Volume 94, Issue 10

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VOL 94 : 10 NOVEMBER 9th, 2016 The independent student newspaper of St. John’s University



“It is time for us to come together” PHOTO/LEADERTELEGRAM.COM




New York’s local election winners



Assistant News Editor This past Tuesday, many New York residents cast their votes for local candidates running for New York State Senate, New York State Assembly, the Supreme Court and Congress. St. John’s is located within the 14th Senatorial District, 24th Assembly District, 11th Judicial District and fifth Congressional District. NY State Senator and Democratic incumbent Leroy Comrie retained his posi-

tion in the 14th Senatorial District with 87.35 percent of the vote, while Republican candidate and newcomer Jarret Freeman garnered 7.29 percent of the vote. Assemblyman of the 24th District and Democratic incumbent David I. Weprin won with 76.02 percent of the vote, while Republican candidate Ira Harris received 16.15 percent. Eight candidates ran for the 11th Judicial Court of Queens County, which had seven open seats. The seven who won included Marguerite Grays, 10.27 percent; Joseph Esposito, 9.87 percent; Cheree Buggs, 7.39 percent; William Viscovich,

9.24 percent; Margaret McGowan, 9.39 percent; Joseph Zayas, 9.30 percent; Ernest Hart, 7.93 percent. Candidate Joseph Kasper received 2.16 percent of the vote. Democratic incumbent and Congressman of the fifth Congressional District Gregory Meeks won with 80.44 percent of the vote. Opposing candidates included Republican candidate Michael O’Reilly 12.24 percent, and Green party candidate Frank Francois, 1.43 percent. In addition, St. John’s freshman and Republican candidate for the 25th Assembly District Usman Ali Chohan garnered 20.64 percent of the vote, and lost

to Democratic incumbent Nily D. Rozic with 58.87 percent. In the national race for U.S. Senator, Democratic candidate and incumbent Charles Schumer, running for his fourth term, received 66.96 percent of the vote. His opponents included Republican candidate Wendy Long, 26 percent; Green Party candidate Robin Laverne Wilson, 1.43%; Libertarian candidate Alex Merced, 0.61%. The results of the New York general election spell a majority of Democratic wins for the state, with many offices continuing to be held by incumbents.




Trump wins in stunning upset

Unlikely GOP nominee wins presidential race, beating out Hillary Clinton


Editor-in-Chief, News Editor, Opinion Editor Republican candidate Donald Trump has won the election and will be the 45th President of the United States. Trump won a majority of electoral votes, at 276, as of 3:25 a.m. Wednesday, according to Politico. After surpassing the critical 270 mark, Trump’s win was cemented. The Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton conceded to his victory, according to the New York Times. In his acceptance speech at the Midtown Hilton in Manhattan, Trump appeared to a roaring crowd that chanted “USA! USA! USA!” as he made his way on the stage. Following Trump’s rise to the “magic 270,” Trump’s running mate Mike Pence announced to the crowd at the New York Hilton, “The American people have spoken and the American people have elected a new champion.” Trump began his speech by saying, “Sorry to keep you waiting, complicated business.” He continued by telling the crowd that Clinton called him to concede the results. “I just received a call from Secretary Clinton, she congratulated us on our victory and I congratulated her and her family on a very hard fought campaign,” Trump said. In a change of tone towards Clinton, Trump granted her compliments in her presidential campaign. “Hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to this country,” Trump said. Trump also spoke to those who didn’t support him. “I will be president for all Americans and that is very important to me,” Trump said. During his speech, the Presi-


dent-elect emphasized the themes that have dominated his campaign: reclaiming and reforming the nation. “We must reclaim our country’s destiny,” he said. “We will seek common ground, not hostility.” Added Trump, “We will embark upon a national project of hope and renewal.” Trump also addressed the history taking place, but not without emphasizing having “to do a great job.” “While the campaign is over, our work on this movement is only the beginning,” he said. Some St. John’s students expressed their disdain for Trump’s dominance in the race. “I am saddened that a man who has advocated for sexual assault, propelled islamophobia, made racists remarks, and with no understanding of foreign policy has made it this far. It disgusts me,” sophomore Annamaria Basile said. Junior Joel Vazquez said, “America has let me down in the worst way possible and has shown me once and for all that my life truly does not matter.” The Torch also reached out to several students who said they were pro-Trump, however, none wished to go on the record to talk about their views. “I think the election being this close says so much about the country because of the willingness people have to support a person that has no experience in the government and has proved countless times that he is not suitable to lead,” sophomore Sieta Leon said. “I understand that voting on both sides can result difficult but I don’t think people are seeing the magnitude of what him being elected means.”




SJU's political groups Young Americans for Freedom SUZANNE CIECHALSKI


Although the Young Americans for Freedom at St. John’s University are not yet a recognized organization by SGI, their conservative beliefs drive the group’s role at the University. President Brian Dugan, senior and Government and Politics MAJOR, tells how the group has not exactly encouraged students to get out and vote, but has been active in recruiting members at the debate watch parties they hosted with SJU Participate and Brian Browne.


