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JUMPSTART YOUR ENGLISH 4 Engelska för grundvux, delkurs 4 Fortsätt arbetet med engelskan! Jumpstart Your English 4 är ett modernt, komplett läromedel för grundvux, delkurs 4. Allt-i-ett-boken erbjuder eleven både intressanta texter och övningar. Strukturen är tydlig och det gör boken enkel att följa för både läraren och eleven. Med Jumpstart är det lätt att komma igång! Jumpstart Your English 4 består av: •


Digitalt lärarmaterial

Digitalt elevmaterial



Engelska för grundvux, delkurs 4

För alla delar i serien, se www.liber.se.

Jordi Almeida Best.nr 47-14094-7

Jessica Stevens

Tryck.nr 47-14094-7

4714094_Jumpstart 4_omslag - kopia.indd 1

2020-09-21 14:18


YOUR ENGLISH Engelska fรถr grundvux, delkurs 4 Jordi Almeida Jessica Stevens

Jumpstart 4 Inlaga-2.indd 1

2020-09-23 10:40

Contents 1. My Identity 6 Identity Explained 8 Who Are You? 13 What’s Your Guilty Pleasure? 20 Meet Sara – A Rainbow Muslim 26 Project – My Identity 32 The Genitive 33

2. What My Future Holds 36 How to Turn English into a Useful Tool 38 The Choices We Make 46 Shaping Your Future 53 After the Millennium 60 Project – What My Future Holds 66 Adjectives and Adverbs 67

3. What About Planet B? 72 Thank You for Saving Us 74 The Environmental Hypocrite 78 Hopes for the Future 86 The Solution 93 Project – What About Planet B? 100 4 Kinds of Pronouns 101

4. Spectacular and Unexpected 106 No Ropes 108 The 9/11 Surfer 112 Caught by the Wireless 119 A Moment of Truce 127 Project – Spectacular and Unexpected 137 The ing-form after Prepositions 138 The ing-form after Verbs 140 The ing-form after Adjectives 142

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2020-09-23 10:40

5. Cultural Flavours 144 Freaky Festivals and Silly Celebrations 146 The Power of the Haka 152 The Most Colorful Festival in the World 160 The Big Cadbury’s Flake 166 Project – Cultural Flavours 173 Auxiliary Verbs 174

6. Truth, Legends and Lies 178 Dead Rabbits Don’t Die! 180 Believe It or Not 187 How Unbelievably Stupid 194 The Big Lie 199 Project – Truth, Legends and Lies 206 Remember Irregular Verbs 207 A List of Irregular Verbs 208 Irregular Verbs Check-Up 212

Please note! Sometimes the instructions tell you to Write in your notebook. ‘Notebook’ then refers to either a book or your computer.

Jumpstart 4 Inlaga-2.indd 4

2020-09-23 10:40

Symbols used in the book Pre-reading You do pre-reading activities when you begin a new unit and before you read and listen to a new text. Writing You practise your writing skills in different ways. Speaking You practise your English speaking skills in different ways. Reading You practise and test your reading comprehension in different ways. Listening You practise and test your listening comprehension in different ways. Vocabulary Vocabulary activities help you to practise your word comprehension and to build up your English vocabulary. Grammar You learn about grammar rules and the activities help you master grammar knowledge. Internet Activities with the Internet symbol mean that you are to search for information on the Internet.

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2020-09-23 10:40

Meet Sara – a Rainbow Muslim Identity – Is it possible to identify as all of the following?


Swedish Muslim gay outspoken


tough sensitive compassionate and caring people’s rights activist

Discuss with a friend. Try to explain why or why you don’t think so. Give examples.

This is the story about Sara and what going to school was like for her. Not only did she find it difficult to focus on learning, but it turned out she also needed to learn about herself. When Sara was growing up she acted tough and was known as the troublemaker at her school. “It wasn’t that I didn’t like school, but I thought it was difficult to concentrate on what the teacher was saying. Instead I would

tough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tuff troublemaker . . . . . . . . . . . . bråkstake concentrate on . . . . . . . . . . . koncentrera sig på

