The Charlie Poll

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Who won? Who lost?

Let’s find out!

On May 4, 2011, in an incredibly exciting and spontaneous poll, subscribers to The 6S Newsletter were asked the following question: If you had to spend the next 6 hours locked in an empty room with a Charlie - just you, the Charlie, and nothing else - which Charlie would you choose? Charlie Parker Charlie Rose Charlie Sheen Charlie Chaplin Charlie Pride Charlie Brown The results of this poll may very well ASTOUND you. (Or maybe not - who knows?) Read on...

Hundreds of people voted and left comments!


Reader comments for each Charlie follow...

I like round headed sweet guys. I would love to know how he can be so philosophical and quasioptimistic after so many humbling experiences. He makes me feel good about myself and the hands I get dealt in life. He's the most real. :) He's cute. He won't sing. He won't hit on me. He isn't hung up on his wardrobe. He never grows up.

He’s bright, funny and inventive. I'd love to hear about the early days of the movie business. Don't know if he's as silly as his character but I suspect the world his brain operated in was much different than most. I'd love a glimpse into his world. I like his politics. Who else has his perspective, his experience, and his talent for expressing it? Of course, he's dead... that may make that 6 hours in a locked room less than thrilling. Hmmm...

He's cool. I never get tired of talking about music. I could write something spicy and soulful and powerful to the rhythm of his birdsong. Heroin and Saxophones - nothing else in life matters!

I like his intelligence and his interest in people and what’s going on. I find him very interesting and fascinating. He's educated and an interesting conversationalist. Intelligent, well read, worldly, interesting person with whom I could have an intelligent, worldly, interesting conversation. Guy's got a ton of insight into the world and world leaders. Seems like I could listen to him for 6 hours.

Fond memories of my father listening to him as I was growing up. Love, LOVE his voice! We could sing together. One of the best artists ever! Because I have always been amazed with his musical choices and would love to have a conversation with him as to how they came about. He could entertain me by singing “Kiss An Angel Good Morning.�

Screw this poll!

I like Charlie Parker and Charlie Pride but I think the conversation would drag quickly. I'm not up enough on politics for talking to Charlie Rose, Charlie Chaplin would require subtitles and Charlie Brown is a blockhead. Charlie Sheen!


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