in restraint of trade, “to contain and eliminate the chiropractic profession.” She further stated that the, “AMA had entered into a long history of illegal behavior.” She then issued a permanent injunction against the AMA under Section 16 of the Clayton Act to prevent such future behavior.

Healthy Beginnings | February 2018

Doctor of Chiropractic / Doctor of Medicine

“Find yourself a good chiropractor and allow him or her to help you with your health care needs. You will be surprised at all the benefits you have been missing.” Both sides cross-appealed, and the district court’s decision was affirmed by the U.S. Court of Appeals on February 7, 1990. The AMA petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court three times, but each time the Court denied “certiorari” — a legal term meaning an order in which a higher court reviews a decision of a lower court. The AMA eliminated Principle 3 in 1980 during a major revision of ethical rules (while the Wilk litigation was in progress). Its replacement stated that a physician, “shall be free to choose whom to serve, with whom to associate, and the environment in which to provide medical services.” Thus, the AMA now permits medical doctors to refer patients to doctors of chiropractic for such manipulative therapy if the medical doctor believes it is in the best interests of the patients.

MEDICAL DOCTORS VS. CHIROPRACTORS Let’s look at the difference between the schooling of chiropractors and medical doctors. Consider the following comparisons of selected course hours at Parker Chiropractic College vs. Harvard and Stanford Medical Schools. Although each has its own specialties (nutritional education and manipulation vs. pharmaceutical classes), the hours of classroom instruction are about the same. However, in several important common courses, the emphasis of those course hours differs significantly:

Healthy Beginnings | February 2018

161 Hours Biochemistry / Chemistry 100 Hours 408 Hours Diagnosis / 113 Hours 149 Hours Neurology / 171 Hours 56 Hours Psychology / 323 Hours & Psychiatry 271 Hours X-Ray / 13 Hours 168 Hours Orthopedics / 2 Hours (and Manual Therapy) 699 Hours Anatomy / 215 Hours & Physiology 296 Hours Pathology / 507 Hours The above comparisons come from the Association of American Medical Colleges and were also discussed and reported on in a February 2014 Healthy Beginnings article by Martin Rutherford, D.C., C.C.S.T., C.F.M.P. and Randall Gates, D.C., D.A.C.N.B., of Power Health and Reno. They demonstrate that both fields of practice are competent practitioners to help people in both acute and chronic conditions. The decision is based upon your symptoms and how you want to approach your care. Medical doctor training is more to assess and treat pathologies (cancers, broken bones, heart attacks, etc.) and acute (colds, flues, pneumonia, infections, inflammations, etc.) conditions, and they will try and fix you with the use of drugs or surgery in most cases. A chiropractic doctor, meanwhile, will try and fix you through the use of taking pressure off your nervous system, which controls or leads to your symptom or symptoms area. Also, nutritionally, they believe the body can heal itself if given the chance to because it is intelligent and likes to be free of pain.

YES, CHIRPRACTORS ARE REAL DOCTORS The sad part is that a lot of people have been brainwashed into believing that chiropractors are quacks, so they suffer needlessly instead of getting help. This goes on because some insurance adjusters and companies, attorneys, medical physicians or patients hold a completely incorrect understanding of the comprehensive nature and quality of chiropractic care. In reality, there are a lot of medical doctors, chiropractors and other holistic health care offices that work closely together for the benefit of the patient, because they know that each patient is unique in his or her health care needs. Each profession has different ways to look at the symptoms and ways to approach them to better serve the patient, and then there are some instances in which the best thing to do is let the condition run its course. So based on the evidence, we see that chiropractors are real doctors. Just know there are good and bad chiropractors — just like there are good and bad medical doctors, movies, books, etc. Find yourself a good chiropractor and allow him or her to help you with your health care needs. You will be surprised at all the benefits you have been missing. Dr. Tony C. Jensen is a Reno-based chiropractic who is board certified in the state of Nevada. Visit to learn more.




(PART 2)

By William Clearfield, D.O.

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Increase the amount of fish in your diet, such as salmon, as a way to embrace healthy fats.

