SNDSmag 4|2012

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SPACE_2012 revisited 8-15 Yeehaa! You’re a member! 3 I’m building a wall 4 Scandinavians to find World’s best 6 Best in Europe: Bygdanytt 6 New categories and chances in 2013 competition 8-9 Photos from Space_2012 10-15 Infographics unite the world 16-19 No new medium kills another medium 20-21 Report from SNDCLE 22-25 USA Today goes all-in on digital 26-28 SNDS members 2012-2013 30-31 Everything, Everywhere, Always 32




President Anders Tapola Smålandsposten, S-351 70 Växjö, Sweden Tel.: +46 470 770 686 E-mail:

Kristoffer Nilsen Morgenbladet, Etterstadsletta 55b N-0660 Oslo, Norway E-mail:

Lars Andersson Upsala Nya Tidning, Box 36, S-751 03 Upsala, Sweden Tel.: +46 18-478 16 79 E-mail:


Web-editor Kartin Hansen Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten, Grøndalsvej 3, DK-8260 Viby J, Denmark Tel.: +45 87 38 38 38 / 31 07 E-mail:

FINLAND Communication Stefani Urmas Aamulehti, Itäinenkatu 11, 33100 Tampere, Finland E-mail:

Business Manager/ Treasurer Frank Stjerne JP/Politikens Hus, Rådhuspladsen 37, DK-1785 Copenhagen V, Denmark Tel.: +45 33 47 23 99 E-mail: SNDS Secretariat Lone Jürgensen Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten, Grøndalsvej 3, DK-8260 Viby J, Denmark Tel.: +45 87 38 38 38 / 31 08 E-mail:


Best of Scandinavian News Design Chairman of the Competition Committee Flemming Hvidtfeldt Berlingske Media, Vesterbrogade 8, DK-8800 Viborg, Denmark Tel.: +45 20 91 17 52 E-mail: Substitutes for the board Søren Nyeland, Politiken, Denmark Pieta Forssell-Nieminen, Keskisuomalainen, Finland Lill Mostad, Mediehuset Østfold, Norway Petra Villani, Sydsvenskan, Sweden



Editor, Art Director Lars Pryds Mob.: +45 30 53 87 14 E-mail:

SNDSMagazine 2012|4

Co-editor, Journalist DJ Lisbeth Tolstrup Mob.: +45 51 32 89 62 E-mail:


SNDS Magazine editorial office Østerbrogade 158, 3. TH., DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark Tel.: +45 39 20 80 19

Read SNDS Magazine as e-magazine: E

Print: Svendborg Tryk Typography: SNDS Magazine is set in Myriad Pro, Myriad Pro Condensed and Adobe Jenson Pro and designed in Adobe Indesign for Macintosh. Articles and ideas for SNDS Magazine and are most welcome. Please contact us if you have any tips or ideas. SNDS Magazine is published four times a year, in March, June, September and December. Deadlines: 15 February, 15 May, 15 August, and 15 November.

SPACE_2012 revisited 8-15 Yeehaa! You’re a member! 3 I’m building a wall 4 Scandinavians to find World’s best 6 Best in Europe: Bygdanytt 6 New categories and chances in 2013 competition 8-9 Photos from Space_2012 10-15 Infographics unite the world 16-19 No new medium kills another medium 20-21 Report from SNDCLE 22-25 USA Today goes all-in on digital 26-28 SNDS members 2012-2013 30-31 Everything, Everywhere, Always 32

The front page shows Gudrun Marie Schmidt, award host at the SPACE_2012 seminar and workshop in Copenhagen, September 27-29. Photo by Ditte Valente. See more on pages 10–15.

Published by: Society for News Design Scandinavia E

SNDS is on Facebook: E

ISSN 1901-8088

SNDS is on twitter: E @sndstwit

SNDS Magazine 2012|4 Editorial

Yeehaa, you’re a member! n If

you read this, chances are that you are a member of SNDS – Society for News Design Scandinavia.* Receiving this magazine four times a year is part of what you get for your membership fee. Another thing is the book with all the winners in the Best of Scandinavian News Design competition – which, if you didn’t pick it up at the Space seminar in Copenhagen, should have been sent to you by now. But these are just the physical objects – there are several other valuable advantages to being a member. The annual seminar is your chance to meet colleagues, get introductions to new clients or find the consultant you just need to finish your project – or to get inspiration from great speakers from the news design business. And with SNDS being part of the much larger SND membership actually gives you access to a truely global network, with easy access to contacts in Europe, Saudi-Arabia, the United States, Russia, China, and many more! The election of members of the SNDS board takes place at the General Assembly at the annual seminar. As a member you are invited to the General Assembly, and if you are a paying par­ ticipant at the seminar, you are a member! Now, that’s really smart. Unfortunately not many people actually show up at the general assemblies. What we’re trying to say is – the SNDS board members are here for you, just waiting to hear what you

expect from the society and what you would like the society to do for you. Would you like to see more events, organized by SNDS? Should we initiate quick courses in Photoshop, or short visits to media houses in your local area? Or something else? You tell us. Another possibility for you is to show off a bit – or at least show your work to the world. SNDS Magazine would love to see more contributions from members – articles, photo reportages, graphic tips and tricks – anything, really, as long as it’s related to news design or visual journalism. So don’t hesitate to send a quick email if you have stuff you want to share in glossy print – and/or on the SNDS website. In this issue This issue reflects the global view on working with news media. We are very proud to have Petri Salmén’s tale of his two months of working in the German magazine Stern – a long way from his usual work at Helsingin Sanomat, both in terms of kilometres and in the working routines of the publication. Read his report on page 16-19. The Swedish former SND and SNDS President Svenåke Boström has looked into the recently published results of Poynter Institute’s iPad eyetrack research (p. 20-21); another former SNDS President Ole Munk (DK) reviews the recently redesigned iconographic USA Today – which has a new look in both print and online (p. 26-28).

Our present President Anders Tapola wonders (in his column on the back page) how news companies will manage to get paid for their journalism in the future – and we look at the different kinds of paywalls that the newspapers are building for their online content at the moment (p. 4). The rest of the mag is more or less devoted to winners and workshops. There is exciting news about the rules of the Scandinavian competition (p. 8-9); we have a Norwegian local newspaper, Bygdanytt, which is now the best in Europe (p. 6); and we have been to both Cleveland (p. 22-25) and Copenhagen (p. 10-15) to attend the workshops of SND and SNDS – and bring you a few photos from the events. Next year’s SNDS seminar and workshop will again be in Copenhagen, in October. If you have any ideas or suggestions to the program, please send an email to Kristoffer Nilsen, who is the chairman of the program committee. His email is We hope you will enjoy this magazine, have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. See you in 2013! n Lisbeth Tolstrup & Lars Pryds Editors, SNDS Magazine * If you’re not a member of SNDS, contact Lone Jürgensen to sign up! Lone’s contact info is on page 2 – or on

Best of Scandinavian News Design book and dvd SNDSMagazine 2012|4

Back issues of the SNDS competition catalogue from previous years are still available. Contact Lone Jürgensen at for info and prices and to order your copy of the book and/or DVD with winning pages.


Note: Shown are the five most recent issues of the book – books from earlier years are also available. Some issues may not include the option of a dvd.

STOP! Even though you don’t understand a word of Finnish, the message of this warning sign is easily recognizable: Pay, if you want to continue. If you’re already a subscriber to Helsingin Sanomat in print, you’re only a little bit more lucky – you still have to pay, but the price will be as low as 3 euros per month, less than a third of the price for new readers. (Screenshot from

I’m building a wall* Making people pay for news on the web and other digital platforms has been doomed impossible by media researchers, but that does not keep anyone from trying. Lars Pryds certainly looks like a new trend for Scandinavian media houses: setting up paywalls on their websites and preparing special paid-for digital products. As Anders Tapola writes on the back page of this magazine, Fædre­ landsvennen in Norway has started charging for Everything, Everywhere, Always. An easy-to-understand strategy – click any link on the front page of and you will be prompted to pay for access to the journalistic content. In Denmark Berlingske did the same in November for a handful of its regional newspapers, so readers who want to read local news from e.g. Aarhus Stiftstidende will have to pay for it, whether it’s in print or online.

SNDSMagazine 2012|4

n It


Building a wall – but a soft one However, most media houses do not have the courage to go all the way and charge for everything, but allow a certain amount of content for free before you have to punch in those numbers from your credit card. Also in November, in Finland, the mighty Helsingin Sanomat built a ‘soft’ paywall for – allowing five free articles per week. In Sweden, several papers have tried the same, says SNDS President Anders Tapola. Dagens Nyheter has launched a new website,, where

all material from the print edition is published at one o’clock every night – to complement the fast news updates on the regular “However, most of the initiatives look rather half-heartedly,” says Tapola, “and in some cases it’s difficult to understand what you’re paying for.” Just like the New York Times The three major national papers in Denmark all seem to be going the same way as Helsingin Sanomat – Politiken has chosen “the Metered Model which New York Times were the first to launch 18 months ago and which 150 US newspapers have rolled out since. We will launch our model in the new year,” says Anders Emil Møller, head of digital development at Politiken. Berlingske will do the same – also “in the new year” (probably in February) – allowing 10 clicks for free each month before charging for articles. A complete reorganization of the way news stories will be planned are in the works – in order to publish all content to all platforms. Jyllands-Posten has introduced a slightly different model for charging for online content in the form of a ‘Premium’ product, which will give subscribers access to content of a ‘special quality’. The times are certainly changing (again) for the news media – and this is how it should be. Dr. Mario R. García – a die-hard optimist on behalf of the

news business – phrased it very clearly in Cleveland, at the SND workshop: “There is a place even for print – but those who survive are the ones who rethink themselves”. An impossible task? But, will the news companies survive by introducing paid-for web content? Not everyone is as optimistic as García. Erik Rasmussen, CEO and publisher, Monday Morning Management (DK), thinks that this project is impossible – for two reasons: “Firstly, no matter what kind of paywalls the dailies set up, there will be an abundance of free news on the web. Second­ly, the newspapers have neglected to develop the originality and use value that the readers are willing to pay for.” (Berlingske, 22 Oct. 2012). So, maybe all the hard work should not start with preparations for publishing your content on a multitude of platforms in hundreds of different shapes and sizes, or trying to keep up with your competitors by doing exactly the same as they do. Instead, it might be a good idea to rethink the content itself. As García also said in Cleveland – the story comes first, not the platform. n * I’m building a wall a fine wall not so much to keep you out more to keep me in – Pet Shop Boys (2009)

the Newspaper is

ReboRn welcome digital

CCI EuropE A/S .

