A Smoke Rise Thanksgiving On November 20th at 6:00 pm we will gather to break bread and give thanks for our wonderful Smoke Rise Family. Following dinner, we will share our blessings with the community around us with our traditional Thanksgiving Basket Stuffing. Read more on page 23. Journeys Wednesday Night Journeys commence with Dr. Chris George leading us in class about the miracles of Jesus. We have a great line-up planned for this semester! Read more on pages 14-15. Octoberfest Come out to the church on October 26th for our annual community event, Octoberfest! We have food, games, a costume parade, and truck or treat. We hope to see you there!

I consider myself highly blessed and fortunate to have been able to join the Music and Missions Team on our trip to Nova Scotia, Canada, earlier this summer. Between the beautiful sights, delicious food, friendly people, and meaningful time spent with our Smoke Rise community, we could not have asked for a better trip.
This year, my granddaughter in Oklahoma and my grandson in Kansas will start the first grade. Their generation faces the worry of gun violence. Here are a few tips to help us as we think and pray about a new school year and our beloved children, grandchildren, friends and family members who work in schools.
As we enter the Fall of 2022, we have wind in our sails as we chart our course forward as a congregation. Since the beginning of Covid, we have certainly faced challenges. But our church family has proven faithful and we have actually embraced opportunities to expand our ministry.
Each year on All Saints Sunday, the Endowment trustees at Smoke Rise Baptist Church host an annual Legacy Luncheon to express gratitude for gifts to the Smoke Rise Baptist Church Endowment Fund, to introduce new and existing members to the Fund and to celebrate together the missions and ministries that are empowered and enabled by earnings from the Endowment. GA 30087
From the Pastor Fall MakingEnsemblesSummer Memories Supporting Our Students From the Academy of Arts FromOctoberfesttheWeekday School Fall Opportunities for Adults Smoke Rise Stories Smoke Rise Legacy Society Missions Beings at Home Music and Missions Trip Reflections A Smoke Rise Thanksgiving Advent20-2118-1914-1510-118-96-754121316172324
Follow Us on Facebook facebook.com/smokerise Visit Us Online smokerisebaptist.org Stop by Our Office 5901 Hugh Howell Rd. Stone Mountain,
Give Us a Call 770.469.5856 Connect with

Our Ministers Chris George Senior cgeorge@smokerisebaptist.orgPastor Becky Caswell-Speight andMinisterrcspeight@smokerisebaptist.orgofFamilies,FaithFormationConnection Danny Vancil Ministerdvancil@smokerisebaptist.orgofMusicandWorship Bart McNiel MinistryAssociatebmcniel@smokerisebaptist.orgPastorofAdministration,SupportandCongregational Care James Smith Pastoraljsmith@smokerisebaptist.orgCareAssociate Page Fulgham Missionsmissions@smokerisebaptist.orgAssociate Hannah Vassar ConnectionMinisterhvassar@smokerisebaptist.orgofYouthandCongregational Mission Sunday 2022 | October 16 Supporting the work of NETWorks Co-op in Tucker, GA. Learn more about NETWorks and Mission Sunday on pages 18-19.