“Let me tell ya,” Teddy said. “I’m following your damn diet. It ain’t easy going through Christmas without cookies or Steph’s apple pie with ice cream.” Steph is Teddy’s wife. “How are you feeling,” I asked. “Any more accidents?” Teddy’s quest began six months ago. One week after “losing” his car keys in the refrigerator, he drove his ‘78 Lincoln Continental through the back wall of his garage into his kitchen. “You gotta fix me, Doc,” Teddy pleaded. “I’m getting “old timer’s disease.” That’s “Wilkes Barre, Pa., talk” for Alzheimer’s Disease. Never mind Steph ran her own knitting shop, and the “kids” were grown and had families of their own. I knew guys like Teddy wanted to change, but too much change at once meant no change at all. “Ten steps,” I said.


10 steps to a healthy brain 1. Keep Your Blood Sugar Balanced 2. Eat Healthy Fats 3. Get Adequate and Restful Sleep 4. Enough (but not too much) Vitamin D3 5. Get Your Gut In Order 6. Maintain Adequate Methylation 7. Balance Your Hormones 8. Six Fixes for A Healthy Heart 9. Exercise 10. Lifetime Learning

Healthy Beginnings | February 2018

Breaking down the steps In the January 2018 edition of Healthy Beginnings, we began part one of this series by discussion step one: Keep Your Blood Sugar Balanced.

“We can test Omega 3s, (the good), Omega 6s (the bad) and Omega 9s (in between) directly, though it can get quite pricey,’ I said. “A good proxy measure of the Omega 3/Omega 6 ratio is c-Reactive Protein (cRP). A normal range is 0-4.9 mg/dL. Optimally we like to see cRP <1.0 mg/dL.”

“I miss all my goodies,” Teddy said, “but look.” Teddy rubbed his slightly-less-than-the-last-time-I-saw-him massive stomach. Before Thanksgiving, Teddy jiggled in at 295 pounds. Two months later. he’s 272. “I hate when you’re right,” Teddy said. “I feel great. My blood pressure is normal for the first time in six years. My cholesterol is normal too. I have lots more energy. I even started chasing old Steph around the bedroom. She don’t like it too much. You gotta tune her up, Doc.”

Action Steps: Increase: •

Sardines, anchovies, mackerel, herring and wild salmon.

Flaxseeds, hemp seeds, chia seeds and walnuts.

“Ready for the next round?” I asked.

Extra-virgin olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, whole eggs, nuts, and seeds.

There’s more?” Teddy asked.


“There’s always more,” I replied.

Step 2: Eat Healthy Fats “Twenty years ago, you told me fats were bad,” Teddy said. “All fats.” “Unlike Fonzie from ‘Happy Days,’” I replied, “I can admit when I’m wrong .”

Hydrogenated vegetable fats in processed foods such as shop-bought cakes and biscuits, hard margarine, takeaways, pastry, pies and fried foods.

Step 3: Get Adequate and Restful Sleep “Sleep lays the groundwork for new mental insights, and it is needed for creativity, memory, and improved physical performance,” I said.

In addition to carbs, the brain converts fat to energy (20 gm/d) in the form of ketones. Healthy fats restore and renew brain cells (neurons) and brain function. An excellent source of ketone bodies is medium chain triglycerides (MCT) found in coconut oil,” according to a 2008 article in the journal “The Cardiovascular Health Study Cognition Study.”

“I only sleep 3-4 hours,” Teddy said. “I don’t want to miss anything.”

“Coconut oil,” Teddy exclaimed. “You doctors treated coconuts like Dracula treated the sun at dawn. My heart specialist says every patient’s cholesterol should be zero. That’s a big fat Jim Otto double zero. OO.”

“Sleep deprivation causes decreased vitamin C, zinc and magnesium levels, and malfunctioning of the immune system lowering serotonin and melatonin. Lack of sleep results in sugar and refined carbohydrate cravings. And then, you get fat.”

“I know, I know,” I said. “Some of us came to our senses and realized that 60% of the brain is fat — and 25 percent of that is docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA. DHA is a key component of fish oils, flaxseed oils...

“So, what to do,” Teddy asked.

“And coconut oil?” Teddy asked. “Coconut oil,” I replied. “It is ‘essential,’ namely diet-derived. We need these essential fatty acids in doses ranging from 1-4 grams/day.”

“Dummkopf,” I said, slapping Teddy upside his head. “You’re missing everything. You’re a walking zombie all day long. You fall asleep as soon as you sit still for three minutes.

Action Step: •

7 hours of uninterrupted sleep a night for optimal brain function.

Teddy yawned.

“And I need this why?” Teddy asked.

“That’s enough for today,” he said.

