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HAVING TROUBLE FALLING ASLEEP? HERE ARE A FEW BREATHING TECHNIQUES TO HELP YOU! Many people lose hours of sleep time in order to try sleeping. You must have tried sleep tea, mindful music to make you snooze or ditched caffeine all together just to get some sound sleep and still nothing seems to work? Well, getting the sleep company’s smart grid mattress is definitely a brilliant choice but there is more to falling asleep than sleeping on a smart mattress! Focusing on one’s breath is an easy yet effective way to fall asleep. Yes, that’s right! Here are some techniques you can inculcate in your nightly sleep and get the sound sleep you deserve. 1. Lean into Belly Breathing: When we breath our chest rises. To help fall into a deeper state of relaxation faster is to focus deeper breaths through the belly rather than shallow breaths through the chest. Breathing through your belly helps slow down your heart rate and blood pressure, plus, it reduces the amount of the stress hormone, cortisol, you have in your body. Deep breathing also slows down your heart rate, which will help you fall into a deeper sleep than if you have a high heart rate. 2. Nasal Breathing: Instead of breathing from our mouth we can try focus and breath only through our nose. This enables us to control our oxygen intake which makes it easier for our body to reach a restorative sleep state. Here’s a step-by-step guide to nasal breathing: o

Sit crossed-legged (can be on your bed if you’re about to fall asleep).


Place on hand on your knee and one hand on your nose.


Exhale and close your right nostril.


Inhale through your left nostril.


Open your right nostril and exhale as you close your left nostril.


Alternate between nostrils for five minutes.

3. The 4-7-8 breathing technique: This breathing technique consists of inhaling for four counts, holding your breath for seven, then exhaling for eight long counts. If you tend to have a busy mind while you lay in bed at night, the 4-7-8 technique can be particularly useful in getting out of your head. When we focus on our breath, it pulls us away from our minds and forces us to focus on the present. Here’s how to apply the 4-7-8 breathing technique: o

Begin to breathe as normal with your lips parted.


Take a deep exhale. As you exhale, make a whoosh sound with your breath.


Close your lips and inhale through only your nose for four seconds.


Hold your breath for seven counts.


Exhale through your mouth and make the same whoosh sound again.


Repeat the entire cycle four times.

With the best mattress in India and these breathing techniques to fall asleep, there is nothing that can stop you from falling into a sound, deep sleep. What’s more is that our Smart GRID mattress is a pain-relieving sleep mattress which is the best mattress for back pain, that is two bliss in one. So hit the bed and practice these breathing techniques and enjoy night with sound sleep.

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