SNACK...IN May/June 2020

Page 175

us had to endure that we have been spared. Fighting AIDS, either as a patient or bystander; enduring the closet in fear of criminal prosecution or unemployment; battling government for political equality. It is humbling to listen to stories of LGBT+ elders, whether they fought on the front lines for the privileges we have today or simply survived as a queer person in the face of persecution. The latter is just as heroic as the former, and documentaries like these give us the chance to remember this. We should continue to find ways of honouring LGBT+ elders: ensuring there are queer-friendly retirement facilities, creating increasingly diverse platforms to share their stories, even volunteering to spend time with them. LGBT Age, through LGBT Health, works with queer people aged 50 and over in Greater Glasgow and the Lothians to shape support services and resources for them, including social events, community activism, resources and volunteering opportunities. They also run the LGBT Dementia Project to raise the voices of LGBT people affected by dementia and to support those working with people affected by dementia to better understand their needs. Supporting them could be a great way of giving back once quarantine has been lifted. But in the meantime, watch and share the stories of queer elders and celebrate them while we’re all here together.

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