“DHA synthesizes neurotransmitters, ensuring the smooth functioning of the brain. Adequate fat intake equals adequate verbal fluency and learning. Diminished levels of DHA results in memory loss, dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease.

“Next month, we cover Vitamin D and your stomach,” I said.

“So, 900 mg a day is all you need to help it along.”

With 33 years of medical experience, Reno physician William Clearfield, D.O., of the Clearfield Medical Group provides patients with treatment plans that boost their overall quality of life. Visit or call 775-359-1222 to learn more.

“I am what I eat,” Teddy said. “So, what do I eat?” “DHA rich foods include fish, liver and brains,” I said. “Coconut oil is a rich source of DHA.”

“Great,” Teddy said. “I need a nap and a hot dog.”

“Can we test for it?” Teddy asked.

Healthy Beginnings | February 2018



WHY YOU STILL HAVE SYMPTOMS — THE PHYSIOLOGY AND ‘THE FIX’ By Martin Rutherford, D.C., C.C.S.T., C.M.F.P., and Randall Gates, D.C., D.A.C.N.B.

Last month, we reviewed the logistics and ethics regarding poor diagnosis and treatment of post-concussion syndrome. Now, let’s talk about what happened when you were concussed, what’s causing your multitude of symptoms, and the main reasons why they may not be going away in a significant percentage of cases. When you hit your head or experience a severe “whipping” back and forth of the head without actually “hitting” it (think whiplash), your blood brain: barrier becomes violated. The “blood-brain barrier” is the blood vessels going to your brain. Blood circulates through them, and they should be constructed like a PVC pipe, without any holes in them. Actually, they should have microscopic pores that allow tiny nutrients like sodium and glucose in to feed brain metabolism. All “large molecules” that are toxic to the brain should not be able to enter — thus the term “barrier.” In concussions, it has been established that the blood-brain barrier becomes permeable. Damage causes it to become as permeable as Swiss cheese. Now, many types of proteins and molecules can get into the brain that don’t belong there. The brain and the rest the body have separate immune systems. Immune cells from the body start tracking to the brain. They don’t belong there. The brain’s separate immune system is designed to control inflammation. We don’t want runaway inflammation in the brain causing severely damaging effects to the brain tissue. When this system breaks down, people can get meningitis and die. In meningitis, there is an enormous amount of inflammation in the brain’s meninges, and there’s nowhere for that inflammation to go. So, inflammatory immune cells from the body start going to the brain through the broken blood barrier, and they actually turn on the brain’s immune system, which then creates more inflammation — long-lasting inflammation.


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Concussion symptoms can vary — as can the right treatment to fix certain cases.

It is further understood that concussive trauma and increased inflammation can increase stress hormones by 200 percent to 300 percent. The stress hormones can then, in many cases, break down the gastrointestinal barrier system within 2 to 12 weeks and cause “gut” symptoms. More importantly, this gut breakdown creates more inflammation and can cause the inside of your intestines to become like a sieve (leaky gut). Now undigested food particles can get into your bloodstream where they don’t belong. The immune system further attacks these particles that don’t belong in the bloodstream and creates more inflammation and food sensitivities. These inflammatory proteins then track back to the brain to go through the bloodbrain barrier and perpetuate more inflammation. This is the vicious cycle that is now the current understood model for post concussion syndrome. Guess what. None of the tests performed in neurological offices tests for any of this. More physiology. Due to uncontrolled brain inflammation, the mitochondria in the brain cells lose their ability to make energy. So now you’re fatigued and have trouble concentrating. The memory area is damaged. The cerebellum, which is the true balance center of the brain, becomes affected and develops balance deficits. Inflammation hits the left temporal/frontal area. You can’t find your words and you develop poor memory.

Healthy Beginnings | February 2018

In addition to all of this, the brainstem can get twisted during the concussive hit or violent flexion and extension of the head, and the brainstem can become affected. The brainstem is where numerous neurological pathways are located. Disruption of these pathways can cause dizziness as well. More profoundly, the brainstem injury can affect pituitary function. This is your master hormonal gland, and damage to it can affect virtually any of your hormones. If you’re a guy, your testosterone can become low. You might make too much prolactin. Or your adrenal glands might be affected. Thyroid problem? Absolutely — thyroid dysfunction can be caused by this mechanism. So if you’re experiencing any of the various symptoms that we’ve written about in this concussion discussion article series — what does it take to get better? There are many promising tests under development, but most are not available to the

