SKY Mag Issue 21

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For Teen Girls Only!



FEB - MAR 2024


How to Trust


Before Misters

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I pledge to be true

I will trust my choices,

and I will not let anyone else

to myself


and what

I believe in.

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who I am.

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making friends and dancing?


my THING. Jealousy,

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That’s not

my thing.

Take THE

pledge To take the pledge, visit our Facebook Page.

I will

make choices


to my character.

13 - Empowered & Unstoppable:

Zambian Queens Rocking International Women’s Day!

14 - Career Corner: Lusungu Chitundu 15 - Bossing Life 16 - How to Stay True To Yourself 18 - A Love Letter To Myself


CONTENTS 4 - Happy New Year, Besties!


Meet the SKY Cover Girl

5 - This issue’s contributors 6 - The Trendometer 7 - Sisters Before Misters

23 - Insta SKY 24 - Cultivating Body Positivity


Get the look:

Fashion Influencers Dish V-Day Fits


Boys and Bants: Dating Decoded

10 - Body Beautiful:

Embracing Your Unique Beauty


Letter To My 14 Year Old Self by Tatiana

27 - The best Note-Taking Methods 28 - Blooming Bouquet 30 - SKY Advice 31 - We Want to Hear From You!

I hope you all had a blast during the holidays because I sure did! I’m super pumped to get into this latest issue of SKY Mag, the first new

issue for the new year. And guess what? February is not just the month of love; it's also my birthday month!

Valentine’s Day is around the corner, and we're flipping the script. Check out "Sisters Before Misters" – my absolute favorite article. Let’s celebrate our amazing girlfriends in style!

Ready for a fresh academic start? Dive into the Study Tips section; it's packed with gems to help you crush those academic goals this year. Stressing about what to wear on Valentine’s Day? Fret not! Our "Get the Look" article has got you covered with some killer outfit inspos.

Those are just a sneak peek into my top picks, but trust me, this issue is a treasure trove.

But there’s more! Last year we partnered with UNICEF to run a climate change competition. Not only because climate change is an issue SKY girls said they wanted to learn more about it because climate change really is a big deal for Zambia! We see the evidence of climate change every day - from reduced rainfall - see how long it took for the rainy season to start properly? But we also see flooding in some areas. All of this can impact our ability to get food, farmers' crops might not grow. But we also see increased risk of water borne diseases, like cholera, we recently had a terrible health crisis because of this. But did you know that us young people can be involved in raising awareness of climate change and encouraging our government to put in place things that will help reduce the impact of climate change on us. So we asked you SKY girls to share your understanding of how climate change is impacting you and the communities you live in. The winners are our lovely cover girls for this issue, so make sure to read more about them and see their winning entries in our cover girls feature. You can also learn more about climate change by visiting UNICEF’s internet of good things online (

With that said, get comfy, grab your snacks, and enjoy the read! Cheers to a fantastic new year and another round of SKY Mag adventures! And of course happy birthday to me!

Share your thoughts on this issue on our socials!


With love Chola Matanda

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Did you miss us? Because we missed you!

The Trendometer

Check out the inside scoop on what's totally our thing


and what's not our thing in this edition! Our awesome SKY community spilled the tea so get ready for the story on Our Thing and Not Our Thing straight from


the voices of SKY Girls just like you!

Valentines & Galentines

New Stay True Episodes March Birthday Becoming Babies a SKY Girl

Entering a new grade and new school

Waking Up Early for School


Not Our Thing 6

Nsunko Not sticking to our resolutions

Entering a new school and being the New Kid

Sisters Ready to make this V-Day memorable with your day ones? Let's shift the spotlight to the love and support shared between girlfriends and away from the pressure to have a boyfriend. Check out some creative ideas to turn this Valentine's Day into a celebration of sisters before misters (AKA 'Galentines')!


Misters by Rosaria Kapya

Tote-ally Artsy Bag Painting: Let your inner artist out and transform plain tote bags into vibrant masterpieces! Set up a painting station with a number of colors and let the creativity flow. Whether it's a quirky quote, matching symbols, or just a burst of colors. Tote-ally chic, right?

Grab your girlfriends and turn your kitchen into a pizzeria! Grab some dough, sauce, and cheese, and mold your pizza into heart shapes. It's a fun and delicious way to spend time with your girls.

Secret Sister Gift Exchange:

Mix up Signature Mocktails: Whip up some signature mocktails that scream 'Galentine's Day.' Whether it's a strawberry blend or a citrus-infused concoction, let your taste buds go crazy. You can even come up with cute names like Ex-boyfriend tears, always bee friends and flirty fizz. Cheers to unique flavors and unforgettable memories!

Heart-Shaped Pizza Party:

Memory Lane Photo Album: Travel down memory lane with a photo album that captures the memories of your friendship. Collect pictures from childhood to adulthood, and add captions for each precious moment.

So cheers to the love of "Sisters before Misters", where true friendship becomes a timeless love story.

Assign each friend a "secret sister" for an anonymously thoughtful gift. Set a budget, spark creativity, and unveil the secret sisters for a heartwarming moment, showing the effort put into choosing the perfect gift.

Decorate a Cake with Celeb Crushes: Grab a cake, some icing, and edible images of your favorite celeb crushes. Decorate, and indulge in a slice of deliciousness #CrushCake




By Mumba Malama

What's up, SKY babes! Is fashion your thing? Ready to up your style game this Valentine's Day?... We got you covered! We’ve got a front-row seat with some top-tier fashion influencers, ready to spill the tea on their style secrets. Get set for a sneak peek into their fashion world and unlock some amazing style tips just for you.


