SBC Pray For Us Issue 229

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June/ No. July 229 2011


The Biblical Role of Parenting

What Christian Workers Wish Their Churches Knew!

Abbreviations used this issue: SOTE = School of Theology English SOTC = School of Theology Chinese SCM = School of Church Music SOC = School of Counselling CCTE = Centre for Continuing Theological Education

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Reflections on Theological Education


has been five years since I was appointed by the Board to be the 6th Principal of Singapore Bible College, and it has been an enriching experience with a sharp learning curve for me. There is really no crash course that prepares one for academic leadership; you learn mostly while on the job: You ask your predecessors for advice. You talk to other principals to get a glimpse of what is involved in leading a Bible seminary. You attend conferences to immerse yourself in the world of theological education. You seek help from more experienced individuals who are gifted in different disciplines. You do your best to strike a balance between meeting the needs of faculty members, administrative staff, students, the upkeep of the facility, sufficient funding for the whole operation, enrolment of new students and church relations. The Lord has blessed me with a supportive Board and a competent team in SBC to help to carry out the mission of SBC “to glorify God by training faithful servants of Jesus Christ for the edification of the church and the urgent evangelization of the unreached.” Theological education involves hard work and sacrifices. We seek to do our best in all areas to make the investment of time and effort by both the staff and the students fruitful. As I continue to lead SBC into the future, the Lord has impressed upon me three important areas for continued growth: 1. We are here to serve the church SBC exists to provide faithful workers for the church. We strive to train our students to be effective communicators of God’s word, servant leaders of God’s church and creative thinkers of God’s ministry, so that they can better contribute to the church. We need to stay focused in serving the church! We have to humbly listen to the church for feedback on the kind of workers that they need today. We must consider ways to help the church groom their leaders from the students in our midst. Academic institutions can sometimes become too engrossed in their academic pursuits to pay sufficient attention to their external environment. SBC needs to be a good listener as we strive to be an institution of excellence.

2. We can’t depend merely on three years To prepare students well, in their academic pursuit as well as spiritual and character formation, is an arduous goal to achieve within a typical threeyear program at SBC. Some students who are more well-grounded in biblical teaching and intentional discipleship may find it easier, but others need much more training, even beyond their graduation. The standard call for theological education is admirable, but may be a little too passive. As an institution, we need to be more proactive to bring continuing education to our graduates, to provide “on-the-job” training to help them attain maturity, particularly in the areas of preaching and leadership, and to cultivate a passion for lifelong learning. 3. We must deliver together One of the ways in which we can evaluate the effectiveness of our theological education is to measure how well our graduates perform in the church they serve. Yet we need to recognize that they each come with different gifts and competencies. We therefore need all the help available to deliver the educational outcomes that we seek. We need to pray for God’s intervention in our community to bring about revival and the transformation of lives. We need the church to provide opportunities in field education and supervision to hone our students’ ministry skills. We need donors to co-labour with us by providing funding for the effective operation of the school. Our partnership will enable us to deliver what God has called SBC to nurture in our students! As we stand at the threshold of SBC’s 60th anniversary in 2012, we want to reaffirm our commitment to train faithful servants of Jesus Christ for the church who will contribute to the ministry, missions and marketplace witness. May God find us faithful in our endeavour!