public as of yet. However, if you can find doctors who understand concussion and its neurological and gastrointestinal vicious cycles, a thorough history and neurologically based examination can establish what parts of the brain are affected, and the proper rehabilitative approach for that individual can be assessed. Testing is available to determine digestive/gut involvement and antigenic and inflammatory contributors. Most can be addressed with herbs, botanicals, nutraceuticals and diet (mainly understanding food sensitivities). Specific, individual brain rehabilitative protocols are very effective — PCS can be complex, but improving or eliminating symptoms is very doable in the properly selected post concussion patients. Martin Rutherford, D.C., C.M.F.P., is a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner and clinic director of Power Health in Reno. Randall Gates, D.C., D.A.C.N.B., is also a doctor there. Visit to learn more.

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1225 Westfield Ave, Reno • A Sustainable Green Facility Bio-Identical Hormones Healthy | February RapidBeginnings heart rate from2018 adrenalin excess secondary to stress, low

blood sugar or illness, can be ameliorated by progesterone cream rubbed on the wrists and forearms. It blocks the



1. Gaby, Alan R., M.D. Nutritional Medicine. Fritz Perlberg Publishing. 2011.

WELLNESS DIRECTORY ACUPUNCTURE The Finley Center – Acupuncture & Naturopathic Medicine



Bright Heart Birth Services

Camie Cragg Fitness

6490 S. McCarran Blvd., Ste. F52, Reno 775-337-1334

Inside the Nurturing Nest 7693 S. Virginia St., Reno 775-235-8272

Path to Wellness

The Nurturing Nest

6135 Lakeside Dr., Reno 775-825-1912

7693 S. Virginia St., Reno 775-825-0800

Reno Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine

Sage Springs Midwifery

890 Mill St., Ste. 303, Reno 775-386-2890

ALTERNATIVE/INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE Bio Integrative Health Center International

1495 Ridgeview Dr., Ste. 210, Reno 775-827-6696

Power Health

1175 Harvard Way, Reno 775-329-4402

Renewed Health and Wellness

661 Sierra Rose Dr., Reno 775-853-7669

Whole Roots Health

10049 Martis Valley Rd., Unit G, Truckee 530-563-5252 Whole Roots Health is an integrative medical practice providing acupuncture, functional medicine, non-pharmaceutical options, and health education to the Tahoe-Reno region. Specializing in women¹s health, fertility, and digestive disorders, Brianna Brownfield, LAc integrates current science with ancient clinical wisdoms to provide a functional, holistic approach to healthcare.


Sierra Midwifery


CHIROPRACTIC HEALTH Advanced Health Chiropractic

9437 Double Diamond Pkwy, Ste. 18, Reno 775-683-9026 9570 S. McCarran Blvd, Ste. 110, Reno 775-746-2555

Dr. Tony Jensen

495 Apple St., Ste. 105, Reno 775-323-1222 We take the time to educate you about chiropractics and how important the nervous system is to your over-all existence. That sets us apart from other chiropractors. We offer manual adjustments, Applied Kinesiology (muscle testing), and we offer the Pulstar adjusting technique: no twisting or popping – safe for all ages.

The Joint Chiropractic

6395 S. McCarran Blvd., Reno 775-200-0017 1560 E. Lincoln Way #110, Sparks 775-432-6020



Lavender Ridge

Agape Psychological Services

7450 W. 4th St., Reno 775-747-3222

210 Marsh Ave., # 100, Reno 775-322-4003

Mandala Massage Supply & Apothecary

Andy Drymalski, EdD

865 S. Wells Ave., –––Reno 775-322-3252

Psychotherapy 775-527-4585


Ellie Holbrook MA, LCPC, LPCC, CPC RYT500/E-RYT200

Astrological Alchemy

P.O. Box 727 Reno 530-550-1118

CANCER THERAPY Forsythe Cancer Care Center

1055 W. Moana Ln., Ste. 204, Reno 320-905-4345

Integrated Sleep and Wellness Ruth Gentry Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist 10631 Professional Circle, Ste. A, Reno 775-826-6218

Dr. James W. Forsythe, MD 521 Hammill Ln., Reno 775-827-0707


Reno Integrative Medical Center

855 W. 7th St. #200, Reno 15 McCabe Dr. # 104, Reno 775-200-9070

Robert A. Eslinger, DO, HMD 6110 Plumas St., # B, Reno 775-829-1009 Reno Integrative Medical Center offers a variety of therapies to treat cancer. Our approach is to support and enhance the body’s natural defenses while targeting the cancer. Dr. Eslinger brings over 30 years of alternative and conventional medical experience.


