SBC Pray For Us Issue 235

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Issue 235 July/Oct 2012 MICA (P) 100/09/2012

Beyond 60


Pray For Us

“SBC is committed to build an integrative learning experience in a worshipful and loving community in order to produce impactful leaders for the glory of God.”


has been 60 years since the founding of Singapore Bible College. Much have transpired over the past six decades. Different people have come and gone. Different issues have surfaced and faded. But the human condition has remained the same: we are sinners in need of God. It is for this purpose that SBC was founded. We are entrusted with the mission to train faithful servants of Jesus Christ for the edification of the church and the urgent evangelization of the unreached. As we look beyond 60, we are committed to a theological education with these thrusts: 1. To build an integrative learning experience As we face a globalized world in a post-modern mindset, we have to prepare the future church leaders to acquire the ability to reflect on issues in an integrative and inter-disciplinary way. In an increasingly complex world, they need to broaden their scope in order to understand the issues more thoroughly, yet remaining committed to the inerrant and authoritative Word of God. As we go beyond 60, we are committed to help our graduates to think deeply and act relevantly to respond to our world today. 2. In a worshipful and loving community Theological education begins with God. When the passion for God is lost, the life of the church will be snuffed out. When the position of God in our life is secondary, the love for God grows cold. The supremacy of God must undergird every aspect of our training. It is in a worshipful and loving community where this training can be holistic. We desire to inculcate in our graduates a deep devotion and real submission to God. We want to train graduates who love God passionately and love others sacrificially to lead God’s church in both quantitative and qualitative growth.

As we go beyond 60, we are committed to mentor our students in character and spiritual formation to build a solid foundation for lifelong ministry. 3. To produce impactful leaders

The church rises and falls with her leadership. Throughout church history, God calls individuals to inspire others to accomplish His purposes. None of them were perfect, but all of them were willing “to acquire great things from God and attempt great things for God.” Impactful leaders are those who make a difference and leave a legacy in their endeavor for God. We want to instill in our graduates a lifelong aspiration for godly and servant leadership that will inspire others to rise up to the call of leadership. As we go beyond 60, we are committed to bring out the best in our students so that they can bring out the best in others. When the right learning experience and the right community are provided, the right product of being impactful leaders will be produced to serve the Kingdom of God. I want to thank you for helping us to train faithful servants of Jesus Christ. By God’s grace and your help, we have produced more than 3,000 graduates serving God in many parts of the world as pastors, missionaries, music ministers, Christian counselors, specialized ministries and others. As we move beyond 60, I invite you and others to join us to produce more impactful leaders for God in this generation. The world is waiting!

Dr Albert Ting, Principal Singapore Bible College

Singapore Bible College 9-15 Adam Road Singapore 289886 Tel: +65 6559 1555 Fax: +65 6559 1550 Email: Web:

Rev Dr Michael Shen, Principal Emeritus of SBC, retired in May 2012 after 34 years of ministry at the College, during which he also served as the 5th Principal of SBC for 14 years spanning 1992 to 2006. In recognition of Rev Shen’s contribution to the College and his retirement, a special Chapel Service was held in his honour on 11 May 2012. Rev Shen has touched the lives of many people through his leadership and faithfulness, and here, he shares a heartfelt recount of some experiences from his memorable years at SBC.

It is all of God Rev Dr Michael Shen

Over the years I have been learning in Singapore Bible College three truths about God: God is holy. God answers prayer. God is faithful.

God is holy.

He is transcendent in His glorious majesty and absolute in His moral perfection. He upholds His character and purpose with relentless zeal. God commands the SBC community to be holy but we often fall short. For example, a series of theft in 1990 and 1991 in the men’s dormitory brought a mood of helplessness. Some students even said: “God’s word is ineffective.” When we fasted and prayed, the Lord led us to sanctify the community by renouncing sin. Every student from every school, with Bible in hand, was asked four questions by a panel of three teachers on May 8-9, 1991: What is your relationship to Jesus Christ? Before God and these witnesses, have you stolen money from your fellow-student at any time? Are you telling the truth? Does your conscience say that you are lying? As we sanctified ourselves, God brought cleansing. A student reported that the electric kettle which he had lost two months ago reappeared on his table. Then another student reported, “My money came back. I do not know who returned it or when, but the money was put prominently in my drawer – $306.” We rejoiced and gave thanks to God. God honoured our consecration. Theft stopped for three years. Though it reappeared in 1994 and 1997, and we never caught a thief, God gave us victory: each time after a solemn assembly was held, the money was returned. God’s Word prevails. God is holy, yet He answers the prayer of sinners, because we pray in Jesus’ name.

Yes, God answers prayer.

His answer may be “yes,” “no,” or “wait.” In Project Nehemiah, we again experienced God.

Beginning in 1995, we planned to locate Block 7 on the badminton court and the land where Block 4 is standing. It would house the library, faculty offices, classrooms and some dormitories. The worship hall would remain in Block 1 and be linked to the new building by a bridge. We thought it was an excellent plan. The authorities, however, rejected our application because of zoning issues. We appealed. We sought our Member of Parliament for support. We even applied to amalgamate the properties of Shelford Road and Adam Road. We prayed to God for a “yes.” He made us wait. Then two years Rev Shen with his wife Jan at the Chapel Service held on 11 May

brought another blessing. When the tender was called in 1999, the economic recession saved us about one million dollars.

God is faithful.

