SBC Pray For Us Issue 231

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Issue 231 Nov/Dec 2011 MICA (P) 056/08/2011


Pray For Us

The Giver

“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son…” (John 3:16, NIV)


love receiving gifts. It reminds me that I am appreciated. The fact that someone cares enough to go out of the way to bring me something is a very heart-warming act. In the Christmas season, God has given all of us a precious gift in the form of a Person: Jesus Christ. In the well-known verse of John 3:16, we are reminded of the great love of the Giver:

1. He gives out of His compelling love. The Bible says that God “so” loved the world. It shows the extent of God’s love. His love was so great that He is compelled to do something about it. Love can be messy. Love is downright painful at times. It takes a lot out of us to love others. Our love often grows cold over a stretch of time. God’s love is everything that our love is not. Let’s pray that in this festive season, God will bring to our awareness a need so great that it compels us to love and give as He did. 2. He follows up with action. The Bible also says that God “gave” us his Son. God’s love goes beyond rhetoric. God’s love was followed by a matching act. He walks His talk—the most convincing talk anyone could have given. Action completes the intention. Action also makes our intent credible. Promises delivered build trust. In a

world full of vain promises and half-hearted commitment, it will be such a refreshing sight for the world to witness our love in action. 3. He gives sacrificially. The Bible says that God gave us his “one and only son.” He gave us His very best. That is true love in action. We often keep what is “one and only” for ourselves. To give the “one and only” away would mean that there is no more for ourselves. The vacuum left can never be filled with anything else. For us to give sacrificially, the price must be worthy of our sacrifice. However, when God gives sacrificially, He sees someone unworthy and gives anyway. That is amazing grace! May this Christmas season be a time of thanksgiving to the Giver who gave so that “…whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16, NIV)

Dr Albert Ting, Principal Singapore Bible College

Singapore Bible College 9-15 Adam Road Singapore 289886 Tel: +65 6559 1555 Fax: +65 6559 1550 Email: Web:

A Journey of an English-speaker in SBC’s Chinese Programme By Ricky Foo

If you have the burden to serve Chinese-speaking communities yet struggle with the spoken and written abilities of your mother-tongue (Chinese), this is for you. Below is the story of an SBC student who took his first step of faith four months ago by commencing studies in the School of Theology (Chinese), and now enjoys the fruit of his faith and labour.


applied for studies at SBC without extensive research about the school as my mentor was already studying at the College. He told me that it is a good school and if I want to serve the PRCs, this is a good place to be equipped. So by faith, I applied and gained admission after passing the entrance test and interview. I set several goals when I came to SBC, as I had taken 6 months of sabbatical leave from my work to recharge and seek God. They are: (1) To learn the Bible in the Chinese lan guage. I have been serving the PRCs since 2004, but have not been able to master the language, especially in understanding Scripture, pray ing in the Chinese language and communicating critical theological thoughts to others. Therefore, I hoped that I can improve my Chinese language in order to serve the PRCs more effectively. (2) To expand my network of PRC minis ters. I know that there are many stu dents who have come from China, and I’d like to better understand the church situation in China. (3) To seek God and to be clearer of my life

calling in God’s ministries.

I am thankful that I was able to achieve all three goals within my short 5 months in SBC. In relation to the first goal, I took an immediately plunge into a Chinese-speaking and learning environment. Although it was difficult in the beginning, especially in reading and writing, I was able to get the hang of it after 2 months. I didn’t miss out any of the assignments (though I wrote some of them in English), and was able to complete most of the reading materials on time. More importantly, I was able to read the Chinese Bible and pray fluently in Chinese. This improvement was recognized by my wife (a PRC) and I do not need to consult her frequently (as before) when explaining theological issues in the Bible. I was very glad that God stretched and developed my language capacity in order to make me more effective for His work. Secondly, I was able to better understand the church situation, not only in China, but in the Chinese speaking world globally. Most of my classmates are from East Asia and some of them came from Kenya, France, Germany, New Zealand, Myanmar and Canada. I was surprised by the diversity and amazed by the work of Christ in

these countries. It not only expanded my personal network of Christian ministers in these countries, but also my view of God’s work in various parts of the world. Finally, through my conversations with my classmates and teachers, I was able to understand how people are called into full-time ministry. I found out that I may not be ready for full-time ministry yet. Instead, God revealed to me that I may be more effective in the marketplace, and I may have an important place to bring the Gospel into the marketplace. Previously, I was unsure of the ministry path to take, but God was gracious in revealing His plan to me. I thank God for the opportunity to study in SBC. It has a strong team of teachers who are also pastors to us, and that is the uniqueness of this college. I believe that many people are trained not only through the rigorous academic classes, but also by observing and learning from the lives of the various teachers. They role modelled and set the standard for others to follow in their lives and ministries. May God continue to bless the team in SBC and may more ministers and missionaries be trained to bring the Gospel to every part of the world!