Best in Europe: Bygdanytt n Scandinavian

Scandinavians to find world’s best n Scandinavia


World Press Photo: E

European Newspaper Award: E lørdag 15. september 2012 nr. 291 · 116. årgang Løssalg 30,00 kr. telefon 3348 0500

tro | etik | eksistens

” I k k e v e d m a g t o g I k k e v e d s t y r k e , m e n v e d m I n å n d, s I g e r h æ r s k a r e r s h e r r e ”


Biskopper: Alt for svært at melde sig ind i folkekirken

Uffe Elbæk (R) er træt af midaldrende hvide mænd, der har magten i kulturen

Man kan melde sig ud af kirken pr. mail, men vil man ind igen, kræver det både personlig samtale og præstens godkendelse. Meningsløst, lyder det fra biskopper. Kirkeminister ser positivt på ændring Af TobiAs sTern JohAnsen og MArie Louise hAgeMeisTer;

Mens danskere nu kan forlade folkekirken ved et par klik på computeren, er det straks langt sværere at melde sig ind igen. Som Kristeligt Dagblad oplyste forleden, har Ligestillings- og Kirkeministeriet vedtaget, at man kan melde sig ud ved at sende en e-mail til den lokale præst. Tidligere skulle man enten sende et brev eller lægge vejen forbi præsten eller kirkekontoret. Men hvis man senere ombestemmer sig og gerne vil være del af det kirkelige fællesskab igen, skal man igennem en personlig samtale med den lokale sognepræst. Præsten skal nemlig vurdere, om man mener det alvorligt, som der står i en bekendtgørelse fra Kirkeministeriet. Det er dybt paradoksalt, at procedurerne ikke er ens, lyder kritikken fra biskop over Haderslev Stift, Niels Henrik Arendt.

”Det bør være muligt at melde sig ind i folkekirken på samme måde, som man kan melde sig ud pr. brev eller pr. mail. Selvfølgelig skal man have tilbudt en samtale med en præst, men man behøver ikke at blive forhørt om sin tro, som en sådan samtale kan fremstå som. En samtale må ikke blokere for muligheden for at komme ind i fællesskabet igen. Jeg har tiltro til, at folk, der ønsker at melde sig ind, har overvejet det nøje,” siger han.

samme kritik lyder fra biskop over Aarhus Stift, Kjeld Holm, som vil tage sagen op med kirkeministeren. ”Det er noget pjat, at man skal igennem en samtale. Jeg har bedt den tidligere kirkeminister om at ændre det og vil gentage det over for den nuværende. Der er ikke fuld opbakning til min holdning fra alle mine bispekollegaer, men jeg mener, at vi må betragte folk som fornuftige og myndige væsener, som mener noget med det, når de melder sig ind igen. Man

spørger jo heller ikke forældre om, hvorfor de vil have deres børn døbt. Så det skal vi have afskaffet,” siger han. Hvis folkekirken skal ud af sine krisetider og gerne vil være en institution med mange medlemmer, må proceduren ændres, lyder det ligeledes fra SF’s kirkeordfører, Pernille Vigsø Bagge: ”At melde sig ind i folkekirken er et aktivt tilvalg, og så burde der ikke være en sådan forhindring på vejen. Man kan frygte, at de enkelte præster sidder som smagsdommere og vurderer, hvem der passer, og hvem der ikke passer ind i folkekirken. Det må jo også være i folkekirkens egen interesse, at det er let at blive medlem.” Hun mener, at det er folkekirken selv og ikke politikerne, der skal ændre proceduren. Men sognepræst og formand for Evangelisk Luthers Netværk Henrik Højlund ryster på hovedet af biskoppernes og SF’erens ønske. ”Det giver rigtigt meget mening med sådan en samtale.

Det er det eneste rigtige, at man ikke bare kan trykke på en knap, og så er man medlem igen. Så bliver det til pjank og pjat og ligegyldighed. Også selvom det er et selvmål for kirken, at det er blevet så nemt at melde sig ud. Det handler om at tage sig selv alvorligt som kirke. At melde sig ind i kirken er ikke det samme som at melde sig ind i den lokale dueavlerforening, og selv dér ville man nok udbede sig en lille samtale,” siger han.

Kirkeminister Manu Sareen (R) er lydhør over for kritikken og skriver følgende i en mail til Kristeligt Dagblad: ”Hvis der blandt biskopperne er et ønske om, at det skal være lettere at melde sig ind i folkekirken, så er jeg meget positiv over for at drøfte det. Det kunne ske på et kommende bispesamråd. Jeg har selv undret mig over, at det er lettere at melde sig ud af end ind i folkekirken.”

KirKe&Tro side 5

Velkommen til en verden, hvor ingen har kontrollen

Af benJAMin KrAsniK og dAnieL øhrsTrøM

Kunstner og professor Bjørn Nørgaard ser i øjeblikket tilbage på sit eget liv med en række Grundtvig-inspirerede Mands Minde-foredrag, der giver et indblik i en modernistisk kunstnersjæl, der også har plads til det religiøse. Bøger&Kultur side 11 Martha, Maria og Hanne Hanne Dalsgaard er mor til tre og har en travl hverdag. Hun finder inspiration i Bibelens tekst om Martha og Maria. Tro&Spiritualitet side 4 F OTO : L A R S A A R Ø/ F O K U S

Uroen i Mellemøsten er en smagsprøve på en fremtid, hvor demokratiserede medier møder den gryende arabiske politiske bevidsthed

globalt set Af nAThAn gArdeLs

De seneste dages begivenheder i Mellemøsten er kun en forsmag på de oprør, vi kommer til at se fremover, når Vestens demokratiserede medier møder den gryende politiske bevidsthed i det arabiske Mellemøsten. De nu marginaliserede børn af Facebook indviede måske nok det arabiske forår, der udløste – nogle siger befriede – anti-vestlige stemmer og aktører, som længe havde været holdt nede af brutale autokrater. Men nu er det YouTubes tur til at bringe røre i regionen. En 14 minutter lang trailer for en film ved navn ”The Innocence of Muslims” – som blev lagt ud af en ubetydelig præst fra Florida på det, han kalder ”Judge

Muhammad Day” (den 9. september) – stikker regionen i brand, efterhånden som den udbredes på internettet. Velkommen til vores nye verden, hvor ingen har kontrollen – hverken Vesten over de sociale medier eller de arabiske magthavere over deres befriede borgere. Det er en sprængfarlig cocktail. Hvad som helst, uanset værdi, lige fra hjemmevideoer af kæledyr til porno og blasfemi kan komme ud på nettet uden at blive sorteret eller redigeret. I det frie Mellemøsten bliver anti-vestlige grupper nu enten tolereret, fordi flertallet, og deriblandt de nye magthavere, deler deres synspunkter, eller fordi de nye demokratiske stater endnu ikke har fået det voldsmonopol, der virkelig gør dem til herskere. De gamle magtens ledvogtere, der garanterede stabiliteten – lige fra de gamle,

etablerede mediers nøgterne Walter Cronkite-typer, som udøvede redaktionel kontrol, til Hosni Mubarak-typer, der udøvede undertrykkelse – er blevet væltet. (Selv om de svagt forsøger at hævde sig igen: Formanden for USA’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, som befaler over verdens største flåde af hangarskibe og strategiske bombefly, bønfaldt telefonisk præsten fra Florida, som havde lagt videoen ud – og som selv kun befaler over en lillebitte menighed – om at holde op).

fremtidens konflikter vil således komme til at handle lige så meget om den overvældende kulturstrøm af global informationsøkonomi som om ressourcemangel og territorialstridigheder. Det skyldes, at stridende værdier er blevet mokket ind på en fælles, offentlig plads, skabt af friere handel, teknologiens udbredelse og mediernes rækkevidde Jorden




Bygdanytt from Norway is the ”European Newspaper of the Year” in the ”local” category.

16.-22. 2012 SEPTEMBER

rundt. Kun i sådan en verden kunne en provokerende dansk tegning eller en virkelig sølle YouTube-video om Muhammed ophidse de gudfrygtige og mobilisere de militante på tværs af den islamiske verdens enorme afstande. Kun i sådan en verden ville kinesiske myndigheder forsøge at give kunstneren Ai Weiwei mundkurv på blot for at opdage, at han var i kontakt med hele verden på Twitter. Kun i sådan en verden ville Vatikanet sætte alle sejl til for at overbevise seere over hele verden om, at historien i ”Da Vinci mysteriet” ikke er den evige sandhed.

Kulturminister i kamp for ligestilling


Efterskole er frihed, fag og fællesskab

Det er mere end 150 år siden, at de første efterskoler opstod. I år har 27.200 unge valgt at tage på efterskole, og i et tillæg får læserne et indblik i, hvordan efterskolelivet foregår i 2012.

Læs også i dag • Udland: De to millioner indbyggere i det tætbefolkede Gaza er i fare for at løbe tør for vand side 6

... forTsæTTes udLAnd side 7

• Liv&Sjæl: Tre sognepræster vil formidle Søren Kierkegaards tekster for gymnasieelever side 14

danmarK side 2

• Familieliv: Børn af demente er i fare for at blive ladt alene. Emnet er så tabubelagt, at børnene skjuler det for deres venner og påtager sig rollen som voksen side 15

udland side 7

Der skal ske en radikal udskiftning i kulturinstitutioners bestyrelser rundt om i landet. Det mener den radikale kulturminister Uffe Elbæk, der harcelerer over fordelingen af alder og køn blandt kulturens magthavere. Alt for mange midaldrende hvide mænd ser han i bestyrelsesstolene. ”Hvor er kvinderne og de unge,” spørger Uffe Elbæk. I et interview med Kristeligt Dagblad i dag fortæller kulturministeren, at han vil gøre op med den mandsdominerende kultur, der hersker i magtfulde kulturbestyrelser. Det gjorde han allerede med Det Kongelige Teater, da han tidligere på året udskiftede hele bestyrelsen og satte erhvervskvinden Stine Bosse i formandsstolen. Hans forargelse tog til, da TV2 News i sit kulturprogram i sommerens løb foretog en magtudredning i dansk kulturliv. Et magtpanel bestående af kulturordførere fra regeringspartier og opposition og kulturredaktører fra en række danske dagblade fandt frem til de 10 mest magtfulde kulturpersoner. Her optrådte ingen kunstnere, ingen kvinder og ingen jyder. Kun midaldrende hvide mænd som Hans Edvard Nørregård-Nielsen, formand for Ny Carlsbergfondet, og Michael Christiansen, bestyrelsesformand i DR. ”Det er for ringe! Jeg vil gøre noget i bestyrelser, hvor jeg har indflydelse,” siger Uffe Elbæk. I den tidligere kaospilots fremtidige kulturpolitik, som han fremlægger i dag, vil han sætte fokus på mangfoldighed generelt i kulturlivet, og altså også blandt kulturens magthavere. Journalist og kommentator Georg Metz synes, at det er fint med flere kvinder i bestyrelser. Men det afhænger af, hvem de er, tilføjer han. ”For kvalifikationer må altid være det vigtigste. Det lyder sympatisk, men hvis mangfoldigheden ikke er begrundet fagligt og sagligt, er den jo ikke noget værd,” siger Georg Metz, der mener, at der er en naturlig årsag til, hvordan kulturbestyrelser ser ud herhjemme. ”Danmark er et lille land, og det er begrænset, hvor mange mennesker, der ved nok om et område til at kunne træde til på den slags poster. Derfor vil det ofte være de samme folk, man ser.”