The Reno Dentist

Sage Dental Care

1080 N. Hills Blvd, Reno 775-677-0790 7520 Longley Ln., # 104, Reno 775-409-4282


3865 Mira Loma Dr., Reno 775-825-2231

Subconscious Behaviorist 1870 Wind Walker Dr., Reno 775-342-9600

The Change Place

Sierra Springs Clinical Hypotherapy

2814 N. Carson St., Carson City 775-283-0699


4875 Kietzke Ln., Unit D, Reno 775-285-9340

Renegade Fitness and Smash Mouth Training

1220 E. Greg St. #15, Sparks 775-857-9141 Renegade Fitness & Smash Mouth Training is the premier training center of Reno and Sparks. We offer: Youth Fitness Programs, Weight Loss and Strength Building, Sport Specific Training, Soccer Positional Training, Club Prep Clinics, Speed, Agility & Endurance, and more.

Reno Feldenkrais Method Classes

Carole Bucher, BA, GCFP/T Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner 775-240-7882 Learn to move comfortably and efficiently, reduce pain and improve vitality, recover quality of life after injury, surgery or illness. Mindful movement classes and private lessons with Carole Bucher, Reno Feldenkrais. See Local Events Calendar for class schedule and for more information. The only ongoing Feldenkrais classes in the state of Nevada, since 2008.

West Reno Fit Body Boot Camp 973 W. Moana Ln, Reno 775-313-1151

GIFT SHOPS Crystal Cove – Gifts of the Earth 737 S. Virginia St., Reno 775-360-6228

Mystic Rose Gift Shop

20 Hillcrest Dr., Reno 775-324-2872

Rocking and Rolling Rock Shop 402 N. Curry St., Carson City 775-315-7403 or 775-267-5144

HOT SPRINGS Carson Hot Springs Resort

1500 Old Hot Springs Rd., Carson City 775-885-8844

David Walley’s Hot Springs Resort

2001 Foothill Rd., Genoa 775-782-8155

Steamboat Hot Springs

16010 S. Virginia St., Reno 775-853-6600

HYDRATION Blue Dot Water 1300 E. Plumb. Ln., Reno 775-745-5896

Jeanne Robinson, CCHT, SIC, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist 499 W. Plumb Ln., Ste. 200, Reno 775-419-0660 Sierra Springs Hypnotherapy offers programs to help you with: Weight Loss, Fears and Phobias, Chronic Pain, Anxiety and Stress, Smoking Cessation, Public Speaking, Medical Phobias, Insomnia and more.


9550 S. McCarran Blvd., Ste. B, Reno 775-359-1222 Dr. William Clearfield comes to the Reno area from Northeast Pennsylvania after having practiced the art of medicine since 1982. He brings a unique holistic perspective from traditional medical backgrounds in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Family Practice, Medical Acupuncture and Anti-Aging Medicine. “Dr. Bill” is the author of Celestial Stem: A Five Element Approach to Diet and Exercise, has taught fellow physicians the art of acupuncture needling, pioneered the treatment for head, neck and neuropathic injuries with medical acupuncture, has 20 years experience and training with bio-identical hormone replacement, intravenous nutrition, weight loss and non-surgical facial rejuvenation. Dr. B’s approach to health and wellness combines the best of Eastern and Western Medicine with a healthy dose of the latest Anti-Aging Medical philosophies.

Gerber Medical Clinic

Michael Gerber, MD, HMD 1225 Westfield Ave., # 2, Reno 775-826-1900 Practicing since 1975, Dr. Gerber has offered family-oriented medicine, addressing all health issues from infancy through advanced age. Areas of specialty include homeopathy, bio-identical hormones, nutritional therapy, natural pain relief, infectious disease, detoxification, autoimmune disease, mood disorders, allergies and environmental sensitivities.