What are the group’s feelings on the current election? On campus, essentially we have a lot of Trump supporters. Nationally, this is the

difference and I think it’s a good distinction -- on campus you have people that are Trump supporters through and through. Nationally, YAF, you have Trump supporters who are voting for him basically because of the Supreme Court, but they don’t like the guy at all. Q: What are your plans for after the election? The biggest thing that I want to do with YAF before I graduate is bring a speaker. They have a lot of speakers, I’ve got to raise money for that, but that’s probably one of the biggest pros of YAF as opposed to College Republicans or other groups, is their roster of speakers is bar none. And they’re really supportive with getting them and setting everything up. Q: Is there anybody in particular you

College Democrats


Opinion Editor

Can you explain who the College Democrats are and what they do? We strive to educate the student body and people in the NYC area to use their political

What are some events or events you have hosted for this election? We have helped with the debate watch parties. We also got people to sign petitions so that Democrat and Progressive candidates can be on the ballot. We also put on a “How can we be more bipartisan?” event and a “Disillusionment of Democracy” event.

College Republicans ISABELLA BRUNI

Chief Copy Editor

Still in the process of becoming an official organization, the College Republicans were excited to see the results of the 2016 Presidential Election, while not endorsing the Republican candidate Donald J. Trump, or any candidate for that matter. President Patrick Romain, a junior Government & Politics major and Economics minor, hopes that, through the group, people “start thinking about political philosophies and love and defend the country.” Understanding what right-winged values actually are and getting people to join the group are the main goals of the College Republicans. Can you explain who the College Republi-

cans are and what they do? So we’re an organization on campus to promote the interest of the Republican party. Our students work for candidates, educate people on what conservatism, libertarianism are and what right winged values actually are. That includes forums, panels, small groups led by students, getting speakers. We hope people can fashion their skills as well, right, on public service, people working for a think tank, the National Review and I guess that last part intellectually helps in pushing the party in any way. What are some events or events you are going to host for this election? Well this year we already had a joint event with the College Democrats I don’t remember, I forgot what it was, it was on a topic of

Q: Is there anything else that you think students should know about your organization? I think the biggest thing is…[a student] came up to us when we were doing the tabling initially, and he was like, ‘I’m liberal, but the left has gone insane,’ and all over the country, people are hearing the same thing -- like with freedom of speech. YAF, is conservative, but it’s one of the only groups that are fighting for freedom of speech on campus, which is really, essential in this environment where you’re supposed to be exposed to new ideas.

What do you see moving forward after the election? We want to focus more on collaborating with other schools and organizations (off-campus and on) to further the democratic platform. We specifically want to focus on influencing America’s international agenda but most importantly, we hope to help create and implement domestic policies that will allow the most vulnerable in our society to be socially and economically viable. We plan on helping immigrants get their citizenship, participate in anti-war protests, and furthering democratic ideals. There’s a lot we can do.


discuss their positions Young Americans for Liberty ANGELICA ACEVEDO

News Editor

One of the newest political groups at St. John’s University is Young Americans for Liberty (YAL). President Vincent Manta, a sophomore and English major, and Vice President Rumman Rafsan, a junior and Government and Politics major, said that their main goal is to encourage open dialogue among Johnnies about important topics and promote free speech and individual rights through activism. The organization is on its way to becoming recognized by Student Government Inc. (SGI), which will help them organize events and become more active on campus. What candidate is YAL supporting in this election and why? Manta: The group doesn’t officially endorse anybody. But individually we’re allowed to have our own leanings and who we support. But as a chapter we’re not going to come

How did you encourage students to register to vote? We have got many people on campus registered to vote. We also have gone to local subway stations to get people registered. They want change and they see that happening through voting.


Like most of the other political groups on campus, the College Democrats are still waiting on approval from SGI. The group is part of the college arm of the Democratic Party. President Taylor Tate, senior Government and Politics major, stresses the importance of voting and making sure students’ voices are heard. The College Democrats hope students stay politically active even once the election is over. Tate wants a structure in place to help students become more politically active and that there is a place on campus to promote democratic ideals. She sees the College Democrats as fulfilling this goal.

capital to ensure that their government officials are accountable to their interests. We believe people can hold their government officials accountable through voting, petitioning and participating in marches. We want people in our community to be able to make their views known. We want their interests in the legislative agenda. We want their politicians to pass policies that will enable them to socially and economically mobilize. We plan to help make that happen by doing debates, roundtables, GOTV events and organizing marches.

have in mind? There is someone in particular, but we can’t really afford him...Ben Shapiro... that’s...literally every YAF chapter wants Ben Shapiro.



out and endorse anybody because we’re a non-profit. We’re closely tied with Ron Paul though…But never any endorsements.