Dr E. N. Poulsen & Elder Yeh Shu Jen praying for Rev & Mrs Shen

later in April 1997, the Minister of National Development personally replied. The answer was “no.” The Lord led us to rethink. During our retreat in July, the faculty decided on how to fulfill SBC’s mission of training faithful servants of Jesus Christ: in a worshipful and loving community of learning. Purpose determines design. So we focused on what builds such a community. We designed a fellowship mall between Blocks 1 and 7. We built a new worship hall with seven round windows symbolizing the golden lampstand and God’s presence. We positioned the cross of Block 7 at the center of the campus to remind SBC: be Christ-centred! Meanwhile, the delay

When I became principal in 1992, the alumni of the School of Theology (English) gave me an engraved pewter plate: “Faithful is He who called you, and He’ll bring it to pass” (1 Thess 5:24). I can testify that indeed, God is faithful! Even His “no” can be a blessing. As I retire, the Lord encouraged me with Psalm 89:1, “I will sing of the LORD’S great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations.” I shall walk closely with Jan, my wife, as I face the tumultuous world and serve Christ’s church through gospeldirected preaching, teaching, writing, and mentoring of the younger generation. Besides teaching at SBC, I have been charged by the Principal, Dr Ting, to transmit SBC’s history, guard the truth, and persist in intercession. With God’s help, I will be true. Dear brothers and sisters, it is all of God, who is holy, prayer-answering, and faithful. He calls us: Be holy, pray, and be faithful!

FAC U LT Y NEWS 讲 师 行 踪 New Appointments 新委任 Dr Calvin Chong stepped down from his position as Academic Dean of SOTE in June 2012, after serving for six years since 2006. He remains as an Associate Professor at SOTE. Dr Clive Chin takes over the Deanship from July 2012. Dr Cainan Mui stepped down from his position as Academic Dean of SCM in June 2012, after serving for ten years since 2002, including 3 years as Acting Dean from 2002-2005. Dr Mui remains as an Associate Professor at SCM. Dr Myrleene Yap takes over the Deanship from July 2012. Dr Rick Griffith has been appointed as the new DMin Director from Sep 2012. At SBC’s Centre for Continuing Theological Education (CCTE), Dr Koh Siang Kiang has been appointed as Director for CCTE (English) and Rev Grace Tan has been appointed as Director for CCTE (Chinese) from Sep 2012. Dr Koh also continues to serve as Field Education Director of SOTE. Rev Dr Jacob Hwang has been appointed

as Field Education Director of SOTC from July 2012. 庄秉俊博士于今年六月卸下英文神学系教 务主任一职。庄博士自2006年任职至今已 六年。他将继续留任英文神学系副教授。 陈焯权博士于今年七月起接下英文系教务 主任职位。 梅廣文博士于今年六月卸下圣乐系教务主 任一职。梅博士自2002年任职至今已十 年,而自2002至2005年担任代理主任则三 年。他将继续留任圣乐系副教授。叶慕灵 博士于今年七月起接任圣乐系教务主任职 位。 顾力凯博士于今年九月受委为教牧学博士 主任。 在神学延伸教育中心方面,许婵娟博士受 委为英文部主任,陈恩慧牧师则受委为中 文部主任。许博士仍继续担任英文神学系 实习主任。 黄志伦牧师自2012年七月起受委为华文神 学系实习主任。

S OTC 华文神学系 谢木水博士的按立论文播道会 : 〈 宗教改 革精神下的学习群体~教会的神学功能 之教牧反思〉获得通过,并于今年五月一 日受按立为新加坡为道播道会义务牧师。 谢博士的〈如何诠释圣经而不导致暴力? 列维纳斯的文本诠释与福音神学〉发表于  《华神期刊》 (2 012 年秋 )。

Dr Clement Chia passed his ordination paper on “EFC as a Learning Community in the Spirit of the Reformation: A Pastoral Reflection on the Office of Theolohy and its Function in the Church”and was ordained as Reverend by S-Word Evangelical Free Church and EFCS on 1 May 2012. His article, “How to Read the Bible without Imposing Violence on Others? Levinas’s Textual Hermeneutic and Evangelical Theology” has been published in CES Journal (Fall 2012). 黄 志 伦 牧 师 顺 利 辩 护 了 他 的 论 文〈 牧 师 与会友之间的友谊界线与教牧领导的关  系〉,并于2012年五月授予中国福音学院 的教牧学博士。

Rev Jacob Hwang successfully defended his thesis on “An Examination of the Relationship between a Pastor’s Friendship Boundary with His Congregation and His Leadership” and was conferred Doctor in Ministry by the China Evangelical Seminary in May 2012. 潘隆正牧师的〈诗篇40在希伯来书10的诠 释:新约引用旧约的案例〉,与李志秋博 士的〈回应:潘隆正〈诗篇 40 在希伯来书10 的诠释:新约引用旧约的案例 〉 〉,同时发

表于《中台神学论集》 (2 012 年秋)。

Rev Dr Michael Phua’s article, “The Interpretation of Psalm 40 in Hebrews 10” and Dr Lee Chee Chiew’s article, “A Response to Michael Phua, ‘The Interpretation of Psalm 40 in Hebrews 10’” have been published in CTTS Journal (Fall 2012). 潘隆正牧师于2012年7月22至29日前往荷 兰阿姆斯特丹。他在当地的圣经文献协会 国际会议,昆兰与死海古卷的节目单元中 发表了他的论文〈4Q184 与反智慧〉。过 后,他也在阿姆斯特丹的华人教会讲道。

Rev Dr Michael Phua traveled to Amsterdam, the Netherlands, from 22-29 July, where he presented his paper, “4Q184 and Anti-Wisdom” at the Society of Biblical Literature’s International meeting, at the program unit of “Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls.” After the meeting, he also preached at a Chinese church in Amsterdam. 李志秋博士于2012年6月20日前往吉隆坡 参加亚洲神学协会的研讨会:圣经在亚洲 的权威、意义和使命。她在那里发表了她 的论文〈“火从口出”:启示录11章3~13节 之注解〉。

Dr Lee Chee Chiew presented a paper entitled “Fire From Their Mouths: An Exposition of Revelation 11:3-13” at the Asia Theological Association Consultation on Scripture: Its Authority, Meaning and Mission in the Asian Context, in Kuala Lumpur on 20 Jun 2012.

