CrossTie April 2018

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Cross ie



Easter Sunday, April 1, 2018 • 9:45 am: Sunday School • 11:00 am: Worship

Holy Women at the Tomb of Christ by Annibale Carracci, 1585. 1 the sabbath was Mary over, Magdalene, Mary Magdalene, andthe Mary the mother of James, and Salome spices, WhenWhen the sabbath was over, and Mary mother of James, and Salome bought bought spices, so that they 2 sogo that might goAnd andvery anoint him. And very the first thehad week, when hadtomb. risen,They might andthey anoint him. early on the first dayearly of theonweek, whenday theofsun risen, they the wentsun to the 3 been saying to one another, “Who will roll away the stone for us from they went to the tomb. They hadwill had been saying to one another, “Who roll away the stone for us from the entrance to the tomb?”When they looked 4 the entrance to the tomb?” When they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had up, they saw that the stone, which5 was very large, had already been rolled back. As they entered the tomb, they saw a young already been rolled back. As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man, dressed in a white robe, man, dressed in a white robe, sitting on the right side; and they were alarmed. But he said to them, “Do not be alarmed; sitting on the right side; and they were alarmed. 6But he said to them, “Do not be alarmed; you are looking you for are Jesus looking Jesus of who Nazareth, who was crucified. He has been he raised; hehere. is notLook, here. Look, the place offor Nazareth, was crucified. He has been raised; is not there there is theisplace theythey laid laid him.him. But 7go, and Peter that he is he going aheadahead of youoftoyou Galilee; there there you will Buttell go,his telldisciples his disciples and Peter that is going to Galilee; yousee willhim, seejust him,as he 8 told just you.”asSohethey outSo and fledwent fromout theand tomb, forfrom terror amazement had seized them; and they said nothing toldwent you.” they fled theand tomb, for terror and amazement had seized them; to anyone, they were afraid.toMark 16:1-8 and for they said nothing anyone, for(NRSV) they were afraid. Mark 16:1-8 (NRSV)

Psalms, Hymns, & Spiritual Songs A Celebration of Sacred Music Presented by the Sanctuary Choir, Handbells & Orchestra Sunday, April 15, 2018 ¡ 7:00pm Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. Colossians 3:16



T im Ad cox Minister of Missions 678.533.0570


From the Pastor









Jeremy Colliver Minister to Families with Youth 678.533.0551



Kat hy D obbi n s Minister of Spiritual Formation 678.533.0548

1 2 Serving

B e c k y C a s w e l l - S p ei gh t Minister to Families with Children 678.533.0546

Chris G e o r ge Pastor 770.469.5856 Bart McNiel Associate Pastor 678.533.0540 Danny Va n c i l Minister of Music & Worship 678.533.0560

1 0 Family Ministry 11






Good News lies at the heart of our congregational commitment to missions. We are called to go into the world to care, to love and to share the Good News of God's Love. Through caring ministries, we enter into the Christian practice of receiving and caring for other wounded souls without judgment or distinction. We've heard it said that a little love goes a long way, but Jesus didn't call us to love only a little.


1 3 Serving 1 4 Monthly Snapshot


Our Honduras partnership team was experiencing Nicaragua for the first time. Over the course of the week, we built ovens and stoves, laid concrete floors, conducted a Bible school, and led a sports academy.

CON N EC T W IT H US smokerise SmokeRiseBC

Smoke Rise

A B OU T S M O K E RIS E 5901 Hugh Howell Rd. Stone Mountain, GA 30087 Tel: 770.469.5856 Fax: 770.498.3598 Office Hours M-F 8:30am - 4:30pm

Smoke Rise Baptist Church is a loving and caring faith community where people come to grow spiritually, worship communally, and serve faithfully. We are committed to fostering authentic relationships and engaging in meaningful ministry in our congregation, our community, and around the world. We partner with others in an effort to be about God’s work. We commit to love God with all our hearts, all our souls, all our minds, and all our strength and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. We proclaim the Good News of Christ in all that we say and do. 3 | SMOKE RISE BAPT IST.ORG