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2020-09-23 10:40

think about the way someone’s hair looked or wonder about a sound outside the classroom.” Sara thought that she had a hard time listening to and understanding instructions because the teachers didn’t explain things well enough, but several years after she had finished school she found out the real reason. She had ADHD, a medical condition that can make it very difficult to sit still and pay attention. Sara believes that many things in her life, including school, would have been easier if she had known about her ADHD when she was younger. “I would have gotten the tools I needed to not get so caught up in everything that was going on around me in the classroom. I would also have been able to learn how to think and act in difficult situations.” Having ADHD was not the only thing Sara struggled with. “When I was 13 I realized that I was attracted to girls and at 14 I had my first girlfriend. Since this wasn’t accepted at home I felt very ashamed of being gay. When I talked about my relationships I often switched my girlfriend’s name to a male name so people around me wouldn’t know who it really was that I was in love with.” Sara explains that she was very sensitive and cared a lot about people around her, but she didn’t want people to know that in case they would think that she was weak. “In my family we didn’t cry and with five brothers it could be a pretty tough environment.” Feeling like she had to hide part of who she was made things even more difficult. She got into fights with other girls because she acted tough and had a lot of attitude towards others. She was often told that “some day you are going to get your butt kicked”, but at the same time people saw her as a likable kid. Sara says: “I have always had a sense of humor and people thought I was funny, but I didn’t think about the consequences of my actions and sometimes I was mean to others because I thought that they deserved it.” At the end of year 9, Sara didn’t have the grades to continue on to high school*. She had to study for an extra year to catch up on the things she had missed from year 7–9.

medical condition . . . . medicinskt tillstånd

likable . . . . . . . . . . . . . sympatisk, lätt att tycka om

tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . verktyg

consequences of . . . . . . konsekvenser av, följder av

caught up (in) . . . . . . . (här) uppslukad av

deserved . . . . . . . . . . . förtjänade

sensitive . . . . . . . . . . . känslig

catch up on . . . . . . . . . komma ikapp med, ta igen

environment . . . . . . . . miljö

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2020-09-23 10:40

“After school I travelled to the US and I started to search for who I was, my identity. Through social media I had found some family members that lived there and a new world opened itself up to me: the Arabic language, the religion Islam and the Middle East. I tried to find peace with both believing in God and being an LGBTQ-person, but it didn’t happen until right before I started the Rainbow Muslims.”

LGBT Q are the init Lesiba ials for n – Ga y – Bis – Tran exual sgende r – Qu sometim eer (or es Que stionin used to g). It’s describ e peop don’t d le who efine t hemse hetero lves as sexuals

So, what does Sara do now? “I have worked in schools as an assistant for kids with ADHD for the past 6 years and it really helps that I can relate to them. I get to give them something I didn’t have when I went to school. When I’m not working I run Rainbow Muslims and spend time with my girlfriend.” I ask Sara what advice she would give her 15 year-old self if she could: “Take it easy and prioritize school. Allow yourself to feel what you feel and have fun. Ask people around you for help if you need it; dealing with anxiety and depression is not something any 15-year-old should have to deal with on their own. Don’t be afraid of people not liking you or what you stand for. When I was younger I felt ashamed of who I was, but today I’m confident and proud of the journey I have made.” * In this text high school is used for the Swedish gymnasium.

The Rainbow Muslims • Rainbow Muslims was founded by Sara Benimsson and is a social network for LGBTQ Muslims. • They have an Instagram account where people can tell their stories and give support to others as well as get support for themselves. • They organize meetings for the members and also inform the public about what it is like to live as a gay, bi or trans Muslim.

prioritize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . prioritera anxiety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . oro, ångest journey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . resa was founded . . . . . . . . . . . . grundades

28 Jumpstart 4 Inlaga-2.indd 28

2020-09-23 10:40

Activities 1. Read the following sentences with information from the text and circle the correct alternative.

1. When Sara was growing up she didn’t like school/she didn’t go to school/she thought it was hard to concentrate in school. 2. She later found out that she had a medical condition called ADHD/ AZDZ/ ANTM. 3. Sara realised that she was gay at the age of 14/ 13/ 21. 4. Sara was very sensible/ sensitive/ kind and cared a lot about people around her, but she didn’t want people to now/ no/ know that, in case they’d think she was weak. 5. Most people saw her as a reliable/ capable/ likable kid. 6. Sara had to study for an extra year to catch up on/think about/ remember the things she had missed from year 7–9. 7. She went to the US to find her relatives/ identity/ religion. 8. Today, Sara works in a shop/ café/ school and is confident and proud of the journey she has made.

