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Maria Göransson Agneta Hjälm Karl-Erik Widlund Andy Cowle

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NEW WHAT’S UP? 5 Lärarhandledning

Maria Göransson Agneta Hjälm Karl-Erik Widlund Andy Cowle Sanoma Utbildning

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Sanoma Utbildning Postadress: Box 30091, 104 25 Stockholm Besöksadress: Alströmergatan 12, Stockholm Hemsida: www.sanomautbildning.se E-post: info@sanomautbildning.se Order/Läromedelsinformation Telefon: 08-587 642 10 Telefax: 08-587 642 02 Redaktör/Projektledare: Lotta Engström Grafisk form: Anette Hedberg Illustrationer: Anette Hedberg (sid. 53, 55, 127, 129, 229, 231, 245, 247, 254), Annie Boberg (sid. 19, 21, 23, 25, 35, 37, 39, 57, 59, 69, 71, 73, 75, 162, 304–306) Omslag: Anna Märkevärn Korrekturläsare: Ylva Hedenquist New What’s Up 5, Lärarhandledning ISBN 978-91-523-5297-7 © 2019 Maria Göransson, Agneta Hjälm, Karl-Erik Widlund, Andy Cowle och Sanoma Utbildning AB, Stockholm Första upplagan Första tryckningen

Kopieringsförbud Detta verk är skyddat av lagen om upphovsrätt. Kopiering utöver lärares rätt att kopiera för undervisningsbruk enligt Bonus Copyright Access avtal, är förbjuden. Sådant avtal tecknas mellan upphovsrättsorganisationer och huvudman för utbildningsanordnare, t.ex. kommuner/universitet. För information om avtalet hänvisas till utbildningsanordnares huvudman eller Bonus Copyright Access. Den som bryter mot lagen om upphovsrätt kan åtalas av allmän åklagare och dömas till böter eller fängelse i upp till två år samt bli skyldig att erlägga ersättning till upphovsman/rättsinnehavare. Undantag från kopieringsförbudet: Sidor märkta ”kopieringsunderlag”. Tryck: Livonia Print, Lettland 2019

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Innehåll Presentation 5 Att arbeta med New What’s Up 7 INTRO WELCOME BACK! Kopieringsunderlag Hörövningsmanus

13 19 27

UNIT A NEW FRIENDS Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast? 29 Kopieringsunderlag 35 Hörövningsmanus 41 Chapter 2 Nice to meet you! 43 Kopieringsunderlag 53 Hörövningsmanus 61 Chapter 3 Buy one get one free 63 Kopieringsunderlag 69 Hörövningsmanus 77 Roundup Unit A 80 Kopieringsunderlag 82 Hörövningsmanus 85 Self assessment 89 UNIT B HANG OUT WITH FRIENDS Chapter 4 I want to be a chef 91 Kopieringsunderlag 97 Hörövningsmanus 101 Chapter 5 Are you a film fan? 103 Kopieringsunderlag 113 Hörövningsmanus 117 Chapter 6 Scary story 119 Kopieringsunderlag 127 Hörövningsmanus 131 Roundup Unit B 134 Kopieringsunderlag 136 Hörövningsmanus 139 Self assessment 142 UNIT C WELCOME TO INDIA Chapter 7 It was a long way down 143 Kopieringsunderlag 151 Hörövningsmanus 159 Chapter 8 Gandhi 163 Kopieringsunderlag 171 Hörövningsmanus 175 Chapter 9 India – an enormous country 179 Hörövningsmanus 186

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Roundup Unit C Kopieringsunderlag Hörövningsmanus Self assessment

188 190 192 196

UNIT D EXPLORING LONDON Chapter 10 A weekend trip to London 197 Kopieringsunderlag 207 Hörövningsmanus 219 Chapter 11 What did they look like? 221 Kopieringsunderlag 229 Hörövningsmanus 233 Chapter 12 At the shops 237 Kopieringsunderlag 245 Hörövningsmanus 249 Roundup Unit D 252 Kopieringsunderlag 254 Hörövningsmanus 257 Self assessment 260 UNIT E WHAT’S UP? MAGAZINE Chapter 13 Stowaway Labrador 261 Hörövningsmanus 265 Chapter 14 Cat with eight lives 267 Hörövningsmanus 271 Chapter 15 Chase on horseback 273 Kopieringsunderlag 277 Hörövningsmanus 285 Self assessment 287 UNIT F SMARTPHONE HERO Episode 1–6 289 Kopieringsunderlag 304 Hörövningsmanus 308 Self assessment 315 UNIT G


School in the UK/USA Hörövningsmanus Between lessons/classes Kopieringsunderlag Self assessment

317 324 327 335 342



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Textens innehåll Familjen Clark har kommit hem efter semestern och är nu samlad till frukost. Var och en har sina uppgifter på morgonen och just denna dag är det Frasers tur att sköta frukosten. Tyvärr fattas det mesta i kylskåpet så här efter semestern. Det orsakar en del irritation.

Texttyp dialog

Temaord ord för frukostmat

Grammatik some och any

Kulturella företeelser Vad är a full English breakfast? Information finns i Bra att veta.

29  NEW WHAT’S UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

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What do you want for breakfast?


The Clarks are back in Brighton. It is 7.30am. They are having breakfast. It is Fraser’s turn to help in the kitchen. Fraser Olivia Fraser Olivia Fraser Mr Clark Mrs Clark Fraser

Olivia, what do you want for breakfast? Do you want some cereal? OK. Cornflakes and milk, please. Anything else? Tea and toast. Chop-chop! Right. That’s it. Get it yourself. Come on, guys! Be nice. Can I have some marmalade, love? Sorry, we haven’t got any.

Mrs Clark Fraser Mrs Clark Elliot Mr Clark Elliot Mr Clark Fraser Mr Clark Olivia Mr Clark Mrs Clark Fraser Mr Clark


OK. Put it on the shopping list. I’ll have some jam instead. We haven’t got any jam. This is crazy! We really need to go shopping. Dad, can you pass me the bread and butter, please? Here you are, Elliot. Thanks. I’d like a full English breakfast. Can I have bacon, sausage, mushrooms and scrambled eggs. Oh, and a glass of orange juice, please. You are joking! This isn’t a hotel! Anyway, we don’t have any bacon … or eggs … or mushrooms. We’ve got orange juice, some sausages and a banana. This is a terrible hotel. And you’re a terrible waiter. OK. I’ll have coffee and toast then. Hey, I can see smoke from the toaster. Oh no. That’s the last toast. Oh well. I’ll have the banana.

Did you get it? Complete the sentences.

1 The Clarks have got some … 2 The Clarks haven’t got any … a cornflakes. b milk. c toast. d marmalade. e jam. f butter. g bacon. h eggs. i orange juice. j sausages. 3 Why does Fraser get angry with his sister?





Textbook sid. 12–13

Skapa förförståelse Look at the picture. Where is the family now? (They are at home./They are back in Brighton.) In which part of the house are they? (They are in the kitchen.) What are they doing? (They are having breakfast.) What is Mrs Clark doing? (She’s reading the newspaper.) Titta på texten (bilden + rubriken)

Arbeta med texten 1 Lyssna på och läs textens ingress. Underlätta förståelsen med hjälp av frågor. What time is it? (It’s 7.30am.) Whose turn is it to help in the kitchen? (It’s Fraser’s turn to help in the kitchen.) Hitta viktig information (ord/uttryck: turn, help in the kitchen + namn på en person) 2 The family is having breakfast. Let’s listen and find out: What does Olivia want for breakfast? (She wants cornflakes and milk, tea and toast.) Skriv orden för frukostmat på tavlan efter hand som eleverna säger dem. What does Mrs Clark ask for? (She asks for marmalade and jam.) What does Elliot ask for? (He asks for bread and butter.) What does Mr Clark want for breakfast? (He wants a full English breakfast. He wants bacon, sausage, mushrooms, scrambled eggs and a glass of orange juice.) Hitta viktig information (replikgivarna + ord för frukostmat) Ta hjälp av det du redan vet (ord som är snarlika i engelskan och svenskan: cornflakes, milk, tea, marmalade, bread, bacon, eggs, orange juice, coffee, banana) Yes, Mr Clark wants a full English breakfast. Why can’t he have a full English breakfast? (They’ve only got orange juice, some sausages, a banana and orange juice.) Hitta viktig information (Vad säger Fraser då Mr Clark önskar en full English breakfast? … we don’t have any bacon … or eggs … or mushrooms. We’ve got orange juice, some sausages and a banana. Varför kan inte Mr Clark få a full English breakfast?) 3 Tell, then Mr Clark decides to have coffee and toast. But he can’t have toast. Why not? (It’s black/ burnt.) In the end Mr Clark has coffee and what? (He has coffee and a banana.) Hitta viktig information (replikgivare + mening: I’ll have the banana.) 30  NEW WHAT’S UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

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Listen and repeat.

