Diversity Hiring Resource Guide

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Salt Lake Community College

Diversity Hiring Resource Guide

The Diversity Hiring Resource Guide reflects the hiring principles and practices with which Salt Lake Community College wants to build and nurture talent. The following strategies are included: effective practices for recruiting a diverse candidate pool; inviting and engaging templates to attract high quality faculty and staff; effective interview and screening questions; and overall tips for conducting a high quality, efficient, fair and inclusive search.

Salt Lake Community College

Diversity Hiring Resource Guide As our communities change, we as an institution should also change. Extant literature (Astin, 1993; Gurin, 1999; Gurin, et al., 2002; Hurtado, 2007; Milem, 2003; Pascarella, et al., 1996; Turner, 2000;) points to the many benefits of diversity in higher education. The benefits of diversity include, but are not limited to, student retention and completion, enhanced curriculum, improved campus climate and expanded networks. Salt Lake Community College (SLCC) strives to hire qualified individuals who are committed to serving students and the community. SLCC is an equal employment opportunity employer. SLCC actively seeks a diverse workforce in support of its mission of providing quality educational services to an increasingly diverse student body.

Why Diversity Recruitment and Hiring is Important Not only is diversity recruitment and hiring the right thing to do, it is the smart thing to do. Recruiting and hiring for diversity is essential to our sustainability for the following reasons: Diversifying the workforce enables us to understand and meet the needs of people from diverse perspectives and creates an atmosphere that supports positive relationships and communications. Different backgrounds and perspectives lead to a variety of ideas, knowledge and ways of doing things. The converse is often true as well: team members from the same background may take actions based on a narrow range of experiences and perspectives. By ensuring that your team includes individuals from various social and cultural backgrounds, you will widen the range of perspectives, knowledge and approaches from which decisions are made. By building a reputation for valuing differences, we can attract talented employees who know that we will appreciate and utilize the skills, backgrounds, perceptions and knowledge they bring to the table. This leads to greater commitment and higher productivity. By making diversity recruitment deliberate, we can bring in employees who might not otherwise consider SLCC and can enrich and broaden our community.


As such, you are invited to review the mission, vision, values and goals of the College below. SLCC Vision Salt Lake Community College will be a model for inclusive and transformative education, strengthening the communities we serve through the success of our students. SLCC Mission Salt Lake Community College is your community college. We engage and support students in educational pathways leading to successful transfer and meaningful employment. SLCC Values We don’t just state our values; we live them through dedicated, collective effort. Our values ground our future endeavors and help us realize our mission of being an open-access, comprehensive community college committed to the transfer education and workforce needs of our students. • Collaboration: We believe we’re better when we work together. • Community: We partner with our community in the transformative, public good of educating students. • Inclusivity: We seek to cultivate an environment of respect and empathy, advanced by diverse cultures and perspectives. • Integrity: We do the right things for the right reasons. • Innovation: We value fresh thinking and encourage the energy of new ideas and initiatives. • Learning: We learn as a college by building outstanding educational experiences for students and by supporting faculty and staff in their professional development. • Trust: We build trust by working together in good faith and goodwill to fulfill the College’s mission. Strategic Plan Our plan answers fundamental questions. What are the primary needs of students today and in the future? How do we craft the best possible learning experiences to meet their needs? By focusing on students, the plan positions the College as a foundational player in the community, a driving factor in the state economy and a leader in the evolving educational landscape.


We must move forward in areas such as access, completion and equity and collectively make progress on the goals we’ve set: • Increase student completion • Improve transfer preparation and pathways • Align with and respond to workforce needs • Achieve equity in student participation and completion • Secure institutional sustainability and capacity