Bøger&KulTur side 13 Denne side er redigeret af Mie Petersen


Med 14 tidligere højskoleforstandere Kursus: 7. - 13. oktober Vi har bedt tidligere højskoleforstandere - unge som gamle - komme med fortællingen om, hvad de brænder for i dag – i skolen, i kirken, i samfundet og i verden. Det handler alt sammen om synet, synet på livet og verden – livssyn, menneskesyn, folkesyn, kirkesyn, verdenssyn.


Mød blandt andre Karsten Nissen, biskop over Viborg Stift, Niels Højlund, samfundsdebattør, Jesper Moesbøl, fagkonsulent i Kulturministeriet, Troels Mylenberg, politisk redaktør ved Fyens Stiftstidende, Erik Sommer, komponist og Henrik Stubkjær, generalsekretær i Folkekirkens Nødhjælp. Pris 4.100 kr.

DESIGNER ZOO · VESTERBROGADE 137 · KBH V · TLF. 3 3 2 4 9 4 9 3 BADSTUEGADE 19 · 8000 AARHUS C · TLF. 33 25 94 93 · DZOO.DK · Tlf.: 7484 2284 ·


Kom til internationalt debatmøde om:


og et bedre europæisk samarbejde Cafe Drop Inn, Kompagnistræde 34 i København K. Lørdag den 22. september kl. 12.30 til 16.00 Gratis adgang – mødesprog: engelsk Velkomst ved Patricia McKenna (EUDemocrats) og Jesper Morville (Folkebevægelsen mod EU). Oplæg og debat ved Chris Bruni-Lowe (People’s Pledge, Storbritannien), Kjell Dahle (Senterpartiet, Norge), Søren Søndergaard (MEP, Folkebevægelsen mod EU), Normunds Grostins (Ricibas Partiet, Letland) og Anthony Coughlan (National Platform, Irland).

The EUDemocrats are partially funded by the European Parliament, which is not responsible for the content.

SNDSMagazine 2012|4

Photo: PR

will be well represented in the 2013 World Press Photo juries. In the Photo Contest, Swedish photo­ grapher Staffan Widstrand (photo above) will be a jury member and will even be the “Nature Jury Chair”. Widstrand is a winner of numerous international photography awards, such as Wildlife Photographer of the Year, European Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Image of the Year in Sweden, and Emirates Wildlife Photographer of the Year. He established his own photo­ graphy business at the age of 25, and his Wild Wonders of Europe project has to date reached an estimated 400 million people. The project aims to show the rich diversity of European wildlife to the Europeans – who traditionally know much more about nature in Africa or America than about nature on their own doorstep. Staffan Widstrand was also in the WPP jury in 2011. In the Multimedia Contest, the Dane Bjarke Myrthue (photo left) will be a 2013 jury member. Myrthue is founder and CEO of Story­ – a toolbox for creating engaging multimedia content in an easy way. Bjarke Myrthue has previously worked in newspapers, but after creating a series of award-winning interactive documentaries, he became executive editor with Magnum Photos, where he co-founded Magnum In Motion and headed digital development with Claudine Boeglin and Mark Lubell. After seven years in New York, Myrthu recently returned to his home city of Copenhagen. –pryds

good way. It inspires and motivates us to make an even better newspaper in the future. This is a sweet we will be able to taste for a long time!” The competition also gives out a large number of Awards of Excellence – a total of 497 (+ six student awards)! Almost one third of the awards, 153, went to Scandinavian papers (Sweden 49; Norway 47; Denmark 31; Finland 26). In the category for photo reportage, Scandinavian papers won 13 out of 19 awards. In a special category for typography Aftenposten (N), Hallingdølen (N) and Kristeligt Dagblad (DK) were winners, alongside three German news­papers. Type is, perhaps, the single most important part af any publication’s design, so it is a great honour to win in this category. The typographical toolbox of Kristeligt Dagblad has been developed by Ribergård & Munk who have worked with the newspaper since 2004. In the current design, launched in February 2012, Meta Serif was introduced as body text, allowing Kristeligt Dagblad to reduce the point size and leading – and improve legibility at the same time. For headlines, a Light version of Meta Serif was created specifically for Kristeligt Dagblad by the company of Erik Spiekermann. Two other typeface families are accompanying Meta Serif: TheSans and Cordale, the latter being used for the new KD nameplate. –pryds


Photo: PR

newspapers usually perform well in the European Newspaper Award, organized by the German design consultant Norbert Küpper. The grand prize “European Newspaper of the Year” is given in four different categories: Local; Regional; National; and Weekly newspapers. Berlingske (DK) won the national cate­gory last year, Politiken (DK) in 2010 and Bergens Tidende (N) in the regional category, also in 2010. This year Norwegian Bygdanytt can print the words “European Newspaper of the Year” on the front page for the next twleve months: The newspaper is the best local news­paper. Bygdanytt is owned by Bergens Tidende, published twice a week with a circulation of 4.647 (2011). It was redesigned in 2007 – and won a Silver Medal for this in the SNDS Best of Scandinavian competition – and the current look is based on the design principles from this redesign, says acting editor Frode Fjellstad. “However, we use very few templates in daily production. Most pages are built from scratch, and we have a lot of creativity in the editorial room. We are a tight group of people who help each other with all our different skills and experiences, so the honour of this award is shared between us all.” “Winning an award like this means a lot to us. It shows that we are doing something right and confirms that it is worth allocating ressources to the design and to presenting content in a

Kristeligt dagblad from Denmark won an Award of Excellence for excellent typography.

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New categories and new chances in 2013 design competition SNDSMagazine 2012|4

Go find your entries for the upcoming competition “Best of Scandinavian News Design”. The competition has a lot of news to offer this year. More focus on smaller mediahouses is only one of the new initiatives.


n Best

of News Design Scandinavia is still developing the competition. This year you will have the chance to win a brand new award in the print-competition. You will also have the chance to win a brand new award in the onlinecompetition. The new print-award is called “Best Detail” and is nominated by the

jury amongst all the entries in the competition. The new online-award is named “Best Designed Online News Media in Scandinavia”. The winner in this category will be nominated by the jury amongst entries in the “Overall site design” and “Overall Cross Platform” categories. Just like last year it will be free of

charge to participate in the design category for print media as long as the media is participating in one of the other categories. This part was new to the competition last year and it was a great success. This year both juries will be asked to have even more focus and attention on new initiatives sent to the competi-

Best of Scandinavian News Design 2013 Work submitted for the competition must be published in 2012. Deadline for entries:

28 January 2013 For more info see: E

tion and also a greater focus on entries sent to the competition from smaller mediahouses. “It is necessary that the focus of the juries is given to entries from smaller mediahouses. Both in the print- and in the online categories,” chairman of the committee, Flemming Hvidtfeldt, says. Small media houses in focus “A lot of small Scandinavian media houses are not represented in the competition. That’s a pity,” the chairman says: “They do a lot of good work everyday, and I hope that the promise of greater focus in the competition will mean that we will see a lot of new entries from smaller media houses”.

The greater focus will mean that the jury will be evaluating entries from smaller mediahouses first – even before they have seen the entries from bigger mediahouses. Last but not least, the competition committee has decided to drop the bronze-awards and only have three different awards. Gold, Silver and Award of Excellence. “This will not mean that the total number of awards will drop,” Flemming Hvidtfeldt says. “It will make the work of the juries a bit easier. That is the reason. I do think that the total number of awards will be as we have seen the past couple of years.” The deadline for sending entries for “Best News Design in Scandinavia

2012” is January 28, 2013 – Just a month away. So start finding pages and onlineentries with great details and prepare your entries to the competition. In the competition for best newsdesign in Scandinavian in 2011 73 media houses from all of the Nordic countries were represented in the contest. The Swedish newspaper, Sydsvenskan, was named The Best Designed Newspaper in Scandinavia. This was the first time this prestigious award was given. Besides 5 gold medals, 19 silver diplomas, 33 bronze diplomas and 38 awards of excellence were handed out at the conference. Sweden became the big winner with a total of 35 diplomas; Norway got 26, Finland 23, and Denmark 16. n

SNDSMagazine 2012|4

Last man standing These are all the bronze winners in the 2012 competition on stage at the SPACE_2012 award ceremony. The competition rules have been updated, so next year there will be no bronze winners at all. Instead, we hope to see many more winners of silver and gold awards. Photo: Ditte Valente


S PACE_20 1 2 The annual SNDS conference took place in Copenhagen, Denmark, on September 27-29. The impressive Black Diamond was the venue for a long list of international speakers and the get-together of news designers and journalists from all over Scandinavia. On the following pages, we can only show you a glimpse of the days in Copenhagen – including the top winners of the competition. Ditte Valente ( photographed all winners who went on stage to receive their awards – and these photos have been posted to our Facebook page – find the direct link on page 14. There’s also a link to a few interviews with attendees which have been published on Enjoy – and see you next year at the seminar, which will again be in Copenhagen.

grand theft libris Stéphanie Surrugue kept us spellbound by telling the fascinating story of how a seemingly loyal librarian managed to steal books worth more than 80 million kroner from the Royal Danish Library, the very venue for the SPACE_2012 seminar.

in space to come Mark Porter talked about the importance of design in the future. The picture is changing fast, and we must change with it.

