April 2019 CrossTie

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Cross ie


VOL 3 | ISSUE 4 | APRIL 2019

Holy Week 2019 Palm Sunday, April 14 9:00 AM: Worship in the Chapel 9:45 AM: Sunday School 11:00 AM: Worship in the Sanctuary (Processional of the Palms) 7:00 PM: Wondrous Love (Holy Week Concert by the Sanctuary Choir)

Wednesday, April 17 Regular Wednesday Evening Schedule

Thursday, April 18 7:00 PM: Maundy Thursday Service of Holy communion with Tenebrae (Sanctuary)

Resurrection Sunday, April 21

9:00 AM: Columbarium Dedication Service 9:45 AM: Sunday School 11:00 AM: Easter Worship in the Sanctuary




B e c k y C a s w e l l - S p ei gh t Minister to Families with Children rspeight@smokerisebaptist.org 678.533.0546


From the Pastor









Jeremy Colliver Minister of Communications, Missions and Youth jcolliver@smokerisebaptist.org 678.533.0551 Kat hy D obbi n s Minister of Spiritual Formation kdobbins@smokerisebaptist.org 678.533.0548 Chris G e o r ge Senior Pastor cgeorge@smokerisebaptist.org 770.469.5856 Bart McNiel Associate Pastor bmcniel@smokerisebaptist.org 678.533.0540 Danny Va n c i l Minister of Music & Worship dvancil@smokerisebaptist.org 678.533.0560

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10 Generosity 11

50 Years of Smoke Rise

12 Family Ministry 13



Monthly Snapshot

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Smoke Rise





In March, Rev. Kathy Dobbins, our Minister of Spiritual Formation, submitted her letter of resignation to our Personnel Committee and shared her plans to retire from Smoke Rise effective July 1, 2019. In the coming months, we will be celebrating her ministry and expressing our appreciation. The eggs laid at Huevos del Rey in Honduras will be sold to the HOI Nutrition program, The First 1000 Days, and locally. This health program supplies pregnant mothers being monitored by HOI’s Health Director, Dr. German Jimenez, with an egg a day for each person in their family.


Right now we are in a season of preparation and prayer, as we begin to make plans for Danny’s upcoming Sabbatical and the 50th Anniversary Celebration. If you are interested in joining in our preparations by making a special gift towards the 50th Anniversary celebration or towards Danny’s Sabbatical, please include the proper designation on your giving.

A B O UT S M O K E RIS E 5901 Hugh Howell Rd. Stone Mountain, GA 30087 Tel: 770.469.5856 Fax: 770.498.3598 Office Hours M-F 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Smoke Rise Baptist Church is a loving and caring faith community where people come to grow spiritually, worship communally and serve faithfully. We are committed to fostering authentic relationships and engaging in meaningful ministry in our congregation, our community and around the world. We partner with others in an effort to be about God’s work. We commit to love God with all our hearts, all our souls, all our minds and all our strength and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. We seek to proclaim the Good News of Christ in all that we say and do.


