SBC Pray For Us Issue 236

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Issue 236 Nov 2012/Jan 2013

MICA (P) 100/09/2012


Pray For Us



the midst of our 60th anniversary celebration, God gave me a message for SBC through the work of nature at a rather unexpected place. In a recent preaching trip to Melbourne, I was brought by a lovely family to tour the famous Great Ocean Road. It is a scenic and windy journey along the coastal area of Melbourne with a magnificent ocean view. One of the most popular stops along the way is the Twelve Apostles. It was the name given to the 12 rock stacks standing as high as 45 meters not far away from the shore. Actually, only 9 are left standing after years of erosion and beatings by the wind and waves. These limestone stacks were initially part of the cliff along the seashore. But as the waves seeped into the foundation, caves were gradually formed at the base of the cliff, which later became arches after the caves expanded and merged together. It was at this point that the sheer weight of the limestone itself collapsed the arches, causing them to be separated from the cliff to form the 12 standalone rock stacks. When I read the description of the formation of the Twelve Apostles, I felt the Lord was telling me to pay attention to the lesson of the Twelve Apostles: Do not collapse under your own weight! After 60 years, we have definitely grown bigger. We have expanded from 1 building to 6 buildings, from 6 students to 520 current students and 3000 alumni, from 1 school to the current 4 schools, from a basement library to two floors of books; and if we become too complacent or arrogant, we are at the risk of collapsing under our own weight. There are ample examples in the Bible of people who have collapsed under their own weight. King Nebuchadnezzar had fallen under his own weight due to pride. He was made to live like a beast before he regained his sanity (Daniel 4). King Solomon had fallen under his own weight due to his relentless pursuits of success and expansion. His many pagan concubines had softened his commitment to God and he became a classic case of someone who did not finish well (1 King 10-11). We must take heed of the warning signs as we move forward. The message in Hebrews 12:1-4 provides a helpful basis for the path forward: 1. We need a Community (v.1a) A community of young and old, past and present, which provides a holistic view on the context and challenges


that the school faces, is essential for us to connect with the past while tackling issues and confronting the realities we face today. A community that loves the school enough to be honest with SBC and the external reality. A community committed enough to be willing to roll up their sleeves to be a part of the change agents. 2. We need to Unload (v.1b) Sin that entangles and anything that hinders have to be shed off so that we will not collapse under our own weight. Baggage must be unloaded before we can travel light, which will ultimately result in peak performance. We need the courage to delete, revise, merge and simplify our processes and programs so that efficiency and effectiveness can be experienced. 3. We need to look to Jesus (vv.2-3) Jesus is our model for the path forward. He is the Author and the Perfecter of our faith who journeys with us from the beginning until the end. How did Jesus finish his mission? He looks much further than the present reality to envision the joy of seeing generations of believers coming to salvation, and he looks even further to His joyful ascension to the right hand of the Heavenly Father. That’s what makes His suffering bearable. We need to look further at whom we might be, which makes the current struggles worth fighting for. 4. We need to stop whining (v.4) Our struggles have not reached Jesus’ level. It never will. We don’t whine as much in the marketplace, but we are often infected with “whinitis” in the ministry of God! It is a contagious disease among those who serve. We need to put things in the right perspective, so that we will not diminish our work and ourselves. The greatest danger of collapsing under our own weight is that we become our ultimate enemy. It will be most tragic if we destroy the very works we have established. May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us—yes, establish the work of our hands. (Psalm 90:17)

Dr Albert Ting, Principal Singapore Bible College

Singapore Bible College 9-15 Adam Road Singapore 289886 Tel: +65 6559 1555 Fax: +65 6559 1550 Email: Web:

Celebrating 60 years of growth

The months of Aug and Sep 2012 were filled with memorable activities, bringing to closure an eventful 60th anniversary celebration that began a year ago.

自一年前开始热烈欢庆的六十周年院庆,在2012年八九月进入尾声。 2-3 Aug:

SBC Pastors’ and Leaders’ Conference themed “Leading from the Inside Out”, and public evening meetings themed “Discipleship from the Inside Out”, delivered by Rev Edmund Chan.

8月2-3日: 曾金发牧师主讲教牧领袖讲座,题目 是“从内至外的领导”;傍晚的公开讲座主题则是“从 内至外的门徒训练”。

17 Aug: SBC’s 60th Anniversary Thanksgiving Dinner which

witnessed a turnout of some 1,000 staff, alumni and friends of the College, several returning from overseas to grace the occasion!

8月17日:逾千名职员、校友及新神之友,包 括许多特地从国外远道而来的宾客,出席了新神 六十周年的感恩晚宴。

31 Aug: Enjoying God’s faithfulness to the nations at SBC’s International Night! 8月31日:在新神独一无二的国际之夜中,纪念主 对万国万民的信实!

& faithfulness… a grand finale!

13-17 Aug: 12th Yap Un Han Conference themed “Listen! From Exegesis to Practice”, featuring keynote speaker Dr Tsai Lee-Chen, along with several breakout sessions and a panel discussion. 8月13-17日:第十二届叶恩汉纪念讲座主题是“听! 从解经到实践”。除了主讲嘉宾蔡丽贞博士的分享外,赴 会者也参加了小组会议及事工研讨会。

24 Sep: Homecoming Day with spotlight on “Finishing Your Race, Fulfilling Your Role: Spiritual Convictions for Life and Leadership in Ministry”, featuring special guest speaker Dr Ramesh Richard from Dallas Theological Seminary.

