Smoke Signals October 2011

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Construction of new high school in full swing

Construction workers lay cinder blocks to build the wing where freshmen and vocational classes will be held.

See New School, pg. 3

Amy Kao, 11

District win, pg. 24

Scotty Turner, 11

Nerd day, pg. 14-15

(Photo by Julie Willian)

Look Inside For...

construction gets under-roof, it will go more smoothly and weather will no longer be a hindrance,” said Clark County Schools Director of Operations Paul Christy. Juniors who started this school year began their last full year at GRC. Next year, as they enter their senior year, they will spend half of their year at the current building and switch after Winter Break to the new facility. This will give the current juniors the opportunity to benefit from all that the new school has to offer in their last half year of secondary education, said Principal David Bolen. In upcoming months, the school board has put together a transition team made up of administrators, faculty, cafeteria

Kate Bush, 12

Clouds of dust rise as bulldozers clear the land. Sparks fly as workers weld overhead beams. The new high school is underway and on track to be finished by December 2012. The wing that contains the

core classes, the offices and the auxiliary gym are constructed. The other wing, which will hold the career-building classes and Freshmen Academy, is a little behind schedule due to weather, but it is balanced by other aspects of the building being ahead of schedule. “Once

Soccer, pg. 22

Sarah Sams Editor-in-Chief

Stefan Fink and Bashea Young were named Homecoming King and Queen at the football game against Harlan County on Sept. 30. (Smoke Signals photo)

End-of-course exams

New assessments end school year

Makenzie Waltermire Executive Editor

Finals, exams, and testing are all concepts easily recognized by high school students. The passing of Senate Bill 1 has changed how schools in Kentucky address these familiar assessments. In the past, testing was detached from a student’s GPA. Everything changes this year, with exams amounting to 30 percent of the final grade for GRC students. With the new bill comes an End-of-Course (EOC) exam that administers standardized tests

in Algebra II, English II, US History, and Biology. The state requires that the exam count for a minimum 20 percent of the final grade unless a request is approved for the percentage to be lowered. Schools may be granted permission to weight the EOC at less than 20 percent if they submit an explanation to the Department of Education. GRC did not request for a lower percentage, nor accept the minimum. At the end of this

See EOC Exams, pg. 5

Kindred returns to alma mater as Vocational School principal

Kayla Harrison Advertising Manager

From living the dream to living reality, Mike Kindred has always been passionate about two things: children and basketball. Kindred, who is the new Vocational School principal, has combined his two loves throughout his career. After coaching University of Kentucky, University of Alabama, and Montgomery County High School girls’ basketball, he now coaches at Conkwright Middle. “I love the competitiveness of coaching,” said Kindred. “It teaches the players how to deal with adversity. Playing also builds self esteem with a feeling of accomplishment.” Kindred, who replaced Karen Bothun, believes the best thing about having a vocational school is using applied learning. Students learn the

“I’ll take a handslap if it’s good for kids. After all, it’s my job to prepare these students for the future.” -Mike Kindred Pythagorean Theorem in math class but that’s it. In carpentry, students learn to apply it in real life so they understand how to use it rather than just memorizing a² + b² = c². The students learn how to work in the real world. This is the main reason Kindred supports the vocational school systems. That way they know before they’re out of high school what path to take that they’ll enjoy. “I’ll take a hand slap if it’s good for kids,” he said. “After all, it’s my job to prepare these students for the future.” Kindred has three children, Chase, a sophomore at Morehead State University,

Tayler, a freshman at Western Kentucky University, and Micah, a seventh grader at Conkwright Middle, along with his dog, Alex. Outside of school, Kindred enjoys all kinds of sports, wood working, flipping houses, riding his motorcycle, and the obvious, coaching basketball. He would do anything for his children at home just like he would do anything for his students at school. His goals for the year are getting students more involved with community service, having more individual projects, and improving on college and career readiness goals. “I believe in the role of career and technical education,” said Kindred. “Applied learning is the way students should be taught.” For Kindred, it’s a good feeling to be working at his alma mater. “It’s nice to be home,” said Kindred. “I started my career teaching in Clark County and that’s the way I’ll end it.”

Mike Kindred

•New School from pg. 1

order to, as Bolen put it, “look at [the transition] from all angles.” This transition team is responsible for easing the move from the current facility to the new one. “If this transition is not well thought out, it will be a complete disaster,” said Bolen. However, he added that he anticipates it going well with the guidance of the team.

Contractors work at the new high school site. Photo by Julie Willian

The new school will offer a wide array of benefits to students and staff alike once construction is completed. It will feature state-of-theart technology, roomier hallways, and energy efficiency. Technology will be what was most current at the time of budgeting. “The hallways will be wider,” said Christy. “Students won’t be crammed like a herd of cattle.” A major improvement when switching to the new facility will be that each class will have it own space, said Christy. There will be teller booths set up in the foyer in order for bank classes to operate like a real bank. A student store, selling GRC merchandise and school supplies, will be across from the teller booths. The store offers retail classes the opportunity to get involved in their studies. The space to educate students and encourage hands-on development is one of the key benefits of the new facility, according to Christy. The vocational school will be funded by the state but thus far, only the shell is covered and the Board is applying for additional funds. The new

vocational school is part of phase two. The vocational classes will be shuttled to the current facility until the new one can be built. This will temporarily add additional costs to the district transportation. The vocational-technical classes could possibly be made block classes rather than hour-long period classes to compensate for the time transportation consumes. The vocational school is set to be finished before the new competition gym is to be completed. “I’d prefer that the gym be completed first,” said Bolen. “There’s no place to bring the school together as a whole.” The school will be set up with closed-circuit televisions that can be used to communicate to the student body as a whole. This is a temporary solution until the competition gym is completed, according to Christy. “The school was designed around the ideas of the students and staff,” said Christy. With this in mind, the construction of the new school is in full swing and, once it is completed, will, he added, “meet every individual teacher and student’s needs.”

Meet the Ad Managers

Kayla Harrison Hey I’m Kayla and these are a few of my favorite things: golf, tennis, laughing, The Peanut Gallery, FCA, Sonic Happy Hour, and loving life!

Kelsey May I’m Kelsey. I enjoy long walks on the beach, the Red Sox, cherry limeades, and candle-lit dinners! (Take notes)

We be bringin’ home the bacon ‘cause baby we be money makin’!

And the results are in...

2010-2011 school year proves successful for Advanced Placement

Shelby Detring Executive Editor

Meet the Editors

AdvanceKentucky first entered the halls of George Rogers Clark in 2010, bringing forth 337 GRC students into the world of Advanced Placement courses – 127 more than the 2009-2010 school year. Of these 337 students who took a total of 626 AP exams, 43 percent passed, compared to a 52 percent pass rate the previous year. Although the passing percentage dropped, the 20102011 results are actually more successful than the previous, because there was such an increase in the number of students taking the tests for that year. Teacher and AP Coordinator, Jason Williams,

Hi, I’m Sarah, and I’m the editor-in-chief. If you ever pass me in the hall, I’m the one who stands at five foot even and is laughing way too hard. I can’t wait for another year on Smoke Signals.

is “delighted” about GRC’s 43 percent pass rate. “I am sold on the fact that exposing more students to the AP content is good,” Williams said, “as long as the students are willing to focus and people understand that if there are no prerequisites, pass rates will usually be lower than in a selective AP program.” Along with an increase of AP students, AdvanceKentucky changed traditional AP courses by granting $100 checks to every student for every math, science, or English test he or she passes. “I think AdvanceKentucky has been a hugely positive for AP classes,” teacher Maggie Doyle said. “The extra incentive for students and teachers and the open enrollment concept is redefining what it means to be an AP student.” I’m Shelby! I’m also an executive editor of this unbelieveably stressful, but loveable newspaper that has been a highlight of the past 4 years for me. If you ever pass me in the hall, I’m probably the one drinking a Diet Coke, singing way off-key, or tripping over invisible obstacles.

In total, George Rogers Clark AP students received more than $17,000 in rewards from AdvanceKentucky last year. These checks were delivered to

the recipients Sept. 30 following a field trip to Raising Cane’s for lunch. With 700 students enrolled in AP classes this year, GRC

continues to strive for excellence in the world of AP. All students: college and career ready.

Briefly speaking... GRC’s Open House will be held Monday, Oct. 24, from 5-7 p.m. Embracing Global Obligations is sponsoring a Halloween dress-up day on Friday, Oct. 28. To participate, bring in two canned goods to be donated to the Backpack Feeding Program at the Clark County Preschool. Dress code still applies. Every weekend in October, the Corn Maze on Colby is open, offering hayrides, caramel apples and more. The

My name is Ragan, and I’m an executive editor. I am in love…with life, with laughing, with spaghetti, with John Mayer, and with Smoke Signals. That’s all you need in this world. If you pass me in the hallway, I’ll probably be singing, or at the very least humming, a song hated by Sarah Sams. “A Spoonful of Sugar” is one of my favorites.

corn maze is sponsored by the Clark County FFA. Family weekend is Oct. 15-16. The cost is $6.00 per person, and $10.00 on Halloween Weekend. Beta Club is hosting a blood drive on Friday, Oct. 28. You must be 17 to donate and if you are 17, you must have a signed permission slip. The next ACT for which registration has not passed is Dec. 10. The registration deadline is Nov. 4.