Some of my pastoral colleagues who speak of the future of the church seem to be consumed with anxiety and fear. While I acknowledge the challenges that we are facing, I am truly filled with a sense of anticipation and excitement at Smoke Rise. Fall has always been my favorite season. This year, the leaves will change and be beautiful, but even more, our lives will change as we follow in the footsteps of Jesus and recommit ourselves to Christ and our community. And of this, I am absolutely sure: “The God who began a good work in you will be faithful to carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6).
Dear Church Family, As we enter the Fall of 2022, we have wind in our sails as we chart our course forward as a congregation. Since the beginning of Covid, we have certainly faced challenges. But our church family has proven faithful and we have actually embraced opportunities to expand our ministry.
In January, our church voted to amend our church constitution, creating the designation of "associate member." Some people in our satellite campus communities and other people who began worshiping with us from distant places during the pandemic expressed a desire to make a formal connection with Smoke Rise. Those accepted as associate members make the same two core commitments we ask of any of our members, namely: 1. To follow in the way of Jesus. 2. To worship, learn, care, serve and give at Smoke Rise. As we welcome them into our faith family, we respect their traditions and allow them to retain membership in another congregation or denomination as well. We believe that the Christ that unites us is bigger than any of the differences that may divide us. What a joy it has been to welcome several new associate members to our congregation and to anticipate others joining us in the coming months! Please continue to warmly welcome the many who visit physically with us each Sunday. Also, remember that we have people who join us for worship each week via streaming from our satellite campuses as well as many others who are streaming our services from near and far. While some churches have talked about the Covid contraction, we at Smoke Rise are seeing that the work of God has expanded in our congregation, our community and beyond.
Hannah’s approach to ministry is deeply relational; so, along with Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights, she is attending football games and fine arts events as she focuses on helping our youth build meaningful relationships with God and with others. Along with her work with our youth, Hannah is helping our congregation to connect by reaching out to those visiting with us as well as ensuring that our newest members find their places for learning and serving at Smoke Rise. She strengthens our ministerial team with her experience and interest in providing meaningful pastoral care to those in our church family. We are so thankful for Hannah’s presence among us and I want to encourage everyone to extend Smoke Rise’s hallmark hospitality to her, pledging your prayers and supporting her with kind words of encouragement.
- Chris George
From the Pastor
In July, our church voted to call the Reverend Hannah Vassar as our Minister of Youth and Congregational Connection. Hannah brings with her an impressive array of academic, ministerial and professional experiences that make her uniquely gifted to lead our youth and our congregation.

Joy Makers Choir Wednesdays at 6:00 PM in the Children’s Suite Four- and five-year-old’s Sanctuary Choir Wednesdays at 7:00 PM in the Choral Suite
Ensemble for advanced ringers
M&M’s: Monday Music and Missions (Formerly known as Prime - Time Choir) Mondays at 10:30 AM in the Chapel Hymn singing and sacred songs – plus – calling and singing to shut-ins.
2022-23 Ensembles
Older children and youth Children Choristers Sundays at 5:00 PM in the Children’s Suite Grades 1-5 instrumental and choral program Youth Choir Sundays at 6:00 PM in the Choral Suite Grades 6-12
The Music and Worship Ministry invite you to join one of many ensembles gathering this fall.
Audition interviews required Liturgical Dance Sundays at 4:00 PM in the Dance Room
Sanctuary Handbell Choir Wednesdays at 4:00 PM
Eating donuts beforeVacation-church!JohnWesleyBible School! I wish we could do that every week! - Madeline Brown What was your favoritesummer?frommemorythis Playing dodgeball at Vacation Bible School!TheLillianpool party at my house because I got to play with my friends. -Scotty

I liked learning about Big God who -Marcellodivingwithlikedeverybody.lovesIalsothepooltheslideandboard.
One of my favorite things at church this summer was going to big game night and playing giant games like candy land with my mom and friends and also getting 2 pieces of candy. - Nicholas
“My favorite time at church this summer was at the Marketplace.VBSIgot to do a lot of cool stuff, like carpentry and making things like bread, jewelry, and music. Also, I got to hang out with cool friends. Plus the food there was really -Noemigood!”Arnold