FRO M TH E PASTO R CH RIS G E ORGE - PASTOR Dear Church Family, On Easter, we proclaim the Good News, “Christ is Risen!” This Good News lies at the heart of our congregational commitment to missions. We are called to go into the world to care, to love and to share the Good News of God’s Love. Death has been defeated. Hope has been born. Jesus has come to give us life and life to the fullest. On March 4, we celebrated the ministry of Rev. Tim Adcox among us and commissioned him as he leaves to pursue a new ministry calling with Heart of Champion Sports. With Tim’s departure, we will pursue a new missions staffing structure, even as we will continue in our unwavering support of missions using the mission partnership structure and model the program established under Tim’s leadership. On April 1, Rev. Jeremy Colliver will begin a process of transition at Smoke Rise as prepares to assume a new fulltime role and title as Minister of Communications, Missions, and Youth. As Jeremy begins his transition, Rev. Page Fulgham will come on board as our Transitional Minister of Missions. Page will serve part-time, as Jeremy reorients his ministry work to take on his new role. As a former pastor, Page has extensive experience in church leadership. As an active participant in our mission program, Page also has deep relationships with our mission partners and a thorough understanding of our missions’ program structure. Page will serve an 18-month term, during which he will help to evaluate our mission partnerships, lead our missions’ committee, mentor and work alongside Jeremy. Page will work 15 hours a week for the first six months, 10 hours a week for the next six months and finally wind down his service with 5 hours a week during the last six months. As Page’s responsibilities and time decrease, Jeremy’s role will increase in time and scope until Jeremy assumes full responsibility for missions. Jeremy has expressed an interest and willingness to serve in this new capacity while continuing in his role as Minister to Youth. Jeremy has a deep personal commitment to missions and extensive experience participating and leading mission teams. Jeremy has already been working on communications over the past year. We are confident that Jeremy will continue to serve our congregation well in his new ministry role. Throughout this time of transition, we are extremely thankful to have Glenn and Pat Herndon who have agreed to continue to serve in our missions department. Their presence will help ensure a smooth transition and their knowledge of the dayto-day operations is absolutely invaluable. Please express your appreciation to them for their service to Christ and our congregation. Smoke Rise Baptist Church continues to be a congregation “on mission for Christ.” Grateful for our past, we are looking forward to a bright future with anticipation and excitement. Christ is Risen! Share the Good News. 4 | SMOKE RIS E BAPT IST.ORG

Drop Danny’s pic back in here

Music and Worship page for April 2018 Crosstie

Drop Danny’s pic back in here

Music and Worship page for April 2018 Crosstie


oes here

DA NNY VAN CIL - MIN IST E R OF MU SIC There’s something about spring that makes me want to sing!

music filled months at Smoke Rise Baptist Church. I encourage you to mark your calendars now and plan to be April and May are music-filled months at Smoke Rise Baptist Church. I encourage you to of the musicalatofferings. May arewonderful music filled months Smoke Rise Baptist Church. I encourage you to mark your calendars now and plan to be mark your calendars now and plan to attend all the wonderful offerings.

ance for all of of the wonderful musical offerings. “Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs.” The Sanctuary Choir is busy highlights April will be the presentation Drop Danny’s pic One ofhighlights the highlights ofand April will beforthe “Psalms, and Spiritual ” The Choir Sanctuary Choir encert musical of April will be the presentation “Psalms, Hymns, andHymns, Spiritual Songs.” TheSongs. Sanctuary busy that willmusical include both classics as well aspresentation newer compositions. of the newer selections isiscalled “Let backOne in here Music Worship page April 2018 Crosstie Drop Danny’s pic is busy preparing for the concert that will include both classics as well as newer compositions. The text of one of the newer for the concert that will include both classics as well as newer compositions. One of the newer selections is called “Let Songs.” The text of this lovely choral prayer was written by Terry Yorkback and it will serve as the choral in here Music and Worship page for April 2018 Crosstie Heading goes here selections, called “Let theofWorld Hearchoral Our Songs, ” was dprogram. Hear Our Songs.” The text this lovely prayer waswritten writtenbybyTerry TerryYork Yorkand andwill it will serve as the choral Heading goes here

serve the choral benediction for the program: on for theas program.

