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10 mm


Magic! 7–9 är ett basläromedel i engelska för högstadiet. Med Magic! 9 elevpaket får varje elev ett digitalt läromedel och tre tryckta komponenter: Classbook, Workbook och Word Trainer. Genom att arbeta med de olika komponenterna utvecklar eleven sina förmågor i engelska och sin digitala kompetens. Magic! 9 är tematiskt indelad med en tydlig röd tråd och ger flera ­möjligheter till individualisering. Här finns inlästa texter på tre nivåer, varierande uppgifter och hörövningar som tar eleverna runt den ­engelsktalande världen. Kopplingen till det centrala innehållet är tydlig och målen för varje kapitel ger eleven ett bra underlag för att planera sina studier.

Magic! för åk 9 Magic! 9 Elevpaket

Omfattar Classbook med digital del samt ett exemplar vardera av Magic! 9 Workbook och Magic! 9 Word Trainer. ISBN 978-91-44-09471-7 • Art.nr 32362 Magic! 9 Workbook (10-pack)

Tio exemplar av Magic! 9 Workbook.


ISBN 978-91-44-09540-0 • Art.nr 38217


Magic! 9 Word Trainer (10-pack)

Tio exemplar av Magic! 9 Word Trainer. ISBN 978-91-44-09559-2 • Art.nr 38218 Magic! 9 Lärarmaterial med digital del samt digital version av elevpaketet

ISBN 978-91-44-09560-8 • Art.nr 32748 Magic! 9 kan även beställas som heldigitalt läromedel. Gå till studentlitteratur.se för mer information.

Art.nr 32362

Eva Hedencrona • Karin Smed-Gerdin • Peter Watcyn-Jones studentlitteratur.se

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2017-12-05 13:19

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FÖRORD Dags för Magic! 9. Du får läsa om många spännande personer och lära dig en hel del om olika engelsktalande länder. I Magic! ingår en digital del – din inloggningskod finns på omslagets insida. I den digitala delen kan du läsa och lyssna på hela boken och göra dina egna anteckningar om du vill. Du kan även lyssna på hörövningarna och arbeta med grammatik, ordövningar, korsord m.m. och du kan testa dig själv då och då. I den digitala delen finns också ett avsnitt som kallas Want Even More? Där kan du läsa en text som du sedan får uppgifter till. Dessa finns bara i den digitala delen. Jag finns där och hjälper till där det behövs. Genom att arbeta med Classbook, Workbook, Word Trainer och den digitala delen kommer du att bli ännu duktigare i engelska. Lycka till! Max Magic

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Art.nr 32362 (avser Elevpaket, inkl. Magic! 9 Classbook med digital del, Magic! 9 Workbook samt Magic! 9 Word Trainer) ISBN 978-91-44-09471-7 Upplaga 2:5 © 2007, 2014 Författarna och Studentlitteratur AB Printed by Pozkal, Poland 2018

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2017-12-05 13:31

QUICK GUIDE TO MAGIC! 9 Classbook Classbook har 24 kapitel plus sex något svårare kapitel kallade Want Some More? – ungefär ett kapitel i veckan. I den digitala delen hittar du Want Even More? – sex texter för extraläsning. I några kapitel finns avsnitt ur engelska ungdomsböcker. Längst bak hittar du Magic Pages, med olika genrer, studieråd och grammatik. På omslagets insida finns en inloggningskod till den digitala delen. Workbook Här har du övningar till alla kapitel. Det finns olika typer av nyttiga och roliga hörövningar samt tal- och skrivuppgifter. Word Trainer Här tränar du de viktigaste orden i Magic! 9, med hjälp av vikordlistor och korsord. Här ska du även planera och föra logg över ditt arbete. Den digitala delen Använd en dator, surfplatta eller mobiltelefon och följ instruk­ tionerna som finns på omslagets insida. När du loggat in kan du läsa och lyssna på alla texterna i boken, öva att känna igen och skriva de nya orden, lösa ordflätor, träna grammatik och mycket mer. Jobba både med böckerna och den digitala delen så lär du dig bäst! + Easy Readers! Easy Readers är korta ungdomsböcker på enkel engelska. Det finns avsnitt ur fyra sådana i Classbook. När du har läst och lyssnat på avsnitten i Classbook, varför inte läsa hela boken? Dessutom finns det bland annat utdrag från böcker av Joyce Carol Oates, Bali Rai, Kate Cann, Stephen Chbosky och Benjamin Zephaniah.