SNDSMagazine 2012|4

food works No seminar without great food. Here attendees, award winners, lecturers and even an SND President get themselves a bite to eat for lunch in the hall outside ”Dronningesalen” in the Black Diamond.


you can do it! Students from the Danish School of Media and Journalism had set up a regular laboratory where you could test yourself and your abilities to interact with technology. Run a marathon on the spot (photo), or hit the bull’s eye while balancing on a scale – well, it’s not that easy!

Lars Pryds

space chairman Backstage with Søren Nyeland, chairman of the organizing committee. Is he trying to reach Mona Lisa on his cell phone for last minute advice?

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space guide Per Munch with his light sword gives instructions to the people on board the space ship.

E photos: Lars pryds



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best in scandinavia Benjamin Peetre of Sydsvenskan (S) on his way down from the stage after accepting flowers and the first ever ”Scandinavia’s Best Designed Newspaper” award. This new award is given for a design where ”the overall result must work from the first to the last page”, as jury chair Anders Enström puts it in the catalogue. About Sydsvenskan the jury said, among other things: ”The editors are in full control of all tools. The pages are orderly, both as regards structure and typography. […] A worthy first winner of the title”. Photo: Ditte Valente

13 E

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Gold VG Nett won a Gold Award for the impressive online news coverage of the terror events in Oslo and Utøya – using graphics, video, time lines as well as regular news reporting. And it was even translated into 11 languages.

Gold The jury said about Dagens Nyheter’s redesign: ” What a lift! The paper used to be unstructured, boring, lacking finesse … Now, the paper is in control of the material and presentation … a redesign as intelligent as the paper”.

Gold Just like last year, Helsingin Sanomat’s monthly magazine Kuukausiliite wins a gold medal in the Design category. Sami Valtere on stage after having received flowers and diploma from SNDS President Anders Tapola.

Gold & best of show The jury found Helsingin Sanomat’s drawing of the European ”crisis without end” worthy of both a Gold and the Best of Show award: ”The illustration is an art experience in itself”. Lasse Rantanen picks up his award.

AHA Three winners of the AHA-prize were found this year, from left to right: Politiken for the drawing af a 2 kilometre long Cumberland sausage across the pages; for a charming and of course fictitious online game where you could get on a date with Danish politicians; and Helsingin Sanomat for publishing the complete transcript of a sports commentator’s words in the third round af the hockey match when Finland won the World Championship. Oliver Stilling, Politiken (left), Geir Terje Ruud, (middle), and Helsingin Sanomat’s Olli Nurminen (right) with their awards on stage in the Black Diamond. Photos: Ditte Valente

See photos of all winners: E

Interviews with seminar participants: E

Thank_you! to_our SPACE_2012 sponsors

View from the stern A public park at the north side of the G+J building.

Infographics unite the world SNDSMagazine 2012|4

Which language is most universal? No, it is not the body language because every nation has its own unique meanings for gestures. The correct answer is drawing. This I can prove by my own experience.


Petri Salmén n In August

and September this year I had the pleasure of working at Stern Magazine in Hamburg, Germany. Normally I work at the Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat. So how on earth I found my way to Hamburg then? Maybe it’s better to start from the beginning. The challenge was thrown at Spain The process of work-exchange began in March 2012 in Pamplona, Spain – home of the Malofiej-conference, organized by the Spanish chapter of SND (SND-E). At Malofiej infographic designers and visual journalists from all over the world gather for a few days time. In twenty years time the Malofiej-goers

have become as a one big family where everybody shares everything and no secrets are hidden. A place where tenderfoots can ask for tips from the most experienced-ones, where LatinAmerica meets Europe, where East meets West and everybody feels truly equal with everyone. An important part of the conference is social evenings in between the lectures and workshops. My story begins in a long social evening with colleagues from Stern. The head of infographics department Andrew Timmins put a question at our table of wanting to have some foreign designers work for Stern. Little did I know what would happen when I replied, ”I would come”. The conference ended and we all went back to our offices ever so happy as always after the Malofiej-meeting. The spring went on and I didn’t know if Andrew was as serious as he seemed


Straßennetz in Deutschland 2011 Autobahnen 12 813 km Bundesstraßen 39 887 km Landstraßen 86 616 km

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Kreisstraßen 91 654 km

Gesamtstraßennetz in einigen Ländern USA

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3,4 Mio Km China 2 Mio Km Frankreich 951 000 Km


Wieviele von 50 Millionen Fahrzeugen in Deutschland sind an einem tödlichen Unfall im Straßenverkehr beteiligt?

äume, m Besitz antra-


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Jedes 12 494.

Stau Anyone who has ever tried to drive a car on the German Autobahn will be familiar with the term ”Stau” – meaning there is a queue ahead, usually a long one. Here the word is used as an illustrative element in a conceptual infographic suggestion for a new visual guideline at Stern. Infographic: Petri Salmén.

to be at the table at the party. But in May I got a call from him and he wanted to know if I’m still willing to come as a substitute for a designer who was about to take maternity leave. I still replied yes. We decided that my visit at Stern would be two months long – from the beginning of August through September. Andrew begun his journey in the German bureaucracy-jungle. I started a process of my own to get a permission from my employer to work at Stern. Finally in July Andrew announced that everything is ok at his end: His superiors showed green light after having seen my portfolio and the local labor union of graphic workers gave permission for Andrew to hire me. I started to look for an apartment in Hamburg and reserved air tickets. Getting to know each other Stern magazine is published by Gruner+Jahr Gmbh & Co. G+J publish about 280 magazines and newspapers in 22 countries. Compared to my newspaper’s parent company Sanoma these two are very similar in size, number of publications and employees. In other words both are big companies. Stern is situated in G+J publishing building with over 3,000 workers. Stern’s desk includes about 500 people. The info-

SNDSMagazine 2012|4

no sea Lorem Lorem setetur diam nvidunt magna volupsam et

in space The distinct difference in working spaces: The news desk of Helsingin Sanomat (left) and the infographic’s lair at Stern (right). Photos: Petri Salmén

17 E

Visualizations An aftermath of Olympic results and standings when calculated otherwise than in the usual, official way. graphic department consists of seven people: Andrew the chief, his deputy, four designers, and one researcher. The building is constructed in such way that it contains of long corridors and rooms along those. This means that there were only few large open office spaces. The rooms were occupied by two to six persons so the ”chambers” were intimate and peaceful compared to Helsingin Sanomat news desk which is a large open office space. I loved the small chamber of infographics which also had a yard of its own.

”Moneypennies” From a special James Bond 50th anniversary issue.

The working space wasn’t the only good thing in this exchange. Even better was having a deadline only once a week. At the newspaper I’m used to work with a daily deadline in my mind. So at Stern I suddenly didn’t have to accomplish my tasks on a daily basis. I loved that change of pace too. I got hung of the routines in one week. German desktop in Mac and a German version of Illustrator were not that hard to apprehend even though I don’t know how to speak German or have full conversations in German.

Fortunately the Cinema 4D software included operating systems in both English and German. It helped a lot that chief-Andrew is an English bloke. He has worked in Germany for 30 years, but one could clearly hear that he is an Englishman. A few other foreigners are working in the lay-out and graphic department too. I spoke with some designers from Australia, Denmark and Netherlands. Concerning the journalists of Stern – I believe that we managed well together. Some of them were a















SNDSMagazine 2012|4



Brief critic/feedback





Short-term planning














Long-term planning






Duration of meeting 15 mins

30 mins

45 mins

1 hr –>

v = visualists only

Deadline 23:00 22:00 (+ 23:30, 0:30)

Planning Being an infographics designer, Petri Salmen has no problems using visuals to explain the two publications’ different time schedules during the week. Using a hangman’s knot as the icon for the editorial deadline is a nice touch.

bit amazed over me as a Finnish guy in Germany but everybody welcomed me heart-warmingly. Espacially when I equalized the communication by saying, “We all speak the same visual language – dass wir alle die gleiche Sprache sprecht: Optich”. Mutual visual goal As mentioned, the deadline was once a week – on Monday evenings – but the work was similar to Helsingin Sanomat. Meetings were held; the contents for future issues were considered as well advanced as possible; projects were issued for everyone; and visual departments (lay-out, graphics, infographics and photodesk) cooperated with writing staff. Visual department was lead by AD Johannes Erler with help from his deputy AD Mark Ernsting. Both men are not rookies though they were quite new in their posts – they started less than two years ago. Stern is very visual by photos but it wants to be the high end magazine with data visualization and graphic display too. That was also the reason for Andrew to hire me for a few months. Though one can see what other media is doing with information graphics, it is very different thing to bring a person who is completely free of so called Sternbaggage to work with the local staff. The visual thinking is strong in

Stern. The traditional photo spreads dominate the beginning of each issue. Erler and his staff were thinking of a new approach and design for the whole magazine: How to bring along the dataviz and infographics in a new and innovative way. This is actually something that every self-aware magazine and newspaper are thinking nowadays. I brought into the conversation my insights and my own newspaper’s resolutions on dataviz from the past year. I tried to include Stern-dna into my way of thinking and trying to think outside the box at the same time. Two months time is not time enough to do that much difference in the visual way of thinking but it was very interesting to take apart to Stern’s process of freshing up their visuals. Same but different The every day working was very similar to Helsingin Sanomat, but at the same time quite different. The pace was more peaceful in Stern than at my usual post at HS. The major difference between these two places, however, was the chain of documentation and fact checking. Everything that was meant to be in the issue was checked by people of fact-checking and by those who actually knew the German grammar. All graphics also went through this process

after being visually finished. At Helsingin Sanomat we have only one worker who is responsible for grammar. And he is used only if someone has time or even remembers to ask him how to write things right. And all the facts are checked only by the authors themselves. Sometimes the night editor at HS has time to check some articles, but there is not such a systematic process for fact checking. I think that we should have such persons also as at Stern has. I was very confident with my graphic work because I knew that it was checked by someone else who saw the piece for the first time. As all designers know one could come sort of blind for their own work, and it’s good to predispose everything for someone before publishing. In conclusion I find these two media quite similar. Both do their best to accomplish the promise to their readers. Both do the pre-press processes as good as possible under pressure of ever decreasing staff. Both editing offices consist of a group of intelligent people who have a genuine will to find out and untangle issues that are often complex to clarify them to their readers. The level of cooperation between visual departments and writers is solid and strong: They strive to create as good issues as possible week after week – or n day after day.