2. Match the word from the wordlist with the correct definition. 1. troublemaker 2. tools 3. sensitive 4. environment 5. likable 6. LGBTQ-person 7. prioritize 8. anxiety 9. journey 10. catch up on

get things done that you are behind on someone people have positive feelings towards someone who disturbs others to sort into order of importance knowledge and strategy that help you in different situations to mentally or physically go from place to place everything that a person is surrounded by Lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer. worry or other feelings of unease very aware of others feelings and attitudes 29

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2020-09-23 10:40

3. Listen to the story of the rainbow flag. Answer the questions while listening.

1. The rainbow flag represents this community: a. LGBTQ b. OU812 c. QWERTY 2. The flag was first used in the gay Pride Parade in California this year: a. 1798 b. 1978 c. 1987 3. In what century was the flag first used? a. during the 15th Century b. during the 16th Century c. during the 17th Century 4. The flag has


5. The colours have different meaning. Red stands for: a. healing b. spirit c. life 6. In June 2015, several famous buildings had the rainbow flag projected onto them to celebrate: a. The 100th anniversary of the Pride Parade in California. b. That Americans were now allowed to marry someone of the same sex as themselves. c. The 40th anniversary of the rainbow flag.

4. The following words are from Activity 3. Combine each word with the correct meaning. Write the number 1–4 in the boxes.

1. represents 2. community 3. several 4. anniversary

many Accepted as meaning a certain thing. The date an event is remembered or celebrated. All the people in a certain area.

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2020-09-23 10:40

Project – My Identity

The Projects in Jumpstart Your English are slightly bigger assignments that you do in pairs or in small groups. The starting-point for each project is the theme of the chapter.

Assignment These days a lot of people spend a lot of time on the Internet in social media. In some ways they live part of their lives through their social media accounts. Your assignment is to create a social media avatar for a historical person.

1. Pick a historical person. It can be a king or queen, or a famous politician or even a mythological character. The only criteria is that this person existed before the Internet. 2. Choose a social media platform like Instagram, Facebook or perhaps a Google Account. 3. Create a Profile for your historical person. Use the checklist and make sure the following is included: YES


First name, surname, any titles Birthday Gender Education or other experiences, qualities and skills Groups that he/she has joined A status that has been pinned (never disappears) List of friends

Share your profiles in class, then prepare a meeting between your profile and another student group’s profile. Act the meeting out in class.

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2020-09-23 10:40

Grammar The Genitive We use the genitive when we talk about someone that owns something. Examples: Lisa’s key. Jacob’s phone. The teacher’s desk. My grandmother’s house.

1. To whom do the things in the examples above belong? 1. The key belongs to


2. The phone belongs to


3. The desk belongs to


4. The house belongs to


Look at the examples above. What do you add to indicate the genitive in the singular form?


You use ’s when you talk about people, animals or countries. Example: The cat’s bed. The mother’s gloves. Canada’s flag. The genitive is indicated differently depending on whether the noun is in the singular or the plural form or if it’s an irregular plural.



The bulldog’s favourite toy. The boy’s book.

The bulldogs’ favourite toys. The boys’ books.

33 Jumpstart 4 Inlaga-2.indd 33

2020-09-23 10:40

Shaping Your Future Talk to another student about the following questions.


What do you see when you picture yourself in the future? Do you have any specific goals that you are working towards or more of a general idea of what and where you want to be?

Thinking about your future isn’t just what we think about, but just as much how we think about it. Whether you are optimistic or pessimistic plays a large part in how your life will turn out. How you think about things actually plays a part in shaping your future. Failing Can Be A Good Thing We all fail at something in life. It can be a really difficult experience. Fortunately, failing at something doesn’t mean that you will never succeed. According to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, the word fail stands for First Attempt In Learning, and most successful people would agree that they failed over and over again before they succeeded. Unfortunately, this doesn’t mean that imagining yourself becoming the most famous singer/actor/writer/scientist in the world will automatically make you just that. But believing in yourself and having a clear goal1 makes it a lot easier to get where you want to be, or at least close enough.

plays a part in . . . . . . . är en del av

fortunately . . . . . . . . . som tur är, lyckligtvis

fail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . misslyckas

attempt . . . . . . . . . . . . försök

experience . . . . . . . . . . upplevelse, erfarenhet

unfortunately . . . . . . . tyvärr, olyckligtvis

53 Jumpstart 4 Inlaga-2.indd 53

2020-09-23 13:18

Setting Goals Setting goals is important if you want to succeed. Goals give you direction to get what or where you want. Like a map can help you find your way to a specific geographical place; having a goal and writing it down will help you get where you want to be in the future. However, just knowing what you want is not enough. Let’s say my goal is to read more books. If I just tell myself that I should read more books it might The w ord motivate2 me to go to the library and borrow a few interesting titles. as a sy title is used nonym for boo in the Perhaps I even get started with my reading and finish a book or two, k text. but is that enough to make me reach my goal? Probably not. To help us reach our goals we need to know exactly what we want and when. So if I say that I want to read 4 books in the next 2 months there’s a bigger chance that I will reach my goal of reading more books than if I go to the library and hope for the best.

