Volume 96, Issue 11

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VOL 96 : 11 january 30, 2019 torchonline.com

The award-winning independent student newspaper of St. John’s University

a pa n o r a m i c lo o k at b lac k h i sto ry m o n t h ev en ts

see the story on page 6 Dr. M. T. Geoffrey Yeh Art Gallery’s Annual Black History Month exhibition from Feb. 2018.


outside resources for reporting sexual assault Story on pAgES 7 & 8 ALUMNA redefines feminine hygiene | Story on Page 6



TORCH Photos/alex yem

spoken word workshop

journalist series: mary calvi

african caribbean writers series

When: jan. 31, 1:50-3:15 p.m.

When: feb. 5, 1:45-3:45 p.m.

When: feb. 7, 5 - 7 P.M.

Where: little theater

Where: st. augustine hall, 2nd floor

Where: little theater

artistic activism

it's about right and wrong

spring activities fair

When: jan 31, 5 - 8 p.m.

When: feb. 5, 7 - 9 P.M.

When: feb. 7, 12 - 3 P.M.

Where: little theater

Where: st. thomas more church

Where: taffner field house

black panther party

THe global anti-african agenda

conversation on restorative justice

When: feb. 4, 1:50 P.M.

When: feb. 6 , 5 - 8 p.m.

When: feb. 7, 5 - 7 P.M.

Where: d'angelo 408

Where: D'angelo coffee house

Where: st. thomas more church




Dr. Richard E. Lapchick Hosts “Power of Sport” Seminar Son of legendary St. John’s coach focused on today’s society Earlier this month, St. John’s welcomed scholar and human rights activist Dr. Richard E. Lapchick back to campus for a seminar on “The Power of Sports and the Compelling Need for Diversity and Inclusion.” Lapchick gave an impassioned lecture to a crowd – comprised mostly of athletics department staff, faculty, and students – inside Marillac Auditorium. Also in attendance was esteemed St. John’s coach Lou Carnesecca. Lapchick, often regarded as “the racial conscience of sport,” discussed his lifelong commitment to using sport as a vehicle for social change. He centered the discussion around the grave social and economic injustices that beset modern athletics and society at large. “Why do I stay in the world of sport and use sport? Because we have something in this world that I think nobody else has,” Lapchick said. Lapchick explained how sport is in many ways a microcosm of society in that it has the power to transcend all sorts of religious, socio-economic, sexual and racial barriers. “We call it the miracle of the huddle and once you get in that huddle, I can’t give any other place in this country where it suddenly doesn’t matter if you’re African American, white, Latino, Asian American, Native American or Arab American, it doesn’t matter if you’re Protestant, Catholic, Buddhist, Sikh, Jew, Hindu, Muslim, young or old, gay or straight, come from a rich family or a poor family, the team can’t possibly win if you don’t pull together as a team,” Lapchick said. “Imagine if we take that spirit of the huddle and put it in the rest of our institutions of higher education,

corporate America, PHOTO COURTESY/ATHLETIC COMMUNICATIONS faith-based America. PHOTO COURTESY/ST. JOHN’S UNIVERSITY MEDIA RELATIONS Pick the sector and put it in it and it’s going to be a different world.” The St. John’s graduate is currently the Chair of the DeVos Sports Business Management Program at The University of Central Florida, which focuses on providing students with the skills necessary to achieve success in the ever-changing industry of sport. It has been named one of the nation’s top five programs by The Wall Street Journal, The Dr. Richard Lapchick, middle, is the son of former St. John’s head coach Joe Lapchick. New York Times, African participation in international hate-fueled attacks. Forbes and ESPN The Magazine. The 73-year-old activist shared a disturbIn addition to the various positions he sport events. In 1993, the Center for the Study of Sport in Society, which Lapchick ing anecdote during the seminar about the holds, Lapchick also serves as the Director of The Institute for Diversity and Ethics in helped establish in 1984, started TEAM- time he was brutally assaulted in his office. WORK-South Africa. The purpose of this He suffered a concussion, liver and kidney Sports (TIDES). The Institute was founded by the DeVos program was to improve race relations damage and a hernia. The attackers carved the word “n-----” in Program in 2002, shortly after Lapchick through sports and to assist with sports development in post-apartheid South Africa. his stomach with a pair of scissors. was hired as Chair. He was invited as a special guest to NelLapchick’s dedication has drawn the atTIDES publishes an annual assessment son Mandela’s inauguration in May 1994. tention of many around the country who called the Racial and Gender Report Card, He also attended the former South African follow his work. which studies race and gender diversity in He’s received nine honorary degrees and amateur, collegiate and professional sports president’s funeral service in 2013. Laphick’s father, Joe, was a Hall of Fame his work has been recognized by many nain the United States. basketball coach with St. John’s and the tional organizations. It was created by Lapchick in the late In addition to the numerous awards and Knicks, who helped integrate the N.B.A. 1980s. Lapchick’s activist work began in the when he signed Nat “Sweetwater” Clifton accolades he’s received throughout his life, 1970s, when he started fighting apartheid in 1950. As a result of his father’s ground- Lapchick was named the NCAA’s Chamand spearheaded the boycott of the South breaking decision, Lapchick experienced pion of Diversity in 2017. PHOTO COURTESY/ATHLETIC COMMUNICATIONS

Justin Boniello

University Raises $2.4 Million at Leader of Year Dinner Andreina Rodriguez Held at the New York Marriott Marquis in Manhattan, St. John’s University hosted its 24th Annual Insurance Leader of the Year Award Dinner on Jan. 16 and raised nearly $2.4 million to fund student scholarships and support program initiatives for Tobin’s School of Risk Management, Insurance and Actuarial Science (SRM). Since 1995, St. John’s has presented the award in recognition of the contributions that sets individuals apart through leadership in the worldwide insurance and financial services industry. “Tonight, for the 24th time, we assemble many from our business to do two things: Honor one of our peers, and thank all of whom are present, and many others, for their financial support they have committed to the School of Risk Management, Insurance and Actuarial Science,” said Kevin H. Kelley, chairman of the Board of Overseers and vice chairman of Liberty Mutual’s Global Risk Solutions. This year, the University honored Daniel S. Glaser, president and chief executive

