2022 Rhetoric and Composition catalog

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Rhetorics of the Digital Nonhumanities Alex Reid

“Rhetorics of the Digital Nonhumanities is an indispensable contribution to our efforts in dealing productively and ethically with the digital.” —Collin Gifford Brooke, author of Lingua Fracta: Towards a Rhetoric of New Media

“Essential reading for digital rhetorics, new material rhetorics, and postprocess composition.”—Byron Hawk, author of Resounding the Rhetorical: Composition as a Quasi-Object

Redefining writing and communication in the digital cosmology Paper: 978-0-8093-3833-7 E-book: 978-0-8093-3834-4 $40, 224 pages

In Rhetorics of the Digital Nonhumanities, author Alex Reid fashions a potent vocabulary from new materialist theory, media theory, postmodern theory, and digital rhetoric to rethink the connections between humans and digital media. Addressed are the familiar concerns that scholars have with digital culture: how technologies affect attention spans, how digital media are used to compose, and how digital rhetoric is taught. Rhetoric is now regularly defined as including human and nonhuman actors. Each actor influences the thoughts, arguments, and sentiments that journey through systems of processors, algorithms, humans, air, and metal. The author’s arguments, even though they are unnerving, orient rhetorical practices to a more open, deliberate, and attentive awareness of what we are truly capable of and how we become capable. This volume moves beyond viewing digital media as an expression of human agency. Humans, formed into new collectives of user populations, must negotiate rather than command their way through digital media ecologies.

Learn more and order at www.siupress.com/digitalnonhumanities.

Chapters centralize the most pressing questions: How do social media algorithms affect our judgment? How do smart phones shape our attention? These questions demand scholarly practice for attending the world around us. They explore attention and deliberation to embrace digital nonhuman composition. Once we see this brave new world, Reid argues, we are compelled to experiment.

Alex Reid, an associate professor of Media Study at SUNY Buffalo, is the author of The Two Virtuals: New Media and Composition and coeditor of Design Discourse: Composing and Revising Professional Writing Programs. The author also maintains an award-winning blog, Digital Digs.

Engaging Museums Rhetorical Education and Social Justice Lauren E. Obermark

“Lauren E. Obermark deftly explores three compelling museum spaces to consider both the rhetorical and social justice pedagogy they cultivate for visitors. Engaging Museums extends and invigorates conversations in rhetorical studies centered at the nexus of public memory and rhetorical education, and it offers powerful heuristics that will deepen and complicate readers’ teaching and their museum attendance.”—Jessica Enoch, author of Domestic Occupations: Spatial Rhetorics and Women’s Work

Examining rhetorical engagement with difficult topics Museums offer an opportunity to reenvision rhetorical education through their address of hard, discomforting histories that challenge visitors to confront traumatic events and work toward a better future. While both museum studies and rhetoric center the audience in their scholarship and practices, this volume engages across and between these disciplines, allowing for a fuller theorization and enactment of rhetorical education’s connections to social justice. Engaging Museums works to fill gaps between the fields of rhetoric and social justice by going beyond classrooms to sites of public memory represented in museums. This volume presents three distinct, diverse case studies of recently established historical museums taking on the rhetorically complex tasks of representing traumatic events: the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, the National World War I Museum, and the Oklahoma City National Memorial Museum. Through rhetorical and comparative analysis of data collected from the museums and intersectional transdisciplinary frameworks, each chapter theorizes aspects of rhetoric—namely identification, collectivity, and memory—bringing rhetorical theory more firmly into current conversations surrounding civic engagement and social justice. Obermark’s weave of voices and perspectives concludes with a critical focus on how memory may serve as a generative pedagogical topos for both public rhetoric and university-based rhetoric and writing classrooms. This book helps scholars, students, and teachers bring what museums do—difficult, complicated pedagogical work representing hard history—back inside the classroom and further into our civic discourse.