“英语人” 在新神的日子 胡嘉亿

我申请到新神念书时,我没有做 太仔细的研究。当时,我的导师 已经是新神的学生,而他建议我 如果我想更有效地服侍中国人,我应该选 择到新神念书。所以,我就根据申请的过 程,最后通过考试与面试,而被录取了。

的是我可以流利地阅读中文圣经和可以用 中文祷告。我的妻子(是中国人)也观察 并认同我语言的进步,因为我不需要像以 往一样,经常在解释神学课题时需要请教 她。我很感谢神让我很好地发展我语言的 能力,以便能更有效地服侍人。

在还没有上课的时候,我为自己设立了几 个目标,因为我从我的公司申请了半年的 无薪安息年假期,觉得必须要有收获。 这是一个休息和寻求神的时间。我的目标 是: (1)以中文学习圣经。我从2004年开始 服侍中国人,可是我一直没有很好地 掌握中文,尤其是在理解圣经方面、 以中文祷告,还有用中文解释一些神 学方面的课题。所以,我希望能透过 在新神的学习巩固我的中文能力,以 便更好地服侍中国人;

第二,我不只是对中国教会有更深的认 识,同时也对全球的华人教会有更深的理 解。虽然我的同学大部分来自本地和其他 华人地区,当中还有来自肯尼亚、法国、 德国、新西兰、缅甸和加拿大德华人。我 为这个群体的多元化感到惊奇,也非常感 恩看见基督在这些国家的工作。这不单扩 展了我个人事奉的联系网络,也让我看到 神在世界各地的工作。

(2) 增加与中国传道人的联系网络,更认 识 目 前 海 外 教 会 的 情 况 和 宣 教 的 机会; (3) 寻求神和更清楚地认知神给我的呼 召。 在短短地五个月里,我达到了三个目标。 第一,从开学第一堂课,我就进入一个全 中文的学习环境。虽然刚开始的时候,学 习会比较吃力(尤其是在阅读与书写方 面),可是在两个月后,我就逐渐可以赶 上了。透过老师和同学们,我学习到许多 圣经的术语,也知道怎么更好地与中文沟 通一些重要的神学主题。我准时地完成所 有的功课(虽然有一些我以英文书写), 同时,我也可以完成所有的阅读。最重要

最后,透过与老师和同学们的对话,我更 了解他们是怎么被呼召进入全时间的事 奉。我发现我还没有准备好进入全时间的 服事。但是,神让我看到我在职场中会更 有效,而我在把福音带到职场中可能会有 一个重要的位置。在到新神以前,我对自 己的服事方向不确定,但神很有恩典地让 我看到他的计划。 我感谢神让我有到新神念书的机会。它有 一个很强的教师团队,而他们也同时扮演 牧师的角色-我觉得这就是新神的独特之 处。我相信许多同学的学习,不只是通过 严格的学术训练,也同时透过观察和学习 教师们的生命。教师们都在生命和服事上 成为我们的模范和标准。 愿神一直祝福和保守新神的团队,也让它 培训更多的传道人与宣教士以便福音可以 被传道世界的每个角落!

R EG I ST R AR’S OFFICE – J U LY 2 0 1 2 E n ro l l m e nt The new academic year begins on 12 Jul 2012. Applicants planning to enroll for studies at SBC may obtain an application package and more information at the Registrar’s Office. For enrollment in School of Theology (Chinese), international applications must reach SBC by 15 Mar and local applications by 30 Apr 2012. For enrollment in School of Theology (English), School of Church Music and School of Counselling, international applications must reach SBC by 15 Apr and local applications by 30 May 2012. For enquiries, please contact The Registrar’s Office via email: reg@ or tel: +65 65591521/2.