officer of Marsh & McLennan Companies, as the 2018 Insurance Leader of the Year. Presented by two industry colleagues and friends, Brian Duperreault, honorary co-chairman of the dinner and president and chief executive officer of American International Group, and Evan G. Greenberg, chairman and chief executive officer of chubb Limited and Chubb Group, attributed Mr. Glaser based on his great achievements. “Dan is a good man — and a great person,” Duperreault said. “He has done a fabulous job with Marsh & McLennan, taking the company to greater and greater heights, and he knows the future is still in front of him.” Glaser accepted his award with great pleasure in appreciation of his friends, family and St. John’s School of Risk Management. “To receive this honor surrounded by family, my friends and the incredible people I have worked with is a moment I will cherish forever,” said Glaser. “I have tremendous admiration for St. John’s School of Risk Management, Insurance and Actuarial Science. You run a world- class pro-

gram and you continue to recruit, nurture, and develop the next generation of leaders in our industry.” He also pronounced his gratitude for the Marsh & McLennan global team. PHOTO COURTESY/UNIVERSITY MEDIA RELATIONS “I would not be here Brian Duperreault accepted this year’s Leader of the Year award. without this will set off as an example for the future of extraordinary group of individuals who thrive on help- insurance leaders. “Thanks to the commitment of so many ing companies and individuals — and even extraordinary industry professionals, the sometimes whole countries — change anynext generation of insurance leaders is thing they think is possible,” he stated. Conrado “Bobby” Gempesaw, president poised to follow in the footsteps of leaders of St. John’s, thanked the commitment like Daniel S. Glaser, and others, whom made by the industry professionals that this annual dinner recognizes.”

4 Opinion


Flames of the Torch On Student Press Freedom Day Managing Board XCVI


Angelica Acevedo, Editor-in-Chief Isabella Bruni, Managing Editor


Amanda Negretti Creative Director Derrell Bouknight News Editor Alexis Gaskin Assistant News Editor Brendan Myers Sports Editor Beverly Danquah Features Editor Dayra Santana Assistant Features Editor Samantha DeNinno Culture Editor Priyanka Gera Assistant Culture Editor Beatriz da Costa Opinion Editor

Dara Durke Assistant Opinion Editor Jillian Ortiz Chief Copy Editor Spencer Clinton Photo Editor Alex Yem Assistant Photo Editor Jenna Woo Assistant Design Editor Nick Bello Social Media Manager Morgan Mullings Outreach Manager Dana Livingston Assistant Outreach Manager Jim Baumbach Adviser



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The Torch, St. John’s University O’Connor Hall - B Level 8000 Utopia Parkway Queens, NY 11439

Staff and contributors Olivia M. Mathon Anna McFillin Rachel Johnson Sydney Bembry Chyna Davis

Nina Stefanelli Andreina Rodriguez Justin Boniello Angela Kellett Christa Calabretta

John Cavanagh Sean Okula Brendan Murray

About the Torch

Editorial policy Editorials are the opinions of the Editorial Board of the Torch. Columns and other content are the opinions of the author(s) and are not necessarily those of the Torch. Opinions expressed in editorials, columns, letters or cartoons are not necessarily those of the student body, faculty or administration of St. John’s University. All contents are the sole responsibility of the editors and the editorial board and do not necessarily represent the views of the administration, faculty or students of St. John’s University unless specifically stated.

The Torch is the official, independent student newspaper of St. John’s University. The Torch is written, edited, designed and produced by students of the University. The Torch is published on most Wednesdays, with approximately 20 issues throughout the academic year. Copies are distributed for free on campus and through mail subscriptions.



All letters submitted for publication must include the author’s name, email and affliliation to St. John’s. Limit letters to 350 words. Submissions may be edited for clarity. Please submit letters to torchopinion@gmail.com

To advertise in the Torch, contact torchads@gmail.com. Advertisements are subject to space limits and must be submitted by 12 p.m. the Tuesday before publication for the

Today, student publications across the country will participate in Student Press Freedom Day, a day dedicated to the right of student publications to report freely on all issues — especially those that directly affect them and their fellow students. As a student publication, it is our responsibility to provide an outlet for students to speak — freely and responsibly — on the issues that they feel passionate about or affected by. It is our duty to allow students the opportunity to share their own stories if they please so that others can listen. The conversation surrounding such controversial topics must be listened to with great detail so that it can be amplified. When such issues arise on campus, we, as a publication have a responsibility to report on them. To fail to report on these issues is to be negligent to the community that we seek to inform and support. We also must proceed responsibly. When those impacted by #SurvivingSJU came forward on social media to share their stories earlier this month, we knew we had a story to tell. There were more than 2,000 tweets detailing alleged experiences of sexual misconduct at St. John’s, a stunning display. But we also couldn’t repeat stories we could not substantiate. And there was a level of sensitivity involved that we had to account for, as well. In the end, we advanced the story by reporting that the University planned to investigate each claim that appeared on Twitter. But we also chose to not reference any specific claim or identify anyone who posted their accounts. This is the standard we hold ourselves to. As an independent student newspaper, we have authority over everything that appears

in these pages, without any influence or prior review by anyone at the University. This is how it should be at all universities. That’s what today is about. We call on our fellow students to better understand the role of journalists in this rather interesting time in history we are living in. As people are continually losing faith in the media, know that we take our role as objective student journalists seriously. Also know that we rely on our readers — as much as our reporters and staff — in the fight for press freedom. Freedom House, an organization that conducts research and advocacy on democracy and political freedom and human rights, rates the United States at 23 on a 0-100 scale on press freedom, a number that has the potential to decrease. We know we are fortunate to enjoy the freedom we have at St. John’s. Today, student publications nationwide will be using #StudentPressFreedom to demonstrate unity. In many ways, the phrase “student journalist” is a misnomer. A journalist is a journalist, regardless of whether they’re a student. Student publications are expected to report on pressing issues without censorship or intimidation. These are the topics that matter the most to both students and members of their fellow communities. This is why news outlets exist. Student journalists exercise the same procedures and diligence in their reporting as other independent American newspapers. Censorship and intimidation has no place in student media. We stand with our fellow student journalists in this cause.

issue of placement. A list of rates and publication dates is available online at torchonline.com/advertising.