9月24日:新神返校日分享会题目是“勇奔全程,忠于所托:主仆为 人与领人之信念”,讲员是达拉斯神学院的拉梅士博士。

30 Sep: SBC’s inaugural Hymn Festival, “O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing”, presented the combined voices of choir members from 45 participating churches, celebrating the rich heritage we have in the hymns of old and new to glorify God! 9月30日:来自45个教会的合唱团成员参加了新加坡神学院圣诗庆典“万口 欢唱”,感谢神将新旧圣诗的丰富遗产带给教会!

CO L L EG E FO C US New Publication 新书 在每个信徒的生命中,总会有要追求灵命 成长的时候,因为我们都会渴望自己的灵 命有更新和突破,希望可以更深入经历神 应许要赐给我们的丰盛生命。新神华文 神学系教授李振群与杨金兰夫妇过去二十 年,在全球各地华人教会主领聚会,看到 不少信徒在追求灵命成长时面对许多迷 思,有过於讲究方法、感受、激情,导致 灵命没有深入扎根,不能带来突破性的成 长;也有过於强调知识,缺少生命经历和 情咸感投入,使信仰沦为抽象的哲理。作 者多年深入思考关於灵命成长的课题,这 本书期望能透过扎实的教导,以及深入浅 出的剖析,让读者从圣经、历史、神学等 角度,逐一分析个别灵命操 练的模 式,以 了解运这些模式的利弊所在。同时,以真 理为根基,重新建立一个附合圣经教导的 『灵命题建造工程』,使信徒的灵命能持续 更新突破。

灵 命 建造工程 作者 出版商 价格 ISBN

: 李振群和杨金兰合著 : 协传培训中心 : S$13.00 : 9789833487752

FINANCIAL REPORT 财务报告 General Fund 经常费 Income 收入 (01/07/12-31/10/12) Expenditure 支出 (01/07/12-31/10/12)

S$ 1,748,016 S$ 1,452,647

Surplus/(Deficit) 盈余/(不敷)



During the year, S$1.15m and S$0.5m were transferred from SBC’s General Fund to its Property, Plant & Equipment Fund and Library Fund respectively. 年内,本院从新神经常费已转让 1.15  亿新币到固定资产基金、0.5 亿新币到图书馆基金。

Faculty News 讲师 行 踪 Dr Christopher Lee has retired from SBC after 25 years of leadership and faithful service. During his tenure at the College, he has served in many important capacities, including Dean of SOTC for 18 years, Dean of Students, Chief Academic Officer, Acting Principal and in the IT department. He had also published many books on Church History, the Apostles’ Creed and devotional titles. SBC is grateful for Dr Lee’s service and wish him all the best as he continues to help SBC in an adjunct capacity, and contribute to theological education in a consultative role around the region. 经过25年的领导和忠心事奉,李振群博士 从新神退休了。任职期间,李博士曾担任 多个要职,包括18年的华文部主任、训 导主任、首席学术主任、代理院长及在科 技部的事奉。他还出版了许多关于教会历 史、使徒信经和灵修题目的书籍。新神由 衷感激李博士的贡献,并祝福他未来以客 卿讲师的身份协助新神,及以顾问角色帮 助区域神学教育的一切事工上顺利。

Dr Calvin Chong and Dr Samuel Goh are on sabbatical leave for a year in 2013 to pursue writing and research projects. 庄秉俊博士和吴仲诚博士在2013年申请了 一年的安息年假,预备进行他们的写作和 研究工作。

Dr Albert Ting will be on leave of absence from Jan to Mar 2013. During his absence, Dr Clive Chin will assume the role of Principal Deputy. 陈世协院长将在2013年1月至3月期间休 假。陈焯权博士将担任代理院长。

How You Can Support Our Ministry


>> Donors in Singapore

Cheque donation - please make cheque payable to Singapore Bible College. Cash donation - please deposit cash into our UOB a/c 126-300-592-4 and send us the deposit slip with your name and address.

>> Donors in Malaysia

Cheque donation (in RM) or Bank draft donation (in S$) – please make cheque or bank draft payable to Singapore Bible College and mail it to us at 9-15 Adam Road, Singapore 289886.

>> Donors in Hong Kong

Cheque donation - please make cheque payable to Singapore Bible College-Hong Kong Alumni Association Ltd. Mail to 1/F Maidstone Apartments

35 Maidstone Road, Tokwawan, Kowloon, Hong Kong

>> Donors in Taiwan

Cheque donation - please make cheque payable to Singapore Bible College-The Alumni Association in Taiwan. Mail to

221台北縣汐止市林森街31號2樓 新加坡 神學院台灣校友會收. Bank/ATM transfer

– please transfer funds to a/c “Singapore Bible College-The Alumni Association in Taiwan” under Mega International Commercial Bank-Taipei Branch (Bank Code 017), bank a/c 202-10-31116-7.

>> Donors in USA

Check donation - please make check payable to SBC North America Fellowship. Mail to Singapore Bible College, North America Fellowship, 4732 El Rancho Verde Drive, La Palma, CA 90623, USA.



>> Donors in Canada

Check donation - please make check payable to Partners International and indicate “For Singapore Bible College” on check. Mail to Partners International, 8500 Torbram Road, Unit 56, Brampton, Ontario L6T 5C6, Canada.