注册处 - 2012年 7月 招生信息 新学年从2012 年7月12日开始,有计 划到新神就读的申请者,请到注册处索 取申请表格与资料。华文神学系的申 请者:海外的申请者请于2012年3月15 日前将申请表格呈交新神,本地的申请 者请于4月30日前呈交申请表格。英文 神学系、圣乐系和辅导系的申请者: 海外的申请者请于2012年4月15日前将 申请表格呈交新神,本地的申请者请 于5月30日前呈交申请表格。若有 任何疑问,请与注册处联络,请电 邮 或致电:65-6559 1521,65591522 询问。

Singapore Bible College School of Theology (English) presents

Singapore Bible College Preaching Conference


with Variety

15 Feb 2012 (9.00am-1.00pm) 16 Feb 2012 (8.30am-1.00pm)


Block 7 Level 4 Worship Hall, 9-15 Adam Road, Singapore 289886 Day One: 15th February 2012 Session 1: Foundations of Expository Preaching (9.10am-10.25am)

Biblical preaching is not a matter of form. It is a matter of yielding to God’s Word and then proclaiming that Word with clarity and passion. To use John Stott’s metaphor, it is standing “between two worlds”—the world of the text and the world of the listeners. This session is a review of Dr. Haddon Robinson’s method of discovering the “exegetical idea” to make sure that we are yielding to the Word, not inventing our own message.

Session 2: The Bible as Literature and Rhetoric (11.00am-1.00pm)

The Bible is not simply a repository of ideas. It also pulses with the creativity of literature and the power of rhetoric (persuasion). Thus, expository preachers pay attention not only to what the Bible says, but also how it says it. We exegete form as well as content.

Day Two: 16th February 2012 Session 3: Preaching the Psalms (8.30am-10.00am)

This session explores the beautiful poetry of the Psalms as literature and rhetoric, and then it asks how we can reproduce the same effects in our sermons. How can we preach with images, poetic form, and heightened emotion? Preaching with creativity helps.

Session 4: Preaching the Parables (12.00pm-1.00pm)

This session explores one of the most creative, artistic and confusing genres of the Bible parables. What are the literary and rhetorical components of this genre, and how can we reproduce those effects in our sermons? Participants are welcomed to stay for the SBC Combined Chapel between Sessions 3 and 4 on Day Two. Dr Arthurs will be the speaker.

Admission is free but registration before 14 Feb 2012 is required. Registration form is available at For further inquiries, please contact Ms Cheng Ting Ting at or +65 65591516 during office hours.


DR JEFFREY ARTHURS Dr Jeffrey Arthurs is Professor of Preaching and Communication and Chair, Division of Practical Theology at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He is an experienced teacher and pastor with a passion for preaching and has been past president of the Evangelical Homiletics Society. An active scholar and author, Dr Arthurs’ scholarly interests include the intersection of exegesis and homiletics, preaching the literary forms of Scripture, public reading of Scripture, and rhetorical theory. He is one of the general editors for Kerux, a commentary series designed to assist preachers.

The premier performance of “A Prayer of Thanksgiving” features a new choral setting of Psalm 30 in four movements for the choir, organ, piano, solo trumpet and solo cello. Psalm 30 is one of the thanksgiving Psalms which presents to us a perfect model of how to give thanks to our faithful God. First, we must worship Him by giving Him all the credit - “I will exalt you, O Lord, for you lifted me out of the depths and did not let my enemies gloat over me.” (v. 1) Then we must turn our attention towards God by praying to Him – “Hear, O Lord, and be merciful to me; O Lord, be my help.” (v. 10) God hears our prayers and answers them. As a result, weeping turns into laughter while wailing turns into dancing. Come celebrate with us – “that my heart may sing to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever.” (v. 12) Apart from the SBC Chorale, this concert also features the combined church choir from six different churches with more than one hundred voices. All choir directors are alumni of SBC’s School of Church Music. There are many enjoyable blessings in the concert for everyone. Come; give thanks to our God. Cainan Mui, D.M.A. Dean, School of Church Music