It's important to be specific when you set your goals. Deciding exactly when to jump off the springboard before you attempt it, just might help you take that leap and reach your goal.

p. 55 specific . . . . . . . . . . . . specifik, tydlig measurable . . . . . . . . . mätbar, som går att mäta

realistic . . . . . . . . . realistisk relevant . . . . . . . . . relevant, viktigt för sammanhanget

achievable . . . . . . . . . . nåbar, som går att nå

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2020-09-23 13:20

The Golden Rules There are five golden rules to setting successful goals. If you use3 these it might help you reach your goals faster and easier.

How to set SMART goals:


– specific

Be as specific as possible when setting your goals. For example, “I am going to read 4 books in the next 2 months.”

– measurable

You should be able to track your progress. This helps you stay motivated. “I have read 1 book in 3 weeks. This means that I need to read 3 books during the next 40 days if I want to reach my goal. That gives me 13 days per book.”

– achievable

Your goals should neither be too easy, nor too hard to achieve. Reading 4 books in 2 months is achievable for most of us (although it won’t be easy). Reading 8 books, however, is most likely not.

– realistic/ relevant

Getting better at something you already know how to do, such as reading, is both realistic and relevant. Running a marathon a few weeks after you have taken up jogging is not. After a year of training, however, running a marathon might be an achievable goal for the future.

– time bound

It’s important to give yourself a deadline for when you should have reached your goal. Without having a date you might think “I have so much to do today, I’ll get started tomorrow or next week”. That would make it take a lot longer for you to achieve your goal.


Fancy Synonyms Replace the words that are marked in green in the text with the following synonyms.

have taken up . . . . . . . har börjat med

1. objective 2. inspire 3. apply

time bound . . . . . . . . . tidsbegränsad

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2020-09-23 10:41

Activities 1. Answer the following questions taken from the text. 1. What does FAIL stand for according to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam?

2. Why is it important to set goals?

3. What are the five golden rules to setting a successful goal? Goals should be ...






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2020-09-23 10:41

2. Fill in the missing words. You will find them all in the wordlist or in the text.

1. When you try to do something you to do it. 2. According to Dr Abdul Kalam stands for first attempt in learning. is a synonym for luckily.


4. If it is possible to succeed in doing something it means that it is . 5. If you something, it means that you have started doing it. 6. Most people who have become successful having failed several times before succeeding. 7. Book

give you an idea of what

the books are about. 8. If you think that you can run a marathon after 6 weeks of practice, you are not being


9. How you think about things can really shaping your future. 10. When something is


means that you must finish it before a certain date or time.

57 Jumpstart 4 Inlaga-2.indd 57

2020-09-23 10:41

Thank You for Saving Us Our planet is our home. Without it we have nothing to eat, nowhere to live and no future as a species. Despite this, we humans are killing planet Earth. The good news is that there is still time to turn things around, but we all need to help out. Talk to another student.


What can you do to put less stress on our environment? What can we do together as individuals and in groups?

Remember that every little thing you do for our planet’s future counts!

Dear friends, Dear friends, I am writing you this letter to let you know how I am doing.