SOTE 英文神学 系 Dr Calvin Chong addressed the Covenant Evangelical Free Church Pastoral Team during their Question + Contribution session on 21 May 2012. The topic was “Pastoring in a Technological Age.” He also delivered the opening address “Social Enterprise and Missions: The Challenge of Legitimacy and the Challenge of Partnership” at the Mission Consultation on Social Enterprise Development held on 19 May 2012 at Bartley Christian Church. Dr Samuel Goh led a Bible Lands Tour for S-Word Evangelical Free Church from 14-25 May 2012. He was camp speaker for Bethany Presbyterian Church Singapore from 10-12 Jun 2012. He also preached at Manipur and New Delhi churches and taught at a Pastors’ Conference in Manipur, India from 17-25 Jun 2012. Dr Rick Griffith taught Homiletics at the Institute in Bible & Theology, Vietnam from 7-12 May. He also taught the “Book of Revelation” at the Word of Life Bible Institute in Jeju, Korea from 19 May to 2 Jun 2012. Dr Jerry Hwang’s book The Rhetoric of Remembrance: An Investigation of the “Fathers” in Deuteronomy (Siphrut 8; Eisenbrauns: 2012) was published in May 2012. His review of Christopher J. H. Wright’s The Mission of God’s People: A Biblical Theology of the Church’s Mission was published in Themelios 37 (2012). Dr Violet James presented three special talks to pastors, leaders and laypeople at a church in Brunei on 1416 May 2012 and a Ladies’ Seminar on Women’s Ministry at the same church on 17 May 2012. She also addressed the staff of World Vision, Singapore on “Interfaith Dialogue” on 4 Jun 2012. Dr Daniel Ahn taught several mission classes at the Overseas Mission Training Course in Korean Presbyterian Church, Singapore. Dr. Ahn’s article, “Johan H. Bavinck’s Missiology and Its Implications for the Term ‘Question’ in Korean Bible Translation” was also published in the Bavinck Review 3: 106-122 (2012). Dr Paul Woods will be on sabbatical leave from Jul-Dec 2012.

CO L L EG E FO C US During the recent interterm break from May to July 2012, several important upgrading works were carried out at different locations within the College. 最近五月 至 七 月 的 学 院 假 期 , 学 院 好 几 个 地 点 都 在 进行重要的翻新工程。

Change of airconditioning system at the Worship Hall The Worship Hall’s old airconditioning system was more than 10 years old and badly in need of replacement as it could fail anytime. The new system installed cost $60,000. 敬拜礼堂更换冷气系统 敬拜礼堂的冷气系统已经用了十年,随时 可能发生故障,因此急需更换。安装新系 统的费用是新币六万。

Change of floor tiles at the Worship Hall The old tiles at the Worship Hall have been popping out over time. As the damaged area spread, its magnitude reached a point where it made more economical sense to replace the entire flooring instead of partial repairs. The replacement cost amounted to $66,000. 敬拜礼堂更换地砖

Before 装修前

After 装修后

敬拜礼堂的旧地砖经过一段时间后弹出 来。随着损坏的地区扩散,更换整片地板 的地砖比起不是进行部分维修更为经济。 更换费用达新币六万六。

Blk 3 rooftop renovation The roof-top flooring at Blk 3 was old, poorly insulated to prevent heat transfer into the building, and leaking rainwater. Through the years, it had also collected much dirt and grime. The new improved roof-top flooring system is presentable, heat-insulated and stain-resistant. Students now enjoy a cooler hostel block and a beautiful roof-top for their times of quiet reflection and fellowship. The renovation cost $49,000. 装修第三座天台

Before 装修前

After 装修后

第三座天台的地板已经破旧,无法有效地 隔离太阳曝晒时的热量,雨天也会漏水。 多年来,天台堆积了灰尘和污垢。新翻新 的天台地板不但美观、防热并防污。学生 可以享受较清凉的宿舍环境,并有漂亮的 天台作为灵修及团契的场所。装修费是新 币四万九千。

Blk 1 basketball court area rectification The old basketball court was worn out with cracked flooring. Apart from repairs to the flooring, additional fencing was installed to protect passers-by and the surrounding office windows from being hit by the ball. The rectification works cost $34,000. 重整第一座篮球场区

Before 装修前

After 装修后

旧篮球场因地板破裂而毁坏不堪。除了装 修地板外,新添的篱笆也保护路过的行人 以及附近办公室的玻璃窗免受篮球的撞 击。整修费用是新币三万四千。

学院动态 Safety railings installed at Blks 1, 3 & 5 Safety railings were installed at Blk 1, Blk 3 and Blk 5 to enhance safety, particularly for children, as more overseas families with children relocate to SBC for studies. The installations amounted to $32,000. 第一、三、五座的安全栏杆 许多海外学生带着家眷一起到新神进修, 为了保证当中儿童的安全,第一、三、五 座因此新添安全栏杆。安装费达新币三万 两千。