Do you think there will be more third party votes in this election? Manta: I can see it more but you don’t know until election day because some polls have Gary at five percent, some have them at two percent, you’re not going to know until then. Rafsan: The biggest part of the Libertarian Party right now is to get five percent of the vote so that they could be recognized as a minor party for the future. So maybe later on in future presidential elections, the Libertarian Party could have a bigger voice. And it also goes down to Senate races, Congress races to get the Libertarian Party in all of those. How did you encourage students to register, vote and stay involved in politics after the elections? Manta: [Earlier in the elections] one of our friends worked for Students for Bernie, and

Donald Trump “I don’t trust Hillary.”

Joseph DiPaola ‘22

we spread for them that they were having like a voting drive - so we’re willing to work with anybody who wants to be politically active. Rafsan: We also have a lot of diverse opinions in our group - we have a lot of Bernie supporters, we have a few Trump supporters, a lot of Gary Johnson supporters - so basically since we’re inclusive of all political ideologies, more people are welcome to come and discuss their ideas compared to other political groups who are more exclusive. What are your plans after the presidential elections? Manta: We’re hoping that more people have become more politically engaged because of this election, and we’re mainly hoping to just grow the group … So after the elections, when we’re finally recognized, we’re probably going to do some activism events, hold more meetings, there’s some things on the website like a ‘free speech ball’ where you blow a giant beach ball up on campus and talk about free speech.

Hillary Clinton

Undecided “Neither of them are fit to be president.”

“She’s not Trump.”

Jada White ‘17

Ariana Rolon ‘19


Hillary Clinton “I’d rather have Clinton appoint the next Supreme Court justice.”

Andreia Gibau ‘17

Student Sparks Who are you voting for?

immigration where people could talk about it. Nov. 8 we hope to have an event I guess basically on Trump and Hillary and contrasting the future of the Republican party. What is it now. How have you encouraged students to register to vote, get out and vote and get involved with the group? We’ve been actively recruiting during debate watching sessions. We got 12 names once from one session. I asked my friends if they wanted to join, they asked their friends so it’s a growing thing. We had 40+ names at one point. More than the requirements. What do you have planned for after the election? Damage control. No I’m just kidding. If

we’re all around after the election, just talk about how to all went and what track America is on now. Look at the map and see how people voted and policies we want enacted and see what goes on from there. Again the activism, working for people in Congress, the education will continue.

Sahn Choi

Hillary Clinton “She has more experience in the White House.” Regine Auguste ‘19


Jill Stein “Best foreign and domestic policies.”

Steven Connolly ‘17

Hillary Clinton “Neither are exactly ideal. She is more ideal.” Cynthia Estevez ‘20

Donald Trump “He has brought up the sensitive issues that were overlooked the past decade.”

Mario DiNicuolo ‘19 THIS SURVEY WAS TAKEN ON OCT. 21.


Hillary Clinton Democratic Party

Donald Trump Republican Party








































Electoral Votes by State California 55 Texas 38 Florida 29 New York 29 Illinois 20 Pennsylvania 20 Ohio 18 Georgia 16 Michigan 16 North Carolina 15 New Jersey 14 Virginia 13 Washington 12 Arizona 11 Indiana 11 Massachusetts 11 Tennessee 11 Maryland 10 Minnesota 10 Missouri 10 Wisconsin 10 Alabama 9 Colorado 9 South Carolina 9 Kentucky 8 Louisiana 8 Connecticut 7 Oklahoma 7 Oregon 7 Arkansas 6 Iowa 6 Kansas 6 Mississippi 6 Nevada 6 Utah 6 Nebraska 5 New Mexico 5 West Virginia 5 Hawaii 4 Idaho 4 Maine 4 New Hampshire 4 Rhode Island 4 Alaska 3 Delaware 3 District of Columbia 3 Montana 3 North Dakota 3 South Dakota 3 Vermont 3 Wyoming 3 Partial results

HI The electoral count was done with numbers from Politico at about 3:30 am. Not all races were completely called at the time of publication

8 Features


Celebrities turned successful politicians

From child star all the way to the “governator”




REZA MORENO Features Editor With Donald Trump being one of the biggest celebrities to ever run for the United States Presidency, here are a few other celebrities who became successful politicians. George Murphy: (Rep-Calif ), U.S. Senator (1965-1971) Murphy was an actor and American dancer before he ran for senator, according to Mic.com. He starred in big Hollywood movies from 1930-1952. On top of of this, he was president of the Screen Actor’s Guild from 1944-1946. He served as the U.S. Senator from California. He was known for being the first notable U.S. actor to make the successful transition to an elected official in California. Shirley Temple: Ambassador to Ghana (1974-1976); Ambassador to Czechoslovakia (1989-1992) Everyone has to know Shirley Temple, from the famous song “Animal Crackers in my Soup” from the film “Curly Top.” She is still one of America’s most popular child stars and was the it-girl from 19351938. By the time she was six, Temple was receiving six-figure royalties from her endorsements. It wasn’t until 1969 that she started to make her diplomatic career. She represented the U.S. at a session of the United Nations General Assembly. John Davis Lodge (R-Conn.), Gover-