Tahoe Neuro Healing

Van Harding Lac, Dipl. OM, Cert. IM 10775 Pioneer Trail, Ste. 212, Truckee 530-536-5084 Van Harding, an acupuncturist, is the founder of Tahoe Neuro Healing, a clinic that offers a combination of therapies that go beyond conventional care for brain health and the restoration of function. These natural and non-invasive therapies are proven with research to be the remedies needed for injuries (TBI, stroke), disease (Alzheimer’s, MS, seizures), developmental issues (Cerebral Palsy, Autism) and/or emotional-psychiatric (fear, anxiety, depression). Patients are no longer limited to current conventional treatments of drugs, surgery and the therapies of physical, occupational and speech-language. At Tahoe Neuro Healing we address the complex web of brain healing (activation, neurophysiology, neuron timing, brain region synchronization, hormones, inflammation with acupuncture, functional & herbal medicine, Interactive Metronome, Mind-Body connection and frequency therapies. Visit us to see the possibilities awaiting you!

Healthy Beginnings | February 2018

MASSAGE THERAPY Carrie Olsen, LMT NVMT #7959 712 S. Center St., Reno 775-750-1724

Massage Namaste

Lee Zuti, LMT #7698 251 Jeanell Dr., Ste. 4, Carson City 775-577-4700 Massage Namaste allows you to move more, do more and be more. Lee Zuti provides Therapeutic Massage, Swedish Massage, Medical Massage, Reflexology, Reiki, Pregnancy and Infant Services and more to help your mind, body and soul.

R&R Massage

Jason and Shannon Rowden 85 Washington St., Reno 775-287-2997 With 20 years of massage experience between them, Jason and Shannon Rowden are extremely dedicated to their practice and listen to their clients’ needs. They offer Swedish, Deep Tissue, Sports, Pre-Natal, Therapeutic, Myofascial Release and Integrative Therapies.

MEAL PREP Gym Rat Foots & Cave Man Cuisine

631 Dunn Circle, Sparks 775-747-2090

Ice Age Meals

4782 Caughlin Pkwy #503, Reno 775-499-5115



Nutrition Bar Formulated for Pregnant and Nursing Women 650-308-8187

Great Basin Community Food Co-Op 240 Court St., Reno 775-324-6133

The Herb Lady

1023 N. Rock Blvd., Ste. C, Sparks 775-356-1499 The Herb Lady has been in business for more than 30 years. Providing herbs, oils, supplements, teas, and nutritional coaching and information, The Herb Lady will help you on your path to wellness.

MITOCHI MitoMungo Power Shot 775-338-3955

Truckee Meadow Herbs 1170 S. Wells Avenue, Reno 775-786-8814 Visit our store. You’ll find a full selection of herbal supplements, bulk herbs, teas, herbal extracts, homeopathic remedies, flower remedies, vitamins, minerals, pure essential oils, books, salves, bottles, special ordering and more.

Healthy Beginnings | February 2018




Great Basin Nutrition, Jodi Pettersen, RD

Dragonfly Bath & Body

728 S. Virginia St., Reno 775-470-8505

Sierra Regional Spine Institute

Felicity Skin


783 Basque Way, Suite 103, Carson City 775-720-3490 Jodi Pettersen is a licensed, registered dietitian with over 20 years of experience in all areas of nutrition. She also has certification in weight management and obesity. She graduated from the University of Nevada, Reno, with a Bachelor of Science degree. She works as a provider with most insurance companies. Jodi offers state-of-the-art Metabolic Testing to help you target your calorie zone, which is the key to your fitness success.

PET CARE Hammer’s Healthy Hounds

4820 Vista Blvd., # 106, Sparks 775-284-3647

Holistic Pet Care

1801 E. William St., Suite D, Carson City 775-843-9316 Cleanse, Beautify, Preserve, Protect and Nourish Your Skin – that’s what Felicity Skin offers you! Cindy, Skin Care Therapist/Esthetician, provides skin care therapy, facials, waxing (hair removal), microdermabrasion and more! Featuring Relax and Wax products made locally in Reno, and Farmhouse Fresh products proudly made in Frisco, Texas. Felicity Skin also offers massage therapy with Vienna Gandee, Massage Therapist. To book with Vienna, call 775-720-2074.