Kamala Harris is Democrats’ Ticket to Victory Dara Burke On Jan. 21, Kamala Harris announced that she will be running for President in 2020. The Democratic Senator of California served as attorney general and, according to NBC News, is the second black woman to serve in the Senate. She has joined a growing list of female candidates, including Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York and Representative for Hawaii’s 2nd congressional district, Tulsi Gabbard. Harris is one of the strongest, if not the strongest, among the aforementioned candidates. The Democratic party appears to be experiencing growing pains as younger members gravitate toward bold, progressive platforms while older members cling to more traditional ideals. Harris has the potential to unify Democrats while running on a genuine progressive platform. She has a strong background in politics, giving her the necessary experience to effectively lead the country. She is also currently the only black woman running, which could

be advantageous in a political landscape that has placed an increased emphasis on diversity after decades of sparse minority representation. Harris has already made significant efforts to build support among the black population, starting with announcing her candidacy at her historically black alma mater, Howard University. Harris has also decided to hold her first campaign event in the black Democratic stronghold of South Carolina instead of New Hampshire or Iowa, where black people make up only 3.8 percent and 1.6 percent of the population respectively according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Harris could very well have more success in reaching black voters than Hillary Clinton did in 2016, as she struggled to gain black support in key states. Moreover, Harris’ platform is exceedingly liberal. According to PBS News, she is pro-choice and supports DACA, as well as universal healthcare. Harris strikes a balance between being an experienced politician and taking progressive, forward-thinking stances,

which can resonate with a large range of voters. Admittedly though, Harris has a weak spot. As attorney general, she did not fully embrace justice reform initiatives, such as requiring independent investigations of police shootings, and often doled out questionably harsh sentences. In a New York Times op-ed, University of San Francisco law professor Lara Bazelon argues that many of Harris’ decisions as a prosecutor disproportionately harmed members of marginalized groups. As a result, some have written Harris off as a non-progressive candidate. I acknowledge that Harris has missed opportunities to fight injustice during her career. But there will never be a flawless candidate, and it is unlikely that this will ruin her campaign. Quinnipiac University poll administered in mid-December shows that over 40 percent of Democrats view Harris favorably, while only four percent view her unfavorably. Although it is still early, Harris will be a formidable candidate during this crucial election season. I will be rooting for her to shatter the highest glass ceiling.




Seasonal Depression Seasonal depression, also known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD), “is a type of depression that’s related to the changes in seasons,” according to the Mayo Clinic, a nonprofit academic medical center. SAD usually affects most people at the beginning of fall and through the winter months. SAD affects about four to six percent of people, while another 10 to 20 percent suffer from mild SAD, as was stated by the American Family Physician. January and February are two of the coldest months in the year, making seasonal depression more likely to affect you, however, you shouldn’t feel alone! Seasonal depression can be dealt with. Here are fellow Johnnies telling their personal experiences with SAD and how they manage it.

Nina Stefanelli

Angela Kellett Christa Calabretta Every year when the temperatures drop, so do the spirits of millions of people. As the holidays approach, about 10 million people in our country find themselves in low spirits and genuinely depressed as days get shorter and colder, according to Psychology Today magazine. These 10 million people, including myself, are affected by seasonal depression. I would like to share my experience with the disorder and describe how I push through the winter blues. Being in college and living with seasonal depression means that it strikes at the most inconvenient times. I find myself unmotivated and feeling insecure about myself during the most crucial weeks of the fall semester and well into the spring semester. This is extremely challenging and usually ends with me isolating myself for weeks on end and taking frequent naps. Those who suffer from seasonal depression understand the feelings that I am describing and know that it feels impossible to get back to normal. Although everyone who lives with this disorder has different experiences, I have found ways of coping other than traditional methods such as talk therapy and getting a light bulb that mimics sunlight. One thing that I have found to be very helpful is planning trips to sunny places. There are many websites, such as Skyscanner.com and Airbnb.com, that make it affordable to travel on a student budget. Last February I was very depressed and to combat it, I planned a trip to Disney World in Florida with my boyfriend. This was extremely helpful in distracting me from the depression and motivated me to push through the weeks leading up to my trip. Another trip that I took in order to combat my seasonal depression was a trip to Charleston, South Carolina in April 2017. This trip was the reason I was able to push through the second semester of my freshman year and have the motivation to get through finals week. I hope that everyone who lives with seasonal depression is taking care of themselves and finds some of this insight helpful. Nothing is more important than being informed about your disorder and taking care of yourself!

Ever have that feeling where you want to stay in bed and hide under the covers? For those who suffer from seasonal depression, such as I do, it can be a constant feeling. College exacerbates my SAD as I struggle with the transition from the stress of finals and excitement of the holidays to endless days of winter break with no set schedule. Since I have no concrete schedule during the winter break, this causes my seasonal depression to peak during the holidays. It feels as if time has stopped, and it begins to drag. What helped me was to plan basic tasks, like taking a shower or reading a book. I am then held responsible for getting out of bed and being productive. Not only am I forcing myself to get out of bed, but I get this feeling of accomplishment by knowing I completed a task. Exercise is a must for anyone suffering from seasonal depression — endorphins will become your best friend! If I can’t force myself to go to the gym, I look up an instructional Youtube video for yoga or a basic cardio workout. I keep an abundance of lights on, including string lights, a desk lamp or even the fake fireplace video on my television. The light provides a sense of comfort and brightens my mood. I have also incorporated essential oils into my daily routine; they improve my mood, illuminate the atmosphere and help me relax. Dealing with seasonal depression is hard. It is important to talk to your friends and family. Check in on people to see how they are feeling. Tell people how you are feeling. It is a simple step that can help you and those around you feel heard and understood. Talking about seasonal depression is the first step in not only dealing with it but overcoming it.

Do you ever feel your mood changing for absolutely no reason when the winter time comes around? SAD is a disorder that affects your mood seasonally. In the most common type of SAD, your symptoms start in the fall and continue into the winter months. During these months, you experience symptoms such as lack of energy, feeling depressed most days or every day, loss of interest in activities you typically enjoy, insomnia, weight loss or gain, feelings of hopelessness, suicidal thoughts and difficulty concentrating. Signs that you may have SAD in the fall and winter are oversleeping, weight gain, fatigue and craving high-carb foods. I personally feel the effects of SAD intensely during the winter months. I get lethargic, unmotivated and depressed. The ways I try to beat this includes working out and eating healthy. Working out, although you would think it would make you more tired, actually gives me energy. It also releases endorphins, which makes me less sad and makes me feel good. Eating healthy is also very important because it also helps in making me less tired. Eating carbs and greasy foods actually makes you more tired. Another way of coping with SAD is light therapy, which entails using a specialized light that alleviates symptoms. This light can be found on Amazon for less than 50 dollars. SAD is common and should be taken seriously. Please do not diagnose yourself if you feel you may be suffering from SAD, talk to a properly trained physician. If you are having thoughts of suicide, please get help. Lastly, if you know anyone with SAD or see changes in friends and family, look out for them and encourage them to get help. Most importantly, remember you are not alone.