2 Look at the pictures in exercise 1. Ask and answer. You Friend You

Can you pass me the coffee, please. OK. Here you are. Thanks.

3 Look at the pictures in exercise 1. Ask and answer. coffee



orange juice

You Friend You

Can I have some milk, please? Sorry, we haven’t got any milk. I’ll have some orange juice then.

4 Talk about what you have for breakfast. You Friend hot chocolate



What do you have for breakfast, Anna? I have cornflakes with milk, toast and cheese.

sour milk

1 Can I have some sausages, please? 2 Do you want some tea? cereal



bread and butter

3 Sorry, we haven’t got any jam. 4 Have we got any toast?





Kan jag få några korvar, tack? Vill du ha lite te?

Man använder some i frågor där man ber om något när det är mer än en sak (mening 1) eller något man inte kan räkna, t.ex. butter, cheese, coffee, jam, marmalade, milk, orange juice, tea (mening 2). Tyvärr, vi har inte någon sylt. Har vi något rostat bröd?

Man använder any i meningar med not/…n’t (mening 3) och i frågor där man inte kan ana svaret (mening 4).

bacon and eggs




4 Gör övning 1, 2, 3 och 4.

Did you get it? Eleverna ska avgöra vilka av matvarorna som ska kopplas ihop med The Clarks have got … och vilka som ska kopplas ihop med The Clarks haven’t got … Why does Fraser get angry with his sister?

Focus Focus-rutan behandlar orden some och any.



Textbook sid. 14–15

Facit 1  The Clarks have got some ... cornflakes. (a) milk. (b) butter. (f) orange juice. (i) sausages. (j) 2  The Clarks haven’t got any ... toast. (c) marmalade. (d) jam. (e) bacon. (g) eggs. (h) It’s not very nice to say chop-chop to someone.

Bra att veta Breakfast hemma och på hotell liknar inte helt varandra. Hemma äter barn och ungdomar ofta en stor skål med spröda havreringar (Cheerios) eller liknande med mjölk. Vuxna äter ofta frukostflingor av vete (till exempel Cornflakes eller Weetabix) med mjölk. En del tar socker eller russin på flingorna och ibland skivad banan. Många nöjer sig dock med en kopp te (med mjölk) och rostat bröd med marmelad. På helgen serverar man kanske amerikanska pannkakor med smör, lönnsirap och knaperstekt bacon. Nuförtiden är det allt fler som blir medvetna om hälsoriskerna med sådana här frukostar och går över till yoghurt med honung och granula. Ibland serveras äggröra på rostat bröd och ett glas juice. A full English breakfast (även kallad a traditional English breakfast) serveras mest på hotell. Här finns en stor variation beroende på vilket hotell man bor på och var i landet man är. Det står alltid en flaska brown sauce (till exempel HP sauce) på bordet. Det är en sötaktig, stark brun sås som man häller på maten. Några väljer ketchupflaskan i stället. Maten kan bestå av allt som sägs ovan om vad som äts i hemmet plus korv, bacon, stekt ägg, tomat, kokt ägg, äggröra, svamp, vita bönor och blodpudding (eller haggis, liknande pölsa i Skottland). Te och kaffe finns alltid. Ofta finns också ett stort urval av croissanter, muffins, kakor, frukt och olika slags juicer.

31  NEW WHAT’S UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

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2019-07-01 11:23

What do you want for breakfast?




Textbook pages 12–13

Olivia, what do you want for


OK. Cornflakes and milk,

Do you


Do the crossword.







6 7






Tea and


Right. That’s it.

Mr Clark

Come on, guys! Be

Mrs Clark

Can I have


Sorry, we haven’t got

Mrs Clark

OK. Put it on the




5 12




Write about what you have for breakfast.

This is


Dad, can you

For breakfast I have





some jam instead. got any jam. ! We really


Mr Clark


marmalade, love?



butter, please?










Mrs Clark


. Chop-chop!














some cereal?



11 10








to go shopping. the bread and

, Elliot.










Fill in the missing words.



Workbook sid. 6–7

Eleverna berättar vad de äter till frukost. De får hjälp med början av meningen.


Läsförståelse ”Splashen” i övre högra hörnet talar om för eleverna att de har hjälp av texten på sid. 12–13 i Textboken när de löser uppgiften.


Read the dialogue.


Mrs Lashari

What do you want for breakfast, Leah? Cereal?


Yes, please. Can I have some cornflakes?

Mrs Lashari

Anything else?


Orange juice, please.

Mrs Lashari

Sorry, we haven’t got any.


I’ll have some apple juice then.

Mrs Lashari

We haven’t got any apple juice either. This is crazy! We really need to go shopping.


OK. I’d like some tea and toast then.

Mrs Lashari

Can you pass me the coffee, please?


Here you are.

Can I have some sausages, please? Can I have some marmalade, please? Sorry. We haven’t got any bread. Have we got any green tea?


När använder man some och när använder man any? Man använder i frågor där man ber om något när det är mer än en sak eller något man inte kan räkna.


4 B Write a new dialogue.

Read what they say.

Man använder

i meningar med not/n’t.

Man använder

i frågor där man inte kan ana svaret.

Fill in some or any. Fraser

Dad, we haven’t got



Sorry. Do you want

hot chocolate then?





No, I don’t want Can I have

4C Act it out.

hot chocolate. ice cream instead?

Ice cream for breakfast? No way.


Have we got


Oops! We haven’t got

bananas? fruit. nine


Workbook sid. 8–9

4A-C Skriva Eleverna läser dialogen i 4A, tillsammans med en kamrat. I 4B är uppgiften att skriva en ny dialog, med dialogen i 4A som mönster. Eleverna kan byta ut namnen (replikgivarna) i 4A, mot sina egna namn och byta ut ord i dialogen så att den stämmer med vad de själva äter till frukost. Det är också möjligt att ”hitta på” lite. I 4C redovisar de texten tillsammans med kamraten. 5A-C Grammatik I 5B ställs frågan: När använder man some och när använder man any?

32  NEW WHAT’S UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

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Svarsmeningarna ser ut så här: Man använder some i frågor där man ber om något när det är mer än en sak eller något man inte kan räkna. Man använder any i meningar med not/n’t. Man använder any i frågor där man inte kan ana svaret.

What do they have for breakfast this morning? Listen and draw lines. There are two pictures too many.



What have you got on your breakfast trays? Circle the things both you and your friend have got. Student B, look at page 138. You Student B

Have you got any …? Yes, I’ve got some …/No, I haven’t got any …


apple juice



butter milk and cereal



1 Jake




2 Mr Robinson


3 Mrs Robinson 4 Ellie

bacon and eggs


Which things have both of you got on your breakfast trays?


5 Why does Mr Robinson want to have breakfast in a cafe tomorrow?



Then he can get biscuits for breakfast.


He thinks the coffee is better.


He wants to have a peaceful breakfast.

IN MY OPINION, page 130 eleven



Hörförståelse Familjen Robinson äter frukost. Eleverna lyssnar på familjens samtal i köket. Samtalet är indelat i fyra delar. Eleverna ska lyssna sig till vad de olika familjemedlemmarna äter till frukost. Många missöden sker och det de ber om att få till frukost är inte alltid det som till slut erbjuds.