Hey, I’m Makenzie, and I’m an executive editor. Smoke Signals, along with cheerleading and tennis, has helped define my time at GRC. I wouldn’t change it for the world. If you pass me in the hallway, I’ll probably be the one singing a country song.

Hey, I’m Lauren, and I’m the managing editor. My life is a rock and roll band, and I love it! I also love my family and most of all, my soccer sistas! If you pass me in the hall, I’m the one who’s always smiling.

Can You See the Cow? No, it’s Mr. Lantham

Lauren Woosley Managing Editor

He may be new, and he may stick out, but he seems to be the perfect fit. For 16 years, Mr. Stephen Lanham spent his time in surrounding counties as a visual arts and humanities teacher, and this year he joins GRC as a principal. “I loved my job as an art teacher, I really did,” Lanham said, “but it seemed like it was time for a new challenge in my life.” While he is facing new challenges, he is also helping others face some of their own. The freshmen and sophomores are his main priority here, along with the new teachers,

•EOC Exams from pg. 1

school year, students will be studying for an exam that will count for 30 percent of their final grade. “The renewed focus on college and career/ workforce readiness along with the changes in accountability, has led the school to focus upon College and Career Readiness like never before,” said Principal David Bolen. Schools in the surrounding area took a different approach, choosing to make the EOC count for either 10 percent or 20 percent. Madison County, Powell County, and Estill County received approval for a 10 percent weight, while Montgomery County chose the

Stephen Lanham, assistant principal minimum 20 percent, according to information gathered from school officials in each county. “The SBDM (SchoolBased Decision Making), in cooperation with the faculty, decided it best not to count it more than 10 percent because the exam is very new and difficult to predict in terms of success,” said Blain Click, principal of Estill County High School. Fayette County is leaning toward a different approach. With five public high schools in the county, the decision on the weight of the EOC rests solely upon each school’s SBDM council. “Nearly all schools are in the process of making a decision,” said Mike McKenzie, Director of High Schools/ Career & Technical Education

and he is very equipped to help. Lanham published a book in 2003 titled Can You See the Cow? for beginning teachers. He said, however, that he doesn’t think that was his biggest accomplishment in life though, “I live my life to be the best husband I can;” he said, “that’s my main priority in life.” While you just may see Lanham as an enforcer, he is also just like most of you. “I love to be lazy,” he said. “I love to sit out on my back porch and look into the woods. Most of all, I love to ride my motorbike.”

If you see Mr. Lanham in the school, you are more than likely looking up. He stands in authority at six feet eight inches tall. “To be honest,” he admitted, “I don’t know if my height helps me in disciplinary authority. It is beneficial though.” Lanham said that when he enters the foyer in the mornings when all the students are waiting to go to class, he can “see above everyone’s head to keep an eye out.” Lanham graduated high school in Washington County, but says that GRC is very similar to his experience in high school. “For the

most part, I am enforcing the same rules the authority was enforcing when I was in school,” he said. “The only big difference I can see is the profanity and vulgar talk around adults; that just didn’t happen when I was in high school.” Mr. Lanham stepped into the “close knit atmosphere” of GRC as the new guy, but seems to have already found his niche. He said that as an art teacher he had the opportunity to engage with every type of student and here he found no difference. “I love it,” he said. “I really do.”

in Fayette County. “They are all strongly considering making the EOC weight 10 percent the first year, 15 percent the second and 20 percent the third.” This stair step method would be the first in the surrounding area.” GRC also is setting precedence with its decision to weight at 30 percent. “The purpose of any assessment is to determine if the students have mastered the content taught in that particular course,” said Supt Elaine Farris. “I am confident that our teachers will do a great job teaching the content so that our students learn it and will be able to demonstrate that learning on the EOC assessments. For the first time, students will be accountable for their performance on state testing. The former CATS

(Commonwealth Accountability Testing System) tests did not factor into a students’ actual grade. Teacher accountability rests on the ability to teach core content for their class. Average student scores could be a reflection of the teacher. “Things are more intense this year,” said U.S. History teacher Amy Madsen. “Each individual student’s score can be pulled out to see the measure of the teacher’s success.” To further pursue GRC’s commitment to improved education through the EOC system, GRC purchased additional English I, English III, and Geometry EOCs. “This move will bolster GRC’s focus on preparing all students for the post secondary world,”

said Bolen. “We will see a definite increase in the number of students meeting college benchmarks as a result.” It is expected that the state will require EOCs in other classes in the next few years. GRC’s newly adopted vision, All Students College and Career Ready, has become the driving force behind all decisions and policies GRC has implemented in the past year. A new challenge and new standards have been set for both students and faculty. “We firmly believe that GRC will increase the learning potential of our students,” said Bolen. “In turn, it will increase the number of students becoming college and career ready.”

There’s more than meets the eye when feeding 1,700 people

Brittany Clem Staff Writer

The aroma of freshly prepared breakfast fills the foyer as the last of the students file in. However, before the breakfast aroma can escape, a new one dominates the atmosphere. From the minute the GRC cafeteria staff arrives to the minute they leave, the cafeteria staff puts everything they have into making sure students have the best lunch possible. But with 350 students to feed for breakfast and 1100 to feed for lunch, it’s easier said than done. Only seven weeks into the school year, the cafeteria staff has already overcome numerous obstacles such as crowded lunchrooms, shortages of food, and time constraints. Due to the end of course exams this year, there were some changes to the lunch schedule.

Lunch this year was initially set to begin at 10:20 a.m. but has been changed to start at 10:30 a.m. to give the staff more preparation time. “Ten minutes might not seem like much, but they have made a tremendous difference,” said Tina Banks, cafeteria manager. The first lunch begins at 10:30 a.m. and the staff must work together and fast during the two hours they have between breakfast and lunch. Employees must also receives breaks in this time period. Despite the time constraints, the staff is still finding time to cook up some new menu items. Some of the new menu items this year are hot browns, apple pecan chicken salad, baked ravioli, savory chicken bake, BBQ chicken, lasagna, mini burger sliders and many more.

Meet the Online Editors My name is Rebecca, and my best friend in the whole wide world is Taylor Epperson. I am an online editor in Smoke Signals. It’s not just any ordinary classroom filled with students; it’s truly a room full of one big family that I am truly blessed to be a part of.

My name is Taylor, and my best friend is Rebecca Everman, and I’m addicted to cranberry vanilla Sprite. I’m a friend to all, and I’m a Jesus freak. Smoke Signals is the best thing to ever happen to me. I love our diverse family.

Students make their choices at the Cardinal Cafe. They are a few of the 1,700 students and staff members the cafeteria staff serves daily. (Photo by Addison Lowry)

The new schedule also has caused some staffing challenges. A formula determines the staffing needs of the kitchen and is based on the amount of meals, the number of a-la-carte items sold and the menu. Since lunch starts so early, most students are hungry by the end of the day, so they will buy snacks, but it can also be the other way around. Some students aren’t hungry at the time of their designated lunch period because of breakfast, so they choose not to eat. Banks said these factors play a part into the allocation. If you have last lunch you have probably experienced or witnessed a shortage of food, which is just another challenge that the workers have overcome. “This year has been so unpredictable, it usually takes about two or three times

through the menu cycle to get things regulated,” Banks said. “We do our best to have all the items available, but it is hard some days.” But the staff isn’t in this alone and couldn’t be anymore thankful for all the help they have received, like the assistance from Becky Lowry, Clark County Food Service Director. “She has helped us with ideas and has also allowed the purchase of some new equipment to make things more efficient for the staff,” Banks said, adding that Principal David Bolen and Asst. Principal Paul Columbia found the additional ten minutes which has “helped a lot.” With the new high school well on its way, it gives not only students something to look forward to, but the cafeteria staff as well. Recently, the staff has toured the new cafeteria at

the new high school. “The cafeteria will have tons of natural light and will be more open and comfortable,” said Banks. “The tray line areas are better organized, user friendly, and appealing.” The cafeteria seating will be more suitable for outside events and after school activities, according to Banks. The new high school cafeteria will offer many new features, such as the natural lighting, a set of restrooms, and a café that sells coffee, cappuccinos, sandwiches, and a variety of grab and go items. Country kitchen, burgers, chicken, pizza, salad, and a-lacarte is what the school cafeteria consists of, but what goes on behind the scenes - the staffing, the preparation, and the clean up (what students don’t notice) - is the most important part.