“感恩的祷告”首演将以崭新的合唱方式呈现诗篇三十篇,其中 包括合唱团、管风琴、钢琴、小号独奏和大提琴独奏四个乐章。 诗篇三十篇是一首感恩诗篇,它为我们呈现了如何向信实的神 献上感恩的完美模式。首先,我们应当将神应得的尊荣归给他—“ 耶和华啊!我要尊崇你,因为你曾提拔我,不容我的仇敌向我夸耀 。”(1节)接着,我们可以将注意力转向神,向他祈求—“耶和 华啊!求你垂听,恩待我;耶和华啊!求你帮助我!”(10节)神 听见我们的祷告,并且应允我们。因此,眼泪可以化为笑生、哀号 可以转为舞蹈。来与我们一起欢庆—“好让我的灵歌颂你,永不停 止。耶和华我的神啊!我要永远称赞你。”(12节) 除了新加坡神学院合唱团外,来自六个教会的一百多把声音也 将参与这次音乐会演出。所有合唱团指挥都是新神圣乐部校友。 这将是为每个人带来愉快祝福的音乐会。来,向神献上感恩! 梅广文,D.M.A. 圣乐系主任

In celebration of SBC’s 60th Anniversary


领袖更新研讨会 地点:M Suites Hotel 16 Jalan Skudai, Straits View, 80200 Johor Bahru

日期:2012年2月20日(星期一),上午9时至下午5时 欢迎南马新神校友、教会牧者、同工、领袖、机构同工踊跃参加

座谈一: 《定位基督的领导 — 仆人领袖的楷模与服事》 陈世协院长

座谈二: 《定位基督的宣教 — 宣教独特的信息与动力》 陈方牧师

座谈三: 《定位基督的讲道 — 牧养羊群的生命与内涵》 沈立德牧师

报名截止日期:2012年1月31日(星期二) 不收费 (若有爱心奉献将拨充学院经常费。支票/汇票抬头请写 “Singapore Bible College") 询问:许森然牧师(012-7776395),王爱裘传道(012-7786358) 电邮 电话及传真:07-5592366 或 07-5589950 填妥表格后,请邮寄到: 23 Jalan Bakti 66, Taman Mutiara Rini, 81300 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia(许森然牧师代收)

南马一日领袖更新研讨会 报名表格 姓名

性别 联络号码




新神60周年院庆 华文神学系特别聚会


Singapore Bible College Library


he establishment of the SBC Library dates back to 1952 when the Bible Training program was launched. Miss Elizabeth Laing, an OMF missionary who was also a member of SBC faculty, was the first librarian. Back then, the library was located on the third floor of Block 1. When Block 2 was built, the library was relocated to its basement. 

Between 1983 and 1984, the audio-visual collections were added to the library, coinciding with the growth of other new programmes at SBC. Eventually, an audio-visual center was created, housed next to the main library.

Under the leadership of Mrs Wing-Huen Maak, the library cataloguing system was eventually converted from the paper system of using catalogue cards to a customized DBASE computerized system in Jan 1989. The DBASE library cataloguing system was created by Dr Christopher Lee. In June 1998, the library acquired the V-Lib library software system. A total of 11,893 Chinese titles and 18,464 English titles were bar-coded and keyed into the system. On 16 Nov 2000, the library moved from Block 2 to its new two-storey location in Block 7. After the books were tied and numbered, SBC’s staff and students formed a human chain to move the books into the new building. By 2 Dec 2000, all the books had been placed on the shelves and were ready for use in the new academic term.

Since then the library is keeping pace with the number of programmes our college offers. We are very thankful for specific donations for library acquisitions. It has enabled us to increase our collection not only in theological and biblical studies but also for counselling and church music courses. The donations also help us in our subscriptions to journals (Chinese, English and Music) and online databases. In recent years we have added a few new collections: the Ichthus Collection for biblical and theological research; the CTBA (Christianity Today Book Award) collection to encourage students to read more widely; the Faculty Publication to encourage the writing ministry of our faculty; the Music Anthem collection and the South East Asia collection. In Aug 2011, we were selected as an ISSR (International Society for Science and Religion) Library Project awardee. We are one of 150 institutions worldwide to receive this award. According to Pranab Das, Executive Editor and Project Manager, this collection of “224 volumes spans all areas of the interface between science and spirituality” and is selected in consultation with the membership of the International Society for Science and Religion and experts from many academic disciplines, faith traditions and regions. We are indeed encouraged by this award. We will continue to work hard to provide

adequate library resources for our lecturers, students and alumni as they apply themselves to the study of God’s Word.

您可 >> Donors in Singapore

Cheque donation - please make cheque payable to Singapore Bible College. Cash donation - please deposit cash into our UOB a/c 126-300-592-4 and send us the deposit slip with your name and address.