FR O M T H E PASTO R CH RIS G E ORGE - Senior Pastor

In March, Rev. Kathy Dobbins, our Minister of Spiritual Formation, submitted her letter of resignation to our Personnel Committee and shared her plans to retire from Smoke Rise effective July 1, 2019. The committee reluctantly received and accepted the letter, affirming her desires and expressing their appreciation for her excellent and extended ministry in our church. Since my arrival at Smoke Rise 6 years ago, Kathy Dobbins has been a wellspring of wisdom and a spiritual inspiration to me. Her words ring with wisdom that comes from careful consideration and thoughtful reflection. In a world where people often speak without thinking, Kathy is a breath of fresh air. She is not afraid of silence. In fact, she embraces the ancient practice of the Psalmist who wrote, “Be still and know I am God.” She believes in the importance of spiritual formation and knows the importance of listening and learning in a community of faith. Bob Browning, my predecessor at Smoke Rise, wrote, “Kathy Dobbins came to Smoke Rise at a time when there was a heightened sense of interest in exploring the mysteries of life and faith through Christian Education. She played a vital part in helping the staff discern the church’s identity, mission, purpose, uniqueness, and methodology. She always asked relevant questions and gave sound advice. At all times and in all places, she modeled what it is to be the presence of Christ. Her influence will long be felt and appreciated by those who hunger and thirst after righteousness.” Kathy’s ministry among us has often been subtle, but always significant. So much of it has been behind the scenes, enabling meaningful worship and encouraging spiritual growth. Our Wednesday Night Journeys programs--Kathy Dobbins is the person who makes this happen and has been in charge of the program for many, many years. She graciously accepts tasks like ordering Sunday School literature, setting up for the Maundy Thursday Service, and even lighting the candles on the altar table each Sunday. She also coordinates Sunday School, Circle Groups, Connections for our young adults, and Contemplative Prayer for those looking for a deeper faith experience. She is not on the stage for the Women’s Retreat or The Grand Ole Opry, but she is the one that makes the entire event possible for our congregation. On Christmas Eve, when we all celebrate Communion, it is Kathy Dobbins that has set everything to make it possible…the cups and the bread, ministers at every station…and it goes so smoothly, we sometimes don’t give it a second thought. In a world filled with artificial, Kathy has modeled authenticity. In a time when many people settle for “the junk food of faith,” Kathy has emphasized the importance of real spiritual nutrition, a diet rich in prayer, scripture reading, and meditation. She has helped us to ask the hard questions and helped our church to be a safe place to seek answers. In her letter of resignation, Kathy closed by saying, “I plan to take some time to allow for transition here at Smoke Rise and also for myself and then, when the time is right, I will reaffirm myself as a participating member of this church.” So, we are not saying “Goodbye,” because she is not leaving us. Instead, we are saying “Well done, faithful servant.” In the coming months, we will be celebrating her ministry and expressing our appreciation. We thank God that she will remain among us continuing to share her faith and wisdom with us for many years to come.


Dv pic

WOR S H IP I N G AT S M OK E R I SE DA NNY VA NC IL - MinisterInofthis Music edition of the Crosstie, you will see

there are special worship opportunities offered at Smoke Rise during Holy Week.

InInthis edition ofofthe you will see Palm Sunday morning ushers insee the week this edition theCrosstie, CrossTie, you will there worship with the singing ofopportunities festive hosannas thereare arespecial special worship opportunities offeredand offered at Smoke Rise during Holy Week. the waving of palm as we at Smoke Rise during Holy branches Week.

Presented by the Sanctuary Choir Presented by the Sanctuary Choir

Sunday, April 14, 2019 • 7:00 PM

Smoke Rise Baptist Church Sanctuary

Sunday, April 14, 2019 • 7:00 PM

Smoke Rise Baptist Church Sanctuary

EasterSunday, Sunday, April Easter April 21 21 9:00 AM: Dedication 9:00 AM:Columbarium Columbarium Dedication

inclement weather weather occurs, dedication willwill be rescheduled.) (If(Ifinclement occurs,the the dedication be rescheduled.)

9:45 School 9:45AM: AM:Sunday Sunday School 11:00 11:00AM: AM:Worship Worship

remember Jesus’ entry Jerusalem. In Palm Sunday morning ushers in into the week Palm Sunday morning ushers in the week with thesinging evening there hosannas will be a service of with the of festive and the singing of festive hosannas and the waving the waving of palm branches as we hymns, choral and instrumental music of palm branches as we remember Jesus’ entry remember Jesus’ entry intoLove. Jerusalem. In entitled Wondrous into Jerusalem. thebe evening there the evening thereInwill a service of will be a service of hymns, choral andwe instrumental On Thursday evening will hymns, choral and instrumental music music entitled Wondrous Love. commemorate the last supper that Jesus entitled Wondrous Love. shared with his disciples in a communion