Lauren E. Obermark, associate professor at the University of Missouri– St. Louis, is coeditor of The Rhetoric of Participation: Interrogating Commonplaces in and beyond the Classroom. She has published on rhetoric, pedagogy, social justice, and public memory in Rhetoric Review, College English, and Reflections: A Journal of Public Rhetoric, Civic Writing, and Service Learning.

Paper: 978-0-8093-3850-4 E-book: 978-0-8093-3851-1 $40, 216 pages, 5 illus.

Learn more and order at www.siupress.com/engagingmuseums.

Policy Regimes

College Writing and Public Education Policy in the United States Tyler S. Branson “Policy Regimes is a powerful argument for focusing on the ways that policy and writing studies do—and can—shape one another. It is invaluable for anyone who wants to understand how policy shapes our teaching lives and how to make thoughtful, meaningful change in writing education.”—Ryan Skinnell, author of Conceding Composition: A Crooked History of Composition’s Institutional Fortunes

“This important book will be widely read by scholars and teachers in writing studies, education, and policy studies.”—Chris W. Gallagher, author of College Made Whole: Integrative Learning for a Divided World

Engaging education policy from kindergarten to college Paper: 978-0-8093-3846-7 E-book: 978-0-8093-3847-4 $35, 240 pages Writing Research, Pedagogy, and Policy

Learn more and order at www.siupress.com/policyregimes.

Author Tyler S. Branson argues that education reform initiatives in the twentieth century can be understood in terms of historical shifts in the ideas, interests, and governing arrangements that inform the teaching of writing. Today, policy regimes of “accountability” shape education reform programs such as Common Core in K-12 and Dual Enrollment in postsecondary institutions. This book reopens the conversation between policy makers and writing teachers, empirically describing the field’s institutional/historical relationship to policy and the ways teachers work on a daily basis to carry out policy. Federal and state accountability policy significantly shapes classrooms before teachers even enter them, but Branson argues the classroom is where teachers leverage disciplinary knowledge about writing to bridge, partner with, support, and sometimes resist education policies. Branson deftly blends policy critique, archival analysis, and participant observation to offer the first scholarly treatment of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Washington Task Force as well as a rare empirical study of a dual enrollment course offered in a high school. This book’s macro-and-micro-level analysis of education policy reveals how writing teachers, researchers, and administrators can strengthen their commitments to successfully teaching their students across all levels of education, while deepening their understanding of the ways education policy helps—and hinders—those commitments.

Tyler S. Branson, an assistant professor of English at the University of Toledo, has published essays in the journals College Composition and Communication and WPA: Writing Program Administration and in the edited collection The Cambridge Handbook of Service Learning and Community Engagement.

Teaching through the Archives

Text, Collaboration, and Activism Edited by Tarez Samra Graban and Wendy Hayden

“These rich case studies show how archival work can underpin teaching that rhetoric shapes and is shaped by culture, which, like writing itself, is a process. They feature furthermore how work with archives can therefore be personally transformative when we better see our lives also as a process and our membership in a collection of lives across time.”—Liz Rohan, coeditor of Beyond the Archives

Disruptive pedagogies for archival research In a cultural moment when institutional repositories carry valuable secrets to the present and past, this collection argues for the critical, intellectual, and social value of archival instruction. Graban and Hayden and 37 other contributors examine how undergraduate and graduate courses in rhetoric, history, community literacy, and professional writing can successfully engage students in archival research in its many forms, and successfully model mutually beneficial relationships between archivists, instructors, and community organizations. Combining new and established voices from related fields, each of the book’s three sections includes a range of form-disrupting pedagogies. Section I focuses on how approaching the archive primarily as text fosters habits of mind essential for creating and using archives, for critiquing or inventing knowledge-making practices, and for being good stewards of private and public collections. Section II argues for conducting archival projects as collaboration through experiential learning and for developing a preservationist consciousness through disciplined research. Section III details praxis for revealing, critiquing, and intervening in historic racial omissions and gaps in the archives in which we all work. Ultimately, contributors explore archives as sites of activism while also raising important questions that persist in rhetoric and composition scholarship, such as how to decolonize research methodologies, how to conduct teaching and research that promote social justice, and how to shift archival consciousness toward more engaged notions of democracy. This collection highlights innovative classroom and curricular course models for teaching with and through the archives in rhetoric and composition and beyond.