Staff Editorial

New year, new faculty, new students, new improvements

New year, new faculty, new students – new, new, new. The most important “newcomer” George Rogers Clark has received this 2011-2012 school year, however, is new policies. Following a year of firstyear administrators and inconsistent enforcement of policies, the administration of GRC made a strong effort to make changes. This effort, as it turns out, has been overwhelmingly effective, and the changes were much needed. One of the most surprising changes this year has been to the dress code. No longer are mesh backpacks required, and no longer must skirts and shorts reach the top of a girl’s knee. Of the dress codes that remain in effect, however, proper and consistent enforcement has been put in place. Consistent enforcement must be present for any rule to be relevant and effective. The new dress code, the fingertip rule in particular, has resulted in fashionable leniency and happier students. New options for comfort, as far as clothing goes, creates students who are more focused on learning, rather

than the constrictions of certain fashion items. Of course with any rule, there are a select few who will take advantage of the change and/or break the rule. As a student population, students should not take advantage and should responsibly embrace new freedoms at GRC, which will be properly enforced by united enforces. Less focus on what students are wearing provides for a greater academic environment at GRC. GRC employees are all enforcers of school policy, but different staff members have different responsibilities. Hall sweepers ensure students are in their classrooms at the bell, where they belong, instead of roaming the halls in which these faculty “sweep.” Hall sweepers also take the responsibility off teachers, and allow them to focus more time on teaching. A wall of faculty members also guards the foyer staircase each morning, disallowing students from passing without teacher consent. With more students in the classroom, an increase in instructional time, and more focused teachers and students, hall sweeping and foyer guards have contributed to a greater academic environment at GRC.

Another new addition to the school includes a video intercom system that is installed outside the main entrance, keeping tabs on every person who enters the building. New security measures, although sometimes an obstacle or annoyance, ultimately provide for a safer building and create a more assured feeling among teachers and students in their teaching and learning environment. This feeling of assurance and a larger academic focus surround the high school this year, because each student and teacher knows they are being led by a united faculty and are under better organization. Everyone is on the same page, and combined with new safety measures, security is no longer a question. Students are freer to express themselves and happy to do so, but also know what is expected of them, which makes learning

the focus. These new policies really do support George Rogers Clark’s vision: “All students – college and career ready.”

Illustration by Christian Puckett

Head to Head : Teachers “friending” students on Facebook Teachers + Facebook = a risky combination Facebook: an effective tool for educators

Kaylee Raymer Viewpoints Editor Since the 2004 founding of the popular social-networking site, Facebook, school boards, administrators, and teachers across the country have been faced with the issue: Should educators be allowed to connect with their students via Facebook? Granted the argument that a law prohibiting teacher-student Facebook connections could be seen as unconstitutional, educators themselves should take matters into their own hands, and chose not to befriend or be in online contact with their pupils until they no longer have them in class to avoid a wealth of risks. Working with the youth of our country, society has held teachers to a higher standard than the average citizen. They are seen to be role models in all aspects of their lives, and are expected to maintain a clean slate. Teachers can get themselves in a world of trouble, or damage their fragile reputations if they aren’t extremely careful about the pictures they share and statuses they post online, especially if those are being viewed by their students. In recent years, we’ve seen publicized, or maybe even personally witnessed, the potential dangers of teacher-student relationships that first stemmed from contact through Facebook. In Missouri, a staggering 87 teachers had their teaching

licenses revoked in a 4-year period after inappropriate contact with students on Facebook, prompting the state government to pass legislation that now gives individual school districts the jurisdiction on whether or not their employed educators may connect with students via Facebook. In addition to the possible relationship risks, connecting with select students on a personal level via Facebook is unfair to those who aren’t granted the same opportunity. Clearly, a student connected with his or her teacher can request homework assistance much easier than one who is not. For teachers who insist on using Facebook as an educational tool, there are safer and more appropriate options. Creating a Facebook fan-page for your class to post assignments, have discussions, and respond to student questions is a much better idea than personally connecting. Also, a new, growing trend is the website Edmodo, a social learning site modeled after Facebook strictly for educational use, that allows only parents and students with a certain access code to connect to the class site. These options eliminate the personal nature of Facebook profiles, and serve as firmly educational. As the issue continues to bring forth controversy, the best thing for teachers to do is to wait until they no longer have their students in class and then make a conscious decision on whether or not to accept their friend requests after weighing the risks. In conclusion, simply stated, teachers and Facebook are a risky, but avoidable combination. To maintain a clean reputation, avoid relationship dangers, and keep the opportunity level equal for their students. Educators should refrain from making personal contact with their students until after they’ve graduated or are no longer enrolled in their classes.

American society continues to revolve around technology, and lives are now encompassed by text messages, status updates, and wall posts. Facebook is one of the dominant focuses of this society and has even made a name for itself in the world of education. Facebook has increased the ease and efficiency of teacher-student interactions and the transfer of information outside of the classroom. Facebook is a great tool for both educators and students alike. Many students have Facebook accounts and log onto the social networking site frequently. There is a large student-age population – 14 million users – so Facebook is an easy and effective way for teachers to contact their students outside of school. Teachers are able to create Facebook pages for their classes to pass information on to those students about assignments, extra credit opportunities, and reminders of upcoming events, like AP Saturday Sessions. When news is posted on Facebook, students are less likely to overlook or miss the announcement, because Facebook is a part of their everyday lives. In turn, Facebook is an easy and effective way for teachers to communicate with their students. Problems and protests arise when teachers befriend their students on Facebook from their personal accounts. This behavior can be seen as inappropriate to some parents and other community members, as their children have the ability to “chat” with their teachers, view their information, and vise versa. Although cases come up every year of inappropriate teacher and student interactions and affairs that support these claims, most

Shelby Detring Executive Editor educators understand the degree of professionalism needed when making contact with their pupils outside of the classroom. In fact, many teachers refuse to befriend current students until they graduate. Because most teachers and students respect the boundaries while on social networking sites like Facebook, society cannot condemn the use of these sites just because of a select few cases. Condemning certain actions based on a few misuses by others is a value the United States prides itself against, because the country was founded on free will and the ability to make choices for one’s self. The participation in social networking sites and what they are used for applies to this value set by the United States, and teachers and students should be able to communicate via Facebook without limitations. It is up to the users themselves in how they communicate and to what extent, and for most, this is done responsibly to further substantiate Facebook’s effectiveness and ease when it comes to communication in the world of education.

The Bottom Line Subways shut down. Flights cancelled. Businesses closed. Evacuations ordered. State of emergency declared. The city that never sleeps prepared for some shut eye. In the third week of August, the officials of New York City scrambled to prepare for the predicted wrath of the first hurricane to strike the United States in three years: Irene. But when Irene weakened to “just” a tropical storm upon reaching the big apple, it left the city nearly unharmed. Heads turned and fingers were pointed at local officials almost immediately. Complaints rolled into Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s office, making national headlines. Ironically, thousands of citizens were left infuriated by the government’s precautions for their safety that halted the city’s usual, fast-pace. In 2005, when Hurricane

Katrina, a category five storm, completely devastated the Gulf of Mexico, many Americans were left stranded, homeless, and wounded. Complaints then rolled in locally and nationally that the government did not take enough precautions for the safety of its people. It wasn’t the wrath of Hurricane Irene or Katrina that stuck with me, but the outcry from the people that the storms either spared or scarred. In both instances, Human Nature showed itself. The fact that we, as humans, are never satisfied is inarguable. The New England government attempted to learn from the mistake of the Gulf government, and take extreme precautions. Instead of seeing the meaning for, and appreciating the thoughtful process of the government’s actions, many New York City citizens were quick to publicly

Kaylee Jazz Raymer

The Wrath of Human Nature

Meet your editor...

complain and criticize. While the majority of American citizens likely saw the reason for these actions, the minority that complained stole the spotlight. Have you ever heard the wise quote: “If you can’t control it, it’s not a problem?” When it comes to personal achievement and improvement, satisfaction is seen as a negative—a hindrance—but when it comes to things that are out of your control, satisfaction is exactly the opposite. You’re the main controller of satisfaction in your life, and just like the citizens affected by the hurricanes, you can decide to see the negative or positive in any situation. Don’t be too quick to criticize, but instead take a moment to appreciate the efforts of others, in this case, someone’s attempt to make the best decision for your safety and correct past

Kaylee Raymer Viewpoints Editor mistakes. The bottom line is this: the fight against the negativity of human nature is an uphill battle for all of us, but it can be won. We can lead the battle. Set a good example for those around you and attempt to see the satisfaction in all situations life throws your way.

Yo bros, I’m Kaylee, and this is my first year on staff. I bleed and vote blue. My family is my greatest love; volleyball is my life; writing is my passion. I believe in staying true to yourself and always expressing your honest opinion!


• Seniors taking Practice ACT • 2 day “Fall Break” • 30% weight of end-of-course exams • Lame student section • Freshman lunch at 10:34 (breakfast)


• Hall sweeping • Class of 2012 • New lunch options • AP rewards • Trip to Raising Cane’s • Changes to dress code • Teacher observation by principals

Smoke Signals Editorial Policy Editorials and letters to the editor are personal viewpoints of the writer. The student editors make decisions, and Smoke Signals content in no way relefects the official policy of George Rogers Clark High School. Letters to the editor are accepted and must be signed to be considered for publication.

Page compiled and designed by: Kaylee Raymer

How do you feel about the new smoke detectors?

“I am so happy about the new smoke detectors because I hated walking into smoky bathrooms last year. However, I’d really hate to get in trouble for someone else smoking.”

“I don’t really care about the new smoke detectors, because I don’t smoke, but I do think it was a smart idea and has made people stop smoking in the bathrooms.”

Anna Omohundro Sophomore

Charlie Rogers Senior

“I think it’s been a wonderful and healthy investment for our school and has improved school climate.” Mrs. Sharp Counselor

Illustration by Christian Puckett

“It makes my life a lot easier now that there is a system in place, and we don’t have to police the bathrooms ourselves.”