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2014-12-18 13:35

Innehåll Unit Chapter

Handlar om … Grammatik

1 Interaction 1 A Facebook Event 8 7 About a Boy 9

det dagliga livet

en annorlunda utflykt

2 About a Boy Listening 12

3 No More Holidays! 13 resor och generationer Kate in Florida Listening 14 A Thoroughly Modern Grandmama 15

videospel och tonårsspråk

Want Some More? (WSM): The Flip Side 20

möjlighet att vara ensam hemma

Want Even More? (WEM): It's My Party 21

ett svek och ett party

4 Could Video Games Make You Violent? 16 Teenglish 18

2 In Real Life 22

sport och boxning

6 Cinderella Man Listening 27

vägen tillbaka till boxningen adverb

7 The Land of the Long White Cloud 28 Nya Zeeland Kylie in New Zealand Listening 29

8 60 Secs. With Jennifer Lawrence 30 Staying Cool for the Prom 31 Too Much, Too Young? 32 WSM: Face 34

komma tillbaka efter en olycka

WEM: Many Rivers to Cross 35

ett återseende

3 Telling 9 That's Fantastic! 37 Stories 36 The Wedding Box 38 10 The Wedding Box Listening 41

ing-form efter preposition

intervju med en skådespelare plastikkirurgi att för snabbt bli vuxen

oregelbunden plural genitiv

5 At a Football Match 22 Cinderella Man 23


två möten och en brudkista olika vägar i livet

verb i nutid och dåtid

11 The Fun of Reading 42 42nd Street Library 43 Three Wishes Listening 43 William Who? 44

vikten att läsa ett bibliotek tre önskningar William Shakespeare

verb + to, verb + -ingform

12 Dreams 46 Swimming With Dolphins 49

drömmars betydelse delfiner

WSM: Dragon Problems 51

en drakes livskris

WEM: The Model Millionaire 52

vad godhet kan leda till


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2014-06-16 14:08

Unit Chapter

Handlar om … Grammatik

4 In Writing 53

13 Can You Trust the Internet? 54 Misery 55

internet och en besatt läsare

14 Misery Listening 58



15 A Character From One of My Stephen King berättar Own Novels 59 ett olyckligt möte på internet konditonalis Online Love Listening 60 16 Scientific Research – Pros and Cons 60 How True Is Wikipedia? 62 Question Your Sources! 63 Don't Hesitate, Meditate Listening 64

för och emot vetenskaplig forskning lita på Wikipedia? källkritik meditation

WSM: A Sleepless PM 64

ett speciellt mejl

WEM: Great Men Can Die 67

ett mord

5 Taking a 17 For and Against 69 stand 68 Stereotypes 70 In the Deep End 70

för och emot kött stereotyper en relation

18 My Life As a Teenager 72 Harry's Speech Listening 73

vara tonåring argument mot att äta kött

19 About Greenpeace 74 Voluntary Work Listening 76

Greenpeace volontärarbete

20 Forever 77

en oförglömlig kärlek

WSM: Big Mouth & Ugly Girl 79

stå upp för en kompis

6 next stop 81

WEM: The Workshop 80

kärlek till motorer

21 Ordering at a Restaurant 82 Dream On 83

restaurangbesök och restaurangarbete

22 India 86 Gopal Makes Chapatis Listening 88

Indien baka indiskt bröd


Flying Fears 88 First Flight Listening 90 Dreamliner – an Aircraft Plagued With Problems 90

verb + preposition adjektiv+ prepostition


flygrädsla en första flygtur en ny flygplanstyp

24 Singapore – The Lion City 92


WSM: The Perfect Kiss 94

den första kyssen

WEM: Career Day 95

en speciell SYO-konsulent

Magic PAges 96 Alphabetical Wordlist 143


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chapter 1

A Facebook Event About a Boy chapter 2

About a Boy Listening chapter 3

No More Holidays!