>> Donors in Malaysia

Cheque donation (in RM) or Bank draft donation (in S$) – please make cheque or bank draft payable to Singapore Bible College and mail it to us at 9-15 Adam Road, Singapore 289886.

>> Donors in Hong Kong

Cheque donation - please make cheque payable to Singapore Bible College-Hong Kong Alumni Association Ltd. Mail to 1/F Maidstone Apartments 35 Maidstone Road, Tokwawan, Kowloon, Hong Kong



加坡神学院在1952年创校时, 就己经设立了图书馆。第一任 图书馆馆员是梁德纯教士 (Miss Elizabeth  Laing)。当时,图书馆位于第 一座的三楼。第二座竣工后,图书馆也一 度被移到底层去。在1983年至1984年间, 新神开设了许多新的课程,例如:圣乐训 练课程,视听资料因此增多,视听中心 于是成立,位于图书馆旁边。在1989年1 月,李振群博士构思和设计了DBASE电脑 系统,在麦陈永萱师母的领导下,图书馆 的编排系统从人工的编排卡转向电脑化。 图书馆使用的是杜威分类系统。在1998 年5月9日至6月25日之间,图书馆采用了 V-LIB 图书软件系统。共有11,893本中文 书和18,464本英文书附上电子编号及输入 系统。在 2000 年11月16日,图书馆从第 一座 搬迁到刚刚落成的第七座。面积从原 有的一层楼增至两层楼。当时,学院的所 有讲师和学生形成以条人龙,合力将分类 好的书籍搬到新楼上。2000年12月2日, 所有的书籍都被归类在书架上,为新学年 做好准备。1月16日,图书馆正式开放给 学生,讲师及其它会员使用。新图书馆的 两层楼设置了参考书库、视听中心、多媒 体室和咨询办公室而中英文和圣乐图书则

设置在三楼。座位 容量也从40位增至 100 位。 从此,图书馆紧密 配合学院提供的众 多课程。我们十分 感激帮助图书馆增 加书目的特定捐 款,那不仅丰富图 书馆的神学与圣经 研究书目,也扩展 了辅导与圣乐系资 料的收藏。捐款也 帮助我们订阅中英 文及音乐杂志,和 在线资料库。 近年来,我们也增 加了一些专题部 门:益道的圣经及神学研究部、鼓励学生 阅读的 CTBA(今日基督教图书奖)部、鼓 励讲师研究工作的讲师出版部、进行曲部 及东南亚部。 2011年8月,我们被选为 ISSR(国际科学

How You Can Support Our Ministry 以如何支持我们的事工 >> Donors in Taiwan

Cheque donation - please make cheque payable to Singapore Bible CollegeThe Alumni Association in Taiwan. Mail to 221台北縣汐止市林森街31號2樓 新 加坡神學院台灣校友會收. Bank/ATM transfer – please transfer funds to a/c “Singapore Bible College-The Alumni Association in Taiwan” under Mega International Commercial BankTaipei Branch (Bank Code 017), bank a/c 202-10-31116-7.

>> Donors in USA

Check donation - please make check payable to SBC North America Fellowship. Mail to Singapore Bible College, North America Fellowship, 4732 El Rancho Verde Drive, La Palma, CA 90623, USA.



与宗教学会)图书馆项目得奖者,是全世 界150 个得奖的机构之一。根据颁发奖项 的执行编辑和项目主任普拉纳布.达斯先生 说,收集的“224卷跨越了科学和宗教交接 的所有领域”,并且是国际科学与宗教学 会的成员和许多学术领域、宗教和区域的 专家遴选出来的。 获颁这项奖项,我们确实感到鼓舞。我们 必定继续努力地为讲师、学生及校友提供 丰富的图书资料,帮助他们适用在学习神 的话语上。

>> Donors in Canada

Check donation - please make check payable to Partners International and indicate “For Singapore Bible College” on check. Mail to Partners International, 8500 Torbram Road, Unit 56, Brampton, Ontario L6T 5C6, Canada.

>> Donors in Other Countries

Bank draft donation (in S$/US$) – please make draft payable to Singapore Bible College and mail it to us. Telegraphic transfer United Overseas Bank Ltd, Bukit Timah Branch, 587 Bukit Timah Road, #02-25/26/27/28 Coronation Shopping Plaza, Singapore 269707. Bank Code 7375, Branch Code 026. A/c no. 126-300-592-4. Swift code: uovbsgsg. Tax-deductible receipts will be issued to donors in Taiwan, USA and Canada.