Mr. Wilkinson Teacher

“I think the smoke detectors help. I like not having to walk around smelling like someone else’s cigarette all day.”

Elijiah Farris Freshman

“I love not smelling like smoke after I leave the bathroom, but if there are smoke detectors in one bathroom, they should be in all of them. It’s too much of a hassle to wait for a teacher to unlock the bathrooms between classes.” Tiffani Richards Junior

Interview with past Governor’s School for the Arts scholars

Most high school students are ready for their independence. If it were up to them, they would leave home right now and start their lives on their own. Of course this isn’t always a possibility, but for some students, getting a taste of that freedom isn’t out of the realm of possibility. If you are sophomore or junior and have artistic talent, Governors School for the Arts would be a great way for you to not only advance your skills, but to also begin living a more independent life. Recently, Smoke Signals sat down with two previous scholars to get their opinion and advice on this program Smoke Signals: What exactly is GSA?

Julie Willian: The program teaches you more about your craft. It is there that you learn how to use your art form to further your future happiness. Daniel Baumgardner: GSA is a lifestyle; it encompasses the true craft in itself and living as an artist. The three weeks on campus not only advance you as an artist, but it also puts you in an environment with similar people. It takes all the fears of continuing your craft away and turns it into a passion. S.S.: What was your favorite part? J.W.: The first day was my favorite, when I got to meet all my new friends and hear Ben Sollee play; also,

when I broke my roommates finger. D.B.: My favorite part was the community and just walking down the hall and talking to someone you have never met about something you both love. It was also awesome to be able to work with professionals who have really succeeded in their craft. S.S.: Why would you recommend GSA to underclassmen? J.W.: It was an amazing experience! It really changes your perspective on art and helps you learn more about what you can do with your art form. D.B.: I would definitely recommend it to sophomores. It is such a selective program

that if you get in, it proves that you are extremely talented, but at the same time, if you don’t, you still have a year to improve. In general, I think everyone should try out. I have never experienced the same amount of community. GSA is a program that anyone with a passion for art should look in to. Not only is it a place where you can better your talent, but it’s also somewhere you can better your future. To apply, visit your counselor or visit www. to find more information about your artform. This year’s application is due Dec. 31, and the program is June 17-July 7, 2012.

A&E Editor’s Top October Movie Picks

Three Musketeers (Release Date: Oct. 21)

The Help : a movie made for everyone Taylor Welch A&E Editor

A note pad and a pencil in hand illuminate the dark theater screen. The hand swiftly scrawls seven letters in the top margin of paper: T-H-E H-E-L-P. Jumping into an interview with one of the African American maids, the movie dives deep into the social issues during the Civil Rights era. Set in Mississippi, the movie follows Skeeter (Emma Stone) as she works to develop her writing career and expose the injustices experienced by African American maids. One by one, Skeeter begins interviewing the maids in her town. She starts with two maids in particular, Ailbileen Clark (Viola Davis) and Minny Jackson (Octavia Spencer). These two maids begin spilling the secrets of their work and the women who employ them, while Skeeter is

working hard to compile the information into a book. Once the book is published and all the secrets are out, everything the people believed in Jackson, Mississippi, is about to change. The Help is an excellent movie that covers more than social issues in

Mississippi during the civil rights era. The movie provides each viewer with laughs, tears, and even a few sighs. It is more than a movie to highlight controversy; it is a comedy and, even in a few instances, a romance. It makes viewers relate emotionally and really draws in the audience. It isn’t just the plot, but also the acting of a cast, that perfects the emotional range for this movie. The depiction of the south is perfectly done, and it really seems like you are there in Mississippi during the Civil Rights era. The Help gives the viewer a feel of the injustice and hardship that people felt during that period, and is perfect for learning about the past and for having a good time. Every viewer will find something they enjoy about this movie.

Like Crazy (Release Date: Oct. 28)

In Time (Release Date: Oct. 28)

David Guetta’s CD is filled with nothing but good beats Taylor Welch A&E Editor Once the beat gets going sometimes, you just can’t help but to dance. That’s what it’s like when listening to David Guetta’s CD, which features a combination of Guetta’s musical mixes with top artists to make “Nothing But The Beat.” The music on this CD is different than most. Guetta creates all the mixes, and they range from hip-hop and R&B to rock and then collaborates with huge artists like Nikki Minaj,

Lil’ Wayne, and Chris Brown to make a perfect song for the dance floor. Guetta’s most notable mix would be “Where Them Girls At” featuring Nikki Minaj and Flo Rida. The song has a great beat; it’s perfect for everything, from jamming in your car to being on the dance

floor. In this song the lyrics really add to the music too. They make it just a fun song to listen to, no matter what the occasion. However, that can’t be said for all the songs. While Guetta’s music is awesome in every song, on occasion the lyrics can be a bit tacky and inap-

propriate. In “Little Bad Girl” featuring Taio Cruz, the lyrics try and describe a club sense. Unfortunately, the lyrics of the song not only are an inadequate description, but are also flat out lame. The majority of Guetta’s CD is a hit. “Nothing but the Beat” is filled with good dance beats and is just fun to listen to. This CD is one everyone should give a try.

Artist you should hear... The Civil Wars Ragan Clark Executive Editor

The Civil Wars are for Fans of…

Songs you should hear by The Civil Wars…

Mumford & Sons Ray LaMontagne Alison Krauss

“Poison and Wine” “I’ve Got This Friend” “Barton Hollow”

I’m Taylor Welch, the Arts and Entertainment Editor. I like movies, books, and Diet Coke. I love being an editor for Smoke Signals, and I can’t wait to see all we do this year.

Meet your Editor

The sound of the mellow acoustic riffs and the sweet, raw harmonies blend into a tone that is completely unique. Gaining momentum, the Civil Wars now have a wider listening base, and if they continue to produce music of the same quality and infused with the same passion, they are sure to continue turning heads on the music scene. The Civil Wars released their debut album, “Barton Hollow”, in February of 2011. This album features a wide range of songs. The haunting sound of

“Falling” encompasses a feeling of hopelessness in love, each note tinged with sorrow. Inversely, “Barton Hollow” forcefully speaks of sins left without atonement. The harsh guitar strums and the bellowing voices create tension and passion that pound through the listener’s body. Often mistaken for a couple, the duet has incredible chemistry. One only has to watch their music video “Poison & Wine” to see their musical spark and complete compatibility. If they are not meant to be lovers ‘til death do they part, they certainly are meant to be together forever on the music scene.


Events In and Around

Winchester Ben Sollee Friday, Oct.14 Headliner’s Music Hall Louisville Price: $20-35 Casting Crowns Friday, Oct. 21 Rupp Arena Price: Tickets starting at $50 Taylor Swift Saturday, Oct. 29 at The Lexington Center Rupp Arena Price: Tickets starting at $50 Imelda May Saturday, Oct. 8 UK Singletary Center for the Arts Price: $22-32 The Avett Brothers Thursday, Oct. 27 Rupp Arena Price: Tickets starting at $30 Broadway Live: Young Frankenstein Friday, Nov 4 Lexington Opera House Price: Tickets starting at $30

Cardinals encounter adversity but are looking ahead Bryce Stephens Sports Writer The Clark County Cardinals have had a tough season so far. After winning their first two games against Corbin and Montgomery County, the Cards were shot down by Bryan Station, Henry Clay, Scott County, and Harlan County. Upon entering district play Friday against the Lafayette Generals, the Cards lost another close one, leaving the record at 2-5 (0-1 in district). During the Homecoming game against Harlan, senior running back Pokey Harris scored a 71 yd touchdown on the first play of the first drive fifteen seconds into the game. Alone, Harris ran for 377 yds and scored four touchdowns on 19 carries; He broke the school Head coach Paul Columbia keeps an eye on the game from the sidelines (Smoke Signals photo)

record for most yards in one game with that number (the previous record was his own from a game vs. Corbin when he had 286 yds). Another incredible statistic was on seven plays, with one passing play, the Cards had a total of 428 yds. In the end though, the Bears’ running game won the battle. When the Cards played the Generals last Friday, it was more or less the same story, except it was our GRC defense that kept the game so close with great plays. Linebacker Chase Austin broke through Lafayette’s offensive line repeatedly, usually tackling the ball carrier for a loss or making them bounce runs outside of the hash marks. Corner Dominic Vancleve broke up several passes that would’ve spelled disaster for Clark. Defensive linemen including Silan Mayes, David Kiser, Brent Stephens, Anthony Lay, and Robert Cornelius put constant pressure on Lafayette’s quarterback, causing him to throw incompletions and near-interceptions all night long. Even with this astounding effort, the Cards lost the titanic struggle with a final score of 22-19. Harris summed up the problem saying, “Turnovers hurt us the most, because the effort is there, but when we over think or try to do someone else’s job, that’s when mental errors happen like offside’s

penalties and lining up wrong, which leads to fumbles or interceptions.” Lineman Coach Dustin Howard thinks the problem lies more in the execution. “Consistently executing every down is crucial. We’ll have two or three great plays in a row, but then we lack on the next play.” Changing up the defensive scheme has helped though; defensive coordinator James Stults added in the four man defensive front to help get a better pass rush and stop the run on the line of scrimmage. “I think it helps to stop the running game and makes the other team pass more,” commented senior linebacker Reid Campbell. Howard commented on the advantages and disadvantages of the 4-man front. He said, “The good thing is that it allows us to put heavier, stronger men against the other teams’ strong side and a more agile player on the backside. The only problem is that it can confuse people’s gaps

Senior Justin Harris zips past defenders Sept. 30 against Harlan County. (Smoke Signals photo)

Sylan Mayes, junior, makes a tackle Sept. 30 against Harlan County (Smoke Signals photo)

for blitzing, but that’s an easy problem to work out.” If the Cardinals can stop the mental errors, consistently

execute, and use the four man pass rush more effectively, there’s no reason why GRC can’t win District.