Tarez Samra Graban, associate professor in the English department at Florida State University, is the author of Women’s Irony: Rewriting Feminist Rhetorical Histories and coauthor of GenAdmin: Theorizing WPA Identities in the Twenty-First Century. Wendy Hayden, associate professor at Hunter College, CUNY, is the author of Evolutionary Rhetoric: Sex, Science, and Free Love in Nineteenth-Century Feminism.

Paper: 978-0-8093-3857-3 E-book: 978-0-8093-3858-0 $40, 352 pages, 13 illus.

Learn more and order at www.siupress.com/teachingarchives.

Communication Ethics and Tenacious Hope Contemporary Implications of the Scottish Enlightenment Ronald C. Arnett

“Drawing directives from the Scottish Enlightenment, Ronald C. Arnett provides a stunning analysis of the related phenomena of optimism and hope and their role in securing the well-being of one’s personal and communal existence. The analysis serves as a foundation for a theory of communication ethics. As in the past, so in the present; Arnett breaks new ground in the scholarship of this specific field of inquiry.”—Michael J. Hyde, author of The Interruption That We Are: The Health of the Lived Body, Narrative, and Public Moral Argument

Tenacious hope, the heart of a just and free society

Paper: 978-0-8093-3853-5 E-book: 978-0-8093-3854-2 $45, 298 pages

Learn more and order at www.siupress.com/tenacioushope.

During the Enlightenment, Scottish intellectuals and administrators met the demands of profit and progress while shepherding concerns for self and other, individual and community, and family and work. Communication Ethics and Tenacious Hope captures the “unity of contraries,” offering the Scottish Enlightenment as an exemplar of tenacious hope countering the excesses of individualism. Ronald C. Arnett reveals two stories: the struggle between optimism and tenacious hope, and optimism’s ultimate triumph in the exclusion of difference and the reification of progress as an ultimate good. In chapters that detail the legacies of Lord Provost George Drummond, Adam Smith, David Hume, Thomas Reid, George Campbell, Adam Ferguson, and Sir Walter Scott, Arnett highlights the problematic nature of optimism and the ethical agency of tenacious hope. Arnett illustrates the creative union of education and administration, the ability to accept doubt within systems of knowledge and imagination, and an abiding connection to local soil. As principles of progress, free will, and capitalism swept Europe, proponents of optimism envisioned a world of consumerism and absolutes. In contrast, practitioners of tenacious hope embraced uncertainty and compassion as pragmatic necessities. This work continues Arnett’s scholarship, articulating the vital importance of communication ethics. Those seeking to discern and support a temporal sense of the good in this historical moment will find in this timely work the means to pursue, hold, and nourish tenacious hope. This insightful theorization of the Scottish Enlightenment distills the substance of a just and free society for meeting dangerous and uncertain times.

Ronald C. Arnett is professor and chair of the department of communication and rhetorical studies at Duquesne University and the Patricia Doherty Yoder and Ronald Wolfe Endowed Chair in Communication Ethics. He is the author or coauthor of over a hundred scholarly articles and twelve books, the coeditor of seven books, and the recipient of eight book awards, including recognition for Levinas’s Rhetorical Demand: The Unending Obligation of Communication Ethics and Communication Ethics in Dark Times: Hannah Arendt’s Rhetoric of Warning and Hope.