FINANCIAL REPORT 财务报告 General Fund 经常费 Income 收入 (01/07/11-31/10/11) S$ 1,349,004 Expenditure 支出 (01/07/11-31/10/11) S$ 1,215,541 Surplus/(Deficit) 盈余/(不敷) S$ 133,463

讲师行踪 • 校友消息 Faculty & Alumni News Alumni News 校友消息

Principal’s Office 院长办事处 过去几个月,陈世协院长在下列地点进行 培训和讲道: • 10月20日至11月2日:多伦多华人基督 传道联会 • 11月16-20日:菲律宾马尼拉基督教灵 惠堂 • 11月24-27日:印尼雅加达灵粮堂 • 11月30日至12月6日:阿德莱德家庭及 事工团契退休营 Dr Albert Ting trained and preached at the following locations over the past months: • 20 Oct to 2 Nov: Association of Chinese Evangelical Ministries (Canada), Toronto • 16 to 20 Nov: Grace Gospel Church in Manila • 24 to 27 Nov: Ling Liang Church in Jakarta • 30 Nov to 6 Dec: Family and Staff Retreat in Adelaide

新神的几位校友最近在各自的教会被按立。我们与他们一同欢喜! A number of our alumni were recently ordained in their churches. We rejoice with them! 刘懿牧师(华文神学系08年道学硕士)于8月26日在美国威斯康辛州 的福谷华人基督教会被按立为牧师。 Rev Yi Liu (SOTC M.Div 08) was ordained on 26 Aug at Fox Valley Chinese Christian Church, Wisconsin, US. 陈金发牧师(华文神学系89年)于10月 27日在泰北灵粮教牧宣教神学院被按立为 牧师。 Rev John Tan Kim Huat (SOTC 89) was ordained on 27 Oct at by Ling Liang Church in Chiangrai, Thailand. 陈恩书牧师(英文神学系06年道学硕士)于10月29日在笃信圣经长 老会希伯仑堂被按立为牧师。 Rev Nathanael Tan Woon Soo (SOTE M.Div 06) was ordained on 29 Oct at Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church.

Faculty Movement 讲师行踪 李露逸老师目前在创启地区宣教,直到明 年年初再回到我们当中。请为李老师和其 夫婿的路程及事奉代祷。 Mrs Louise Fong is currently engaged in missionary work in Creative Access Nations, and will return early next year. Please pray for journey mercies and an effective ministry for Mrs Fong and her husband.

Short Courses at School of Counselling

Gottman Couples Therapy Level 1: Bridging the Couple Chasm 2-Day Course 12-13 March 2012

恭喜我们的两位校友:包章伟(华文 神学系07年道学硕士)与锺旭晖(华 文神学系09年道学硕士)。他们俩于 11月19日在沙巴斗湖卫理公会圣恩堂 结婚! Congratulations to our alumni Pau Chiong Wei (SOTC M.Div 07) and Irene Chung Shiuh Huei (SOTC M.Div 09) who were united in holy matrimony in Sabah on 19 Nov. 「章伟 与 旭晖 经历了5年的爱情‘中’ 跑, 蒙神的恩典,踏上婚姻之路, 一步一脚印,都是神恩典之路, 神爱神手,牵引我俩走这人生路! 」 章伟 与 旭晖 敬上

This is the first step in learning Gottman Method Therapy! You will use research-based principles and interventions to strengthen: • The Friendship System - the building block for intimacy, passion, and good sex • The Conflict System - the basis for helping couples manage solvable problems as well as understand and manage unresolved differences • The Shared Meaning System - the existential foundation of the relationship that helps couples create shared purpose in building alife together

In this inspiring workshop you will learn: • Proven strategies and tools to help couples successfully manage conflict • Skills that empower partners to dialogue about their worst gridlocked issues • Methods to help couples process their fights and heal their hurts • Techniques for couples to deepen their intimacy and minimize relapse For more information and registration, visit


跌倒后的跟从 约翰福音的作者在第二十章已经完成了 耶稣是基督,是神的儿子的记述(20:3031)。第廿一章记载门徒晚上出去打渔, 之后耶稣与彼得有三回对话。这三回对话 的过程十分相似: A 耶稣查问彼得: 「你爱我吗?」 (15a,16a,17a) 「你知道我爱你。」 B 彼得回答耶稣: (15b,16b,17b) C 耶稣吩咐彼得: 「你喂养我的羊。」 (15c,16c,17c) 为何要三次重复地查问和吩咐?究竟作者 记述耶稣复活后与彼得这一次对话的重点 是甚么?