Workbook sid. 10–11 Facit 1 2 3 4

Jake – b Mr Robinson – c Mrs Robinson – e Ellie – d He wants to have a peaceful breakfast. (c)

Hitta viktig information (familjemedlemmars namn + ord för frukostmat) Why does Mr Robinson want to have breakfast in a cafe tomorrow?

Hitta ledtrådar och dra slutsatser (Vad händer i köket alldeles innan Mr Robinson säger att han vill äta frukost på ett kafé nästa dag? Jake säger: I dropped the bottle of juice. It’s all over the floor. Mr Robinson upptäcker att det ryker. Ellie säger: It’s the toaster. It’s burning. Help! Varför vill Mr Robinson äta frukost på ett kafé nästa dag?)


Tala I denna AB-övning ska eleverna ta reda på vad av frukostmaten båda två har på sina brickor. De ska svara på frågan: Which things have both of you got on your breakfast trays? (butter, cheese, toast)


In my opinion

Workbook page 130

Eleverna diskuterar följande påstående: It’s OK to skip breakfast.

33  NEW WHAT’S UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

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Kopieringsunderlag: Chapter 1 bilaga 1a–c Long snake – Konversationsövning (se sid. 10) Eleverna samtalar om frukost. De fraser som övas är:   – What does Justin have for breakfast?   – He has yoghurt, some toast and cheese.

34  NEW WHAT’S UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

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Pete 35  NEW WHAT’S UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

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Chapter 1 bilaga 1a


2019-07-01 11:23

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning. NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning. NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast? LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast? LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast? LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

01-_New Whats Up 5 LH.indd 36

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast? NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

36  NEW WHAT’S UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast? NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.


2019-07-01 11:23

















Daniel 37  NEW WHAT’S UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

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Chapter 1 bilaga 1b


2019-07-01 11:23

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning. NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning. NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast? LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast? LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast? LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

01-_New Whats Up 5 LH.indd 38

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast? NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

38  NEW WHAT’S UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast? NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.


2019-07-01 11:23


Chapter 1 bilaga 1c







01-_New Whats Up 5 LH.indd 39



39  NEW WHAT’S UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.


2019-07-01 11:23

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning. NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning. NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast? LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast? LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast? LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

01-_New Whats Up 5 LH.indd 40

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast? NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

40  NEW WHAT’S UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast?

LONG SNAKE Unit A Chapter 1 What do you want for breakfast? NEW WHAT’s UP åk 5. Lärarhandledning.


2019-07-01 11:23

Hörövningsmanus Chapter 1

Unit A

What do you want for breakfast? Speaker

Workbook, exercise 6. What do they have for breakfast this morning? Listen and draw lines. There are two pictures too many. Number one.

We are at the Robinson’s house. It’s early in the morning. Mr and Mrs Robinson are having breakfast. Jake Morning … I’m so tired. Mr R Morning, Jake! You are up early today. Have some breakfast. That will wake you up. Jake Where’s the yoghurt? Mrs R I’m afraid we haven’t got any left. Jake Seriously? Mrs R Well, there are a few things we need to get. Have cornflakes instead. Jake Where’s the milk? Mrs R The milk is where it always is – in the fridge. Jake Dad, I’d like some toast. And … are there any bananas left? I’d like to have one. Mr R You can help yourself, they are in the fruit basket right behind you. Speaker

What does Jake have for breakfast this morning? Draw a line to the correct breakfast tray. Number two.

Mr R Ellie Mr R Ellie Mr R

Ellie Speaker

Oh, here she is … good morning sunshine. There’s no sunshine. It’s raining. There’s always sunshine after rain, remember! Have some breakfast, Ellie. What are you eating, Dad? I eat fruit. This is called a banana. And I’m also going to have coffee and some toast. You should eat more fruit, Ellie. We’ve got lots of apples and pears but you must also eat a full breakfast. I don’t need breakfast. I’m not hungry. What does Mr Robinson have for breakfast this morning? Draw a line to the correct breakfast tray. Number three.

Mrs R Jake Ellie Mrs R Ellie Mrs R Jake Mrs R

Actually, Ellie, breakfast is very important. It’s a great start to the day. That’s right. Listen to your mother. Stop it, Jake. You know I prefer lunch. I’m always hungry in the middle of the day. Ellie, you have to eat something. You can have some cereal and milk, like your brother. How can you eat so much early in the morning, Mum? It’s good for you. I always have a glass of apple juice and tea – and an apple. … and bacon and eggs, Mum. OK. Today I’m having a full breakfast, because I’m going to have a late lunch.


What does Mrs Robinson have for breakfast this morning? Draw a line to the correct breakfast tray.

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Number four. Mr R Ellie Mr R Jake Ellie Mrs R Mr R Ellie Mr R Speaker

Ellie, as your mother said, you must eat something. Alright! I’ll have an apple and some tea. And some orange juice. Have we got any biscuits? No, dear. You can’t have biscuits for breakfast but you can have some toast if you want. What’s happening? I’m sorry. I dropped the bottle of juice. It’s all over the floor. You’re so clumsy! Now I can’t have any juice. What’s this smell? There’s smoke! It’s the toaster. It’s burning. Help! That was the last toast. What a disaster! Tomorrow we go to a cafe for breakfast. What does Ellie have for breakfast this morning? Draw a line to the correct breakfast tray. Finally, answer question number five.

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Texternas innehåll Olivia och Fraser befinner sig på stranden i Brighton en het sommardag. De träffar nya vänner, fast på ett mycket speciellt sätt. Fraser snubblar när han flyger sin drake och glassen han håller i handen landar på ryggen på Karen från Nya Zeeland. Hon presenterar sin bror Neil för Fraser och Olivia. Senare bestämmer sig alla fyra för att gå till Brighton Pier och roa sig. I en broschyr får eleverna se och läsa om vad man kan göra på Brighton Pier.

Texttyper bildberättelse broschyr

Temaord strandaktiviteter attraktioner på en nöjespark souvenirer

Grammatik pågående form: am/are/is + ing-form

Kulturella företeelser För information om Brighton Pier, se Bra att veta.

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It’s a very hot day. Fraser and Olivia are on Brighton Beach. Elliot is at home with a cold. Olivia is lying on a towel. She is reading a magazine. Fraser is flying a kite. He is also holding an ice cream that is melting.

Olivia Fraser Olivia Girl Fraser 16


Nice to meet you


Fraser! Watch your ice cream! It’s dripping everywhere. Don’t worry! It’s OK. Look at my kite. It’s really high. And mind those people! Aaaaaah! Oops! Too late!

Fraser trips and falls over some people who are sunbathing. His ice cream falls on a girl’s back. The girl gets a shock and jumps up. Fraser feels bad. He is very sorry. He apologises and gives the girl his towel. Luckily the girl thinks it’s funny and they start laughing.

Olivia Karen Olivia Karen Olivia

Where are you from? New Zealand. We’re on holiday. It’s winter back home. Cool. I’m Olivia and this is Fraser. We live here. I’m Karen. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.




Textbook sid. 16–17

Skapa förförståelse Look at the picture on top of page 16. Who can you see in that picture? (Olivia and Fraser) Where are they? Are they in town? (No, they are on the beach.)