How to Think About Diversity and Your Department Needs Before embarking on a recruitment effort, use the information and ideas on these pages to consider the diverse perspectives you wish your team to include and any challenges you might face in recruiting the right candidates. We often think about “fit” when considering a potential hire. “Fit” does not mean hiring someone who is the same as your existing team. Instead, the concept of “fit” might be better understood by thinking of a jigsaw puzzle, where the pieces mesh together but where each piece is unique and contributes something that is otherwise missing. Following are some things to think about to help you find the right person for the job. Understand what constitutes diversity. Diversity is a broad concept that implies inclusion of the many characteristics that differentiate us from each other. Sometimes these characteristics affect our view of the world, our experiences and our ways of relating to our surroundings and each other. We must value the many perspectives that arise from a variety of cultures, races, gender, religions, national origins, ages, physical, mental and cognitive capabilities, sexual orientations and other ways we identify ourselves. Hiring for diversity allows for growth and the ability to optimize your team’s capacity by exploring different perspectives. Recognize your own biases, both conscious and unconscious. We all have certain leanings or preferences—often called biases— and often we are not even aware of them. Focus on uncovering your own biases, so that they won’t get in the way of you making the best hiring choices. For example, do you tend to “tune out” those with foreign or regional accents? Feel uncomfortable around people with disabilities? Make assumptions about graduates of religious schools, historically black colleges or women’s colleges or about scholarship in women’s or minority studies? Believe that a younger person will be quicker and more creative than an older person? It is worth the effort to uncover your own biases; once they are out in the open, you will be able to consider whether your image of the “perfect candidate” is affected by your particular preferences rather than the actual qualifications and competencies needed for a position, and you will be able to judge candidates on their individual merits rather than on your own conscious or unconscious responses to their characteristics. A good place to start in identifying your own biases is with these Implicit Association Tests on topics including age, gender, sexuality and disability at: implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/demo/selectatest.html Additionally, seek out workshops and training that can offer employees safe, open, collaborative spaces to explore biases


and extinguish myths surrounding fears and beliefs that might lead a search committee to dismiss qualified candidates in order to attain diversity and inclusivity goals. Relevant literature should be available for all employees to clarify that the best candidates do not exist in one race, culture, gender, etc. Evaluate the diversity of your current team. To find the best “fit” for your team—that missing jigsaw puzzle piece—first take stock of the characteristics currently represented, then ask yourself these questions: • What are the diversity strengths in my department? • How can I build on those strengths? • What are the diversity challenges in my department? • How can I address those challenges? Include Human Resources (HR) in your planning. Before launching a recruitment campaign, discuss your hiring goals with your HR Consultant and the Special Assistant to the President. This will help assure that all parties involved in the hiring process will consider your department’s current demographic profile.

Proactive Diversity Recruiting: The Importance of Networking To improve your chances of attracting diverse candidates when job opportunities arise on your team, start recruiting now by networking with people and groups who are likely to lead to diverse talent. Women in nontraditional fields and professionals of color in particular are highly sought-after as employees, and when you are ready to hire, you are likely to face competition from other potential employers. Developing a diverse slate of candidates, particularly for more senior level positions and those requiring specialized knowledge, may take additional time. By networking continuously, you can build relationships that will serve as a feeder for underrepresented talent across disciplines and interests and give you an advantage when you are ready to hire. In particular, seek out opportunities that create face time with potential candidates and remember that every connection made is an opportunity to share the work of the College and promote our commitment to diversity and inclusion.


Diversity Networking: Where to Go and What to Do Networking is a continuous, broad activity that can occur anywhere and anytime. To make connections to the diverse communities from which potential candidates may be identified, be aware of these resources: • Professional organizations representing diverse groups, such as the National Black MBA Association • Conferences, seminars, job fairs, and networking events – announce and sponsor such events • Professional conferences to increase exposure to diverse colleagues in their area of study – offer to host or send employees • Online professional social networking media, such as LinkedIn and Facebook – joining online groups relevant to your department and taking an active part in them will increase your networking opportunities »» For optimal diversity outreach, search for the women and minority subgroups within these professional social media sites • Your own diverse friends, neighbors, and colleagues

How to Promote SLCC to Network Connections and Potential Candidates It’s not enough to locate potential diverse new hires. You also have to convince others to work for you in your department. It may help to include the following “talking points”: Maintaining an inclusive work environment. SLCC’s Inclusivity Definition Inclusivity is the active, intentional and ongoing commitment to ensuring that all members of the campus community are able to fully and meaningfully participate in and contribute to all aspects of campus life (i.e., in the curriculum, programs and resources and in practices and processes). It is the involvement and empowerment of all members of Salt Lake Community College, where the inherent worth and dignity of all people are recognized and valued.