Utopian Genderscapes Rhetorics of Women’s Work in the Early Industrial Age Michelle C. Smith

Utopian Genderscapes focuses on three prominent yet understudied intentional communities—Brook Farm, Harmony Society, and the Oneida Community—who in response to industrialization experimented with radical social reform in the antebellum United States. Foremost among the avenues of reform was the place and substance of women’s work. Author Michelle C. Smith seeks in the communities’ rhetorics of teleology, choice, and exceptionalism the lived consequences of the communities’ lofty goals for women members. This feminist history captures the utopian reconfiguration of women’s bodies, spaces, objects, and discourses and delivers a needed intervention into how rhetorical gendering interacts with other race and class identities. The attention to each community’s material practices reveals a gendered ecology, which in many ways squared unevenly with utopian claims. Nevertheless, this volume argues that this utopian moment inaugurated many of the norms and practices of labor that continue to structure women’s lives and opportunities today: the rise of the factory, the shift of labor from home spaces to workplaces, the invention of housework, the role of birth control and childcare, the question of wages, and the feminization of particular kinds of labor.

Paper: 978-0-8093-3835-1 E-book: 978-0-8093-3836-8 $40, 234 pages, 10 illus.

Michelle C. Smith is an assistant professor of English at Clemson University. Her teaching and research interests include feminist rhetorics, rhetorical theory, and historiography. Her writing has appeared in College English, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, and Peitho, as well as in other journals and edited collections.

Wit, Virtue, and Emotion

British Women’s Enlightenment Rhetoric Elizabeth Tasker Davis

Over a century before first-wave feminism, British women’s Enlightenment rhetoric prefigured nineteenth-century feminist arguments for gender equality, women’s civil rights, professional opportunities, and standardized education. Author Elizabeth Tasker Davis rereads accepted histories of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century British rhetoric, claiming a greater variety and power of women’s rhetoric. This recovery of British women’s performative and written roles as speakers, spectators, authors, and readers in diverse venues counters the traditional masculine model of European Enlightenment rhetoric. Davis broadens women’s Enlightenment rhetorics to include highly public venues such as theaters, clubs, salons, and debating societies, as well as the mediated sites of the periodical essay, the treatise on rhetorical theory, and women’s written proposals, plans, defenses and arguments for education. Through these sites, women’s rhetorical postures diverged from patriarchal prescriptions rather to deliver protofeminist persuasive performances of wit, virtue, and emotion. Davis examines context, the effects of memory and gendering, and the cultural sites and media of women’s rhetoric to reveal a fuller ecology of British Enlightenment rhetoric. Each chapter covers a cultural site of women’s rhetorical practice—the court, the stage, the salon, and the printed page.

Elizabeth Tasker Davis is a professor of English and a coordinator of graduate studies at Stephen F. Austin State University. Her scholarship on eighteenth-century British women writers, Restoration actresses, eighteenth-century rhetoric, and feminist research practices has been published in the South Atlantic Review, Rhetoric Review, Peitho, Re/Framing Identifications, and the Sage Handbook of Rhetorical Studies.

Paper: 978-0-8093-3827-6 E-book: 978-0-8093-3828-3 $40, 240 pages, 8 illustrations Studies in Rhetoric and Feminisms

Gilbert Austin’s “Chironomia” Revisited: Sympathy, Science, and the Representation of Movement Sara Newman and Sigrid Streit Paper: 978-0-8093-3767-5 $45, 234 pages, 36 illus.

Chain of Gold: Greek Rhetoric in the Roman Empire Susan C. Jarratt Paper: 978-0-8093-3753-8 $38, 220 pages, 6 illus.

A Shared History: Writing in the High School, College, and University, 1856-1886 Amy J. Lueck Paper: 978-0-8093-3742-2 $37, 272 pages 9 illus.

Mestiza Rhetorics: An Anthology of Mexicana Activism in the SpanishLanguage Press, 1887-1922 Edited by Jessica Enoch and Cristina Devereaux Ramírez Paper: 978-0-8093-3740-8 $40, 280 pages, 1 illus.