Kate in Florida Listening A Thoroughly Modern Grandmama


chapter 4

Could Video Games Make You Violent? Teenglish


want some more? The Flip Side

want even more? It’s My Party

... ... ...

De röda prickarna visar hur svår texten är. En prick = lättast, tre prickar = svårast.


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2014-12-30 14:33


1 A Facebook Event Read the dialogue and practise more in your Workbook. Samantha: Hi Jake, how are things? Jacob: Hi Sam! Fine, thanks. So I hear you’re having a welcome-back-toschool-party! Samantha: Yes, that’s right. I figured it would be fun to do something with the whole class before we have to dig into our books and assignments again. Jacob: So it’s sort of like a garden-party at your house? Samantha: Not really. I’m having the party at my football club. We can use the clubhouse and whatever we need for the barbecue my dad will bring. Jacob: Your dad? So your parents are going to be there too? Samantha: Yes, unfortunately. Well, I wasn’t allowed to use the premises if I didn’t bring one of my parents. But my Dad’s OK and he’s really good at doing barbecues. But I noticed that you ticked “Maybe”. Aren’t you coming, then Jake? Jacob: Well, yes and no. It’s my grandmother’s birthday that day and I have to go and see her. Actually I want to go and see her as I really like her. But if her party doesn’t end too late then I’ll be able to make it to your party too. Samantha: Ok, fair enough. So far I’ve got 15 definitely coming, 5 no’s and 5 maybes. Jacob I noticed that Joe isn’t coming and

he wrote on the wall that he’s going to be out of town that weekend. Where is he? I though he was going to be around all summer – mostly working. Samantha: He texted me and told me that he’s on a training camp with the handball team that weekend. You know he’s doing really well at that sport. He even has his own blog, have you seen it? Really nice pictures. Jacob: No, I’ll have to check it out! Do you want us to bring anything for the party? Samantha: Well, just some hot dogs and soft drinks – that’s all. Maybe I should write that on my event so that everyone knows. Otherwise we’ll probably end up with too much of everything. Jacob: Ok, Sam – hope to see you on Friday! Samantha: Yes, take care, Jake! Jacob: You too. figure anta, tro dig into kasta sig över assignment arbetsuppgift barbecue grillfest unfortunately tyvärr premises lokaler tick bocka av; h. klicka fair enough för all del, bra mostly för det mesta hot dog varm korv soft drink läskedryck

Practise the words in the wordlists.


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About a Boy About a Boy is the story of the growing relationship between Marcus, a twelve-year-old boy, and Will, a 36-year-old man. Marcus is having problems at home and at school. Will wants a life without responsibilities; he isn’t interested in children, marriage or work. But Will is interested in attractive single mothers, and he invents a two-year-old son so that he can join a single parents’ group. When he meets Marcus and his mother, his life begins to change. About a Boy is very funny and enjoyable, but it also has a much more serious side.

growing växande relationship förhållande responsibility ansvarstagande single ensamstående invent uppfinna

Will Will Freeman was thirty-six years old and he had never had a job in his life. Sometimes he thought about working. He looked through the job advertisements in newspapers and wrote occasional letters to employers, but he was never invited to interviews. He didn’t mind. He was OK as he was. He was a cool guy with a cool lifestyle. He read quite a lot; he saw films in the afternoons; he went running; he cooked nice meals for himself and his friends. When he got bored, he went to Rome or New York or Barcelona for a few days. Will didn’t need to work for money because in 1938 his father had written a very successful Christmas song. Many famous singers had made recordings of this song, and each time Will’s father had received royalties. Since his death the royalties had come to Will. So Will had become rich without having to work at all. He was happy with his life. He lived in a nice flat in London and drove a fast car. He liked women and had lots of girlfriends, but he never got too involved with them. He preferred to look at other people’s lives from the outside, like watching TV. If a relationship with a woman became complicated, he ended it. He wanted to keep his life simple.

join gå med i enjoyable trevlig advertisement annons occasional enstaka; tillfällig employer arbetsgivare

successful framgångsrik recording inspelning royalty ersättning, royalty prefer föredra