>> Donors in Other Countries

Bank draft donation (in S$/US$) – please make draft payable to Singapore Bible College and mail it to us. Telegraphic transfer United Overseas Bank Ltd, Bukit Timah Branch, 587 Bukit Timah Road, #02-25/26/27/28 Coronation Shopping Plaza, Singapore 269707. Bank Code 7375, Branch Code 026. A/c no. 126-300-592-4. Swift code: uovbsgsg. Tax-deductible receipts will be issued to donors in Taiwan, USA and Canada.

学院动态 S c h o o l of Churc h Music CHORAL CONDUCTING SYMPOSIUM The Choral Conducting Symposium and Classes organized by the SCM on 14-20 July was attended by more than 180 participants from Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines. Participants were blessed as they were taught voice building, choral diction, conducting and rehearsal techniques for church choir conductors and choir members, and score study by Dr Joel Navarro of Calvin College. Dr Margaret Chen also taught choir accompanists and Dr Virginia Tsai led a hymn anthem reading session. In the choir clinic and weekday rehearsals, participants observed how Dr Navarro solved choral problems and conducted rehearsals, and they were introduced to many global songs and anthems accessible to church choirs. Dr Navarro also led the SBC community in worship through choral songs. Beyond these, participants were touched by his humility and pastoral approach to conducting and the beautiful ministry partnership between him and his wife, Amy. In celebration of SCM’s 30th Anniversary this year, another Choral Conducting Symposium by Dr Joel Navarro will be held during the week of 1-7 July 2013. Look out for more details coming your way!

S c h o o l of Counselling COUNSELLING WEEK: FREE LECTURES ON COUNSELLING AND THERAPY FOR OUR COMMUNITY. In view of the School of Counselling’s desire to share our programme to our community, we are opening all classes to the public from 18-23 February, 2013. The classes are as follows:

Module Title




Gender & Sexuality

Mr Joseph John

18 Feb Mon

0900hrs to 1100hrs

Marriage and Family Therapy

Mr Benny Bong

18 Feb Mon

1430hrs to 1730hrs

Human Development

Dr Linda Bubod

19 Feb Tue

1430hrs to 1730hrs

Mr Christopher Fong

19 Feb Tue

1430hrs to 1730hrs

Spiritual Direction & Mentoring

Rev Dr Paul Woods

20 Feb Wed

1110hrs to 1300hrs

Theory & Practice In Counselling

Ms Esther Tan

20 Feb Wed

1430hrs to 1730hrs

Mr Christopher Fong

21 Feb Thur

1430hrs to 1730hrs

Integration of Psychology & Theology

Dr Linda Bubod

21 Feb Thur

1830hrs to 2130hrs

Psychological Assessments: Tests and Measurements

Dr Linda Bubod

23 Feb Sat

0900hrs to 1300hrs

Social & Multicultural Issues in Counselling

Counselling Issues

As there is a limited number of seats available, interested parties will have to pre-register online at before 8 Feb.

Please note that School of Counselling will be closed from 11-15 February, 2013. Office hours: Mondays-Fridays 9.30am to 5.30pm We will not be providing notes, just come with your note pad and an open heart to learn. Organized by School of Counselling, Singapore Bible College 9-15 Adam Road, S(289886) Tel: 6559 1528 Fax: 6559 1550

Singapore Bible College

School of Church Music Music and music ministry: biblical roots God is the source and subject of music. God endowed His creation with the gift of music. When He laid the earth’s foundations, creation and angels burst forth in exuberant music to their Creator (Job 38:4-7). His act of salvation brought forth the praise of His people (Exo 15:1-21; Judg 5). He chose music as the medium to deliver His word to generations (Deut 31:19-32:47). Many prophets delivered His word through songs (i.e. Jeremiah, Isaiah). His people responded to Him in songs (book of Psalms). Music ministry led by musically-gifted and spiritual leaders also finds its origin in God. God gave David the plans to form a guild of Levitical musicians who were skilled in music to lead His people in worship through music, disciple the next generation, and do His work in His way for His glory (1 Chron 28:12,13,19; 2 Chron 29:25). With the abolition of temple ministry, music still played an important part in God’s early church (1 Cor 14:26) and will continue through eternity (Revelations). Paul himself frequently quoted songs in his letters to the churches (e.g. Phil 2:6-11, Col 1:15-20) and instructed the church to use music for worship and teaching (Eph 4:19-20; Col 3:16).

SBC School of Church Music: More than just music… Knowing that music plays an important



role in God’s plan and work, the School of Church Music (SCM) was founded in 1983 to train Christian musicians who have sensed God’s call to be music and worship pastors in churches or educators in seminaries and parachurch organizations. Since then, it has produced many music pastors, music and worship educators in seminaries, Christian radio broadcasters, performers and composers who used music for God’s purposes throughout Asia and beyond. At SCM, students are trained to be pastors first, musicians second. As pastors who point people to God, music pastors preach and teach God’s Word, lead people in worship, disciple God’s people, edify His church, and share the gospel to others. Unlike typical pastors, however, they are skilled in music and worship and effectively use music for God’s purposes and work. With this outcome in mind, the SCM provides a programme of study to train students holistically. It has a curriculum that is uniquely designed to provide strong biblical, musical, historical, and theological foundations for music and worship ministries at the undergraduate and graduate levels: •

General music and skills development courses to develop musicianship, music knowledge and performance skills, not just in the student’s specialized field of music (i.e. piano, organ, voice or composition), but also in conducting, song arranging, worship teams and more.