am writing this letter let you how I amtime. doing.My As you As you Iknow, I am you ill and I havetobeen forknow a very long know, I am ill and I have been for a very long time. My lungs are filled lungs are filled with smoke from all the forest fires you have with smoke from all the forest fires you have started to make room for started to make room for cattle and farming. The pollution from cattle and farming. The pollution from your vehicles and factories is your vehicles and factories is making it even worse. My oxygen making it even worse. My oxygen levels are dangerously low and I’m levels arestruggling dangerously low and I’m struggling breathe. he polar is to breathe. The polar ice, home of to many living T creatures, ice, homemelting. of many creatures, is melting. becoming It is living becoming almost impossible to fiIt ndisanything to eat for almost impossible to find anything eat forseas theand fewoceans remaining the few remaining survivors. My to streams, are filled with toxins and plastic. Creatures on are bothfisea landtoxins are dying. survivors. My streams, seas and oceans lledand with andI am dying. plastic. Creatures on both sea and land are dying. I am dying. This doesn’t to be thethough. end, though. I know you have started This doesn’t have tohave be the end, I know thatthat you have to realize realize what way of life is doing to me to andme slowly started to whatyour your way of life is doing and things slowlyare starting to change. For the fi rst time in many years I have hope. things are starting to change. For the first time in many yearsI feel hopeful because you are taking action so now I have a chance to get I have hope. I feel hopeful because you are taking action so now better. A chance to heal. I have a chance to get better. A chance to heal.

pollution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . förorening

remaining survivors . . . . . . . (de) sista överlevande

oxygen levels . . . . . . . . . . . . syrenivåer

toxins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gifter

(am) struggling . . . . . . . . . . kämpar

heal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . läka

creatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . varelser

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2020-09-23 10:41

I want you to know that I am thankful for every ban on plastic straws and shopping bags. I’m grateful for every car that runs on electricity and doesn’t pollute my air.

I bow down to all of you who have realized how close I am to dying and found new ways to use fewer of my resources. Your efforts to save me are paying off and to my relief I am slowly starting to feel better again. Thanks to you, every living being has been given a second chance. As a result of your efforts I am going to get better. Even though I am not well yet, it’s going to take a long time – I am on the road to recovery. So, thank you for saving me. Thank you for saving us. Respectfully yours

Mother Earth

ban . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . förbud

efforts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ansträngningar

grateful . . . . . . . . . . . . tacksam

are paying off . . . . . . . . . . . lönar sig

I bow down to . . . . . . . jag bugar mig inför

relief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lättnad

fewer of . . . . . . . . . . . mindre av

on the road to recovery . . . . på väg att återhämta mig/bli frisk

resources . . . . . . . . . . . tillgångar

Jumpstart 4 Inlaga-2.indd 75

75 2020-09-23 10:41

Activities 1. Answer the questions. Write in your notebook. 1. Who is the letter from? 2. Who is the letter written for? 3. How is the writer of this letter feeling? 4. Why is s/he feeling that way? 5. What does the writer say s/he is thankful for? 6. Do you think that the writer will get well? Why? Why not?

2. Fill in the missing words. You will find them all in the wordlist. 1. We wish that industries would stop filling our environment with dangerous


2. We should all try harder to save the world’s , because they are truly magical! 3. I agree! Our

are just not enough.

4. Have you heard about the suggested straws and plastic bottles?


5. My brother is from when he crashed with his bike. 6. I know things might look bad, but I’m sure all the work we do will 7. It’s a

in the end. that we at least try to help our world .

3. Discuss your answers in Activity 1 with another student. What did you write about the future of Mother Earth (question 6)? Do you agree or disagree with each other? What can you as individuals do to help our planet?

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2020-09-23 10:41

4. Listen to the story about Afroz Shah, a young lawyer who started the world’s largest beach clean-up project in India.

1. In which Indian city can you find Versova Beach? a. Bombay b. Mumbai c. Delhi 2. What was Versova Beach covered in? a. sand b. tourists c. trash and plastic 3. How often did Afroz clean the beach? a. every weekend b. every day c. every other week

4. What happened after the media reported about Afroz’s work? a. nothing b. people didn’t want to help him any more c. people came from all over the world to help 5. How long is Versova beach? a. 1,5 km b. 2,5 km c. 3,5 km 6. What sea-living animal returned to Versova beach to nest after the clean up? a. dolphins b. lobsters c. turtles

5. Write a letter to Afroz Shah or another environmental activist that you would like to know more about. Write in your notebook.

