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SUPER AGENTS UNITE! There is one tool in the tool box that every travel agent relies on from time to time. The SUPER AGENT uses it all the time. Each day, every day. I’m talking about creativity. It’s true to say that Creativity is the Ultimate Resource. I coined that slogan back in 1998 and it’s still relevant today. More so in fact. Your creativity should be enhanced by one to many of the software tools now available to you. No more hand lettering! No more hand cranking off copies! What an easy life we lead today, eh? And it’s made much easier still thanks to Adobe and Laughing Bird Software, Weebly, Issuu, SnagIt and more. The idea behind owning your own creativity and enhancing it by using these tools is that you can create fantastic graphics, alphabets, calls to action and even cartoon yourself or create a cartoon mascot to meet the younger generation who are reading Manga, graphic novels and graphic books at university too.

Join my Tour of Romania!

Perhaps not to extremes – but if you have the confidence to use your own face and body, dress it up or down, snap a few images that you can then tweak within your graphic software, you’ll not only have fun, you will be free of copyright law. That’s right. When you use yourself as the ‘poster child’ and you use your own images taken during your travels, you will be free of any copyright infringement. That said, be kind to yourself and also your male and female friends who would pose for you – as you know, what goes online, stays online. The two head shots shown here were taken on my webcam (which takes 10 mp images) - then I messed around in Photoshop Elements 11 ($99) just twisting and turning, then using poster edges, followed by cutout. I lost track of all the tweaks, but I got to the point where I thought, hey that’s wild enough. I could promote a tour to see Dracula’s pad with that one!

You can remove the colour to leave one spot such as the lemon shown above… caption: “Have all your vacations been lemons?” Then you go on to sell your knowledge and talents. You’ll need a closing slogan for that too, such as, ‘… and my juice is worth the squeeze!”

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.