We promote interactive learning by delving into the complexities of our multifaceted identities (age, gender, race, religion, ethnicity, class, sexual orientation, nationality, and disability). In appreciation of one’s “authentic self,” we celebrate diverse cultures authentically and enhance multicultural awareness and responsiveness through training, programs and services in an effort to transform communities. Strength in Diversity We believe diversity enhances the richness of the educational experience and leads to understanding and appreciation of differences in each of us. It’s imperative that we actively seek and welcome a student body, faculty and staff who represent the diversity of our region, nation, and world to prepare students to participate in a global economy. SLCC is the most diverse higher education institution in Utah, but we constantly must work to ensure everyone feels welcome, has what they need for success and is treated with respect on our campuses. Inclusivity and equity is our mantra, embedded in the fabric of our college, to serve all our constituents and the broader community. Personnel Commitment The Special Assistant to the President facilitates efforts to advance and sustain an organizational culture and climate that fully welcomes diversity and inclusiveness for all Salt Lake Community College stakeholders. SLCC leaders including deans, directors, department heads and managers are responsible and accountable for the proactive implementation of our diversity mission and are expected to exercise leadership to fulfill it. Our commitment to and progress in hiring for diversity. Over the past couple of years, SLCC has looked at and revised our hiring policies to institutionalize efforts to recruit diverse faculty, staff and administrators. We have merely scratched the surface and are looking to increase our efforts to diversify our workforce. Proactive internal and external diversity recruitment efforts. • Diversity Hiring Resource Guide • Expanding Networks Developing and advancing career opportunities. • Faculty and Staff Development Diversity Hiring Template. Please see the following link to view a template to promote the diversity of the college for marketing and recruiting. i.slcc.edu/hr/docs/job-post-template-complete-2017.pdf

Recruiting Diversely for an Open Position: Posting the Position To attract a wide range of diverse candidates, you will need to cast a wide net. This means you will need to recruit externally to access an adequate and diverse candidate pool. Recruitment efforts can be enhanced with: highlighting the organizational culture- Mission, Vision, Values, and Goals; a clear statement of the position using inclusive language; removing barriers that restrict underrepresented and marginalized individuals (i.e., extensive or overly-narrow experience); and include a diversity tagline for all positions, highlighting the opportunity to work with diverse groups.


In developing job descriptions for posting, be clear but as broad as possible in describing the competencies and experiences needed for the job. Avoid describing the job so narrowly that all but a small group of job-seekers will view it as attainable. If the initial applicant pool does not include a meaningful number of diverse candidates (including women and those of color), reevaluate your job postings and repost if warranted. This is especially important if the job is underutilized for women and/or minorities.

Selecting Candidates for Consideration: Screening and Interviewing As you follow the general steps of selecting candidates for your open position, here are some tips to help ensure diversity in your candidate pool and enhance your interview and selection process. Select an inclusive interview team. In selecting an interview team, consider including people who will bring diverse outlooks and who are respectful of different cultures and characteristics. Recognize the potential to bring unintended biases to the process and address this by having a clear and open discussion among team members before beginning the interview process. Use the screening process to include rather than exclude candidates to avoid missing qualified candidates. In reviewing qualifications, consider how each applicant might enhance diversity in the department and college. Some candidates may expressly identify themselves as diverse; in other cases, a resume or application may reflect diversity affiliations such as membership in a diverse organization or attendance at a tribal event, Hispanic serving or historically black college or a women-only or disability-focused school. If after screening candidates you find that there are only a few diverse candidates remaining, take a fresh look at those who have been passed over, to make sure that you have not overlooked any potentially qualified candidates. Avoid making assumptions about a diverse candidate’s ability to conform or “feel comfortable” on your team or in the position. For example, do not assume that a female candidate would not be compatible with your all-male team, or that a Latina candidate would not be able to relate to your largely Caucasian constituents. • Focus first on the candidate’s similarities to, rather than differences from, the way your colleagues and constituents approach their work. If your constituents are fast paced, does the candidate have a similar style? If your team is direct with each other, does the candidate demonstrate that he or she is comfortable with such communications? • Next, consider whether the candidate’s differences matter to the work he or she would do and how those differences might actually enhance your team and its efforts. Avoid prematurely labeling one or more of your candidates as the “most promising” until all candidates have been considered. This will help ensure that all qualified candidates receive equal consideration. Prepare yourself with answers for questions diverse candidates are likely to ask. Diverse job candidates often ask important questions aimed at helping them determine whether an organization is truly inclusive and supportive and whether they will be comfortable in a position. Be prepared to answer these commonly-asked questions: • What are my chances for progressing/ advancing my career here?