Before 装修前

After 装修后

Prayer Room Part of a laundry room was converted into a beautiful Prayer Room for students to gather for prayer. This cost $4,000. 祷告室 部分洗衣房转换成漂亮的祷告室,让学生 能聚集祷告。费用是新币四千。

Before 装修前

FINANCIAL REPORT 财务报告 General Fund 经常费 Income 收入 (01/04/12-30/06/12)

Expenditure 支出 (01/04/12-30/06/12)

After 装修后

S$ 1,204,610

Surplus/(Deficit) 盈余/(不敷)





How You Can Support Our Ministry


>> Donors in Singapore

Cheque donation - please make cheque payable to Singapore Bible College. Cash donation - please deposit cash into our UOB a/c 126-300-592-4 and send us the deposit slip with your name and address.

>> Donors in Malaysia

Cheque donation (in RM) or Bank draft donation (in S$) – please make cheque or bank draft payable to Singapore Bible College and mail it to us at 9-15 Adam Road, Singapore 289886.

>> Donors in Hong Kong

Cheque donation - please make cheque payable to Singapore Bible College-Hong Kong Alumni Association Ltd. Mail to 1/F Maidstone Apartments 35 Maidstone Road, Tokwawan, Kowloon, Hong Kong

>> Donors in Taiwan

Cheque donation - please make cheque payable to Singapore Bible College-The Alumni Association in Taiwan. Mail to 221台北縣汐止市林森街31號2樓 新加坡 神學院台灣校友會收. Bank/ATM transfer

– please transfer funds to a/c “Singapore Bible College-The Alumni Association in Taiwan” under Mega International Commercial BankTaipei Branch (Bank Code 017), bank a/c 202-10-31116-7.

>> Donors in USA

Check donation - please make check payable to SBC North America Fellowship. Mail to Singapore Bible College, North America Fellowship, 4732 El Rancho Verde Drive, La Palma, CA 90623, USA.



>> Donors in Canada

Check donation - please make check payable to Partners International and indicate “For Singapore Bible College” on check. Mail to Partners International, 8500 Torbram Road, Unit 56, Brampton, Ontario L6T 5C6, Canada.

>> Donors in Other Countries

Bank draft donation (in S$/US$) – please make draft payable to Singapore Bible College and mail it to us. Telegraphic transfer United Overseas Bank Ltd, Bukit Timah Branch, 587 Bukit Timah Road, #02-25/26/27/28 Coronation Shopping Plaza, Singapore 269707. Bank Code 7375, Branch Code 026. A/c no. 126-300-592-4. Swift code: uovbsgsg. Tax-deductible receipts will be issued to donors in Taiwan, USA and Canada.

Singapore Bible College

School of Theology (Engli


world we live in is a cosmopolitan, globally connected 24/7/365 world which straddles both geographical as well as digital spaces. Whether in Singapore, in regions immediately surrounding the island nation, or in countries further afield, the changes and developments of the 21st century have introduced new challenges previously not encountered. Serving in such a world requires understanding, perspective, competence, inner strength, courage, compassion, and other leadership qualities for effective and long lasting ministry. At the School of Theology (English), we are not blind to the changes and emerging challenges of this world as we carry out our mission of training a new generation of leaders for the 21st century. For this reason, there are four areas in our curriculum that we have identified as critical for developing needed competencies and capacities in our students:


Understanding of Biblical/theological/historical foundations – elements of our rich Christian heritage which continue to define and shape the ideals, identity, mission, and practices of the church.


Understanding how cultural shifts impact life, church, and ministry while developing appropriate, contextually relevant responses to the rapid changes experienced in the 21st century.

iii) Understanding of self as God’s created being in com munity, and facilitation of personal, spiritual, character, emotional, and moral development. iv)

Development of competencies such as reading and interpreting texts, preaching, counseling, teaching, small group facilitation, mobilization, conflict management, and other abilities needed for effective leadership and ministry.

These four areas are reinforced in classroom lectures, in chapels, in specially organized forums and consultations, in practicums and weekly field placements, in dialogues and discussions, and through reading, writing, and personal reflections. Collectively these rich integrated learning experiences serve to inform, form and transform our students as they prepare for a lifetime of faithful service and effective ministry. As a school, the vision and goal for our community is that the learning and training experience will always remain academically challenging, spiritually invigorating, culturally diverse and educationally engaging. Our hope is that the time spent in our learning community will inspire leaders who are biblically and theologically informed, contextually relevant, globally

aware, missionally oriented, wise in judgment, and trustworthy in all matters. The table to the right provides a summary of the programmes offered at the School of Theology (English) as well as the goals intended for each programme. Take time to discuss your programme options with your church or mission leaders so that you can make informed decisions about your study choices. Finally, if you wish to receive admissions counselling, please drop us an email < sg> and we will be glad to help you work through your admissions queries and questions about the application process.


