SBC Pray For Us Issue 232

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Issue 232 Jan/Mar 2012 MICA (P) 056/08/2011


Pray For Us

A Hope and a Future


or I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11, NIV) In Chapter 29, the prophet Jeremiah wrote his first letter to encourage the Israelites in Babylon. Their years of defiance against God had sent them into their exile. Against conventional wisdom, Jeremiah advised the Israelites to live a normal life while in exile (vv. 5-6). He even asked them to pray for the prosperity of Babylon, so that the blessings would spill over to them as well (v. 7). In addition, he prophesied that it would be 70 years before God would bring them back to Israel (v. 10). What the Israelites needed in order to survive the ordeal were a hope and a future (v. 11), even though they were distant. When we trust God for a hope and a future, we can be assured that He will come around to bless us with his plan. We can draw three lessons about God’s plan from this passage of Scripture: 1. God has a plan (29: 11a) Our omniscience God knows the plans He has for us. He knows what is best for us. He also knows what we need and provides for us, His people. 2. God’s plan is good (29:11b) We know God’s plan is good because God is good. Ps 106:1 reminds us, “Praise the LORD. Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; his love endures forever.” It is not in God’s nature to cook up an evil plan to destroy us.

3. God’s plan is perfect (29:11c) God’s plan gave hope to the Israelites for their ultimate return to their homeland after 70 years. We can face the challenges of life as long as there is a flicker of hope. Hope ignites in us great perseverance and patience to bear trials and tribulations. A future can be rebuilt with hope. With a plan and renewed hope, the Israelites would have a future in their homeland when God brought them back from exile. They would have a place and chance to rebuild their lives together. The future provides a platform that with opportunities and possibilities for the Israelites to carry out the plan of God. But for the Israelites, the plan and the reality didn’t seem to match. If there was indeed a hope and a future, why did their lives feel so painful and lousy? The nation was in ruin; their best and the brightest were captured to serve the enemy. If God had known, then why the long wait? The longer we wait, the dimmer the hope gets. If the plan was so good, then why should they pray for the enemies and have children in a hostile land? When God’s plan and the reality don’t seem to match, we often wrestle with three questions: 1. “What if…?” This is probably the most common struggle for many of us. What if it can’t work? What if it is only false hope? “What if…” brings anxiety to us. “What if…” casts doubt in our mind. “What if…” brings fear to our plan and our future. With “What ifs” we are dealing with speculations and uncertainties. But with God, we are Continued on next page

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Continued from previous page

dealing with the Lord of history and His unchanging attributes. He is asking us to trust in Him for He knows the plans for us. 2. What about my plan? We have no problem with complying as long as God’s plan coincides with our plan. Our natural inclination is “Don’t make me change my plan to suit yours. If you are a loving God, change yours to suit mine.” God is asking us to surrender to His plan. God has a definite plan for the Israelites. He wanted them to go through a prolonged period of separation from their homeland so that they would shun idols and be faithful to God. The Babylonian captivity was painful, but it was needed. God had their best interest in mind. God’s plan will bring about deliverance for His people in His time.

3. What about other alternatives? The temptation is always there for us to look for an easy way out. The enemy is always there to offer other options. Oftentimes the alternative seems to be the better choice. It is usually easier, quicker and less painful. To remain faithful to God’s plan, we must be weary of alternatives that may derail God’s plan (vv. 8-9). They offer easy answers and quick-fix solutions to sooth the anxiety of waiting before God. These alternatives often lead to dead-end streets! We must not be distracted from God. It is always safer to stick with God’s plan. The answer to these three questions that derail God’s plan is simply to TRUST GOD ! To counter the “What ifs,” we must choose to trust in God. To counter the temptation to insist on our plan, we must choose to trust God’s plan. To counter the lure of other alternatives, we

新加坡神学院 第五十九届毕业典礼

Singapore Bible College 59th Graduation Ceremony

忠於所托 Faithful to Your Calling 约翰福音21章15-23节

John 21:15-23

must choose to trust God’s way. Some Israelites might not have live through the 70 years to witness God’s promise fulfilled. For them, the promise of God will be fulfilled in the next generation. They have to trust God by His Word. To carry out God’s plan requires faith. This year as we celebrate the 60th Anniversary of SBC, it is my prayer that we will trust God for a great hope and a bright future as we remain faithful to carry out His plan.

Dr Albert Ting, Principal Singapore Bible College

谨订于二零一二年五月十三日(星期日) 下午四时三十分正 假巴特礼基督教会举行

第五十九届毕业典礼 恭请国际欧华神学院代理院长

李健长老 证道 敬邀光临,同颂主恩 (请于下午四时二十分前就座)

You are cordially invited to the

59th Graduation Ceremony

at Bartley Christian Church on Sunday, 13 May 2012 at 4:30 p.m. (please be seated by 4:20 p.m.)