• Church music and worship courses to equip students with the biblical, historical and theological foundations, concepts and skills necessary for music and worship leadership. • Biblical, theological, historical, educational, counseling and pastoral leader ship courses to prepare students for their roles as spiritual leaders. Classroom courses, supervised performances and projects, and various experiences help SCM students to apply principles, theoretical knowledge and competencies to church ministries, to relate biblical and historical roots with contemporary practices in contextually relevant ways, and to integrate various disciplines into the church context. Leadership opportunities in chapels and special events hone their organizational and leadership skills. Performances with various musical groups provide the vocal and ensemble experiences and exposure to a wider range of repertoire. Symposiums and workshops provide deeper learning on specialized topics. Chapels, counseling, field education and community life lead to spiritual formation, character development, leadership growth and relational skills. In short, the School of Church Music is more than

just about music. It is a training ground for music and worship pastors in churches or music/worship ministry educators in seminaries and parachurch organizations for the worship of God, the edification of His church and the evangelization of the unreached.

音乐与音乐事工:圣经的根源 神是音乐的泉源和主题。神赋予祂的创造 音乐的恩赐。当祂奠定大地根基时,创造 和天使以音乐向造物者发出欢呼(约伯记 三十八章4至7节)。神施行的拯救引发了 祂子民的赞美(出埃及记十五章1至21节; 士师记五章)。神选择以音乐作为媒介把 祂的话语流传到万代(申命记三十一章19 节至三十二章47节)。许多先知以诗歌发 表神的话(如:耶利米、以赛亚)。神的子 民以诗歌回应祂(诗篇)。 让有音乐恩赐并属灵的领袖带领音 乐 事 工 同 样 起 源 于 神 。神 赐 给 大 卫 组 织 擅于音乐 的 利 未 人 的 计 划 ,让 他 们 带 领 子民以音乐敬拜、教导下一代,并为祂的 荣耀的一切工作样式(历代记上二十八章 12、13、19节;历代记下二十九章25节) 。 随着圣殿事工的废除,音乐在神早 期教会仍然扮演着重要的角色(哥林多前 书十四章26节)并一直持续到永远(启示 录)。保罗本身经常在他的书信中引用诗 歌(如:腓立比书二章6至11节、歌

罗西书一章15至20节)并教导教会用音乐敬拜和教导(以弗所书四章19至20节;歌罗西书 三章16节)。

新神圣乐系:不止是音乐。。。 因为深知音乐在神的计划和工作扮演的重大角色,新神于1983年成立圣乐系作为培训蒙 神呼召到教会作圣乐传道,或神学院及基督教机构作教育工作的基督教音乐家。自此,圣 乐系培训了许多圣乐传道、神学院教育家、基督电台广播员、以及在亚洲区域内外为神 的缘故使用音乐的表演及创作家。 在圣乐系内,学生先被训练为牧者,其次为音乐家。牧者要把人指向神,音乐牧者 要传讲、教导神的话、带领人敬拜、培训神的子民、建立教会、并向人传福音。与一般 的牧者不一样的是,他们在音乐和敬拜上受训,能有效地为神的缘故和工作使用音乐。 以此为目标,圣乐系提供了全面训练学生的计划。它的课程设计独特,能为音乐和 敬拜事工提供本科和研究生水平强有力的圣经、音乐、历史和神学基础: • 一般音乐和技能发展课程,以培养音乐修养、音乐知识和表演技巧,不限于学 生的专门领域的音乐(即钢琴、风琴、声音或创作),但还包括指挥、歌曲安 排、敬拜团队及更多。 • 教会音乐与崇拜课程,使学生具备在音乐和崇拜的领导需要的圣经、历史和神 学的基础、概念和技能。 • 圣经、神学、历史、教育、辅导、牧者领导课程,帮助学生预备成为属灵领袖。 教室课程、受监督的表演和项目、及各种经验帮助圣乐系的学生把原则、理论知识 和能力应用在教会事工,并将内容相关的圣经和历史根源与当代的做法结合起来,并把 各学科融合入教会的景况。早会和特别活动的领导机会也培训他们组织和领导的技能。 参与不同音乐团体的表演也提供他们声乐与团体的经验,并让他们接触更广泛的曲目。 研讨会和工作坊为专题提供更深入的学习。早会、辅导、实习和群体生活帮助属灵、品 格发展、领导能力和人际关系的成长。 总之,圣乐系不止于音乐。这是一个栽培教会音乐和敬拜牧者,或神学院及机构的 敬拜/音乐事工教育工作者的一个训练场,为的是要敬拜神、建立教会并奋得万民。




ingapore Bible College is an evangelical and inter-denominational seminary that offers education in theology, church music and counselling in Chinese and English through its four schools: School of Theology (Chinese), School of Theology (English), School of Church Music and School of Counselling. We prepare students for ministry, missions and marketplace witness. Today, more than 2,000 SBC alumni serve in 40 countries as pastors, missionaries, church planters, theological educators, counsellors and workers among orphans, drug addicts and prisoners. Coming from various backgrounds, these faithful servants of Jesus Christ have one thing in common: they love the Lord and had responded to His call to ministry. 8 of our current students from our recent intake share their testimonies.