57’s iconic

Valentine's Day look:

If you’re aiming to stand out on Valentine’s Day, consider these key elements while picking your outfit:

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My go-to Valentine's Day outfit idea: How about a black silk slip dress with a white top? Black is a colour that displays confidence and elegance, pair it with white sneakers for a casual daytime hangout.

To easily transition seamlessly from a daytime hangout to an evening celebration - remove the top, swap the sneakers for ankle heels, and then add some accessorise and you’re set. Accessories are a styling tip to instantly elevate your Valentine's Day look without much effort. Must-have accessories for this occasion are statement pieces like a bold necklace, earrings, and a cute small bag or statement clutch. Add a belt, too, just to add some drama lol.

Remember to always embrace and express your uniqueness. Never let your mind bully your body. Dare to be different, explore your style, and let your confidence shine through!



Individuality Pick a colour that Consider the texture of Stay true to your makes you feel the fabric you would want taste. Pick an outfit fabulous yet to go for pieces that that expresses your comfortable. transition from daytime personality and your hangouts to evening unique style. celebrations seamlessly.

MWAKA HALWIINDI’S iconic Valentine’s Day look To stand out on Valentine's Day, you want to ensure your hair and makeup choices complement your outfit.


Choose a braided side swoop and high ponytail. This creates a romantic and effortless look. For this hairstyle, A sleek bun always complement it with a gives off ‘elegant subtle nude makeup look, vibes.’ of course featuring a

, Beauty


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touch of gloss and blush to do the trick for a cute, natural appearance.

My absolute go-to Valentine's Day outfit idea would be a tennis skirt ensemble paired with sneakers for that perfect balance between chic style and cosy comfort. Picture this: a mini skirt with your comfiest, trendiest sneakers. It's the ultimate fusion of elegance and ease. Ensuring you're not just on point but feeling cozy and confident throughout the day is definitely a win-win for a special day.

A versatile transition from a daytime hangout to a romantic evening date could be achieved by swapping those sneakers for a dazzling pair of heels and adding a touch of glamour with a statement necklace and chic clutch, turning your cute mini skirt outfit into the perfect ensemble, for a dreamy Valentine's Day evening date.

With this guide, your wardrobe transforms from casual cool to romantic allure. Dont forget to infuse your personal style! Remember fashion's your playground, so play, slay, and celebrate YOU in every outfit, every transition and every moment!


Heyy SKY babes, you want to look and feel your best and emit confidence right? Well this article is for you boo. Let's turn heads and slay those goals together!

Celebrate Your Uniqueness

Challenge Negative Thoughts

Your body is one of a kind, and that's something to celebrate! Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on what makes you uniquely beautiful.

It's easy to fall into the trap of negative self-talk, especially when bombarded with unrealistic beauty standards on social media. Challenge those negative thoughts by consciously replacing them with positive affirmations.

Embrace your quirks, imperfections, and individuality. Remember, diversity is what makes the world colorful, and the same goes for our bodies. So, whether you have freckles, curves, or a distinctive smile, these are the things that set you apart and make you special.

Remind yourself of the amazing things your body can do – whether it's dancing, playing a sport, or even just giving someone a warm hug. Your body is a powerful instrument capable of incredible feats, and acknowledging this can shift your perspective.

Surround Yourself with Positivity

Choose friends, influencers, and media that promote a positive image. Follow social media accounts that celebrate diversity and showcase real, unfiltered beauty. Surrounding yourself with positivity can help counteract the negative messages that may try to diminish your self-esteem. Remember, you are not alone in this journey, and connecting with like-minded individuals can create a supportive community that encourages self-love. 10

Focus on Health, Not Perfection

Instead of striving for an unrealistic ideal, shift your focus to overall health and well-being. Engage in activities that make you feel good, both mentally and physically. Whether it's dancing, hiking, or practicing yoga, find what brings you joy. Nourish your body with a balanced and diverse diet that fuels your energy. By prioritizing health over perfection, you'll create a positive mindset that extends beyond physical appearance.

PRO TIP TO LOOKING AND FEELING GOOD Choose Radiant, Glowing Skin Over Smoke: Puffing shisha is a one-way ticket to bad skin. Every puff contains many of the same chemicals as cigarettes i.e nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide. Shisha delivers nicotine straight to your skin, robbing it of oxygen. Live smoke free to show your skin some love!

Remember, you're not just sculpting your body; you're nurturing your radiant spirit. Nourish yourself with love, and watch as your inner and outer beauty shine brighter than ever! 11


Tatiana Dear 14-year-old Tatiana, How are you? You should know I find so much joy in thinking and remembering you. I think of your crazy and random dreams that you feel shy to say out loud. But dreams aren’t big enough if they don’t scare you as well. I’d like to believe I have made you proud, and that brings me so much comfort and joy. I could tell you about all the beautiful things that have come to pass, but I’d like to keep them a surprise. So let’s talk about you instead. If I remember right, you are a chubby girl with acne ear to ear and a table cut. You spend so much time looking down on yourself and doubting all you are and all you could be. You highlight every part of you that is different from the current Instagram trend, so you count every calorie you take. You want every piercing that could define you as “cool", from four on each ear to a nose piercing and a belly piercing. I apologize because it was my duty to remind you everyday how beautiful and graceful you are. But that will never take away all the amazing qualities you have. I will always love the drive and passion you instilled in us. It has helped us achieve and strive for so much. I’m grateful for the big, understanding and forgiving heart you have. It will help you find beauty even in the darkest of places. I’m grateful for the beautiful sisterhoods you have cultivated. There will be many times they will hold you up and keep going. Here are a few things I wish I told you more.