Speaker: Elder Li Chien

Acting Principal, International Chinese Biblical Seminary in Europe

D r L i n d a M. B u b o d

Deeply Loved Inspite Of


any years ago when I was working with a missionary organization, a stranger asked me the classic question during an evangelistic event, “Who are you?” I answered, “My name is Linda and I am a missionary.” Years later when I was doing my M.A. in Counselling at a seminary in Manila, I had to answer a question during a group activity, “When you look into the mirror, who is the person behind the face you see?” At that time, having already been a Christian for about 15 years, I still found it difficult to answer the question. All the more so, because in that activity, we were instructed not to give the stereotype answer of “I am a child of God”, which was of course correct but there had to be more than that. We all noticed in that groupwork among counselling students that our answers to the question were more about what we did than who we were. It was challenging to answer the question, “According to you, who really are you?” My journey into knowing myself according to God’s love started there. Later, as a practicing counsellor, I would ask my counsellees (who were mostly Christians), “So tell me about yourself.” Most of the answers I heard were about their position in society, how many children they have sent to school, how many houses they owned, how much money they have in the bank, and so on. If my client was a pastor, one’s usual answer would be, “I am the pastor of this church and I planted these many churches… I am here because they think I have a problem.” Certainly the ones who came for counselling were the ones who had deep struggles and part of the struggle was a vague heart knowledge of who they were. At that point

What is it that makes me know God and myself, and how do I integrate my knowledge of Him into who I am?

in my life as a counsellor, I knew that being was more important than doing. And yet somehow, the meaning of such thought was still a floating mystery to me. I was working more than taking the time to know God and listen to Him. Having done many papers on theology during my MA programme somehow helped me to know about God and perhaps made me have a glimpse of what “being” meant. When I got into doctoral studies, I was blessed to have had a spiritual director who asked me, “So who is God to you?” He went on to say that “being” is very much connected to who God is to me personally and that the chief end of my life is to know God, love Him, enjoy Him, and glorify Him. Everything else (including that of being a counsellor) is a means to this end. My journey in living out this reminder would be summarized in four painful points. I say “painful” because I am still on this road of knowing God and accepting myself according to His matchless grace and love. 1. If we do not know who we are in connect ion to who God is, we will struggle in our capacity to be aware of ourselves. We may be experts in studying about Him

through the Bible and yet not know Him personally. 2. It takes awareness of our own imperfec tions, shame, guilt and darkness to be able to fully appreciate the Cross of Christ and therefore integrate what we know about Him into who we are according to His love. We are deeply loved in spite of our frailties. 3.

It takes courage and humility to accept ourselves for whom and what we are including our strengths, limitations, weaknesses, unfulfilled longings, losses and shattered dreams. In this age where weaknesses and limitations are encouraged to be hidden while strengths are publicly affirmed, it is hard to accept one’s limitations. Pleasing others through performance is the way to go especially in performance-driven cultures which, unfortunately, is also present in the church. Our identity is easily attached to what we do because that is what people see and expect.


Experiencing God daily and living His Word is better said than done. Discerning His will for my life which may affect many, and doing what He wants me to do today, is more of a thought than a reality in any performance-oriented culture.

What is it that makes me know God and myself, and how do I integrate my knowledge of Him into who I am? In my experience with an excellent spiritual director, spending time with the Lord is the only way. Intentional reflection and desired communion with Him is one treasure that every Christian can have. Whether it is a question of discernment over a crucial decision or simply wanting to affirm His love in my life, time with Him is the key. When I take time to look deep and evaluate my life before God (and it can take me hours or days), I would know if indeed my chief end is to love and glorify Him and not myself. It is in being with Him that I can hear His voice (John 10:16). In hearing Him, I can be who He wants me to be in this world. It takes faith to believe and to live it.

FAC U LT Y NEWS 讲 师 行 踪 A Warm Welcome to Our New Lecturers 欢迎新讲师 ten years as an ordained Presbyterian pastor. Dr Ahn is also an OMF International missionary, serving together with his wife Eun-Ha, and their two sons, Eugene (6 years; born in US) and Yuchan (3 years; born in UK). Dr Ahn joins SBC’s SOTE faculty from 1 Jan 2012 and will contribute in the intercultural studies department.

Rev Dr Daniel Sung-Ho Ahn is a graduate of Sung Kyun Kwan University, Korea (B.S. & M.S.), Fuller Theological Seminary, USA (M.Div & M.A. Intercultural Studies) and University of Edinburgh, UK (Ph.D. in Mission Studies). Prior to his theological studies, he worked as a research mechanical engineer at Hyu-Dai Motor Company, and thereafter as a missionary in Central Asia. He served churches in Korea, USA, UK and Canada for over

朱美娟老师大学毕业后于辅导专业领域工 作十八年,牧养教会则约五年,这期间再 于神学及辅导两方面各自进修获取学位。 实务经验主要为婚姻和家庭治疗、情绪问 题以及成瘾行为辅导。研究兴趣范围为以 圣经为核心的婚姻与家庭治疗实施。与丈 夫梁以利亚育有二子,皓平和皓安。朱老 师盼望在新神华文神学系的事奉能荣神益 人。

安晟浩博士(牧师) 毕业于韩国成均馆大学 ( 理 学 士 与 理 硕 士 )、 美 国 福 勒 神 学 院  (神学硕士与跨文化研究文学硕士)以及 英国爱丁堡大学(宣教研究博士)。修读 神学之前,安博士曾在现代汽车公司担任 研究机械工程师,并且在中亚地区宣教。 他也曾以受按立的长老会牧师职分,在韩 国、美国、英国和加拿大教会事奉超过十 年。安博士也是海外宣教使团的宣教士。 自今年1月1日起,安博士协同了妻子黄银 荷以及两名儿子(六岁及三岁),加入新神 英文神学系讲师团队,期望在跨文化研究 部属下有所贡献。

Since graduating from the National Taiwan University, Ms Chu Mei Chuan has served as a counsellor for 18 years and in pastoral ministry for some 5 years. During this period, she also attained her M.BS from SBC and M.S.S (Counselling) from the University of South Australia. With focus and experience in marriage and family therapy, cognitive therapy, and counselling for addictive behavior, Ms Chu’s area of research interest is Bible-centred psychotherapeutic practice with couples and families. Married to Rev Elijah Liang Yi Li Yah, with two sons, Nathan and Jonan, Ms Chu seeks to glorify God in her service at SBC’s SOTC.