nor of Connecticut (1951-1955); U.S. Congressmen (1947-1951) Lodge made his movie debut playing Shirley Temple’s father in “The Little Colonel” and co-starred with Marlene Dietrich in “The Scarlet Empress.” He was also an actor in “Little Women” and the Broadway show “Watch on the Rhine.” He was born into a political family; his father was poet George Cabot Lodge and his grandfather was Senator Henry Cabot Lodge. On top of this, he is the greatgreat-grandson of Senator George Cabot. Jesse Ventura: (I-Minn.), Governor of Minnesota (1989-2003) Ventura has done it all. He has served on a Navy underwater demolition team and also was a full patch member of the Mongols motorcycle club. On top of this, according to Mic.com, he was an actor in films such as “Predator,” “Running Man,” “Demolition Man” and “Batman and Robin.” But he is mainly known as the “The Body” for being a successful pro wrestler and wrestling commentator. Fred Gandy: (R-Iowa), U.S. Congressman (1987-1995) Before Gandy served four years in Congress, he was a star on the show “The Love Boat,” playing the character Gopher for nine seasons straight. Before this, he started off as a recurring character in the “All in the Family” spin-off “Maude” back in the 70s. Sonny Bono: (R-Calif.), U.S. Congressman (1995-1998) If you know Cher, then you definitely know Bono. Sonny Bono and Cher were

the American husband and wife pop music duo in the 70s. Their hit “I Got You Babe,” sold over one million copies. The pair were also stars of their own shows “The Sonny & Cher Comedy Hour” and “The Sonny & Cher Show.” Later he became mayor of Palm Springs in California and then from there he served two terms in Congress. Fred Thompson: (R-Tenn.), U.S. Senator (1994-2003) Thompson’s fictional character on “Law and Order” became a reality as he became a trained lawyer and elected official. His character was District Attorney Arthur Branch on the show. On top of this, he was an investigating attorney for the Senate Watergate Committee, served two terms as a senator representing Tennessee and ran for President in 2008 for the Republican party. Al Franken: (D-Minn.), U.S. Senator (2009-present) If you are a fan of “Saturday Night Live” then Al Franken has to ring a bell. He is one of the original writers and performers for the show. He has received seven Emmy nominations and three awards for writing and producing. Franken was most known for his “Stuart Smalley” character on SNL. He took his writing skills another route too by becoming a best-selling comic author after writing six books. Before running for office he hosted a national political talk radio show. Arnold Schwarzenegger: (R-Calif.), Governor of California (2003-2011) “I’ll be back.” Just three famous words

and you can instantly picture the “Governator.” His mega successful acting career turned California Governor for two terms made him a big hit in America. Originally from Austria, you can recognize his accent anywhere, especially as he plays Terminator. Schwarzenegger is also known for his body building. He had won the Mr. Olympia title seven times, six of those times in a row from 1970-1975. Before he became the Terminator, he was a star as “Conan the Barbarian” which then led him to “The Terminator.” Ronald Reagan: (R-Calif.), Governor of California (1967-1975); 40th President of the United States, (1981-1989) Last, but surely not least, Ronald Reagan. He is the most successful politician as he became the 40th president of the United States. Rewind a few years before he was president, he spent two decades in the entertainment industry. He was a host for “General Electric Theater” from 19541962. As for film, he was most known for his role in “Knute Rockne, All American” in 1940, where he played a Notre Dame halfback called Gipper “the Gipper” Gipp. His first step into politics was when he was a union official for the Screen Actors Guild, which then led him to the Board of Directors in 1941 and served as vice president in 1946. Reagan was elected to a seven-one year term from 1947 to 1952 and in 1959.




Flames of the Torch Dear Mr. President

Managing Board XCIV Suzanne Ciechalski, Editor-in-Chief Gina Palermo, Managing Editor Michael Ambrosino, General Manager Angelica Acevedo News Editor Bryant Rodriguez Opinion Editor Steven Verdile Design Editor Gina Palermo Photo Editor Isabella Bruni Chief Copy Editor Jim Baumbach Adviser Troy Mauriello Co-Sports Editor





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Editorials are the opinions of the Editorial Board of the TORCH. Columns are the opinions of the author(s) and are not necessarily those of the TORCH.

The Torch is the official, independent student newspaper of St. John’s University. The Torch is written, edited, designed and produced by students of the University.

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What will Trump do?