Domestic Occupations: Spatial Rhetorics and Women’s Work Jessica Enoch Paper: 978-0-8093-3716-3 $40, 260 pages, 24 illus.

Rhetoric and Demagoguery Patricia Roberts-Miller Paper: 978-0-8093-3712-5 $40, 260 pages

Surrender: Feminist Rhetoric and Ethics in Love and Illness Jessica Restaino Paper: 978-0-8093-3714-9 $35, 204 pages, 2 illus.

Rhetorical Feminism and This Thing Called Hope Cheryl Glenn Paper: 978-0-8093-3694-4 $40, 296 pages

Academic and Professional Writing in an Age of Accountability Edited by Shirley Wilson Logan and Wayne H. Slater Paper: 978-0-8093-3691-3 $45, 338 pages, 4 illus.

Feminist Rhetorical Science Studies: Human Bodies, Posthumanist Worlds Edited by Amanda K. Booher and Julie Jung Paper: 978-0-8093-3633-3 $45, 274 pages, 2 illus.

Doing Time, Writing Lives: Refiguring Literacy and Higher Education in Prison Patrick W. Berry Paper: 978-0-8093-3637-1 $40, 160 pages, 2 illus.

Rhetoric and Writing Studies in the New Century: Historiography, Pedagogy, and Politics Edited by Cheryl Glenn and Roxanne Mountford Paper: 978-0-8093-3567-1 $40, 320 pages, 7 illus.

Vicente Ximenes, LBJ’s Great Society, and Mexican American Civil Rights Rhetoric Michelle Hall Kells Paper: 978-0-8093-3639-5 $40, 346 pages, 21 illus.

Retroactivism in the Lesbian Archives: Composing Pasts and Futures Jean Bessette Paper: 978-0-8093-3623-4 $40, 202 pages, 10 illus.

Jean Baudrillard: The Rhetoric of Symbolic Exchange Brian Gogan Paper: 978-0-8093-3625-8 $35, 248 pages

Emerson and the History of Rhetoric Roger Thompson Paper: 978-0-8093-3612-8 $35, 174 pages

Food, Feminisms, Rhetorics Edited by Melissa A. Goldthwaite Paper: 978-0-8093-3590-9 $40, 296 pages, 8 illus.

Levinas’s Rhetorical Demand: The Unending Obligation of Communication Ethics Ronald C. Arnett Paper: 978-0-8093-3569-5 $40, 334 pages

Rhetorics of Whiteness: Postracial Hauntings in Popular Culture, Social Media, and Education Edited by Tammie M. Kennedy, Joyce Irene Middleton, Krista Ratcliffe Paper: 978-0-8093-3546-6 $45, 358 pages, 17 illus.

Abducting Writing Studies Edited by Sidney I. Dobrin and Kyle Jensen Paper: 978-0-8093-3563-3 $45, 294 pages

Policy Debate: A Guide for High School and College Debaters Shawn F. Briscoe Paper: 978-0-8093-3558-9 $25, 232 pages, 19 illus.

Craft Obsession: The Social Rhetorics of Beer Jeff Rice Paper: 978-0-8093-3528-2 $40, 292 pages, 50 illus.

Propaganda and Rhetoric in Democracy: History, Theory, Analysis Edited by Gae Lyn Henderson and M. J. Braun Paper: 978-0-8093-3506-0 $45, 300 pages, 7 illus.

Fashioning Lives: Black Queers and the Politics of Literacy Eric Darnell Pritchard Paper: 978-0-8093-3554-1 $45, 320 pages

Demosthenes’ “On the Crown”: Rhetorical Perspectives Edited by James J. Murphy Paper: 978-0-8093-3510-7 $40, 242 pages

The Homesick Phone Book: Addressing Rhetorics in the Age of Perpetual Conflict Cynthia Haynes Paper: 978-0-8093-3508-4 $40, 244 pages, 33 illus.

