Volume XLIV - Issue 10

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THE !RECORD Michael Blogs: Nightmare On Mason VOLUME XLIV ISSUE 10 OCTOBER 31, 2013 Editor In Chief Andrew Cammon ‘14 Layout Editor Lucas McGartland ‘14 Content Editors Michael Herman ‘14 William O’Brien ‘14 Eric Stange ’14 Cover Artist Grant Dow ’15 Faculty Moderator Ms. Layton Contact theprioryrecord@gmail.com 314.434.3690 ext. 221


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The Record Disclaimer

The Record is the official student publication of Saint Louis Priory School in St. Louis, Missouri. It is produced by students/staff members. Its purpose is to inform students of events in the community; to encourage discussion of local, national, and international issues; and to serve as a training ground for budding journalists, photographers, and graphic designers. The Record accepts contributions from all members of the Priory community, including students, faculty, and alumni. The Record will not publish content considered legally unprotected speech, including but not limited to: libel, copyright infringement, unwarranted invasion of privacy, or material disruption of the educational process. Student editors apply professional standards to the production of the newspaper and are solely responsible for all content, both explicit and implicit. Letters to the Editors are always ap-

By Dr. Frank N. Furter Content Editor


The Switzer House has the reputation for being the most haunted house on campus. No one ever goes in and no one ever goes out. The consequences of even looking at the house are so terrible that it is not even mentioned in polite company. Until recently, I had never set foot within 100 feet of the Switzer House but if you know one thing about Michael Blogs, it is that an unsolved mystery vexes us like nobody’s business. After asking the advice of some of the older teachers who told me the Switzer house was somewhere of which I should steer clear, I decided to take a team of rag tag team of teenagers and my talking dog into the house to find out what all the fuss was about. The group consisted of my dog, three normally dressed teenagers, and a fourth poorly

dressed one in all purple with a lime green scarf tied around their neck (I’M NOT TALKING ABOUT THE SCOOBY DOO CHARACTERS, FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO WEAR). We crept into the house in the dead of night, and immediately a ghost flew at us the second we got in there, which scared the pants off all of us. We all knew that we had come to far at this point and we had to get to the bottom of this ghost situation so that the Switzer house could go back to its days of former glory and stop haunting innocent students. Therefore, we crept through the house looking for tools we could use to trap the ghost. We happened on some old chicken wire and hedge cutters. Suddenly my talking dog realized that there was a chandelier hanging in the main foyer and we could use that to trap the ghost. Next, using the perpetually “sleepy” teenager as bait

we lured the ghost to the foyer. Right when the ghost entered my dog climbed up cut the chandelier down, consequently knocking over the ghost. Quickly we wrapped the ghost up in chicken wire so he could not escape. Next came a part so shocking I recommend those scared easily not to continue. We unmasked the villain to find the oldest meanest old man to ever live. “Old Man Schake!” we all proclaimed completely taken aback. “I’ve been using the Switzer house to keep all of my spooky old man secrets hidden” Shacke explained to us “and I would’ve gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for you meddling kids, that dumb dog, and that heinously ugly purple outfit.” We disclosed all of this information to the Mayor who was eternally grateful. All may sleep comfortably now at Priory for the nightmare on Mason Street will never be again. By Michael Herman ‘14

A Truly Scary Story: Doctor Sleep By Hermione Granger Staff Writer


As Halloween is just a few days a way, I’ve found a genuinely creepy story from Stephen King that’s sure to get you in a Halloween spirit. The book Doctor Sleep is Stephen King’s most recent book out and is a follow up to his hit book The Shining. Doctor Sleep starts just a few weeks after the events of the first book. Doctor Sleep follows the life of Danny Torrence (the boy protagonist of The Shining) after the Overlook Hotel. The novel advances through time until the modern day with Dan becom-