• Do you have a formal mentoring program and/or career development programs? • What does the college do in terms of community outreach efforts to partner with diverse groups? • Do you have employee affinity groups that focus on the needs of people like me and other groups? • Are managers trained to communicate with and manage diverse employees? • What initiatives has the college participated in related to diversity? • Does the college have formal diversity initiatives and programs in place? • Will SLCC accommodate my disability? Even if a candidate does not ask these questions, you may volunteer information that may help inform the candidate of your—and SLCC’s—sincerity in welcoming diversity. As it relates to initiatives and programs related to equity and diversity, please refer to the Inclusivity home page: slcc.edu/inclusivity The committee will make appropriate arrangements for interviews, presentations/demonstrations and job specific assessments. The finalists will be invited for a second, more personalized interview and job preview where they can mingle with potential colleagues. The candidate experience during the interview and onboarding process must be supportive. Where appropriate, consider sharing information about the community and diverse resources and networks. Additionally, the candidate should be introduced and invited to spend time with community members, a variety of colleagues and or special committees that can provide a sense of belonging.

Diverse groups at SLCC The diverse groups listed below can be utilized to assist on hiring committees, introduce diverse candidates to a community on campus and connect you with diverse members of the broader community. Additionally, if you are hosting a lunch or a dinner with the candidate, please feel free to reach out to the following groups below to help diversify your gathering. • slcc.edu/inclusivity/enthnic-minority-employee-coalition.aspx Ethnic Minority Employee Coalition • slcc.edu/lgbtq LGBTQ Steering Committee • slcc.edu/president/committee-on-inclusivity-and-equity.aspx President’s Committee for Inclusivity and Equity • i.slcc.edu/staff-development/resources/universal-access.aspx Universal Access Committee • slcc.edu/veterans Veteran Services


Diversity Higher Education: Specific Job Posting Resources •

www.diversejobs.net This is the jobs site of Diverse: Issues in Higher Education, a leading resource for the higher education community for over 25 years. Extensive listings posted here include both faculty and non-faculty jobs at postsecondary institutions.

www.hispanicoutlook.com The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education magazine is a long-standing, top information source and sole Hispanic educational magazine for the higher education community.

www.wihe.com The Women in Higher Education website addresses issues affecting women on campus.

www.jbhe.com The online publication, e Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, lists job openings.

www.BlacksinHigherEd.com, www.LatinosinHigherEd.com, and www.AsiansinHigherEd.com These jobs sites list staff, faculty, and management job openings at colleges and universities.

www.LGBTinHigherEd.com This jobs site is aimed at lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people within higher education.

www.HBCUconnect.com The first and largest community for students, alumni and supporters of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) maintains one of the largest online diversity resume databases, with thousands of active resumes and profiles that are less than 90 days old. This site is one of the most fruitful recruiting websites for African-American professionals.

www.AcademicDiversitySearch.com With women and minorities as the target candidate pool, this nationwide resource is comprised of job posting advertisements, an extensive network and database of professionals and executive search firm capabilities.

www.abwhe.org The website of the Association of Black Women in Higher Education (ABWHE) lists career opportunities.

Higher education-special job posting resources with high diversity readership: •

www.InsideHigherEd.com Inside Higher Ed magazine reaches nearly 600,000 higher education professionals from every academic discipline and every administrative area and boasts the most diverse readership of any higher education publication. Nearly 20% of the visitors to this site are minorities and more than 50% are women.

www.Chroniclevitae.com A resource of the publication, e Chronicle of Higher Education. Although not specifically geared to diverse audiences, the site reaches a broad audience.

www.HigherEdJobs.com The leading internet source for jobs and career information in academia.

Diversity-focused general job posting resources: •


www.Jobs4Vets.com An employment website for job seekers and employers. This site is part of LocalCareers.com, a network of local, regional, national and industry--specific career sites. Jobs4Vets.com is not affiliated with any state agency or staffing firm.

Other job posting sites to consider: www.imdiversity.com







NOTE: Many of the organizations behind these online resources sponsor job fairs and networking events which are announced on their websites. Professional organizations and associations: •

www.alpfa.org Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting (ALPFA)

www.awis.org Association for Women in Science

www.nafe.com National Association for Female Executives

www.asianmba.org National Association of Asian MBAs

www.naaap.org National Association of Asian American Professionals

www.prospanica.org National Association of Hispanic MBAs

www.nbmbaa.org National Black MBA Association

www.nobcche.org National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers

www.naicob.org North American Indian Center of Boston, Inc.

www.nfb.org National Federation of the Blind

www.uwhen.org Utah Women in Higher Education Network

NOTE: There are many more such professional associations – too many to list here. The Special Assistant to the President can help you identify those that may be most fruitful for your networking and recruitment efforts.

Sample Interview Questions Regarding Diversity •





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