加坡神学院是一间持守福音信仰,服事众宗派、教会与机构的神学院。本院设有华文神学系、英文神学系、圣乐系和辅导系, 提供牧养事工、海外宣教和专业职场所需之各类神学装备课程。目前新神校友人数更逾 2000,分布在全球 40 个国家,以全职 或带职身份从事牧会、宣教、植堂、辅导、神学教育、照顾孤儿、戒毒和监狱事工。虽然来自不同背景,这群耶稣基督忠心的仆人都 有一个共同的起点:他们爱主,并顺从回应祂的呼召 。其中八名新同学分享了他们的见证。

Dooley Eric Eugene (USA) Master of Arts in Counselling

I grew up in the US state of Oregon in a family that went to church every Sunday. I knew Jesus but felt that God was as far away as the planet Jupiter and was not relevant in my life. I had thought that if I was good and went to church, I would go to heaven after I die. In my first year of university, I came in contact with members of my college football team who talked about Jesus as though they actually knew him and felt that He was relevant in their daily lives. That stuck in my mind. One night in my dorm room, I prayed, “God, if there really is a God, I might get kicked out of heaven for saying this…but I don’t know if I believe you are really there. But if you are there and can hear me, and if Jesus really is God…I want to know you.” I then entered into a daily walk with God and my heart was captured with knowing Jesus. I began to realise I was surrounded by people like the old me before I had entered into a personal relationship with Jesus. God also planted a desire in my heart to go overseas and tell people about Him. My wife and I spent our one-month honeymoon in 1984 taking Bibles from Hong Kong to Guangzhou. The passion to know God and to tell others about him expanded to doing international student ministry at the University of Washington, which brought us to Southeast Asia in 1986. Having planted and pastored churches in Asia for a quarter of a century, at this point in my life I am pastoring pastors and earning a Master of Arts in counselling to add a tool to my “pastoral tool belt”, to become further equipped to meet the needs of hurting people.

Jose Christian Subagio

Impuiru Yaopeila Shimray

I came to know the Lord Jesus as a child. My parents encouraged me to join the children’s choir when I was ten. I was also involved in the music ministry as a teenager, playing the piano and violin. God has been giving me opportunities to serve in the area of church music. It was in senior high school when I felt the call of God to me to be His servant. During a service in 2009, the pastor asked those who were ready to surrender and promise to be God’s servant to step forward to the pulpit. I did not know why but I cried so hard at that time as God led me forward to kneel to make that commitment. I did not realise then that the promise I made to God would remain so strong in my life; my heart was not settled until I went to Bible college. After graduating from school, I studied in a music academy because I had thought that I was too young to study theology. When I delayed God’s plan for me, there was always a feeling of unease as I remembered His calling. Even though I was being trained to be a performer, I knew that was not for me. What I wanted was to play music entirely to God - music with a focus on God rather than myself. After completing two semesters of studies in that music academy, my parents suddenly decided to send me overseas for college education. God was working in my life. In the midst of the struggle to determine where to go, God spoke to my parents and me through the pastor of our church, Rev Freddy Lay, who led me to SBC, his alma mater. I believe that God will equip me in music and theology so that I can serve Him and preach the gospel through music.

I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Saviour at a Logos Camp in 1994. On the last day of that camp, God called me to full-time ministry. Unknown to me then, God had answered my mother’s prayer. She had been secretly praying for me that I would serve Him. Growing up, whenever I did wrong, I remember my mother reminding me that I was chosen by God. The verse from Hebrews 13:5, “never will I leave you; never will I forsake you”, has been my guide and affirmation throughout my life. God has been so faithful, His promises never fail, He has always been there for me in times of struggles and joy. After obtaining my degree in Bachelor of Arts, I went to Eastern Theological College, Jorhat, for my theological studies. My spiritual life was shaped and moulded, and my calling became clearer and more certain. I had the privilege to serve as Hostel-secretary during my theological studies where I encountered different issues my friends faced and God opened my eyes to see their struggles and understand their pain. On hindsight now, God was actually preparing me gradually for ministry. After graduating from the theological college, I worked as a Warden in a Hostel under the Tangkhul Baptist Church Imphal. It was there that I began to see the kind of ministry that God has planned for me. Through my life experiences and ministries, I have had a burden for people in pain. My prayer and desire is for them to see God’s love and faithfulness. I believe my current counselling training at SBC will help me serve more effectively.

(Indonesia) Bachelor of Church Music

(India) Master of Arts in Counselling

Noppadon Hattayanont (Thailand) Master of Divinity

At 46, my story might appear to be one of mid-life crisis. I had been working in the business world for 17 years before joining SBC with a view towards full-time ministry. It felt like after living through the years of summer heat with a busy life that’s full of activities, I was then entering a new season of autumn. Autumn started when my manager informed me that I no longer had a job. I told myself that it was a good opportunity to take a break and do things I previously had no time for. I had always wanted to devote a few months to learning the Bible without other distractions, and it seemed to be perfect timing. I decided to spend 6 months in a Bible college before looking for a new job. God had other plans. After the first semester, I applied for a few jobs but there was no reply. I then continued with my second semester determined it would be my last. During my second semester, the Dean of the Bangkok Bible College asked me if I would like to go to Singapore for a Bible degree and return to serve as a lecturer. I was very grateful for this opportunity. After discussing with my wife, we both felt that there was no good reason for me not to take the offer. God has faithfully been providing our needs. My wife and our two children, a daughter at 16 and son at 12, continue to live in Bangkok as I am pursuing a Master of Divinity at SBC in Singapore. I have two more years of studies to go. Please remember us in your prayers.