Whether expected or not, Donald Trump has won the presidency. Since Hillary Clinton will not be in office, the policies of Obama will not be expanded upon. In some ways, this may not be a bad thing. She also would’ve been easy on immigration. While I don’t necessarily agree with being as open with our borders as Clinton, Trump’s stance is absurd. There is a legitimate reason to argue for stricter borders, such as to prevent what has occurred in Europe with their refugee crisis, but Trump’s answer to this relies on fear-mongering and proposing ridiculous plans that wouldn’t work. In regards to foreign policy, Trump’s stance seems to be non-interventionist, which is interesting considering that Republicans were typically thought of to be hawks. Then again, nothing with Trump has been typical. His disregard for policy and civil rhetoric have completely shaken up the political establishment, especially since he has won. The most worrying part is that no one truly knows what a Trump presidency would consist of. With Clinton, there was a general idea, but Trump is much more vague. We know that he wants closed borders, to end Obamacare and decrease taxes. But on other issues, including foreign policy, it is not clear where he stands. It doesn’t help that Trump has spoken favorably about Russia, a country which we have a complicated relationship with, but is

In what has arguably been one of the most virulent elections in the history of the United States, Donald Trump has won the presidency. According to several news outlets, Democratic nominee has officially called the campaign to concede, As an editorial board, the Torch did not endorse a candidate throughout the election. Like the rest of America, we were also divided in support. With that being said, there is one thing we can agree on: action. When Trump takes office in January, there are numerous issues that we hope to see him tackle head-on. While we don’t agree on how each issue should be handled, we believe they must be addressed. One such issue includes healthcare. Since the Affordable Care Act was signed into law, numerous issues have arisen surrounding it, from prices to penalties. We hope to see Trump work on reforming healthcare in a way that makes sense for all people. Affordability is key, and so is access. Veteran care is a majorly important issue that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Too many veterans are treated poorly by the U.S. government, and it needs to change. There is no excuse for the way To contact the Torch by mail:

The Torch, St. John’s University 8000 Utopia Parkway Queens, NY 11439

The Torch is typically published on Wednesdays and publishes approximately 20 issues throughout the academic year. Copies are distributed for free on campus and through mail subscriptions.

Not joining the Trump train

ISABELLA BRUNI, most certainly not our ally. ALYSSA DUGAN Despite all of these very obvious and scary Chief Copy Editor, faults, there is a part of me that believes our Social Media Coordinator country will be somewhat stable policy-wise.

This is mostly because democracy, especially this country’s, is slow and tedious. There is also a part of me that thinks many aspects of our country could change easily, due to the fact that Republicans are the majority in Congress. But many may refuse to join this populist movement, causing even more divide within an already divided party. What I am worried about most is the cultural implications of this election. While the rise of political correctness is incredibly frustrating for many, the Alt-Right is not the answer to it. Trump and his message may resonate, but will only polarize our country even more. Our political discourse is already incredibly flawed, and I can’t see a Trump presidency bringing us together. If there is anything that Trump being elected symbolizes, it is that people are fed up with Washington. Many don’t even fully agree with his policies; instead, they’re just annoyed by other cultural factors, such as the rise of political correctness, and feel as if he is the solution to this. But unless if Trump completely changes the way he conducts himself and miraculously brings us somewhat closer together, I can’t see him solving that. I’m not too optimistic on any of the policies he’s hinted towards either. Then again, who knows what will happen.

these brave men and women have been treated. We hope to see serious reform on this front. Immigration was a main point of debate during the election. The United States needs clear, accessible paths to citizenship. We also hope that Trump will help to foster an environment that is less degrading toward immigrants in the U.S. As college students, the price of education is extremely important to our generation. Over the years, rates for tuition, room and board have increased to the point where many students are unable to attend school without accumulating massive debt. This vast debt, totalling $1.2 trillion according to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, is a drag on the economy as recent graduates are forced to put more of their income towards paying back the debt rather than into the marketplace. We hope that our new president makes it a priority to reduce the seemingly constant raises in the cost of education. These are just some of the important issues we hope to see addressed when Trump takes office. While we may not agree on everything political, we collectively agree that we need change.

Rewind to last year when Donald Trump’s candidacy was not taken seriously. When he announced he was running, we laughed. When he started to lead in the primaries, we laughed a little less. When he became the Republican nominee, we no longer found it funny. Now he is the president-elect. Trump’s journey in the presidential election has been a flat out embarrassment for the country. What is even more disturbing is how much of a following he has accumulated up until now. Besides the fact that he has absolutely no prior political experience, he has not even proven himself to be a decent human being. He has shown us who he truly is and that is: racist, misogynistic, childish, impulsive and insensitive. Tapes were released exposing him talking about sexually assaulting women. If that wasn’t bad enough, when he was confronted about the audio recordings, he brushed it off as “locker room talk.” Someone who condones and brags about sexual assault should not become president. On top of this, the way he speaks of his daughter Ivanka crosses a fine line between a father-daughter relationship. Trump also mocked a journalist with a disability. His defense was that he didn’t even know what the reporter looked like or that he had a disability. Ignorance is not a defense, especially for someone running for president. No apology was given and