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1 In the evenings Will usually went out with friends. These were guys who worked in music shops or belonged to the same sports clubs as Will, or who were part of the same pub-quiz team. They weren’t close friends – but they were good enough for a drink or a meal. The evenings were fine, but Will had a lot of free time during the day because all his friends were at work. So he filled the time with different half-hour activities – reading the paper, having a bath, tidying his flat, going to the shops, watching Countdown. Countdown was an afternoon TV quiz show and it was his favourite programme. Sometimes he wondered how his friends had time to work. How could a person work and have a bath on the same day? Will didn’t like children. He wasn’t interested in them, and he didn’t want any responsibility for them. Marcus Not far away, in the Holloway area of London, a twelve-year-old boy called Marcus was lying in bed, unable to sleep. He was worrying about his mum and his new school. Marcus’s mum was called Fiona, and she and Marcus had only been in London for a few weeks. They had moved there on the first day of the summer holidays because Fiona had got a new job. Before moving to London, they had lived in Cambridge, where Marcus’s father, Clive, still lived. Fiona and Clive had separated four years ago. Marcus thought London was quite boring.

He and Fiona hadn’t done much in the holidays. They’d been to see Home Alone 2, which wasn’t as good as Home Alone 1. They’d been to have a look at his new school, which was big and horrible. And they’d had lots of talks about London and the changes in their lives. But really they were sitting around waiting for their London lives to begin. Marcus had had two kinds of life. The first, which had ended when he was eight, was the normal, boring kind, with school and holidays and homework and weekend visits to grandparents. The second kind was more confused because there were more people and places in it: his mother’s boyfriends and his dad’s girlfriends; flats and houses; Cambridge and London. It was surprising how many things had changed when Fiona and Clive’s relationship ended. But Marcus didn’t mind. Sometimes, he thought, he even preferred the second kind of life to the first. It was more exciting. More happened, and that was a good thing. But now Marcus was very worried about his mum. She had started crying a lot in London – much more than in Cambridge. He didn’t know why she cried. He wondered if it was about boyfriends. Marcus didn’t mind if his mum had a boyfriend. She was pretty, he thought, and nice, and funny sometimes. He wanted his mum to meet someone who would make her happy. He couldn’t help his mum with her problems, and she couldn’t help him with his other big problem – school. His first day at his new London school had been a disaster.

quiz frågesport tidy städa confused förvirrad flat lägenhet disaster katastrof


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Marcus knew that he was different from most other kids of his age. He wasn’t right for schools. Not big secondary schools like the one in London. His school in Cambridge hadn’t been so bad. The children there were younger, and there were lots of weird kids there, so Marcus hadn’t felt uncomfortable.


It was OK not to be right for some things, he thought. He knew that he wasn’t right for parties because he was very shy. That wasn’t a problem because he didn’t have to go to parties. But he had to go to school. Marcus couldn’t talk to his mum about his problems at school, because she couldn’t help. She couldn’t move him to another school. Even if she did move him, it wouldn’t make any difference. He’d still be himself, and that, it seemed to Marcus, was his real problem. The other kids laughed at him because he was weird. They laughed because he had the wrong trousers, the wrong shoes and the wrong haircut. Marcus knew that he was weird partly because his mum was weird. She was always telling him that clothes and hair weren’t important. She didn’t want him to watch ‘rubbish’ TV or listen to ‘rubbish’ music or play ‘rubbish’ computer games. All the other kids spent their time doing these things, but Marcus had to argue with his mother for hours and he usually lost. She could explain why it was better for him to listen to singers from the 1960s like Bob Marley and Joni Mitchell. And why it was more important to read books than to play on the Gameboy that his dad had given him.

secondary school skola för ungdomar 11–18 uncomfortable h. utanför; obekväm make a difference förändra något Practise the words in haircut frisyr; klippning the wordlists. argue with bråka med

About the book

Will is 36 and has never done a day's work in his life. He lives comfortably on the royalties from a song his father wrote, years ago. Will takes life easy and avoids responsibility. But Marcus changes all that.


