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Workbook Emelie Werkö Monica Widstrand

Till läraren

Learn English åk 5 innehåller sex kapitel. Det är lämpligt att arbeta 5–6 veckor med varje kapitel.

Inloggning Learn English webb: Lärare – digitalt.majema.se

Arbetsgång ett kapitel


Textbook: Här introduceras kapitlets tema. Utifrån rutan Unit focus går ni igenom kapitlets innehåll och vad som ska läras.

Teacher website: Visningssida.

Main Text

Textbook: Main text är en skönlitterär text med mycket bildstöd. Lyssna på och läs texten gemensamt, vid flera tillfällen. 14 glosor samt åtta chunks är valda ur texten.

Workbook: Ordförståelse, läsförståelse samt hörförståelse.

Teacher website: Text, ljudfil och gloslista.

Student website: Text, ljudfil och glosövningar.

Dialogue • Chunks

Textbook: Dialog med chunks från Main text. Titta på filmen gemensamt och öva sedan på dialogen.

Workbook: Hörövning och uppgifter med chunks.

Teacher website: Dialogfilm och visningssida.

Language • Grammar 1

Textbook: Kapitlets första grammatikmoment presenteras.

Samtala om bilden gemensamt och gå igenom exemplen.

Workbook: Grammatikuppgifter.

Teacher website: Visningssida.

Student website: Grammatikövningar.

LEARN E NGLISH 5 1 FAR FAR AWAY Who do you think lives here? What are they like? Vocabulary: Descriptions,words and phrases chunks! do it! Showing off That As as ... Who knows?
Elev – learnenglish.se
Break a leg! – Oh Danah, I’m so nervous. I can’t do it! – Yes, you can. You’re brave. And you practiced all night! – Shh, it’s secret. don’t want anyone to know practiced. –––Leyla – Oh, stop showing off. “Relax” – are you crazy? How? – Listen. Loosen up. That breathe in. Breathe out. ––Leyla – Okay, okay. Breathe in, breathe out. I can do this. – Now, that’s the attitude. Stay calm and blow them away! – I a –– I – Break a leg! Showing off chunks! My or mine? Summary using the possessives. Let’s talk! Let’s practice! has phone. have dog. phone. dog. It’s definitely yours! London has many many tourists. 1 Break a leg! Leyla – Oh Danah, I’m so nervous. I can’t do it! – Yes, you can. You’re brave. And you practiced all night! –––Danah – You won’t. Just do what do. Relax and practice your theatrical bow. Leyla – Oh, stop showing off. “Relax” – are you crazy? How? ––– Look. That girl was number three. You’ll go next! Leyla – Okay, okay. Breathe in, breathe out. I can do this. –away! – I a –– It’s now or never. I’m ready. I got this. – Break a leg! chunks! My or mine? something belongs to. classroom and who they belong to using the possessives. Let’s talk! has phone. have parrot. have dog. phone. It’s your dog. It’s yours It’s definitely sock this?

Linked Text 1

Textbook: Linked text 1 är kopplad till kapitlets tema. Lyssna på och läs texten gemensamt. 14 glosor är valda ur texten.

Workbook: Hörförståelse, ordförståelse samt läsförståelse.

Teacher website: Text, ljudfil och gloslista.

Student website: Text, ljudfil och glosövningar.

Language • Grammar 2

Textbook: Kapitlets andra grammatikmoment presenteras. Titta på filmen gemensamt och gå igenom exemplen.

Workbook: Grammatikuppgifter.

Teacher website: Grammatikfilm och visningssida.

Student website: Grammatikfilm och grammatikövningar.

Time to Write

Textbook: Modelltext att läsa gemensamt.

Workbook: Eleverna skriver en egen text.

Teacher website: Visningssida.

Linked Text 2

Textbook: Linked text 2 är kopplad till kapitlets tema. Lyssna på och läs texten gemensamt. 14 glosor är valda ur texten.

Workbook: Hörförståelse, ordförståelse samt läsförståelse.