Being in college and living with seasonal depression means that it strikes at the most inconvenient times. - Christa Calabretta

6 Features


Student Leaders Talk Black History Month Programming Beverly Danquah Growing up, Raven Jackson always anticipated celebrating Black History Month. Today, as content creator for Media and Branding on the Haraya E-board, she thinks of every day as a day to celebrate black history because of childhood memories of her family’s commemoration of the month-long celebration. It’s in this same respect that the senior PR student is excited for the events that Haraya and its sub-orgs have planned for this year’s celebration. The theme: “Panoramic: A Look Into the Black Perspective.” Many multicultural organizations, student advocacy groups, Greek Life and career-based organizations have come together to create events for Black History Month. The celebration kicked off on Monday with the Martin Luther King Jr. Dinner and Dialogue and is filled with events from a conversation about restorative justice to an Afro-Caribbean dance workshop. “I’m most looking forward to Latin Amer-

ican Students Organization event about the Afro Latinx diaspora,” Jackson said. “I took a trip to [the Dominican Republic] for a race culture and baseball course, and it made me more aware of issues of immigration in the diaspora.” The “Artistic Activism with Afro Latinx Artists” event will take place on Thursday, Jan. 31 in the Little Theatre from 5 - 8 p.m. Haraya’s president, Alyssa Evans, is especially proud of this year’s programming because she says student leaders were given more freedom to take charge than they have in years past. “It helped us to take events into our own hands and help make us better leaders,” Evans said. Toby Chukwura, president of the African Students Association (ASA), said the organization has many events planned, including a collaboration with the Haitian Society about “the concept of anti-Africanness.” “In a lot of black populations, there’s always stigma against being African. It’s like

you may be OK being black, but you don’t want to be that type of black,” Chukwura said. To further highlight the theme “Panoramic,” Chukwura said his organization aims to give different perspectives of the black experience. President of Caribbean Students Association (CSA), Nia Gumbs is looking forward to her organization’s second annual Java Johnnies: Black Rhapsody event in the DAC Living Room on Feb. 22 from 5 - 7 p.m. “I encourage students to attend [Black History Month] events even if they don’t identify as black because they can learn more about their peers,” she said. “We’re excited to showcase the artistry and talent from our student body.” Haraya’s VP of Activities, Dionté Williams, said students should expect a different feel and experience to the organization’s staple Black and White Ball, an event which concludes the University’s Black History Month celebration. This year’s these is “Har-

lem Renaissance,” a reminder of the juncture in the early 20th century when a black cultural mecca emerged in Harlem, N.Y. “Some of the proceeds from the Black and White Ball will go to Haraya’s Legacy Scholarship as a means of giving back to Pan-African students on campus and honoring a students’ social activism,” Williams said. The ball will be on March 2 at 7 p.m. in the DAC Ballroom. Haraya’s media and branding Twitter chair and newsletter editor, Kristen Swett, says she’s proud of and looking forward to the “intersectionality of the events this year.” Both Swett and Chukwura mentioned the “Being LGBTQ+ in Africa” event, which will be held on Feb. 20 during common hour in SJH 305. Haraya, ASA and CSA invite students interested in volunteering for events or getting involved to contact them via Instagram or at the activities fair next Thursday. “We extend an open door to everyone who wants to help or get involved,” Williams said.

SJU Alumna Creates Feminine Hygiene Underwear St. John’s alumna, Graciela Lee-SooHoo, wants to get rid of the shame that comes with women’s menstrual cycles. Body positive movements are continuously evolving throughout various medias and mediums, and Lee-SooHoo’s product is supporting this cause. As CEO and founder of Simple Necessit-EASE, Inc. she provides a product that “EASE[s]” the minds of its consumers and changes lives. Lee-SooHoo, who graduated in 1989 with a Bachelor of Science in Communication and a minor in Business, created and launched Simple Necessit-EASE in 2004. They offer affordable BFF (beautiful, fabulous and fearless) Period Undies for women’s everyday concerns. “I created the BFF Period Undies, when I discovered that embarrassing leaks from a girls monthly cycle was common,” LeeSooHoo said. “During ‘girl talk,’ [with friends] we realized everyone had a period story and that night I wished there was a panty that could save us from the humiliation.” Not too long after, the idea behind this female-founded company was conceived. BFF Period Undies are designed to look, feel and wash like regular undergarments. Lee-SooHoo, who is passionate about her company, explains that the breathable, lightweight Panty Leak Protection (PLP) technology is brushed onto the inner fabric and concealed. “Ordinary panties leak and stains can be seen and left on seats in a classroom, car, [at] work, [or on a] bus,” she describes. BFF Period Undies have the cotton feel and are durable enough to conceal the accident of a pad or tampon fail, giving the user enough time to get to a bathroom.


Lee-SooHoo credits St. John’s for impacting her business when it first began, all the way up to now. “I have wonderful memories of St. John’s,” she said. Not only did

she meet lifelong friends, but also took the courses that prepared her to run her business. “When I first started Simple Necessit-EASE, I actually used my notes from my [public relations] classes to write my first press release to PR Newswire,” she says. “The same skills were used, when I pitched to the Tyra Banks show [before] the panties were on air.” Lee-SooHoo did not foresee herself starting a company years ago, especially after witnessing the challenges her parents faced while owning their own business. This female-founder, who is of Korean descent, was raised in New York and came from a family of experienced clothing manufacturers. “My plan was to graduate and begin a career in communications,” Lee-SooHoo said. Her first job was working for Media Tech, Inc., a post-production company in New York City, until 1990. “Even though I loved my job and had wonderful colleagues, I couldn’t ignore the problem that all females faced every month [like] embarrassing leaks during a female’s monthly cycle,” she said. “I knew the waterproof technology existed in the medical industry.” Lee-SooHoo started to research and develop a leak-proof panty of her own. She loved her first sample. It wasn’t long before she distributed it to a test market. Even though it turned out to be a success, she wasn’t satisfied with the quality. “I was not satisfied with the treatment during exercise or hot days,” she shares. “Thinner treatments did not withstand the machine washings, therefore, I abandoned the project.” Fast-forward 10 years later, she describes being married with three kids and still having no solution. Fortunately not too long after, she found a solution to the challenge she faced in 2003. “I discovered a breathable, waterproof technology that withstood the rigors of machine washings and dryings,” she said. “Building Simple Necessit-EASE as a woman for women is what empowers me... especially when the thank you’s and testimonials come flying in.” In addition to empowering women, Lee-