I wish I told you there’s more power in being the head and not a tail. Make your own decisions for your own benefit. Fitting in is not all it’s made out to be. Lastly but not the least, Tatiana stop fighting your mother. Yes, you will disagree, but isn't that what all humans do. You are two different people; therefore, you may disagree. But never once think your mother is making a decision because she hates you or wants to see you miserable (unless it's a punishment). Every decision she makes is one that she believes will be the best and most beautiful thing for you. Very soon, you'll see she is your biggest cheerleader and may believe in you, maybe even more than you do. Tatiana, you are beautiful, smart, strong and loved.


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I wish I told you that high school does not last forever. That you won’t sit in those classrooms with your friends forever. But you could make memories that could last forever. You could make friends that could last a life time. So please laugh a little harder. Play a little more. Savour each and every moment. I wish I told you not to let self-doubt stop you. The most painful thing you could do to yourself is live a life with so many what-ifs. I wish I said yes, go out to drama club. Yes, raise your hand up more. Yes, girls of all shapes and sizes can play sports. Don’t let those negative thoughts win.

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By Alice Phiri

Empowered & Unstoppable:

Zambian Queens Rocking International Women’s Day!

Hey Fabulous Queens! Did you know that to create a better world for everyone means including women in all fields? This International Women's Day we shout out the incredible achievements of some seriously awesome Zambian women who are slaying it in their own unique ways! Let's celebrate their awesomeness together!

Malenga Mulendema Netflix babe

Malenga Mulendema is the creative force behind Netflix’s first African animation. Her animated series, Supa Team 4, not only showcases her artistic talent but also brings Zambian stories to a global audience, highlighting the importance of representing diverse cultures in entertainment.

Mampi Queen Diva

Big sis Mampi, is a celebrated Zambian musician. She is known not just for her musical prowess but also for her philanthropy. Using her platform to address social issues, Mampi actively supports charitable causes that uplift communities. Her commitment to making a positive impact through music and philanthropy marks her as an influential figure in Zambia, reaching beyond the realms of entertainment.

Dr Christine Kaseba

Not only was she first lady, Dr Christine Kaseba was a trailblazer in the field of medicine and women's rights advocacy. Her dedicated work in healthcare, coupled with impactful advocacy initiatives, reflects a commitment to positive change. Dr. Kaseba's influence extends beyond borders, making her a key figure in championing healthcare and gender equality on both a national and international scale.

Linda Kasonde Legal Queen Linda Kasonde really is that girl, leading in a male-dominated field. Now that’s what we call a boss babe! Serving as the first female president of the Law Association of Zambia, Linda Kasonde has been a vocal advocate for legal reforms and women's rights. Her dedication to providing a fair legal system and empowering women within the field exemplifies the transformative impact of women in leadership roles.

Rachel Kundananji Sporty Girls Matter

In the realm of sports, Rachel Kundananji has made history as one of the youngest Copper Queens and a dynamic striker for Madrid CFF. Breaking barriers, she became the first African player to be honoured with the prestigious GOAL50 title! Get it, girl! Representing her nation on the global stage? We love to see it! Rachel's skills and goal-scoring prowess have set her apart in women's football. As a beacon of inspiration for aspiring athletes, she is not only making waves in her career but also elevating the profile of African women in the sport. These remarkable Zambian women, doing great things in animation, healthcare, music, sports, and the legal profession, collectively show the diversity and talent of women in Zambia! Their achievements really do inspire the future generation, because if they can do it then so can we! We love how they thrive in various fields, making International Women's Day a moment to celebrate their successes and the progress of women across the globe. 13

By Asante Chipo Chiiya

What’s up Sky Babes! Meet Lusungu Chitundu, the vibrant force behind Her Rootz hair salon as she shares her inspiring journey as a creative maestro in the hair industry.

LUSUNGU CHITUNDU Imagine switching from the corporate world to a salon owner-that’s exactly what Lusungu did at the age of 22. “I wanted to create a space of beauty and confidence for women and girls.” She shares. For her, joy lies in creating a space where women feel confident and beautiful. Her passion for hair isn’t just about styling; but witnessing her clients’ positive moods change after hair care routines, from protective styling to heavenly treatments, fuels Lusungu’s commitment to making hair the healthiest it can be. Guess what? Lusungu didn’t attend a fancy hairdressing school. Instead, she used YouTube tutorials, online classes, and a few hands-on courses. Her secret? “Experience is my best teacher” she says with a smile. Her story challenges the idea that you need a traditional education to succeed-sometimes, passion and a willingness to learn are your best tools.

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follow their dreams, proving that age is just a number when it comes to success. As we wrap up this exciting journey, remember Lusungu's story when you’re faced with doubts as it serves as an inspiration for teens aspiring to pursue their passion fearlessly. Her Rootz isn't just a salon; it's a canvas where creativity connects with confidence, and the fearless pursuit of dreams. So, teens, take this inspiration and weave your own unique story with enthusiasm and creativity-who knows, your journey might be the next big headline!

Reflecting on her journey, Lusungu expresses a desire to have started her salon sooner, overcoming initial fears. “Fear held me back, but now I know the only thing to fear is not trying.” A message she hopes resonates with every teen dreaming of their own venture. Even without a formal training in hair dressing, her creativity is her greatest strength, setting her business apart. Despite opening Her Rootz in 2021, four years after starting, Lusungu's resilience and creativity have shaped her success. At 29, her valuable advice to young entrepreneurs and go-getters out there is: Start sooner, embrace creativity, and don't let fear hinder your dreams. Her journey stands as proof of passion and self-motivation in building a successful career. Also, a source of inspiration for teens looking to




Bossing Life

How To Stay True to Yourself by Trusting Yourself

Hey, SKY girl! As we step into a new year, there's this undeniable buzz of fresh energy, a sense of endless possibilities hanging in the air. Picture this: a brand-new chapter waiting for you to pen down your dreams, aspirations, and victories. This is YOUR year, and guess what? You can boss it like a pro! So, let's talk about a superpower you absolutely need to navigate this journey successfully: being true to yourself.