For photo IDs, see pg. 27

Senior officers reflect on first months of senior year, look forward

From staying up all night decorating the school to selling Billy Goat Bingo tickets to raise money for the senior class, this year’s senior advisory has been anything but lazy. The officers this year are president Alexis Warner, vice president Ragan Clark, secretary Taylor Welch, and treasurer Makenzie Waltermire. Meeting every Wednesday morning in Mrs. Sharrock’s room, senior advisory discusses ideas for upcoming events as well as fundraising and volunteering. The biggest project the

group has undertaken thus far is homecoming. They planned for weeks before homecoming week and had a lock-in to make every thing Hollywood fabulous to fit the theme of “GRC goes Hollywood.” Members chalked the windows with encouragement for the football team and hung movie posters up all over the school. They also came up with the spirit week themes which were Monday, Oscar Day; Tuesday, Tropical Day; Wednesday, Western Day; Thursday, Nerd Day; and Friday, Spirit Day.

Following homecoming week, immediately after the football game against Harlan County, senior advisory hosted the homecoming dance, which had a solid turn out. Members have also begun fundraising by selling Billy Goat Bingo tickets. They are also involved in community service. Recently, they made a scarecrow for the Scarecrow Festival which raises money for Stride Here’s what the officers had to say about being a part of senior advisory:

Dr. Frank-N-Furter crowned Mr. Gorgeous Rogers Clark

What was your platform and how do you plan on furthering your cause as Mr. GRC? “I plan on using my influence as Mr. GRC to further the cause of gay marriage.” What was your favorite part of participating in Mr. GRC? “Winning, duh.” How do you feel winning this prestigious award? “I just can’t believe that I won, and it makes me so happy that the students of GRC love me.”

(Photo by Julie Willian)

What has been your favorite part of senior year thus far? Alexis: My favorite part by far was homecoming. It was the perfect time for all the seniors to come together and really make a mark, and we did it. Everyday was something new for me, and I enjoyed it with my classmates. Taylor Welch, secretary

And the winner is...

Dr. Frank-N-Furter, portrayed by senior Eli Lesie, shows off his figure while waiting for the results of Mr. GRC.

Alexis Warner, president

Is there anything you’d like to say to your fellow contestants? “All of the other contestants were just so amazing and I want you all to know that you’re all beautiful.”

How do you think being a senior advisory officer will shape your senior year? Taylor: It will get me a lot more involved in everything that is going on and will allow me to make not only my year, but everyone else’s year, more memorable.

Ragan Clark, vice president What are your expectations for the year? Ragan: I’m really excited about the events to come. Homecoming was successful, showing our potential for greatness in organizing all the other senior events.

Makenzie Waltermire, treasurer

What are you most looking forward to throughout the remainder of this school year? Makenzie: I am looking forward to prom and graduation along with all the things it takes to get there.

A hero’s journey into the spotlight Haley Tye and Emily Jackson Features Editors

Sturgill was waiting for his jet ski ride on the Kentucky River when he noticed a man who appeared to be drowning. “I didn’t pay he spotlight is not exmuch attention to him at first,” actly the place Matthew said Sturgill. “Then he started Sturgill is used to being yelling for help.” The cadet began in, but that’s exactly where he swimming toward the victim and has found himself. The JROTC had to go under twice to pull the cadet saved a man from drown- well-built, former marine out of ing last summer at Boonsborough the water. Although no first aid beach and has just received the was needed, Sturgill was able to Medal of Heroism, JROTC’s safely get him to a boat where highest honor, as an award for his the victim coughed up water. actions. Sturgill did not perform Sturgill was recognized at these actions to be publicly reca formal ceremony with dozens ognized; he did it because a man’s of people in attendance and life was on the line. “I think it was featured in The Winchester just shows that people are willing Sun and local news sources. “It to help someone whose life is in felt good to know that so many danger,” said Sturgill. people have heard about me,” The JROTC cadet was the said Sturgill. first person at GRC to receive In the summer of 2010, this high honor. Although it will


Meet the Editors

not affect his future in the armed services, he will be able to wear the medal on his uniform to be reminded of his brave actions. “We are very proud of him and the program that he is part of,” said David Alexander, JROTC instructor. “This has been an inspiration to many of our other cadets.” The spotlight was a place where the cadet was once unfamiliar, but through his bold and heroic actions, where he ended up. Though his JROTC experience helped him in this situation, “it was just fate,” Sturgill said. It was just fate that he was there that summer day on the Kentucky River.

Matthew Sturgill receives his certificate from Col. David Alexander, JROTC instructor. (Photo by Emily Jackson)

My favorite Halloween costume as a child was... Freshman: Kody Brooks: a pirate Katy Corwin: Cinderella


Zach Martinez: Scream Autumn Stevens: Jessie (Toy Story)

Kody Brooks

Wes Wattenberger

Zach Martinez

Dewey Segler

Junior: Emily Jackson Features Editor

I’m Emily and this is my first year on staff. I love my family, my two dachshunds, and cheerleading. Oh, and Harry Potter is the coolest.

Haley Tye

Features Editor

I’m Haley. and this is my first year on staff. I love my family, toy poodle, and Auburn football! Oh, and donuts are my favorite.

Wes Wattenberger: a ninja Olivia Hart: candy corn

Senior: Dewey Segler: a vampire Haley Abney: Lion King

Meredith Merrell: With prognosis comes possibility

Kelsey White Expressions Editor

Throughout our lives, we all go through situations that change our outlook on the way we live. For senior Meredith Merrell that transformation came the summer before her 8th grade year when the term, nephronophtisis was introduced into her vocabulary. Nephronophtisis is a renal disease that prevents one’s kidneys from functioning properly. With the diagnosis, Meredith, though confused, began to see her life differently. “I didn’t understand it at all,” she stated as her mind traveled back to that day. “I honestly had no clue what it was, so I was very confused. All I knew was that I would have to take a lot of new medicines, change the way I ate, and go to the doctor often.” Though Meredith didn’t understand much at the beginning of this journey, she knew she would eventually have to undergo a kidney transplant. After several slow months of testing one relative after another, doctors determined that her Aunt, Robyn Moorefield, was an acceptable match. The surgery took place on April 6, 2010, with Meredith going against all odds for her recovery. “I had the fastest recovery on record for a transplant patient at Cincinnati’s Children’s Hospital,” Meredith said proudly. She was released four days, the earliest possible, from her surgery. Without the cooperation from her aunt, however, she wouldn’t be nearly as healthy as she is today. In a traditional

transplant, the organ donor usually struggles more than the receiver. When it came to recovery, Robyn understood that completely, but still insisted on helping her young niece. “She saved my life, and because of that, she is my hero,” Meredith smiled. “I could never thank her enough, but I hope she understands just how grateful I really am.” Nearly four years after learning of her disease, Meredith no longer sees her prognosis as how nephronophtisis will overcome her health. Instead, she looks at her future as an opportunity to overcome nephronophtisis. “I want to

become a pharmacist who can help people like me,” Meredith said. “Maybe I can create a drug that allows transplants to be more affective and last longer.” With no set cure for nephronophtisis, Meredith’s doctors have given her no definite prognosis. Her family has been told, however, that Meredith will have to undergo another transplant before she reaches full adulthood. Therefore, another lengthy testing process will have to take place in order to find a new donor. In addition to Meredith’s newfound optimistic outlook on life, she wishes others would

(Photo by Colbi Howard)

begin to see things the way she does. “I see others taking their healthy lives for granted, and I wish they wouldn’t,” she began. “I also wish more people

would consider becoming organ donors; you never know how many lives you can save with your own.”

Changing diapers, feeding babies

I was never one of those girls who had a box full of Barbie’s or loved to dress up dolls. To all those girls out there who did, you have more imagination and patience than I do. Unfortunately, the fantasy world of dress up and baby dolls has turned into real life for me. I am the big sister to three little “angels” a.k.a. my half-siblings. The word “angels” is in quotation marks, because these three angels include a four year old and two newborns. When I get woken up in the middle of the night, they are no angels. No matter how cute and little they are, waking up to make bottles or to check for boogey man in the closet is no dream. My daddy and step-mom have a handsome little eight month old boy, with a head of hair as dark and full as mine. My momma and step-dad have a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, four year old farm boy, as well as a precious 7 month old girl who will be on a horse before she can walk. Nobody would have ever guessed that the babies would have been exactly, to the day, a week

apart. That’s right. Once I finally got over the initial rush of baby brother, here came baby sister. While it may seem like a big ole happy family, I am in protest. I mean, it is my senior year of high school; it’s time for me to be independent, time for me to grow my wings and become a young adult. I am supposed to be hanging out with my friends and enjoying the time left I have in high school before college - when life gets serious. Unfortunately, because of this predicament, I will be at home babysitting. While all of my friends are going to football games and enjoying their seniority, I will be stuck at home, listening to babies squall, and changing diapers. But I guess it works out since they will get their turn to take care of me, because with seventeen years between us, when I get old, they will still be young. I must say though, I do love the smell of baby lotion and the chance of taking pictures of their little feet. I might be in protest to all the siblings now, but I will always know that they are truly blessings.