Top Halloween Candy

ing a man. The novel is based around a cult known as the True Knot kill children with the “Shining” for their power so they can live forever. Dan finds a young girl named Abra, who has a shining even stronger than his and soon learns the True Knot are coming for her. With guidance from Dan, Abra and him are locked in a fight to the death against the True Knot giving a great and creepy story. So if you’re game for a truly horrifying experience, give this book a go. Otherwise stick it in the freezer where it cannot hurt you. By Peter Hopkins ‘17



! Story: Damp Cardboard Box Student By Marion Crane Creative Writer


The kitchen table vibrated. Not much, but enough to be noticed by the boys. Soft pulses, like a newborn’s heartbeat. Greg took an unconscious step back. “Ok” he said “Don’t be chickens. Just open it.” The other two shrugged and wouldn’t meet his eye. They murmured their reservations into their sleeves. “Who cares you guys! Its not dangerous, its just a box.. There’s nothing in it.” He reached out to shake the damp little cardboard box, to show them how light it was, but he stopped short. “Anyways, that old guy was just trying to scare us and take our money.” There were no markings on it and no flaps to open it with. They’d have to cut it open. Shivers crawled up and down his spine, in step with the

heartbeats from the box. It took all his will-power to not reach back and check for spiders. “Maybe we should take it back.” said Jeff. “We could get a refund.” Greg ignored him. “What do you think Alan? You’re not scared are you?” he asked the youngest. Alan shook his head. He hadn’t said a word since they’d come in from the rain. “Good. Thats two-to-one. We open the box.” His voice wavered as thunder shook the pots and pans, hanging from the ceiling. The boys cowered a little, illuminated by the lightning, all their sins laid bare. Greg cleared his throat and sat in front of the box. “Grab me a knife Alan”. The pulses grew stronger. They beat in his head like drums. Thu thu thu thun. He could see its reflection in the little pool of water that had run off it. Thu thu thu thun. He cleared his throat again and took the knife from Alan. “You

kids are so gullible. Watch.” he murmured. He touched the knife to the side of the box, then the corner, unsure where to start. The pulses grew stronger. “Turn on the lights.” he said. When had it gotten so late? Greg heard footsteps then a click as someone flipped the switch. The room stayed wrapped in the inky blue of falling night. He cursed under his breath. The power must have gone out in the storm. He took a deep breath and stabbed the box. The beating stopped. The cardboard came away like rotting flesh in his hands. * * * Greg was soaked. He wiped his face on his sleeves. He slowly opened his eyes, blinking away moisture. It was dark in the kitchen. “Try the lights again.” he murmured. Silently, the lights came on. Alan lay sprawled on the table, neck slit open like a gaping,

toothless mouth. His eyes were missing. Greg stared at him. “What?” was all he could manage. Something in his gut gurgled and steaming vomit exploded from Greg’s mouth. He gagged, then gagged again at the stench. He fell to his knees and found Alan sitting under the table. “Alan? Alan?” Greg shook him. The body crumpled over and splattered the tiles with dark blood. His head was bashed in, like an egg. Greg screamed and scampered across the floor. The room was swaying now, shadows swirling, walls watching. He tried to wipe his face and got a mouth full of blood. His hands were crimson. Greg dropped the knife and ran to the door. His hands slid and slipped over the knob. He was screaming now. He turned and twisted his slick hands but the knob wouldn’t budge. By John Miller ‘14

