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Top Up 3 John McClintock


är ett lättare läromedel i engelska för grundskolans senare del, men det kan också användas i annan engelskundervisning. Läromedlet är speciellt framtaget för elever som behöver förstärka sin engelska med hjälp av enkla texter och tydliga övningar.



Med Top Up blir det lättare att lyckas! Top Up 3 består av: Elevbok Lärarcd Lärarpärm Facit (finns på vår hemsida, www.gleerups.se)

John McClintock

TOP UP 3 Contents 1 Sydney Zoo................................................................

4 pluralbildning av substantiv; pågående form, presens

2 Big Ben. ....................................................................... 12

possessiva pronomen (självständiga och förenade)

3 See You Around.................................................... 20

imperfekt av regelbundna verb; pågående form, imperfekt; used to

4 Summer Invasion................................................. 28

like (vissa verb) + ing-form; imperfekt av oregelbundna verb.

5 Living in America................................................. 36

have to/has to had to

6 The Dream Come True...................................... 44

imperfekt av regelbundna och oregelbundna verb; omskrivning med do

7 Joining the Police.................................................. 52

ing-form (efter prepositioner)

8 Bike Messenger..................................................... 60

asking questions; to be (presens + imperfekt); frågeord

9 The Big Country.................................................... 68

komparation av adjektiv; have to/has to/had to

10 Ryan Is Cool............................................................. 76

presens –s/–es; have/has

11 Business Before Pleasure............................... 84

futurum med going to

12 Good News for Billy.......................................... 92

prepositioner; indirekt tal

13 The Shame of Samuel....................................

102 relativa pronomen (who/which)

14 “I Want to be Somebody”..........................

110 some/any i sammansättningar

15 Car Crash. ..............................................................

118 pågående form, imperfekt

16 The Oldest Rock Band in the World.....

124 frågepronomen (who/whose/which)

17 Mountain Fall.......................................................

130 futurum med will/won’t

18 West with the Night. .......................................

138 pluskvamperfekt

19 In the Mind of Matthew................................

146 imperfekt och perfekt av regelbundna och oregelbundna verb; start/stop + ing-form

20 Jesse and Lutz. ....................................................

154 komparation av adjektiv

Alfabetisk ordlista............................................. 162 Oregelbundna verb......................................... 168

Frivilliga extrauppgifter markeras med symbolerna





The Dream Come True Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, in 1961. He was given the same name as his father: Barack Hussein Obama. His parents had met in a language class at the University of Hawaii. Barack’s father came from Kenya and his mother came from the state of Kansas. During his early years, he was called “Barry” both at home and at school, but he liked the name “Barack” better. About his childhood he has written: the fact “that my father looked nothing like the people around me – that he was black as pitch, my mother white as milk – barely registered in my mind.” Barack’s father left Hawaii when the boy was only two years old, and the parents divorced one year later. Barack moved into a house near the university with his mother and her parents. Back in Kenya, Barack’s father worked as a finance minister in the government, but a conflict with the Kenyan president destroyed his career. He started drinking and, after a car crash, lost both his legs. In 1982 he died in another car crash, just 46 years old. What Barack knew about his father came mostly from photos and family stories. Still a young boy, Barack moved to Indonesia with his mother, Ann Dunham, after she married an Indonesian student. In Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in the world by population, Barack Obama went to local schools. When Ann Dunham’s second marriage ended in divorce, her son went back to Honolulu to live in an apartment with his grandparents. Later his mother also went back to Honolulu. Barack stayed in Honolulu until he graduated in 1979. Sadly, his mother died of cancer in 1995. 44

come true during childhood black as pitch barely registered in my mind divorce finance minister government destroy career car crash marry by population end in marriage apartment grandparents graduate

(som) blivit sann, gått i uppfyllelse under barndom kolsvart uppfattades knappast i mina tankar skiljas; skilsmässa finansminister regering förstöra, ödelägga karriär bilolycka gifta sig med enligt invånarantal sluta med äktenskap lägenhet här morföräldrar ung. ta studenten

sadly third grade essay reason for becoming go to law school campaign support celebrity

tråkigt nog tredje klass uppsats skäl för att bli här läsa juridik kampanj stöd kändis