Embrace the New Year as a canvas primed for your aspirations. Let go of past insecurities and mishaps. Every sunrise brings a chance to redefine yourself. Trust in your capacity to adapt, grow, and thrive like a B.O.S.S.

B.O.S.S. Building Blocks for Trusting Yourself Believe in Your Journey: Grab a journal – make it your personal time capsule! Jot down the highs, the lows, and the lessons that come your way. Trust me, looking back at your journey is like flipping through a scrapbook of your growth. So, spill your thoughts, girl!

Own Your Awesomeness: Start your day with a dose of self-love. Pick three things you like about yourself and write them down. It's like giving yourself a high-five every morning. Watch how this ritual becomes your daily reminder of how awesome you truly are.

Stay True to Yourself: Don't forget about 'me-time.' Schedule a date with yourself each week. Do things that light you up, whether it's diving into a good book, getting artsy, or binge-watching your favourite show. It's your time to just be you!

Surround Yourself with Positivity: Create your personal positivity playlist – a mix of songs, podcasts, or talks that lift you up when things get real. Let those jams be your cheerleaders during the tough moments. You got this, queen!

Dive into the magic of positive vibes by training your mind to focus on solutions rather than problems. When the going gets tough, brainstorm some cool steps to tackle challenges head-on. This superhero mindset is your secret sauce to bouncing back even stronger! Take a journey into your own world with chill exercises like meditation or mindfulness. Build your dream team by surrounding yourself with an epic squad – your ride-or-die friends, cool fam, and wise mentors, who help you stay true to yourself, like your SKY sisters. Make it a habit to catch up and get advice whenever you need it. Together, you become an unstoppable force! And here's a secret power move – flip failure into fuel. Change the way you see messing up. Instead of disappointment, see it as a chance to level up and do better. Learn from each adventure, no matter how small, and cheer for yourself along the way. That’s how you grow into a boss mindset! Bossing at life isn't about perfection; it's about progress. Every small step you take, every positive choice you make, is a testament to your strength. Stay true to yourself, by trusting yourself, implement these practical strategies, and watch how you become the true boss of your journey. You’ll be bang when you realise how easily you learn that you can trust yourself to solve your own problems, and ultimately the direction of your life. Contact details: Bwalya Penza Instagram: innersafariquest_ISQ FaceBook: InnnerSafriQuestISQ Twitter: @innersafari_ISQ


How to Stay True

To Yourself Hey SKY Babes this year we are standing on business and this means staying true to yourself! We believe in owning your choices and doing what’s best for you. Just like Nandi in Tikula we face challenges that test our character and this practice guides you to master the skill of staying true to yourself.

Look at these scenarios below and ask yourself how you would respond. It's okay to be honest with yourself, no one's looking. Use the below scenarios to practice saying no.


If your friend offered you a cigarette to smoke but you know that’s totally not your thing what would you say?

2 3 16

If you’re hanging out with a group of friends and you’re feeling uncomfortable because there is a boy that keeps touching you, how would you tell him to stop?

If your friend wants to participate in a social media challenge that you don’t agree with, how will you say no and stay true to yourself?


If your friends encourage you to skip a class or cheat on a test, what would you say?

6 7

If a stranger on social media asks for personal information online, how would you say no?

If your friends suggest wearing something that makes you feel uncomfortable, how will you tell them you aren’t comfortable?

9 10


If your boyfriend has been putting pressure on you to have sex with him and you are not ready, how would you tell him no?


If one of your guy friends has a crush on you but you want to focus on yourself, what would you say?

If your friends invited you to a party and everyone asks you to participate in skinny dipping how would you say no?

If your friends pressure you to participate in online bullying, what would you say?

SKY girls are girls who stay true to themselves, we stay true by knowing what’s our thing, and what’s not our thing, and we’re able to say no to negative peer pressure. So SKY girls, how do you say no to peer pressure? Let us know on our socials. 17

Hey Beautiful Sis! There comes a moment when we block out the haters and the negativity and realise how awesome you are. As the lyrics of Alessia Cara, “You should know you're beautiful just the way you are, and you don't have to change a thing, the world could change its heart, No scars to your beautiful, we’re stars and we’re beautiful”. We asked you incredible SKY Girls to tell us what you cherish most about yourselves. Check out these responses!

I don't change for anyone and tell myself that I can do big things in life. @Cecilia Tembo

What I love about myself is that I am kind, confident and trust myself no matter the circumstance. I show love to myself by doing things I love and things that bring me joy.

I love the fact that I'm confident in my skin and body. I show myself love by having me time a lot. @Blessings Mbewe

@Itx Mirriam

My bold confidence to take on anything that comes my way. @mulonshadiana 18

I love my hair and skin, one of the ways to show love is by taking care of your body with skin and hair care routines. @__sheisellen

Minding my own business, not talking a lot. Minding my own business gives me peace and less stress. Not talking a lot helps me not to find myself in argument and fights with people. @Chonya Carmelita

I love that I am strong despite the situation I'm in. Tips to get me going are prayer, self-love and courage. @catrinakitel

I love my big eyes. I ignore all the bad things people say and I try my best to love myself. @be.cca4988

What I love about myself is that I don't let people's negative words get to me because I know me better. @angelck1102

I love my personality and my face and body. I take good care of myself and I take myself on solo dates. @lowkeycharlene

Share what you love most about yourself to our socials and let’s keep this self-love train going! 19


COVER By Daisy Chulu


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We brought in special judges including Susy Thomas, our Stay True host and ECO-feminist; Nachilala Nkombo, a conservation activist and former country director of the World Wild Fund for Nature; and Ruben Sapetalu, representing UNICEF. We partnered with UNICEF to bring attention to how climate change is impacting us all. The judges had a tough time choosing winners because your entries – poetry, essays, videos, even raps – were nothing short of amazing! When you said your thing was creativity, you weren't kidding! Ultimately we could only have five winners, so congratulations to the Creativity for Climate Change winners: Yolanda Banda, Walya Chishimikwa, Mumba Jennifer, Faith Njobvu and Lusungu Tasheni Banda.