Farewell 告别 Dr Bernard Low has resigned from SBC effective Jan 2012. We are grateful for his years of service and contribution to SBC. 刘文良博士自2012年1月起辞去在新神的讲师职位。我们感谢他为新神多年的服务和贡 献。

Condolences 哀悼 黄朱伦牧师及黄志伦牧师的母亲梁庆兰女士于2011年12月20日安息主怀,享寿81岁。 愿上帝安慰他们的家人。

Rev Dr Andrew Hwang and Rev Jacob Hwang’s mother was called home to be with the Lord on 20 Dec 2011. She was 81. May God’s comfort continue to be with their family and loved ones.

Faculty Movement 讲师动态

Dr Calvin Chong was visiting evaluation team member of the Asia Theological Association accreditation visit to Seminari Alkitab Asia Tenggara in Malang and Jakarta from 7-9 Nov 2011. While in Jakarta, he conducted a workshop on “Understanding the Digital Communications Revolution” at the Universitas Pelita Harapan Teacher’s College on 12 Nov 2011. Dr Chong also gave a talk on “The Dark and Fascinating World of the iPod Generation at the Anglican Diocese Mandarin Teens Camp on 14 Dec 2011. Dr Samuel Goh conducted a public seminar entitled “What have Literary Approaches to do with me?” at Immanuel Baptist Church, Hong Kong on Oct 7 2011. The seminar was organized by the Worldwide Bible Society. Dr Jerry Hwang presented a paper entitled “A Prophet to the Nations”: The Theme of Missio Dei in the Book of Jeremiah” at the Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting in San Francisco on 16 Nov 2011. He will also be presenting his paper at an upcoming Ichthus seminar on 16 Apr 2012; details next page. Miss Lanny Yap and Dr Myrleene Grace Yap collaborated in planning a Christmas evangelistic program entitled The Light of Christ presented in St Andrews Cathedral on 18 Dec 2011. Dr Myrleene Grace Yap spoke at the Thanksgiving Worship Service of GKY Singapore on 27 Nov 2011. She gave a worship leader’s training at UEC Pasay, Philippines on 30 Nov. She also spoke and led worship in various services at Davao Evangelical Church. Her script for Everlasting Light, a Christmas musical and candlelight service, was performed on 23 and 25 Dec 2011.

A LU M N I NEWS 校 友 消 息 Ordination 按立 Rev Chang Tsai Lin (SOTC M.Div ‘09) was ordained on 19 June 2011 at House of Shiloh Church, Taipei. She is presently serving in Philos Assembly of God, Singapore.

章彩龄 牧师(华文神学系2009年道学硕 士)于 2011年 6 月19日在台北基督教细罗 之家被按立为牧师。现今在基督朋友神召 会(新加坡)服 事。

Condolences 哀悼 Andrew Sii Tuong Yun (SCM BCM ‘89) went home to be with the Lord on 29 Nov 2011. He had faithfully ministered in Sibu, Sarawak since his graduation. 徐 传 勇( 圣 乐 系 1989年圣乐学士)于2011年11月29日蒙 主恩召。他毕业后一直在砂拉越诗巫忠 心事奉。

Mrs Beng Guat Lim-Flood’s (SOTE B.Th ’89) husband, Allan Rodney Flood, went home to be with the Lord on 16 Dec 2011. He was 71. Beng Guat Lim-Flood(英文神学系1989 年神学学士)的丈夫 Allan Rodney Flood 于2011年12月16日蒙主恩召,享年 71岁。

Jeane Obadja’s (SOTE B.Th ‘81) mother, Mdm Hanna Christin Hananja (Obadja), went home to be with the Lord on 31 Dec 2011. She was 86.

Jeane Obadja(英文神学系1981年神学 学士)的母亲 Hanna Christin Hananja Obadja 女士于 2011年12月31日蒙主恩 召,享年 86。

May God’s peace and comfort be with our bereaved alumni and their loved ones. 愿神的平安和安慰与哀悼的校友 与亲人同在。

UPCOMING SEMINAR: Ichthus Seminar Series IRCS0061

A Prophet To The Nations: 
 The Theme Of Missio Dei In The Book Of Jeremiah Speaker: Dr Jerry Hwang 