Arbeta med texten 1 Texten är indelad i stycken med illustrationer till varje del. Gå igenom texten genom att lyssna på en del i taget. Fraser and Olivia are on Brighton Beach. Elliot is not with them. Let’s listen and find out: Where is Elliot? (He’s at home with a cold.) What is Olivia doing? (She’s reading a magazine.) What is Fraser doing? (He’s flying a kite.) What is he holding in his other hand? (He’s holding an ice cream.) Hitta viktig information (bilden: Vad håller Fraser i handen? + ord: is holding) 2 Now look at the picture at the bottom of the page. Fraser is flying a kite and he’s holding an ice cream that is dripping. Olivia looks a bit worried. Let’s listen and find out: What does Olivia say to Fraser? (Fraser! Watch your ice cream! It’s dripping everywhere. And mind those people! 3 Look at the picture on top of page 17. What happens? Let’s listen and find out. (Fraser trips and falls over some people who are sunbathing. His ice cream falls on a girl’s back.) So, what does Fraser do? (He apologises and gives the girl his towel.) Is the girl OK? (Yes, she thinks it’s funny and starts laughing.) Hitta viktig information (bilden: Är flickan arg/glad? + mening: Luckily the girl thinks it’s funny and they start laughing.) 4 Look at the picture at the bottom of the page. Here both Olivia and Fraser talk to the girl. Who is she? Listen and find out: What’s the girl’s name? ( Her name’s Karen.) Where’s she from? (She’s from New Zealand.) Hitta viktig information (fråga: Where are you from? + replikgivare + namn på ett land) Why is she in Brighton? (She’s on holiday.)

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Karen Fraser Neil Karen Olivia Neil Karen Fraser Karen

This is Neil, my brother. Hi Neil. Good day! Some people here on the beach use sun cream on their back ‒ not ice cream! Neil! Behave! I want to go to the pier. Who wants to come with me? Us! We want to go, don’t we, Karen? Oh, yes. We’re on. I’m going to make a phone call to our parents before we go. Good idea. Me too.

Fraser Olivia Fraser

Brighton Pier isn’t far away. They are walking along the beach and they are talking about what they are going to do. Fraser Neil

Olivia Karen Olivia


What do you want to do first? Let’s go on the dodgems … and I also want to buy some souvenirs. How much is a Brighton Pier T-shirt do you think, Olivia? About ten pounds, maybe. I want to try the slot machines. Be careful, Karen. You always lose your money there.



Yes, we can all go on the dodgems first and then we must try the ghost train. It’s so scary. After that we can have fish and chips. … and some ice cream – but you have to be careful. The seagulls often attack people and take their ice creams. Do you really want another ice cream?

Now Karen and Olivia start laughing.

Did you get it? Answer the questions.

1 Where are Fraser and Olivia today? 2 What’s Olivia doing? 3 What’s Fraser doing? 4 Where are Karen and Neil from? 5 What are they going to do on Brighton Pier? Say two or three things. 6 Why do the girls start laughing?



Textbook sid. 18–19

5 Now let’s turn to page 18. The boy with the blue hat is Karen’s brother. Listen and find out: What’s his name? (His name’s Neil.) Olivia says that she wants to go somewhere. Where does Olivia want to go? (She wants to go to the pier.) Look at the picture on page 19. In the background you can see Brighton Pier. There is an amusement park with lots of fun things to do. Fraser, Karen and Neil also want to go. Fraser and Karen are going to make phone calls. Who are they going to call? (They’re going to call their parents.) Hitta viktig information (replikgivare + uttryck: make a phone call) 6 Skriv följande uttryck på tavlan: go on the dodgems, buy souvenirs, try the slot machines, try the ghost train, have fish and chips, have ice cream. Gå igenom alla uttryck så att eleverna förstår vad de betyder. Körläs. Skriv även ungdomarnas namn på tavlan. Ta hjälp av det du redan vet (ord som är snarlika i svenskan och engelskan: machines, souvenirs, train, fish) 7 Listen to the last part of the text and find out: Who wants to go on the dodgems? (Neil and Fraser) Who wants to buy souvenirs? (Neil) Who wants to try the slot machines? (Karen) Who wants to try the ghost train? (Fraser) Who wants to have fish and chips? (Olivia) Who wants to have ice cream? (Fraser) Hitta viktig information (replikgivare + uttryck: go on the dodgems, buy souvenirs, try the slot machines, try the ghost train, have fish and chips, have ice cream) 8 At the end of the text Fraser talks about having some ice cream. Then the girls start laughing. Why? (Fraser’s ice cream falls on Karen’s back. Now the seagulls can attack him and take his ice cream.) Hitta ledtrådar och dra slutsatser (Vad händer med Frasers glass på stranden? His ice cream falls on a girl’s back. Vad säger Fraser om måsarna och glass? … but you have to be careful because the seagulls attack people and take their ice creams. Vad säger Olivia? Do you really want another ice cream? Fraser kanske blir av med nästa glass också. Det kanske är lika bra att Fraser inte äter någon mer glass?)

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Use the phrases in the box. Ask and answer. You What is Fraser doing? Friend He is …

You What are Karen and Olivia doing? Friend They are …

having a picnic holding an ice cream walking on the beach flying a kite buying souvenirs making a phone call 1 Fraser 2 Karen and Olivia

(make) I am making a phone call. Jag ringer ett samtal. (drip) The ice cream is dripping. Glassen rinner. (swim) Karen is swimming in the sea. Karen simmar i havet. (lie) They are lying on a towel. De ligger på en handduk. För att tala om att någonting händer just nu använder man am, are eller is + -ingform av verbet. Man använder am + -ing-form vid I. Man använder is + -ing-form vid he, she och it. Man använder are + -ing-form vid you, we och they. Många verb ändrar stavningen vid -ing-form: Några förlorar ett -e; make blir making. Andra dubblar slutkonsonanten; drip blir dripping och swim blir swimming. Vissa verb på -ie får stavningen -ying; lie blir lying.

Romeo I love strawberry ice cream.

3 Neil

4 Olivia, Fraser, Karen and Neil

Juliet Watch out! It’s dripping on my back.



5 Karen

6 Karen, Olivia, Neil and Fraser



Textbook sid. 20–21

9 Gör övning 1.

Did you get it? Eleverna svarar på ett antal frågor. Why do the girls start laughing?

Facit 1 Fraser and Olivia are on Brighton Beach. 2 Olivia is lying on a towel and she is reading a magazine. 3 Fraser is flying a kite and holding an ice cream. 4 Karen and Neil are from New Zealand. 5 They are going to go on the dodgems. They are going to try the ghost train. They are also going to have fish and chips and some ice cream. Neil wants to buy some souvenirs. Karen wants to try the slot machines. Earlier Fraser’s ice cream landed on Karen’s back. Now the seagulls can attack Fraser and take his ice cream.

Focus Focus-rutan repeterar att man använder am/are/is + -ing-form på verbet när något händer just nu. Dessutom tas upp att många verb ändrar stavning vid ing-form.

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Brighton pier

The Booster shoots you 130 feet into the air. Feel the spin and turn upside down.

Jump high to the sky trampolines.

on our jumbo-size

Go on the Turbo Coaster, if you dare. There are two steep drops and a loop waiting for you.

Do you like to spin round? Ride a horse or a giant chicken on our carousel.

on your the dodgems. Put Go full speed on in the for your friends belt and watch out can bump into them. other cars – or you

If you’re not afraid of getting wet – ride the wooden logs on the the Wild River Ride.


See how high you can jump and have fun with your friends on the Bouncy Castle.


time in the Palace of Come along and have a great and simulators here. If Fun. Try the latest games a video game console. you’re lucky you can win twenty-three


Textbook sid. 22–23

Skapa förförståelse Look at the headline. What does it say? (Brighton Pier) Yes, this is a brochure about Brighton Pier. Do you know anything about Brighton Pier? (There is an amusement park on the pier.) Look at page 19. There you can see Brighton Pier in the background.