I’ve probably given more thought about what to write for this issue of the CrossTie than anything I have written at Smoke Rise. More thought and more prayer. So, here Whengoes.
Parents, grandparents, students, employees and educators begin this school year with the headlines of mass shootings serving as a solemn reminder of tragedy that has fallen on several communities. Parents, educators and caring adults should help our young people process violent acts in our society that may make them feel vulnerable. We should help them live with confidence and self-assurance in the world without constant fear of danger. We should help them put tragedies into perspective. That’s a tall order. We have the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the privilege of prayer and some sound guidance from professionals to help us as parents and grandparents. Here are a few tips to help us as we think and pray about a new school year and our beloved children, grandchildren, friends and family members who work in schools. First, any approach for each child should be developmentally appropriate. What helps a six-year-old cope with fear and anxiety may not be the same for a 16-year-old. To talk with a child of any age remember:
Back to School: Reducing Anxiety for Our
A resource for parents and grandparents to have healthy conversation about school. by Jim Smith, Pastoral Care Associate
I was in the first grade, I was anxious about whether I could find the right bus when it came time to go home. Buses lined up in front of the school and there were many of them. They all had numbers, but I wasn’t sure I could always remember that I rode bus # seven. The drivers all looked alike. The kids even all looked alike. It didn’t occur to me that my brother would be on the bus I needed to take. I didn’t worry about the frequent tornado drills we had in Oklahoma. That was familiar and common. I didn’t worry about the air raid drills where schools across the United States taught students to duck under their desks and cover their heads in case of atomic attack during the Cold War threat of an escalating arms race. That was far-fetched, according to my neighbor, Mr. McCoy. My biggest worry was about getting on the right bus. This year, my granddaughter in Oklahoma and my grandson in Kansas will start the first grade. Their generation faces the worry of gun violence. It will be a consistent routine for schools to have drills for going into “lock-down” in the event of an active shooter. I am grateful for the time, effort and resources pouring into our schools to assure the safety of everyone there.

2. Respect their views.
1. Be careful about how you present yourself both emotionally and in conversation with them. They will absorb your reactions. Your distress can be more disturbing than the events that caused the distress.
School-age children know about anger and conflicts and have seen violence on TV, in movies and in real life. Talk about how anger should be managed and that there is never a reason to manage anger with violence.
To talk with teens and young adults, remember that they wonder what such events mean for the life they will lead as they look to their future. One person in this age group recently asked, “Will I be safe in college?” This age group will wrestle with issues such as the issues of justice or power or the use of weapons. Young people in marginalized groups may be particularly concerned about being vulnerable. Follow these guidelines:
3. Research suggests you should turn off the media. Watch or listen to news coverage of violence when young children are not in the room. Be careful about conversations young children might overhear. Encourage school-age children to share their feelings and concerns with you. They will hear about recent events of violence. They will experience lock-down drills at school. Assure them that it’s all right to be concerned and that you will do everything you can to protect them from harm. As you have conversation with them, pay attention to these tips:
3. Handle breaking news. Turn off the media when you can. Be available to understand a child’s concerns when they hear difficult news.
1. Ask what worries them specifically. Find out where they get their information.
4. Remind them that God watches over us and that there are many good people God sends to care for us and protect us.
5. Talk about angry feelings and how to manage them.
2. Expect to hear questions (maybe the same questions several times). Be patient. Asking questions shows trust in you and what you say.
3. Watch news coverage together. Make your own observations and comments and be willing to listen to 4.theirs.Share your feelings and encourage them to share their feelings with you. We genuinely need to keep our children and society feel and be safe. It is an important role for all of us is to help our children feel safe and to be a part of the solution as they are growing into the leaders of our future. Let us pray for our schools, for all students, educators and employees. Let us pray for our families and our nation that we might live in peace, free from threat to the safety of our children and our communities. God, give us safe schools and streets and homes. Amen.
1. Control your own anxiety. Anxiety is contagious and easily spreads to those around us, especially young family members. Be honest. Express that you feel terrible or sad, but do not dwell on fear or anxiety you may feel.
2. When traumatic events happen, expect young children to regress emotionally. They may cling, whine, have trouble sleeping. Your patience and reassurance will help these episodes pass.
1. Be willing to talk things out with teens.
2. Remain Calm. Research shows that when a parent is calm and under control, they are in the best position to talk with children about difficult topics. When talking with toddlers and preschoolers, remember:

From the Academy of Arts
Excited for the fall after a fun-filled summer at the Academy. by Denise Burcham, Academy of Arts Director
Summer felt like our “pre-pandemic” normal for the Smoke Rise Academy of Arts. In addition to dance and music classes, our Music and Arts Camp hosted 60 children, ages five to14 for a week of music, dance, arts and drama exploratory classes. Children played Orff instruments and drums, learned African welcome songs, danced to “Surfin’ USA,” built bird-feeders and candle holders, learned parts of Aladdin, JR, and much more. The best part was all the new friendships made during the week! Drama classes were re-vamped for the summer, offering a two-week intensive drama camp for our teen actors. Thirty teens met for over 100 hours and performed four fun shows of Bye Bye Birdie. Yes, there were swooning girls, hip-swingin’ dancing, and a visit by Ed MondaySullivan!nights found over 50 elementary / middle school students coming together to learn their parts for Aladdin, Jr, to be presented September 16-18. We invite you to join us for one of our four shows on Fri. at 7:00 pm, Sat. at 2:00 pm or 7:00 pm, and Sun. at 2:00 Wepm.are now preparing a full fall semester of dance, music, drama and art. We have classes for the very young to the older adult students. Perhaps you will join us in one of our wonderful classes. Musikgarten Family Music is a 12-week session of 45-minute “Mommy and Me” classes for the very young preschool child and a parent, nanny or grandparent. Elementary children can benefit from music lessons in piano, voice, violin, drums, guitar, ukulele and more. They may also try their hand at acting on stage in one of our fun musicals. Adults are invited to enjoy some comradery while gaining some exercise in our Adult Tap Dance class. Art classes for various ages are in the works – so listen out for details soon.

September 16-18 Show Times Friday at 7:00 pm Saturday at 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM Sunday at 2:00 PM Smoke Rise Academy of Arts presents $5 tickets may be purchased at the door.

YOU are INVITED TO Wednesday, OCTOBER 26 5-7 pm Food • Costume Parade Trunk Or Treat • Games

My Journey at the Smoke Rise Baptist Weekday School. by Rashette Walker, Weekday School Director
I love this school and the community that supports it. Ever since the summer of 2010 when I toured the school with my daughter, this school has had my heart. My daughter was loved and nurtured here by excellent teachers who cared for her as though she were their own. The environment of the church, the facilities and the small class sizes made me feel at ease bringing my daughter every day to learn and grow.
From the Weekday School
To my surprise, after serving as a caregiver and a substitute teacher, I was presented with an opportunity to become a permanent teacher here! I felt honored to take the position and grateful to find my way back into the workforce surrounded by such a powerful group of ladies who welcomed me with open arms and helped me and my co-teacher have a successful first school year.
As I reflect on how God ordered my steps to become a teacher here, I am amazed at where I am today. If someone had told me in 2010 as I toured the halls of this school with Paula Reeves, that I would one day be standing in her shoes, I would not have believed it. If someone had told me in 2016 that I would one day be in this position, standing nervously in front of young parents, giving them an overview of the things that their children would be learning about in my class, I would have laughed and said that person was joking. But here I am, seven years later, getting ready to begin a new school year as director of the Smoke Rise Baptist Weekday School. I was honored to serve as a caregiver. I was honored to serve as a teacher. And I am now honored to serve and lead this school into more successful chapters. I am grateful to Stacey McNiel and Harrison Litzell for jobs well-done as our former directors. They represented and served our school well and I aim to do the same. Please continue to keep our school in your prayers and I will continue to pray for the Smoke Rise Baptist Church community.
As a parent of a student here, I don’t think that my daughter would have thrived anywhere else as well as she did here. So, when the opportunity came along in 2015 for me to work as a caretaker during the Mother’s Bible study, I was happy to come back. My youngest child was now in public school and my stay-at-home-mom duties were no longer needed for most of the day. It felt good getting back into the workforce after being gone for so long, and the once-a-week childcare helped me get my feet wet. Then, not long after that, I was asked to sub in some classrooms. I enjoyed doing that and being in the classroom with all of those little personalities made me joyful.
Picture from Rashette's first year teaching at the Weekday School in 2016.