16 April 2012 (Mon), 10am to 12.30pm
 Venue: SBC Lecture Theatre Despite Yahweh’s momentous calling of Jeremiah to be “a prophet to the nations” (Jer 1:5), the theme of Missio Dei in Jeremiah has been neglected in both mission studies and OT scholarship. The seminal biblical theologies of mission offered by Howard Peskett and Vinoth Ramachandra (The Message of Mission), Andreas Köstenberger and Peter O’Brien (Salvation to the Ends of the Earth), and David Bosch (Transforming Mission) hardly mention the Book of Jeremiah. Even Chris Wright’s The Mission of God, his magnum opus which focuses on the Old Testament, does not treat Jeremiah in much detail. OT scholarship on Jeremiah traditionally devoted itself to reconstructing the gnarled transmission history of the book. In more recent years, work has focused on the book’s final form and theological themes. But even in these final-form approaches, the theme of Missio Dei has lacked a systematic treatment. This paper argues that Missio Dei provides the unifying link among the significant themes of Jeremiah’s prophecy: a catalytic divine word, personal suffering in the prophetic call, theodicy within the sovereignty of God, and the final resto-

ration of both Israel and the nations. The place of Jeremiah within a biblical theology of mission will also be explored.

Fee S$10 for general public; S$5 for SBC alumni; S$5 for SBC students.
 Ichthus members may bring along membership cards for complimentary entry.

Registration For registration and enquires, please email your name, address, contact number and the title of the event to, or call Phyllis at +65 6559 1532 on Tues/Fri between 10am to 5pm. Prior registration is requested due to limited seating.

新加坡神学院于2012年迈入创院六十周 年。属于这属灵大家庭的华文神学系也 在历史的这一刻,与其他三个院系-- 英文神学系、圣乐系及辅导系--见证 上帝建立、引导与供应学院与本院系的 百般恩典。

任何时代的神学教育都具有她独特的时空条 件与时代处境。位于东南亚的独特位置,走 过半个世纪的建国道路,踏上21世纪的后现 代门槛,华文神学系面对一个崭新的时代, 分享着新一代对真理的探索、智慧的寻求、 灵性的渴望与生命的拥抱。


{ 起

新加坡神学院的使命是 为荣耀神而训练耶稣基督忠心的仆人, 去建立教会,奋得万民。

为荣耀神,神学教育有了目的。不论董事、 院长、教务主任、训育主任、讲师队伍、 行政同工、全时间或部分时间进修的学生,在这学习的群体 生活中,全人投入在你我他、知情意、身心灵的契合中,深 深体现《罗十一33~36》的真意:因神的伟大发出赞叹( awesome),因神的智慧不断探索 (inquiry),因神的荣耀持 续颂赞 (praise)。为此,学院每周日的早会、灵修小组、祷 告分享会等都为要体现神学以敬拜上帝的目的。

为奋得万民,神学教育有了使命,就是 装备事奉者向普世人类宣扬上帝透过圣灵 在基督里成就的救赎恩典。为大使命而存在的神学教育,首 先是为着上帝的荣耀而顺服他要门徒传扬福音的命令,其次 是按照耶稣基督的教训去栽培信徒,最后是差派门徒在个人 生活中积极向未信者宣扬福音(传道),在个别事业中努力 工作(管家),并在个别家庭中培育敬虔的下一代(教养) 。因此,神学生参与个人布道、跨文化宣教及教会主导的差 传,是回应上帝爱世人的具体行动。


为建立教会,神学教育有了定向,延续五 百年来宗教改革运动的神学教育理念,训 练上帝在地方教会中选召的事奉者,去做成上帝透过基督 教会向普世人类传达的福音信息。故此,凡立志全职事奉 上帝的学生,必须深入研究圣经经文,全面解释圣经,借 此建构以圣经为本又前后一致的教义,并透过教会历史汲 取属灵的教训与实践真理的智慧,从而有效地宣讲福音、 训练门徒及回应时代的需要与社会的课题。每个周末,讲 师与神学生必须走出课堂,进入教会和福 音机构,积极参与不同层次的事工,见证 神学为建立教会的定向。

无论得时不得时,神学教育需 要以不变之福音真理应对千变 万化的处境需要。本院强调:

定位基督 基于圣经

奋力宣教 服侍教会

切合时代 这五大信念,成为神学教育的方向盘。

对比三十年前书本报刊、电台电视为 主的传播媒介,今日万维网技术带来 资讯普及全球,以分子密度与几近光 速的传播媒介,从世界各个角落把百 倍千倍的资料传送到每一个智慧型手 机。只要手握一台手机,就能掌握百 家书库。不过,资讯的便利也带来黑 白颠倒、是非难分、好坏参半的道德 危机。 处于21世纪的这一代需要上帝真理的 光照与引导。为此本院系立志: 一、 提升教学的质素和有效性: 讲师平衡地教导科目的内容和有 关科目的研究方法,更积极地整 合其他科系的贡献,借着整合学 习而培育创意的思考者; 二、 强化灵性操练与领导能力: 讲师与学生在课堂之外有非正式 教育的学习,在灵修生活及事奉 生活的互动关系之中观摩学习、 修正错误、精益求精,由此栽培 仆人式的领导人才; 三、 深化教导与讲道的恩赐: 讲师训练学生正确而全面地解释 圣经,从中汲取属灵智慧,进而 有效地传递福音信息,从而引导 听者的价值理念、修正其生活行 为并栽培其属灵生命。