Michael Blogs: The Holiday Halloween Is Very Vexing By Jack Torrance Staff Writer Without a doubt the Halloween season is the worst of all time. Who wants to get scared, poop themselves and then have to hide in the bathroom, while calling their mothers to pick them up? I’m sorry, but people that sign up to be in haunted houses have the sickest sense of humor. “Ya my name is JoeBob, and I like to put on a mask and make people poop themselves, and coincidentally call their parents to pick them up.” Classic Joe-Bob. As one of the kids growing up that was called a Hallowiener, I have lots of sympathy for the fact that you grew up

in constant fear of the October season. It is impeccably important however to understand how to indoctrinate people, yet at the same time deceive them with your eloquent façade of big words. Yes, you must assault them with large words, that means longer than four l e t t e r s . Yo u should be able to do that with your Priory edjumicashen (its funny because its a cheesy Br. Mark joke that got old on your second class in 8th grade). These verbal volleys should confuse your bonehead friend, and you will be able to

slip away. If the verbal technique doesn’t work I suggest using the truth. This may sound odd, because when is it ever right to tell the truth (admit it some of you have even lied to a priest in confession, because you figured you and God were all squared away on that iffy subject). But in all seriousness, tell them that you pee your pants at scary movies, and they will think you are joking. And we all know its great to be the funny guy. I’m sure the adrenaline junkies are not reading my

Toothbrush and Toothpaste

article carefully like yourselves in the back of class, because they are probably “Going to the Bathroom”, so I felt it was safe to put that little warning in the article. Stay safe this Halloween lads, and to all you teachers with kids, try not to run into us while we are trick or treating. First of all it’s awkward to see your teacher outside of school, and secondly it’s hard to explain why you’re trick or treating in the tenth grade. Until next Friday Priory, I will probably be preparing study guides for my exams.


SIKEEEEEEEEEE By Ramzi Haddad ‘16



! Easy, Medium, and Hard Sudokus:

Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 1. Transport commercially 5. Waste matter 10. Fraud 14. Fabricated 15. Choice 16. Hint 17. Eclipse 19. Deliver a tirade 20. New Zealand parrot 21. Not a single time 22. Noodles 23. Trap 25. A type of farm tool 27. Mineral rock 28. Morbid 31. Angry 34. Not the ceiling 35. Loving murmur 36. An enclosure 37. Throng 38. Gloomy atmosphere

39. It comes from a hen 40. Operatic solos 41. Lubricated 42. Homeless person 44. Gorilla 45. Sporting venue 46. Median 50. Exploded stars 52. Not drunk 54. Not against 55. "Oh my!" 56. A cherished desire 58. Liturgy 59. Conducts 60. Backside 61. One who accomplishes 62. Donnybrook 63. Honey insects


DOWN 1. A cloud of fine particles 2. Shelter 3. Notions

4. Apiece 5. Orb 6. Hunger for 7. Go on horseback 8. Shapeless 9. Church bench 10. Poor handwriting 11. Music genre 12. Parental sister 13. Anagram of “Meat" 18. Trap 22. Decant 24. Memo 26. Coil 28. Boast 29. Only 30. Grasp 31. Frozen 32. Anger 33. Exasperate 34. Stew 37. Smile 38. Jetty 40. Away from the wind

41. A drama set to music 43. Found at the end of a pencil 44. Reluctant 46. Put up with 47. All excited 48. Gander 49. Sea eagles 50. An aromatic ointment 51. Hodgepodge 53. Iridescent gem 56. A high alpine meadow 57. Bar bill 70. Happy Belated Birthday Matt 71. Happy Halloween! 72. How many people will notice this?

Cross Country Wins Metro League By Frankenstein


Postseason XC just so happens to be one of the toughest moments in Priory sports. In response, the team kicked it up a notch. Spurred on by recent losses to MICDS, the varsity seven decided it was time to

take matters into their own hands. Up at Spanish Lake, the team ran its fastest times to date, beating MICDS by 8 points. On the JV front, the results were astounding. Not only did William Whaley obliterate the competition, the rest of JV took 24 of the top 30

spots and cruised to an easy victory, making both Priory JV and Varsity the champions of the Metro League. Saturday at 11:45 a.m., Priory XC will run the most important race of the year. It will also be the best opportunity to come support your team as they try for a first


place finish. Rumor has it that Mr. Gleich's mustache is also on the line. Priory cross country has had a great year. As the team heads out to run on Saturday, they will attempt to make Priory history. Be there to witness it. By Daniel Martin ‘14