Lesley’s Organic Skin Care

6630A South McCarran Blvd., # 4, Reno 775-828-2873

Center for Transformational Healing

Berna Joy Boettcher, M.S., Ed.D. Redfield Suites, 219 Redfield Pkwy, # 203, Reno 775-224-5498

Dharmakaya Buddhist Center

6165 Ridgeview Ct., G, Reno 775-232-8067 Reno Psychic Institute 20 Hillcrest Dr., Reno 775-324-2872

800 S. Meadows Pkwy, #400, Reno 775-313-4489


Scraps Dog Company

Verona Skin Therapy

The Shot Spot: A B-12 Bar

615 Sierra Rose Dr., # 4, Reno 775-826-1008


Joyce Pontillas, ND 1230 Westfield Ave., Reno 775-409-3301

Naturally Well

980 Caughlin Crossing, #100, Reno 775-746-2899

6476 Bonde Ln., Reno 775-853-6002 7675 S. Virginia St., Reno 775-853-3647

Active Physical Therapy

3594 West Plumb Ln., Reno 775-786-2400 Parley Anderson is a Native Nevadan who has been practicing physical therapy since 2003. He attended the University of Nevada, where he received a Bachelor’s in Education. He also attended graduate school as well as UNR, where he taught Personal Health and Lifestyles and directed the University’s Fitness Center. He then attended the University of Pacific where he earned both a Master’s and a Doctoral Degree in Physical Therapy. On top of being a Physical Therapist he also is a Certified Crossfit Instructor. Michael Spevak has been practicing physical therapy since 1999. He attended the University of California, San Diego where he received a Bachelor’s in Physiology and Neuroscience. He then attended Pennsylvania State University, Slippery Rock where he earned a Doctoral Degree in Physical Therapy. Michael completed clinical training at Stanford University Medical Center in the Orthopedic Physical Therapy Department, as well as Duke University Medical Center in the Rehabilitation Department. Both Therapists began teaching in 2009 at the University of Nevada, as instructors of Kinesiology.

REIKI Drew Simmons – Reiki Practitioner 777 E William St. Suite 105 By appointment only 775-671-7030

Reiki House

305 W. Moana Ln., Ste. B3, Reno 775-234-2751

Reno Tahoe Reiki

1026 W. 1st St., Reno 775-742-6750

6165 Ridgeview Ct., #F, Reno 775-225-5390

Pantry Products

50 S. Virginia St., Reno 775-357-8019

White Sage

328 California Ave., Ste. A, Reno 775-683-9200



YOGA/PILATES Blue Lotus Yoga

499 W. Plumb Ln. Ste. 200, Reno 775-790-6377

Midtown Community Yoga

600 S. Virginia St., Reno 775-870-9905

Beau Chateau Day Spa

Pilates Studio of Reno

3888 Mayberry Dr., Reno 775-746-4100

45 Foothill Rd., # 2, Reno 775-336-4420

Essenza Salon and Medi Spa

The Yoga Pearl

5255 Vista Blvd., C1, Sparks 775-626-4600

Esteem Medical Spa & Salon

6522 S. McCarran Blvd., Ste. A, Reno 775-329-3000

Fountain of Youth

724 South Virginia St., Reno 775-964-4888

Pinnacle Wellness Healing Spa

3631 Warren Way, Ste. A, Reno 775-236-3631 Pinnacle Wellness Healing Spa is a natural healing health spa. We offer various modalities including Hand Foot Detox, Oxygen Bar, Chi Machine, Far Infrared Sauna and Pod, Vitamin D Bed and more! We also sell salt lamps!

Spavia at the Summit

13925 S. Virginia St., # 206, Reno 775-432-6572

2955 Vista Blvd., Suite 102, Sparks 775-750-7610 The Yoga Pearl offers Vinyasa, Joyous Flow, Sunrise Salutations, Yoga Basics, Simply Yoga, Chakra Healing Flow, Yin Hips Calm and Centered, and Restorative Yin Yoga classes. The Yoga Pearl has a beautiful community of students and teachers, and provides wonderful events. Come visit the studio on Tuesdays for $7 Community Yoga!

Yoga Pod

13981 S. Virginia St., # 402B, Reno 775-420-4363

Feature your business or service HERE! Call 775-881-7326





NOW, Dr’s Best, Natural Products (Solgar, Home Health, American Health), Jarrow, Solaray, KAL, Nature’s Life, doTerra, Nature’s Way and Enzymatic. • Vitamins • Fresh organic • Children’s health • Herbs spices and teas • Products for • Supplements • Natural and organic men’s health • Minerals food products • Products for • Oral health • Digital pain relief women’s health

• Essential oils • Books on keeping you healthy naturally

1155 W 4th Street, #120, Reno | 775-870-9619


HEALTHY BEGINNINGS Healthy Beginnings Magazine’s mission is to provide resources and information on alternative and integrative medicine, nutrition, fitness, green living, sustainability and products and services that support living a natural, holistic and healthy lifestyle.


