6S Summer Reading List 2009

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Summer 2009


“Romance at Sea,” a photo uploaded to the 6S Social Network by Australia’s Scarlett Rose.

Thanks to everyone who mentioned their favorite books from Rob McEvily

Hey Gang! It’s been a while since the 6S Newsletter has safely arrived in everyone’s InBox, so as I continue to work out the kinks, it’s time for you to check out and enjoy the First Ever Official 6S Summer Reading List! It’s a collection of over 140 suggestions from the readers, writers, fans and friends of Six Sentences! Enjoy!



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Read for pleasure

Learn about yourself

Slaughterhouse-Five Kurt Vonnegut

The Art of Racing in the Rain Garth Stein

The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner Alan Sillitoe

Found Margaret Peterson Haddix

Through the Looking Glass Lewis Carroll

Too Deep for Tears Kathryn Lynn Davis

West of Jesus Steven Kotler

Two Lives William Trevor

Teaching Yourself to Dream David Fontana

The Snow Goose Paul Gallico

The Elegance of the Hedgehog Muriel Barbery

The Three Musketeers Alexandre Dumas

The Pursuit of Happiness Douglas Kennedy

A Prayer for Owen Meany John Irving

The Zookeeper's Wife Diane Ackerman

Lord of the Rings JRR Tolkien

Narcissus and Goldmund Hermann Hesse

Come Nineveh, Come Tyre Allen Drury

A Brief History of Time Shaindel Beers

Love Poems from God: Twelve Sacred Voices from the East and West Daniel Ladinsky

Little Women Louisa May Alcott

The Witches of Karres James H. Schmitz

Oracle Night Paul Auster

Kiss Me in the Temple of Heaven Susan Gilman

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time Mark Haddon

Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell Susanna Clarke

When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit Judith Kerr The World According to Garp John Irving

1984 George Orwell Dreams of Longlasting Mark Medoff CandyFreak Steve Almond

New and Selected Poems, Volume 2 Mary Oliver Notes From the Universe: New Perspectives from an Old Friend Mike Dooley One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Ken Kesey The Bluest Eye Toni Morrison

An Unquiet Mind Kay Redfield Jamison

The Count of Monte Cristo Alexandre Dumas

Being Normal Stephen Shieber

Animal Dreams Barbara Kingsolver

The Suffrage of Elvira V.S. Naipaul

The Road Cormac McCarthy

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Light and Its Shadow Douglas Adams Shelley Berc Oscar and Lucinda Peter Carey My Sister’s Keeper Jodi Picoult Eat, Pray, Love Elizabeth Gilbert Desert Traveller Katherine Sim

Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen

Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned Walter Mosley

To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee

We Have Always Lived in the Castle Shirley Jackson The God of Small Things Arundhati Roy

War and Peace Leo Tolstoy Eva Luna Isabel Allende



Visit old friends

You know it’s a good book when you're thumbing through the pages for the seventh time.

Wuthering Heights Emily Bronte

After the eighth time, the binding is worn and broken.

Beijing Doll Chun Sue

The corners are crinkled from marking your place while reading for the ninth time.

The House of Sand and Fog Andre Dubois

I could probably recite every word from memory during the tenth time.

Tuesdays with Morrie Mitch Albom

I know what will happen even before I open it for the eleventh time.

Brooklyn Follies Paul Auster

I still can't put it down for the twelfth time.

David Copperfield Charles Dickens

Rachel Winter 6S Social Network Member (Visit her profile here.)

Storm Front Jim Butcher Kafka on the Shore Haruki Murakami The Autobiography of Malcolm X (as told to) Alex Haley The Catcher in the Rye J.D. Salinger The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald The Mistress of the Art of Death Ariana Franklin Smiling Hill Farm Miriam Mason

The Glass Castle Jeannette Walls Tailchaser's Song Tad Williams She's Come Undone Wally Lamb The Bodies Left Behind Jeffery Deaver Practical Magic Alice Hoffmann Dead Babies Martin Amis

Read for inspiration Giovanni's Room James Baldwin Cathedral Raymond Carver Time Enough for Love Robert Heinlein Shaindel Beers Contributor to Six Sentences, Volume 1, and author of A Brief History of Time.

The Gift of Rain Tan Twan Eng The Unbearable Lightness of Being Milan Kundera

Someone Comes To Town, Someone Leaves Cory Doctorow The Journey Brandon Bays One for the Money Janet Evanovich Prodigal Summer Barbara Kingsolver The Secret Rhonda Byrne

Elleander Morning Jerry Yulsman Three Junes Julia Glass A Moveable Feast Ernest Hemingway Ahab's Wife Sena Jeter Naslund The Hours Michael Cunningham The Princess Bride William Goldman



“halfheimer's glasses,” uploaded by Quin Browne, and “Kev and I,” uploaded by Erica. 6S Photos

Adjust your reading glasses If on a Winter's Night, a Traveler Italo Calvino

The Help Kathryn Stockett

The Abortion: A Historical Romance Richard Brautigan

Tomato Girl Jayne Pupek

Girlfriend in a Coma Douglas Coupland

The Gastronomical Me M.F.K. Fisher

Jaws Peter Benchley

The Element Sir Ken Robinson

The Chosen Chaim Potok

Twilight Stephenie Meyer

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance Robert Pirsig

Mr. Nice Howard Marks



Have a wonderful summertime! Beautiful Losers Leonard Cohen

The Stream of Life Clarice Lispector

The Woman in White Wilkie Collins

Wise Blood Flannery O'Connor

The Golden Bowl Henry James

An Ungodly Child Rachel Green

Norwegian Wood Haruki Murakami

The Pilot’s Wife Anita Shreve

White Oleander Janet Fitch

Ethan Frome Edith Wharton

The Bonesetter's Daughter Amy Tan

The Last Child John Hart

A Confederacy of Dunces John Kennedy Toole

A Fine Balance Rohinton Mistry

An Arsonist's Guide to Writers' Homes in New England Brock Clarke

Bird by Bird Anne Lamott

Jury of Her Peers Elaine Showalter Ask the Dust John Fante Land of Laughs Jonathan Carroll Angela's Ashes Frank McCourt South by Java Head Alistair MacLean Burning Chrome William Gibson Gone With the Wind Margaret Mitchell The Great Wall of China Franz Kafka White Tiger Aravind Adiga Anne of Green Gables L.M. Montgomery One Hundred Years of Solitude Gabriel Garcia Marquez

The Bell Jar Sylvia Plath The Chocolate War Robert Cormier Stranger in a Strange Land Robert Heinlein Rhinegold Stephen Grundy The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down Anne Fadiman The Bone People Keri Hulme Pattern Recognition William Gibson The Stand Stephen King Olive Kitteridge Elizabeth Stout Patient Zero Jonathan Maberry Strut Bruce & Carol Hart


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