When he was in third grade in Indonesia, Barack wrote an essay that gave an idea of what was going to happen. In the essay he said that he wanted to become president. His teacher later said that she did not remember what country he wanted to become president of, but that he said that his reason for becoming president was that he wanted to make everybody happy. Going to law school in 1988 also opened Barack Obama’s eyes to the world of politics. In his 2008 campaign to become president, he had the support of many celebrities. But the best support he had was probably from his wife, Michelle. When they first met, she was his mentor in a law firm where Barack had got a summer job. Michelle Obama has said she 45

law firm your word is your bond treat dignity agree with made great use of text message refuse race issue finally swore the oath (swear, swore, sworn) made sure include seek bring… together face ultimate

advokatbyrå ung. du står vid ditt ord behandla värdighet hålla med använde sig flitigt av sms vägra ras här tvistefråga till slut avlade eden

försäkrade sig om inkludera, ta med försöka förena här möta slutgiltig, definitiv

and her husband believe “that you work hard for what you want in life, that your word is your bond, and you do what you say you’re going to do, that you treat people with dignity and respect, even if you don’t know them, and even if you don’t agree with them.” As the first African-American candidate, Barack Obama made great use of the Internet and text messages on mobile phones. Many believe that this use of technology helped to make him president. He also refused to make race an issue in his campaign. But when he finally swore the presidential oath in January 2009, he made sure to include ‘Hussein’ in his name. Like Abraham Lincoln, the president he has always looked up to, Obama seeks to bring the nation together to face America’s problems. The first African-American to become president, Barack Obama is the ultimate symbol of the American dream.

6a Find the phrases Bilda fraser från texten. Översätt dem sedan till svenska.

crash grade job

message milk minister

oath phone pitch

Svensk översättning

1. black as

_________________________________ = _____________________________________

2. car

_________________________________ = _____________________________________

3. finance

_________________________________ = _____________________________________

4. law

_________________________________ = _____________________________________

5. mobile

_________________________________ = _____________________________________

6. presidential _________________________________ = _____________________________________


7. summer

_________________________________ = _____________________________________

8. text

_________________________________ = _____________________________________

9. third

_________________________________ = _____________________________________

10. white as

_________________________________ = _____________________________________


6b Crossword

1. gifta sig med

1. stannade

2. flytta

6c Word puzzle M

2. hålla med


3. tråkigt nog

3. ung


4. lycklig

4. äktenskap


5. uppsats

5. arbeta

6. skilsmässa

7. senare

8. behandla

7. karriär

8. ta studenten


6. värld

9. tvistefråga


9. barndom 10. förstöra

11. gifta sig med

12. förlora

13. vägra 14. regering

15. kändis 16. stöd

17. till slut

18. tråkigt nog

Vilka ord kan du läsa lodrätt? Vad betyder de? 47

6d Right or wrong? 1. Barack Obama has the exact same name as his father.



2. Barack’s father came from Hawaii.



3. He died of cancer in Honolulu.



4. The young Barack went to law school in Indonesia.



5. Indonesia is a Muslim country.



6. Still a schoolboy, Barack wrote that he wanted to become president.



7. He first met Michelle when she got a summer job at his law firm.



8. Barack Obama used the Internet a lot in his campaign to become president.



Skriv en egen right or wrong-mening. Låt sedan klasskompisarna säga om den är rätt eller fel.