clearly no filter was and continues to be present. He wants to build a wall between the United States and Mexico. Not only that, Trump claimed that Mexicans entering the country are “rapists.” His racism does not end there, frankly there might not even be an end to it. He is greatly disliked by the Latino community for these reasons, but the majority other minorities feel the same way. Trump admitted to avoiding paying his federal taxes. Because of a loss declared on his 1995 taxes, he has taken advantage of not having to pay any federal taxes since. He called the move “smart.” This is a man who will hold the highest office in our nation, and he has not even paid his federal taxes. We are a country that prides itself on its diversity. We are a country who believes in treating all people as equals, regardless of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, class etc. We are a country meant to respect each other and embrace the wide range of traits that already make us great. Donald Trump does not represent the values our country upholds. He is a poisonous threat.

TELL US WHAT YOU Thought ABOUT THE ELECTION torchopinion@gmail.com

10 Features


Hillary Clinton’s most stylish moments so far From the beginning to now, here are some of her different looks WANDY ORTIZ Staff Writer Before we knew her as the 2016 Democratic Party candidate for President of the United States, Secretary of State, First Lady or the queen of pantsuits, there existed a Hillary Rodham Clinton who reflected the era of the “modern woman” with her sense of style. Politics aside, we have to admit that for someone who has been in the socio-political limelight for as long as she has, she wears her fashion years rather well.


High-profile publications from Vogue to the New York Times have all taken a moment during this election year to comment on the woman who embraces trends and makes them undoubtedly and iconically Hillary. Let’s take a look through the decades to see some of her best moments (with just a few pantsuits). Although we all know Hillary Rodham Clinton for a lot more than just what she wears, her outfit selections have become an integral part of her public iden-


tity that we either love, hate or seek to emulate. When politics are at play, everything from an individual’s stance on public policy to what name brand watch they’re wearing is under fire. Even so, Hillary’s ability to be a fashion chameleon in the eyes of all the world over the course of at minimum the last four decades is something truly commendable in the eyes of fashion lovers.



College Years 1969

Wedding Bells 1975

Jackie O. Moment 1994

Pres. Candidate 2016

Now, more than ever we know this signature 60s college look. Striped, flowing high-waisted pants, leather sandals, a button- down and some rimmed glasses to tie it all together makes Hillary a chic, but serious and studious Wellesley woman. I’d wear this outfit and straighten my hair tomorrow if I could.

Stepping away from the academic and political style scene, it’s actually on Clinton’s wedding day that she channels the free spirited flow of the 70s in a floor length lightweight cream colored gown, featuring voluminous hair. Seems like all she’d need in the 2000s for a stroll down SoHo was a fringed vest and some booties.

Hillary as the Jackie O of the 90s, if such an honor could be bestowed upon a fellow First Lady. Pink, pearls and a smile are sure proof that this reoccurring display of femininity commands attention. Red-rimmed glasses and a pop of color amidst a soft pink recall today’s current trend of glasses not just for utility, but as a fashion statement as well.

To top it all off, Clinton’s stark white suit balances out her other fashion feats in a different way. While orange says “look at me, I’m here,” white exudes confidence without drenching you in it. Quiet and demure in style, this ensemble choice to accept the Democratic Party’s nomination certainly will not be forgotten.

We will surely miss President Obama’s dad style REZA MORENO Features Editor With Barack Obama’s term ending soon, it is hard to say goodbye to one of the most hippest young presidents we have had since John F. Kennedy. With the help of having two young daughters, Obama for sure knows how to pull off that embarrassing dad look. Of course, the POTUS’s style improved over the course of his two terms. We will sure miss the countless photos taken of Obama from his first term of his famous polo shirt, denim

jeans and sandals combo. Nothing like a typical dad look to make your day. He has done it all from the Hampton’s looking salmon button up with khakis combo for a bright spring day, to the perfect fitted black and tie affair for the biggest occasions. He can look sporty when out playing golf to looking military inspired when visiting America’s greatest heroes. Obama has given more than inspiration when it comes to our wardrobe, but to our lives too. He had one of the greatest partners in ‘style’ to match it all, the lovely independent first lady, Michelle Obama.

Entertainment 11



The 2016 election season has been a series of ups and downs for both political parties, but there has been one group of people that have been winning the entire time: comedians. The overly expressive personalities of the candidates make for hilarious television, and every late night host and comedian has been taking advantage of it. Here’s a breakdown of our top ten comedy bits from this election season:


7. Louis C.K. thinks America Needs a Mom

Saturday Night Live


Each of the first five episodes during the 42nd season of SNL has opened with a parody of that week’s election highlights. Both Kate McKinnon and Alec Baldwin nailed their presidential impersonations and delivered consistently hilarious material each week. Whether they were throwing zingers at a debate or holding hands while exploring Times Square, the duo easily earned the top spot on our list.