Cosmopolitan English and Transliteracy Xiaoye You Paper: 978-0-8093-3524-4 $40, 300 pages 5 illus.

“Guiguzi,” China’s First Treatise on Rhetoric: A Critical Translation and Commentary Translated by Hui Wu / With Commentaries by Hui Wu and C. Jan Swearingen Paper: 978-0-8093-3526-8 $40, 196 pages

Antebellum American Women’s Poetry: A Rhetoric of Sentiment Wendy Dasler Johnson Paper: 978-0-8093-3500-8 $40, 282 pages, 12 illus.

After Rhetoric: The Study of Discourse Beyond Language and Culture Stephen R. Yarbrough Paper: 978-0-8093-3519-0 $30, 284 pages

Rethinking Ethos: A Feminist Ecological Approach to Rhetoric Edited by Kathleen J. Ryan, Nancy Myers, and Rebecca Jones Paper: 978-0-8093-3494-0 $45, 320 pages, 8 illus.

Plato, Derrida, and Writing Jasper Neel Paper: 978-0-8093-3515-2 $30, 268 pages, 1 illus.

Rewriting Composition: Terms of Exchange Bruce Horner Paper: 978-0-8093-3450-6 $40, 280 pages

Political Literacy in Composition and Rhetoric: Defending Academic Discourse against Postmodern Pluralism Donald Lazere Paper: 978-0-8093-3428-5 $40, 342 pages, 1 illus.

Creative Writing Pedagogies for the Twenty-First Century Edited by Alexandria Peary and Tom C. Hunley Paper: 978-0-8093-3403-2 $40, 320 pages

Thinking with Bruno Latour in Rhetoric and Composition Edited by Paul Lynch and Nathaniel Rivers Paper: 978-0-8093-3393-6 $45, 360 pages, 11 illus.

Women’s Irony: Rewriting Feminist Rhetorical Histories Tarez Samra Graban Paper: 978-0-8093-3418-6 $40, 258 pages, 8 illus.

Rhetoric of a Global Epidemic: Transcultural Communication about SARS Huiling Ding Paper: 978-0-8093-3319-6 $35, 336 pages, 27 illus.

Rhetorics of Motherhood Lindal Buchanan Paper: 978-0-8093-3220-5 $35, 200 pages, 8 illus.

Ecospeak: Rhetoric and Environmental Politics in America M. Jimmie Killingsworth and Jacqueline S. Palmer Paper: 978-0-8093-3145-1 $35, 328 pages, 5 illus.

Digital Detroit: Rhetoric and Space in the Age of the Network Jeff Rice Paper: 978-0-8093-3087-4 $39.95, 264 pages, 20 illus.

Feminist Rhetorical Practices New Horizons for Rhetoric, Composition, and Literacy Studies Jacqueline Jones Royster and Gesa E. Kirsch Paper: 978-0-8093-3069-0 $35, 200 pages

Silence and Listening as Rhetorical Arts Edited by Cheryl Glenn and Krista Ratcliffe Paper: 978-0-8093-3017-1 $45, 332 pages, 10 illus.

Rhetoric at the Margins: Revising the History of Writing Instruction in American Colleges, 1873-1947 David Gold Paper: 978-0-8093-2834-5 $38, 216 pages

Reimagining Process: Online Writing Archives and the Future of Writing Studies Kyle Jensen Paper: 978-0-8093-3371-4 $35, 192 pages, 5 illus.

Participatory Composition: Video Culture, Writing, and Electracy Sarah J. Arroyo Paper: 978-0-8093-3146-8 $40, 184 pages

Shaping Language Policy in the U.S.: The Role of Composition Studies Scott Wible Paper: 978-0-8093-3134-5 $40, 240 pages

Postcomposition Sidney I. Dobrin Paper: 978-0-8093-3041-6 $45, 264 pages.

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