On OnThursday Thursdayevening eveningwe wewill will commemorate service called Maundy Thursday. commemorate supper that Jesus the last supperthe thatlast Jesus shared with his “Maundy” is from the Latin word, shared with his disciples in a communion disciples in a communion service called “mandatum” which is translated service called Maundy Thursday. Maundy Thursday. “Maundy” is from theas or “commandment.” “Maundy” is from the Latinwhich word,is translated as Latin“mandate” word, “mandatum” “mandatum” which is translated “mandate” or “commandment.” as I giveoryou a new commandment that you “mandate” “commandment.” Just asthat I have loved you, I givelove you aone newanother. commandment you love I give you a new commandment that you you also should loveloved oneyou, another. By this one another. Just as I have you also love one another. Just as I have loved you, everyone will know you arewill my should love one another. By that this everyone you also should love one another. By this knowdisciples, that you are my disciples, if you if you have love for have one love another. everyone will know that you are my for one another. John 13:34-35 (NRSV) John 13:34-35 (NRSV) disciples, if you have love for one another. John 13:34-35 (NRSV) portion of the service The communion The communion portion of the service will be followed by Tenebrae willcommunion be followed by Tenebrae which The portion of the service which means “darkness” “shadows. ” Candles are will bemeans followed by or Tenebrae “darkness” or which “shadows.” Candles extinguished after scripture readings which are meansare “darkness” or “shadows.” Candles readings extinguished after scripture referred to asare theafter sevenscripture lastto words of Christ. are extinguished which referred asreadings the seven last which words are referred to as the seven last of Christ. On Easter Sunday there will be a special words of Christ. memorial serviceSunday and dedication of the On Easter there will be new a special On Easter Sunday there will be a special columbarium. After Sunday School, we will memorial service and dedication of the memorial and dedication of the celebrate service Resurrection Sunday in new columbarium. AfterSchool, Sunday School, new columbarium. AfterinSunday a joint worship service the sanctuary. will celebrate Resurrection we willwe celebrate Resurrection Sunday inSunday in joint worship service in thethesanctuary. a When jointaworship service in thethrough sanctuary. we journey together

somberness of these significant worship When we journey together through the When we journey together through the experiences, our celebration of the resurrection somberness of these significant worship somberness of these significant worship is even greater. experiences, our celebration of the of the experiences, our celebration Danny resurrection is even greater. resurrection is even greater. Danny



GROW IN G AT S M O K E R I SE K ATHY D OBBIN S - Minister of Spiritual Formation

Ladies Annual Spring Event This year’s event features Bobbie Hicks speaking on Plants of the Bible. She is a 20-year veteran Master Gardener from Rockdale County and is a member of the International Biblical Botanical Garden Society. April 30, 2019; 6:30 pm in Fellowship Hall Tickets will go on sale beginning March 31. If you would like to host and decorate a table, contact MaryLynn Manley at 770.925.7509.

Rediscovering the Bible Series

Chris and Bart continue this Bible study on Wednesdays at 6 pm in Fellowship Hall: April 10 1 Timothy April 17 2 Timothy April 24 Titus

April 28; 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm Childcare 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm Hosts: Graham and Lynne Felton 1853 Chedworth Lane, Stone Mountain Connections is a once-a-month gathering for individuals and couples in their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s. Light snacks and drinks provided. Childcare is provided at the church. Parents can drop off children at the preschool area beginning at 5:30 pm. Please RSVP for children by the previous Wednesday through the church office, 770.469.5856; mbrock@smokerisebaptist.org.

April 28-30, 2019 Hosted by FBC, St. Simons Island Keynote speaker is Dr. Chris George The cost of the retreat is $20 plus meals and lodging. Go to www.cbfga.org/senioradults to see a list of hotels. Pick up a registration form at the visitor desk in the lower breezeway. Information about group travel will be coming soon. 6 | S MOKE RIS E BAPT IST.ORG

S ERVIN G ON M I S SI ON J E R E MY C OLLI V ER - Minister of Communications, Missions and Youth