Adult Opportun
Tickets are $20, and go on sale October 1st. If you would like to decorate a table, please sign up with MaryLynn Manley.
Speaker: Elizabeth Musser, writes Entertainment with a Soul from her writing chalet -tool shed- outside Lyon, France.
Tuesday, November 15th | 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Her newest book, By Way of the Moonlight, was chosen by Publisher Weekly as one of their Top 10 Religion and Spirituality Books for Fall 2022. For over 35 years, Elizabeth and her husband Paul, have been involved in missions work in Europe with One Collective, formally International Teams.

church. Parents can drop off children
Please RSVP for children by the previous
770.469.5856; mabner@smokerisebaptist.org. nities this Fall WEDNESDAY NIGHT JOURNEYS The Miracles of Jesus September 7-October 19 Led by Dr. Chris George Colorblind No More: Reading with Eye of the Other November 2nd & 9th Led by Dr. Angela Parker Harvest Celebrations November 16th Led by Rev. Bart McNiel Reading the Bible is Easy-ish: Advent Edition November 30th Led by Rev. Harrison LitzellThe Nativity December 7th Led by Rev. Rebecca Caswell-Speight
church office
August 28th at the home of the Newcomb-Thompsons 25th at the home of the Feltons 23rd at the of the is provided at the at the preschool area beginning at 5:30 pm. Wednesday the at
Feltons Connections is a once a month gathering for individuals and couples in their 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s. Light snacks and drinks provided. Childcare

Giving to our general fund is generally lower in the summer, typically resulting in a spending deficit through the second quarter of the fiscal year. Giving usually falls back in line or better against expenses by the end of the third fiscal quarter due to increased giving as part of our end-of-year emphasis. We are grateful for the continued faithfulness of so many and especially for those who are making regular, recurring gifts to the church. If you are not giving a regular tithe or offering toward the budgeted Ministry Plan at Smoke Rise, we encourage you to consider supporting Smoke Rise on a recurring basis. Regular giving to our general fund helps us to better meet our financial obligations month-to-month. It also puts our church in a better position to meet our budget and to shore up financial reserves that sustain the ministries and missions of our church into the future. As we finish the summer and move into a season of renewed activity and worship, let us continue to give generously and cheerfully to our church.
you, Smoke Rise family of faith, for your continued generosity.
Bart McNiel
worship -learn-care evres--evig-pihsrow cnrael--are -serve - give During the months of October and November, we will be sharing stories of service from our members. These stories with be featured on our Website and Facebook page. If you would like to share a story of service, answering one of the prompts below, please contact Ashley Litzell at •alitzell@smokerisebaptist.org:WhyisservingatSmokeRise important to you? • Why do you continue serving year-after-year? • Can you name someone at Smoke Rise who has embodied the spirit of service? They may have had or continue to have an impact on you or on someone else. This is your opportunity to lift their quiet acts of kindness into the light. Smoke Rise Stories Sharing the Stories of our Smoke RiseThankMembers

Smoke Rise Legacy Society
Present members of our Legacy Society include some who were at Smoke Rise on its first Sunday. And still, even more Legacy givers were not present on that first day, but came later and were grafted into the Smoke Rise family because others who had come before have given generously in support of a wider future.
Each year on All Saints Sunday, the Endowment trustees at Smoke Rise Baptist Church host an annual Legacy Luncheon to express gratitude for gifts to the Smoke Rise Baptist Church Fund, to introduce new and existing members to the Endowment Fund and to celebrate together the missions and ministries that are empowered and enabled by earnings from the Endowment. This year, our luncheon will take place on November 6th in the Fellowship Hall immediately following worship. Smoke Rise members are invited to join existing Legacy Givers for this special annual luncheon. If you are interested in attending the luncheon, contact Teri Moore at tmoore@ smokerisebaptist.org or call the church office to make a reservation. There is no cost to attend.
By giving in support of the Endowment Fund, members have the opportunity to partner with a rich legacy now and for years to come—for children and grandchildren, for neighbors yet unknown, for people who will need to know the joy of beloved community in good and bad times, for those who will answer the call to love God and others beyond the walls of our church, for those who will take up the calling to be the presence of Christ in the world.
Givers to the fund are honored as members of the Legacy Society at Smoke Rise. Membership in the Legacy Society is not based on the size of the gift or estate, but on notice of your commitment to leave a legacy gift to the church beyond your lifetime or through a one-time life gift of any kind or sum to the Endowment Fund.
As we approach All Saints Day, we encourage you to consider making a living gift to our Endowment Fund or to consider amending a will or leaving some other bequest to the Smoke Rise Baptist Church Endowment Fund. If you have questions about the fund and ways to support it, we hope you will consider joining us for the luncheon. You are also encouraged to contact our pastor, Chris George or our associate pastor, Bart McNiel. If you would like to speak with one of our Endowment Trustees, you may contact the church office, and we will put you in touch with a trustee who can speak with you further about our Endowment.
We are thankful for the generous spirit here at Smoke Rise Baptist Church. by Bart McNiel, Associate Pastor for Administration, Ministry Support and Congregational Care