SNDSMagazine 2012|4

issue 36 An article of Stern reporter Wiechmann’s jorney around Europe by interrail last summer – revisiting the destinations of his youth. Infographics and photos: Petri Salmén


No new medium

kills another

medium • Storytelling comes first. • New ways to create breaking news. • Most readers prefer landscape orientation in the tablet. These are the conclusions from design guru Dr. Mario R. García after 18 months with the tablet Eyetrack research at Poynter Institute. Svenåke Boström

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n Mario


García also states that “No new medium kills another medium”. Although he is very clear about the fact that the old media will go through major changes to be able to survive. If you know your media history, you’ll have to say he’s right. The radio was supposed to kill the newspapers. The television was supposed to kill the newspapers and the movie theaters. The web was supposed to kill the entire newspaper industry. It did not happen. But will the tablets finally kill newspapers? “No,” says Mario García. “People will still read newspapers, but not on a daily basis. Newspapers will change format, they will no longer be published every day of the week, and they will convert to another type of content.” Story telling comes first “I hate when publishers say that their strategy is ‘digital first’. The platform is secondary. Story telling comes first,

regardless of the publishing channel”, says García. One of the facts which convinced him that the printed news will survive is that the consumption of news has increased dramatically. Earlier a normal newspaper was read about 25-30 minutes. Today we spend 69 to 90 minutes with news in different channels. And more and more people read in depth stories, some times starting on one platform and finishing on another. The Eyetrack research on iPad shows that the ways of reading are similar between tablets and news­ papers. It is “laid back” reading. Reading on the computer is more active and “leaning forward” reading. But the digital media will change the way we publish news. A new structure of news will be needed. “The old way to write a good news story was to always answer the questions ‘who, what, when and where’. I don’t know if the journalist schools teach that any more. But the new way to publish a story is very different,” García says. “It is the way from the tapas to the full meal”.

The story can start as an alert on the mobile phone, often in Twitter. Then a headline and 2–3 sentences. Then a new headline and some paragraphs. Then maybe a photo and some more information. And so on … Carousel design This eye track research used three different prototypes with different design; Traditional, Carousel and Flipboard. Fifty percent of the readers preferred the carousel design. The visual impact in that design made it ​​ easier to choose which story to read. 70 percent expressed a preference for reading the tablet in horizontal or landscape orientation. But people looked at average 18 options before choosing a story. García commented on that: “I have been at six other focus groups about tablet reading, where 90 percent preferred landscape mode for reading at the tablet. And non of my clients right now would like to do apps in portrait mode. So I think that this will be a kind of global standard.”

“As with earlier eyetracking studies, people tended to enter a screen through a dominant element, generally a photograph. Faces in photographs and videos attracted a lot of attention”, writes Sara Quinn, teacher at Poynter Institute, in a presentation at poynter. org. She also points out that the new element in design for tablets are the touch of our fingers. “The touching behavior was one of the most intriguing findings in Poynter’s new research on tablet storytelling. It’s one of many that can help us define how people want their news.” Readers go deeply into stories when they have made their choice. But after 80-90 seconds there are a critical “bail out point”, when many readers leave the story. So, hands on advice to news designers are to create quotes or other elements in that part of the text, to make the readers stay.

Svenåke Boström is former President of SNDS (1993–1996), President in SND 2002 (so far the only from outside North America). After more than 20 years at Sundsvalls Tidning, he now runs his own company, Boström Design & Development. He also runs a blog about what happens in the life of the media – and in his own life. Boströms Blogg: E variations The prototypes for the Poynter Eytreack tests were shown in both horisontal and vertical view. On the right is the third prototype – the flipboard design. Illustration:

Poynter Eytrack reseach for iPad: E

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read this Two of the three prototypes used in Poynter’s tablet Eyetrack research: The traditional layout and the carousel design. Illustration:

Non daily evening papers Mario García has a clear formula for the newspapers that will try to stay in business. In one of his latest blog posts he develop his thoughts: Forget “daily”, and disregard “morning”. Think “less frequent” and “evening”. If this sounds like putting aside all that we have ever known to work for people and how they get their information, then that’s exactly the point. Read the post at – n direct link:


Rocking in Cleveland

SNDSMagazine 2012|4

This year’s SND annual workshop took place in Cleveland, Ohio, October 11–13. 363 attendees had a great time in the “wonderful rustbelt capital” – with a program filled with great speakers, untraditional presentations and entertainment. Get a glimpse of the international meeting on the next few pages – and be sure to sign up for next year, where SND will get together in Louisville, Kentucky. All photos (except where mentioned) are by Peggy Turbett, photographer/photo editor at The Plain Dealer, sponsor of SNDCLE.


peggy turbett

Rock’n roll The conference kicked off at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum – a magnificent museum and entertainment center. Music, movies, original history-making artifacts – like John Lennon’s glasses, Janis Joplin’s pscychedelic Porsche, or Johnny Cash’ 1943 acoustic guitar – were everywhere.

A man’s gotta eat Svenåke Boström fetching his lunch from one of the famous food trucks parked outside the seminar venue, One Cleveland Center, while other attendees wait in line.

Lars pryds

rock roots Several of the speakers – here Michael Griffith, Creative Director for Bottle Rocket Apps – had the roots and heroes of rock’n roll in their presentations.

peggy turbett

colleagues One important reason to go to the annual workshop is meeting people from all over the world. Here Adonis Durado (Oman) and Susan Mango Curtis (USA) attend an international committee meeting. In the background, Stefan Knapp, regional director of the German-speaking countries, study a Turkish publication. Yes, SND really is a global organization!

Lars Pryds

Lars pryds

check lisT Digital First Media’s Editorin-Chief Jim Brady had brouhgt along a regular check-list for news organzations in the digital age.

Lars pryds

Innovation ”We live in ubiquitous information shadows. That has a design impact,” said Amy Webb, CEO of Webbmedia Group, and showed examples of social media’s impact on the way traditional news organizations design their websites. She also showed her new purse, which was actually able to – wirelessly – charge her iPhone.

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superman Cleveland born Terrence Oliver gave a very enthusiastic presentation about motion graphics – and came dressed like another of the city’s famous children – Superman.

23 Lars pryds

peggy turbett

a long way away from home Truth be told, there weren’t that many Scandinavians at the Cleveland workshop. Those who were, did rather well: Svenåke Boström, former SNDS President (1993-96) and former SND President (2002) – the only one from outside North America – gave a presentation that sparked good reactions and lots of questions from the audience. His topic was, ”What Would a Printed Paper Look Like if Teenagers Made the Editorial Decisions”. There’s hope for the future, says Boström, the next generation actually wants to read – even on paper!

lars pryds

best of show Svenska Dagbladet was awarded Best of Show – the first in 10 years – for the coverage of the terror attack on Oslo and Utøya in July 2011. SvD’s managing editor Martin Jönsson and picture editor Jessika Olofsson presented the story of how they managed to report from the terrible attacks. In this photo, they are being applauded in the Rock Hall by Jonathon Berlin, SND President (left).

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peggy turbett

24 peggy turbett

and finally – Even your humble editors were called onto the stage – left, Lars Pryds accepts the World’s Best Designed award on behalf of Politiken, the Danish newspaper that now has won this prestigious award twice. In the photo to the right, SND executive committee member Lee Steele and Executive Director Stephen Komives hand over the prize – an iPad – in the draw for the 50 first people to sign up for the workshop to the happy winner Lisbeth Tolstrup. Sometimes it does pay to be quick!

peggy turbett

peggy turbett

Showtime The first person ever to receive the Lifetime Achievement Award, Dr. Mario R. García, also attended the Cleveland workshop. Following the successful launch of his first e-book, ”iPad Design Lab”, his presentation focused on storytelling as the most important tool for news today, regardless of platform or media. Mario was also on stage on the final evening at the Hilarities Comedy Club, competing with colleagues for the love of the audience, in a quite entertaining quiz. Not the typical ending to a workshop (which usually includes stuffy suits and whitecloth tables) – but this evening was a great way to say ”goodbye to Cleveland and see you next year in Louisville, Kentucky”.

Sndlou The information desk for next year’s workshop was in place, of course, ready to answer all your questions. Stay informed on, or, or twitter: @sndlou. You got it? SNDLOU everywhere. See ya!

peggy turbett

the arcade The conference hotel was situated in this wonderful stylish arcade, built in 1890. Most beautiful at night, with the lights on, the hall is frequently used for hosting wedding receptions and parties. Nice to end a long workshop day in these surroundings.

lars pryds

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peggy turbett

SND for life Two recipients of SND’s Lifetime Achievement Awards were presented in Cleveland: Deborah Withey and Roger Black. Before them, only 19 have received this honor. Deborah Withey also gave a speech in the official program (above left), but was for once without words and overwhelmed by the honour when she received the award. Roger Black had prepared a small slideshow – ”Ten Lessons I have Learned” – in which he summed up the reasons for working with news design today, and how to do it (above right). See the motivational speeches and slides on (Withey) and (Black).

25 lars pryds

Photo: USA Today

Mobile The new mobile app, winner of this year’s EPPY Award, is distinguished by the same elegant simplicity as the USA Today website. It is easy to navigate and everything works smoothlessly, including video clips.

tablet This app is the place to go if you want to read full USA Today articles in a digital format. Compared to the new website, however (see page 28), the app design seems rather conventional.

USA Today goes all-in on digital The relaunch of ”McPaper” appears slightly schizophreniac, writes Ole Munk. The new website and mobile app are distinguished by functionality and novelty, whereas the tablet app seems more conventional and the printed product is a genuine setback. Ole Munk

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n Our


idea of how a newspaper should look changed in 1982 with the launch of USA Today. Sure, people would soon nickname it ”McPaper” because of its brief, easy-to-read stories, but USA Today became an influence to just about every other paper on the planet. Before the end of the decade, newspaper readers throughout the Western Hemisphere would expect to see full-colour photography, information graphics, and wall-to-wall weather forecasts in their local daily. You cannot, however, make a living based on merits of the past, especially not if you’re a news media, and the redesign with which USA Today celebrated its 30-year anniversary – on September 14, 2012 – must be seen

partly as a response to dramatically declining circulation figures over a period of more than ten years. A new strategy … What the relaunch also seems to signal is a change of strategy, in which digital platforms are getting the key role while the printed paper begins to look like an ageing and increasingly troublesome patient. A patient which the publisher, Gannett, must feel compelled to keep breathing as long as it has got enough readers and advertisers. And I guess it still does; every night, the presses turn out 1,7 million copies of USA Today (more than half of these end up in hotel corridors all over the world). … but a schizophreniac design Several consultancy companies were involved in USA Today’s grand-scale

relaunch. Maybe that is part of the reason why the result appears strangely schizophreniac. Parts of it, such as the website and the mobile app, boast great functionality – and novelty as well, although not quite as revolutionary as back then in ’82 – while the tablet app seems much more middle-of-the-road and the printed product is a genuine setback. Not least when it comes to the typography. The modern and consistent typographical look, which had been distinguishing USA Today since its latest facelift in 2000, leaves way for a typography so conventional – and treated with so little refinement – that the paper now almost looks like a caricature of an old-school American local daily. But why, is the obvious question? The only plausible answer I can think of relates to the aforementioned

print Judging from the typography, the paper version of USA Today appears to be conceived as a platform for ”traditionalists” who (the concept makers seem to presume) prefer things looking the way they did fifty years ago.