Teacher website: Text, ljudfil och gloslista.

Student website: Text, ljudfil och glosövningar.

Wrap it up!

Textbook: Här kan eleverna, eller du som lärare, välja en eller flera uppgifter som avslutning på arbetet med kapitlet.

Teacher website: Visningssida.

Unit Check Up!

Teacher website: Diagnos för utskrift. Fångar upp elevernas förståelse och kunskaper, kopplat till kapitlet.

133 Wrap it up! FAR FAR AWAY VOCABULARY 1 chunks! can’t do it! It’s a secret Look Showing off That ... soon ... You’ll go next Who knows? INTERACT class had magical cats. WORDS SPEECH do? Write key words and speak for minute! RESEARCH ACT to the pet shop. etting 1 There’s rumor about new character entering Thengla. and powers! Think-Pair-Share! The World of Thengla Welcome to the World Thengla, the game where anything can happen. Let’s meet some of the characters who live here. Watch out for her long,crooked nails,sharp as razor Adira often found on the highest rock,like an enormous shadow. framgång sneaky lurig pyttesmå Old and wise,he has power to read your thoughts.Don’t be scared by his looks. His thin lips never move.But after while,his raspy voice will reach you.Having him on your great sense humor.You want to join him on his daily walks through the dark forest.He has the power of making everyone feel ease.But beware! His hearing is bad and he has trouble seeing with those tiny,narrow eyes.Make sure you are not the way of his big,chubby belly or gigantic feet Zina the ferret.Zina always on leash,never leaving Wyetta’s side.She looks innocent,but She has troll-like appearance,with short,curly hair and fluffy tail. She is very fast and her big, 1 Wellington NEW ZEALAND The Māori The Māori are the original New Zealanders, but are now minority. Most Māori speak English. They are known for their culture. For example, their unique tattoos, crafts and dances. You may have heard of the powerful warrior List your three favorite activities. Compare New Zealand to your country. Talk about it! New Zealand where Frodo, Gandalf and the other fantasy characters live. Kiwi you are born here, you may be called kiwi. And you are proud to be. The quirky nickname has nothing do with the fruit. stems from the odd and fascinating kiwi bird. is flightless, with hair instead of feathers. deep djupa hiking trails vandringsleder This epic fantasy trilogy was written by J.R.R. Tolkien. He was British author, born in 1892, in South Africa. The first Lord of the Rings book, The Hobbit, based on story that Tolkien had
1 Regular verbs in the past tense Summary Make sentences about the past using regular verbs. Let’s talk! Yesterday, you laughed ave/has Workbook page 16–17 A book review Alice is seven years old and has long, blond hair and blue eyes. Her family wealthy. Alice is spoiled but honest. She wants things to be order. Alice thinks that the creatures in Wonderland are rude and stupid. She is mean and tough. My favorite part when Alice plays croquet with flamingos and hedgehogs. like it because The story takes place unique world. would recommend that people read and form their own opinion. You may be surprised! give the book out of flamingos. Rating Regular verbs in the past tense Most verbs are regular and form the Make sentences about the past using regular verbs. Let’s talk! have has walked bake have has baked Yesterday, you laughed ave has wanted Workbook page 16–17 Workbook page 18–19