Pro gramme

Master of Divinity 3 years full-time


Well-rounded pastoral preparation for Christian workers, pastors, and missionaries. Students may choose from one of the following concentrations: Biblical Studies, Pastoral Ministries, and Intercultural Studies

Master of Arts (Biblical Studies) 2 years full-time

Specialized preparation for those whose ministries are focused on studying, interpreting and teaching the Bible

Master of Arts (Intercultural Studies) 2 years full-time

Broad-based and holistic preparation for Christian workers and leaders with a special emphasis on creating intercultural awareness, and for developing and supervising outreach ministries of churches, parachurch organizations and missions agencies

Graduate Diploma in Intercultural Studies 1 year full-time

Practical and foundational preparation for crosscultural missionary service, including professional service, relief and development, and other creative forms of missional enterprise

Graduate Diploma in Christian Studies 3 years part-time evening

Foundational and flexible equipping of the whole people of God with a view to effective integration of faith, work and family life

Master of Theology 1.5 to 2 years full-time

Preparatory Programme for Graduate Studies 1 year full-time

Advanced academic, research-oriented programme for theological educators, pastors, and leaders who can think critically, reflect deeply, do independent research and have a solid understanding of a specific area of biblical or theological study

Foundational studies for candidates without a prior degree seeking to enter the MDiv and MA programmes

All programmes except for the Preparatory Programme can be done part-time. Please email SBC Registrar’s Office for more details about entrance requirements and practical information about studying at SBC.

A LU M N I I N AC TION 校 友 行 动 The mission of Singapore Bible College is to glorify God by training faithful servants of Jesus Christ for the edification of the church and the urgent evangelisation of the unreached. Many of our alumni serve faithfully in the field, bringing the Gospel to the marketplace as well as the unreached. This newsletter issue, we cast the spotlight on a Mongolian pastor, as well as a missionary couple serving in Cambodia. If you have a story or testimony to share, to help us stay connected and updated, please email them to 新加坡神学院的使命是为荣耀神而训练耶稣基督忠心的仆人,去建立教会,奋得万民。许多校友在工场忠心事奉,把福音带到市场及 未得之民当中。本期通讯的聚光灯将投在一个蒙古传,和在柬埔寨事奉的一对宣教士夫妇身上。如果您愿意分享您的故事或见证,以 帮助我们保持联系,请电邮。

Making a major difference in Mongolia After graduating from SBC with Master of Divinity (Pastoral Ministries) in 2007, Rev Mongol Badamdorj, better known as Budmaa, returned to Mongolia to serve as a pastor, teacher, men’s ministry speaker, equipper, networker and writer. He traveled a lot to the countryside and different cities in Mongolia to serve pastors and help them to be united and connected. As a result, he helped to set up the Mongolian Pastors Prayer Network to encourage and connect Mongol pastors and missionaries in Mongolia and abroad. As a teacher of the Word, he has taught at different Bible schools in Mongolia and in the mission field. God used him through the Men’s ministry to equip leaders and raise godly men, husbands and fathers. As a leader of Evangelism Explosion Mongolia, he and their trained workers have trained

deeper and wider, and sharpened my writing skills.” To advance his theological training and enhance his leadership skills, he embarked on the Doctor of Ministry (Part-time) program with SBC in 2010. From only a handful of believers in 1990, the Christian population in Mongolia today has grown to beyond 50,000. Many church members are young people. The Mongolian Church is maturing rapidly. Less than one generation old, it already sends missionaries to unreached areas of Mongolia and beyond, running many national ministries originally founded by missionaries. There is an urgent need for trained church leaders, pastors and teachers. The Church needs a solid biblical foundation.

more than 9,000 believers in the last decade (20012011). Through them, thousands of people heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. More than half of the trainers are trained after his graduation from SBC in 2007. He reported, “God is using our social network through Maranata Publishing and Maranata Webzine to reach out to thousands of Mongols for Christ. Our webzine’s monthly hit reached 80,000+.” As a church planter, he has planted a new church in Ulaanbaatar to reach out and disciple Mongols. He believes this new church will grow and expand the Kingdom! On top of all that, Budmaa also serves as a board member for Mongolian Church Council and Mongolian Pastor’s Association. After 8 years into fulltime ministry, Budmaa felt he needed more theological training and equipping as a leader. He sought counsel from his mentor, Dr Rick Griffith (SBC long-time faculty) who guided him to choose SBC. He appreciated the multi-national and cross-cultural community living at SBC. Exceeding his expectations, the SBC training changed his life and challenged him to be used greatly by God to fulfill His mission in his nation. Budmaa testified, “SBC’s training shaped me to think further,

为蒙古带来巨变 2007年毕业于新神道学硕士(教牧)学位的 Budmaa 传道,回 到蒙古担任传道、教师、弟兄聚会讲员、培训者、联系者以及作 家。 他周游蒙古各大城市及乡镇,为事奉各地区的牧师,帮助 他们团结起来并保持联系。结果,在他的协助下,蒙古传道祷告 网成立了,成为了鼓励并联系蒙古国内外牧师及宣教士的重要渠 道。 作为圣经教师,他在蒙古不同的圣经学院及宣教工场执 教。神也在弟兄聚会使用他装备领袖,并培育敬虔的弟兄、丈夫 及父亲。作为蒙古三元福音倍进布道队的领导,他与受训的同工 在过去十年(2001至2011年)装备了超过九千名信徒。通过他 们,数千人得以听闻耶稣基督的福音。超过半数的培训者是在他 2007年毕业后才接受训练的。他报告道: “神利用我们的社交网 络 Maranata 出版和 Maranata 网络杂志为基督达到数千名蒙