P UMPKINS ! No Costume? By Cyclopes, The Scream, & Freddy Krueger


It’s Halloween, you’re sitting in the back of class, slyly reading this. You are planning on going to a party tonight… but there’s one problem: you don’t have a costume. You’re thinking on playing it safe, tossing on a pair of jeans and a tee and heading out the door. The list of possible excuses goes on and on, from “I’m too old for costumes” to “Costumes? Ha costumes aren’t frat, bro.” As much as the second excuse is true, (because Priory was listed the most Frat-tastic school in the state for the 2nd year in a row), any excuse is unacceptable. If you plan on leaving the basement on Halloween, you MUST have a costume. If you ignore this internationally recognized rule, you run the risk of being beaten up by Andrew Brummit. You don’t want to be beaten up by Andrew Brummit. So, don’t get beaten up by Andrew Brummit… find a costume and wear that costume. However, we aren’t talking about putting a bed sheet over your head and saying you’re a ghost or even the classic “I’m being myself for Halloween”, these are pitiful and show zero dedication to the holiday. Studies have shown that if you aren’t sporting a creative costume on October 31st, 87% less girls will even talk, much less text or snapchat you. It’s well known that if you don’t show up in a costume that shows effort, you shouldn’t even bother showing up. The participation in Halloween costumes for Priory students has reached its lowest level in years. Granted this could possibly be due to the fact that Priory is the frattest it’s been in centuries, you


Scariest Monsters Ever still need to try to lay off being frat for just one night. We know it’s hard to do… we’re talking to you Danny DeSimon... “TFTC” doesn’t apply for tonight, tonight is Halloween, and costume parties are the social events of the season (besides, of course, homecoming and the Delta-Epsilon-PhiAlpha-Sigma-Delta-Gamma Ragefest). If you still haven’t composed any ideas after this insightful article, here are 3 last resort costumes, guaranteed to get a handful of ladies to strike up a conversation with you.


1) Miley Cyrus: Ask yourself “Can I twerk?” “Do you have zero shame” or “Do I have a sexual attraction towards sledgehammers?” If you answered yes to any of these questions, this is the costume for you! Simply spike up your hair, wear little to no clothing and rent a giant wrecking ball to ride on. # of Ladies Guaranteed: At least 2 or 2.5 2) The Octomom: I don’t even know what this chick looks like… just carry around 8 baby dolls and it would work out. This is sure to get conversations started with some lady friends. # of Ladies Guaranteed: 0 (it’s a risk, you have to pull it off well to get the ladies: if pulled off correctly, you could meet new lady friends) 3) North West: Ever dreamed of being the offspring of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West? This is your chance. # of Ladies Guaranteed: The possibilities are endless.


With that, we wish you all to have a fun and frat Halloween! By George Ahlering ‘16 Chris Ahlering ‘14 Megan Wingermuehle ‘14

By The Clown Staff Writer


5. Zombies: Originating from the voodoo religion of Haiti, Zombies have been represented in several horror classics. The idea of a person eating you alive is a classic one that has been inspiring movies for over half of a century. Why are zombies only #5 on the list? The thing about zombies is that they are becoming less and l e s s s c a r y. Z o m b i e shows and movies are becoming popular because people want the zombie apocalypse to happen. People take “zombified” pictures of themselves and have their own elaborate plans for when the zombie apocalypse happens. I can’t blame these people, after all, you don’t have to worry about homework or taxes during the zombie apocal y p s e . 4. Werewolves: Ordinary people until the full moon, these supernatural shapeshifters have appeared in nearly every culture going back all the way to ancient Greece. In medieval times, they were typically blamed for unexplainable murders. What’s especially scary about werewolves is that many times a person doesn’t even know he’s a werewolf. So you could be a werewolf and not even know it.... What brings werewolves down to #4? Half of it is due to the scariness of the other monsters the other half is due to werewolves being in Twilight. 3. Vampires: They vant to suck your blood and have since the 18th century. The blood- sucking, garlic-fearing vampires that we usually think of originated from myths in Eastern