Huevos del Rey (Eggs of the King) The repairs and upgrades of the poultry house are finished and at the beginning of December the staff worked on the legal part of the project which consists of an operation permit extended by a national agency (SENASA). SENASA made an inspection visit of the premises and gave their approval of the operation. HOI is now waiting on the operation certificate in order to purchase the chickens. We are hoping for a March purchase. The operation will have 2 batches of birds in rotation. When they are older, they will be sold locally for food. The younger batch will then be producing. This operation will be owned/run by Claudio Aguirre and Carlos Aguilar. HOI Economic Development Coordinator, Eriberto Rivera, will continue to assist and monitor the business. The eggs will be sold to the HOI Nutrition program, The First 1000 Days, and locally. This health program supplies pregnant mothers being monitored by HOI’s Health Director, Dr. German Jimenez, with an egg a day for each person in their family. After the baby is born, this egg a day will continue for the first 1000 days of the infant’s life. Supplying this daily protein will help in the development of the newborn and other children in the family. This nutrition program began in the summer of 2018 and is expanding this year to include additional mothers, potentially up to 50 in 2019.

MAY 19 - 25


J U L Y 1 3- 2 0



$300 plus airfare

JULY 13 - 20

TIJUANA MISSION TRIP $500 plus airfare


CA RIN G AT S M O KE R I SE BART McN IE L - Associate Pastor

Welcome New Members

Ernie Strauss, III Joined January 13

Greg, Paula, Abigail and Emma Rowell Joined January 13

Sue Miller Joined January 20

Billy and Carolyn Marchman Joined February 10

Marianna Alzoukani Joined February 10

Roland and Judy Cannon Joined February 10

Earl Varney Joined February 24

Joe and Alice Moore Joined March 3


CARIN G AT S M O KE R I SE BART McN IE L - Associate Pastor Welcome Ashley Litzell as Communications Assistant Ashley joined our ministry support team in January as our new Communications Assistant. Ashley graduated from Carson-Newman University with a Bachelor of Arts in Applied Psychology and Religion. While at Carson Newman she worked with the Step-up Program that provides resources and tools for students in need of assistance or intervention. After graduating, she worked as a Case Manager for the Salvation Army. In addition to working at Smoke Rise, Ashley is the Church Engagement Intern with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship in Atlanta. Her administrative and software technology skills have been a great asset to our communications team at Smoke Rise. “Ashley has created, organized and implemented the systems that we have needed to function at our highest capacity. She brings a fresh approach to the way we have done things in the past and offers new ideas for the future,” said Rev. Jeremy Colliver, Minister of Youth, Communications and Missions. Ashley is married to Harrison, who has served at Smoke Rise for two years as a Ministry Intern with Children and Families, and is an M. Div. candidate at McAfee School of Theology at Mercer University. They are members of Smoke Rise. Ashley grew up in Orlando, Florida and has known Harrison since childhood. They have been married for four years and are expecting their first child in August. Welcome Teri Moore as Pastoral Administrative Assistant We are pleased to welcome to our ministry support staff team, Teri Moore, who begins serving this month as Pastoral Administrative Assistant to both our senior pastor and our associate pastor. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Management and has technical and organization management experience as an MLS Secretary with Coldwell Banker Real Estate and as an Administrative Assistant to the Director, Admissions Representative and Financial Aid Officer at a small private college in Orlando, Florida. Teri has many years of volunteer service, including volunteer leadership as the SRBC Family Mission Trip Coordinator and Deacon Communion Coordinator. She has also served on committees and boards at church including the Pastor Search Committee, The Strategic Vision Committee, and Weekday School Board. Teri has also served as General Assembly Administrative Assistant for the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship in Atlanta. “Pastor Chris and I are glad to welcome Teri to our care pastoral ministry and administration team in this new support role. With her help, we hope to improve our ability to track and respond to congregational care needs,” said Rev. Bart McNiel, Associate Pastor. “With Teri serving in this much needed support role, we hope to improve management of day-to-day pastoral care and administrative tasks with a goal of finding more time for personal ministry and touch.” “Since our family joined Smoke Rise eight years ago, I have found great joy in serving in many different areas of our church life,” said Teri. “Now, I am excited to serve in direct support of the ministries of Chris and Bart.” Teri and her husband, Joe, are members of Smoke Rise Baptist Church along with their three children, Olivia, Evie and Maive. Joe works in Buckhead with World 50 as Director of Engineering. Teri and Joe have been together for 21 years and have been married for 13 years. Teri and Joe came to Atlanta from Pensacola, Florida where they grew up. 9 | S MOKE RIS E BAPT IST.ORG