Dr Albert Ting, Principal Singapore Bible College

DR Koh Siang Kiang

The Biblical Role of Parenting


ingapore, over the month of March, followed reactions to a picture of a soldier in uniform, apparently having his maid carry his backpack. Through the newspapers and social networking websites, people expressed their disbelief at such conduct. A newspaper forum article entitled, “NS does not make men, parents do” prompted the writing of this article. For more than 200 years, the Sunday School movement in the evangelical church has been trying its best to provide Christian Education. Today, we are hearing reports that second and third generation Christian children and youths are not responding. What can or must we do to correct the situation? In Exodus 12:24 and Joshua 4:6, when Moses and Joshua instructed the Israelites to build memorials, it was to enable the parents to teach “your children”. The Book of Proverbs recorded communication of life-principles from a father to a son. In several of his epistles, Paul wrote specifically to Christian fathers concerning working with their children. There is an expectation for parents to pass on the “faith of the fathers”. Deuteronomy 6:4-9 provides a biblical imperative for parenting. It is not a new idea for our consideration. Rather, it should be seen as a reminder to return to a long-neglected biblical pattern. Known as the “Shema”, taken from the first word in verse 4 meaning “hear” in Hebrew, the writer declared the focus of their worship: “The LORD is our God, the LORD is one.” The word “hear” implies not just listening but also acting on what is heard. What were they to hear and act upon? Four specific action areas are indicated in this passage: 1) Personal response to the love of God (v.5); 2) Personal response to the Word of God (v.6); 3) Personal participation in the life of the next generation (v.7); and 4) Personal symbols to teach the next generation (v.8-9). In the New American Standard Bible (NASB) the pronoun “you” is used nine times, and “your” 11 times. This a personal injunction directed at those who have “sons and grandsons; the “you” and “your” would be parents and grandparents. Verses 5 and 6 commanded personal responses to God and His Word. Only when that is done can the next two steps of teaching the next generation take place. 1. There must be a personal response to the love of God (v.5). The Hebrew people were commanded as individuals to love God with “all your heart, with all your soul and with all your might.” In the Gospels, Jesus affirmed this as “the great commandment” (Matthew 22:37-38). Love for God must begin with the individual; and it must permeate the whole person. We must show them how to love God, not just tell them. 2. There must be a personal response to the Word of God (v.6). We are to teach the Word of God expecting that it will change lives. But first, the Word must change OUR lives. In Ezra 7:10 we are told, “Ezra set his heart to study, PRACTICE and teach the Word.” Our willingness to PRACTICE what we have learned will help our children (and others) see the truth in action.

3. There must be personal participation in the life of the next generation (v.7). The Word which has been practiced must now be taught “diligently” in the normal interactions of daily life. In the devout Jewish home, parents do so with their children a) “when you sit in your house”; b) “when you walk by the way”; c) “when you lie down”; and d) “when you rise up.” Here we see that it is not a matter of “setting aside time” to spend with the children for a concentrated period. Rather, it involves being observant to the teachable moments when you are together. a) Make it a point to eat with the family. Table talk is good for the body, the mind, and you can make it good for the soul. When your children watch TV, be there with them so that you can discuss the portrayals in the shows. b) Make deliberate plans to “walk by the way.” Not only is it good to exercise, it gives you a chance to connect with your family. c) Unlike the Old Testament Hebrew family, today’s social order promotes separate bedrooms for parents and children; TV and computers may separate us in a non-physical way. Thus, we miss our pillow talk. We need to re-examine our priorities and learn to tie spiritual truths to the ordinary affairs of daily life. d) “When you rise up”. This could sound daunting. Preparing and having breakfast with your children gives opportunity to discuss the day ahead. A short prayer before setting off for school will remind them that God and His Word are to be central in all they do that day. Relating to children takes time. We cannot have quality time without quantity time. 4. Personal symbols used to teach the next generation (v.89). These instructions were literally in the Jewish custom. Even as they entered and departed from their home they were reminded that the Word is their guard and their guide. In our homes, what does one see upon entering it? Is the Bible visible? Are there any Christian plaques? Do you hear Christian hymns & songs? What will your children recall, living in your house? Conclusion Deuteronomy 6:4-9 was addressed to a particular people in a particular place and at a particular time. As is all Scripture, the principles may be applied to the people of God whatever their circumstances today. Parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles have a God-given responsibility to the next generation. As the world bombards them with glitzy images, show them how to love, fear and obey God in spite of the complexities in life. They need to see faith in action in the pursuits and pleasures of daily life. By your total example, stimulate them to love and good works.