SooHoo also looks forward to educating young girls; specifically by proving that this underwear can provide back-up protection. In fact, she recounts a special moment, that she had with her 11-year-old daughter. At the time, her daughter had just gotten her first period while staying away at her cousins’ house. Being the only girl at the time, there were little feminine products available to her. Not only did Lee-SooHoo provide her with pads for the the night, but also a sample box of Period Undies that she luckily had in the car. “The underwear gave her reassurance especially since she was not home,” she explains. “I want every female to ‘EASE’ their minds and feel Beautiful, Fabulous and Fearless (BFF) everyday!”


Chyna Davis


Once the new breathable, waterproof technology proved to be successful, Simple Necessit-EASE became a New York State corporation and the official website was launched in 2003. Unfortunately, what was a joyful and happy moment momentarily came to a halt. Later that same year, her five-year-old son, Tyler, was diagnosed with brain cancer. “He used to ask me why I had underwear in my office [and] I used to tease him … ‘it’s what my company produces and you will be running the company one day!’” she remembers. “That sent him running in the other direction.” At the time the website had no activity — given Period Panties did not exist in the U.S. yet. “He was my main priority,” Lee-SooHoo says. “Tyler lost his battle and passed away on August 26, 2005.” Just days after his burial, Simple Necessit-EASE received its first order. What seemed like a forgotten website had a new beginning. “I took it as a sign from my son that I had to continue [and] I also took it as a sign, that this company was a way to fund Tyler’s foundation and make some sense of his passing.”

Model displays the BFF Period Undies Classic Cut.

Lee-SooHoo recounts each obstacle becoming a learning experience, which further propelled her drive. “Becoming an entrepreneur was in my blood, but I did not realize it when I was in school,” she says. “I will tell you, my strength to persevere in manufacturing a product that tackles a sensitive subject and healing from the loss of a child at the same time comes from God.” In honor of her son, a portion of online sales goes directly to Tyler’s Magical Rainbow Foundation to support pediatric brain tumor research and scholarship program. “We wanted to keep his memory alive and most importantly we want to make a difference and hope to find the day when parents do not have to hear the words, ‘there is no cure’,” she makes clear. “We were fortunate to have him for six short years.” (Read more at torchonline.com)


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On Jan. 4, #SurvivingSJU trended nationally, with more than 2,000 tweets detailing sexual misconduct allegations at St. John’s as well as negative encounters with administrators while attempting to report incidents. The University said it is investigating each claim on Twitter and promoted its available resources, such as the SOAR (Sexual violence Outreach, Awareness — and Response) Office and the Callisto online reporting system. In light of students’ recent concerns with the reporting system at the University, the Torch has compiled a list of outside resources for those who seek another avenue to report instances of sexual assault and abuse.


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TV Spotlight: “Brooklyn Nine-Nine”

How the NBC show brilliantly balances comedy with social justice Rachel Johnson

Inclusion and representation are hot topics nowadays, especially when it comes to television, film and media. Unfortunately, television shows that cover these subjects are few and far between, though more are appearing every year. There is one show that stands apart from the rest when it comes to inclusion. Not only does the show have an amazing cast (and is absolutely hilarious), but NBC’s “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” is possibly the best example of representation, diversity and empowerment on television at the moment. Season six of “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” premiered on Jan. 10 on its new home network, NBC. For its first five seasons, “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” was run by FOX, and fans were outraged when the show was canceled after season five, which ended on a huge cliffhanger. Even some celebrities were vocal on social media, like Lin-Manuel Miranda. Less than 48 hours later, NBC picked up the show and fans couldn’t have been happier. The sitcom centers around the hilarious and not-so-normal day-to-day operations of the 99th Police precinct in Brooklyn, and focuses on the detectives within that precinct. The main cast includes Captain Raymond Holt, a gay black man, Sergeant Terry Jeffords, a black man, detectives Jake Peralta, a white man, Charles Boyle, a white man,

Rosa Diaz, a bisexual Latina woman, Amy Santiago, a Latina woman and office administrator Gina Linetti, a white woman. I list their races, and sometimes sexualities, in an effort to show just how diverse this cast is. Throughout the show, “Brooklyn NineNine” tackles issues such as racism, homophobia, sexism and more, and it does so effortlessly and seamlessly. Rather than dedicate single episodes to specific topics, from episode one “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” incorporates diversity and social issues into the show, creating an environment that is progressive, diverse and inclusive. As important as the social issues that the show deals with are, the show never makes an issue out of them. They are simply a part of life and are never over-dramatized, but treated realistically and given their due importance. For example, in episode 16 of season four, Sergeant Terry Jeffords is walking around his (wealthier) neighborhood out of uniform when he is stopped by a white cop and almost arrested. While the episode makes it very clear that what the white cop did was wrong, Terry and Captain Holt disagree on what the best course of actions is — highlighting just how complicated of an issue this is today. In episode 10 of season five, Rosa casually comes out as bisexual to her unit during a morning briefing. The other detectives are immediately accepting and don’t

make a big deal about it but Rosa faces prejudice from her parents, and the episode does not conclude on a necessarily happy note. Those are just two of the many examples of how “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” realistically incorporates social issues and empowerment into the sitcom. The issues mentioned are

also not nearly all of the ones that the show deals with; some are executed with more detail than others. If you’ve been looking for a show with great representation, or just a good laugh, then look no further — “Brooklyn NineNine” is the show for you.

PHOTO COURTESY/flickr creative commons sexyandhottv.

“Brooklyn Nine-Nine” stars (left to right) Melissa Fumero, Andy Samberg, Terry Crews and Joe Lo Truglio.