Kit Kat

Europe. Like werewolves and zombies, vampires can change normal people into vampires by biting them. Unlike zombies, however, vampires take you unawares while you’re sleeping. Vampires are also technically dead, as well as blood suckers, so they can add the cannibalistic undead aspect to their scariness. Two critical things keep vampires from being higher on the list. 1. They haven’t been around as long as the next two monsters and 2. Twilight. 2. Ghosts: Ghosts are timeless monsters that have influenced cultures all over the world for millennia. Ghosts are so universal that they have found their way into several great literary works written by men such as Homer, Shakespeare, and Mark Twain. In a recent survey conducted by the Huffington Post, 45% of those surveyed said that they believed in ghosts or spirits of the dead coming back. Though vampires and werewolves have been around for a while, the ghost is a part of horror culture that will never be forgotten. It was really hard to decide whether to put ghosts at the #1 spot or #2 spot, but one monster truly beats out ghosts for the #1 spot. 1. Demons: These supernatural servants of Satan are as eternal as evil itself. Demons have ancient origins in human culture and appear in folklore and literature across the world. The scariest thing about demons is that many major religions, including our own, believe they exist. Demons are found in Christianity, Judaism, and even Islam. There are many real cases of exorcisms to be found, including one that took place here in Saint Louis. And when you take into account movies like the Exorcist, there is no doubt that demons are the scariest monsters ever. By Robert Onder ‘15



! JV Soc.

Looking For Scares? Try Edgar Allan Poe


By Edgar Allan Poe Editor-in-Chief

By The Weeping Angles Overall the JV soccer team had a very good season, winning many of our games and fighting to get to the championship. First the Rebels won a close 1-0 game because of Mark Ciapciak's goal against Clayton. Then the team went on to face Principia Tuesday night. It was 0-0 at halftime. Then in the 2nd half the team came together and Chris Holland scored early, and Mark Ciapciak had another goal. Finally, Domingo Melossi (a foreign exchange student) had a very nice goal. The Rebels went on to win 30 on its way to the championship. Westminster won 2 games against 2 good teams to face the JV team. It was a hard fought game, but Westminster scored in the 2nd half, going on to win the game 1-0. The team was satisfied with the season but would have liked to have won the championship. There were a few people who helped the team throughout the season. Our captains, Will Dohr, Michael Donovan, and Chris Holland, led the team and kept us together. George Ahlering would get the ball out of the back right away. Ramzi Haddad brought the entertainment to the team and he could always bring laughter to the team. John Forshaw led the team in scoring the most goals the entire season. The goalies also did very well this season not letting up too many goals, and being supportive of each other. Coach Oberle said, "This season has been a lot of fun. We had a very strong season as a team. Even though it didn't end like we wanted it to, I'm still pleased to say I had fun coaching you guys this year." Overall everyone was happy with what the team did this season, despite the losses. By Jacob Williams ‘17

Auditions The Music Man Auditions will be held Sunday, November 10, at 4 p.m. in the Kevin Kline Theatre.


It’s Halloween so many people will looking for a scare. Many thrill seekers will turn to horror movies or haunted houses. However they leave probably feeling cheated of their money or just somewhat amused. To be scared, one should lie down in the dark with the scary story. Scary short stories are often overlooked in a search for fright, but can deliver the most punch, and the stories of Edgar Allan Poe are sure to deliver. Undoubtedly one will have to go to sleep at some point on Halloween night; this is the time to take ten minutes to become truly horrified. Writing a