Principal’s Office 院长行程/消息 Dr Albert Ting trained Christian leaders and students, as well as preached, at the following locations and events in May and Jun 2011: • 11-12 May: Malaysia’s ING National Leadership Convention 2011 • 16-22 May: Conducted training and preached at the 20th Gra duation ceremony of Myanmar Christian Preachers Training Centre • 23-24 May: National Church Leaders Conference in Indonesia • 25 May-1 Jun: Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston’s retreat in Boston • 6-8 Jun: Ipoh’s Church of True Light Family Camp 2011 held at Cameron Highlands • 9-12 Jun: Revival meeting at East Bay Alliance Church in San Francisco • 13-15 Jun: SBC’s North America Board Meeting in Los Angeles • 16-22 Jun: Oversea Chinese Mission’s revival meeting in New York

• 23 Jun - 2 Jul: Davao Evangelical Church’s 50th Anniversary in the Philippines 陈世协院长在各地培训基督徒领袖及学生和讲道,以下是他 今年五六月参与事工的行程与地点:

• 5月11-12日马来西亚ING保险代理员工会 • 5月16-22日缅训第二十二届毕业典礼 • 5月23-24日印尼教会领袖大会 • 5月25日至6月1日波斯顿郊区华人圣经教会退修会 • 6月6-8日于金马伦的怡保真光教会家庭营 • 6月9-12日于湾东宣道会的北加州湾区研经培灵会 • 6月13-15日于洛杉矶的新神北美董事会议 • 6月16-22日于纽约中华海外宣道会/纽约中宣总会的中文 培灵大会 • 6月23日至7月2日于菲律宾的达瓦奥福音教会五十周年纪 念会

Faculty Movement 讲师动态

at Glory Presbyterian Church from 23-25 Jun.

Rev Dr Michael Shen delivered the message “Seeking to Bless the Nations”, celebrating the 55th anniversary of his alma mater, Hong Kong Baptist University on 1 Mar.

Rev Dr Rick Griffith taught the course “Effective Preaching” to pastors in Manipur, India from May 16-20 and the course “The Transformational Pastor” to a separate group May 23-27 as part of the state-wide “Pastoral and Leadership Enhancement Training” conference. He also turned the leadership of Crossroads International Church, Singapore, over to a new pastor-teacher on 5 Jun. He is currently on home assignment in the USA, returning to Singapore on 5 Jan 2012.

沈立德牧师3月1日在母校香港浸信会大学55周年庆典传讲信 息 —“为万民求福”。

Dr Fung Cheung Kam See spoke at Johor Bahru Lutheran Church’s Sunday school teachers’ training on 16 Apr and at Gereja Kristen Baptis Jakarta family retreat in Jakarta from 30 Apr to 1 May. She also taught an intensive course on Age Specific Ministries and spoke on Building Godly Families in Paris, France from 23 May to 4 Jun. 讲师冯张锦丝博士受邀担任以下培训讲员:4月16日新山基督教 信义会主办的主日学老师训练班,4月30日至5月1日椰城基督教 浸信会为道堂2011年家庭退修会并家庭主日,主题: 「健康的界 线」,5月8日在基博浸信会母亲节主日讲道,5月23日至6月4日 法国巴黎温州教会「分龄教育」密集课程,5月29日在以上教会 的青成团契主讲「建立讨神喜悦的家庭」。

Dr Calvin Chong attended the Overseas Council International consultation on “Theological Education and Student Learning” in Ethiopia from 4-7 May. He presented a talk entitled “The Dark and Fascinating World of the iPod Generation” at the YMCA on 19 May and was a seminar speaker for 3 talks at Asia Theological Association’s “Building a Relevant Curriculum for Church and Society” seminar in Bandung, Indonesia from 7-10 Jun. Dr Chong was also camp speaker at the People Bible Church youth camp from 17-18 Jun. Rev Dr Samuel Goh taught a Masters level OT Theology course in a creative access country from 14-19 Mar. He spoke for two nights on Genesis at a Bible seminar in Indonesia from 3-5 Jun. Dr Goh was church camp speaker at Shalom BP Church from 6-9 Jun and

Farewell 告别 Drs Bill and Kam See Fung left SBC end Jun 2011 to move on to another phase of ministry. They share, “We thank God for the seven years we had in SBC since June 2004! It has been a joy to serve with colleagues and to train up students for His Kingdom!” SBC is grateful for their years of service in our midst.

