Widthwise 2022

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Widthwise 2022

PSPs moving on How do you take your business forward in the current market? Here two print service providers outline their strategic thinking.


think it’s safe to say that most print businesses were adversely affected during the pandemic, so it is no surprise that growing turnover and/or profitability back to pre-pandemic levels is high on the agenda at our monthly board meetings here at KGK Genix, where we’re focusing on strategies to achieve just that,” outlines KGK Genix group managing director Graham Pitts. “Let’s start with employee retention after all, your staff is your greatest asset. Recognition is essential to retaining and engaging employees - they all want to feel that they belong in the workplace. Our monthly newsletter features a ‘Get to Know Your Colleague’ article, provides employee feedback channels and allows for the nomination of an ‘Employee of the Month’ who receives a monetary reward in

By switching to alternative materials, minimising waste, changing to LED lighting and shifting to electric vehicles we have managed to reduce costs and thereby slightly increase profitability recognition for being selected. “Then there’s our focus on sustainability - no longer a ‘buzz word’ without intent or meaning. Companies large and small are concentrating on how they can be kinder to the environment by minimising waste, reducing CO2 footprint and multiple use of their previously ‘single use’ display items. It is for this very reason that we used the available time we

Graham Pitts, Group MD, KGK Genix had during the pandemic to forge new relationships with suppliers and actively seek a replacement for many of our ‘core materials’ to ensure we had sustainable alternatives. This is certainly impacting sales in a positive way, with companies increasingly insisting on being as ‘green’ as possible. By being able to offer a sustainable alternative in most scenarios, we are finding ourselves able to develop our extensive client base. “However, we have asked ourselves, do we really need more clients? Hand in hand with that we’ve asked whether we’re offering all of our services to all of our existing clients? At KGK Genix we strive to keep abreast of innovation in our particular area of the printing industry and regularly pass on new ideas to our existing clients so that they remain up to date and informed of any new process/strategy that we are able to provide. “Internally we’re always looking at sales development. During our regular sales meetings we identify prospective clients and then look to support the ‘pitch’ depending on the opportunity. It could be some conceptual ideas or samples. However, we are finding that clients don’t just want to be presented with a sample

16 | Widthwise 2022 | www.imagereports.co.uk

box containing a vast array of different materials - they want more than just a print solution, preferring to engage a creative company that can deliver everything they need with minimal ‘touchpoints’ and different suppliers. KGK Genix works hard on being able to provide the complete solution from concept through to production and installation. “We’ve all learned from the pandemic that we need to think on our feet in times of peril. Considering ways to use existing machinery to produce something different and break into a new market whilst still offering and servicing your standard industries is always beneficial. This is something that KGK Genix has managed to achieve, resulting in an increase in our client portfolio. “We realise that keeping on top of the latest technological advancements is vital to the success and continuance of the business. KGK Genix has recently invested in a Vutek H5, which not only speeds up our production but also offers the option of multilayer, tactile prints. This is a service we haven’t previously been able to offer and is a great discussion point with existing and new clients alike. “We have also continued to invest in our marketing strategy by engaging the services of an experienced marketer specific to our sector, which has resulted in the company securing projects in areas we may not otherwise have ventured into. “Let’s also accept that we need to look at reducing costs, difficult to achieve given that inflation is rising. With a mixture of Brexit, Covid lockdowns slowing production and the problems in Eastern Europe, a considerable amount of the materials we buy are in short supply and increasing in price. However, by switching to alternative materials, minimising waste, changing to LED lighting and shifting to electric vehicles we have managed to reduce costs and thereby slightly increase profitability. “At KGK Genix we are excited for the future and look forward to embracing new technology and initiatives to take us forward.”

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