Arbeta med texten 1 Skriv följande namn för attraktioner på Brighton Pier på tavlan: the trampolines, the carousel, the Wild River Ride, the Bouncy Castle. Anteckna även följande uttryck: spin round, jump high, have fun, get wet. Gå igenom alla uttryck så att eleverna förstår vad de betyder och körläs. Ta hjälp av det du redan vet (ord som är snarlika i svenskan och engelskan: carousel, trampolines, spin round, wet) 2 Listen to the text on page 22 and look at the pictures. Led eleverna i att para ihop uttrycken med attraktionerna. Which attraction am I talking about? You can spin round. (the carousel) Here you can jump high. (the trampolines) You can have fun with your friends. (the Bouncy Castle) On this attraction you can get wet. (the Wild River Ride) Dra streck från varje attraktion till det uttryck som passar ihop med attraktionen. Hitta viktig information (uttryck: spin round, jump high, have fun, get wet) 3 Skriv följande namn för attraktioner på tavlan: the Booster, the Turbo Coaster, the dodgems, the Palace of Fun. Anteckna även följande uttryck: full speed, two steep drops and a loop, games and simulators, turn upside down. Gå igenom alla uttryck så att eleverna förstår vad de betyder och körläs. Ta hjälp av det du redan vet (ord som är snarlika i svenskan och engelskan: turbo, palace, loop, games, simulators)

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4 Now listen to the text on page 23 and look at the pictures. Led eleverna i att para ihop uttrycken med attraktionerna. Which attraction am I talking about? You go full speed. (the dodgems) On this attraction there are two steep drops and a loop. (the Turbo Coaster) Here you can try the latest games and simulators. (the Palace of Fun) You turn upside down. (the Booster) Dra streck från varje attraktion till det uttryck som passar ihop med attraktionen. Hitta viktig information (uttryck: full speed, two steep drops and a loop, games and simulators, turn upside down.)

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Did you get it? Complete the sentences. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Get very wet … Try games … Go full speed … Turn upside down … Have fun with your friends … Spin round … A loop is waiting for you … Jump high …

a b c d e f g h

on the trampolines. on the Bouncy Castle. on the Wild River Ride. on the carousel. in the Palace of Fun. on the Turbo Coaster. on the Booster. on the dodgems.




T-shirts mobile phone case bag


What do you want to do on Brighton Pier? Use the phrases in the box. You Friend You Friend

What do you want to do? I want to go on … What else do you want to do? …

go on … the Turbo Coaster the carousel the Wild River Ride the Booster the Bouncy Castle the trampolines the dodgems




go to … the Palace of Fun

pens mug

£4 fridge magnets


Listen and repeat.

soft toy




Look at the pictures in exercise 1. Ask and answer. You How much is the cap? Friend It’s £6.99.

key rings

You How much are the T-shirts? Friend They are £14.95 each.

£1.50 cap 24





Textbook sid. 24–25

5 Gör övning 1, 2 och 3.

Did you get it? Eleverna gör åtta meningar fullständiga genom att välja rätt avslutning.

Facit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Get very wet on the Wild River Ride. (c) Try games in the Palace of Fun. (e) Go full speed on the dodgems. (h) Turn upside down on the Booster. (g) Have fun with your friends on the Bouncy Castle. (b) Spin round on the carousel. (d) A loop is waiting for you on the Turbo Coaster. (f) Jump high on the trampolines. (a)

Bra att veta Det fanns länge två pirar i Brighton, the West Pier och the Brighton Palace Pier (även kallad Brighton Pier). Båda byggdes på 1800-talet, men the West Pier byggdes 30 år före Brighton Pier. Pirarna konkurrerade om besökarna, och båda hade miljontals besökare varje år. Det fanns en välbesökt konsertlokal på the West Pier, men besökssiffrorna gick ner och piren förföll efter diverse stormar och år 2002 brann piren ner. Man försökte bygga upp den igen, men pengarna räckte inte till och 2010 rev man ner hela piren. Konkurrenten Brighton Pier, är i dag den stora attraktionen i Brighton med över fyra miljoner besökare per år. Här finns mängder med restauranger och kaféer, flera spelhallar och tivoliattraktioner som antingen vänder sig till barn under 120 cm med till exempel the Dragon Fly, the Trampolines, the Carousel och Fantasia – eller till barn som är över 120 cm, med till exempel the Turbo Coaster, the Trampolines, the Carousel och Galaxia. I the Palace of Fun kan alla raskt göra av med veckopengen på spelmaskiner – lägsta insats är 2 pence – eller spela de senaste dataspelen. Att planera in en dag på piren då man befinner sig i Brighton, kan vara ett säkert kort.

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Nice to meet you


Textbook pages 16–19

What do they say? Fill in the speech bubbles.

New Zealand. We’re on holiday.

I want to go to the pier. Who wants to come with me?

What do you want to do first? Where are you from? I’m OK. Thanks! Do you rea lly want ano ther ice crea m?

Don’t worry. It ’s OK. We’re on. 1 It’s a very hot day. Fraser and Olivia are on Brighton Beach.


I’m so sorry. Are you alright?

Fraser! Watch your ice cream! It’s dripping everywhere.

Let’s go on the dodgems.



You have to be careful because the seagulls attack people and take their ice creams.









Workbook sid. 12–13

Läsförståelse Uppgiften i denna övning är att skriva in repliker i de tomma pratbubblorna. Till sin hjälp har eleverna en ruta med repliker. ”Splashen” i övre högra hörnet, talar om för eleverna att de har hjälp av texten på sid. 16–19 i Textboken när de arbetar med övningen.

2A Read the sentences.


They are lying on their towels. The ice cream is dripping. I am swimming in the pool. Maria is making a sand castle.

You Student B

Joseph Paula and Deb Andrew

What is Joseph doing? He is …

Maria and Nadja Matthew

Hugo, George

2B Hur använder man am, are och is vid verb i -ing-form? Vid I använder man

What are they doing? Write the names in the empty boxes. Student B, look at page 139.

+ -ing-form.

Vid he, she, it använder man Vid you, we, they använder man

+ -ing-form. + -ing-form.

Benjamin, Ally

2C Fill in the right form of the verbs.











The ice cream


My sister Martina

in the sea. (swim)


Marion and Troy

on the beach. (lie)





Ian, John

doughnuts. (eat) a kite. (fly) a phone call. (make) . (drip)

souvenirs. (buy)


badminton. (play)





Workbook sid. 14–15

2A-C Grammatik I 2B ställs frågan: Hur använder man am, are och is vid verb i -ing-form? Svarsmeningarna ser ut så här: Vid I, använder man am + ing-form. Vid he, she, it använder man is + ing-form. Vid you, we, they använder man are + ing-form.


Tala I AB-övningen tar eleverna reda på vem som gör vad på stranden.

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Solve the puzzle.



6A 2



Read the dialogue. Fraser Neil Fraser Neil Fraser Neil

3 3



Let’s go on the Wild River Ride. I love that. No, that’s boring. What do you want to do? I’d like to go on the Turbo Coaster. Alright. We need four tickets for that. I’ll get them.

Later 6

Fraser Neil Fraser Neil






That was fun! Yeah. I’m getting hungry. Can we have some doughnuts? And I want to buy some souvenirs. Look. There are shops and cafes over there.

9 10






What is the hidden word? You can go on it on Brighton Pier.

Where on Brighton Pier are Fraser, Neil, Olivia and Karen? Listen and tick the right alternatives. 1 Where are Fraser and Olivia? on the dodgems a on the trampolines b

4 Where was Fraser? on the Turbo Coaster a in the Palace of Fun b

2 Where are Karen and Olivia? on the dodgems a on the carousel b

5 Where are Karen and Neil? on the Booster a on the Wild River Ride b

3 Where are Neil and Olivia? on the carousel a on the trampolines b

6 Where are Fraser and Neil? on the Wild River Ride a on the Turbo Coaster b

go on … the Turbo Coaster the carousel the Wild River Ride the Booster the dodgems the Bouncy Castle the trampolines


go to … the Palace of Fun

have … fish and chips hamburgers ice cream doughnuts sandwiches hot dogs

buy … some souvenirs some postcards a Brighton Pier T-shirt a Brigton Pier cap a Brighton Pier key ring a Brighton Pier bag

6C Act it out.



Write a new dialogue.


8 7

Turbo Coaster

IN MY OPINION, page 130 seventeen


Workbook sid. 16–17


Hörförståelse Eleverna lyssnar på sex dialoger. Det är Olivia, Fraser, Karen och Neil som pratar med varandra i olika konstellationer under tiden de är på Brighton Pier. Uppgiften är att avgöra vid vilken attraktion de olika dialogerna utspelar sig. Hitta viktig information (I varje dialog ges små ledtrådar som sammantaget avslöjar var dialogen

Facit 1 2 3 4 5 6

on the dodgems (a) on the carousel (b) on the trampolines (b) in the Palace of Fun (b) on the Booster (a) on the Turbo Coaster (b)

utspelar sig.)