scary story is incredibly difficult, but when written by a master, they are truly terrifying. A story does not, like movies or haunted houses, have the luxury of cheap scares. People can’t jump out at you, and there is no sudden, loud music. These limitations force scary stories to go deeper, to scare and not just startle. In Poe’s writing, not only are the characters put in a horrifying environment, but he manages to put the reader there as well. His stories are written in such a way that the reader, along with the character, is slightly confused. Poe writes in incredible detail, but also manages to ride a very fine line between slightly confusing and

not making sense with bizarre settings and subtle, unexplained occurrences. Riding this line slightly confuses the reader and sets the reader up perfectly to be truly scared. One more thing, if one of Poe’s stories does not seem scary, look closer. These subtly scary stories like “The GoldBug” are some of his most chilling. Most of his stories can be found online and for free, but if you prefer something more tangible, the library has numerous collections of his stories. You have no excuse not to sit for ten minutes in the dark bathed the the glow of your phone or flashlight and be horrified. By Andrew Cammon ‘14

Incessant Ramblings #2 By Dracula Staff Writer


Maybe some of you have noticed that today is the great, random holiday of Halloween. Now I could go into the history of how kids running around dressed as Saints asking for rice turned into kids running around dressed as One Direction asking for razor-blade laced candy, but who would want to read that? No, I am going to attack the much deeper question at hand, what is it about Halloween that makes it Halloween? Well, a reading from my personal bible, the piece of cinematic art Mean Girls gives us a valuable insight on why we like this holiday so much. “In the regular world, Halloween is when children dress up in costumes and beg for candy. In Girl World, Halloween is the one night a year when a girl can dress like a total (um… let’s

just say ‘not St. Joe worthy’) and no other girls can say anything about it.” So nobody is going to give you second looks if you live out your childhood dream of being Spider Man, sing your heart out as Justin

“Nobody is going to give you second looks if you live out your childhood dream of being Spider Man” Timberlake, be a sweet, loving Mr. Schake, or you can throw caution to the wind and dress up as Rainbow Dash (well… you might get some awkward looks for that last one.) But you can act as stupid as possible and just say you are TFTC and nobody can say anything about it. Now when else can you do


that? And maybe you are one of those lucky people who after Halloween have a random bowl of candy in your house from your younger family members. Instead of walking around your neighborhood in the middle of the night asking strangers for candy, you have younger siblings do it for you. Maybe your parents buy half of the Wal*mart seasonal aisle just for only 6 kids to show up. It’s simple, it’s all about profit! Who doesn’t like having some candy lying around to use as a bribe for a paper extension or having small projectiles to throw at people walking down the street? The fact of the matter is, the reason why we love Halloween is that it is the only night where tyranny and terror rule and talking to strangers is perfectly acceptable. Now who doesn’t like that? By Trey Erbs ‘15



! Yesterday’s Best Costumes Rating

Editor’s Picks

By Scooby-Doo Content Editor



Yesterday we got to witness the annual costume contest, and as always there were some genuinely good costumes. The judges did an excellent job, however I felt some contestants were short changed by the results. First among these was Chris Hammer who did a great Ron Weasley. Hammer sported flawless Hogwarts robes, with a beautiful Gryffindor scarf to complete the look. Furthermore, Hammer, a natural blonde, dyed his hair a nice red/ orange to really sell the Weasley look home. There are even rumors that the dye he used won’t wash out for a week at least, so Hammer really went all out. Yet he didn’t even make it past the group stages. I had Hammer pencilled in as a finalist, and was disappointed he didn’t make it further. Regardless, well done Mr. Hammer. I was also impressed with the seventh graders who were One Direction. Maybe throw in

a couple of ridiculous hairstyles and some dumber outfits and you could have been finalists. One of my personal favorites this year was the man who went as Brick House. Not only did that reference a terrific song, but it was one I have never seen before, giving it extra points in the creativity department. He may have lost out to a dead ringer for Mr. Muench, but he definitely had a top five costume in my opinion. The final student who didn’t achieve proper recognition was Chuck Carey for his hillbilly. Chuck had a beautiful pair of overalls, that when combined with his Southern drawl, really convinced me and the audience of his inner hillbilly. Chuck definitely deserved some more applause if not entry into the final round. However, all efforts of the students were in vain. Mr. Oberle had one of the finest lumberjack costumes of all time. Lumberjack has often been viewed as a cop out of a costume, requiring little effort other than jeans and a flannel