David: It was in 2016. It was with your church that I had one of my first meetings after I became executive director. Tim Adcox and Peggy Harris were the first ones with whom I met. Later, Laura Willis served as president of our board and Alexis Weaver is slated to become chair. All these these have made or are making significant contributions in our leadership.
drives how we do our work. We focus on the call of Jesus “to love neighbor as self.” It is our mission to represent and reflect our community so that when someone walks in the door, they see people just like themselves - our presence of mutuality. We’re all broken, albeit in different ways, but we share in our brokenness. We want our neighbors to see us as their neighbors. We want to walk beside people in their need and help identify barriers that keep them from thriving. This approach is unique.
Page: Talk about your capital campaign.
David: In my opinion, our approach to serving the community as far as food distribution may not be that unique; but it is our missional imperative that
David: In the official words of our mission statement, our goal is to bring the hospitality of Christ to our neighbors in meeting their food and financial hardships and partner with them to find long-term solutions to poverty. The Vision of NETWorks is to broaden and deepen how we connect with our neighbors – to be more relational, more personal in our approach and ministry.
David: Out of the process of planning came the vision of expansion into larger space and programs to serve the community in more ways. This is a leap of faith—to expand into new space. We envision setting up our food pantry as a grocery store where our neighbors can come in and select the food
We have set the goal of $50,000 to support the good work of our neighbors at the NETworks Cooperative Ministry.
An interview with Page Fugham, our Missions Associate and David Fisher, Executive Director at NETWorks.
Page: What is your vision for NETWorks?
David: In the early 2000s, a group of ministers (North East Ministers Organization) recognized that they could serve their community better by working together. A dozen churches founded NETWorks as a stand-alone nonprofit in 2004. After sharing space in churches, in 2014 NETWorks moved to an unused bank building in Tucker owned by FBC of Tucker where financial assistance was continued and a food distribution ministry was developed. The clothing distribution was relocated to one of the churches in the area.
Page: When did you become partners with Smoke Rise?
18 Mission Sunday 2022 | October 16
Page: What is the unique way in which NETWorks serves our community?
Page: How did NETWorks begin?

While this is not unique to us, we will be among a few in the Atlanta area. We want to get to know people better, learn their names, birthdays and significant events in their lives. We also have a food co-op (Good Neighbor Grocery Alliance) which families can join for a small fee. This group takes care of ordering the food, picking it up, and distributing it to co-op members which gives them maximum input and control of the process and results in getting more food on the table than in a traditional food pantry distribution model. Our expansion into new facilities will allow space for all of our programs, the grocery store approach to food distribution and space for the Good Neighbor Grocery Alliance meeting. Our goal is $750,000 to lease the new facility (with an option to buy) and build it out to suit our needs.
Page: How has our partnership benefited NETWorks?
Page: Thank you, David, for your time and we look forward to your participation in our Mission Sunday in October.
Page: When do you expect to move to new facilities?
David: Well, of course your monthly financial commitment is huge. Smoke Rise is probably in the top three of the 20 churches that support us, and Smoke Rise is number one in your pledge of $50,000 to our capital campaign. I’ve already mentioned the significant contribution of several Smoke Rise members. In addition, Mike and Martha Holt help in so many ways – the Thanksgiving basket program, participation in the Taste of Tucker. The list goes on, including Lynne and Graham Felton and others. Smoke Rise volunteers are important to our daily work.
items they want as opposed to one of our volunteers making the selection.
David: This September.