Photo: ole munk

Is less really more – again?

strategic choices, but in a strange, backwards-logical way: The printed paper seems now to be conceived as a platform for ”traditionalists” who – the concept makers apparently presume – prefer things to look the way they did 50 years ago. The wisdom of this conception can certainly be subject to discussion. In any case, addressing traditionalists is no excuse for bad typography, and there is a lot of that in the new USA Today. 45 days after the relaunch, it was announced that the body typeface had now been ”darkened and enlarged” as readers were complaining that it was difficult to read. A small improvement; still, the new typography looks very old to me.

a comeback in graphic design. Web design is one example. Sites that used to be very complex, and look complex, are now designed with the small screen of a smartphone in mind – which means that they will appear simple, often to the point of crudeness, on a regular computer screen. n Simplicity is also the common

denominator of three remarkable logo redesigns which were launched this fall: the new logotypes of Microsoft, eBay, and USA Today. All three of them stirred a debate, and the returning question was: Is this even design? Does it make sense at all to talk about a logo when what you see is just four squares, or some coloured type, or a circle? E

SNDSMagazine 2012|4

“Dynamic as the news itself” Selling the new usa today concept to the client must have taken quite a lot

n The less-is-more dictum is making


Photo: USA Today

Website is the most successful part of the USA Today relaunch. The horizontal scrolling is a fresh, iPad-ish feature, and one wonders why USA Today refrained from implementing this navigation tool in the new tablet app (see page 26).

SNDSMagazine 2012|4



variation Not only the blue logo on the front page, but also the section logos (also simple circles, but in other colours) can be modified with almost any kind of illustration that will fit the topic of the day.

of eloquence. Controversial solutions are nothing new to the masterminds behind the overall strategy. Wolff Olins’ portfolio includes the London 2012 identity program, just to name one example. In the case of USA Today, the main target of criticism has been the new ”logo” – that is, if the coloured ball, which has replaced the iconic yet kind of outdated globe, deserves this designation. The big idea was to create a logo ”as dynamic as the news itself ” (I’m not kidding, this was what they wrote in the press release) by allowing all kinds of roundish shapes to replace the ball – on page A1 as well as on the section fronts. This idea is exactly as stupid as it sounds. For two reasons: a) The circle is a generic shape which may just as well let you associate to hundreds of other brands (Blaupunkt, just to name one) … and b) it will completely dissolve and dilute the brand if the logo may be a golf ball one day and a poker chip on the next. Not surprisingly, after one month with changing ”logos” executed with varying degrees of professionalism (creating a good logo takes not only talent and skill, but time as well, as every graphic designer knows), the publisher Larry Kramer declared that variation would now be restricted for a while … ”to establish the logo”.

Online works best The website is the most successful part of the USA Today relaunch. The blue ball has been downscaled to a size where no one will be tempted to mess around with it, it looks better in RGB colour than on print, and is basically an improvement as the old globe didn’t work well at all in screen resolution. In general, space has been used intelligently, with a fine balance between visuals and words. With its simplicity, has a distinctly 2012 feel, and of course, the design is responsive. The horizontal scrolling strikes me as a fresh, iPad-ish feature, and you might wonder why USA Today refrained from implementing this navigation tool in its tablet app which now seems almost redundant. Not least considering that both products are free. n Ole Munk is a design & communication consultant, graphic designer, and illustrator, managing director of Ribergaard & Munk Graphic Design, former President of SNDS (1997-99). He writes about all things visual on his blog Munkytalk.



DiSpLay TPG TolleOne – a hand written font in five styles: Light, Regular, Medium, Bold, Black

TPG PrydsPensel – a brush font in three styles:

Regular, Medium, Bold

TPG DontBlurry – a soft font in five funky styles: Light, Regular, Bold, Bold Wide, Black

Fonts TPG Katalog – a stencil font in three styles: Light, Regular, Bold


TPG FaceFont – a picture font with mostly faces. Two styles: Left and Right (Left and Right)

TPG SquareSpace – a square, monospaced font in three styles: regular,



Official typeface for the SNDS Space_2012 seminar and workshop

All fonts: OpenType OTF Windows/Mac TTF

Funny fonts from Tolstrup Pryds Graphics TPG fonts are available from: · · ·

Members 2012-2013

SNDSMagazine 2012|4



Knud Refsing Andersen Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Malene Andersen Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Marianne Bahl Dagbladet Børsen Møntergade 19 DK-1140 København Denmark Julie Barsøe Århus Stiftstidende Banegårdspladsen DK-8000 Århus C Danmark Lisbeth From Birkholm Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Niels Bo Bojesen Jyllandsposten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Denmark Jørn Broch JydskeVestkysten Banegårdspladsen DK-6700 Esbjerg Danmark Frederik Brøsted Jyllands-Posten Musvågevej 12, 4. th. DK-8210 AARHUS V Denmark Mikael Christensen CCI Axel Kiers Vej 11 8270 Højbjerg Denmark Steen Kilde Christensen Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Knud Enevoldsen Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Brian Jensen Felde Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Gert Gram Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Lars Grarup Politiken Rådhuspladsen 37 DK-1785 København V Danmark Ida K. Hermansen Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Anette Hyllested Fynske Medier Banegårdspladsen DK-5100 Odense C Danmark Rina Kjeldgaard Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Anders Krab-Johansen Børsen Møntergade 19 DK-1140 Copenhagen Denmark Jakob Kramhøft Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Simon Kristensen Jyllands-Posten Lerhus Alle 18 st. DK-8270 Højbjerg Denmark Jørgen la Cour-Harbo NORDJYSKE Stiftstidende Langagervej 1 DK-9220 Aalborg Ø Danmark Andreas Mikkelsen Berlingske Media A/S Pilestræde 34 DK-1147 København V Denmark Børn og Unge Blegdamsvej 124 DK-2100 København Ø Danmark Anders Bergmann Nielsen Tjørnerækken 13, 3tv 2300 København S Denmark Jan Nielsen Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Søren Nyeland Politiken Rådhuspladsen 37 DK-1785 København V Danmark Dorthe Nørgaard Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Lotte Overgaard Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Kim Pedersen EB Interactive Rådhuspladsen 37 DK-1785 København V Danmark Annelise Ploug Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Gerda Rasmussen Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark GERDA.RASMUSSEN@JP.DK Viggo L. Ravn Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Lars Refn Ingeniøren Skelbækgade 4 DK-1503 København V Danmark Maj Ribergård Ribergård & Munk Postboks 47, Ved Stationen 1 A DK-3060 Espergærde Danmark Jørgen Schultz-Nielsen Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Eva Rymann Hansen TV 2 NYHEDERNE, Denmark Rugaardsvej 25 DK-5100 Odense C Danmark Peter Møller TV 2 NYHEDERNE Rugaardsvej 25 DK-5100 Odense C Danmark Henrik Birkvig Den Grafiske Højskole Emdrupvej 72 DK-2400 København NV Danmark Ole Munk Ribergaard & Munk Grafisk Design Postboks 47, Ved Stationen 1 A DK-3060 Espergærde Danmark Søren Rødkjær JydskeVestkysten Banegårdspladsen DK-6700 Esbjerg Danmark Marianne Bahl DAGBLADET BØRSEN Møntergade 19 DK-1014 København K Danmark Steen Hansen Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Agnete Holk Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark

Thorgerd Broni Jensen Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Brian Karmark Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Per Munch Politiken Rådhuspladsen 37 DK-1785 København V Danmark Anne-Louise Møller Jyllands-Posten Rådhuspladsen 37 DK-1785 København V Danmark Søren Stidsholt Nielsen Fyns Amts Avis Sankt Nicolai Gade 3 DK-5700 Svendborg Danmark Torben Pedersen Ringkjøbing Amts Dagblad St. Blichersvej 5 DK-6950 Ringkjøbing Danmark Birgitte Pehn CCI Axel Kiers Vej 11 8270 Højbjerg Denmark Lars Pryds Østerbrogade 158, 3. th DK-2100 København Ø Danmark Geir Terje Ruud Ekstra Bladet Rådhuspladsen 37 DK-1785 København V Danmark Frank Stjerne JP/Politikens Hus Rådhuspladsen 37 DK-1785 København V Danmark Lone Sørensen Jyllands-Posten Grøndalsvej 3 DK-8260 Viby J Danmark Lisbeth Tolstrup Tolstrup Pryds Grafisk Østerbrogade 158, 3. th DK-2100 København Ø Danmark Stine Vikman Jyllands-Posten Rådhuspladsen 37 DK-1785 København V Danmark Michael Werge Ritzaus Bureau St. Kongensgade 14 DK-1264 København K Danmark Karen-Margrethe Österlin Danish Journalism University Denmark