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Hey fabulous SKY babes In this edition, we spiced things up with a Facebook competition, challenging you to showcase how climate change affects your community. Climate change refers to long-term changes in temperature, rain, and all things weather. Humans (yeah, us) play a big role by burning fossil fuels, chopping down trees, and doing industrial activities that spew out gases like Carbon dioxide, Methane, and Nitrous Oxide. These gases trap heat warming up our planet. As young people, who will inherit this planet, we are likely to feel the impact of climate change. Our food and our health are at risk because of climate change. We have the power to make the changes needed to reduce the impact of climate change. That’s why this competition in partnership with UNICEF was so important - to remind you not only what climate change is doing to our communities, but also that you have a voice to spread awareness and action.

Everyone may th ink they know about the cause of Zambia's dampened glow . But no one can control the lies th at are taking a toll. The land drie s up, and the flowers fail to gr ow. People's livelihoods are sp inning out of control. Floods break down the walls and doors, taking away people with nowh ere to go. Climate change is the reason we feel scorched an d sore, whether it's from the heat feeling like snow or the cold .W alright until it's tim e say that it's e to gather the crops and not m ake a dime. Food is getting spoile d, pl receiving food fro ants aren't m the soil. I know I may soun d spoiled, but I can't help the ac hing sorrow etched in my he art, by our lands growing bare an d tearing us apart. Climate ch ange can change, even th ough it breaks us down, we'll neve r stay on the ground.

Lusungu Tasheni Banda (14) School: St Mary’s Secondary School

I started stalking SKY after I saw how you can become a cover girl in one of the magazines, so I stayed up to date, waiting for a competition I could participate in. What made me try out for the Creativity for Climate Change competition is that it was about something I am passionate about, which is climate, because if we could deal with that problem, a lot of good can be done in the world. I decided to write a poem because poetry comes easily to me. I wanted to show how climate change has caused excessive temperatures, messed up weather patterns, damaged crops, droughts and floods that destroy people's homes. And I showed how to prevent it. I said we could change it if we all came together as one, even though the conditions try to tear us apart. My favourite part about the poem is that I let my creativity flow, and it was for a good cause. I was extremely happy when I won because I didn’t think I would win. When the day of the photoshoot arrived, I was excited. I couldn't wait to meet the other cover girls and the SKY people. I loved the photoshoot so much! The people were very nice, everyone was friendly. I loved making videos and taking pics, especially the TikTok videos, and the photographer was funny and fun; it was very eventful, and I would love to do this again. The theme of this issue is self love. Self-love means loving myself regardless of what people say and being proud of who I am, knowing that people's opinions don't define me.

Walya Chishimikwa (16) School: St Patrick’s Girls School

I saw the competition on Facebook and knew I had to participate because I love environmental stuff. I want to be an environmentalist or an aquarist. Climate change isn't discussed, and it greatly impacts the world. I made a multimedia presentation, so I downloaded videos and gathered materials from Pinterest and Google. When I made my video, I was thrilled with the results. My favourite part about my project was when I was explaining how we can prevent climate change. And we can prevent it by spreading awareness, not burning trash, but seeing how we can reuse or recycle things, and also by switching to energy efficient bulbs to conserve electricity. Although people neglect climate change a lot, if people see this stuff, they can learn how to prevent it.


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When I learned that I won the competition, I was so happy; it was my best friend’s birthday. She was also excited and happy for me; it was like a double celebration. I really enjoyed the photoshoot. Everyone was nice. It was an open space with no restrictions. I met my fellow cover girls, who were amazing, and we got along so well in a short time. Self-love means doing things that I like and not doing things to impress other people or just because others are doing it; it means knowing who I am.

Faith Njobvu (16)

School: New Mtendere Secondary School

I decided to participate in the competition because I’ve always wanted to be on the magazine cover. I got my materials from the SKY hub; I used Google for research and asked my community. What I loved the most about my project was discovering new information about climate change. I showed the cry for Mother Earth, warning us about what would become of us if we didn't care for Mother Earth, and I drew some drawings depicting what would happen to Mother Earth, such as hotter temperatures, droughts, or floods, crops dying, and increased diseases. When I learned I won, I was so happy, and my family was also happy for me. When the day of the photoshoot came, I was beyond excited to meet the other girls because we spent the past days video calling each other and talking a lot. I loved the place we were doing the photoshoot from, the environment it gave nature vibes, and I felt like nature spoke to me. It was amazing. I loved the whole experience. To me being true to myself means I have the power to make my own decisions without caring if other people object; I stand proudly. Self-love means giving myself time to understand myself and get to know me.