Welcome Our New Minister of Youth and Congregational Connection
Reflections from Music and
By the time this issue reaches you, I’m hoping to be settling in, remembering names, and making good connections with you all. I’m so excited about the opportunity to walk with you during this next season. I have been praying for you all and thinking of you this summer. I have known for a few years that I have been called to ministry, but I have never been able to put my finger on what that would look like for me. I am passionate about many elements of a variety of ministries. Above everything else, I have known most of all that I have been called to be in relationship with others. The idea of walking alongside people is my dream. While I am excited to get to walk with the entire community of Smoke Rise, I also have a soft spot for young people. The more people I’ve met, the more I want to meet. It has been of great encouragement to me to see a church hospitablewithgifts in so many areas of ministry. I am excited to join Rise!Smokefaithfultheworkthathasalreadybeendoneat
From Hannah Vassar Hi, Smoke Rise!
On Sunday, July 17th, the church was called into conference and, by unanimous vote, called Hannah Vassar as our new Minister of Youth and Congregational SheConnection.beginsher work among us on September 1st. We hope that you will welcome her with open arms as she gets to know us, and we get to know her.
From Jonathan Hall I consider myself highly blessed and fortunate to have been able to join the Music & Missions Team on our trip to Nova Scotia, Canada, earlier this summer. Between the beautiful sights, delicious food, friendly people, and meaningful time spent with our Smoke Rise community, we could not have asked for a much better trip. I particularly enjoyed getting to know youth and adults from our team better through shared experiences that do not happen often in our regular routines here at home. This trip will remain a cherished memory for me as I reflect on the many gifts and talents of our team and the ways each individual shared the presence of God with us all.

My favorite moment from our Music and Missions trip to Canada was watching our group come together to serve as the hands and feet of Christ at Feed Nova Scotia, a local food bank. We had mentioned to our trainer and director there, Brian, that we were a youth choir and shared our concert venue and time with him, assuming we probably would not meet him again. To our shock and delight, Brian attended our concert at First Baptist Halifax the following evening! He had taken the time to come and hear us! It was hard not to feel God’s presence when we saw Brian walk in those doors. It was truly special to have built and felt that sense of community in such a short time in Nova Scotia.
From Maddox Mullee
From Matt McNiel When in Canada I did a lot of activities with my youth group, but my favorite activity was helping out at Feed Nova Scotia. The people volunteering there were so kind and helpful. When volunteering there I got to experience a welcoming environment that helps sort out food for people in need. My role in this process was unpacking bags of food for some other members of my youth group to sort into sections. Overall, I had such a great time, and it was for a great cause.
Missions Trip to Halifax, Nova Scotia

Mark Your Calendars No Sunday Evening Activities Labor Day - Church Office Closed Wednesday Evening Activities Resume Church in Conference Monday Morning Bible Study Resumes Men's Trip to Western KY September Dates 4 5 7 11 12 25-30 OctoberWomen'sDates Trip to Western KY Mission OctoberfestSunday 2-7 16 26 November Dates All Saints' Day Legacy Luncheon Youth Disciple Now Church in Conference Deacon Ordination Ladies Holiday Dinner Thanksgiving Dinner and Basket Stuffing Thanksgiving Day Office Closed First Sunday of Advent 6 6 11-13 13 13 15 20 24 24-25 27 World Communion Sunday October 2, 2022 Christ the King Sunday November 20, 2022 November 6, 2022

Thanksgiving Dinner Let's thanksgive Thanksgiving Baskets • 1 large can sweet potatoes • 3 cans green beans • 2 cans corn • 1 can fruit • 1 can cranberry jelly • 2 packets gravy (NO JARS) • 1 box stuffing • 2 boxes mac and cheese • 1 package cookies • 2 packets potatoes (NO BOXES) • 1 package Thanksgiving luncheon napkins • $15 Gift Card for meat (Please bring cards to the church office and deposit in the Thanksgiving box.) After Thanksgiving dinner, we will gather in the gym to put together Thanksgiving baskets for NETWorks and the Lilburn Co-op. Below are the items that are needed for the baskets: November 20 at 6:00 PM together We welcome you to a time of good food and fellowship as we express our thankfulness for our wonderful church family.

Address Correction Requested Advent A Season of Anticipation