古人。我们的网络杂志每个月的点击率超过八万人次。” 作为植堂者,他在乌兰巴托建立教会,以传扬基督福音 并装备信徒。他相信新教会必增长,拓展神的国度!除此之 外,Budmaa 也是蒙古教会政务会和蒙古传道协会的董事。 经过八年的全职事奉,Budmaa 认为领袖需要风多神学的 教育及装备。他征求导师 Dr.Rick Griffith,新神长期讲师的意见 后,导师建议他寻则回到新神来。超乎他意料之外,新神的装备 改变了他的人生,并挑战他让神大大地使用,完成神在他国家的 使命。

Budmaa 见证道 : “ 新神的装备帮助我作更深、更远、更 广的思考,并且磨练我的写作技巧。”为了拓展自己的神学装备 及领导能力,他在2010年开始部分时间修读教务学博士。 从1990 年廖廖无几的信徒人数,蒙古境内今天的信徒人数 已超过五万名。许多教会长远都是年轻人。蒙古教会正在迅速增 长。虽然是第一代的信徒,他们已经差遣宣教士到蒙古境内福 音未及的地方以及更远的地方去。原本是外国宣教士创办的国家 事工,现在也由蒙古人自己管理。蒙古正急切需要受训的教会领 袖、传道及教师。教会需要稳固的圣经根基。

Planting a Khmer-speaking church in Phnom Penh Oh Hwee Kiong (SOTC’05), better known as Solomon in Cambodia, used to think that as long as a Christian diligently studies the Bible, he doesn’t need the training in Bible school. But one evening in SBC’s worship hall, Hwee Kiong heard God telling him “to throw the staff in his hand on the ground so that it will become a staff of God in his hand.” (Exodus 4) Hwee Kiong obeyed God and enrolled with SBC. The very first lesson he learned, even before the commencement of classes, was humility. He was assigned by the seniors to sweep the bus stop at Adam Road! Chindrawati Zainal (SCM’99), also known as Jia Jing, was looking for a college that could provide both church music and theological training shortly after graduating from another Bible seminary. SBC provided that opportunity. In her course of study, Chindra learned to trust God for wisdom in studies and God’s financial provisions. She recognized the hands of God in upholding her through all difficulties and stresses in those four years.

在金边开拓柬语的教会 胡惠强(SOTC’05)之前以为一位基督徒只要勤于研读圣经, 他就不需要进到神学院受装备。哪知有一天晚上,就在新加坡 神学院大礼堂,上帝对他说 : “把你手中的杖丢在地上,使它成 为神的杖。”(出埃及记4章)惠强遵从上帝的吩咐,于是报读新 神。他所学习的第一个功课(那时课程还没开始呢!)就是顺服 谦卑。因为他被学长分派到亚当路打扫巴士站! 蔡佳静(SCM’99)自神学院毕业后,就想找一间既能 继续提供神学训练,又能提供教会音 乐训练的学校。新神正好能够提供双 管齐下的训练。在新神受装备的过程 中,佳静学习到依赖上帝赐予智慧,以 及生活上的供应。在新神四年的生活, 她认识到那是上帝的双手扶持她走过一 切的艰难和压力。

Today, Solomon and Chindrawati are a missionary-couple with the Gospel Operation International. They have been serving in Cambodia since 2007. They share, “All praises to God! Through His enabling, we have planted a Khmer-speaking church in Phnom Penh. Our greatest challenge was to master the Khmer language in the beginning. But we have decided not to rely on translators for ministry. Although learning a new language is painful and slow, it bears fruits in the long-term. Our vision is to see the church which we have planted become a reproducing church – church multiplies churches, people multiply people – which is the first command in the Bible: “Be fruitful and multiply”. To achieve this, we strive to train disciples, stir their hearts, impart to them the same vision, and to raise leaders for the local church. We pray that God may strengthen the church with power through the Spirit in their inner being, and Christ may dwell in their hearts through faith, and be rooted and established in love (Ephesians 3:16-17).”

惠强与佳静夫妻俩人是神州华传 的宣教士。自2007年,他们就在柬埔寨 事奉。他们见证道: “感谢神的恩典!靠 着他,我们在金边开拓了一间柬语的教 会。最大的挑战莫过于掌握柬埔寨语言, 因为从事工发展的开始,我们就已经决 定不使用翻译者。虽然学习新 语言的过程艰难缓慢,但从长 远来看是值得的。我们的异像 是活水教会成为一所繁衍的教 会: “教会繁衍教会,信徒繁衍 信徒 ”,正如圣经里的第一道 诫命“要生养众多”。为了达到 这目的,我们竭力训练门徒, 激发他们,交托他们同样的异 像,兴起当地教会领袖。我们 求神借着他的灵,叫信徒们心 里的力量刚强起来,使基督因 他们的信,住在他们心里,叫 他们的爱心,有根有基。 (以弗 所书三16-17)”



very year in April, an air of excitement builds up at SBC as its entire student body nominates fellow-students to take office as Student Council (SC) members for one year beginning from the month of May. The SC provides leadership and acts as a bridge between staff and students to cultivate a positive community life within the SBC. The SC plans and runs various programmes and events, and encourage active participation by students to develop a strong sense of school spirit. When the 17th Student Council stepped down in May 2012 after a year of hard work, each member expressed how serving in the SC has been significant for them. The SBC community thanks the 17th SC for their commitment, and may their testimonies be an encouragement to the current 18th Student Council to serve with love.