6A-C Skriva Eleverna läser dialogen i 6A där Fraser och Neil pratar om vad de ska göra på ett nöjesfält. Därefter skriver de en ny dialog med dialogen i 6A som mönster. Till sin hjälp har de fyra rutor med förslag på vad de kan tänkas vilja göra på nöjesfältet.


In my opinion

Workbook page 130

Eleverna diskuterar kring följande påstående: It’s a good idea to spend your pocket money in an amusement park.

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Textens innehåll Fraser, Elliot och Olivia är i matvaruaffären. Det är mycket som behöver handlas: frukt, grönsaker och andra varor. Fraser är ouppmärksam och råkar putta till sin rektor, Mrs Hardy, med shoppingvagnen så hon ramlar ner i en frysdisk.

Texttyp dialog

Temaord matvaror

Grammatik substantiv i plural stavningsförändringar av substantiv i plural

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Buy One Get One Free


Fraser, Elliot and Olivia are in the supermarket. Fraser Olivia Fraser Olivia Fraser Olivia Elliot Fraser Elliot Olivia Fraser Olivia Fraser Olivia Fraser Elliot Olivia Fraser Woman Fraser Olivia Fraser Woman Olivia Fraser


It’s my turn to push the trolley. OK. Now, where’s the shopping list? It’s here. I’ve got it. Fraser! It’s covered in ice cream. I can’t read it. No problem. I can read it. We need syrup and pancakes. No we don’t. Mum says we need fruit. Let’s get some apples, pears and grapes – and perhaps some strawberries. Do we need any cheese? Yes, we do, but not a smelly one this time. Dad says we need veg, too. Good thinking. So let’s get some potatoes, tomatoes, carrots and peas. We also need bread, milk, jam, yoghurt and marmalade. Look! They’ve got packets of chocolate biscuits on special offer ‒ buy one get one free. No. I think we need doughnuts. A packet of six is only one fifty. Oh yes. I love doughnuts. Put a packet in the trolley. The list says toothpaste and toothbrushes. I want strawberry toothpaste. OK, Elliot. Fraser, be careful with the trolley. … MIND THAT WOMAN! Which woman? There are so many people here. Ahhhhh! Oops. Oh no! You’re so clumsy. Help her get out of the freezer. It’s her fault. I heard that, young man. Help me get out. Fraser, it’s your headmistress! Oh hello, Mrs Hardy. I’m very sorry. Can you pass the ice cream, please?


Did you get it? Correct the sentences.

1 Fraser, Elliot and Olivia are in the toy shop. 2 The shopping list is covered in marmalade. 3 Mum says they need veg. 4 A packet of doughnuts is only one twenty. 5 Fraser pushes Mrs Hardy into the kitchen. 6 Mrs Hardy is Fraser’s neighbour.

Romeo Juliet Romeo

We need fish fingers. Why? Because I can’t hold my knife and fork!



Textbook sid. 26–27

Skapa förförståelse Starta genom att inventera ord för frukter och grönsaker. Skriv följande rubriker på tavlan: fruit, vegetables. Can you mention some fruits? Skriv orden för de frukter eleverna nämner. Se till att följande ord från texten finns med: apples, pears, grapes, strawberries. Gå igenom alla ord så att eleverna förstår vad de betyder och körläs. What vegetables do you know? Skriv orden för de grönsaker eleverna känner till, på tavlan. Se till att följande ord från texten finns med: potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, peas. Gå igenom alla ord så att eleverna förstår vad de betyder och körläs.

Arbeta med texten 1 Lyssna på och läs textens ingress. Underlätta förståelsen med hjälp av frågor. Where are Olivia, Elliot and Fraser today? (They are in the supermarket.) 2 They’ve got a shopping list, but Olivia can’t read it. Listen and find out: Why can’t Olivia read the shopping list? (It’s covered in ice cream.) Hitta viktig information (ord: shopping list + replikgivare + mening: It’s covered in ice cream.) So, who reads the shopping list? (Fraser reads the shopping list.) Hitta viktig information (ord: read + replikgivare + mening: I can read it.) 3 Which fruits do they buy? (They buy apples, pears, grapes, strawberries.) Which vegetables do they buy? (They buy potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, peas.) Markera de frukter och grönsaker de köper. Hitta viktig information (ord för frukter och grönsaker) What other things do they buy at the supermarket? (They buy syrup, pancakes, cheese, doughnuts, toothpaste, toothbrushes and perhaps some ice cream.)

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Listen and repeat.


a carrot – three carrots an apple – lots of apples

en morot – tre morötter ett äpple – massor av äpplen

De flesta substantiv bildar plural (flertal) genom att lägga till ett -s. chocolate biscuits




a bus – four buses a kiss – many kisses a box – some boxes a toothbrush – two toothbrushes a beach – many beaches a match ‒ five matches

en buss – fyra bussar en kyss – flera kyssar en låda – några lådor en tandborste – två tandborstar en strand – många stränder en match – fem matcher

Substantiv som slutar på väsljud (-s, -x, -sh, -ch) bildar plural med -es ( ). carrots




a strawberry – many strawberries a baby – two babies a family – many families a fly – many flies

en jordgubbe – flera jordgubbar en bebis – två bebisar en familj – många familjer en fluga – många flugor

Substantiv som slutar på konsonant + -y bildar plural med -ies. syrup




a potato – some potatoes a tomato – lots of tomatoes

en potatis – några potatisar en tomat – massor av tomater

Några substantiv som slutar på -o bildar plural med -oes.






Talk about what you need to buy. Look at the pictures in exercise 1. You Do we need any chocolate biscuits? Friend No, we don’t. But we need some doughnuts.





Textbook sid. 28–30

4 At the end of the text there is an accident. What happens? (Fraser pushes a woman into a freezer.) Who is she? (She’s Fraser’s headmistress.) Is Fraser nice to his headmistress? What do you think? (He’s not very nice.) Hitta ledtrådar och dra slutsatser (Vad säger Fraser om och till Mrs Hardy då han orsakat att hon ramlat ner i frysen? It’s her fault. I’m very sorry. Can you pass the ice cream, please? Är det han säger till Mrs Hardy trevligt eller otrevligt?) 5 Gör övning 1, 2, 3 och 4.

Did you get it? De sex meningarna innehåller felaktigheter. Uppgiften är att rätta meningarna så att de stämmer med texten.

Focus Focus-rutan behadlar substantiv i plural samt stavningförändringar av substantiv i plural.

Facit 1 Fraser, Elliot and Olivia are in the supermarket. 2 The shopping list is covered in ice cream. 3 Mum says they need fruit. / Dad says they need veg. 4 A packet of doughnuts is only one fifty. 5 Fraser pushes Mrs Hardy into the freezer. 6 Mrs Hardy is Fraser’s headmistress.

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Buy one get one free





2 Where’s the shopping centre? 3 It’s careful in ice cream.

What do you see in the pictures? Write the correct words on the labels.

4 We eat syrup and pancakes.




Textbook page 26

What’s wrong? Correct the sentences.

1 It’s my turn to pull the trolley.


5 Let’s eat some apples and grapes. 6 Dad says we need doughnuts, too. 7 They’ve got chocolate biscuits on special days. 8 I want the apple toothpaste.



9 Be clumsy with the trolley!


10 Can you eat the ice cream, please? 10

9 8









Workbook sid. 18–19




Läsförståelse ”Splashen” i övre högra hörnet talar om för eleverna att de har hjälp av texten på sid. 26 i Textboken när de löser uppgiften.

3A Read the sentences.


Let’s get some carrots and apples. We must buy new toothbrushes. All babies are cute. We haven’t got any tomatoes.

How much are the fruit and vegetables? Write the prices on the empty labels. Student B, look at page 140. You Student B

3B Hur bildar man plural (flertal) i engelskan?

How much are the …? They are … a kilo.