Colbi Howard with her siblings They are a gift given from God. I love coming home to my oldest brother because he always runs up to me and gives me a big hug, and no matter how bad my day is, holding a newborn baby in your arms seems to take all that pressure away; it’s hard to be upset about anything when holding such innocent little creatures. Knowing that one day they will be grown, I will treasure the moments I spend with them today. My family may be a little crazy, but I would not trade them for the world! My siblings and I may be decades apart, but we will always share a close bond with one another.

Meet the staff

Forming family ‘Thais’

Brother, sister settling in new Winchester home Kierra Jones Staff Writer

Amanda Hurtz Staff Writer

Hi, I’m Amanda and this is my first year on staff. I love to write!

Friendly peers, great schools and abundant opportunities are true of almost every community no matter how far away. Brother and sister, Tanasak and Supisara Tripoonsin, experienced this first hand when they moved 8,000 miles from the busy streets of Bangkok, Thailand, to the small town of Winchester, Kentucky. “I like the people here,” said Supisara. “They’re very friendly.” But that is only the beginning. After spending 16 years in Thailand, this brother

Brittany Clem Staff Writer

My name is Brittany and this is my second year on the staff. I’m so excited to see what this year has in store for us.

Supisara Tripoonsin (Photo by Addison Lowry)

Kierra Jones Staff Writer

I’m Kierra and I dance to the beat of my own drum. I love being a Smoke Signals staff writer and I’m looking forward to being on staff next year!

and sister duo have relocated in light of their stepdad’s new job working with the army. This big move was difficult, but they kept peace of mind during the process. “The flight took a day, 24 hours, and there

Many can take the place they live and the people who surround them for granted, but these two seem

Emily Daniel

to have it figured out.

I believe that everything happens for a reason, music marks memories in our lives, and in finding something to smile about everyday. That’s me, Emily!

really wasn’t any stress,” said Tanasak. Moving was all just part of the bigger picture. Although the hospitality is similar, the culture definitely shows a different side. Their native language is Thai, but coming to America provided them with the opportunity to learn the English language. It takes some people their whole elementary years to learn proper English, but Tanasak and SupiSara caught on just two years before moving. “I feel better at speaking Thai, but at home I even speak English to my dad,” said Supisara. Aside from transitioning from language to language they also experienced other cultural differences. In Thailand, schools are extremely strict and food is not like anything here. “You have to wear uniforms and if you’re under grade 10 you must cut your hair to chin length,” said SupiSara. As far as food goes, “We eat rice with every meal.” It is pretty safe to say that there is a big contrast from being in Kentucky and miles away in the country of Thailand. Many can take the place

Staff Writer

Shelby Caudill

Tanasak Tripoonsin (Photo by Addison Lowry)

they live and the people who surround them for granted, but these two seem to have it figured out. “I miss Thailand,” is something they both have mentioned, but Winchester as a whole has provided them with a warm welcome. From being with the “good, nice people,” according to Tanasak, to the school functions and classes, they are both enjoying their time here with newfound friends and activities. “I miss Thailand, but I wouldn’t move back,” said SupiSara. “I like it here too much.”

Staff Writer

I’m Shelby Faith. I’m a staff editor/ staff writer. I’m the hipster of the group, which pretty much speaks for itself. I love standing out and being different. I’m hoping I can bring that to the newspaper. Meow!

Christian Puckett Illustrator

I love to work with our staff and take part in producing an exellent paper. I’m looking forward to getting to know our new staff this year as well.

CardinalPoll: If you were an iPhone app, what would you be?

Michaela Martin, 9: Create your own story, because you can create your own story and then you can send it to publishers, and you might get it published. I love to create stories and I love reading good stories also. Kimberly Hager, 9: If I were an iPhone app, I would be the iPod app. I would be it, because a lot of people with iPhones use it more than others besides the text app. I would also be it because music is awesome and I love it. Emma Wigley, 9: If I were and iPhone app, I would be the Bible app. That way, wherever you are, you will always have God’s Word with you as a constant reminder of who He wants you to be. Tori Hall, 9: I would be the weird word finder or most awkward things to say app. I’m always yelling weird words, and

I say a lot of awkward things to people I know and don’t know.

Tina Krum, 9: If I was an iPhone app, I would be a poetry app. The reason I would be this is to help other students or adults write and publish their poems. Hunter Thomas, 10: Music remix! You can put songs from your iPod into it and make new remix songs to listen to. I love all kinds of music and I can’t decide on a single song, so why not mix them all?

Autumn Stevens, 10: I would be the App Store app because it’s every app possible. Victoria Swisher, 10: If I were an app, I would be the Facebook app because it helps me keep in touch with all of my friends from California and Texas. I am a very social person. Alli Peterson, 10: If I was an iPhone app, I would definitely be the Facebook app, because I love to see what people are up to and laugh at their pictures. Thomas Fisher, 10: If I were an iPhone app, I would be “Tiny Wings” because he poops stars! Diana Lewis, 11: I’d be an art app because I love art and I want everyone else to love it too. Cory Parr, 11: If I were an iPhone app, I would be an Encyclopedia app to know everything.

Teacher Look-a-likes Andrew Raven Ping Stratton Senior


Mr. Tegt

Mrs. Wilson



Zach Grigsby, 11: I would be Twitter, because everybody loves me! Les Stanfield, 11: I would be the I Sleep app so I could sleep during class and not get in trouble. Maddie Long, 11: I’d want to be Angry Birds. Angry Birds is where you can destroy green pigs for reasons we don’t know and destroy the structures they’re in. William Wallace, 12: If I was an app, I’d be the Wikipedia app because I am a genius.

Jim Kiniry, 12: I would be Pandora because how cool would it be to have thousands of songs in your mind? It would never get boring. Jessica Chism, 12: I would be the iFat app, because I love to make people laugh and I love to eat all of the time! Kendall Combs, 12: I would be Cydia as I am a very unique person, I like to customize everything, and Cydia lets you customize everything on your iPod. Shonetta Davis, 12: I would want to be an angry bird app because I just think it would be fun and a great way to relieve anger by knocking stuff down even if I die after knocking things down.

Animal of the Month: Wombat Wombats are nocturnal mammals. They are native to Australia and live in large 100 feet burrows. They eat mainly grass and roots. These solitary marsupials live from 5 years up to 30 years. Fun Facts: Most Australians have never seen a wild Wombat! Illustration by Christian Puckett

Halloween Drawing Contest! What do you think of when you hear “Halloween”? Draw a picture that reminds you of Halloween. Turn it in to Mrs. Crosby (G115) by Monday, October 17. The best one will be in the NEXT issue of Smoke Signals!!!

Football Cards carrying on traditions

Tradition plays a major role in the actions of the GRC Football Team. From chants to Two-a-Days, it all contributes to the dymanic of the team. Before each game, Senior captain, Reid Campbell says the following chant and the players repeat.

Two-A-Days practice is an ongoing tradition at GRC. The players come for a practice at eight in the morning and then come to another practice at four in the evening. At the first Two-A-Days practice, the team picks members to represent them on the Counsel. The Counsel is made up of three people from each grade level, but of four seniors, who meet to go over expectations for the team and the season.

“Dear Lord, the battles we go through in life, we ask for a chance that’s fair, a chance to equal our strides, a chance to do or dare, if we should win, let it by the code, faith and honor held high. If we should lose, let us stand by the road, cheer as the winners go by. Day by day, we get better and better, till we can’t be beat, won’t be beat.”

Illustration by Christian Puckett

Pokey Harris: Leading his team on and off the field Brooke Powell Sports Editor

All eyes were on him. He looked over and saw the referee’s arms straight up in the air. He then took a sigh of relief before his next breath of pure excitement. It was the Clark Middle School vs. Woodford County football game and the winner would advance on to the championship. After a full game plus overtime, it was finally over. Justin “Pokey” Harris had scored the final touchdown that would carry his 8th grade team on to the next level. This is just one of many highlights that have occurred during Harris’s football journey thus far. Harris has been playing football since he was in the 1st grade. He started as a Bengal during flag football, became a Cowboy when he moved on to Civitan which was followed

by an Eagle at Clark Middle School, and now he is leading the Cards in rushing with an average of 205 yards per game. “Pokey is such a fine young man with an outstanding attitude, work ethic, and talent,” said head coach Paul Columbia. “He is our leading rusher and plays safety and returns kicks, so he plays a huge role for our team.” Harris has played football, along with baseball, every year at George Rogers Clark. “I love the thrill and competition that I experience when playing both sports,” said Harris. Despite strenuous sports schedules, Harris has maintained passing grades. “I had to learn to set aside time for school first, and then find time to focus on sports,” he said. Harris is not just setting an example in the classroom with a 3.9 GPA, but also on the field and in the community. “Pokey sets a positive example for our

team and for the youth leagues,” said Columbia. Harris also led his team when he set a new school record for rushing yards in a single game by running for 377 yards against Harlan. Harris is looking into continuing his football career in college. “Pokey is a Division I talent and I believe he will be offered scholarships to several schools,” said Columbia. Harris is interested in the University of Kentucky, University of Tennessee, Western Kentucky University, and Ball State University. Wherever he ends up, he hopes to continue being a leader in the classroom, and on the field. “No matter where I go,” said Harris, “I always want to RAGE!”