ongs as prayers to You. We have harmonized with Your Spirit. sung our songs as prayers to You. We have harmonized with Your Spirit. WeYou. have sung our songsso as prayers to You. have with Your Spirit. ve for us Help live world willWe hear it.harmonized s now to liveHelp for You. us the live so the world will hear it.

April with and Mayus arenow music to filled months SmokeHelp Rise Baptist Church. encourage youwill to mark yourit. calendars now and plan to Go live foratYou. us live so Ithe world hear

attend all the wonderful offerings. We have harmonized with Your Spirit. ongs as prayers to sungWe our songs prayers to You. have with Your Spirit. April sung andas May areYou. music filled monthsWe at Smoke Riseharmonized Baptist I encourage you towith mark your calendars now and plan to our songs to You. We Church. have harmonized Spirit. One ofhave the musical highlights of Aprilas willprayers be the presentation “Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs.” TheYour Sanctuary Choir is busy attend all the wonderful offerings. s now to love like You. Help us live so the world will see it. ove like You. Help us live so the world will see it. preparing thenow concertto that will include both classics as newer compositions. The text one of the newer selections, Go withforus love like You. Helpasuswelllive so the world will seeofit.

One the musical highlights April will bebythe presentation “Psalms, and Spiritual Songs.” called “Let theofWorld Hear Our Songs,”ofwas written Terry York and will serveHymns, as the choral benediction forThe the Sanctuary program. Choir is busy

Let thepreparing World our songs inLet theboth lives weaswith live. thecompositions. world see Your forhear thein concert will include classics well asLet newer text one ofin theus. newer selections, orldsongs hear songs the lives live. Let the world see Your love us.oflove our in the lives wethat the world see Your love inThein us. We haveour sung our songs as prayers tolive. You.we We have harmonized Your Spirit. called “Let the World Hear Our Songs,” was written by Terry York and will serve as the choral benediction for the program. Let the world hear our songs, let the world see Your love, help us live our praise and prayer. Amen. Go with us now to live for You. Help us live so the world will hear it. orld hear our songs, let the world see We Your love, help usYour live our praise and prayer. Amen. Welet havethe sung our songs assee prayers to, havehelp harmonized Spirit.praise and prayer. Amen. ur songs, world Your us with live our We have sung our songs as prayers to You. We have harmonized with Your Spirit. Go with us now to live for You. Help us live so the world will hear it. Go with us now to love like You. Help us live so the world will see it. We have sung our songs as prayers to You. We have harmonized with Your Spirit. Let the World hear our songs in the lives we live. Let the world see Your love in us. Go with us now to love like You. Help us live so the world will see it. Let the world hear our songs, let the world see Your love, help us live our praise and prayer. Amen. Let the World hear our songs in the lives we live. Let the world see Your love in us. Let the world hear our songs, let the world see Your love, help us live our praise and prayer. Amen.