带职 事奉者

神学延伸 证书

8科 2-3年


学分/时间 不设限

基督教研究 文凭

24学分 3-6年

基督教研究 硕士

60学分 2-7年


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为栽培教会未来的牧者领袖、教师与宣 教士,再次邀请教会牧长领袖们给华文 神学系祷告与经济的支持,并且推荐神 学生及有潜质的信徒领袖来本院全时间 或部分时间进修。

基督教研究 文学硕士

60学分 2年

圣经研究 文学硕士

60学分 2年


90学分 3年


90学分 3年

文学/道学 硕士

30学分 1年


42学分及论文 6年

圣经研究 文学硕士

30学分 1-2年


30学分及论文 2年






欢迎您上网 或来电 +65 6559 1521 查询有关入学详情。

CO L L EG E FO C US From the Desk of the Director of Development


2012 marks the Diamond Jubilee of SBC. The theme for celebrating our 60th Anniversary is “Find Us Faithful” and my focus is on “Stewardship”.“ Find us faithful” is both a prayer and proposition that our faithful God is the one who enables and keeps us faithful to Him. “He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.” (1 Thes 5:24) To be faithful is to be trustworthy, reliable and dependable. Call it staying power, persistence or perseverance, faithfulness is a great virtue of precious value. The Bible says in 1 Cor 4:2 “Moreover, it is required in stewards that one be found faithful.” Stewardship is central in Biblical teaching and integral to Christian living. Stewardship and Discipleship are connected, like two sides of a coin. The practice of stewardship reveals and reflects discipleship. Christian Stewardship is based on our love relationship with God as the owner and provider. It begins with loving, not giving. You can give without loving but you cannot love without giving. A quote from Henri Nouwen says “Those who need money and those who can give money meet on the common ground of God’s love”. Through the past 60 years, SBC has been a faith-based organization, trusting in God to supply all our needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus (Phil 4:19). SBC operates by the principle of faith in God and is sustained by His provision through His people (Christians, churches and organizations) according to His will. Truly “Great is Thy faithfulness…All I have needed Thy hand hath provided – Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me!” By God’s grace and goodness, SBC is indeed blessed with many faithful stewards and supporters who continue to give for many years out of love and loyalty to SBC. They are committed passionately to the mission of SBC and are willing to sup-

port and stand by SBC – people whom we can lean on safely and strongly. Recently we received a number of significant gifts bequeathed by will or estate of faithful supporters called home to glory. They have left a legacy beyond themselves and their lifetime to impact future generation of Christian ministers trained at SBC. The theme “Find Us Faithful” reminds us to return to our roots and back to basics. As we commemorate our past, we cherish our history and heritage. In the present, we celebrate God’s faithfulness and goodness and commit to revitalize our vision, values and virtues. We connect to the future by leaving a legacy of faithfulness. May the song “Find Us Faithful” inspire and instruct us: We’re pilgrims on the journey of the narrow road And those who’ve gone before us line the way Cheering on the faithful, encouraging the weary Their lives a stirring testament to God’s sustaining grace Surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses Let us run the race not only for the prize But as those who’ve gone before us Let us leave to those behind us The heritage of faithfulness passed on through godly lives Chorus: Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful May the fire of our devotion light their way May the footprints that we leave lead them to believe And the lives we live inspire them to obey Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful You cannot see faith, but you can see the footprints of the faithful. We must leave behind “faithful footprints” for others to follow. SBC has lined up a series of celebratory events - conferences and concerts, culminating in the 60th Anniversary Thanksgiving Dinner on 17 August 2012. We welcome your presence and participation in any way possible. We appreciate

and appeal for your continued prayer and financial support. Would you prayerfully consider a special and significant gift for SBC 60th Anniversary? Thank you heartily from the SBC Family!

Faithfully, Billy Chiang Director of Development

FINANCIAL REPORT 财务报告 General Fund 经常费 Income 收入 (01/11/11-31/12/11) S$ 841,912 Expenditure 支出 (01/11/11-31/12/11) S$ 747,875 Surplus/(Deficit) 盈余/(不敷) S$ 94,037

学院动态 拓展部主任的话

在管家的职分上,鉴我忠诚 2012年标志着新神的钻石禧年。今年欢庆 60周年的主题是“鉴我忠诚”,而我的焦 点则放在“管家的职分”上。 “鉴我忠诚”不仅是祷告,也主张唯 有我们信实的神的帮助,我们才能对他忠 诚。“那呼召你们的是信实的,他必成就 这事。”(贴撒罗尼迦前书5章24节)要忠 诚,就是要值得让人信赖,并且靠得住。 或称为后劲、恒心或毅力,忠诚是具珍贵 价值的伟大美德。 圣经在歌林多前书4章2节说: “对于 管家的要求,就是要他忠心。” 管理是圣经教导的中心,也是基督徒 生活不可货缺的重点之一。作管家和作门 徒是息息相关的,就如铜板的两面。管理 的如何揭露并反映出我们作门徒的情况。 基督徒的管理基于我们和神之间的爱 的关系,并把他视为拥有者及供应者。它 始于爱,而非施。你可以施而无爱,却不 可以爱而不施。亨利卢云说:“施与受, 都能在神的爱中相会。” 过去60年,新神作为信心机构,一 直都信靠神照他在基督耶稣里荣耀的丰 富,满足我们的一切需要(腓立比书4章 19节)。新神本着对神的信心运作,并靠 神按他的旨意通过他的子民(基督徒、教