Lim Hui Koon (Singapore) Master of Divinity I was born into a Taoist family, but it was my non-Christian parents who brought me to church. I was there to take up the free tuition provided there. God broke through my initial resistance and gradually touched me. I accepted the Lord Jesus as my personal Saviour in 1989, the same

year I first stepped into church. I was nine years old. Full-time church ministry was never on my mind until 2004 when a Reverend urged me to pray about that possibility. Though I was not fully convinced at that time, I could not deny a quiet joy within me when I thought about that calling. So I kept it in my heart. I needed to be more certain of God’s voice. A few years later, I reached the lowest point in my life. My father passed away and my five-year relationship with my thenboyfriend ended at the same time. It was also during this dire period that I received the clearest confirmation of God’s calling. When I found myself losing strength and faith to follow God, He held on all the more tightly to me. He healed me with His word and love shown through the support from church. God’s words never tasted sweeter. It was also at my frailest moment that God gave me new ministries and sent people to seek comfort from me. I had thought that God could only use me at my strongest moments. The amazing Lord showed me otherwise. So here I am at SBC to respond to God’s higher calling, to acquire knowledge and practical skills, so that I can serve God and His people better.

本杰明(启创地区) 道学硕士

当我刚跨进新神的校园心中就充满了不尽 的感恩,因为能来到这里装备乃是凭着主 的恩典,能在这样美好的环境中学习全是 靠着众弟兄姐妹的支持,奉献与代祷。 我从小就生活在基督化的家庭中, 认识神也就成了理所当然的事。但那时只 是头脑的认知而没有心里的接受,直到我 20岁那年才真正的与主建立生命的关系。 很感恩的是在我得救后不久上帝就清楚的 让我明白了祂的呼召,虽然当时还没有一 个明确的事奉方向,但在服事当中圣灵不 断的提醒我“务要传道,无论得时不得时”。 一年后在一次福音布道讲座中神让 我清楚了祂在我身上的托付。祂让我看到 周边亚洲国家还有很多福音未得之地,近 几个世纪以来却一直靠着西方宣教士的帮 助。今天主耶稣对我们说“庄稼已经熟了, 可以收割了” ,是时候让我们自己承担起神 所托付的大使命去使万民做主的门徒。 感谢上帝给我预备这宝贵的学习机 会,我相信神会让我在这里塑造成为祂忠 心的仆人,去完成祂在我身上的托付。

陈颂华(启创地区) 圣乐学士

我还在母腹时,医院B超测出我有兔唇和 十一根手指,家人迫切祷告,出生时大家 惊喜发现我完好无缺,奶奶看我手指很长 就打算让我学琴,称颂耶和华,这是我名 字的由来。尽管不知到底是医院失误还是 神奇妙作为,我的美好名字时刻提醒我要 努力献上自己,成为合用的器皿,为的是 称颂耶和华。 我从主日学开始一直以来的司琴事奉 过程中,心被恩感,信心愈加被坚立,自 己的方向也在神的带领里愈走愈清晰。弹 了十六年的琴,我深刻体会到纵然拥有再 多的技巧,音乐若不是为了神而作就皆是 虚空。很感恩自己能够被神使用,况且我 的兴趣爱好恰好都能用在圣乐事奉方面, 是件何等幸福的事,因此我更应珍惜神所 赐予的一切,并用在最有价值的地方。 “艳丽是虚假的,美容是虚浮的,唯 敬畏耶和华的妇女必得称赞。”唯愿我能 凡事以神为中心,在新神努力充实装备自 己,无论圣乐,还是神学、灵命操练等, 才能更好的为主做工。不是为了得到赞 许,乃是为了回应耶稣基督十字架上的爱 与恩典。


文学硕士(圣经科主修) 虽然我在中学时期已经信了主,但踏入社 会工作几年后,因经不起工作环境中的试 探,在信仰的路上倒退了。直到2001年, 神借一些挫败管教我,让我从糜烂没有方 向的生活中悔改。那时我再一次深深感受 到神无条件接纳浪子回头的大爱,心中无 限的感恩。自知无以回报这恩典,只有将 一生献给主,让祂随己意使用我。神也让 我看到许多迷失的灵魂需要福音,2004年 底我便参加了教会‘一生献一年’的海外宣 教事奉。服事一年后,我很清楚神的带领 与托付,便加入一个机构作全时间事奉。 这7年的服事,我的主要工作是教 导。但因自己在圣经及神学上的认识很有 限,时常觉得很亏欠神和所教导的对象。 故此,我打算上些正式有系统的课程。无 奈工场事奉的安排紧密,一直没有机会去 探索。回国后,神借着一次的教会主日信 息,催促我不可再拖延装备的事,我就决 定报读新神。我很感恩,神为我开路,让 我来到新神。深信神必会继续带领我,度 过这学习的阶段及未来的方向。

CCTE 信徒神学教育中心 深 新加坡神学院 入 华文神学系设立 扎 实 的 神 学教育 信徒神学教育中心 事 工 装 新加坡神学院信徒神学教育中心以本院专任老师为主要师资,透过延伸教学方式,使有心追求者 能利用业余时间接受正规基础神学教,成为良好的圣工人才;有效地在教会中事奉,成为上帝国 备 度的好管家;同时也预备自己,等候主的带领,成为全职的事奉者。 必修科目




基督教神学 [2013年开课]


姐妹关顾与牧养 [2013年开课]





儿童基督教教育 [2013年开课]



新约纵览 [2013年开课]






长者事工开拓与发展 [2013年开课]




策划与领导 [2013年开课]

2½至5年内修毕5门必修科目及1门 由5个单元组成的主修科目。每个


基础辅导与关顾 [2013年开课]



基督教伦理 [2013年开课]