- Danny Vancil

Children’s Spring Musical Sunday, May 6, 2018 at 4:00pm

Wednesday, May 16 6:30PM Wednesday, May 16 6:30PM

Wednesday, May 16 Every Time I Feel the Spirit 6:30PM Every Time I Feel the Spirit Pentecost Sunday

Pentecost Sunday ednesday,Sunday, May May16 20 at 11am Sunday, Pentecost May 20 at Sunday 11:00am Senior Recognition with Special Sunday, May 20 at 11am Graduate Recognition with 6:30PM Youth Choir Performance SeniorWaite Recognition withand Special Darien preaching a

Children’s Spring Musical Sunday, May 6, 2018 at 4:00pm Children’s Spring Musical

ery Time I Feel the Spirit

Performance SpecialYouth YouthChoir Choir Performance Sunday, May 6, 2018 at 4:00pm 5 | SMOKE RIS E BAPT IST.ORG

GROW IN G AT S M O KE R I SE Journeys 2018– Session 3 Wednesdays at 6 pm Outreach at Smoke Rise Rev. Becky CaswellSpeight will talk about what Smoke Rise is doing in the area of outreach and how we connect with our community. Three weekly participatory sessions will follow. April 11 in the Fellowship Hall Help for Better Hearing The NUEAR Hearing Center in Tucker will be doing free hearing screenings in the church library beginning at 4:00 pm on April 11. Preaching, Teaching, Living the Gospel David and Julie Brown - CBF field personnel in Paris, France, will share stories of their work as missionaries for the past 25 years in West Africa, North Africa and currently in France. - April 18 in the Fellowship Hall Learning more about Outreach You are invited to join us in these 3 sessions to dream and vision what Smoke Rise can do to raise our presence in our community. Led by Rev. Becky Caswell-Speight in room 223. This class will meet on April 18, 25, May 2. Ministries of Compassion & Caring Learn more about our ministries to those who are bereaved or experiencing difficult transitions. Led by Rev. Bart McNiel, Dr. Gary Minton, and Suzette Binford - April 25 in the Fellowship Hall Ethics and Imitating Christ May 2 in the Fellowship Hall Hard Questions For God May 9 in the Fellowship Hall

Elvis & Friends at Smoke Rise! It’s time for another theme night at Smoke Rise. This one will be a night in Vegas on the Smoke Rise stage on Sunday, April 29 at 6 pm, featuring the King of Rock and Roll, Elvis Presley. Rumor has it some famous friends will be dropping in to sing as well. Mark Eskew has been entertaining crowds since he was six-yearsold. No other Elvis Tribute Artist comes close to singing the songs of the King of Rock and Roll with as much dedication to the original recordings as Mark. Tickets cost $10.00 per person including dinner. Tickets will go on sale beginning April 8th. Sunday school classes can reserve a table(s). Deadline for reservations is April 22. Contact: Kathy Dobbins Ladies Spring Event The ladies annual Spring Event will be April 24, 2018, at 6:30 pm with Daphene Jones. She is the fraternal twin of Deborah Hall featured in the book, Same Kind of Different as Me. Paramount produced the subsequent movie that was released in 2017. The inspiring story Daphene shares in her book, Our Southern Breeze, is the “rest of the story.” Her journey with God includes years of struggle and an event that occurred that changed everything. Daphene’s story of forgiveness, restoration, and second chances is especially meaningful for young girls and women. Tickets are on sale now. If you would like to host and decorate a table, contact MaryLynn Manley at 770.925.7509.


CONNEC T I N G AT SMOK E R I SE BECKY CASWELL-SPEIGHT - MINISTER TO FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN Our community is made up of anyone that we can connect with on any given week. The reach includes Smoke Rise, Stone Mountain, Tucker, Lilburn, Snellville, Grayson, even as far as Seneca, South Carolina. The members of our community

year, David George invited a friend from school to our 2017 Easter Party. It was the first time that his friend’s family had ever visited. The Beaghan family enjoyed the party and have attended most Sundays after that day. Since the party, Alba and Ben have joined the church, David and Anthony declared their intent to be

may or may not know where our building sits. The members may or may not have visited before. They do know someone that calls Smoke Rise home. For a church to grow it must continually attempt to reach out to this community. But how are we doing it? The first and most effective way is so easy that a child can do it. Last

baptized, and in March, Anthony was baptized. This past Saturday, the Beaghans and David arrived for the 2018 Easter Party, much like the year before. This time though they all came early. They helped prepare a party that welcomed the community to the place where our church calls home. They helped provide a way for people to get to know the church


that they both so obviously love. They provided outreach to the community. Who are your friends? Who are your neighbors? Who do you go to school or work with? Do they know about Smoke Rise? Have you extended an invitation to them to join you for an event? Our reach extends as far as our members do. And it is everyone's job to share with the community the joy that Smoke Rise brings. -Becky