会、机构)的供应维持。的确的,“你信 实何广大。。。我所需要,你慈手丰富预 备—你信实何广大,显在我身!” 因为神的恩典和良善,新神获得许多 忠心的管家和支持者多年来出于爱心和忠 心的捐赠。他们致力于新神的使命,愿意 支持信守新神——他们是我们能安全并稳 固信靠的人。最近,我们收到了好几名忠 心的支持者蒙主恩召后留给新神的遗赠。 他们超越了自己的生命,把爱留给了将在 新神接受装备的下一代基督工人。 “鉴我忠诚”这个主题,提醒了我 们回到根本。我们纪念过去,表示对历史 和遗产的珍爱。如今,我们欢庆神的信实 和良善,致力复兴我们的远景、价值和美 德。 我们与未来的联系,将透过留下忠心 的遗产。 愿诗歌“鉴我忠诚”启发、教导我们: 凡行在窄路上为客旅的人们 是行在前人开拓的路程 叫忠心者欢欣, 又使疲乏者得力 以感人的生命见证神扶持的洪恩 许多见证人如云彩围绕我们

在场上赛跑, 不单是为奖赏 应当把前人所留下那忠心真诚的传统 以敬虔的生命来传给跟随的后人

 但愿跟随的后人能鉴我忠诚 更让敬虔如火花, 点亮路程 又愿留下的脚印, 引他们坚信 活出启发的生命, 令人顺从 但愿跟随的后人能鉴我忠诚 你看不到的信心,但你可以看到的忠 诚的足迹。我们必须留下“忠诚的足迹” 为他人仿效。 新神预备了一连串的庆典活动 — 研 讨会和演奏会,高潮将是2012年8月17日 六十周年感恩晚宴。我们欢迎您的参与。 我们感谢并邀请你继续通过祷告和金钱 上支持我们。希望您能祷告考虑为新神六 十周年作出特别奉献。新神家庭真切感谢 您! 忠心事奉,



How You Can Support Our Ministry


>> Donors in Singapore

Cheque donation - please make cheque payable to Singapore Bible College. Cash donation - please deposit cash into our UOB a/c 126-300-592-4 and send us the deposit slip with your name and address.

>> Donors in Malaysia

Cheque donation (in RM) or Bank draft donation (in S$) – please make cheque or bank draft payable to Singapore Bible College and mail it to us at 9-15 Adam Road, Singapore 289886.

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Cheque donation - please make cheque payable to Singapore Bible College-Hong Kong Alumni Association Ltd. Mail to 1/F Maidstone Apartments 35 Maidstone Road, Tokwawan, Kowloon, Hong Kong

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Check donation - please make check payable to SBC North America Fellowship. Mail to Singapore Bible College, North America Fellowship, 4732 El Rancho Verde Drive, La Palma, CA 90623, USA.



>> Donors in Canada

Check donation - please make check payable to Partners International and indicate “For Singapore Bible College” on check. Mail to Partners International, 8500 Torbram Road, Unit 56, Brampton, Ontario L6T 5C6, Canada.

>> Donors in Other Countries

Bank draft donation (in S$/US$) – please make draft payable to Singapore Bible College and mail it to us. Telegraphic transfer United Overseas Bank Ltd, Bukit Timah Branch, 587 Bukit Timah Road, #02-25/26/27/28 Coronation Shopping Plaza, Singapore 269707. Bank Code 7375, Branch Code 026. A/c no. 126-300-592-4. Swift code: uovbsgsg. Tax-deductible receipts will be issued to donors in Taiwan, USA and Canada.

短期课程 第125期夜校 证书课程

编号147: 「匠手牧者心」 讲师﹕朱美娟老师 时间﹕傍晚 7: 30 至 9: 00 收费﹕新币 64.20(不包括讲义费) 日期﹕20/3, 27/3, 3/4, 10/4, 24/4 & 8/5/2012(星期二)

课 程 简 介 : 什么是心理辅导?心理辅导和牧养的关系是什么?当我们所牧养的对象 出现各方面的情绪、行为、关系的问题时,我们可以如何善用基础的心理辅导概念和工 作方法来协助他们负起责任、面对问题并且成长,使其与神、与他人和自己的关系能够复 原?匠手牧者心将提供以上几方面的探讨,协助学生们能够善用辅导为有效的工具来协 助所牧养的对象。 网上报名:

即日起接受报名, 请填妥网上报名表格, 并于截止日期前将学费寄达学院。 网页 :



课程简介: 透过本课程,我们希望达成以下的目标:



• 学习作个合神心意的领袖 • 认识上帝塑造领袖的过程、方法、苦心 • 学习绘画个人恩赐群图表 • 认识自己的黑暗面,学习避开五种危险的领导模式 • 将个人在领导力上的锅盖提高 • 辨识与回应:冲突、机构气候、浪潮、全球化、后现代主义 • 认识领导大师的学说与理论 • 从圣经看七位君王领袖的兴衰