4 Main text – Vocabulary, Reading comprehension, Listening comprehension

4 Main text – Vocabulary, Reading comprehension, Listening comprehension

8 Chunks, chunks, chunks

10 Chunks, chunks, chunks

10 Language • Grammar 1 – Personal pronouns and the verb “to be”

12 Language and grammar 1 – My or mine?

14 Linked text 1 – The World of Thengla

12 Linked text 1 – It’s about Time

16 Language and grammar 2 – Regular verbs in the past tense

14 Language • Grammar 2 – Have or has?

18 Time to write – A book review

16 Time to write – My school

20 Linked text 2 – New Zealand

18 Linked text 2 – We are all Students

22 Extra – Pick and choose

20 Extra – Pick and choose



24 Main text – Vocabulary, Reading comprehension, Listening comprehension

22 Main text – Vocabulary, Reading comprehension, Listening comprehension

30 Chunks, chunks, chunks

26 Chunks, chunks, chunks

32 Language and grammar 1 – Dog’s or dogs’?

34 Linked text 1 – Online or In-store Shopping?

28 Language • Grammar 1 – Singular and plural nouns

30 Linked text 1 – Family Life

36 Language and grammar 2 – Irregular verbs in the past tense

32 Language • Grammar 2 – A, an or the?

38 Time to write – An ad for a new shop

34 Time to write – A family portrait

40 Linked text 2 – School Saves Birds

42 Extra – Pick and choose

36 Linked text 2 – Playing Board Games

38 Extra – Pick and choose



44 Main text – Vocabulary, Reading comprehension, Listening comprehension

40 Main text – Vocabulary, Reading comprehension, Listening comprehension

50 Chunks, chunks, chunks

44 Chunks, chunks, chunks

52 Language and grammar 1 – Did and didn’t

54 Linked text 1 – A Message from Camp

46 Language • Grammar 1 – Question words

48 Linked text 1 – Afternoon Tea

56 Language and grammar 2 – Present and past continuous

50 Language • Grammar 2 – Sing or sings?

58 Time to write – An activity instruction

60 Linked text 2 – Skills on Wheels

52 Time to write – My afternoon tea party

62 Extra – Pick and choose

54 Linked text 2 – Australian Barbie

56 Extra – Pick and choose

2 3



58 Main text – Vocabulary, Reading comprehension, Listening comprehension

64 Main text – Vocabulary, Reading comprehension, Listening comprehension

70 Chunks, chunks, chunks

62 Chunks, chunks, chunks 64 Language • Grammar 1 – Contractions with “not”

72 Language and grammar 1 – Singular and plural nouns

74 Linked text 1 – A Tourist Guide

66 Linked text 1 – It’s Snowing!

76 Language and grammar 2 – Irregular plural nouns

68 Language • Grammar 2 – Do or does? 70 Time to write – My first blog post

78 Time to write – A city research project

80 Linked text 2 – We all Live on Bond Street

82 Extra – Pick and choose

Linked text 2 – Flash-to-Bang!



84 Main text – Vocabulary, Reading comprehension, Listening comprehension

76 Main text – Vocabulary, Reading comprehension, Listening comprehension

90 Chunks, chunks, chunks

92 Language and grammar 1 – Quick or quickly?

94 Linked text 1 – Meet a Choreographer

96 Language and grammar 2 – Some or any?

Linked text 1 – The Door

98 Time to write – An interview

• Grammar 2 – There is or there are?

100 Linked text 2 – Meet an Inventor

102 Extra – Pick and choose



104 Main text – Vocabulary, Reading comprehension, Listening comprehension

110 Chunks, chunks, chunks

112 Language and grammar 1 – Will and be going to 114 Linked text 1 – Join the Chat 116 Language and grammar 2 – Reflexive pronouns 118 Time to write – A reply to a message 120 Linked text 2 – Feelings 122

74 Extra – Pick and choose
90 Linked
92 Extra
98 Chunks, chunks, chunks 100 Language
102 Linked text 1
Animal Jobs 104 Language
106 Time to write – My animal report 108 Linked text 2 – A Home for Clover 110 Extra – Pick and choose 112 Vocabulary 115 Chunks 116 Language • Grammar – Summary 118 Till läraren
80 Chunks, chunks, chunks 82 Language • Grammar 1 – Prepositions of place
Time to write – A scary poem
text 2 – Creepy Creature
and choose
94 Main text – Vocabulary, Reading comprehension, Listening comprehension
• Grammar 1 – Comparative adjectives
2 – Was or were?
4 5 6
Extra – Pick and choose 124–124
128 Language • Grammar – Summary 1132 Till läraren


nod trendy pay advert matter impressed stuff still giggle liar gossip ruined hooked clever

A Read the clues and write the words.