Welcome New Members in February

Rev. Winston McNiel Sandra McNiel Joined February 25, 2018 Joined February 25, 2018

Caring hearts are also forgiving hearts. Through caring ministries, we enter into the Christian practice of receiving and caring for other wounded souls without judgment or distinction. We’ve heard it said that a little love goes a long way, but Jesus didn’t call us to love only a little. A lot of love goes even farther, and Jesus asks us to love more. Through caring ministries we love in ways that do not require religious measuring sticks. In Luke 7 Jesus says, “The one who is forgiven much, loves much, but the one who is forgiven little, loves only a little.” If you find yourself being more judgmental than caring, some honest soul searching just might uncover a hurt, grudge, or other wrong where you need to do the work of forgiveness. If Jesus’ saying has any merit, you will discover new capacity to love by learning to forgive. -Bart

Church Staff Spotlight: Debbie Lloyd What do our church's electric bills, staff members salaries, and the grocery bills for Wednesday night dinners have in common? They are all paid by Debbie Lloyd, our Finance Secretary. Debbie processes all our church financial transactions, maintains the books, processes payroll for all employees, produces all member giving statements, and manages both the envelope and online giving. In her 20 years working at Smoke Rise, Debbie has proven to be trustworthy and dependable, as she faithfully distributes the money contributed by our church family. Thank you, Debbie, for all you do for our church!


Thursday, April 5, Room S223, Caregivers of those with Alzheimer’s and Other Types of Dementia, 2:00 pm Wednesday, April 11, Room S223, Grief Support Group, 10:00 am Thursday, April 19, Room S223, Caregivers of those with Alzheimer’s and Other Types of Dementia. 2:00 pm Wednesday, April 25, Room S223, Grief Support Group, 6:00 pm Thursday, May 3, Room S223, Caregivers of those with Alzheimer’s and Other Types of Dementia, 2:00 pm If you have any questions about these support groups, please contact the church office or speak with our associate pastor, Rev. Bart McNiel. 8 | SMOKE RIS E BAPT IST.ORG


The Stewardship Committee is grateful for the response to our Live Generously campaign in support of the Smoke Rise Ministry Plan Budget for fiscal 2018. As of March 26, 2018, we have received 135 pledges totaling $824,147.38. In order to meet or exceed our pledge totals from last year, we have more work to do. The church office is still accepting pledges, and we encourage you to submit your pledge card if you have not already done so. Because of our shared commitment to be faithful and regular givers, Smoke Rise continues to be a wonderful place to call our church home. If for some reason you did not receive a pledge card, please contact our church office, and we will be sure that one is provided for you. Thank you to all members, ministers and volunteers for everything that you do to help Smoke Rise Baptist share in God’s wonderful work in the world.

MONTH OF FEBRUARY Amount Given $124,779.98

Amount Spent $169,005.80

Negative Balance ($44,225.82)

REFRESH REPORT Pledged $1,346,104.00

Pledges Not Yet Received $426,174.74


Amount Given $1,905,581.75

Amount Spent $2,059,721.47

Received Current Balance $1,031,620.78 $147,354.65

Negative Balance ($154,139.72)