授课讲师: 陈方牧师

先后毕业于新加坡大学,香港中国神学研究院及美国福乐神学院,获文学士、道学硕士及 教牧学博士学位。自1982年至2010年4月,陈牧师在他的母会( 新加坡怀恩堂)担任主任 牧师一职。2010年7月开始,陈方牧师卸下28年的牧会事工,加入新加坡神学院担任副教 授;主要教导差传学、教牧领导管理学等科目。陈牧师共有11本著作,近著有《华人教 会差传新異象》、《可有可无》、 《任差何往》、 《迈向全方位的人生》。 欢迎浏览神学延伸教育中心的网页,以了解更多的详情。 网页 : 网上学园办公室电话 : 6559 1551(星期一至五, 1:00pm - 6:00pm) 电邮 : 即日起接受报名,请填妥网上报名表格,并于截止日期前将学历证件影印本 (只适用于新生) 及学费寄达学院。截止日期 : 2012年3月25日


华人一般认为的“凶宅”有这样的定义:屋大人少,屋比人 凶,结果冷清犹豫;屋小人多,人比屋凶,结果纠纷多多。关 键在于:一方面、住家要有足够的物理空间,让居者能够有空 间,可以自由的、从容的活动身体;另一方面、住家也要有充 足的人际空间,让居者能够和他人彼此互相的交流。基督徒如 何看待自己生活的空间? 从圣经民数记34-35 章,我们看见神给人的空间,让人 善用空间,活出神的心意。 居 住 的 空 间( 民 3 4 章)

人的好消息,更要让伤害我们的 人有另一个空间,促进了解、达 到谅解。 和好的空间(民35:9-15) • 神要以色列国设立避难城,让误杀人的可以躲避报仇者的  追杀。那原则很清楚:杀人的,判死刑;误杀人的,不可  判他死刑。这是因为神要保护无辜者的性命,给他一条生 路。误杀人的不可离 开避难城,不然仇家 可以在城外杀他,不 算犯法。可是什么 时候误杀人的可以 自由?直到大祭司死 了,那误杀人的才可 以回去自己的地方 (35:2) 。


神 给 以 色 列 的 1 2  支派分划土地,让  每 一 支 派 能 够 拥  有自己的土地,这  是可测量和设计的  物理空间。

近年来新加坡的物理空间非常昂贵,大众媒体几乎每天报  导的是房屋价格不断上涨的消息,结果有的人为自己低价  买入的房子,如今高价售出而高兴不已;也有的人为自己  高价买入,以后能够高价卖出而能套利的数目不像以前那  么高,而感到耿耿于怀。

但基督徒要看见重要的信息:神给人物理的居住和活动空  间,为的是什么?不是为套利而买入卖出,而是在这物理  时空中活出神的心意,提升生活的质素,让居住的空间充  满爱、接纳和饶恕,从而荣耀赐予土地房屋给我们居住  的神。

神 给人的空 间

灵 性 的 空 间( 民 3 5 : 1 -8) •

神要摩西在各个支派的土地,划分48个城市给利未人,其  中6个城市是逃城或避难城。大家应该知道,利未人是那  些拒绝拜金牛犊的一群人(出32:26),神把他们从以色列  人中分别出来,代替以色列家庭的长子,从25岁开始受训  (民8:24),30到50岁事奉 (民4:3),主要负责圣殿的管理  和献祭,此外还负责教导人明白律法和引导人认识神的  心意。

这是属灵的空间,是任何一个物理空间不可缺少的空间。  神给我们属灵的空间,要我们不但在肉身有活动和休息的  空 间 , 更 在 心 灵 有 和 神 , 还 有 神 的 子 民 交 流 的 灵 性 空  间。42个利未人居住的城市,分布在11个支派的土地上,  让每个居住的地方都有神与人交流,人认识神的空间。有  物理空间,必须有属灵空间,才是一个身心健全的生活  空间。

基督徒要为着神给予我们的属灵空间感恩,善用教会的聚  会空间来敬拜祷告、学习真道、装备信徒、然后让信徒在  社会各个层次中发挥福音信仰的影响力,见证耶稣基督。  基督徒不当学习极端的狂热分子—热心有余,知识不足,  害人害己。我们不但要冷静的、讲理的方式见证耶稣给世

神保护无辜人的生命。他让人与人之间,在彼此冲突之后  有一个和好的空间。这空间需要界限,以致冲突的两方有  自己的空间可以进行反省、检讨、悔改、更新和变革。同  时,这空间不应当无限期隔离,因为它的目的不是永久隔  离,而是和好。但是,要如何和好呢?经文说:等到大祭  司死后,一切仇恨一笔勾销,仇家不能再对付误杀人的。

我深信这是神给世人的逻辑:透过大祭司的死,彼此饶  恕、和解、接纳。一个叫人活得幸福快乐的空间,不但是  有美好的、优雅的、充足的物理空间,更要有自由敬拜、  与人分享信仰的信仰的属灵空间。此外,还需要一个与人  和好的空间,给人时间改变,但也积极寻求沟通、促进了  解、带来和好的空间。

赎罪的空间 •

新约希伯来书见证主耶稣是最崇高的大祭司,所有大祭司  都为罪人献牲畜为赎罪祭,可是只有耶稣这大祭司为罪人  献上自己,让人的罪得到赦免,以致人能够得到神的饶  恕,而且因这大祭司的死,人人可以放下过去的冲突,彼  此和睦。

基督徒需要有和好的空间。让伤害我们的那一方有空间,  给他一个悔改的机会。教会也是一样,需要给人有改变与  和好的空间,不要只看见原则,没有爱心和智慧使用原  则,达到和好的目的。主耶稣的工作目标是:和好。社会  要给人空间,让前犯人有时间空间改过自新;让误犯者有  反省和改变的机会;让听信息的人和讲道的人两者,彼此  给对方空间澄清和说明观点,以致彼此有冷静对话、彼此  和好的空间。

今天,神给你什么空间?你是否有善用空间?你是否在 居住的空间中腾出与神交流的属灵空间、饶恕人接纳人的和好 空间,然后愿意腾出个人的空间,完成神托付你我的福音使 命?