1. Thing or things.

2. Tells you to buy a product or service.

3. Laugh just a little.

4. Broken and destroyed.

5. Give money for goods.

6. Say yes without words.

B Write the missing words.

1. Things that are today are probably out next year.

2. This series is thrilling. I can’t stop watching, I’m !

3. They love fashion, so clothes really to them.

4. Always tell the truth, don’t be a .

5. It’s not okay to spread rumors. You shouldn’t listen to .

6. You were really by my results, weren’t you?

7. Are you here? I thought you’d left!

8. I solved the problem on my own, because I’m so !

C WORD RIDDLE – which word am I?

We think alike you and me, I’m what you do when you agree.

24 2
Textbook page 30–35

D Answer the questions.

1. How do you feel about gossip? Why?

2. What kind of situation could make someone a liar?

3. Where do you find a lot of adverts? Why?

4. You’re impressed by someone. What did they do?

E Write sentences with 7 or more words. Use one of the vocabulary words in each sentence.

25 2 Textbook page 30–35
1. 2. 3.
still clever

Reading comprehension

A Circle true or false.

1. Rainbow boots had lights in the soles. True False

2. Denzil’s mom cared about trendy things. True False

3. Denzil wanted to be cool. True False

4. Lorna’s boots were different from the others’. True False

5. Denzil made up stories about the boots. True False

6. Nadeem thought Denzil was doing great. True False

B Answer the questions.

1. What do rainbow boots look like?

2. Who is Stevie Glossop?

3. What were Denzil’s arguments to get the boots?

4. Why did Denzil lie to his friends about the boots?

C Explain the expression.

Denzil’s mom said: “Who cares about stuff that’s trendy today and past its sell-by date tomorrow.” What does past its sell-by date mean?

26 2 Textbook page

Who are the main characters of the story? Describe them.

Description Character


Why were the boots so important to Denzil?

What do you think about trends?

Share your thoughts with a classmate.

27 2
page 30–35

Listening comprehension

A Listen and answer the questions.

1. Where are Mia and Josh? at the mall in school in a shoe store at a café

2. What had stopped Mia from going last week?

3. Why haven’t Josh and Mia been to the store before? it’s not cool it’s expensive it’s new it’s been closed

4. Why do they text their parents? they’ll be late they need money they are still in school they are bying boots

5. What does Mia find?

6. How does Mia feel about talking to the shop assistant? annoyed relaxed stressed embarrassed

7. What does the shop assistant look for? a colleague the price another color another size

8. What does Mia realize she has forgotten to do? check the price call her parents try the size bring her wallet

28 2 Textbook page 30–35 MAIN TEXT

9. Which t-shirt did Josh ask for?

B Listen to the shop assistant and circle the answers.

1. The shop assistant finds … the right size. / the right color. / another print .

2. Mia and Josh had missed … the t-shirts. / a text. / the 2 for 1 deal.

3. The shop assistant thinks that Mia and Josh … were nervous. / were in a hurry. / were hiding.

4. Karen is asked to get ... t-shirts and coffee. / sweatshirts. / the kids.

C Write three things the shop assistant did.

Textbook page 30–35

29 2
1. 2. 3.

Chunks, chunks, chunks

A Listen and number the chunks, 1–8.

Loads of cash

That’s great! Waste of money

What do you mean? Nice one Had no idea

That’s the problem Made it all up

B Complete the dialogues using the chunks.

1. “Hey! Look what I found!”

“ Wow. You’re rich. That’s .”

2. “Hey kids, why don't we stop for ice cream on the way home?”

“Really, Dad? Wow, !”

3. “Do you think I should buy those boots everyone is talking about?”

“No, don’t. They’re a .”

4. “Did you know I’m moving next week?”

“Really? No, I .”

5. “I really need a change, you know?”

“No. I actually don’t know. ?”

6. “Mom, Dad, listen! I got an A in Spanish.”

“ You did? , sweetheart!”

7. “ What’s up? You haven’t called me. Is there a problem?”

“I’ve lost my phone. .”