Senior star, Justin “Pokey” Harris, awaits his next turn on the field during the Card’s 36-57 loss against Harlan County.

Leaving it all on the field: Soccer Cards end season

Austin Curtis Sports Writer

The game of soccer is always a struggle - playing consistently for 80 minutes. No one knows this better than the GRC Boys soccer team. “We either play well in the first half and bad in the second, or vice versa,” said senior leading goal scorer Nathaniel Wells. “People look at our record and think we are bad; we feel extremely underestimated and like we have something to prove.” Throughout the year, the Cards have had some ups and downs, with a record of 7-11-1.

“Our biggest struggle this year is playing all 80 minutes,” said senior midfielder Matt Reed. “We come out and give away early goals, or we give up leads late in games.” The key to the Cards’ postseason success not only depends on if they can come out and play all 80 minutes of each game, but how well the team plays together. “I feel the team has gotten along a lot better. We have way more chemistry and are playing better, but unfortunately we have had some unlucky breaks,” said Wells. Some of the leading scorers on the team are senior forward Wells with eight goals,

sophomore forward Christian Colvard with four, senior Matt Reed and sophomore midfielder Wilson Martin each with three, and junior goalie Conner Blankenship who had two complete game shutouts. Tuesday night the boys were in action against the Harrison Co. Thorobreds in the first round of the District tournament and lost in a heartbreaking game. The game was close all around as they kept the score at 1-1 for the full 80 minutes and both five minute overtimes, only to be forced into penalty kicks to determine the outcome. The Cards made four out of five penalty kicks, but

the Thorobreds made all five, ending the game. “Last night definitely did not end the way me or any of my teammates expected. It was a heart breaker

They attended breakfast together after two-a-days practices as well as attended spaghetti dinners together. This bonding time is going to be the key to success in the post season. “The closer we are off the field, the better we will play on the field,” said sophomore Courtney White. The nine seniors, who have played together since they were young, celebrated their bond on senior night, Oct. 5, where they each were honored. The seniors all started the game and the Lady Cards beat Danville 4-0 in their last regular season game at the Cardinal Soccer Complex. The close relationships built among the team have helped them to perform victoriously on the field. This is proven to be true as they have had a successful season with a record

of 11-6-1, the best record in four years. The Lady Cards were able to score a total of 24 goals against their district opponents, including Harrison County, Bourbon County, Montgomery County, and Paris, but had only one goal scored against them. The Lady Cards are led in scoring by junior, Hayley Thornberry, with 13 goals. “We keep each other accountable and help each other in order to succeed on the field,” said Snowden. The girls are hoping that with teamwork and dedication they will be able to once again defeat their biggest competition, the Montgomery County Indians, but this time in district finals. The Lady Cards beat Harrison County Oct. 12 in the first round of the 24th District

Tournament at Montgomery County 2-0. Senior Megan McClure and sophomore Courtney White scored for the Lady Cards. The district championship game against Bourbon County occurred at press time. “We have good times and

to end such a great season” said senior defender Jerod Metz. “We definitely left it all on the field.”

Senior Cards from left, Brandon Sears, Nathaniel Wells, Matt Reed, Jerod Metz, Colin Conaway, Reed Miller, and Raymond Borja

Teamwork leads girls’ soccer team to postseason

Brooke Powell Sports Editor

The soccer Lady Cardinals are hoping that the relationships they have built off the field this season will help them as they proceed to the post season. The chances of advancing to state are looking good for the team as it went undefeated in regular season district and region play with a 9-0 record. “If they have confidence in themselves and their teammates, it is simply their choice just how far this team can go in the post season,” said head coach Jessica Laswell. The team has spent a lot of time building a family off the field. “We are a family,” said senior Lizzy Snowden. “We have our disagreements, but we are always there for each other.”

bad times, but there is no one else we would rather play with,” said senior Kendall Thornberry. “These are some of the greatest girls I have met,” said Thornberry, “and I will cherish the memories we will share for life.”

Senior Lady Cards from left, Lizzy Snowden, Kirsten Logan, Kendall Thornberry, Megan McClure, Brea Webb, Kate Bush, Lauren Woosley, Kelsie Parido, and Jessica Caristo

“I’ll never forget our trip when we played a practice round together at Pendleton Country Club the day before region. Even though we played bad, we celebrated at Olive Garden afterward, and it was a lot of fun! I will definitely miss spending time with my girls! There was never a dull moment.” Kayla Harrison, 12 “My favorite memory was going to Pikeville and tying for 2nd place and getting our 2nd trophy of the year. I feel like this season was a good learning experience for the team. Now I know what the courses look like, so next year it won’t be as hard. We played okay in region, Matthew Omohundro, 10 but it definitely could have been better.”

Sarah Eaves, 12

“My favorite memory of the season was the very first tournament when I drained a 20 ft birdie putt on my last hole to shoot a 67.” Chelsea Griffith, 12 Blake Cartwright, 10


“Our Region Tournament would have been better with different weather. We teed off first, playing the first nine holes during a tornado watch. That was just bad luck. The rain finally stopped, and the sun came out with four holes left. We are in the toughest region in the state and just Ross Todd, 11 having a a chance to make state is really impressive for us.”

“My favorite memory was “I’ll never forget when we were making when I got hit ribbons in our hotel room with a golf ball at before region. T-Hump practice, and Zach gave me my unforgetable took me to the nickname that provided us hospital.” with laughs for the rest of Allan Henry, 10 the night.” “This season was pretty successful overall. I am looking forward to improving my game for next year. It will be very different without the seniors there to support me Caroline Browning, 10 next year; I will miss them all.”

“My favorite memory is when we played a practice round in Pikeville. We had a great season over all and brought back two trophies! The outcome of region was pretty good to me, but we could have played way better.” Jacob Omohundro, 10

“This year has been great. It coming to an end is rather bittersweet. We have grown a lot as a team, and all of these girls are like my family. I’ll miss all of them when I go off to college.”

Illustrations by Christian Puckett Page compiled and designed by Makenzie Waltermire

“My favorite part of the season was going to regions and my ball going in a culvert. Brooks had to get it out so it wouldn’t cost me a stroke” Taylor Ritchie, 10 “I enjoyed spending time getting to know the girls and see the progress they made during the season. Choosing five to represent the team at region was the hardest thing I had to do all season. Losing five seniors will be tough, but the future looks bright for our younger girls.” -Anne Baldwin, Girls’ Coach “I was very pleased with our competitiveness throughout, even though we did not meet our goal of qualifying for state as a team or having an individual qualify. The future is bright when you have one junior and four sophomores competing in the top five.”

-Will Meurer, Boys’ Coach

Volleyball Lady Cards are district champs for third straight year One team. One passion. One goal. With this motto, the volleyball Lady Cards marched through a record-setting season and won their third consecutive 38th District championship. The girls begin play in the regional tournament next week. “It feels amazing being three-peat district champs,” junior Amy Kao said after Wednesday’s game. “I’m so proud of my team. We played together really well tonight and Montgomery County couldn’t handle it. This season’s success continues a dramatic turnaround of a program that began in the 2009 season when the team, under head coach Robyn Curry, went from two straight 20-loss seasons to 18-9 Curry’s first

Meet the Editors

Cross Country

season in 2009 to 23-14 in her second in 2010. The Lady Cards won the district title both years and last year, advanced to the semifinals of the 10th Region Tournament. In this year’s district championship Wednesday, the Lady Cards were able to beat Montgomery County for the third time this season to take the title. “The next stop is regions and we just have to practice hard and play as strong as we did in the district,” Kao said. The 10th Region has its share of formidable competitors, including powers Newport Central Catholic, Bishop Brossart and Harrison County. The Lady Cards were on a roll heading into the district after beating West Jessamine

“This season has been a blast,” said senior runner Alex White. “I have enjoyed watching the team, including myself, improve and mature as runners and I look forward to seeing more improvements that will be made.” Look for the cross country feature in our next issue!

in the seniors’ final match in Letcher Norton Gym and going 3-2 amid tough competition in the Fillies Fall Fling. In the final game of the regular season, Clark faced Lafayette, who is ranked in the state’s top 20. Though the Lady Cards lost, Curry was proud of their showing. “We held our own,” she said. As the team continues in the post season to cap off another successful season, Curry has only promise for the future. The freshman and junior varsity teams posted their best records ever this season. “Our ninth grade team has three middle school players and had a great season,” Curry said. “I’m excited to see them be so strong this season. Our hard work in the summer and off season paid


Curry pointed out the outstanding play of 6th grader Kyndal Curry and 8th grader Veronica Worsham, libero for the 9th grade and JV teams. For the varsity, Curry said Maddie Hamlin “has really stepped up and been a huge part of our success and it doesn’t hurt that she is strong and over six feet tall. Her hitting and blocking has much improved.” Senior Brittani Gay, Curry said, is the top spiker on the team. “Her power and jumping ability has made her so valuable for us this season,” she said. “She also developed her passing skills, which really helped us defensively.” Sophomore Carrie Irvin has started varsity for three years. “She is so quick and very

athletic,” Curry said. “She makes plays no one should be able to and saves us night after night.” Senior Markisha Sweat “has really come on strong her senior year hitting and serving the ball,” said the coach. “Her strength and height make her so valuable to us.” Kao is the team’s libero and captain. “I have been so proud of her this season,” Curry said. “She has really stepped up and done amazing things for us. Her serving has much improved and she is just a junior so I look forward to her returning next season.” At press time, region pair-ups had not yet been announced.