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About a Boy

Listen to the story and practise.

Listen and do the exercises in your Workbook. Use these pictures to follow and retell the story.









expect förvänta sig behaviour uppförande pretend låtsas pushchair sittvagn, sulky turn red h. rodna adult vuxen blanket filt upset upprörd duck anka path stig edge kant loaf limpa loaves limpor the scene of the crime brottsplatsen park-keeper parkvakt in trouble ha bekymmer, problem


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2014-06-16 14:09



No More Holidays!

vacation semester snake orm hang out driva runt wilderness ödemark Idaho delstat i nordvästra USA I can’t take Jag orkar inte med dork AmE sl. idiot

Shirley can think of nothing worse than a vacation with her family. So I tell Mom, I say, “Look, Mom, I’d rather eat a live snake than hang out for two whole weeks with you and Dad and Norman in the middle of some wilderness in Idaho somewhere. Besides, I can’t take Norman. I don’t care if he’s my little brother or not, he’s a dork. He’s built

tank stridsvagn destructive nedbrytande, destruktiv cop out smita undan have the nerve ha mod nog honest ärlig

like this little tank and he’s just as destructive. Why can’t I stay home? I’m too old for family vacations.” And she says, “You’ll have to talk to your father about that.” They always cop out like this when they haven’t got nerve enough to be honest, to give you bad news themselves. If I would have asked Dad, he would have said, “You’ll have to talk to


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3 your mother about that.” You ever notice how they do that? Pass the buck? A neat trick, huh? So much for parents. So I go and talk to Dad and tell him that the thought of spending two weeks in the back of our van with Norman makes me puke. Besides, who needs Idaho? Like what the hell does Idaho have to offer, anyhow? Potatoes, right? Hey, summer’s short enough without having to spend it in misery in the middle of nowhere in a tent with no toilet. But, of course, Dad doesn’t see it this way. Oh, no. He doesn’t understand that family vacations suck for kids my age. He says, “Idaho is beautiful and peaceful and it’ll be like a nice place for the family to get to know each other.” Hey, like I don’t already know my own family? And besides, while the family’s getting to know each other, Larry will be getting to know Susan Jamison because I won’t be around to keep an eye on him. Susan Jamison. pass the buck vältra över ansvaret neat trick häftigt trick van h. campingbuss puke spy, kräkas offer erbjuda in misery i misär suck sl. vara rena pesten besides dessutom keep an eye on hålla ett öga på sneaky sl. lömsk bitch sl. satmara explain förklara backpack fotvandra; ryggsäck

Sneaky little bitch! When I try to explain that I’m old enough to stay home alone and that all my friends are here and that backpacking isn’t my thing and that Norman is a potential mass murderer, he goes and flies off in all directions. He says, “Listen, Shirley, this is our vacation, and you’re going to enjoy it whether you like it or not.” Can you believe this? How about this for screwed-up logic? Parents become major-league airheads when they don’t want to listen to reason. So, I guess I gotta go to Idaho and play like another potato for a couple of weeks. While you guys are all here living like civilized, normal human beings, hanging out at the mall and partying, I’ll be walking to the john in the wilderness someplace hand in hand with a grizzly bear. You’ve got it made, you know that, Sharon? You’re lucky your parents are divorced.

potential slumrande mass murderer massmördare whether …or vare sig… eller screwed-up h. idiotisk major-league ung. fullständig airhead dumskalle reason förnuft mall köpcenter to the john till toaletten grizzly bear stor gråbjörn be divorced vara skild

Kate in Florida


Kate and her grandmother are on their way back from an exciting holiday in Florida. Listen and do the exercises in your Workbook. 14