Here are some suggestions: -

Greta Thunberg Vic Barrett Xiye Bastida Autumn Peltier John Paul Jose Holly Gillibrand Leah Namugerwa

77 Jumpstart 4 Inlaga-2.indd 77

2020-09-23 10:41

Bildförteckning Omslagsfoto: Dinodia Photos/Alamy/TT Angela Compagnone/Shutterstock.com 9 Love Actually. Hugh Grant, Martine McCutcheon 2003. Mary Evans Picture/TT 20 (2) MEGA/TT 21 (1) Plattform/Johnér 21 (2) Alexander Mahmoud/DN/TT 26, 27 Plattform/Johnér 37 (2) pbk-pg/Shutterstock.com 48 Maskot/Johnér 53 M. Kornmesser/ESO 86–87 Mark Power/Magnum Photos/TT 88–89 Tor Erik Schrøder/NTB scanpix/TT 107 (1) Marko Korosec/Solent News/TT 107 (2) Richard Austin/REX/TT 107 (3) Sipa/TT 107 (4) Daniel Roland/AFP/TT 108, 109 chingyunsong/Shutterstock.com 110 Masatomo Kuriya/Corbis Premium Historical/Getty Images 113 Peter Kramer/NBC News Wire/Getty Images 115 Wikipedia 121 (1) Mary Evans Picture/TT 121 (2), 122 (1) REX/Shutterstock Editorial/TT 122 (2) Universal History Archive/REX/TT 123 Media News Group/Getty Images 146 Wisconsin State Cow Chip Throw 147 Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images 148 (2) Hannah Peters/Getty Images 153 (1) Masaharu Sugimoto/AP/TT 154 Jorge Silva/Reuters/TT 155 Ihsan Iqbal/Shutterstock.com 161 (1) muratart/Shutterstock.com 161 (2) International Tourism Department/City of Tombstone, Arizona 187 De Agostini Picture Library/Getty Images 188 (1) Mary Evans Picture/TT 188 (2) John Carnemolla/Corbis Historical/Getty Images 189 (1) David Gray/Reuters/TT 189 (2) Mario Tama/Getty Images 200, 201 (2) Ethan Miller/Getty Images 201 (1) Övriga foton: Shutterstock.com

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2020-09-23 10:42

ISBN 978-91-47-14094-7 © 2020 Jordi Almeida, Jessica Stevens och Liber AB liber redaktion Maria Jones och Tina Tärnrot formgivare Birgitta Dahlkild bildredaktör Marie Olsson illustrationer Thomas Fröhling språkgranskning Robbie Stevens Följande texter med övningar och hörövningar är skrivna av Maria Jones:

Följande grammatikavsnitt är skrivna av Maria Jones: The ing-form after Prepositions, Verbs, Adjectives

Proxima B, s. 86

Auxiliary Verbs

The Solution, s. 93 (Listening i sam-

4 Kinds of Pronouns

produktion med J. Almeida) No Ropes, s. 108

A List of Irregular Verbs Irregular Verbs Check-Up

Caught by the Wireless, s. 119 Freaky Festivals and Silly Celebrations, s. 146 Believe It or Not, s. 187 The Big Lie, s. 199

Tack Sara Benimsson för din berättelse i texten Meet Sara – a Rainbow Muslim. Tack till Robbie Stevens för språk- och faktagranskning.

Första upplagan 1 repro Repro 8 AB, Stockholm tryck People Printing, Kina 2020

kopieringsförbud Detta verk är skyddat av upphovsrättslagen och får ej helt eller delvis kopieras. Kopiering för undervisningsändamål enligt BONUS-avtal är inte tillåten. Intrång i upphovsmannens rättigheter enligt upphovsrättslagen kan medföra straff (böter eller fängelse), skadestånd och beslag/förstöring av olovligt framställt material. Såväl analog som digital kopiering regleras i BONUS-avtalet. Läs mer på www.bonuscopyright.se.

Liber AB, 11398 Stockholm Kundservice tfn 08-690 90 00 Kundservice.liber@liber.se www.liber.se

Jumpstart 4 Inlaga-2.indd 2

2020-09-29 07:31


JUMPSTART YOUR ENGLISH 4 Engelska för grundvux, delkurs 4 Fortsätt arbetet med engelskan! Jumpstart Your English 4 är ett modernt, komplett läromedel för grundvux, delkurs 4. Allt-i-ett-boken erbjuder eleven både intressanta texter och övningar. Strukturen är tydlig och det gör boken enkel att följa för både läraren och eleven. Med Jumpstart är det lätt att komma igång! Jumpstart Your English 4 består av: •


Digitalt lärarmaterial

Digitalt elevmaterial



Engelska för grundvux, delkurs 4

För alla delar i serien, se www.liber.se.

Jordi Almeida Best.nr 47-14094-7

Jessica Stevens

Tryck.nr 47-14094-7

4714094_Jumpstart 4_omslag - kopia.indd 1

2020-09-21 14:18

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