What “Bandersnatch” Means for the Future of Film Olivia M. Mathon Throughout the 21st century, monumental strides have been taken in the film industry in order to innovate and create the next big phenomenon. Reworking classics, creating interactive films or different streaming opportunities have led us to question the future of film and exactly what it will bring. Interactive movies have become a new wave in the film industry. The latest movie of this kind, Netflix’s “Bandersnatch,” brought forward a new type of entertainment. Now audiences are able to be a part of the film and help change the course of the movie. Viewers feel in control, which is what a majority of viewers crave in a society fueled by social media and “likes.” “People who go to movies in theaters more frequently also consume more streaming content,” Bret Lang, a journalist, wrote for Variety. More films are being consumed across different platforms, attributing to the industry’s evolution. The various platforms allow for films like “Bandersnatch” to be a viable option. With new technologies being developed in the film community, traditional films need to once again become great — regarding their concepts and themes. The film business is constantly changing and evolving. With that being said, within the past five or so years, the movie business has been quite interested in remakes, sequels and crossover events. Movies like “The Meg,” “The First Purge,” “Incredibles 2,” and “Halloween” that released in

The Editors’ Picks: Top Films of 2018 In no particular order Samantha DeNinno, Culture Editor

PHOTO COURTESY/Youtube netflix

“Bandersnatch” (pictured above) is the latest in technological film advances.

2018 have all had aspects of a predictable theme that has been done one too many times before. While the actual films were acceptable, the concepts overall lack originality. In a society where everything is political, Hollywood has tried to keep everyone happy by not addressing scenarios people are dealing with everyday. The controversial films are the ones that keep people talking — the ones that spark creativity and originality — and there has been a lack. There are the films that have met the criteria, such as “Boy Erased,” “If Beale Street Could Talk” and “Bird Box,” but there have not been enough. If movie con-

cepts could continue to incorporate societal issues, the film business would regain its sense of creativity that has been dulled over the years. The dynamic aspect of the business will allow directors and writers to work together to make films that are the next big thing. “Bandersnatch” is an innovative step toward interactive films — one that will re-inspire the film community into once again being great. No one knows for sure what the future of film will be, but audiences can only hope to have various issues addressed and innovative techniques continued to be created and executed to ensure creativity.

• • • • • • • • • •

“Annihilation” “If Beale Street Could Talk” “Roma” “Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse” “Widows” “Bad Times at El Royale” “Shirkers” “Eighth Grade” “BlackkKlansman” “The Favourite”

Priyanka Gera, Assistant Culture Editor • • • • • • • • • •

“A Quiet Place” “Incredibles 2” “Fantastic Beasts and the Crimes of Grindelwald” “Mission Impossible: Fallout” “Crazy Rich Asians” “Searching” “Black Panther” “Avengers Infinity War” “Peppermint” “Ocean’s 8” View full story on torchonline.com




Netflix and Hulu Release Competing Fyre Festival Documentaries Anna McFillin Netflix and Hulu both released their own documentaries on what really happened at the Fyre Festival on the island of Great Exuma in April of 2017. From a viral picture on Twitter of cheese and bread sandwiches to numerous Instagram posts of the tragic campsite with tiny white tents on gravel, it is safe to say Fyre Festival was a disaster — but why? The Netflix documentary highlighted co-founders Billy McFarland, a young entrepreneur, and rapper Ja Rule, who joined forces to create Fyre, an app that allowed people to book celebrities for certain events. It was semi-successful, but McFarland and Ja Rule wanted something bigger to get their names and company out there. They did, but not in the way they planned. The two set up a music festival, set to be bigger than any festival ever imagined. McFarland and Ja Rule were hoping to put Coachella to shame with exotic promotion. Netflix’s “Fyre” mainly highlights the preparation, or lack of preparation for the festival including canceled performers and a lack of necessities. Netflix’s documentary had several crew members, native islanders and festival goers speak about the hectic experience in the documentary. While this is similar to Hulu’s own documentary, the difference between the two

PHOTO COURTESY/Youtube netflix

“FYRE” (pictured above) was released on Jan. 18 by Netflix while “Fyre Fraud” (pictured below) was released on Jan. 12 by Hulu.


was that Hulu gives a more extensive background on McFarland, his previous start up companies and even features McFarland himself talking about the festival. The documentary portrays him as an entrepreneur and businessman who is good at making connections, deals and covering up fraudulent acts with more fraud. McFarland started a company before Fyre called Magnesis, which was an exclusive black credit card for NYC’s elite millennials. Magnesis would have promotional offerings that were impossible to obtain, such as Met Gala tickets, which are so exclusive that tickets can only be approved by Anna Wintour (the editor-in-chief of Vogue), herself. McFarland, to pay for these exquisite events, would borrow money from investors, and return the favor to them by offering other exquisite events paid for by other investors. Essentially, no one involved in any of McFarland’s plans knew where the money he received was going. Both documentaries highlight the essentials of the catastrophic festival with scenes of stranded festival goers in the middle of an island of gravel with no food, water, internet or electricity. In terms of which documentary to go to first, I suggest Netflix’s “Fyre” to submerge yourself in the Fyre Festival chaos, from start to finish.

“I Am the Night”: Bright Lights and Shadows Samantha DeNinno The Black Dahlia. Many true crime fans may have heard of the story of Elizabeth Short, found mutilated, bisected and murdered in Los Angeles, California in 1947. If familiar, you may have also heard of physician George Hill Hodel, accused by his son, a Los Angeles homicide detective, of murdering Short and several other women. This intersection of Short and Hodel is where TNT’s “I Am the Night” finds its home. However, the focus instead lies on the young, wide-eyed Fauna Hodel (India Eisley) who travels to Los Angeles in search for her once-hidden family. The six episode mini-series is structured on intertwining storylines and the bending of truth and fiction. While the real Fauna Hodel did exist, and told her story in “One Day She’ll Darken: The Mysterious Beginnings of Fauna Hodel,” the Patty Jenkins, Victoria Mahoney and Carl Franklin directed and Sam Sheridan written mini-series takes liberties in its portrayal. One such manifestation is Jay Singletary (Chris Pine), the down-on-hisluck journalist and Korean War veteran whose career was blacklisted when he covered George Hodel’s previous court case. When Jay’s path crosses Fauna’s, they form a begrudging partnership that centers the backend of the series. All six of the episodes are shot beautifully in film noir style, painting a dark, seedy