FAMILY M I N I ST RY AT SMOK E R I SE A Family Mission Trip Reflection As someone who has gone to Smoke Rise Baptist Church my entire life, I feel very connected with the congregation here. This is why I jumped at the opportunity to take a weekend off from my busy college life at Georgia Tech to participate in the Smoke Rise Family Mission Trip. On this trip, families with children congregate with the common goal of serving others and building community. To me, it is more than a mission trip comprised of families. It is a service experience that the Smoke Rise family experiences together. Throughout the weekend I was able to connect with many people in ways I hadn’t before. Helping others while taking the opportunity to grow closer to the people I share a community of faith with isn’t just what the Family Mission Trip means to me. It’s what Smoke Rise does. - Vaud Alex Burton

Newest Members of the 27 Book Club

David, 27 Books

Michael, 27 Books


YOU TH AT S M O KE R I SE What does Spring Bring? "April showers bring May flowers." You repeat it over and over in your head as you raise your umbrella and try not to step in the ever-increasing puddles as the rain steadily comes down for the fourth day in a row. The quip reminds you that there is hope of new growth that comes with the newness of Spring. This hope of new growth is also abundant with our youth as well during the Spring. There’s hype about what is going to happen over the summer, but there aren’t yet big events planned with the school year winding down. Spring is a time for us to pour into the lives of the youth - spending time together, building relationships, talking through what is going on at school and at home, and taking time to play together. As we pour our lives into the lives of the youth, it is like the rain falling down on these April days: you don’t see a lot of growth right away; but without it, there is no growth at all. So, the next time you see one of our youth. take time to say hello or ask how their day is going. It might not seem like a lot now, but you’re planting seeds for the future. Ascension Group New things can be nerve-racking. Change can cause confusion. Our hope is that Ascension Group will help alleviate both of those. Parents and rising 5th Graders are invited to join us April 15th and April 29th at 5:00pm to talk about the new and transition into Youth.

Graduate Recognition Sunday On Sunday, May 20th, we’re excited to celebrate with:

Madison Crews Spencer Decuir Jonah Dodson Teresa Reed as they graduate from high school and move on to their college careers. We will begin our celebration with our Senior Breakfast at 9:45 with the seniors and their families as we will look back on where they have been and then get a glimpse ahead of what is to come. During worship at 11:00am, we will continue to celebrate all of our church members who have graduated over the past school year.

Let's celebrate where we have been and glance into what the future might be. MAY

20 2018

Breakfast at 9:45 AM Sanctuary Worship at 11:00 AM


SERVIN G ON M I S S I ON TI M A DCOX - MIN IST E R OF MISSION S Nicaragua Trip Spectacular Every morning we would wake up to this amazing view of the lake just below our rooms. The cool nights made great sleeping weather. The aroma of fresh-brewed coffee grown just outside our window on the organic coffee plantation was a smell that told us a great day of ministry was about to begin.

Our Honduras partnership team was experiencing Nicaragua for the first time. Over the course of the week, we built ovens and stoves, laid concrete floors, conducted a Bible school and led a sports academy. As always, our team was great, serving in whatever way they were asked.

Honduras Outreach has partnered with Comunidad Connect to serve the people of the town of Los Robles. Here are two quick stories: When I visited this village a year ago to gather information to recommend Nicaragua to our team, I met a very old man named Francisco. He lived alone in one of the worst houses I have ever seen. Walls and roof were falling in and floors were rotted out. He had no visible means of income, except weaving baskets. You can see one if you come by the mission office. This year, on the second day of our work, we drove by a new house very near the soccer field. I asked our guide who lived in the new house. It was Francisco! The community had built him a house. While we there we noticed some of the young men of the village bringing him food. One of the most amazing things in this village is their sense of community


and how they look out for each other. Each day we met with the sports academy to talk to them about how to develop character through sport. On the second day, a single girl showed up to play with the group of boys. She was a very good athlete and I was proud of how the boys accepted her on the team. The team has only one set of gloves that are shared by everyone. No one has his or her own glove or bat or ball. But after practice that day, the academy director, Ronald, told me that the girls' dad was really struggling to raise her by himself after losing his wife. That day, he presented her with her own glove, appropriately bright pink. -Tim Adcox