嘉声 232 一/三月 2012

新 加 坡 神 学 院

通讯与代祷 一个未来和希望

自己知道我为你们所定的计划,是使你们 得平安,而不是遭受灾祸的计划;要赐给 你们美好的前程和盼望。这是耶和华的宣 告。 ( 耶29:10-11) 在二十九章里,这是先知耶利米写的第一封 信,其内容是鼓励被掳到巴比伦的以色列人。因为 多年来的悖逆神,导致他们沦落至这样的光景。 超乎常理所能够理解的,耶利米在信中劝告以 色列人,要如往常一般在被掳之地过着正常的生活 (5-6节)。他甚至要以色列人为巴比伦的兴旺祷 告,如此一来神的祝福也会随之临到他们身上(7 节)。除此之外,耶利米还预言过了七十年后,神 会将他们带回以色列(10节)。 要以色列人承受整个考验所需要的就是希望和 未来(11节),虽然不是近在咫尺。但当我们相信 神的希望和未来,就有信心神会用祂的计划祝福我 们。在这段经文里我们得到三方面的学习: (一)神有一个计划(耶 29:11a) 全能的神知道祂为我们所定的计划。祂知道什么对 我们是最好的,也知道我们的缺乏。不但如此,祂 还供应祂子民的需要。 (二)神的计划是美好的(耶29:11b) 神的计划之所以美好乃因神是美善的。诗篇一百零 六篇一节说: “你们要赞美耶和华。你们要称谢耶和 华,因为他是美善的;他的慈爱永远长存。”刻意 设下计谋来毁灭我们并不是神的本性 。

当神的计划和现实的情况有所出入时,我们 常面对三方面的挣扎: (一) “假若…” 这或许是我们最常碰到的挣扎。假若不成功的话? 假若那只是一种假象?“假若”为我们带来焦虑,让 我们的头脑产生怀疑,更让我们对未来的计划和希 望产生恐惧。这些“假若”,使我们处在许多的怀疑 和未知。但在神那里,过往的历史都证明了神是永 远不变的。神要我们信靠祂,因为祂知道什么对我 们最好。 (二)那么我的计划呢? 我能够接受神的计划只要不跟我的计划有冲突。 我们的本性是“不要让我改变去配合你的计划。如 果你是慈爱的神,就应该改变你的计划来迁就我 的。 ”神要我们顺服於祂的计划。祂在以色列人身 上有一个明确的计划;要他们离开家园一段时间, 如此他们才可以离弃偶像,回转归向神。被掳到巴 比伦虽然痛苦,但那是必要的过程。神乃是將以色 列人的利益作为优先考量;计划在祂的时间,释放 祂自己的百姓。 (三)若 有 其 他 的 选 项 ? 找寻其它的捷径是我们常会面临到的试探。敌人提 供的其它选择,往往看起来更为可行,它们通常较 快速、较容易,也较少痛苦。若要忠心持守神的计 划,我们需要将那些会破坏神计划的选择抛诸脑后 (8-9节)。虽然,敌人给的选择提供了及时的答 案,快速的解决方案,疏解在神面前等待的焦虑。 但最终这些选择会带我们进入死巷!我们必须紧紧 跟随神的计划,不要偏离。 对于以上三点破坏神计划的应对方法是:单单 的信靠神!当面对“假若”、是否坚持自己的计划和 许多诱惑的选择时,我们更应该选择信靠神。 有些以色列人无法等到七十年后,见证神的应 许实现。对于他们,神应许的实践只能等到他们的 下一代。他们能够做的只是相信神的话,毕竟实践 神的计划是需要信心的。 今年当我们在庆祝新神六十周年庆的同时, 求神让我们能够持守忠心实践神的计划,并信靠神 会带给我们一个美好的希望和崭新的 未来。

(三)神的计划是完美的(耶29:11c) 神的计划为以色列人带来希望,过了七十年后他们 最终会重返家园。只要还存有一线的希望,就能够 使我们面对生活上的各样挑战。因为希望能激发坚 毅和忍耐,使我们能够忍受考验和磨难。只要还有 希望,未来是可以重建的。带着计划和新的盼望, 当神带着以色列人重返家园时,他们将会有一个崭 新的未来。他们会有一个属于自己的土地重建生 活。未来是一个平台,提供机会让以色列人能够实 践神的计划。 但对以色列人来说,他们所看到却是计划和现 实的情况不相符合。若真的有希望和未来,他们为 什么要经历这样多的痛苦和磨难呢!整个国家被 毁灭,最棒的精英和战士都被掳成为敌军的奴隶。 如果神知道他们所受的痛苦,为什么要他们等这么 久?等待的时间越长,抱存的希望就越少。如果这 个计划好,为什么他们还需要在被掳之地为敌人来 祷告?

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