shirt. Mr. Oberle could have opted to take this route and he would have looked routine, but he decided to go way above and beyond. The actual piece of wood and axe he brought up were a very nice touch, as well as the working man gloves. But there is one aspect in particular that assured him victory. That exquisite beard. Anyone can go to the costume store and buy a fake beard, but that would’ve just looked awful in comparison to Mr. Oberle’s facial mane. He looked gruff as it gets, and it is for that reason that he pulled of a perfect lumberjack and beat out the rest of the competition. Mr. Oberle has set the bar incredibly high for teachers, and hopefully this increases competition among them. The students would love to see a battle royale of the teachers for Halloween king/queen. Overall, this year’s costume contest was nice, but hopefully the teachers can provide more competition next year for the runaway winner, Mr. Oberle. By William O’Brien ‘14


The Rebels have entered the beginning of their second season, wrapping up their regular season on Tuesday. In that game, the Rebels faced a highly ranked and highly regarded John Burroughs team. With a win or a tie the Rebels would have claimed the Metro League title. Knowing our potential, we took the rainy and wet field Tuesday afternoon with our best effort and planned to stymie Burroughs. While outplaying the Bombers, the Rebels did not

2 Ghostbusters Ray Parker Jr.


Thriller Michael Jackson

4 She Wolf Shakira

5The Addams Family The Addams Family

6Werewolves of London Warren Zevon


Varsity Soccer Update By Charlie Brown

Time Warp The Rocky Horror Picture Show

get many clear chances on goal. Similarly, John Burroughs did not get more than a sniff of our own goal. In a match dominated by play in the midfield, the Rebels seemingly controlled the pace, tempo, and ball most of the game. This tightly fought chess match went into overtime, where the Rebels have compiled a 5-2 record over the past two years. However, midway through the first overtime period, the Rebels were caught on their heels. Playmaker Stephen McMillan beat a couple of defenders and slotted a forward

through, where Burroughs made the best of a weak chance and scored, to the disappointment of the deserving Priory squad. Regardless, deserving is not enough to be winning, and the Rebels are currently working towards being on the right side of those close games. On Tuesday, the Rebels take on Metro League rival John Burroughs in the first round of Districts at Parkway West. If you can attend this game, that would be incredibly appreciated. By Eric Stange ‘14


Monster Mash Bobby Pickett

8 Rock Lobser B-52’s

9 Black Magic Woman Santana

10 Super Freak Rick James



Priory Speech Club Ramps Up By Harry Potter


The new Priory Speech Team opened its inaugural season last Sunday, October 20, with a successful showing in the Christian Interscholastic Speech League (CISL) meet at St. Joseph’s Academy. Priory is the newest CISL member school, joining 10 other local high schools including St. Joseph’s Academy, St. Louis U High, Cor Jesu and Ursuline

Academy. Four team members from Form IV participated in last Sunday’s meet – Tommy Holmes (Poetry Reading), Liam Mardis (Humorous/Serious Interpretation), Cartan Sumner (Extemporaneous) and Noah Van Bree (Radio Broadcasting) – with Noah earning First Place Blue Ribbon honors. There were 114 students entered in nine competition categories and several students were entered in two categories. Thanks to Prio-

Calendar ry dads Cartan Sumner and Frank Van Bree who represented the school as judges. The team’s next meet is on Saturday, December 7th. Interested students should attend the team’s weekly meeting which is held on Thursday mornings at 8:00 a.m. in Room 205 in the high school. Specific questions should be directed to the to the club moderators, Fr. Linus OSB and Br. Sixtus OSB. By Br. Sixtus, OSB