6e Words in the story Vad betyder de kursiva orden? Välj i rutan, om du behöver hjälp. 1. His parents divorced. 2. They moved to an apartment. 3. He lived with his grandparents. 4. Barack stayed in Honolulu. 5. He wrote an essay. 6. It’s a good reason. 7. He got a lot of support. 8. You treat people with dignity. 9. I sent him a text message. 10. You must face your problems. 11. Obama refused to make race an issue. 12. He swore the oath to become president. Översätt meningarna in din skrivbok.


ed flyttade morföräldrar möta SMS skilde sig skrev skäl stannade stöd vägrade värdighet


It opened his eyes

Imperfekt Kom ihåg att man lägger till –ed (eller –d) på regelbundna engelska verb, när man talar om något som har hänt. Skriv verben i imperfekt (dåtid). Du hittar alla i rutan.

destroy die divorce end like

live move open stay work

1. Barack Obama ____________________ for many years in Honolulu. bodde 2. His parents ____________________ when he was three. skilde sig 3. He ____________________ to Indonesia with his mother. flyttade 4. His father ____________________ back to Kenya and ____________________ as a finance minister. flyttade arbetade 5. But a conflict ____________________ his career and he ____________________ in a car crash. förstörde dog 6. When his mother’s second marriage ____________________ in divorce, slutade Barack ____________________ back to Hawaii. flyttade 7. He ____________________ in an apartment with his grandparents bodde and ____________________ in Honolulu until he graduated. stannade 8. Obama ____________________ studying law, and it ____________________ his eyes to the world of politics. tyckte om öppnade



They met at university

Skriv imperfektformen (dåtid) av de kursiverade verben. Tänk på att alla verb i den här övningen är oregelbundna. Titta i rutan om du känner dig osäker.

1. Barack’s mother ____________________ from Kansas and kom his father ____________________ from Kenya. kom

Presens (nutid) become come drink give go know lose make meet write

Imperfekt (dåtid) became came drank gave went knew lost made met wrote

2. Barack Obama’s parents ____________________ him the same name as his father. gav 3. After a time, his father ____________________ home to Kenya. åkte 4. Sadly, he ____________________ a lot and ____________________ both his legs in a car crash. drack förlorade 5. His son ____________________ an essay when he ____________________ to school in Indonesia. skrev gick 6. Barack Obama ____________________ his future wife, Michelle, träffade when he ____________________ to a law firm for a summer job. gick 7. Obama ____________________ president of the United States in January 2009. blev 8. He ____________________ it was important and so he ____________________ sure to include ‘Hussein’ visste (att) såg till (att) in his name that day.

6h Discuss Vilka amerikanska presidenter känner ni till i klassen? Gör en lista tillsammans. Undersök sedan vilken president som är populärast i just er klass. Motivera era val och diskutera dem tillsammans.


6i He’s the president Läs beskrivningarna och skriv namnet på yrket. Yrkena hittar du i rutan. 1. This person helps you to learn things. 2. This person checks your eyes. 3. This person fixes your teeth. 4. This person makes bread and cakes. 5. This person helps patients in a hospital.

baker barber carpenter dentist dustman nurse optician plumber tailor teacher

6. This person works with wood and a hammer. 7. This person cuts your hair. 8. This person fixes toilets and water pipes. 9. This person makes and fixes clothes. 10. This person takes away the rubbish from our homes.

6j Can you do this? Kommer du ihåg? do does did

don’t doesn’t didn’t

Fyll i rätt form av do i dialogen. 1. A: __________ you work for Barack Obama? Arbetar

B: No, I __________ .

2. A: __________ you work for him last year? Arbetade

B: Yes, I __________ , but I _____________ work for him now. arbetar inte

3. A: Well, who __________ you work for now? arbetar

B: His wife, Michelle. _________________ you know that? Visste (du) inte

4. A: No, I __________ . She ____________ talk to me much. B: Well, you _____________ meet her much, ________ you? pratar inte träffar inte 5. A: That’s true. We ____________ meet like we used to. B: They __________ have the time now that he’s president. träffas inte har inte


Top Up 3 John McClintock


är ett lättare läromedel i engelska för grundskolans senare del, men det kan också användas i annan engelskundervisning. Läromedlet är speciellt framtaget för elever som behöver förstärka sin engelska med hjälp av enkla texter och tydliga övningar.



Med Top Up blir det lättare att lyckas! Top Up 3 består av: Elevbok Lärarcd Lärarpärm Facit (finns på vår hemsida, www.gleerups.se)

John McClintock

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