Drs. Anderson and Spevak hold Doctoral Degrees in Physical Therapy and teach Kinesiology at the University of Nevada, Reno.

• Sports injuriesincluding lifting, running and Crossfit • Vertigo/balance problems • Headaches • Spine injuries

• • • • • • • •

Feet/ankles Legs Knees Hips Back Shoulder Elbows Wrists | 3594 West Plumb Lane | Reno | 775.786.2400


Healthy Beginnings | February 2018

LOCAL EVENTS CALENDAR • Have an event you want listed? Email • Event times, locations and details subject to change after publication • Some events are not free; visit websites to learn more


9th Annual Ullr Fest Torchlight parade, bonfire live music and more. Diamond Peak Ski Resort, Incline Village


Groundhog Day How much more winter will Punxsutawney Phil predict?


Yoga For Lunch Noon (every Thursday) Adams Hub, 111 W Proctor St., Carson City

Father Daughter Dance 6-8:30 p.m. Douglas County Community & Senior Center, Gardnerville

National Pizza Day

Full Moon Community Snowshoe Hikes Guided, interpretive snowshoe hike under full moon. Diamond Peak Ski Resort, Incline Village


World Cancer Day Visit to learn more.

Winter Fireworks 6 p.m. (every Saturday through March 31) Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows




Muscle Powered Bike Rides 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. (every Sunday) Fremont Elementary School, Carson City


GROOVE Reno-Tahoe 5:15-6:15 p.m. (every Monday) Gerber Medical Clinic, Reno


Community Vinyasa Yoga 5:30 p.m. (every Tuesday) The Yoga Pearl, 2655 Vista Blvd., Sparks

Healthy Beginnings | February 2018

Happy Valentine’s Day!


9 3


Meditation for All Noon – 1 p.m. (every Sunday) Reno Psychic Institute


Swing Dance Lessons 5:30-7:30 p.m. (every Monday) Put on by High Sierra Swing Dance Club Carson Lanes Family Fun Center, Carson City


Mini Reiki Healing Session 4-7 p.m. (every Tuesday) Earthe Energe, Sparks


Kid-O-Rama Week-long extravaganza offering fun for kids of all ages. Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows

17-25 14

Valentine’s Day Sunset Snowshoe Tour 5:30-7:30 p.m., Tahoe Donner Cross Country Ski Center, Truckee


Valentine’s Day Dinner Dance 5:30 p.m. aboard the M.S. Dixie II Zephyr Cove Resort

Alpenglow Sports Mountain Festival Several backcountry excursions, film screenings, yoga sessions and more. Venues across North Tahoe-Truckee


National Drink Wine Day Need we say more? Visit to learn more.



Carson City International Film Weekend Free afternoon, evening film viewings all weekend. Carson City Community Center


The Feldenkrais Method Class 6-7:30 p.m. (every Thursday) Reno Buddhist Center, 820 Plumas St.


Freeze Your Pints Off 2018 Outdoor winter beer festival featuring local breweries, distilleries. Under The Rose Brewing Company, Reno


Star Tours Snowshoe Tour Tahoe Adventure Co. presents “Telescopic Tours of the Midnight Sky.” Northstar California Resort


Presidents’ Day



The Feldenkrais Method Class Noon-1:15 p.m. (every Tuesday) 250 Bell St., Reno


STOMP performances International percussion sensation comes to Reno. Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts


“Love Letters” A play by A.R. Gurney, presented by the Brewery Arts Center. Black Box Theater, Carson City


Douglas County Historical Society’s Annual Melodrama Featuring Grandma’s Gold Mine -OR- The Lady With the Silver Dollar Hair. Carson Valley Museum & Cultural Center, Gardnerville


The Feldenkrais Method Class 10-11:30 a.m. (every Saturday) 250 Bell St., Reno


Open Play 11 a.m. (every Sunday) The Nurturing Nest, Reno


Weekly Yoga Class 6-7:30 p.m. (every Tuesday) Gerber Medical Clinic, Reno


Buggy Bootcamp 10 a.m. (every Wednesday) Stroller-based fitness program Community Arts Center, Truckee


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using drug free, non-surgical methods

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