(一)不同的爱 很多人留意到在耶稣三次的查问中,原文 包括了两个不同的「爱」字。[1] 故此有人 认为耶稣是要求彼得以完全、纯洁、牺 牲的爱去爱祂,但彼得没有达到主的要 求,他只是以一般、通俗、朋友的爱回应 主。[2] 但这样的理解不够全面,因为在彼 得三次同样的回答后,耶稣对彼得的吩咐 都是一样: 「你喂养我的羊」,显示祂并没 有对彼得某一次的回答不满意。[3]

(二)比这些更深的爱 耶稣第一次问彼得的那句话包括「比这些 更深」,但之后的两次查问没有出现这片

语。甚么是「比这些更深的爱」?「这些」究竟是甚么?不 同的注释书有不同解释。[4] 信徒在研读这经文时也会加上 各自对「这些」的见解。但从耶稣之后两次只是简单地问彼得「你爱我吗?」可以相当肯 定, 「比这些更深的爱」并不是这对话的重点。

(三)复原领导的位置 大部份学者认为耶稣在早饭后与彼得对话的目的是要复原彼得,恢复他作为门徒领袖 的地位。在类似的情况下,就是在天将亮的时候,在炭火前面,彼得曾经三次不认主 (18:15-17),因此耶稣也一连三次查问彼得。彼得在第三次被问到: 「你爱我吗?」就忧 愁起来(20:17)。他忧愁,不是因为这次耶稣用了另一个「爱」 (phileo)字问他,而是因 为耶稣三次重复地查问,使他想到他曾经三次否认主,被迫面对自己过去的失败。他为 自己过去的失败跌倒感到羞愧难过。彼得曾三次不认主,如今他三次肯定地表明对主的 爱。主接纳彼得的悔改,复原与他的关系,并且清楚地吩咐他: 「喂养我的羊」,重新肯定 彼得作为门徒的领袖。 虽然彼得曾经三次不认主,但不认主之后的彼得仍然是众门徒的首领(参20:2, 21:2 ff)。 所以耶稣吩咐彼得「喂养我的羊」的重点不一定是要肯定他在教会中的领导地位,更有 可能是要呼召他作牧人。[5]