image of 1970s Hollywood, ripe with racial tension, abuses of power and great costumes and sets. Highlights include strong performances by both Pine and Golden Brooks (“Girlfriends”) who portrays Fauna’s adoptive mother, Jimmy Lee. Brooks leans into Jimmy Lee’s anger, fear PHOTO COURTESY/Youtube TNT and defensiveness heavily — switchIndia Eisley plays Fauna Hodel in TNT’s “I Am the Night.” ing emotions fast enough to make both Fauna’s and the audience’s head give her answers. It would have been interspin. Pine in particular shines in the role, esting to see the camera and script hold on even when he is at his scruffiness (all six her emotions during various life-altering episodes), bringing a gripping physicality revelations throughout the series. Pine and to the bone-tired character, who is beaten, Eisley’s intersection within the story could bruised, pushed and tormented over the have benefited from happening earlier, as series’ short arc. While others may seem at certain points, there were many sidestiff, Pine is bounding into frame with a plots where “I Am the Night” appeared to maniac energy that successfully grounds forget what it wanted to focus on. Overall, the strength in the series lies in each scene. There are certain points in which the the performances — Pine’s in particular. show lags. While Eisley is wonderful in True crime fans should definitely give the the role, she is not given much to do show a try, as the subject matter is what other than stand wide-eyed and ask the keeps the show so interesting, no matter same questions to people who refuse to the bumps.

“Sex Education” Offers Lesson Few Shows Have Taught Sydney Bembry

PHOTO COURTESY/Youtube netflix

Asa Butterfield and Ncuti Gatwa on Netflix’s “Sex Education.”

Netflix has audiences glued to their computer screens once again with their latest original hit, “Sex Education.” Starring Asa Butterfield, most known for his roles in “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas” and Martin Scorsese’s “Hugo,” the show follows Butterfield’s Otis, son of two sex therapists, as he is recruited by the edgy, notoriously mischaracterized Maeve (Emma Mackey) to start a sex therapy business at their school due to his extensive knowledge of the subject — compared to the average teenager. While it’s a fresh idea that could easily be delivered poorly, the Laurie Nunn-created show greatly succeeds because its primary focus is on the emotional nature of sex, rather than raunch. There are some graphic sex scenes — a few quite hysterical — but the series thoughtfully intertwines the hilarity that is navigating relationships and sex as teenagers and the emotional journey to find identity, companionship and belonging as young people. The show executes its message well through its dynamic leading cast, including Butterfield and newcomers Mackey and Ncuti Gatwa as Otis’ best mate, Eric. Although he serves as the resident sex therapist for his classmates at his British school, Otis himself struggles with sexual repression and navigating love, and Butterfield impressively portrays a young man who is still learning. Mackey utilizes her character’s strong development by illustrating the many layers behind Maeve, though schoolmates choose to see otherwise, even with her countless quips. The true breakout star of the series is Gatwa, with his ability to powerfully ground Eric’s strained relationship with his immigrant family over his sexuality and preferred style choices while also portraying the character’s joyful and loud personality to be just as sincere. Through these characters, the show does what many teen shows before could not: The details surrounding sex that deserve more unpacking over the the act itself.

Sports 11


Big East Struggles Continue for Women’s Basketball The Johnnies have a 2-7 conference record after the weekend Brendan Murray A double-double from Curteeona Brelove headlined a much-needed win for the Red Storm who have struggled since conference play began. Brelove tallied 17 points and 10 rebounds in the 59-51 win over Georgetown at Carnesecca Arena last Friday. Senior Akina Wellere and Alisha Kebbe finished second behind Brelove, leading the team in points with 11 each. The Red Storm pushed ahead of the Hoyas primarily because of their success from the free throw line, converting on 12 of their attempted 13 free throws, good for 92.3 percent for the game. A back and forth battle that lasted throughout all four quarters ended with the Red Storm ahead of the Hoyas for an astounding tenth straight time, as well as snapping a five-game losing streak. However, the winning ways for the Red Storm were short-lived on the homestand on Sunday as the Villanova Wildcats came to Queens and left victorious after a 73-57 victory. The loss resulted in the Red Storm falling for the seventh time in Big East conference play for the season. Tiana England lead the way for the Red Storm with a season high 18 points. England also tallied three rebounds along with two assists, two steals and a block. Wellere and Qadashah Hoppie finished in double figures with Wellere scoring

11 and Hoppie scoring 12. The Johnnies were behind from the start of this one, falling behind early to a 17-8 deficit to start the game from. The Wildcats were able to ride their hot perimeter shooting to a comfortable win against the Red Storm. The Johnnies were behind 57-36 early in the fourth quarter however, a late 6-1 run from the Red Storm closed the gap in the final scoreline. Frustrating results have been common for the Red Storm this season, especially in Big East play. With a veteran heavy team with the likes of Wellere, Brelove and Kebbe fans were looking for an improvement from the Red Storm’s 9-9 finish in the Big East last season. The heart and competitiveness of the thea show up in every game. However, the Red Storm has been struggling with allowing teams to get off to hot starts and big runs that end with the Red Storm playing from behind. Outside of close losses to Creighton and Providence at home, the Johnnies’ losses have been by nine points or more, with their most lopsided loss, a 66-45 demolition against Butler at Hinkle Fieldhouse. The Johnnies have been unable to take advantage of their home court advantage, finishing 1-3 at home in the first half of conference play— away from Carnesecca the Johnnies are just 1-4 in conference play. The Red Storm sit at the ninth seed in Big

East Conference standings in what has been a disappointing performance through the first half of conference play. The Red Storm entered conference play 7-4. Through the first half of Big East play the Red Storm are 2-7 with a 9-11 record overall. Of the seven losses in conference play, five came on a losing streak that lasted two weeks only to be snapped with the win against Georgetown.

The final stretch is shaping up to be an uphill climb for the Red Storm if they want to make some noise for the rest of the Big East to hear. Coach Tartamella is going to have to get his team playing more focused and consistent basketball for the second half of conference play, which starts on Friday in Queens against the Butler Bulldogs.


Curteeona Brelove averaged 11.5 points across the two games last weekend.