FINLAND Gunilla Ahlholm Vasabladet Sandögatan 6 FI-65100 Vasa Finland Johan Alén Kansan Uutiset Vilhonvuorenkatu 11 D FI-00500 Helsinki Finland Jari Alenius Ilta-Sanomat PO Box 45 89 HELSINKI Finland jari. Peter Björkas HSS Media AB Sandögatan 6 FI-65100 Vasa Finland Maria Björkqvist Borgåbladet/KSF Media Tegelbruksvägen 144 6200 BORGÅ Finland Sanna Eskelinen A-lehdet / Apu Apu 81 A-LEHDET Finland Pieta Forsell-Nieminen Keskisuomalainen P.O. Box 159 FI40101 JYVÄSKYLÄ Finland Marita Granroth Hufvudstadsbladet Mannerheimvägen 18 FI-00101 Helsingfors Finland Kati Hiekkanen Vasabladet Sandögatan 20 FI-65100 Vasa Finland Asta Lapinoja Kaleva Lekatie 1 PL 170 90401 Oulu Finland Björn Heselius Hufvudstabladet AB Pb 217 FI-00101 Helsingfors Finland Samuli Häkkilä A-lehdet/Apu Risto Rytin tie 33 81 Helsinki Finland Lassi Jaakkola Keskipohjanmaa PL 45 FI-67101 Kokkola FINLAND Ari Kinnari Helsingin Sanomat PB 71 FI-00089 Sanoma Helsinki Finland Jaana Korhonen Kaleva PL 170 FI-90401 Oulu Finland Janne Laakkonen Etelä-Suomen Sanomat PL 80 (Ilmarisentie 7) 15101 Lahti Finland Anniina Louhivuori Väli-Suomen media Oy PL 159 FI-40101 JYVÄSKYLÄ FINLAND anniina.louhivuori@ Marja Meskus-Mansisto Kaleva PL 170 FI-90401 Oulu Finland Hannu Pulkkinen Helsingin Sanomat PB 71 FI-00089 Sanoma HELSINKI Finland Riitta Raatikainen Savon Sanomat Oy PL 68 FI-70101 Kuopio Finland Evy Nickström Borgåbladet/KSFmedia Kaivok 14 C 1 6100 PORVOO Finland Björn Heselius KSF Media Ab/Hufvudstadsbladet P.O. Box 217 101 HELSINGFORS Finland Anssi Hietamaa Etelä-Suomen Sanomat PL 80 15101 LAHTI Finland Juha Hirvaskero Savon Sanomat Vuorikatu 21 70100 KUOPIO Finland Maija Hurme KSF Media Ab / Hufvudstadsbladet Pb 217 101 HELSINGFORS Finland Samuli Häkkilä A-lehdet Risto Rytin tie 33 81 HELSINKI Finland Jani Keronen Etelä-Suomen Sanomat PL 80 15101 LAHTI Finland

Hannu Kivimäki Aamulehti PL 327 33101 TAMPERE Finland Antti Mikkola Mediatalo ESA, Esan Kirjapaino Oy Ilmarisentie 7 15200 LAHTI Finland Terhi Montonen Helsingin Sanomat Töölönlahdenkatu 2 89 Sanoma Finland Olli Nurminen Helsingin Sanomat Metsolantie 24 4230 Kerava Finland Marienka Pakaslahti Ilta-Sanomat PL 45 FI-0089 Sanomat Finland Pekka Peura Kaleva Pl 170 90401 Oulu Finland Lasse Rantanen Lassen Viiva Oy Viides Linja 14 530 Helsinki Finland Minna Saarniaho Aamulehti PL 327 33101 Tampere Finland Petri Salmén Helsingin Sanomat PB 71 FI-00089 Sanoma Helsinki Finland Juha Sihto Aamulehti PL 327 33101 Tampere Finland Siru Sipola Kaleva Lekatie 1 90140 OULU Finland Lena Skogberg Hufvudstadsbladet Pb 217 101 Helsingfors Finland Matti Taipale Satakunnan Kansa PL 58 FI-28101 Pori Finland Leila Taunila Etelä-Suomen Sanomat PL 80 15101 Lahti Finland Hannu Timonen Aamulehti Itäinenkatu 11 33101 Tampere Finland Sari Torvinen Aamulehti PL 327 33101 Tampere Finland Pirjo Tuovinen Kaleva PL 170 FI-90401 Oulu Finland Jussi Tuulensuu Sanoma Magazines Finland PL 100 FI-00040 Sanoma Magazines Finland Taru Ukkola Apu Apu 81 A-lehdet Finland Stefani Urmas Aamulehti Itäinenkatu 11 33100 Tampere Finland Pasi Valtanen Kaleva Lekatie 1 90140 OULU Finland Sari Vanninen Karjalainen PL 99 80141 JOENSUU Finland Elina Vilpakka Etelä-Suomen Sanomat Ilmarisentie 7 FI-15101 Lahti Finland Toni Virolainen Etelä-Suomen Sanomat Ilmarisentie 7 FI15200 Lahti Finland Markus Viitakoski PIGME Vapaudenkatu 8 FI-40100 Jyväskylä Finland Tommy Westerlund KSF Media Ab / Västra Nyland PB 26 1601 Ekenäs Finland Susanne Wikström KSF Media Ab / Västra Nyland PB 26 10601 Ekenäs Finland

NORGE Sigbjorn Andersen Dagbladet Olaf Schous vei 27 572 OSLO Norway Anita Arvidsdatter Askeland Bergens Tidende Postboks 7240 N-5020 Bergen Norge Martin Bakke Institutt for Journalistikk Boks 1432 N-1602 Fredrikstad Norge Kjell Erik Berg Dagbladet PB 1184 sentrum N-0107 Oslo Norge Tom Helge Berglie Berglie A/S Arne Stangebyes Gate 18 N-1607 Frederikstad Norge Sissel Bigset Sunnmørsposten Postboks 123 N-6001 Ålesund Norge Simon Bognø Tordenskioldsgate 51B N-3044 Drammen Norge Kristin Bratlie Klar Tale Kongensgate 22, Pb.1180, sentrum N-0107 Oslo Norge Arne Blix Adresseavisen Box 6070 N-7003 Trondhjem Norge Tom Byermoen Verdens Gang/ Multimedia Postboks 1185, Sentrum N-0107 Oslo Norge Elisabeth Hamre Elliott Fiskeribladet Fiskaren Bontelabo 2, 2. Etg. N-5003 Bergen Norge Dan Kåre Leander Engebretsen VG Akersgt. 55 1185 Oslo Norge Trond Fjellseth Romerikes Blad Roseveien 1, Kjeller N-2001 Lillestrøm Norge Tor Kristian Flage DB Medialab AS PB 1184 sentrum N-0107 Oslo Norge Signe Fæø Vårt Land Postbox 1180, sentrum N-0107 Oslo Norge

Kjersti Skotheim Dagbladet Ballplassveien 18 1181 Oslo Norway Lars Inge Skrede Sunnmørsposten Pb 123 6007 Ålesund Norway Øystein Skribeland Stavanger Aftenblad Postboks 229 N-4001 Stavanger Norway Rita Spanne Stavanger Aftenblad Postboks 229 4001 Stavanger Norway Christian Fr. Stabell Os og Fusa-Posten Postboks 272 N-5201 Os Norge Laila Beate Stabell Os og Fusa-Posten Postboks 272 N-5201 Os Norge Simen Storrud Aftenposten Belsjø platå 8 1440 DRØBAK Norway Jens-Erik Syversen Aftenposten Biskop Gunnerusgt. 14 51 Oslo Norway Ole Sylte Dagbladet Postboks 1184, sentrum N-0107 Oslo Norge Kjetil Tandberg Dagbladet Steinspranget 50 b 1156 OSLO Norway Caroline Teinum Vårt Land Radarveien 61 1152 Oslo Norge Svein Helge Torgersen Drammens Tidende Postbox 7033 N-3007 Drammen Norge Bjarne Tormodsgard Hallingdølen Hovesvingen 3570 ÅL Norway Henrik Ulrichsen Tønsbergs Blad Postboks 33 N-3101 Tønsberg Norge Bjørnar Valdal Dagens Næringsliv/D2 Postboks 1182 Sentrum 107 OSLO Norway Mads Størdal Vegstein Vårt Land Postbox 1180, sentrum N-0107 Oslo Norge Nils Vik D2 Chr. Kroghsgate 16, PB. 1182 Sentrum 102 Oslo Norge Rune Frisk Vinje Aftenposten Ruseløkkveien 59 C 251 Oslo Norway

Schweiz Sven Gallinelli Neue Luzerner Zeitung AG Maihofstrasse 76 6006 LUZERN Switzerland

SVERIGE Michael Ahlberg Hallandsposten Fiskaregatan 21 S-30181 HALMSTAD Sverige Kim Alm Sydsvenskan Krusegatan 19 20505 Malmö Sweden Magnus Alselind Expressen Gjorwellsgatan 30 10516 Stockholm Sweden Pelle Anderson A4 Bondegatan 21 S-116 33 Stockholm Sverige Lars Andersson Upsala Nya Tidning Box 36 S-75651 Uppsala Sverige John Bark Bark Design AB Vildkattsvägen 10 S-133 36 Saltsjöbaden Sverige Åsa Pallarp Beckman Upsala Nya Tidning Box 36 S-751 03 Uppsala Sverige Johan Silfversten Bergman Svenska Dagbladet Västra Järnvägsgatan 21 105 17 Stockholm Sweden Svenåke Boström Boström Design & Utveckling Rådhusgatan 28 S-852 32 Sundsvall Sverige Malin Bonde Svenska Dagbladet Västra Järnvägsgatan 21 10517 Stockholm Sverige Fredrik Carlsson NA Norra Strandgatan 5 70192 Örebro Sverige Dan Edström Expressen Gjörwellsgatan 30 10516 Stockholm Sweden Mikael Larsson Ek Barometern-OT Södra Långgatan 33 S-391 88 Kalmar Sverige Mikael Eklund Barometern Södra Långgatan 33 391 88 Kalmar Sweden Bengt Engwall Norrköpings Tidningar S-60183 Norrköping Sverige Eva Engwall Helsingborgs Dagblad S-251 83 Helsingborg Sverige Torbjörn Enmark Norrran Box 58 931 21 Skellefteå Sverige Anders Enström Enström Journalistisk Design AB Högforsgatan 5 S-653 49 Karlstad Sverige Elisabeth Eriksson Södermanlands Nyheter S-61179 Nyköping Sverige Carl-Åke Eriksson Upsala Nya Tidning Box 36 S-751 03 Uppsala Sverige Göran Forsberg Expressen 105 16 Stockholm Sweden Stefan Forsberg Sundsvalls Tidning S-851 72 Sundsvall Sverige Rickard Frank DN Repslagargatan 17 A S-11846 Stockholm Sverige