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A Thoroughly Modern Grandmama I’ve become a world authority on how grandmothers ought to look because dotty dear old ladies smile from every picture book. They’re usually round and cuddly with grey hair and a hat. They drink endless cups of milky tea, always, always have a cat. They are very good at knitting and they’ll mind you for the day – I’m sure picture book grannies are all very well, but boring in their way. Now my grandmother hasn’t read the books – she hasn’t got a clue about the way she should behave and the things she mustn’t do. She’s always on a diet and I’m sure she dyes her hair, and I haven’t got a grandpapa so her boyfriend’s sometimes there. She wears jazzy shirts and skin-tight jeans, jangles bracelets on her arm. She zooms me around in her little car, strapped-in, and safe from harm. She’s a busy lady with a job and a diary to book me in. She doesn’t knit and doesn’t drink tea, preferring coffee, wine or gin! My grandmother’s a complete disaster as ordinary grannies go – but I wouldn’t want to swap her or I’d have done it long ago! by Moira Andrew

thoroughly alltigenom authority expert ought to borde dotty sl. fnoskig, tokig picture book bilderbok cuddly kramgo, mjuk knit sticka they'll mind you de passar dig have got a clue ha en aning be on a diet banta

dye färga jazzy prålig, gräll jangle skramla bracelet armband zoom around susa hit och dit strap in spänna fast harm skada diary dagbok complete fullständig swap byta


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4 Could Video Games Make You Violent? A few years ago, two teenage boys shot at vehicles on the interstate with a .22 calibre rifle. One man was killed and a woman was injured. Why? The boys said they were copying a video game. Can playing a violent video game really change your behaviour? Can it cause you to kill?


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The case of these two boys is not unique. A young man in Kentucky walked into his school and shot dead some of his schoolmates. He used to play Resident Evil, Call of Duty and Far Cry. These are all games in which you shoot virtual opponents. Six months before in Ohio, a boy stabbed his aunt to death while he was sleepwalking. Hours earlier he had been playing a game called Diablo.

Research about the effects of “desensitizing” kids to violence has not proved anything. Any teenager who watches the news sees what effect war and real guns have on the world. “Video games are escapism in the same way that cartoons are fantasy for younger children,” says Mark Griffiths of Nottingham Trent University. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas deals with gang revenge, but the reason why it is so popular is because of its music and special effects. John Murray of Kansas State University says, “Kids know the games are entertainment, but it’s possible, perhaps, that the brain could store the experience as trauma.”

NO The ESA (Entertainment Software Association) says, “The responsibility for violent acts belongs to those who commit them.” The ESA also points out that Grand Theft Auto has an M (mature) rating. This means it is not for under 17s and it is up to parents to control what games their children play. Every day video games are played by millions of teenagers. Why aren’t they shooting and killing? There must be other factors that cause these teens to kill. YES Many video games show people getting even by killing their opponents. For many unstable teens this could be what inspires them to get even in real life too. Seeing so many deaths and shootouts on computer screens can mean that kids become immune to the horror and reality of death.

violent våldsam vehicle fordon interstate highway väg mellan två stater schoolmate skolkamrat virtual virtuell, skenbart existerande opponent motståndare


YES The frontal lobe is the part of the brain that controls a person’s behaviour. But it doesn’t grow fully until a person is about 20 years old. So it’s quite possible that computer games could affect a teenager’s brain – especially if he or she plays them too often. NO While it’s true that many teenagers do get hooked on video games, they would have to play for twenty hours a day for several years for it to cause any real damage to their brains.

stab knivhugga sleepwalk gå i sömnen commit begå mature rating ung. åldersgräns get even ung. hämnas shoot-out uppgörelse med vapen research forskning

desensitize ung. göra okänslig prove bevisa revenge hämnd entertainment underhållning store lagra trauma hemsk upplevelse get hooked on bli besatt av


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2014-06-16 14:09


4 Teenglish “I played this like really like a bad kid who like kills a lot of people and like I steal like my … kind of like my dad’s credit cards and like he hits me,” said Justin Bieber. “Right,” said Jay Leno. In a recent 11-minute appearance on Jay Leno’s U.S. TV chat show, teen heartthrob Justin Bieber used the word ‘like’ 63 times … It was the interview that sparked a phone-in debate and made headlines in the UK this year. “It really grates on me when my daughters use ‘like’ all the time,” complained BBC radio presenter Nicky Campbell. “I’ve tried to ban them from saying it, but they don’t take any notice.” On a recent visit to her former school in north London, British actress Emma Thompson advised the girls to drop the slang. “I went to give a talk at my old school,” Emma told the BBC, “and the girls were all doing their ‘likes’ and ‘innits?’ and ‘it ain’ts’, which drives me insane. I told them, ‘Just don’t do it. Because it makes you sound stupid and you’re not stupid’.” The schoolgirls, Nicky’s daughters and Justin Bieber are doing nothing new. Each new generation develops its own way of speaking. ‘Teenspeak’ or ‘Teenglish’ allows young people to feel part of the group, and, more importantly, to exclude adults. “Teenage language always winds up adults,” says John Ayto, editor of The Oxford Dictionary of Slang. “It’s a fine old tradition that goes back many decades.” Teenspeak may not be a new phenomenon (see timeline on next page) but the difference today is that young people no longer use it just orally.