年的四月,新神上下都会弥漫着一股兴奋的氛围。这是全体学生积极地投选学生代表,预备组织一个从五月起为期一年的学生 会服事团队的时候。学生会的职责除了是领导学生群体外,也扮演了学院与学生之间沟通桥梁的角色,以竭力营造一个正面的 校园生活。此外,学生会也负责规划和实施各项活动,并鼓励学生积极参与,借此培养学生对新神的归属感。 第十七届学生会完成一年任期,于2012年五月卸任时,每位成员都分享了在学生会事奉对他们的意义。新神除了感谢第十七届 学生会委身的服务态度外,也希望他们的见证可以鼓励现任的第十八届学生会成员继续能用爱心事奉。

“SC is a wonderful place to learn how to love God and your neighbours.” Apisorn Vitsarutkul, Treasurer

“God has enabled me to serve in SC and I’ve learned much while serving.” Wang Zhi Hong, Food (Finance)

“虽然辛苦却是喜乐;虽然艰难却有恩典。”  濮云芬,华文神学系副主席

“Freely I’ve received, freely I shall give my motivation to serve in SC.” Siew Guo Fen, SOTE Vice-Chairperson

“愿神昌大,愿我衰微。”  杨心佳,宣传股

“一切都是神的恩典!”  王恩惠,伙食股(人事)

“Ministry in SC is an outflow of our inner relationship with Christ.” Mary Grace Velasco, SOTE Devotion

“在学生会的服事是一个意想   不到的祝福。”  陈晓惠,华文神学系灵修股

“It is a challenge to glorify God through servant-leadership.” Zimik Awungshi Wungthingyo, Student Services & Events Coordinator

“It is a great experience to learn to work together with many different personalities.” Thang Suan Dong, Gardening & Cleanliness

“We learn to put our knowledge of God into practice by serving the SBC community.” Lam Wai Chan, Secretary

“我虽软弱,主却刚强。” 卢云飞,华文神学系灵修股

“Serve to learn holistically; crave to be Christlike.” Samuel Oo, SOTE Chairman

“这个多元文化的团队服事带给我  很多学习。”池迦勒,康乐股

“在我自己的不足中更显得主恩  的丰富,靠主凡事都能!” 吴蕙城,华文神学系主席

“在服侍中让我认识自己的不足并学习  如何弥补这些不足。”吴正光,绿化清洁股


2012 年 10 月 29 日开课 为期 5 个月

网上学园 「护教学」


本课程的重点在于探讨基督教信仰的解释与辩证的相关课题。内 容方面将会涉及护教的需要、辩证信仰的进路以及各个主要信仰 课题的处理方法。学生将会学习与分析在护教的事工上,有哪些 需要掌握的相关基础及理论,并且将会学习如何为各个主要的圣 经信仰加以辨正。

旧约圣经中非常重要和宝贵的书卷是新约书卷的真理基础,需要 认真探讨。本课程的宗旨乃探讨旧约圣经逐卷的主要信息,以致 学生能了解和掌握旧约圣经中上帝不变的真理,并学习如何在今 天的环境中,实行此“真理 ”。

讲师 李 振 群 博 士

讲师 王苹牧师

李振群博士于一九八八年完成哲学博士学 位后即加入新加坡神学院至今,曾任教务 主任、总教务长等职。现为本院之教授。 着有《如此我信》、《 透视2000》、《 使徒 信经今昔》、 《 灵命建造工程 》等书。

毕业于新加坡神学院道学硕士及教牧学博 士;美国旧金山洲立大学文学硕士。现任 长老会真恩教会主任牧师,新加坡神学院 兼职讲师。著有《 雅各书查经课程 》、《 与 爱有约-婚前辅导课程 》、《 人生的福气-个 人布道》;译有《爱情 • 信仰路》。近期将 出版《 信徒栽培课程 》。

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荣誉院长沈立德牧师,在新神事奉了34年后,于2012年5月退休了。在这期间,他从1992至2006年14年来担任了新加坡神学院 第五届院长。 新神在2012年5月11日举办了一场特别的早会,纪念沈牧师对新神的贡献并欢庆他的光荣引退。 沈牧师的领导与忠心事奉触动了许多人的生命。在此,他分享了他在新神这段难忘岁月的回顾。

一 切都出于神 沈立德牧师

多年来我在新加坡神学院里不断学习三个 有关神的真理:神本为圣、神垂听祷告、 神是信实的。

办事处、课室及一些宿舍。敬拜厅依旧留 在第一座,由一道天桥连接到第七座。我 们认为那是一个卓越的计划。

神 本 为 圣 。 他荣耀的尊贵是超越

可是有关当局却拒绝了我们的申请,因为 新楼会横跨两种土地区域。我们诉求;我 们向国会议员寻求支持;我们也申请将赐 福路和亚当路的土地合并。我们祷告,祈 求神赐一个“允准”的回应。他却让我们 等待。两年后,国家发展部部长在1997年 4月亲自回信,答复是“不允准”。

的,他道德的完美是绝对的,他以不休止 的热心持守他的属性,履行他的旨意。神 要新神群体圣洁,我们却常常有亏缺。例 如,在1990和1991年,男生宿舍发生了一 连串的偷窃事件。无助的阴影笼罩,有些 学生甚至说 : “神的话无效。” 我们禁食祷告,主引领我们弃绝罪,以洁 净群体。1991年5月8-9日,每个学系的每 一位学生,都要手握着圣经,回答三位老 师组成的审核团所发出的四个问题:你和 耶稣基督的关系是什么?在神和这些见证 人面前,你曾经在任何时候偷过你同学的 钱吗?你说的是实话吗?你的良心有说你 在撒谎吗?