Conan himself has openly showed his support for Clinton, but Louis C.K.’s comments during an appearance on his show proved even more powerful. The crass comedian gives a convincing argument on why America needs the first president who is a mother. He goes on to explain how even terrible moms are better parents than good dads, and why America needs to end a chain of nearly 250 years of presidential dads.

(McKinnon as Clinton) “Alicia Machado is a very beautiful political prop…”

(Louis C.K.) “We need a two-faced, conniving, crazy… tough b---- mother who nobody likes”


1. The Cold Opens

2. Donald Drumpf Last Week Tonight

It is rare to see content from premium networks go viral, but John Oliver shattered viewing records with his twenty minute segment exploring the history of the Trump name. With over 85 million views, this clip became the most-watched HBO segment of all time. Pyrotechnics, massive light displays and even custom Donald Drumpf apparel (available for purchase) were all part of what is a must-see video for any comedy buff.

8. Trump Can’t Read

Full Frontal with Samantha Bee

(Oliver on Drumpf) “Drumpf is much less magical. It’s the sound produced when a morbidly obese pigeon flies into the window of a foreclosed Old Navy. Drumpf.”

Samantha Bee is one of the most open comedians in regards to politics, and her hilarious extreme statements on hot political issues have strongly assisted her show’s success. One of her funniest arguments this year is that Donald Trump, a billionaire business mogul, is illiterate. Bee spends seven minutes on this theory, citing evidence such as Trump’s open hatred for teleprompters and his failure to answer questions about documents and books. Whether you buy into her theory or not, it is certainly an entertaining and well-supported hypothesis.

3. So Even

(Bee) “What’s his biggest enemy… I mean besides knowledge, integrity and basic human decency?... Teleprompters.”

Late Night with Seth Meyers

A common remark from undecided voters has been that both candidates are equally terrible. Seth Meyers strongly disagrees. In this late night rant, Meyers launched an allout attack on Trump, and spent over 50 seconds rapidly spurring out a list of Trump’s offensive actions, compared to just five seconds on Clinton. (Meyers, after his comparison) “How do you choose? It’s so even.”

4. Black Jeopardy

Saturday Night Live

This election season, nearly all late night comedians have publicly supported Clinton in the race. This overwhelming majority has led to comedy becoming rather one-sided, but SNL has done everything they could to poke fun and show support for both candidates. In their most recent sketch of “Black Jeopardy,” Doug, a loveable white Trump supporter played by Tom Hanks, teaches us that even people of opposing political beliefs are more alike than different. (Host Kenan Thompson) “They Out Here Saying: The new iPhone wants your thumbprint ‘for your protection’” (Player Tom Hanks) “What is, ‘I don’t think so, that’s how they get ya’?”

5. Socialist Vs. Sociopath @midnight

Earlier in the year, Comedy Central’s @midnight host Chris Hardwick held a parody debate featuring comedians Anthony Atamanuik and James Adomian as Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. While the predicted democratic nominee was incorrect, the skit was still one of the funniest and most impressive comedy sketches of the election. Atamanuik’s cartoony Trump impersonation is rivaled only by Alec Baldwin’s, and the debate topics, including immigrant chickens, ghost diversity and human centipedes, are impossible to watch without laughing. (Atamanuik as Trump) “I have the same policy on women as I do the Chinese, which is that China is our enemy.”

6. Stephen Colbert from Home Internet Video (The Late Show)

Despite the staff of The Late Show having off for Columbus Day, Stephen Colbert couldn’t resist the urge to spread his comedic remarks about the second presidential debate. To do so, Colbert filmed and released a YouTube video from his home. His passion for his career is seen as he picks up a guitar and shows off a new tune about the notorious Ken Bone. (Colbert, On Clinton saying she most respected Trump’s children) “In other words, her favorite thing about [Trump] is five other people”

9. Fallon with the Candidates The Tonight Show

Both candidates have made a steady tour of late night comedy shows, but their appearances on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon are arguably their best. Trump was happy to fulfill Jimmy’s request to mess up his hair, a moment that instantly was immortalized as an Internet meme. The following week, Clinton appeared on the show to hear Fallon read her letters she had received from child supporters. Both candidates showed their light side and likely gained some voter support from doing so. (From a child’s letter to Clinton) “Best hairstyles was when you were Senator and in November 1994”

10. Jon Stewart Comes Out of Hiding The Late Show

Millions of Americans were struck with disappointment in 2015 when political satirist Jon Stewart announced he’d be leaving The Daily Show. While Stewart was seldom seen after his departure, on July 21, he came out of hiding to The Late Show to give a classic Jon Stewart rant on the election. A scruffy t-shirt wearing Stewart showed his feelings about Trump’s Cinco De Mayo dinner bowl, the evil teleprompter, and the problem with being a “Blue Collar Billionaire.” (Stewart, on the term ‘blue collar billionaire’) “Trump does seem like the kinda guy you’d want to sit down and own a fleet of airplanes with”