I don't LIKE it!!!

As the way we communicate has changed over the last decade, with text messaging, Facebook, Twitter and instant messaging, teen speak is more common as a written form and is now creeping into areas considered inappropriate. Examiners report that it is cropping up more and more in exam answers and essays. Company directors have noted it being used in application letters and interviews. And teens despair when it is used by adults wanting to appear ‘down with the kids’. The result: a Government campaign, and an appointed Communications Champion in every school. “We don’t want to stop teens being creative,” says campaign director Jean Gross. “We just want to show them there is another world of words out there.” appearance framträdande heartthrob hjärteknipare spark utlösa, sätta igång it grates on me det stöter mig ban förbjuda exclude utesluta wind up hetsa upp; retas med

editor redaktör; utgivare decade årtionde phenomenon företeelse, fenomen orally muntligt inappropriate olämplig crop up dyka upp essay uppsats application letter ansökningsbrev appoint utse


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Slang Timeline: From flappers* to rappers


*Young party people in 1920s

Slang is time-sensitive, coming and going over time. Of course, the words don’t fit neatly into decades, but here is a taste of slang in the UK from the last 100 years.


the cat’s pyjamas / the bee’s knees = excellent 1930s

gig = a job skivvies = male underwear 1940s

cool = excellent or clever smooch = to kiss 1950s

hip = cool, good hop = dance or disco square = uncool person ”My mum and Dad hated me saying ‘Jeepers Creepers’ for surprise, they thought it was too American!” Tony, teen in the 50s 1960s

fab = excellent groovy = hip, cool ”I remember we used ‘fab’ all the time. There used to be a teen magazine called Fabulous and it even changed its name to ‘Fab’!” Chris, teen in the 60s 1970s

boogie = to dance pump iron = to lift weights dig it = to like or understand something


rad = cool, good wicked = cool, excellent, great “I remember hearing ‘rad’ in a cartoon called Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and I tried to copy Bill and Ted in the American film Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure – after that everything was ‘excellent’!” Tim, teen in the 80s 1990s

fly = excellent, cool lame = bad ”I was into music and back then, Oasis were big so we all wanted to have Mancunian (Manchester) accents. And when Blur were big we all had these fake London ‘Mockney’ accents!” Anna, teen in the 90s 2000s

dis = to disrespect, to be negative about something to big something up = to say something is good sick = good, cool ”My parents hate it when I say ‘sick’ for good, but I hate it more when my dad tries to use slang!” Lucy, teen in the 2000s

We didn’t really use a lot of the slang, unless ironically, but we swore to shock, trying to copy punk band the Sex Pistols.” John, teen in the 70s time-sensitive tidskänslig used to be brukade finnas fake fejkad

Teenglish first published in Current magazine, Issue 2, 2011. Copyright©Scholastic UK Ltd. t/a Mary Glasgow Magazines


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want some more?

The Flip Side by Andrew Matthews

Do you know who you are? Easy question? Well, think again. There are a whole load of people inside you, like a collection of masks. You change your mask according to the situation you find yourself in. Just remember this, whoever you choose to be, I guarantee there is always a flip side. Next day was Friday, the last day before Easter break. I woke up feeling that I had something to look forward to, and it was more than the holiday, it was the performance on stage with Milena. We were going to be together – and sure, it was only acting, but it was a start. Maybe she’d see me differently afterwards, come up to me and say, “Hey, Robert! You and I are pretty good together, what say we go out one evening?” Maybe it would be just like I knew it was never going to be. When I got downstairs I was granted the rare privilege of seeing my mother at breakfast time. She was in the lounge, wearing a black suit, drinking coffee and frowning at an e-mail hard copy. Dad was in the kitchen, fussing over a saucepan of scrambled eggs; he was wearing his butcher’s apron and a frazzled look. “Bad news?” I asked Mum. “Yes and no. The company I met on Wednesday wants me to work with them on a project.”