The Church & The Poor: East STL Trip By E.T. Staff Writer


Two weeks ago, Dr. Kilcullen’s Senior Church and the Poor class had the opportunity to visit both East St. Louis and the Babler St. Park correctional institute. Both were very interesting in their own ways, and offered new perspectives on life foreign to the students. First the class drove to East St. Louis to visit Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School, a private catholic school operated by nuns. Mrs. Burton, mother of Thomas Burton Class of ’13, organized the visit. East St. Louis is thought to be a hopeless place that everyone has given up on, but this school is changing things. Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School is a ministry of the Diocese of Belleville and is committed to deepening faith in Jesus Christ, and to providing a holistic learning approach to faith development and education within a Catholic framework. Their mission is to inspire, prepare, and empower kindergarten through grade 8 students in East St. Louis and surrounding communities to become wholesome, responsible, and dedicat-

ed people. Most students are very poor and maybe even homeless, yet the school works out a plan with the parents. The parents pay whatever they can afford, and their son or daughter receives an education. The success statistics are phenomenal: 100% 8th grade graduation, 100% graduate from high school and 95% are enrolled in a college or university. Then Mrs. Burton took the class to a Catholic program that, based the catholic social teaching, helps people in East St. Louis with whatever they may need. From food, to clothes, to a small loan, the organization does everything it can to help out the underprivileged. The class then drove through the city and visited projects and other subsidized housing ventures. It made the class realize how impoverished this area is, and how difficult it is to break the chain of ancestral poverty even with schools like Sister Thea Bowman. After the visit around East St. Louis, the class visited the Missouri of Divisional Youth services correctional facility in Babler St. Park. Here, young men from the ages of 13-17 are kept under minimum security

for committing crimes of a lesser severity. This is a rehabilitation facility that focuses on helping these boys figure out why they did what they did, and how to fix the problems in their life that drove them to commit crime. The facility also served as a certified high school, where the kids can catch up in school or receive their GED. The program also helps the boys once they leave the facility by checking in on them and providing an organization to turn to when in trouble. The class had not realized before how great a program like this was, and how locking boys up was not the correct solution rehabilitation. In all, the field trip was a huge success. Many students learned how to sympathize with people deeply affected by poverty. The students now know that as Catholics, they have a duty to offer their services and help to those in need, and not by just putting money in the offering basket, but by volunteering in their own community. A final big thank you to Mrs. Burton, these great visits would have not been possible without you. By Spencer Wright ‘14

Not Dots

Thursday, October 31 Lunch: Turkey Coney Hot Dogs 1:00PM Lake Forest College

! ! !

7:00PM V Football - Districts Round 1 Friday, November 1 All Saints Day - NO SCHOOL Saturday, November 2 9:00AM 7th Grade Football vs. Westminster 10:30AM 8th Grade Football vs. Westminster 11:45AM Cross Country Districts @ Parkway Central

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Sunday, November 3 Monday, November 4 Lunch: Ribs Lo Mein 8:30AM University of Richmond University of Rochester 1:00PM Vassar College 2:00PM Hillsdale College


1:30PM 7th Grade Football Red/ Blue Game 4:00PM V Soccer Districts


Tuesday, November 5 Lunch: Grilled Flank Steak Chicken Piccata 9:00AM Fontbonne University 2:00PM University of Missouri Columbia

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4:00PM V Soccer Districts Wednesday, November 6 Lunch: Herb Roasted Chicken Tamales 1:00PM Missouri University of S and T 2:00PM University of Southern California

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4:00PM V Soccer Districts Thursday, November 7 Lunch: Pork Chops Ruben Coney 9:00AM Xavier University

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7:00PM V Football - Districts Round 1 4:00PM V Soccer Districts Friday, November 8 Faculty Day - NO SCHOOL

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