It is hard for me to express how much I appreciate the kind words, hugs and warm handshakes I received March 4th. Everything about the day was special. Chris did a fantastic job, as always, expressing the focus of my years of ministry at Smoke Rise. It has been a true joy to work with all the staff of Smoke Rise these many years. The church will continue to be blessed by their ministry. Thank you for all of your words of encouragement regarding Heart of a Champion Sports. Many of you have been asking me about this new ministry and I was glad to be able to share details with you. Laura and I will plan to stay in touch as we begin this new chapter in our lives. I hope that you will keep us in your prayers. Starting this new venture will strengthen our faith. Thank you for all the years we have walked together. Smoke Rise is a great church with a great future. -Tim Adcox

Annual World Mission Offering Continues to Grow Thank you again for your continued generosity. We exceeded our goal before the March 31 deadline! Current numbers show $43,695 given to date. Our goal was $40,000. This is a great example of giving generously. The mission committee has sent the $25,000 to God’s Appalachia Partnership to prepare the site for the director’s home on the Elk Ridge property, previously purchased with Hope Offering funds.

HOI 2nd Annual Tony Barnhart Golf Classic Save the date: May 7 Sugarloaf Country Club


Clarkston Orientation Friends of Refugees, our mission partner in Clarkston, requires an orientation training to help volunteers understand the culture of Clarkston refugees. If you have an interest in working in Clarkston, you must attend a training session. The next training session is April 22, Sunday afternoon after worship. Contact Mary Wilson for information, mwilson8150@gmail. com or cell 770-380-0492.





S u n d ay 9:45 am Sunday school 11:00 am Worship in the Sanctuary 2:00 pm Matupi Christian Baptist Church Worship Service 5:00 pm Youth Choir and Worship

1 - Easter

M o n d ay 10:30 am PrimeTime Choir

19 - Finance Committee

Wed n e s d ay 5:00 pm Wednesday Night Dinner 6:00 pm Journeys Sanctuary Handbells Preschool Music and Mission 1st-5th Grade Music and Mission Youth Gathering 7:00 pm Sanctuary Choir

2 - Office Closed 8 - Deacons' Meeting 15 - Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs 22 - Relay for Life Breakfast 24 - Ladies Spring Event 26 - A Day in Cartersville 29 - Elvis and Friends

Friday 10:00 am Mother’s Bible Study


Annual Conference of the Baptist History and Heritage Society May 31-June 1 at Smoke Rise Baptist Church Conference Theme “Baptist Women in the Twentieth Century: Missionaries, Mission Leaders, Churchwomen, Civil Rights Activists, and Ministers.� Make plans now to join us for this rare opportunity for learning and fellowship with Baptist history and heritage experts and scholars from all over the country! SRBC Members who are interested in attending the conference, please contact Bart McNiel, Associate Pastor at for details and conference registration deadlines and rates.

Chapel Renovation

18th Annual Car Show Saturday, May 5 9am-3pm Call 678-533-0556 if you have questions

Chapel renovation is set to begin May 29. The chapel will be closed all of June and July and will reopen for worship on Sunday, August 5. During the months of June and July there will be one unified worship service in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings at 11:00am. We appreciate your flexibility at this time and look forward to returning to this beloved sacred space.

Smoke Rise Travels Presents: A Day in Cartersville, GA on April 26 Our new travel planning team has prepared a fun and informative day in Cartersville which includes visits to Tellus Science Museum and Booth Western Art Museum. We will also see Old Town, Court House and RR station, Bartow History Museum, Rose Lawn Museum, Etowah Indian Mounds, LakePoint Sporting Community. Cost: $30.00/per person plus lunch; space is limited. To reserve your space contact Kathy Dobbins 770-469-5856; Depart from church at 9:00am. Anticipated return to church is 6:00pm.

Children's Sunday May 6th

Worship 11:00am Children's Spring Musical 4:00pm

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