Dr Jerry Hwang taught an intensive module on OT Prophets in Manipur, India on 6-10 Jun. He also submitted an article “Book of Zechariah” for the Lexham Bible Dictionary and a book review of Robin A. Parry’s Lamentations to Biblical Theology Bulletin, forthcoming 2011. His book review of Leo Perdue’s Wisdom and Creation was published in Themelios 36:1 (May 2011), also available online at Dr Violet James taught Asian Church History at 2 schools for the Asia College of Ministry (ACOM), the training arm of the Asia Evangelistic Fellowship, in Myanmar and Nepal in AprMay. She also submitted a paper for the 100th anniversary of the Christian and missionary Alliance Church in Vietnam entitled “Vietnam: Sovereign Work in His Church”. Dr Koh Siang Kiang taught an intensive Christian Education module at a Vietnamese Theological school from 23-27 May. Rev Dr Bernard Low gave a talk on “Biblical Eldership” to the English Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church of Singapore on 9 Apr. He contributed an article on “The Biblical Criteria of Leadership” in the Mar 2011 issue of the Presbyterian Express. Dr Low also spoke at the church camps of Orchard Road Presbyterian Church from 8-11 Jun and Zion-Bishan BP Church from 13-16 Jun.

度栽培工人带给我们极大的喜乐!”新神也非常感激他们这些年来 在我们当中的忠心事奉。

Rev Peter Lin has resigned from SBC and his last day of service will be 31 Jul. As Chief Strategy Officer, Rev Lin has helped SBC tremendously in strategic planning and development. As he returns to pastoral ministry, may God use him mightily to bless others.

冯志就博士与冯张锦丝博士已于2011年6月底离开新神,转移 林志伟牧师已向新神提出辞呈,并将在7月31日后离职。作为总企 到新的工场事奉。他们说:“我们感谢神让我们自2004年6月 划主任,林牧师在新神战略性的策划与发展上给予新神极大的帮 至今在新神度过的七年。能够与新神同事配合,一起为神的国 助。他将回归到牧养的事奉上,求神大大地使用他祝福他人。

Rev dr bernard low

What Our Graduates and Full-Time Christian Workers Wished Their Churches Knew!


n 15 May 2011, 116 students graduated from SBC. These graduates have spent two to four years in SBC studying in our four different schools of theology, church music and counselling. Through our demanding and rigorous programmes, these graduates have been equipped with knowledge in the different theological disciplines as well as various practical ministry skills. They are now ready, albeit with much fear and trembling, to return to their countries, churches, mission fields, or the marketplace to put their training to good use – to glorify God, to edify the church, to evangelize the unchurched, and to advance God’s kingdom. These graduates will be serving God in different capacities – as pastors, evangelists, church planters, missionaries, church musicians, Christian educators, theological educators, counsellors and so on. I am excited about how God will use them and what they will accomplish with God’s enabling grace. Having served as a pastor myself before joining the faculty of SBC, and having experienced the joys and successes of ministry as well as its challenges, pressures and disappointments, my heart is with these graduates. I believe they would like to give of their best to serve God and the church. I believe they would like to succeed in the ministry and be a blessing. I believe they would like to finish well and strong. At the same time, I am mindful that the ministry is not going to be easy for them. When the going gets tough, they will feel discouraged, they will be wounded, they will feel lonely, and they will be disillusioned. How can we help these graduates to find joy in the ministry, and to succeed? One important way is to understand