小时,周二或周三晚上7点半至9点 半。

10. 灵命塑造与操练 11. 系统神学

2013 首季科目 「基督教神学」

「姐妹关顾与牧养」 单元一:教会的女儿

神学到底是什么?真的需要认识神学?神学真 有那么重要吗?到底它涵盖那些内容?它不是 神学院里面的人才需要了解的事情吗?这个科 目将会解答这些问题,而且让你明白神学其实 与每个信徒都息息相关,不能或缺。

当上帝为亚当造一个助手时,指的是什么?耶 稣在世时是怎样对待妇女?使徒保罗又如何描 述姐妹在教会中的角色 ?本科目将帮助你了 解上帝对姐妹在家庭,工作,社会及教会里的 心意。

讲师:李振群博士 李振群博士于一九八八年完成哲学博士学位后 即加入新加坡神学院至今,曾任教务主任、总 教务长等职。现为本院之教授。著有《如此我 开课日期 信》、《透视2000》、《使徒信经今昔》、 《灵命 (周二) 建造工程》等书。李振群博士也同时教授必修 1月15, 22, 29 2月5, 12, 19, 26 科目「基督教会发展史」。


开课日期 (周三) 1月16, 23, 30 2月6, 20, 27

课程费用:每单元 S$107

陈恩慧牧师1994年新加坡神学院毕业后便加入 母会恩泽堂长老会服事,与夫婿黄志伦牧师开拓 位于新加坡西部之武吉巴督新聚会。在15年的 服事里,为教会开拓孩童主日学,少年,姐妹等 事工。陈牧师于2010年受聘于新加坡神学院任 教,今年起当任「信徒神学教育中心 」主任。


欢迎上网或来电了解更多详情及报名: [网页] [电话] 65591551


少年Pi的奇幻漂流 ~教会如何面对世俗化?

期最多人谈论的一部影片, 就是台湾人李安执导的《少 年Pi的奇幻漂流》。片中成年的男 主角Pi对访谈员娓娓道来,少年时 的他在无边无际的大海洋上,与家 人生离死别、与动物求生共存、与 自然搏斗挣扎,经历天马行空般的 旅程,最后奇迹般生还的故事。 在结束前,成年的Pi说了另一版本 的故事。这次,一切听来都比之前 的那个来得符合常理常规,正如 报章上读到的新闻一样。最后, 男主角问 访 谈 者 : “你相信哪一个 故事?”留下给观众一个思想的空 间,人活着能不能没有信仰?信仰 必然违反常规与理性?无论如何, 那访谈员选择相信。 然而,对一个世俗化社会而言,信仰是违反理性的选择,信仰因 而不符合要求客观理性的公众标准,所以信仰是出自个人的选 择。这是世俗化(secularization)的结果。但什么是世俗化?世 俗化是五个世纪以来现代化(modernization)进程的目标,为要 实现以人为本、注重此世、非宗教化的理性社会。 不过,现代化社会的发展难免面对世俗化的两个矛盾:一方面, 世俗化提倡人本或人道精神,积极实现民主社会与个体自由,却 逐渐失去群体凝聚力与道德约束力;另一方面,世俗化因只注重 此世而掏空宗教经验、价值与传统,结果难以克服现代人自我中 心的欲望与放任。 教会作为世俗社会的成员,应当如何面对世俗化的挑战?秉持着 主耶稣教导的“入世却不属世”的精神,基督教信仰向来与世俗 主义有着密切的对话,亦在不同的处境下对世俗社会发出先知先 见之言。从这角度而言,基督教强调信徒必须“入世”的世俗性 (关心今生此世),同时也警戒信徒追求“不属世”的超越性(关 心永生他世)。 在今日世俗化的社会处境下,基督徒如何能够入世而不属世,并 且继续向世俗人见证福音真理? 一、尊重真理的公共性:福音是上帝在基督里给世人启示的真 理。真理必然符合个别的与公众的理性考验。所以,基督徒见证 上帝的真理,务求精确清楚、实事求是、客观从容。故此,教会 需要培育与装备基督徒知识份子和专业人士,在各自的知识领域 中整合信仰与知识,见证上帝是一切真理的源头。 二、汲取信仰的日常性:福音信仰的经验有神秘的和日常的两个 特质。但若要表达经验的世俗性,就要把信仰经验转化为日常语 言(language of everydayness),好让信仰感受生活、贴近人 性、更深入人心。有如灵修小品、职场圣徒、福音故事等,让人 感受并体验到福音信仰与日常经验是密不可分的。 三、见证福音的特殊性:从现代社会过度到后现代社会,最大的