(四)跌倒后的跟从 以上三种解释都有一个共同弱点,就是忽略了耶稣在最后给彼得的整个吩咐。虽然耶稣 与彼得的对话共有三回,而三回的过程和内容基本相同。[6] 但在第三回,耶稣给彼得的 吩咐不是止于「喂养我的羊」 (20:17),而是继续预告彼得的将来,说明他作为牧人所 要付上的代价,最后以「你跟从我罢」作结(20:19)。[7] 故此,整个对话的高潮和重点不 在前面三回重复的对话(20:15-17),而是之后的预言和 吩 咐(20:18-19)。 在接下来的另一轮对话(20:20-23),彼得反过来问耶稣所爱的那门徒的将来。主的回答 非但不是说彼得会作他的领导,而是他的将来与彼得无关。主再次吩咐彼得: 「你跟从我 罢」 (20:22)。由此看来,耶稣与彼得两轮对话(20:15-19,20-23)的重点是一致的, 是要肯定彼得对主的跟从而不是他的领导地位。 门徒就是跟从主的人。主重复地吩咐彼得: 「你跟从我罢」,不单表明耶稣 已经饶恕了他过去的失败和跌倒,再次接纳他为门徒;更因着他破碎和 复原的经历,帮助并鼓励他成为忠心至死的跟从者和牧人(21:18-19a)。 正如潘霍华在《门徒的代价》中写道: 「当基督呼召一个人时,祂是要他 『来』并且『死』。」[8] 彼得的故事提醒我们,人是会跌倒的。但跌倒并不是最要紧,最要紧的是 跌倒后如何。耶稣主动地寻找彼得,复原与他的关系。跌倒前的彼得不知 道跟随主、为主舍命的真正意义和所要付上的代价(13:36-38)。现在的彼 得明白了,他深刻体会到不但是跟从主,就是爱主也不能单依靠自己。[9] 就好像在开始时的呼召(1:43),主再次呼召彼得,挑战他要忠心至死地跟 随。你会如何回应主的呼召?跌倒的经历如何改变你对主的跟从? [1] 耶稣首两次问彼得所用的「爱」 (agape)字与最后一次的「爱」 (phileo)字不同;但彼得三次都是 用同一个「爱」 (phileo)字回答。 [2] 参NIV的翻译,前者译作“true love” (真正的爱),后者只简单译作“love” (爱)。 [3] 这个解释要面对的困难不少:(1)从整本约翰福音看,这两个「爱」字经常交替使用,并没有明显不 同的含意(参11: 3, 5; 15:17, 19)。这些变更只不过是作者的一种写作修辞。(2)在这对话里,不单 使用了不同的「爱」字,其他如「喂养/牧养」,「小羊/羊」,甚至彼得最后一次回答的「知道」与前 两次的「知道」也是不同的字,难道它们都代表不同的含意? [4] 可能是指事物:渔船,渔网,渔获,早餐的饼。耶稣在问彼得: 「你爱当渔夫过于爱我吗?」也可能 是指人物:当时在场的门徒或其他人。「彼得爱他们比爱耶稣更深? 」或「彼得比其他门徒更爱耶稣?」 (思高译本的翻译)。 [5] 耶稣在第三次吩咐彼得「喂养我的羊」之后的那段话,显示复原彼得的领导地位并不是这记载的重点。 [6] 这三回对话(20:15-17)的重复结构表达是:ABC,ABC,ABC。 [7] 耶稣与彼得的整个对话(20:15-19),更准确的结构表达是:ABC,ABC,ABCD。结构显示的高潮 是在三次重复的ABC之后的新元素 D。 [8] Dietrich Bonhoeffer, in The Cost of Discipleship, writes:“When Christ calls a man, He bids him come and die.” [9] 面对主的问题,彼得不再像从前充满自信的回答(6:67; 13:36-38)。他不是直接肯定地回答: 「我爱 你。」或「我当然爱你!」而是婉转的回答: 「你知道我爱你。」

嘉声 230 十一/十二月 2011

新 加 坡 神 学 院



“神爱世人,甚至把他的独生子赐给他们…” (约3:16) 我喜欢收到礼物,因为它让我感到受重视。事 实上,令我感到窝心的是那份关心和特意准备 礼物的行动。在圣诞季节里,神已经给了我们 最好的礼物:耶稣基督。广为人知的经文约翰 福音三章十六节,提醒了我们那位伟大的给予 者:

祂毫无保留的爱 圣经告诉我们神“极”爱世人。神的爱是如此伟 大,甚至为我们安排救赎的计划,祂的爱就在此 向我们显明了。祂爱我们至矢不渝。 爱可以是复杂又会带来痛苦。爱人并不容易。 我们的爱总在经过一段时间的考验就冷却下 来。然而,神却已经向我们证明祂的爱与我们 的爱不同,祂的爱是超乎一切。在这个欢庆的 季节,求神使我们能够领悟祂的那至矢不渝的 爱,激励我们像祂一样。 祂付出行动的爱 圣经也提到神“给”了我们祂的儿子。神的爱是 超乎千言万语所能够形容的,并且用行动来诠 释祂的爱。祂言出必行—所说的话比任何人更 具说服力。

意念是藉由行动来完成,行动使我们的意念具 体实践。信任往往是在承诺实践中建立起来 的。因此,在这个不切实际和虚浮言论充满的 世界里,我们的行动将会成为一股清流,向世人 见证我们的爱是有行动表现的。 祂无私给予的爱 圣经提到神将祂的“独生子”给了我们。神的给 予并非祂所舍弃的,乃是最好的。神的爱是表现 在行动里。 我们的本性总是将“唯一”的留给自己。将“唯 一”的给出去,意味着自己是毫无保留。而空缺 的部分将没有任何其它东西可以取代。要我们 做到无私的给予,我们就必须从心里相信这样 做是值得的。神看见那些毫无价值的人,却仍 然无私的给予。这就神奇妙的恩典! 在这个圣诞佳节里,愿你我都能向这个给予 恩 典 的 神 献 上 最 深 的 感 恩 ,因 祂“ … 叫 一 切 信他的,不至灭亡,反得永生。 ” (约 3:16)

博士 新加坡神学院院长

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