How can we help these graduates to find joy in the ministry and to succeed? One important way is to understand what they are or will be thinking. what they are or will be thinking. On their behalf, allow me to articulate some thoughts – thoughts that have crossed my own mind and will certainly cross theirs, thoughts that they may not freely share, but thoughts that nonetheless they wish their church leaders and church members would know. These thoughts include the following:1 • They are often lonely and stand in need of close friends and encouragement. • They possess personal inadequacies and limitations. • They are not immune to life’s problems or personal fears. • They get discouraged and need under standing, acceptance, and support. • They can be hurt by criticism, insensi tivity, or lack of appreciation. • They sometimes get angry. • They often struggle to live up to con gregational expectations, which may sometimes be unrealistic and impossi ble to fulfil.

• • • • • •

They are not supermen – they don’t possess all the spiritual gifts. Therefore don’t expect them to be all-rounders. They do not want to be treated like hired hands but God-called servants. Given the demanding nature of Christian ministry, they can experience physical fatigue, stress, exhaustion, spiritual dryness and burnout. If they are married and have children, they have their fair share of marital struggles and parenting issues. They would like to have adequate pay-checks and benefits to provide for themselves and/or their families and also for retirement. They are afraid of being fired, lack of support in crisis situation, mistreat ment by church leaders, their own inept spiritual leadership, moral failures, and losing their first love for Christ and His church. They enjoy preaching but oftentimes struggle to bring fresh, relevant, substantive, life-changing sermons to the congregation.

Now that you know the thoughts of these graduates and of the pastoral and ministry staff in your church, what will you do, concretely, to help them so that they will serve the Lord with great joy and profound satisfaction and in turn “work for your joy” (2 Cor. 1:24)? Rev. Dr. Bernard Low Director, Centre for Continuing Theological Education

____________________ 1

For the “thoughts” that follow, I am indebted to Denise George, What Pastors Wish Church Members Knew: Helping People Understand and Appreciate Their Leaders (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2009). This book, based on surveys done with hundreds of pastors across the USA, provides insights into the joys, hurts, pressures, hopes and fears of pastors. Every church leader and church member would do their pastors a great favor by reading this book.


mony 58th Graduation Cere 第五十八届毕业典礼

es Day 2011 Inter-College Gam 2011年校际运动日

from 6 colleges: Inter-College Games Day 2011 held on 4 Mar drew active participation School of Asia East y, Theolog of School te Baptist Theological Seminary, Biblical Gradua . College Bible re Singapo and Theology, TCA College, Trinity Theological College 的学府包括: 。参与 的回应 院热烈 所神学 本地六 2011年校际运动日于3月4日举行,吸引了 学院。 加坡神 院和新 一神学 院、三 浸信神学院、BGST、东亚神学院、新亚学

Useful second hands at flea market. 精打细算的师生在跳蚤 市场中捡宝。


en at the Faculty Chall Our faculty in action ! 新神讲师蓄势待发

Jumping hig

h to ensure a goal in Captain’s Ball. 腾空而飞, 只为在英式 篮球场上得 分。

SBC’s 58th Graduation Ceremony was held on 15 May at Covenant Evangelical Free Church in Woodlands. 新加坡神学院第五十八届毕业典礼于5月15日在 圣约播道会(兀兰)举行。

Bishop Terry Kee of the Lutheran Church in Singapore delivering a message on “Growing and Glowing”, with translation by Rev Michael Shen. He emphasised the importance of spending time with God, in good times and bad. 纪木和会督(新加坡路德教会),在沈立德牧师的翻译陪 同下, 以主题“成长和发光”勉励毕业生。纪会督强调, 无论境况好坏,与主相交的至高重大。

Conferring of degrees to 116 graduates 当天获颁毕业证书的 共有116名毕业生

red SBC Chorale and Chapel Choir which offe ant” Serv hful “Fait on, the Anthem of Dedicati 新加坡神学院圣歌团预备在会上 为来宾呈献颂赞曲:“忠心仆人”