8. “Listen, I’m sorry. What I told you wasn’t true.”

“ What?! Are you saying you ?”

30 2 Textbook page 36 DIALOGUE • CHUNKS

C Read the clues and write the chunks.

1. Buying worthless things.

2. It’s fabulous.

3. A lot of money.

4. I need it explained.

5. Good job.

6. Didn’t know.

7. Was lying.

8. That’s the issue.

D You get a text from your grandpa. Come up with three different replies that include at least one chunk each.

Hi! Look! I’ve bought myself a surfboard.

31 2
Textbook page 36

The parrot's new song? Huh.

Dog’s or dogs’?

A Complete the chart. Singular nouns Plural nouns sister sister’s teacher teachers' teenager child


B Circle the owners. Write the words and tick the boxes.

1. The dog’s treats are in the top drawer. dog's S P

2. The dancers’ dresses are colorful. S P

3. You need your parents’ permission. S P

4. The man’s cat wears a golden collar. S P

5. The boys’ fingers were dirty. S P

6. Did you bring your teammate’s shoes? S P

C Write the missing words.

1. Let’s go to office and say hi. Mom

2. This is my old house. uncle

3. Where are the lockers located? students

4. Is this school bag or ? Jay, Alice

5. coat is so warm! Aunt Jen

6. All the patients waited their turn. doctors

32 2 Textbook page 37

D Match the words. Then write sentences that show ownership. chef computer chips lost diver tractor too small rock stars helmet broken bosses frying pan off firefighter dry suit heavy robots mikes empty farmer meetings endless

The chef's frying pan is empty.

E Write sentences. Use “of” to show ownership.


The wheels of the car spin fast.

33 2 Textbook page 37
1. wheels car 2. color / blanket 3. name / game 4. bottom / ocean 5. legs / chair 6. top / box

Online or In-store Shopping?

A Listen and circle.

1. sports gear / discount /shoe store

3. bakery / drugstore / supermarket

2. beauty store / bookstore / candy store

4. pharmacy / coupon / clothes store

B Which vocabulary word is the antonym of ...

1. sell? For example, when you go to the mall.

2. cheap? For example, when you talk about the price.

3. lend? For example, when you need something your friend has.

C Main idea – what is the text about?

D Find and write a sentence that explains why Owen went to the mall.

E What is Shanice’s goal?

F What kind of shoppers are they?

Shanice Owen Zoey

34 2 Textbook page 38–39

G Write words and sentences.

H Write about an awesome day at the mall. Make up what happened.

35 2 Textbook page 38–39
shopping sentence sentence sentence word word word word word sentence sentence

Irregular verbs in the past tense

Find the verbs on page 130.

A Write the verbs. Use the past simple tense.

1. There you are! I I would never see you again.

2. Ouch! I just myself on that paperclip.

3. The kids laughed when they me making funny faces.

4. Ali the email out loud.

5. Hey! You my seat! Move over please.

6. I that song for the first time yesterday.

7. Chad the cheapest cap in the store.

B Underline the verbs in the story.

Where are they?

My keys are lost! I tell my sister about it, but she has no idea. I know I have to find them, so I keep looking. Finally, exhausted, I give up. I sit down on the floor. That’s when I feel them in the back pocket of my jeans.

C Rewrite the story. Make it past simple tense.

Where were they?

Last night, my keys were lost!

see cut choose think take read hear

36 2 Textbook page 40

D Complete the chart.

Verb Past simple Present perfect grow pay meet eat shut buy swim

E Choose three of the verbs from above. Write sentences using the past simple and the present perfect tense.

past simple present perfect past simple present perfect past simple present perfect

F Write what the twins have done this week. Use the verbs in the present perfect tense.

come write put

37 2
Textbook page 40

An ad for a new shop

38 2 Textbook page 41

Read and check your text.


Let a classmate read your text and give you TAG feedback.

ell something you liked.

Event Name When and where Products Slogan Offer Background Follow sk a thoughtful question.

• I like how you …

• I enjoy your writing because … WRITE more!