De flesta substantiv bildar plural genom att lägga till ett




Substantiv som slutar på väsljud (-s, -x, -sh, -ch) bildar plural med


Substantiv som slutar på konsonant + -y bildar plural med


Några substantiv som slutar på -o bildar plural med






3C Write the words in the plural. . (carrot)

1 It’s good for you to eat 2 Can we have 3 I like

for dessert? (strawberry)

4 We haven’t got any

? (box)

7 There are so many

here. (fly)

8 My dog always gives me lots of


£1.60 nineteen

. (tootbrush)

6 What’s in the two

9 Two


․ (apple)

5 We really need new

10 I love


more than pasta. (potato)

Which fruit and vegetables are the same price? . (kiss)

live in this house. (family) . (tomato)




Workbook sid. 20–21

3A-C Grammatik I 3B ställs frågan: Hur bildar man plural (flertal) i engelskan? Svarsmeningarna ser ut så här: De flesta substantiv bildar plural genom att lägga till ett -s. Substantiv som slutar på väsljud (-s, -x, -sh, -ch) bildar plural med -es. Substantiv som slutar på konsonant + -y bildar plural med -ies. Några substantiv som slutar på -o bildar plural med -oes.


Tala I AB-övningen tar eleverna reda på vad de olika frukterna och grönsakerna kostar. De ska också svara på frågan: Which fruits and vegetables are the same price? (bananas and apples £2.40, pears and tomatoes £2.80.)

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Tony and his daughter Susan are at the market. Which fruit and vegetables are they buying? Tick the right pictures while you’re listening. There are four pictures too many.


yellow tomatoes





red tomatoes



green apples

red apples

6A Read the sentences.

I want to buy some souvenirs. Hey, there’s a souvenir shop, right in front of us. Yeah, let’s go and have a look. Let’s go inside. Good idea.

This T-shirt is very nice. The key rings are really cool! I love that mobile phone case, it’s awesome. I like the bags.


How much is it? How much are they?

Now they go on to the supermarket to buy things for breakfast. What are they buying? Listen and tick the right pictures. There are four pictures too many.

It says £5 on the label. It’s only £2.80 They are £4.60 each. sour milk

eggs jam








Why does Susan say that she will give money back to her dad? a b c 22

That’s too expensive. That’s very cheap. I want to buy this mug. And I’m going to buy four fridge magnets. I want to buy one for my sister.

Her dad gives her too little money. Her dad wants more money back. Her dad gives her too much money.

6B Write a dialogue where you and your friend are buying souvenirs. Use the sentences in 6A. 6C Act it out.

IN MY OPINION, page 131





Workbook sid. 22–23

Hörförståelse Tony och hans dotter Susan handlar mat. I övning 5A är de på marknaden och köper frukter och grönsaker. Eleverna ska lyssna sig till vilka sex olika frukter och grönsaker de köper. I 5B går de vidare till mataffären. Här ska eleverna lyssna sig till vilka sex matvaror de köper. Hitta viktig information (ord för de frukter, grönsaker och matvaror som visas på bilderna.)

Why does Susan say that she will give money back to her dad?

Hitta ledtrådar och dra slutsatser (Vad säger Susans pappa innan Susan säger att hon ska ge honom pengar tillbaka? Here’s five pounds. I have no other money. Varför ska Susan ge pengar tillbaka till sin pappa?)

Facit 5A bananas yellow tomatoes pears strawberries green apples carrots 5B jam eggs tea yoghurt cornflakes bread Her dad gives her too much money. (c)

6A-C Skriva Eleverna läser meningarna i 6A. I 6B är uppgiften att skriva en dialog där man handlar souvenirer. De har hjälp av meningarna i rutorna. Eleverna kan byta ut ord i meningarna och på så sätt sätta sin egen prägel på dialogen och göra den mer personlig. Naturligtvis kan även andra meningar än dem som finns i 6A användas. I 6C redovisar de texten tillsammans med en kamrat.


In my opinion

Workbook page 131

Eleverna diskuterar följande påstående: Yoghurt and fruit is a better snack than hot chocolate and some sandwiches.

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Write answers.

Here are some answers. Can you ask the questions?

What’s the weather like today?

1 What’s the weather like today?

It’s windy and it’s hot. 2 What’s the weather like in the autumn?


3 What do you have for breakfast?

4 What do you want to do on Brighton Pier?

1 It’s windy and it’s hot. (today) 2 It’s often snowing and it’s cold. (winter) 3 I have sour milk with cornflakes, toast and cheese. 4 I want to go on the Booster. (do – Brighton Pier) 5 He’s holding an ice cream. (Fraser) 6 They are having a picnic. (Karen, Olivia, Neil and Fraser) 7 It’s £14.70. (mobile phone case) 8 They are £4 each. (fridge magnets)

5 What is Neil doing?

6 What are Olivia, Fraser, Karen and Neil doing?

What’s the weather like today?

7 How much is the mug?

It’s cloudy and it’s cold.

8 How much are the key rings?

£5.60 7






1 It’s cloudy and it’s cold. (today) 2 It’s often sunny and it’s hot. (summer) 3 I have bacon and eggs and orange juice. 4 I want to go on the Wild River Ride. (do – Brighton Pier) 5 She’s buying souvenirs. (Karen) 6 They are flying a kite. (Olivia and Karen) 7 It’s £9.99. (bag) 8 They are £1.50 each. (postcards)

Interview a friend. Use the questions in 1A.

£3.40 8





Workbook sid. 24–25

Tala I 1A förbereder eleverna talövningen genom att skriva svar på 8 frågor. I 1B intervjuar eleverna varandra. Den elev som svarar bör inte titta på sina svar i 1A. I 1C ställer eleverna frågor som passar till de givna svaren. Den elev som ställer frågorna bör titta så lite som möjligt på frågorna i 1A. I vissa fall finns en parentes efter svaret som ytterligare hjälp för att kunna ställa frågan. 2C Now go on reading. Olivia


Read about the Clarks’ holiday. Mrs Clark Olivia Fraser Mr Clark TV voice

Fraser Olivia Fraser Olivia Fraser Mr Clark Mrs Clark Mr Clark Mrs Clark Olivia Mr Clark Olivia Mr Clark Olivia Fraser Mrs Clark Mr Clark Mrs Clark Mr Clark Mrs Clark Fraser Mrs Clark Olivia

Hi sweetie. Did you sleep well? Yes, Mum. I slept all night. Dad! What are you doing with your phone? Sch! I’m listening to the weather forecast on the BBC. This morning will be cooler and mostly cloudy with short periods of rain spreading from the west. Tonight will be dry with a clear sky and it will be windy and a bit chillier than last night. Tomorrow we’ll have a cloudy start, but the weather will be fine and sunny for most parts throughout the day. This weather is typically British. Anyway, it’s better to be here in Scotland than in Brighton. There are so many new things to see. Well, I’d like to see the castle at Inverness. There’s a monster there. No, there’s only the Loch Ness monster. There are monsters and ghosts in every castle in Scotland. Come on, my little monsters. It’s breakfast time. It’s my turn to fix breakfast today. What do you want? Can I have … You’re not a monster dear – you must wait. Duh! I want cornflakes and milk, please. I’m afraid we’re out of milk this morning. I can’t just eat cornflakes, can I? No. You can have bacon and eggs instead. OK. And some apple juice, please. I’ll have the same, but orange juice, please. Is it me now? Yes, dear. Same as Olivia, please. I’m afraid we only have one glass of apple juice left. This is a terrible restaurant. Tomorrow I want a full Scottish breakfast. What’s that? It’s very much like a full English breakfast but they have haggis instead of black pudding. Ugh! Gross.

2B Answer the questions.


1 What’s the weather forecast for tomorrow? a


Mr Clark Fraser Mrs Clark


2 The Clarks are on holiday. Where are they?

Mr Clark 3 What does Mum want for breakfast? Give two examples.

Fraser Mrs Clark Fraser

• •

Mr Clark

4 What do they need to buy for tomorrow’s breakfast? Give two examples. •

Mrs Clark Mr Clark Mrs Clark Olivia

• 5 What does Mum think of their breakfast today? a

She thinks haggis is gross.