Can’t Get Enough? Check this out! If you’ve been enjoying the hilarity of the election season as much as we have, here are 10 more of our favorite comedy moments that didn’t make the cut: Saturday Night Live – Celebrity Family Feud Epic Rap Battles of History – Trump Vs. Clinton The Daily Show with Trevor Noah – Remarks on the First Debate Saturday Night Live – Melania Moments Conan – Trump Tour Vs. Hillary’s Home The Ellen DeGeneres Show – Ellen at the Republican Debate Saturday Night Live – Val the Bartender Saturday Night Live – Donald Trump’s Monologue South Park Season 20 – Giant Douche Vs. Turd Sandwich Saturday Night Live – Vote Trump Ad

SPORTS November 9, 2016 | VOLUME 94, ISSUE 10 |


Side by Side A Sports Comparison of the Candidates CARMINE CARCIERI TROY MAURIELLO Co-Sports Editors PHOTO / GETTYIMAGES

Favorite Teams: New York Yankees and Chicago Cubs Endorsements from sports figures: Hank Aaron, LeBron James, Jim Brown, Magic Johnson, Billie Jean King, David Stern, Alex Rodriguez, Abby Wambach Sports played: Clinton swam and played baseball throughout her childhood in Park Ridge, Ill. College mascot(s): Blue, Wellesley College (Class of 1969), Bulldogs, Yale University Law School Major sporting events that took place the year she was born: 1947- Jackie Robinson broke Major League Baseball’s color barrier when he first appeared in a game for the Brooklyn Dodgers at the start of the 1947 season. The Chicago (now Arizona) Cardinals won their last professional football championship when they defeated the Philadelphia Eagles 28-21 in the NFL Championship Game. On the campaign trail: During Game 7 of this year’s historic World Series, Clinton shared photos of herself watching and celebrating as her Chicago Cubs won their first World Series since 1908. Most media outlets enjoyed the photos, stating that they represent the way that all Cubs fans felt during the roller-coaster Game 7. However some called Clinton out for jumping on the Cubs’ bandwagon at the most opportune time. She allegedly stopped rooting for the Northsiders in 2000 when she moved to New York, in favor of the Yankees, who had won three straight World Series titles at the time. Swing state impact: NBA superstar LeBron James, arguably one of Clinton’s largest supporters, campaigned with the presidential candidate on Sunday in Cleveland, Ohio. James has proclaimed his support for Clinton many times throughout the election season, and he even wrote an op-ed column for Business Insider in October about why he is supporting her. Family Connections: Her husband, 42nd President of the United States Bill Clinton, was an avid basketball player growing up in Arkansas. He also famously appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated during his time as president. Fun Facts: New York Yankees and Chicago Bulls fans may feel inclined to vote for Clinton to give their teams a push in the next few years. The two teams won four championships each during the eight years that Bill was in office from 1993-2001.


Favorite Teams: New York Yankees, New York Mets, New England Patriots, Buffalo Bills Endorsements from sports figures: Bobby Knight, John Daly, Dennis Rodman, Johnny Damon, Clay Buchholz, Mike Ditka, Mike Tyson, Matt Light, Richie Incognito, Rex Ryan, Tom Brady Sports played: Trump played varsity soccer, baseball and football in high school. Trump’s former roommate told Business Insider that some coaches believed that the presidential candidate could have played professional baseball. College mascots: Rams, Fordham University (1964-1966), Quakers, University of Pennsylvania (Graduated in 1968 with a degree in economics) Major sporting events that took place the year he was born: 1946 - The FIFA World Cup was not held because of World War II. As the first African-American baseball player to participate in an organized professional league, Jackie Robinson joined the AAA affiliate of the Brooklyn Dodgers. The New York Knicks participated in their first game at Madison Square Garden. On the campaign trail: Three months after officially announcing that he was running for office, Trump was photographed at the US Open watching Venus and Serena Williams in the tournament quarterfinals. After repeatedly calling for a wall between Mexico and the United States, Trump ripped the PGA Tour following their decision to move the World Golf Championship from his course in Florida to Mexico City. Swing state impact: Jim Harbaugh, who is the head coach of the football team at the University of Michigan, put all his support behind Trump via Twitter. While Harbaugh’s thoughts won’t dramatically turn the tables in Trump’s favor, the football coach is viewed very highly in Michigan thanks to his playing days with the Wolverines and ability to rebuild a program that has failed in years past. Fun Facts: Trump was interested in buying the Buffalo Bills back in 2014 before Terry and Kim Pegula opted to buy the NFL organization. Trump also considered buying the San Diego Padres in 1986. He wanted to move the team east, but was never considered a serious suitor to do so. Back in 1980s, Trump owned the New Jersey Generals of the United States Football League. As one of the most influential owners in the league, Trump led a group of people who wanted to move the USFL’s schedule to the fall to compete with the NFL’s. This ultimately led the demise of the league.

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