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Jennifer Mumba (15) School: Jimel Mission School

I participated in the competition because I have always wanted to be a model and be in a magazine. Also, I wanted to show how climate change has affected my community. I made a video explaining how climate change has affected my community. I used an app called Inshot for editing. My entry defined climate, the common causes of climate change and how it has impacted my community, such as changes in the growing season, severity of seasonal droughts and increased temperatures - just look at the weather patterns we are experiencing right now - this is climate change. The challenge I faced was when doing my research, I had to visit people's homes, to understand how they saw the impact of climate change. I am a social person, but only some were welcoming. I was so happy and felt really nice when I found out I won. I was eager for the photoshoot and to meet the other girls. When the day of the photoshoot arrived, I was happy. My SKY experience was fun. It was the best experience ever! The environment was peaceful. I liked my hair, my makeup, the snacks, the studio and how we were being guided on how to pose. Everything was really lovely; I loved it! Self-love means putting me first.


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Yolanda Banda (17) School: Great North Academy

I found out about the competition on Facebook while scrolling through it. It popped up on my fyp (for you page) because I follow SKY, so I decided to try my luck. I participated in the competition because I love advocacy work and taking pictures, so combining them made it more fun! My favourite part of my project was drawing because, growing up, I really loved to draw. I got all my materials from home, and my project involved a lot of research. My challenge was coming up with definitions because I was illustrating a drawing of climate change. My drawing represents how climate change is affecting the community through heat waves. Heat waves are prolonged periods of excessively hot weather due to greenhouse gas emissions.They can cause extreme discomfort which can lead to various respiratory diseases and heat related illnesses such as heat strokes because it becomes hard to regulate body temperature. Heat waves cause drought which is lack of rainfall for a period of time, this can cause food shortages and drying up of water sources like rivers.The burning of fossil fuels adds greenhouse gases to the atmosphere which traps more heat energy and increases the temperature.We can prevent this by recycling instead of burning things in the environment, reducing on the toxic emissions from factories and planting more trees to increase production of oxygen in the air.

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I was really excited when I won the competition. It felt like a dream because it was something I'd wanted for a long time, and when I finally got it, I got to meet my SKY sisters; I loved the makeup and how they styled my hair. It made me feel confident, and I looked pretty!! I loved everything. Self-love means accepting myself for who I am, even with my flaws, and thanking God for making me in his image; growing up, I never used to like my height, but now it's something that I embrace because it has gotten me opportunities such as modelling that I love.

Here's the cool part; all you fantastic girls can be eco-warriors! Competitions like this aren't just about winning; they're your chance to fight climate change and say, "Not on our watch!" Use your voice, get creative, and let's show the world that girls are rocking the stage in the fight to save our planet. Learn more about climate change, its effects, and what you can do to take action by searching for climate change on the Internet of Good Things (

for every child

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Chisoma Katutwa

Tao Nga Nchimunya C. Chuma

Minika Rolez

Tehila Kabby

Doris Phiri

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Vanexxa Mwindula

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Alexandra Mainza


Cultivating Body Positivity Body Positivity. You've heard the term, but what does it mean, and why is it such a big deal? Did you watch the last season of Tikula? Of course you did, why am I even asking! Remember how Mimi was not happy with her body, and judged Chawezi for over indulging in what she ate? That’s because while Mimi struggled to accept her body, Chawezi was much more body positive.

When you're all about body positivity, it's like a massive confidence boost. You start appreciating what your body can do, not just how it looks. And it's a mood lifter for mental health too, replacing the comparison game with self-love and acceptance.

Body positivity is all about embracing and accepting all body types, sizes, shapes, and appearances. It's a movement challenging society's narrow beauty standards, urging people to love and appreciate their bodies just as they are. In a world bombarding us with images of ‘perfect’ bodies, often altered and unreal, body positivity steps in, saying beauty isn't one-size-fits-all.

Don't forget the beauty of celebrating diversity. Our world is a patchwork of unique, incredible bodies, and body positivity is about recognising that.

Choosing body positivity isn't just about boosting self-esteem; it's creating a ripple effect of positivity. By loving yourself, you inspire others. It builds a community where everyone feels seen, valued, and beautiful.

The real magic? It empowers you. Instead of seeking approval from outside sources, body positivity hands you the pen to write your own story. You become the boss of your worth, embracing your body's amazing, wonderful journey.

Now that you know what body positivity is and why it’s a game-changer, here are some tips to champion your own body positivity. Picture your body as your personal canvas; you're the artist creating a masterpiece. Every curve (or even no curve), every stroke tells your unique story.

Activate body confidence! Get moving in a way that makes you feel like a star – whether it's dancing solo or owning the netball court. Your body loves the groove, boosting your confidence like magic.


You're not just any gem; you're the rare kind tucked away in a treasure chest. Your body is a one-of-a-kind deal, and that's what makes you shine. Embrace those features that scream 'you.' They're your sparkle!

Turn that mirror into your hype squad. Skip fault-finding and drop compliments on yourself. Remind that reflection that it's strong, beautiful, and totally killing it.

Fashion is your playground. Wear what makes you feel great – be it a bold pattern, or those jeans you never want to take off. Your style is your language, so own it!

Let's chat about Insta, TikTok, and Snapchat – they're cool, but they can mess with our vibes. Unfollow anything that makes you feel 'less-than' and soak up the positivity.

Your body is a garden, and it craves love, positive vibes, and some nutritious fuel. No crazy diets here – it's about giving your body the love it deserves. A healthy inside beams on the outside. Craft a Body Positivity Playlist – songs that shout out love for all bodies.