She thinks it’s a nice English breakfast.


She thinks that the breakfast isn’t OK.

Mr Clark Fraser Mr Clark

Olivia Mrs Clark Fraser






We’re going home on Wednesday, next week and today I want to buy some souvenirs for Grandma and Grandad. Yes, and I want to buy a key ring with Nessie on it for a classmate. It’s only £3. He says the monster doesn’t exist. Well, this will be the proof – a picture of Nessie. You can have £10 pounds from me. Hope it’s enough. Thanks Dad. Ten quid! Tomorrow we leave the boat and go to Glasgow to visit Dad’s cousin and his family. Why don’t we make a quick visit to Edinburgh as well? It’s beautiful, and there’s a wonderful historic atmosphere there. And we have to visit the castle. Yeah, Great! I hope there is a ghost there. How much is it to get in? Er … I can find out on my phone … Let’s see … I’ve got it: Edinburgh Castle. It’s £10 for adults and £3.50 for kids. Guys, let’s spend two days with my cousin who lives in Glasgow and maybe we can take a look at Edinburgh the next day. I suggest we take the train from Glasgow to Edinburgh. Isn’t the train expensive? Let me check it on my phone. Let me help you Mum … well, the train from Glasgow to Edinburgh … Yes, it’s £25 per adult, and £15 for children. When I was a kid there was an underground ghost tour in Edinburgh. Perhaps that’s too scary for you? Don’t be silly Dad. I’m checking my phone … Yes! There’s the two-hour Harry Potter walking tour every day! And in Glasgow there are some cool places not far from my cousin’s house, where you can go bowling, or indoor climbing, or ice skating. There’s even a place to do indoor snow-boarding. Can we go, Dad? Only if you two eat porridge tomorrow morning. Mum, you are a monster!

2D Answer the questions. 1 What happens on Wednesday, next week?

2 How much is a key ring with Nessie on it?

It’s £ 3 What is true about Edinburgh? a

There is a ghost train.


There is an old castle.


There is a place to do indoor snow-boarding.

4 How much is a train ticket from Glasgow to Edinburgh, for children?

It’s £ 5 What can you see and do in Glasgow? Give two examples. • • 6 The Clark family are having breakfast. What are they talking about? a

They are planning the last days of their holiday.


They are planning to have a Scottish lunch.


They are talking about buying key rings for Grandma and Grandad.

7 Where is Elliot, do you think?




Workbook sid. 26–29

2A-D Läsförståelse

Familjen Clark är på båtsemester i Skottland. De äter frukost och planerar de sista dagarna på sin semester.

The Clark family is having breakfast. What are they talking about? (They are planning the last days of their holiday.) (a) Hitta ledtrådar och dra slutsatser (Vilka meningar i texten kan ge ledtrådar till vad de pratar om? We’re going home on Wednesday, next week and today I want to … . Guys, let’s spend two days with my cousin who lives in Glasgow and maybe we can take a look at Edinburgh the next day. Vad pratar de om?)

Where is Elliot, do you think? (He’s still sleeping in his bed.) Ta hjälp av det du redan vet (Det är morgon och då sover han säkert.)

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Listen and tick the right alternatives.


1 Why do Carter and Julian have to go shopping? They’ve only got some potatoes and some milk. a There isn’t any mineral water or any chocolate biscuits left. b They’ve only got some leftovers from yesterday. c

You are on holiday in Brighton and on Brighton Pier. Write about: • where you are • what the weather is like • what you are doing right now • what you want to do on Brighton Pier • what you are going to do tonight • what you are going to do tomorrow • when you are going home.

2 What is the Grant family planning to do in the afternoon? go shopping and have a burger a go to the aquarium and go hiking along the coast b go to a museum were there are vintage cars and old aeroplanes c 3 What does Alan buy? He doesn’t buy anything. a He buys a black bag for two pounds. b He buys a grey bag for two pounds. c 4 What do Andrew and Lydia buy? ham a eggs b nuts c 5 What does Karen want to do on the beach? fly Dad’s old kite a play volleyball b buy ice cream c 6 What’s the weather like in the Alps today? It’s sunny. a It’s hot. b It’s cold. c 7 Why does Scarlett say ‘I feel sorry for you’ to Amelia? a The weather is awful in the Alps. The weather is awful in Sweden. b Amelia must go hiking. c

Extra 5


Write about a holiday. You can make up a story.




Hörförståelse Eleverna lyssnar på sex dialoger. Innehållet i dialogerna anknyter till det eleverna har arbetat med i detta unit: handla mat, semesteraktiviteter, köpa souvenirer och väder. Hitta viktig information (ord och uttryck i frågorna och svarsalternativen)


What’s the weather like in the Alps today? Hitta ledtrådar och dra slutsatser (Vad säger Amelia om vädret i de franska alperna? The weather is awful here in France. … it’s been snowing today. … there was a thunder storm and suddenly it began to snow. Hurdant är vädret?)


Workbook sid. 30–31 Facit 1 They’ve only got some leftovers from yesterday. (c) 2 go to the aquarium and go hiking along the coast (b) 3 He doesn’t buy anything. (a) 4 eggs (b) 5 fly Dad’s old kite (a)

It’s cold (c)

The weather is awful in the Alps. (a)

Why does Scarlett say ‘I feel sorry for you’ to Amelia? Hitta ledtrådar och dra slutsatser (Vad berättar Amelia om sin semester i Frankrike? The weather is awful here in France. … it’s been snowing today. … there was a thunder storm and suddenly it began to snow. Av vilken anledning tycker Scarlett synd om Amelia?) Skriva Eleverna ska låtsas att de är i Brighton och på Brighton Pier. De skriver bland annat om hur vädret är och vad de gör där.



Progress te st Unit A

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Talk and write about it

Unit A

Talk and write about food. A

Decide what you’ve got in your fridge. Tick the foods you’ve got. Have we got any … You

Friend 1 Friend 2

1 … marmalade? 2 … bacon? 3 … butter? 4 … cheese? 5 … eggs? 6 … ham? 7 … milk? 8 … orange milk? 9 … sour milk? 10 … yoghurt?


Interview some friends and fill in the chart. You

Have you got any …?

Friend Yes, I’ve got some … / No, I haven’t got any …

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Talk and write about it

Unit A


Write about what you and your friends have in your fridges. Example: I’ve got some … I haven’t got any … Ally has got some … She hasn’t got any …


Work with a new friend. You Tom has got some marmalade. He hasn’t got any … Friend Ok. Stella has got some …

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Talk and write about it

Unit A

Extra writing New friends Write about a meeting with new friends. You can get some help from the questions below. Where are you? What are you doing when you see the new friends for the first time? What are they doing? What’s the weather like? Why are they here? What do you plan to do together?

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Self assessment

Unit A I think it’s …

I can talk about …


quite easy

quite difficult difficult


quite easy

quite difficult difficult


quite easy

quite difficult difficult


quite easy

quite difficult difficult

what I want for breakfast what I can do in an amusement park souvenirs and prices what I can buy in a supermarket. I can understand when I read … the dialogue where the Clarks are having breakfast the picture story where Fraser and Olivia meet new friends the brochure about Brighton Pier the dialogue where Fraser, Olivia and Elliot are in the supermarket. I can understand when I listen to … a family having breakfast Fraser, Olivia and their friends having fun at Brighton Pier Susan and her dad shopping. I can write … a dialogue about having breakfast a dialogue about having fun at Brighton Pier a dialogue about buying souvenirs about a holiday in Brighton.

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2019-07-01 11:24

-- ett läromedel i engelska för årskurs 4--6 New What’s Up? 5 består av • Textbook • Textbook online • Workbook • Facit • Lärarhandledning • Lärarens ljudfiler • Progress tests Till New What’s Up? 5 finns även • Bingel, en digital värld med färdighetsträning • Övningsmästaren, textbokens ljudfiler, glosor www.ovningsmastaren.se

isbn 978-91-523-5297-7


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2019-07-01 11:15

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