Track and Field Enjoys Strong Start to Spring Season Sean Okula With championship meets fast approaching, the heart of the track and field team’s indoor schedule has begun. The squad competed in its third competition in as many weeks at the Dr. Sander Invitational Columbia Challenge this weekend. The 15th place finish may seem pedestrian, but when compared to the quality of the event’s field, the coaching staff was pleased. “Our ladies hung tough with some of the top programs in the NCAA,” assistant coach John McCree told RedStormSports.com. “It was a good tune-up for us heading into the Metropolitan Championships next week.” It’s a grind through the density of the winter schedule. The women face six meets in the four weeks from the middle of January through the beginning of February. The team’s finish at the Indoor Mets can serve as a fine point of reference as the conference championships loom. First and third place finishes at the Lions Indoor Invitational and the Penn 8-Team Select set the pace for the indoor swing. Six new personal bests were set, including senior sprinter Destiny Davis’ 24.75 in the 200m and jumper Ja’Tae Joyner’s new marks in both the triple jump (11.79m) and long jump (5.79m). “Coach John McCree’s throwers and Coach Aliann Pompey’s sprinters are the real deal,” Coach Jim Hurt said after taking the

crown at the Lions Invitational. “It’s a great way to kick off the 2019 season and bodes well for good things to come as the season progresses.” Those talented dashers faced turnover. Maya Stephen’s graduation left a void the size of the sprinter’s usual lead in a 400m. Expectation called for Leah Anderson to shoulder the burden.

It’s a great way to kick off the 2019 season and bodes well for good things to come as the season progresses. - Jim Hurt

The then-freshman burst onto the collegiate scene in 2018 with first place finishes in the 200m and 400m at her first meet. She and Stephens teamed up for a dominating 4x400m victory at last year’s Metropolitan Indoor Championships. The sophomore has taken her leadership

role in stride. She tore up the Lions Invitational, nabbing first place in runnings of both the 200m and 400m, before doubling down with a Big East Track Athlete of the Week-worthy performance at the Penn 8-Team Select. Anderson’s 55.93 400m is tops in the Big East this season and she’s qualified for the ECAC Championships in both the 200m and 400m. The sprinter hasn’t been the only athlete worthy of conference recognition. Senior weight thrower Jennifer Odoemene earned Big East honors with her ECAC-qualifying 18.18m throw at the Bill Ward Invitational. The freshman Joyner backed her up with those personal bests at the Lions Invitational, and with Anderson, the Johnnies have taken the season’s first three Athlete of the Week honors.

Interested in writing for the sports section? Email Us! torchsports@gmail.com

Jan. 30: Men’s Basketball at Creighton, 8:30 p.m.

Feb. 1: Men’s Tennis at Siena College

Feb. 1: Track & Field at Metropolitan Championships, Staten Island, N.Y.

Feb. 1: Women’s Tennis vs. Marist College, 12:00 p.m.

Feb. 1: Women’s Basketball vs. Butler, 2:00 p.m.

Feb. 1: Women’s Tennis vs. Wagner, 2:00 p.m.

Feb. 2: Men’s Basketball at Duke, 12:00 p.m.

Feb. 3: Women’s Basketball vs. Xavier, 2:00 p.m.

SPORTS January 30, 2019 | VOLUME 96, ISSUE 11


STRUGGLING STORM From St. John's to CBS Sports Mullin Remains

torch photo/nick bello

Optimistic During mid -season skid John Cavanagh

The stakes were high on a beautiful Sunday afternoon at Madison Square Garden. St. John’s was set to square off against longtime rival Georgetown in what was essentially a must-win game for the Red Storm, coming into the game with a 3-4 record in conference play. It was a far cry from when they entered conference play at 12-0, or knocked off 12th ranked Marquette on New Year’s Day. Now, the Johnnies have lost three of their last four games, including a loss to DePaul on their home floor. Outside of that game, St. John’s had typically defended their home court well. On Sunday, they had to do so against a Hoyas team that was a 6.5 point underdog. In years past, this was a game St. John’s was expected to lose. This year was filled with more talent and promise, with glimpses of hope that this year would indeed be different. While they started off conference play slow, a home game against a historic

rival was an opportunity to steer this season back in the right direction. The last three years were a culmination to the highly anticipated year four of the Mullin era. However, this game looked like more of the same from St. John’s: A disappointing end that came down to one or two possessions, and the inability to close games out. The Hoyas defeated the Red Storm 89-78, even though the game was much closer than the score would indicate. The Georgetown lead was just two with 1:25 left on the clock. LJ Figueroa made a huge steal and seemingly had a clear path to the basket that could’ve given the Red Storm the lead. Instead, he pulled up for a three, which bounced off the basket. Sedee Keita had an opportunity for the put-back, but missed, as did Justin Simon right after. And so described the Red Storm’s season in a nutshell. The Johnnies had rallied back from as much as 10 in just a few minutes, only to come up short. Potential was always a word used to describe St. John’s. Lead by NBA-bound

Shamorie Ponds, the team is athletic, experienced and most importantly, talented. The problem was always finding that level of consistency. The same team that blew Marquette off the floor, and went toe-totoe with the defending Villanova Wildcats on the road, failed to beat DePaul and Georgetown at home. For a team that has NCAA Tournament aspirations, that simply won’t cut it come selection Sunday. After the Georgetown game, Mullin cited how the team was 15-5 and credited the Hoyas for a well-played game. Simply put, the only thing that matters is their 3-5 record in the Big East. It’s well documented that the Johnnies’ non-conference schedule wasn’t very challenging, so their 15 total wins won’t turn any heads. What caught everyone’s attention was the postgame comments from Ponds and Mustapha Heron at the press conference following the loss to Georgetown. Ponds said he feels like the team has “parted ways.” “We’re not together like we were in the beginning,” Ponds continued.

The team’s lack of energy and ball movement was the focus in their loss to Butler, and it was prevalent once again against Georgetown. “In the first half, we were going through the motions, so we put ourselves in that position,” Heron said. For the Red Storm to show a lack of urgency in a game they had to win, as also stated by Heron, it has to be concerning. If St. John’s wants to get back on track, they’ll simply have to make more shots. They took 76 shots (12 more than the Hoyas), yet only made 29 of them. Shooting 38.2 percent from the field and 26.9 percent from three is a recipe for disaster. The only problem is, the road ahead doesn’t get any easier. A brutal three-game road trip awaits, with Creighton, Duke and Marquette up next on the schedule. It’s certainly a chance for the Red Storm to make a statement. Right now, they could really use one. Mullin said after the Georgetown game that every day is an opportunity. This is the definition of a “make or break” road trip.

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