B's tips:

I've walked in your shoes. In a world yelling about fitting into moulds, know this; your uniqueness is your superpower. Your body is YOURS, and it's already perfect. Treat it with love. Also, when it comes to others, spread that body positivity like confetti: Be Uplifting with Words - Kind words have a huge impact. Spread positivity with simple compliments. Own Your Uniqueness - Remind your squad that their quirks are what make them awesome. Celebrate everything that makes each person special. Dress with Confidence - Be a Fashion Forward Friend, encouraging others to embrace their style. Confidence is contagious! Yearn for Healthy Vibes - Encourage healthy habits not for appearance but for inner well-being. Invite friends to join you in activities that make you all feel good. Pause the Social Media Illusion - Have real talks about social media. Remind your squad that what's online is often a highlight reel, not the whole story. Operate in Group Positivity - Create a pact with your friends. Share affirmations, encourage goals, and remind each other of your value. Together, you're a force of love. Safe in the No Judgement Zone - Ensure your circle is free of judgement. Everyone's on their unique journey, and your friendship should be a safe space full of acceptance and love. Inspire Confidence - Be the friend who inspires confidence and celebrates uniqueness in every soul you meet. Together, Unstoppable - Together, as a group of positive and supportive friends, you're an unstoppable force of love. Instil Confidence - Be an inspiration by instilling confidence in your friends. Encourage them to believe in themselves. Validate Each Other - Offer validation and support. Let your friends know that their feelings and experiences are valid and respected. Embrace Every Journey - Embrace the uniqueness of each person's journey. Everyone is different, and that's what makes the world beautiful.

Remember, being body positive isn't just about loving yourself; it's about spreading that love around sis.

Contact details: Bwalya Penza Instagram: innersafariquest_ISQ FaceBook: InnnerSafriQuestISQ Twitter: @innersafari_ISQ


DATING DECODED By Noah, Tristan and Mutale

Heyy, SKY Squad! We sat down with Stay True’s Boys and Bants Noah, Tristan, and Mutale - to spill the tea on the red flags and green flags that every teen girl needs to know about. Get ready for some real talk from the guys who've been there!



Unnecessary Late Replies: Waiting forever for a text? Not cool, and Noah agrees.

Attentive Listening: He listens to your requests and values what you have to say.

One-Sided Convos: If it's all about him and never about you, Houston, we have a problem.

Standard Interaction with Girls: Keeping it standard with other girls instead of flirting, is a green flag for Noah.

Girl Overload: Talking to more girls than the Avengers members? Red alert!

Public Display of Affection: Taking you out publicly and showing you off is a sign of pride in the relationship.

Communication Breakdown: If he's not talking, and we don't mean the silent type, that's a red flag.

Being true to yourself: A guy who wants you to just be you, and doesn’t try to change you. He knows you’re smoke free and he loves that about you.

Secretive Romeo: Keeping the relationship on lockdown? That's not how team work works.

Supporting Dreams: Encouraging and supporting your dreams and goals is a green flag.

Verbal Firestorm: Words hurt, and Mutale's flagging it: a guy should talk to you with respect.

Shared Interests: Having common interests fosters deepens your vibe.

Intentions MIA: If you're playing detective to figure him out, Tristan says it's a red flag.

Openness: Sharing personal problems shows trust and comfort.

Selective Hearing: Not vibing with your words? Tristan sees that as a major red light. Time Neglect: If he can't find time for you, he's not worth yours.


Remember, girls, these flags are your cheat codes for a drama-free game of love. Check out more from Boys and Bants on the SKY Girls Zed youtube channel or watch Stay True Saturdays on ZNBC TV2 at 16:05 hours.

Protective Nature: Willingness to protect you, even if it means sacrificing other relationships, is a green flag for Tristan. Conflict Resolution: Recovering well after fights or arguments demonstrates emotional maturity.

The Best


The Flashcard Method

By Precious Mubanga

Do you feel like your study habits just aren't working for you anymore? We may have had a few extra weeks of holiday time because of cholera, but we're back in school, and it’s time to catch up and ensure we’re staying on top of our studies. Here are some tried and tested note taking tips that WORK! And are guaranteed to spice up your study routine.

The Outline Method

You are probably already familiar with this method, as it is the first note-taking method most of us are taught at school. All you have to do is write a heading for each chapter, a sub-heading for each topic and a bullet point for each fact or statement and you’re done! If it feels simple, that’s because it should be. This method works well because it is quick and organizes information in a way that will not confuse you. If you have a few minutes to spare, you can use highlighters, gel pens and stickers to make your notes more interesting. Your notes, your style, your way!

Flashcards are fun and really easy to make. This method is great for subjects like History and Civic Education but it’s a no-no for subjects like Mathematics. All you need to do is write a keyword or phrase on one side of a card and its definition on the other side. If you want to study on the go, there are many flashcard apps like Anki and Quizlet that you can use to make flashcards on your phone.

The Mind-Map Method This method is great for visual learners. Write the topic in the middle of the page and fill in as much information as you can remember about it. Feel free to include abbreviations, diagrams, flowcharts and timelines. You can write or draw anything, just make sure that the notes will make sense to you when you need them later. Pro Tip: Check out your school library for past papers or check out Zed Past to help you improve your understanding of the subject.

The Summary Sheet Method

The Question-and-Answer Method This method is similar to the Summary Sheet method, but with a slight twist. After you have finished reading a chapter, make a list of questions based on it and answer them using your own words. The answers should summarize the whole chapter. When you are reviewing the topic, all you need to do is cover the answers and test yourself using the questions. You can mix multiple choice questions with extended response ones to make it feel more like an actual exam. If you do not feel like coming up with your own questions, many textbooks have a quiz after each chapter that you can use or you can search for some tests online.

This method requires a little bit of effort, but all the best study techniques usually do. Basically, you read or listen to a lesson and try your best to summarize it. You are more likely to remember the topic if you summarize it using your own words so try not to copy everything you read. Make sure you include key words and definitions and leave out any words that are unnecessary. Your summary should not be longer than a page or two.