G ENER O S I T Y From The Personnel Committee The Personnel Committee is excited about Danny Vancil’s upcoming sabbatical scheduled for June 21 to August 6. His sabbatical will include opportunities for new learning, spiritual renewal, and rest. As we prepare to walk with Danny in prayer and thanksgiving during his sabbatical journey, several people have inquired about how they can make a special gift towards the sabbatical. If you would like to give towards the costs of the sabbatical, please designate it as "Vancil Sabbatical” when you submit a check or online gift. May God continue to bless the ministry and work of our church staff. With gratitude, Melinda McChesney Chair of Personnel

From The Finance Committee As we look forward to our 50th Anniversary celebration in September, preparations and plans are already underway. The Finance Committee is aware that people have been asking how they can make a special gift to help offset the extra costs of the celebration. If you are interested in making a special gift towards the 50th Anniversary celebration, please include the designation “50th Anniversary” on your check or with your online gift, and our finance team will be sure it is used for this purpose. With gratitude, Richard Swindle Chair of Finance

MONTH OF FEBRUARY Amount Given $146,812.53

Amount Spent $172,844.79

Negative Balance ($26,032.26)

REFRESH REPORT Pledged $1,346,104.00

Received Current Balance $1,019,082.76 $249,396.51


Amount Given $1,925,371.93

Amount Spent $1,991,801.52

Negative Balance ($66,429.59)

NEXT PROJECT Fellowship Hall Audio/Visual


5 0 Y EA RS OF S M O K E R I SE In continuing with our series of articles leading up to celebrating 50 years of Smoke Rise Baptist Church, I interviewed Sandra Ethridge about some of her earliest memories of Smoke Rise Baptist Church. “That’s been 50 years ago!” Sandra Ethridge laughed as I asked about her early memories of Smoke Rise Baptist Church. When asked about the atmosphere in the early days of Smoke Rise, she responded, “We were a small group where everyone knew everyone else.” Sandra continued, “Frank Johnson was our first pastor and he came to us because he was already on staff at Briarlake.” “We first met at Brockett Elementary and then moved to Smoke Rise Elementary before the chapel was built. We also had the Vespers area with the crossties where we would meet for worship.” Sandra responded when I asked her about the places Smoke Rise met. Reflecting on the early days, she continued, “Our house was the first house built in Stone Mountain Acres that would become Smoke Rise. The community was excited to have a church in the community. It was something new. Sara Anne Pepper and Marianne Moss would go door-to-door sharing about Smoke Rise Baptist and inviting them to come and join us. On Sunday evenings the bus that Mr. Thompson bought would be driven around the community and they would pick up children and youth. They would go for pizza, or bring pizza back to the church and play. David Bishop was one of those children who was picked up on the bus. Also, behind the Chapel, that property was cleared by Gene Hudgins, and the ball field was a place where we would play and have ball games. Red Morgan was our first Choir Director and Lou McGuff was our first female deacon. On Wednesday nights the men would cook dinner and clean up.” She paused to laugh, and then continued, “The only woman that was allowed back in the kitchen was John Langston’s mom, and she would make the biscuits. After dinner we would have prayer service and Bible study.” It has been 50 years and we will ever be grateful for the faith and prayers of the pioneers who planted the seed that would grow to become Smoke Rise Baptist Church. -Jeremy

50 9 • 22 • 2019

Save the Date

9:00 AM Open House with Continental Breakfast (Sunday school classes, check your schedule) 10:30 AM Worship in the Sanctuary Lunch at Evergreen Resort, Stone Mountain 11 | SMOKE RISE BAPT IST.ORG