• What do you mean when you said …

• Why is …

ive a positive suggestion.

• I think you should add …

• One suggestion would be …

Be a reporter and write about the grand opening. Interview the owners and some customers.

39 2 Textbook page 41

School Saves Birds

A Listen and circle.

1. audience / deal / awareness

3. coin / bill / allowance

2. charity / cause / ticket

4. contribute / support / event

B Which vocabulary word is a synonym for ...

1. keep or use later?

2. take part?

3. passive or tired?

C Main idea – what is the text about?

For example: … your money for later, Dan.

For example: Will you ... in the event?

For example: Don’t be so …, do something!

D Find and write a sentence that explains why Mr. Higgins is proud of his students.

E In what ways do the organizations help the threatened birds?

F Describe the Fun Run.

40 2 Textbook
page 42–43
First Then Last

G Plan a fun charity run. What makes it fun? What do you raise money for?

H Your charity run is over. You talk to one of the runners. What do they think about your event? Textbook page 42–43

41 2

Pick and choose!

Main text

Find words

Find and list words from the text that describe shoes or boots.

Killer question

Find and write the “killer question.” Why is it a “killer question?” Come up with a different reply that would change the rest of the story.


Draw a timeline of the main events in the story. What happens in the beginning, middle and end?

Choose two events and explain how they are important to the story.

Another story

Come up with a whole different story that Denzil gives Lorna, when she asks him about the rainbow boots. What does he tell her?


Denzil writes a message for his mom, full of arguments to get the boots. Write his message. Find out

Search for facts about another famous athlete who makes or has made adverts for a product. Write about it and add pictures.

Prepare to tell your classmates about it.

Be like me!

Drink more water!

1 2 3 4 5 6 42 2 Textbook page 30–35

One more text – Shop ‘til you Drop – or not?

Read the text on the student website or ask your teacher for it.


These words are from the text. Make sure you know what they mean, use a dictionary if you want.

mob shove gather bonanza gravy stuffing gratitude bust somewhat occurred shoplifters unsuccessfully bust through appealing


Write sentences using seven or more of the words above.


Find these chunks in the text: By the minute, Their timing is perfect, Just around the corner, Goes without saying. Write the sentences.

Write your own sentences using the chunks.

Reality check

What does it mean to be an early bird?

What’s the opposite?

Which of the two do you identify with? Do you prefer to get up early or stay up late? Write about it!

Pros and cons

Think of arguments for (pros) and arguments against (cons) Black Friday. Make a list.

Sort the facts

Draw two columns. Write these headings: Thanksgiving, Black Friday. Write all the facts you can find about the two holidays.

Find out

Find out more about another American holiday: Fourth of July. Why and how is it celebrated? Write about it and add pictures if you like. Prepare to tell your classmates about it.

43 2
1 2 3 5 6 7
Let's have a ball!

Learn English

LEARN ENGLISH är ett basläromedel i engelska för åk 1–6.

I åk 4–6 utgår arbetet med det engelska språket från Textbook som innehåller skönlitterära texter och andra texttyper. Lärandet bygger på gemensamt arbete med texterna och de tillhörande prat- och diskussionsövningarna.

I textbook finns också grammatik, dialoger och modelltexter för skrivande.

I Workbook arbetar eleverna vidare med ordkunskap, läsförståelse och hörövningar, utifrån texterna i textbook. Här finns också grammatik- och skrivuppgifter. Allt kopplat till textbook.

I Learn English webb ingår lärar- och elevwebb. I lärarwebben finns alla texter med tillhörande ljudfil, samt dialog- och grammatikfilmer. Här finns också underlag för bedömning

Elevwebben innehåller alla texter med ljudfiler, filmer samt glos- och grammatikövningar.

I Teacher’s guide finns lektionsplanering och kopieringsunderlag.

ISBN 978-91-7857-069-0

LEARN E NGLISH 5 Best.nr. 761
9 7 8 9 1 7 8 5 7 0 6 9 0
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