Staff writer Kierra Jones contributed to this story.

My name is Brooke, and I am the sports editor for Smoke Signals. I love my friends, my family, and my life. I also love sports, being an intern on the Scholastic Ball Report, and WKU.

My name is Bryce, and I am a sports writer. I play football for GRC, I have two brothers (Brent and Brad), and a dog named Blacky. Go to to see awesome sports stories.

My name is Brent, and I am the iHigh editor. I like steak, Sean Connery movies, and football. Everyone be sure to check out our page on iHigh.

My name is Austin, and I am a sports writer. I like hanging out with friends and playing sports. I love basketball and comedy movies.

Dalton Graves, Adam Maxwell Mikaela Dummitt, Melissa Rowland, Lindsey Hutchison, Amie Williamson Kadesha Goodwin

Kevin Landwehr

Rebecca Perritt, Darion Marzetti, Kristin Roberts

Samantha Ball

Meet the Staff

Colbi Howard

Jennifer Stephens, Drew Blevins, Jessica Ballard

Hi, I’m Colbi. Between riding horses, Julie Willian photography, and bee Hey, I’m Julie. I love keeping, I stay pretty swimming, elephants, busy! I’m finally a senior and PF Chang’s. You and glad to be a Smoke should let me shoot you Signals photo editor for a with my Nikon second year in a row. sometime.

Addison Lowry

I’m a really outgoing person and I love to hang out with all my friends. I enjoy cheerleading and going to my lake house.

The Little Things

The Adventures of Aunt Sissy and Wayde

All it took was a tiny hand wrapped around my finger to make me realize that until February 12, 2010, I didn’t know it was possible to love something so small, so much. On that day, my heart was stolen by a seven pound baby boy with the usual dark blue eyes of a newborn and a head full of straight, brown hair. As the months passed, the seven pounds met thirty, blue eyes became grey, and the brunette locks I once held so dear were replaced with strawberry-blonde curls. The tiny babbling baby became an intelligent toddler that loves to sing and dance. During that time, I realized that my 20-month-old nephew, Wayde has taught me, his Aunt Sissy how to live. When I look back on the past year and a half, a smile falls upon my face. Wayde and I have gotten ourselves into some sticky situations. With his great amount of curiosity and wonder, I always find it difficult, if not impossible to scold him for simply wanting to learn. One particular time however, I can

honestly say that I was at complete fault for the mischief. The place was Walmart. The time: early September. After venturing down every toy aisle, trying out some ‘bikebikes,’ bouncing every ‘ba’ we could find, and dancing with an interactive Elmo, my eyes fell upon a giant pit of stuffed animals. As Wayde walked to it, he began to incorrectly label the colors of the plush toys, looking at me every few seconds for a well-deserved congratulatory remark. When he put his arms out towards me to get a higher view, I took him by surprise. Before he could understand what was going on, Wayde was sitting among the toys, a sign above his head reading, “$12.88.” The first few second in the bin terrified him. He sat whining, uncomfortably scanning his surroundings, a pleading look on his face. Before long however, he was back to his normal self, smiling, giggling, and looking adorable. Some people around

us stared, while others smiled gently and continued their shopping. One bystander in particular caught my eye as I took my phone out of my pocket and began taking pictures; an employee of Walmart. My heart stopped as she began speaking about how I was, “disturbing property.” Though I didn’t quite understand how, when she warned me that she would have to ask us to leave, I immediately grabbed Wayde, apologized and resorted back to “Rock ‘n’ Roll Elmo.” Though he begged and cried to get back into the pit, I for once stood my ground, in fear of getting thrown out of Walmart. For the team of Aunt Sissy and Wayde, things like this tend to happen on a daily basis. Usually, it’s his puppy dog eyes that get us into troublesome situations, but this time was an exception. The tiny hand that was once wrapped around my finger quickly transformed into a chubby hand, guiding me into trouble. Though I usually get

Through the Lens... Photo by Sally Sum, junior

“I love my dog. I love photography. If you combine the two, it often turns out exceptional.”

Kelsey White and Wayde blamed for everything that happens, I wouldn’t change a thing about our bond. His bright smile and warm giggle always make up for any mischief we could ever venture into.

A Laughing Matter

A monthly series of punny jokes brought to you by some of GRC’s teachers. Did you hear about the GRC math teacher that was arrested at the airport? He had calculators, protractors, and rulers in his suitcase. He was charged for weapons of math instruction. An English Teacher stood before his class, explaining to the students that everyone had failed the most recent test. He stated that he was initially confused seeing that every student in the class was smart. He followed his statement by saying, “If there are any idiots in this room, please stand up.” After a long silence, one student rose to his feet. “Why do you consider yourself an idiot?” asked the teacher. “Actually, I don’t,” the student announced. “I just hate to see you standing by yourself.”

Mr. Williams English

Student Poem: The Traveler Ethan Stone, 12

He walks, The man in black. Onward, never ceasing Chasing, ever hunting. Races he, The man of blood. One follows; The other leads. Vengeance, honor, The great quest of old. Childe Roland to The Dark Tower, come. Here ye, gunslinger, Heed the calls of thy Father. Shoot with hand, mind, Your very heart. Shoot with hand, mind, Your very heart. Shoot for the skies, Stars themselves in the dark Walk on, gunslinger.

Take up a path Your fathers walked Before you. Take up the mantle of faded glory and ruin. Take up the light of the Beam to the end, Bitter though it be.

A focus on fashion Shelby Caudill Staff Writer From the basic tee to a designer ball gown, everything a person wears depicts who they are. Clothes are a way of life, a piece of art. Previous cultures are remembered simply by what they wore, and because of that, memories are made through fashion and clothing choices. Old fashion comes back bolder and better, and we gladly shine with personality based off these simple stitches. Some people keep it simple, whispering their timidity, where others shine with matchless pieces that scream their spontaneity. Either way you go, however, each person has their own touch; no outfit is the same just like the millions of faces around Earth.

“My inspiration for what I wear comes from my students, working at Macy’s, and reading magazines. I like to keep updated and stay in the latest fashion!” – Mrs. Madsen

“My inspiration for what I wear is my mood and the two crazy socks I pick to wear almost everyday. I enjoy mixing things up because I get bored, and after a while, it becomes almost expected. Wearing things different from others helps me to show my personality and creativity. It also makes me happy.” –Lauren Lancaster

Artistic Alley

Tabitha Koldart

Meet the Editor


I’m Kelsey, your Expressions Editor! In all simplicity, I’m a writer. My nephew, as you’ll probably learn means more than the world to me. Music is my heartbeat and Mexican food fuels my happiness. Above all else, as I had previously mentioned, writing is my passion and I hope that shows throughout this section of Smoke Signals.

(Below, from left)

Kicia Rose, Callie Moore, Alex Murray

Homecoming pictures from centerspread

Starting from top left corner by row of pictures: Mr.Bruce; Kelsey White; Brooklyn Gravett, Jessica Fox, Summer Isaacs, Mr. Kincaid, Dylan Sturgill, Madi Hamlin, Courtney McCane; Nikki Napier, Ashton Boyken; Courtland Watson, Kline Palmer, Clay Richardson, Billy Kidd; Quin Cornelius, Aaron Pope; Brittnay Thomas, Mallory Flynn, Kayla Banks; Eric Terry; William Mason. Row two: Bobby Powell; Laurren Strange, Mrs. Wills; Kelsie Parido, Bashea Young, Alexis Warner; Tevin Cornett, Darian Farris, Cedric Hampton, Austen Crouch; Savannah Congleton, Ramsey Hatchett, Kristen McCarty. Row three: Samantha Ball, Alex Neal; Kate Bush, Breanne Webb; Dylan Keller; Ivy Gapp; Tierra Davenport, KeShaye Patton, Brenda Alvarez; Logan McQuerry; Sandra Skinner, Austin Golden; Wes Lawill, Nolan Willoughby, Ross Todd

Maleny Perez (above)

The new high school is set to be finished by December 2012. Shown here are various photographs of construction taken when Smoke Signals staff went on a tour given by Paul Christy, Clark County Director of Operations. See front page for full story. (Photos and page designed by Julie Willian)

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