Klas Hallvarez Norrbottens-Kuriren Robertsviksgatan 5 S-971 81 Luleå Sverige Jannik Hansen Helsingborgs Dagblad Vasatorpsvägen 1 25183 Helsingborg Sweden Lasse Hansson Barometern Södra Långgatan 33 391 88 Kalmar Sweden Karin Hansson Ivanetti Göteborgs-Posten Polhemsplatsen 5 40502 Göteborg Sweden Mattias Hermansson Dagens Nyheter 105 15 Stockholm Sweden Gerth Hedberg Norran Brännavägen 4 931 33 Skelefteå Sweden Ola Henriksson Svenska Dagbladet Digitala Medier S-105 17 Stockholm Sverige Gerth Hedberg Norran Box 58 931 21 Skellefteå Sverige Kaj-Ove Högberg Helsingborgs Dagblad AB Vasatorpsvägen 1 251 83 Helsingborg Sweden John Hällström Upsala Nya Tidning Box 36 S-751 03 Uppsala Sverige Gun Britt Iderheim Smålandsposten/Sydostpress S-351 70 Växjö Sverige Lars Jansson Dagens Industri Torsgatan 1 S-11390 Stockholm Sverige Lars Johansson Helsingborgs Dagblad S-251 83 Helsingborg Sverige Fredric Karén Svenska Dagbladet Västra Järnvägsgatan 21 10517 Stockholm Sweden Danijela Komad Norrköpings Tidningar S-60183 Norrköping Sverige Lena Lilliehorn Östgöta Correspondenten S-58 189 Linköping Sverige Kicki Linna Norrbottens-Kuriren Robertsviksgatan 5 S-971 81 Luleå Sverige Staffan Löwstedt Svenska Dagbladet Sweden Cilla Nilsson Helsingborgs Dagblad Vasatorpsvägen 1 25183 Helsingborg Sweden Connie Nilsson Blekingesporten Ronnebygatan 28 S-371 89 Karlskrona Sverige Fredrik Nilsson Helsingborgs Dagblad Möllevångsgatan 36 21436 Malmö Sweden Maria Nilsson Kristiansstad Bladet Box 537 S-29135 Kristianstad Sverige Malin Norrgard Upsala Nya Tidning Tungagatan 19 75337 Uppsala Sweden Jesper Odelius Odelius New Media AB Svartmangatan 9 S-111 29 Stockholm Sverige Alexander Odelius Odelius New Media AB Svartmangatan 9 S-111 29 Stockholm Sverige Benjamin Peetre Sydsvenska Dagbladet S-20505 Malmö Sverige Lotta Petersson Berling Press AB Box 22543 10422 Stockholm Sverige Markus Pedersen Barometern Södra Långgatan 33 391 88 Kalmar Sweden Kristofer Pasanen Infomaker Svinövägen 100 39236 Kalmar Sweden Lena Samuelson Svenska Dagbladet Sweden Karin Sandqvist Sydsvenskan Krusegatan 19 20505 Malmö Sweden Peter Schaadt Infomaker Svinövägen 100 39236 Kalmar Sweden Anette Stannisson Nerikes Allehanda Box 1603 S-701 92 Örebro Sverige Anders Tapola Smålandsposten/Sydostpress S-351 70 Växjö Sverige Anna W. Thurfjell Svenska Dagbladet Västra Järnvägsgatan 21 SE-105 17 Stockholm Sverige Clas Thorensson Upsala Nya Tidning Box 36 S-75103 Uppsala Sverige Carina Ungh Norran Brännavägen 4 931 33 Skelefteå Sweden Petra Villani Sydsvenskan Krusegatan 19 205 05 Malmö Sweden Olof Wijnbladh Dagens Nyheter Gjörwellsgatan 30 10515 Stockholm Sweden Hanna Wistrand Cut the Mustard AB Alviksvägen 90 16753 Bromma Sweden Ulf Åkerlind Barometern Södra Långgatan 33 391 88 Kalmar Sweden

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SNDSMagazine 2012|4

Tone Gilje Stavanger Aftenblad Postboks 229 4001 Stavanger Norway Trond Jan Grimeland Firda Pb. 160 N-6800 Førde Norge Annette Lysberg Gundersen Trønder-Avisa AS P.B. 2590 N-7738 Steinkjer Norge Øystein Hage Fiskaren Bontelabo 2, 2. Etg. N-5003 Bergen Norge Eirin Hegdal Vårt Land Postbox 1180, sentrum N-0107 Oslo Norge Knut Hjortland Bergens Tidende Postboks 7240 N-5020 Bergen Norge Kristin Rosnes Holte Vårt Land Postboks 1180, sentrum N-0107 Oslo Norge Tor Idland Østlandets Blad Boks 113 N-1404 Ski Norge Tone Jørstad Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Marit Bardal Johannessen Adresseavisen Belvedere 2 N-7020 Trondheim Norway Britt E. Johansen Adresseavisen Box 6070 N-7003 Trondhjem Norge Connie Johnsen Agderposten Østregate 5, boks 8 4801 Arendal Norge Rebekka Joswig Vårt Land Postbox 1180, sentrum N-0107 Oslo Norge Steinar Karlsen Budstikka Billingstadsletta 17 Postboks 133 N-1377 Billingstad Norge Reidar Kristiansen Vårt Land Postbox 1180, sentrum N-0107 Oslo Norge Njaal Kværnes Østerdølen PB 125 N-2480 Koppang Norge Jonas Nilsson Adresseavisen Box 6070 N-7003 Trondhjem Norge Sigmund Nordal Dagbladet PB 1184 sentrum N-0107 Oslo Norge Torry Pedersen VG Multimedia Postboks 1185, Sentrum N-0107 OSLO Norge Erlend Fristad Vårt Land Postbox 1180, sentrum N-0107 Oslo Norge Bjarne Dramdal Erichsen Dagens Næringsliv Grev Wedels Plass 9 N-0107 Oslo Norge Ingrid Meisingset Adresseavisen Box 6070 N-7003 Trondhjem Norge Arne Edvardsen Bergens Tidende Postboks 7240 N-5020 Bergen Norge Trond Birger Heitmann Fædrelandsvennen Box 369 N-4633 Kristiansand Norge Walter Jensen Bergens Tidende Postboks 7240 N-5020 Bergen Norge Bente Ljones Bergens Tidende Postboks 7240 N-5020 Bergen Norge Anneli Solberg Bergens Tidende Postboks 7240 N-5020 Bergen Norge Eir Stegane Bergens Tidende Postboks 7240 N-5020 Bergen Norge Arne Størksen Bergens Tidende Postboks 7240 N-5020 Bergen Norge Thor Woje Romerikes Blad Boks 235 N-2003 Lillestrøm Norge Kjell Kvamme Vårt Land Postbox 1180, sentrum N-0107 Oslo Norge Endre Maurstad Lilletvedt Bergens Tidende Postboks 7240 N-5020 Bergen Norge Finn Egil Johansen Adresseavisen Knut Glomsaas vei 3b 7040 Trondheim Norge Rune Breiby Aftenposten Postboks 1, sentrum N-0051 Oslo Norge Kristoffer Nilsen Etterstadsletta 55b N-0660 Oslo Norge Janne Johannessen Dagens Næringsliv Christian Kroghs gate 16 186 Oslo Norway Kristin Knudsen Sunnmørsposten Boks 123 6001 Ålesund Norway Øyvind Kristiansen Mediamania as Johan Evjes vei 13 667 Oslo Norway Embrik Luksengard Hallingdølen Leveld 3570 ÅL Norway Karl-Petter Løvoll Sunnmørsposten Korsnesvegen 39A 6035 Fiskarstrand Norway Espen Moe Dagens Næringsliv Postboks 1182 Sentrum 107 Oslo Norway Lill Mostad Mediehuset Østfold Boks 4458, Vika 8606 Mo Rana Norway Alf Roar Rasmussen Aftenposten Postboks 1 51 OSLO Norway Frode Rekve Institutt for Journalistikk Postboks 1432 1602 Fredrikstad Norway Mette Rognli Adresseavisen O. Bakklandet 21 7013 Trondheim Norway Ronny Ruud Aftenposten P.O. box 1 51 OSLO Norway Per Christian Sjølie Dagbladet PB 1184, Sentrum 107 Oslo Norway

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SNDS Magazine 2012|4 The President

Everything, Everywhere, Always (but you’ll have to pay for it) SNDS President Anders Tapola n This

fall has been very turbulent in Scandinavia, not at least in Sweden. All who attended SPACE 2012 in Copenhagen remember that Lena K Samuelsson, Editor-in-chief at Svenska Dagbladet, talked about how the company is rethinking the newspaper after the news that about 60 people will leave SvD. The Schibsted group are pulling the handbrake and that decision will of course affect all newspapers. This is a very conservative industry and that means that almost all media groups follow in the same footsteps. So here are some more examples from Sweden: ●● Bonnier owned Dagens Nyheter and Sydsvenskan are going to exchange news stories. ●● Gunllia Herlitz, publisher at Dagens Nyheter, has been commissioned to examine how a merger of Dagens Nyheter, Dagens Industri, Sydsvenskan and Expressen could be done. ●● Just the other day Daniel Sandström, chief editor at Sydsvenskan,

told the staff that he is going to resign on his post in January 2013. But it has nothing to do with the merger plans, he explains for ●● A collaboration has also started between DN, Sydsvenskan and Göteborgs-Posten (GP). It is City­ magasin who will produce magazines for the three newspapers. Citymagasin’s publisher Petter T. Stocke-Nicolaisen (previously at Aftenposten and Adresseavisen) hope, also according to, that the number of titles within three years should be 100 and the turnover 100 million Swedish kronor. Layoffs, mergers and collaborations. It seems to be the three supreme methods for an industry in crisis to solve problems. Is there really no more offensive actions? My question is still: How do we get paid for journalism? One exciting answer can be the path Fædrelandsvennen (part of the Shibsted group) in Norway has gone. They decided to charge for journalism

Photo: Lena Gunnarsson

also on the web ( For every word, every picture. Well, except for the words and the pictures you find on their front page. You pay for the complete package, with all content available in all channels. Fædrelandsvennen has also come closer to their costumers by being very active on social media. Just as Carles Capdevila from ARA proclaimed in Copenhagen in September: it is extreme­ly important to meet and discuss with your customers in social media if you really want to build a strong brand. And it is particularly important if you want to find younger customers. Fædrelandsvennen’s slogan is: Everything, Everywhere, Always. I think it’s a brilliant slogan. And it also includes: But you’ll have to pay. That’s even more brilliant. The trend has reversed for Fædre­ landsvennen and the circulation has increased. And the new customers are much younger than ever before (just above 40 in average). I believe that the question “how do we get paid for the journalism?” is a crucial question especially for us news designers. Because we are the ones who know best how to present the content to our customers, regardless of platform. What they see is what they get. And therefore we must fight to ensure that the presentation of news is important even in the future. But if we can’t get paid for the journalistic content the battle is lost. What do you think about this? How do we get paid for journalism in the future? P.S. Have a Happy Christmas, Julblot, Chanukah or whatever you prefer to celebrate during this time of the year! n

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