主引领我们重新思考。在7月的讲师退休 会里,我们决定了如何去履行训练耶稣基 督忠心的仆人的使命:要在满有敬拜和爱 心的学习群体中。 沈 牧 师 和 师 母 参 加 5 月 1 1 日 的早会。

神是信实的。 1992年,在我受委

我们分别自己为圣,神就带来洁净。一位 同学说,他两个月前不见的电水壶重新出 现在他的书桌上。另一位同学报告:“我 的钱回来了。我不知道是谁,或是什么时 候还的,但是钱却是被放在我的抽屉里显 眼的地方– $306。”我们一同欢欣、感谢 神。 神看重我们分别为圣,偷窃的事件停了三 年。虽然在1994和1997年重现,我们也从 没抓到窃贼,神却赐我们胜利:每一次在 举行严肃的聚会后,被偷的钱都被归还。 神的话得胜。神本为圣,他却垂听罪人的 祷告,这是因为我们奉耶稣的名祈祷。

是的,神垂听祷告! 他的答案 可能是“允准”, “不允准”,或“等待 ”。 我们在“尼希米工程”中又经历了神 。 1995年,我们筹备把第七座建在羽毛球场 及第四座的地土上,新楼有图书馆、老师

为院长时,英文神学系的校友送我一个纪 念锡碟。上面刻着“那呼召你们的是信实 的,他必成就这事” (帖前五24)。我可以 见证:神确实是信实的!甚至他的“不允 准”也是祝福。

陈世协院长伉俪颁发纪念品予 沈牧师伉俪。

目的支配设计,我们就聚焦能建立这群体 的建设。在第一和第七座中间,我们设计 了一个团契广场。我们建新的敬拜厅,有 七个圆形窗口,象征着金灯台和神的同 在。第七座的十字架位于校园的中央,要 提醒神学院:定位基督!还有,建筑工程 的延迟带来了另一个祝福。我们在1999年 招标时,因为经济衰退的缘故,节省了大 概一百万新元。

主在我退休的时候,以他的话鼓励我:  “我要永远歌唱耶和华的慈爱,世世代代 用口传扬你的信实 ” (诗篇八十九1)。我 要与我的夫人紧密同行,以福音导向的讲 道、教导、写作,迎向动荡的世界,服侍 教会和导引年轻的一代。在新加坡神学院 里,除了教导之外,我也受陈院长嘱咐, 作历史的传承、真理的守望、代祷的服 侍。靠主的帮助,我会尽忠。 亲爱的弟兄姐妹,一切都出于神。神本为 圣,他垂听祷告,他是信实的。神对我们 说:你们要圣洁,要祷告,要忠心!

嘉声 235 七/十月 2012

新 加 坡 神 学 院


六十后 “新神致力在一个富于敬拜及爱心的群体中打造一个整合的 学习经验,为了神的荣耀去培育有影响力的领袖。 ”

新 神创校至今已有六十年。六十年来经历 了许多变化。它走过不同的人事变迁,

面对过似乎备受关注,但一瞬间又销声匿迹 的议题。但是人类的困境始终如一:我们都 是需要上帝的罪人。新神就是本着这个目的 而创立的。我们的使命是:为荣耀神而训练 耶稣基督忠心的仆人,去建立教会,奋得万 民。迈入六十后,新神将致力提倡有下列特色 的神学教育: 一、打造一个整合的学习经验 我们面对的是一个持有后现代思维方式的全 球化世界。我们必须帮助未来的教会领袖 学习以整合并跨学科的思维方式探讨各种议 题。在一个日益复杂化的世界里,他们需要开 阔自己的领域以更透彻地理解议题,却又必须 扎根在上帝无误及至上权威的话语。 迈入六十以后,我们将致力于帮助毕业生更深 入地思考,以确定他们能更切合地回应现今 的世界。 二、在一个富于敬拜及爱心的群体 神学教育始于神。对神的热情消退,教会的生 命力也消逝了。当神在我们生命的位置被取代 了,我们对神的爱也冷却了。神至高的主权必 须是我们的培育的基础。只有在富于敬拜及 爱心的群体中,全人培育才能落实。我们希 望培育毕业生对神有深刻的委身与顺服。我 们要训练毕业生深切地爱神以及关爱他人, 以带领神的教会在质和量上增长。 迈入六十以后,我们将致力于督导学生在品

格和属灵上的成长,作为他们毕生事奉的坚 固基础。 三、培育有影响力的领袖 教会的兴衰取决于领导人。在教会历史中, 神呼召个人来带动其他人完成他的心意。他 们并不完美,但他们都愿意“向神求大事,为 神作大事”。有影响力的领袖是敢于领导并留 下美好的传承。我们要培育毕业生成为合神心 意的属灵领袖,并能够培育别人成为优秀的仆 人领袖。 迈入六十后,我们将致力培育学生发挥最高 的潜能,以帮助他人发挥最高的潜能。 当我们提供了正确的学习经验和正确的群 体,就能产生正确的成果-有影响力的领 袖-来事奉神的国度。我要感谢诸位帮助我 们训练耶稣基督忠心的仆人。靠着神的恩典 和您们的帮助,我们已经训练了超过三千名 的毕业生,在世界各地以牧师、宣教士、圣 乐传道、基督徒辅导员以及其他不同的职分 来事奉神。 当我们迈入六十年,我们诚恳地邀请您们携 手与我们一起训练更多合时代,有影响力的 领袖来事奉上帝。这个世界正在等候着!

博士 新加坡神学院院长

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