“So that’s good?” “Yes, but it means I’ll have to spend next week in Amsterdam. I wanted to take a few days off so we could…” “Play happy families?” “Spend some time together – the three of us. I don’t see you as much as I ought to. Sometimes I feel I’m neglecting you and your father. I think he deserves a break.” “Yeah,” I said. “Have you noticed how he’s started to let himself go recently? I mean that hair!” “You shouldn’t make fun of him, Robert. He works hard. Not many men would be prepared to give me that kind of support he does. Perhaps the two of you could do something together over Easter.” “What, like the male bonding thing – hunt grizzlies in the forest?” “You could go for a long walk in the country.” “I’m not too fussed about the country, it’s full of midges and animal droppings. I think Dad would probably prefer to go to a kitchen shop and check out feather dusters.” Mum sighed. “That’s what I mean! He needs taking out of himself.”


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want some more?

In a flash of inspiration I said, “Why doesn’t he go to Amsterdam with you? He could visit one of those coffee shops and get high – that would take him out of himself.” “I don’t know about the coffee shops, but taking him to Amsterdam isn’t a bad idea. We could all go.” “Wouldn’t it be better if it was just you and Dad? I hear that three’s a crowd.” “But what about you?” “I’ll be fine here. I can throw a party and have my friends trash the place.” Mum frowned. “Isn’t it illegal to leave you on your own before you’re sixteen?” “Only if someone finds out. I won’t tell if you won’t.” “I’m not sure…” It was time for a little manipulation, so I pulled an offended face and said, “Don’t you trust me?” “Of course I do.” “Then take Dad to Amsterdam. I’m sixteen in August – what difference does a few months make? Live dangerously while you’re still young enough to enjoy it.” Mum narrowed her eyes. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say that you were trying to get rid of us.” I said, “Sure I am.” Mum laughed because she thought I was joking. I had her halfway convinced about Amsterdam, but I knew that Dad wasn’t going to be easy.

flip side baksida, avigsida a whole load en hel massa collection samling according to enligt Easter break påsklov performance föreställning on stage på scen acting skådespeleri be granted vara förunnad rare ovanlig privilege förmån, privilegium lounge vardagsrum suit dräkt frown rynka pannan hard copy papperskopia fuss over pyssla om saucepan kastrull butcher slaktare apron förkläde frazzled sliten neglect försumma deserve förtjäna break avbrott recently nyligen be prepared vara beredd på support stöd bonding kontaktskapande grizzlies = grizzly bears fussed about förtjust i midges myggor animal droppings djurspillning feather duster fjäderdammvippa sigh sucka flash blixt get high bli hög, bli påtänd (av droger) crowd folkmassa trash förstöra offend förolämpa trust lita på convince övertyga

want even more?

It's My Party by Rosie Rushton 21

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2014-06-16 14:09

10 mm


Magic! 7–9 är ett basläromedel i engelska för högstadiet. Med Magic! 9 elevpaket får varje elev ett digitalt läromedel och tre tryckta komponenter: Classbook, Workbook och Word Trainer. Genom att arbeta med de olika komponenterna utvecklar eleven sina förmågor i engelska och sin digitala kompetens. Magic! 9 är tematiskt indelad med en tydlig röd tråd och ger flera ­möjligheter till individualisering. Här finns inlästa texter på tre nivåer, varierande uppgifter och hörövningar som tar eleverna runt den ­engelsktalande världen. Kopplingen till det centrala innehållet är tydlig och målen för varje kapitel ger eleven ett bra underlag för att planera sina studier.

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Tio exemplar av Magic! 9 Workbook.


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Magic! 9 Word Trainer (10-pack)

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