特点就是后者包容不同的文化、信 仰和语言在同一社会中共存共荣。 诚然,基督徒必须积极认识其他宗 教,为要增进理解、消除误解、杜 绝曲解,进而维护宗教自由与促进 社会安定。但要谨防的是,福音信 仰被简化为宗教,失去它的特殊 性,就是相信并跟随耶稣的崭新人 生道路。 四、坚守教会的合一性:欧陆宗教 世俗化的结果是信仰个体化,不上 教堂但自认有信仰的人为数不少; 但非欧陆的宗教世俗化,结果是信 仰部落化,人人按照个别的需要选 择聚会。这尤其发生在更正教或改 革宗的教会,只要某个教义解释、 或领导风格、或牧养方式稍有不同,就彼此分家而产生新的教 派。这是教外人给基督教会最严重的指责:基督教虽然宣扬爱的 真理,但是活出来的却不是爱的生命。有鉴于此,信徒与信徒、 教会与教会、宗派与宗派之间必须努力打破彼此的隔膜,在真诚 的对话之中增进彼此的认识,化解过去的误解和纷争。只有相爱 的教会与信徒,才可能让世人看见基督教会真是基督的门徒。 五、爱人如己的道德性:任何宗教的基要主义都属于某种保守主 义,但保守主义的思维常常缺乏一种超越宗教、文化、语言、民 族的道德力量。基督徒需要持守爱上帝/爱人如己的道德高度, 在任何时候都以人为服事的对象,不应当按照福音果效和信主人 数,合理化社会参与的责任与行动。 新加坡是现代化进程下的世俗化社会。然而,世俗化的尽头不一 定是宗教、道德与人性的绝境荒漠。世俗化之下的人性,经过物 化、异化、除魅化,随即面临价值虚无与道德相对化的人道危 机。也就在如此境地,世俗人对灵性、他世、上帝更是空前的渴 慕与敞开。 从主耶稣教导门徒的祷告文,我们可以体会到神国临到世俗的行 动:“我们在天上的父,愿父的国降临,愿父的旨意行在地上如 同行在天上…”主耶稣延续犹太人信仰,说明上帝是普世人类的 父,并且天国虽超越世界,也临在世俗。故此,上帝的子民(犹 太人)应当跨出自己的国界,把天国信息带给外邦,为要实现上 帝透过选民在万民中掌权的国度。 可见,天上的父比世俗时代的你我更早临到世(俗)人。可见, 你我生活在凡尘俗世正是福音的禾场。可见,耶稣要他的门徒入 世,但不属世。可见,门徒的世俗生活正是世人看见、听见、摸 到的福音信仰。 或许,李安导演的电影成功折射了后现代世俗人对灵性的憧憬与 梦想。但是,上帝道成肉身进入世俗尘世间,正是神圣与世俗会 遇的定点,也是耶稣的门徒与世俗人分享属灵丰宴的福音。 谢木水博士是新加坡神学院华文神学系的教务主任。谢博士讲授范围包括系统 神学;基督教伦理;现代与后现代神学思潮;神学与科学对话的基础;神学与 哲学(世界观)。

嘉声 236 十一月2012/一月 2013

通讯与代祷 欢

庆新神六十周年之际,神在一个意 想不到大自然的景点中,给了我一个 提醒新神的信息。

最近到墨尔本讲道的行程中,我受一户人家邀 约畅游大洋路。那是沿着墨尔本海岸线一段可 见到壮丽海景的风景线。其中一个受欢迎的风 景站称为“十二使徒”。它是由于海岸不远处的 十二座高达45公尺的石柱而得名。其实在风浪 的侵蚀下,如今只有九座仍然屹立。这些石灰 岩原本是海岸上悬崖的一部分,却由于海浪渗 入根基而在悬崖下形成石洞。接着一个个小石 洞扩大后合并起来形成拱门。最后,拱门因承 受不起石灰岩自己的重量而倒塌,形成了十二 座独立的石柱。

当我读到关于“十二使徒”如何形成的说明时, 我感觉到主正在告诉我要注意从中所得的功 课:不要自己压垮自己!经过六十年,我们成 长了不少。从一座建筑扩建到目前六座建筑, 从六名学生增长到在籍520名学生及三千名校 友,从一个学系扩展到四个学系,从一层地下 层图书馆扩充到两层楼的图书收藏。如果我们 过于自满或骄傲,我们将面临自己压垮自己的 危险。 圣经里不乏被自己压垮的人物例子。尼布甲尼 撒王由于骄傲被自己压垮。他需要活像禽兽后 才恢复神志清醒(但以理书第四章)。所罗门王 由于不断追逐成功记扩展而被自己压垮。他的 许多异教嫔妃使他不再委身于神,成为典型晚 节不保的例子(列王记上第十至十一章)。我们 前进时,也要注意这些警告讯号。希伯来书十 二章1至4节提供前进时有利的基础:

2. 我们需要卸下(第一节下段) 我们需要卸下任何缠绕我们的罪和其他阻挠 我们前进的因素,免得自己被自己压垮。要轻 装上路就要卸下包袱,最终才能有巅峰的表 现。我们要具备删除、修改、合并和简化工作 的流程和方案的勇气,以达到高效率及有效的 结果。 3. 我们需要仰望耶稣(第二至三节) 耶稣是我们前进的楷模。他是我们信心创始成 终者,从旅程的起点陪伴我们走到终点。耶稣 是如何完成他的使命呢?他的眼光超越现况看 到了世世代代人类得到救恩的喜乐,看到了自

己升到天上坐在天父的荣耀。那是帮助他忍受 苦难的原因。我们把眼光放到自己未来的身 份,就能激发我们投身为眼前的挑战奋斗。 4. 我们需要停止报怨(第四节) 我们所面临的挣扎无法与耶稣的相比。绝对不 能。我们在职场上报怨反而不多,在神事工领 域中却是怨声载道!这是事奉者的传染病。我 们应以正确的角度看待事情,不要降低自己身 份和工作的价值。 被自己的重量压垮的最大威胁就是自己成为自 己最大的敌人。要是我们摧毁了自己所建立的 工作,那实在太可悲了。 愿主我们的神的恩慈临到我们身上,坚立我们 手所做的工;我们手所做的工,愿你坚立。 (诗 篇九十章17节)

1. 我们需要群体(第一节上段) 群体中的老少,今昔,为新神提供所面临的境 况和挑战一个全面视野。这对我们能与过去连 接,又能面对今天所面临的现实问题是必要 的。一个因为爱新神而愿意提出忠告的群体。 一个愿意委身而参与成为改革推动者的群体。

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