FA M ILY M I N I ST RY AT SM OK E R I SE Beau Smith is much more than just a friend to me. He is the younger sibling I never had. The day Beau was born we became best friends. Nothing has changed since day one. Beau is my baseball buddy, video game buddy, and my church buddy. He never fails to make me laugh and continues to teach me to love unconditionally. Beau, whether he knows it or not has changed who I am and inspires me to be the best person I can be. How’s that? One of my favorite memories with Beau was when our parents were doing a Bible Study session. While our parents were upstairs, me and Beau were downstairs playing a game called “Disney Infinity.” Now I’d never played the game before, and to put it lightly, Beau was an expert. So as I fumbled my fingers around the controller, Beau sat there with me and walked me through what to do. Before our time was over I had learned a total new game thanks to help from my friend Beau. -Maddox Mullee



March 8-10

YOU TH AT S M O KE R I SE J E R E M Y C OLLI V ER - Minister of Communications, Missions and Youth Ashes to Flowers 40 days can seem like a long time. The beginning of the 40 days is marked with an ashen cross placed on your forehead while hearing the refrain, “From dust you came, and to dust you will return.” Then there are 40 days, minus Sundays, until Easter morning. There is Holy Week that begins with the procession of palms on Palm Sunday marking Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. There is Maundy Thursday where we hear the story of the Passover meal that has become our Lord’s Supper. Good Friday is a solemn day as we are reminded of Jesus being hoisted onto the cross and dying because, and for, us. Three days later we arrive back at church with our best pastels, Easter Lillies, and celebratory anthem of Jesus rising from dead. These are the signposts that take us from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday. But what happens to those other 40 days in the middle? Down in The Basement, that’s what the Youth will be talking about and focusing on; those other 40 days. We’re going to be reading the stories of Jesus’ life; how he interacted with the groups of people that surrounded him to hear his teaching, how he prepared his disciples for when he would be gone, how he talked and prayed with God to keep himself centered on God’s will. As we look at these stories again, our hope is that we will again be transformed by the living Christ. Our hope is that our lives will emulate more of what the life of Christ looked like. That our lives will have meaning in-between the ashes we came from and the ashes from which we will return. Join us in this journey through Lent as we rediscover the living Jesus. The Jesus that lived, laughed, loved, prayed, preached, and played, so that you too may be transformed. -Jeremy

APRIL 13 - 14



Sunday Schedule 9:00 AM Worship in the Chapel 9:45 AM Sunday school in the basement 11:00 AM Worship in the Sanctuary 5:00 PM Choir in the Choir Suite 5:45 PM Dinner 6:00 PM Vespers in the basement Wednesday Schedule 5:00 PM Dinner 6:00 PM Youth in the basement






Sunday 9:00 AM - Worship in the Chapel 9:45 AM - Sunday school for all ages 11:00 AM - Worship in the Sanctuary 4:00 PM - Liturgical Dance 5:00 PM - Youth Choir 5:45 PM - Youth Dinner 6:00 PM - Youth Vespers

13 Easter Egg Hunt

Wednesday 4:45 PM - Dinner in the Fellowship Hall 6:00 PM - Journeys, Children's Activities, Youth in the basement 7:00 PM - Sanctuary Choir

28 Connections

14 Palm Sunday 14 Wondrous Love Concert 18 Maundy Thursday Service 21 Easter Sunday

28-30 CBF/GA Senior Adult Retreat 30 Ladies Spring Event


Thank you SRBC!

Refresh Campaign Office Renovation A very special thank you to our volunteers!


CLASS OF 2019 May 19, 2019 Smoke Rise Baptist Church BREAKFAST AT 9:45 AM WORSHIP AT 11:00 AM


Sunday Evening , April 28 - Tuesday Noon, April 30 Hosted by First Baptist Church, St. Simons Island Retreat Cost: $20* that includes Monday lunch, two evening fellowships, and snacks *Retreat Cost does not include lodging and other meals Pastor Chris George will be the keynote speaker

Save the Date

Church in Conference Sunday, May 5th 12pm-1pm Address Correction Requested


Pie & Ice Cream Fundraiser following Yonder to support Youth Sing and Serve Tour

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