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Att studera ett ansikte det är aldrig symmetriskt de båda ansiktshalvorna är slumpvis ihopsatta ansiktsuttrycken förändras liksom tiden vinkel, ljus, skuggor skarpa blicken som speglar ett intellekt en viljestyrka trötta ögonlock som inte orkar lyfta sig själva inte orkar se


Se mig jag ser dig Vem ser du? Är jag osynlig? en road blick mördande blick glasartad blick tom, inåtvänd en blick ut mot något nytt och fantastiskt


Maria Ytterlid is an artist. She works in several artistic techniques such as painting, drawing and photography. Her work is often process-oriented where one image leads to the next. Through the change of technique or expression new exciting variations arise. Face to Face is a project that lasted for three years, 2014–2017. It started with some imaginative faces in ink which then evolved into about 100 experimental portraits. Some questions that Maria has investigated in the project are: How are the eyes in relation to each other? Is the face symmetrical? How should you look to be successful?

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