Overall, the best study method depends on the subject you are studying and how you prefer to study. To make the most of your study routine, it is best to use several different methods so that you can cover all of your bases and ace your finals.


Are flowers your thing? Are you ready to unleash your inner florist and create stunning bouquets that will make everyone's jaw drop? By Wendy Mvula

In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the art of DIY flower arrangements, so you can bring your own personal touch to every petal and leaf. Get ready to bloom with creativity!

STEP 1: GET YOUR STUFF TOGETHER First things first, gather all the things you'll need: fresh flowers (pick your favorites!), sharp scissors, Aspirin and a cool vase and any extra decorations like ribbons or leaves.

STEP 2: PREP YOUR FLOWERS Time to get those flowers ready! Trim the stems at a slanted angle (like a cool haircut) and remove any leaves or thorny bits that are gonna get in the way.


STEP 3: FIND THE PERFECT SPOT Choose a vase or container that matches your style and the flowers you picked. Make sure it's clean and fill it up with fresh water and add some crushed Aspirin, this helps to preserve your flowers and keep them fresh longer.

STEP 4: START WITH THE STARS These are the big, eye-catching blooms that steal the show. Trim their stems to the height you like and place them evenly in the container.

STEP 5: ADD SOME BACKUP Now, bring in the backup crew! These are the smaller flowers that add some extra oomph to your arrangement. Scatter them around, filling in the spaces between the main flowers.

STEP 6: GREEN IS GOOD Greenery is key, my friend! Grab some leaves, branches, or ferns to give your arrangement a lush vibe. Stick 'em in there, making sure they're spread out all nice and even.

STEP 7: FILL IN THE BLANKS Take a step back and check out your masterpiece. If you spot any gaps or uneven spots, fill 'em in with more flowers or greenery. This will make your arrangement look totally complete.

Ouu bestie great job on your arrangement! Make sure to change the water after 4 days and add either lemon juice, vinegar or Aspirin into your water, to keep them fresh for a long period and also to prevent them from rotting. When you try this, share your bouquet on our socials so we can feature them too!

STEP 8: FINAL TOUCHES Give your creation a final trim, making sure all the stems are the right length. And if you're feeling extra fancy, add some ribbons or twine for that extra wow factor.


My best friend gets more attention; it somehow makes me insecure SKY Girl 5: As a good friend, just be there for your friend because she's your best friend; you shouldn't be insecure; your time will come, okay? Don't seek attention. Instead seek growth. @Josephine Mwanza


SKY Girl 6: I totally get how you feel, Sis. It's tough when you see your best friend getting more attention. But remember, attention doesn't define your worth. You have your own unique qualities that make you special. Focus on nurturing your own interests and building your self-confidence. Surround yourself with supportive people who appreciate you for who you are. You deserve all the love and attention in the world, my friend! Keep being amazing! @violet


SKY Aunty B: It's totally natural to feel that way sometimes. Instead of letting it make you insecure, focus on celebrating your friend's successes and unique qualities. Remember, everyone shines in different ways. Also, take time to appreciate your own strengths and accomplishments. Being supportive and genuinely happy for your friend’s strengthens your bond and lifts you up. You're awesome, just as you are. Aunty B @innersafariquest_isq


Should I go back to my ex-boyfriend or not? He says he loves me very much SKY Girl 1: It all depends on your feelings and emotions; if you feel things between you will be different, then go ahead; if you still need time to process your feelings, let him know and be patient with yourself, and don't let pressure inform your decision. @Thelisa Zipporah SKY Girl 2: Hey, Hey, sis. Making a decision about getting back with an ex can be tough. It's important to consider the reasons why you broke up in the first place and whether those issues have been resolved. Take time to reflect on your feelings and what you want in a relationship. Trust your instincts and listen to your heart. Ultimately, you deserve to be with someone who loves and respects you. Good luck.

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SKY Aunty B: Thinking about rekindling with an ex is natural, but it's crucial to reflect on why you two broke up initially. Consider if those reasons are still relevant. While love is essential, trust, respect, and communication are equally vital. Have an open chat with him about your concerns and listen to his perspective. Follow your gut feeling; if something doesn't seem right or you're unsure, it might be best to take things slow and evaluate your feelings over time. There's no need to rush into anything; prioritise your happiness and well-being. Aunty B @innersafariquest_isq


How can I forget about someone I love and can't imagine not being with them? SKY Girl 3: My dear, I know it's not easy to move on, but what I have learnt is that when you are in a relationship, and you really love that person, and the person you love broke up with you, yes it's going to be hard for you to forget him but you are a girl, and you are beautiful they are a lot of boys out there who would want to be with you so learn to move on with your life, he's giving you a chance to find the guy who is going to love you more and keep you safe that's all I can say @emmapretty

SKY Girl 4: Try doing some hobbies and make yourself feel happy and try reading SKY issue 12 about happiness. @silentworld

SKY Aunty B: Breakups can be tough, and moving on from someone you loved deeply is a challenging process. Firstly, allow yourself to feel and acknowledge the emotions. It's okay to grieve the relationship. Then, focus on self-care do things that make you happy and help you grow. Surround yourself with supportive friends and engage in activities that bring you joy. Consider talking to a trusted friend, family member, or counsellor about your feelings. Remember, healing takes time, so be patient and compassionate with yourself. Sending you strength and positivity. Aunty B️ @innersafariquest_isq




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That could be YOU! How to Join

the Party? Easy Peasy! Just hit up our social media link tree and find the application form waiting for you!

Fill it out, show us your personality, and that's it – you're officially in the running to become a SKY sensation. Can it get any simpler? Nope!

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