Public Lectures 公共讲座

er team! n SBC socc w o ry e ! v r Ou 新神足球队 英姿飒爽的

Dr Roy Brown, Pr esident of OakTree Software/Accord ance9, delivered a public lecture on “Bible & Techno logy” on 3 May. 圣经软件创始人 罗伊·布朗博士 于5月3日举行 了公开讲座“圣 经与科技”。

of Near Eastern eier, Professor m off H es versity, spoke m Ja Dr ternational Uni In ity in Tr at Archaeology and Theology”, in Bible, History us od eology of Ex he “T on iath” and “Archa ol G r ve O ph “David’s Trium . 29 Mar to 8 Apr 考古学 the Bible” from 国际大学近东 一 三 , 士 博 尔 梅 发表了一系 詹姆斯·赫夫 期间,在新神 8日 4月 至 日 教授于3月29 。 列的考古讲座

Principal Dr Albert Ting giving the Charge to the graduates to “preach the Word”. 陈世协院长在差遣礼上嘱咐毕业生“务要传道”

COLLEGE FOCUS 学院动态 拓展部主任的话


耶稣基督在山上教导门徒时,曾提到一连 串的福气(天国八福)。不过在使徒行传 中,耶稣后来再加一样更好的福气“更大 的祝福”—“要记念主耶稣的话: ‘施比受 更为有福’” 。这是唯一记载在四福音外耶 稣在世的教导,必然是意义非凡。

他们其中不乏有传道、宣教士、教会植 堂者、神学教育者、音乐家和在不同事 工、教会、宣教、职场做耶稣基督忠心 的工人。他们回到自己的家乡 — 中国、 蒙古、印度、印尼、肯亚和其它的地方 — 传讲福音,并且训练基督的工人。她 就是善用自己所拥有的资源,让做工的 人数倍增的最好见证。 蒋福裕 拓展部主任

世界告诉我们“收受比施与更好”。按照 人的本性,我们都喜欢收受多于给与。为 什么施比受更好?什么又是给与的祝福?

亲密关系的建立 给与乃是将我们的关注与热爱专著于神身 上。在给与的同时,也是一种对神出于内 心的献上。如果你的奉献仅是给与一个事 工或需要,那只是慈善的行为。若是献给 神的,就是一种敬拜上帝的表现。献礼物 给神时,你的心自然而然的会被祂深深 吸引住,跟随那真正的财宝。 “你的财宝 (投资)在哪里,你的心(利益)也在哪 里。”马太福音六章21节。我们的献上是 为了让神和其他的人更多在我里面,而不 是自己。祂必加增,我必减少。献上越 多,越是吸引你亲近祂。奉献使我们品格 越来越像耶稣。 “好管家并非是以世界的 方式赚取更多的金钱,而是以神的方式训 练更多像耶稣样式的人。”- 道格.卡特


成果回报的加增 圣经里应用种跟收的法则(林后9:6-8) 来教导奉献。在地上播种,在天上收割。 你的奉献是一种具多重报酬和永久红利 的投资。一个聪明的管家必然会充分利用 他/她的资源,用尽任何的方法以达到最 大果效。记得英国政治家约翰.毛利的一 句话: “增加做工的人数,会比自己做工 来得大有果效。” 让我讲述一位女企业家的见证,她分享在 年轻的时候,渴望献身于海外宣教的事 工,但当时并没有如愿以偿,反而进入 商场。尽管如此,她的愿望却是以金钱支 持新神就读学生而完成。她为四十名学生 提供奖学金,半数的学生已在最近毕业。

2. Investment for Eternity Why did Jesus tell us NOT to lay or store up (invest) treasures upon the earth? Because they are bad? No, because they will not last. Instead, He said “Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven”. Is it selfish? No, He appeals to your enlightened self-interest. You have a personal account in the Bank of Heaven which is most secured and stable, where there is no deflation, devaluation or destruction. Your TITHE is The Investment That Heaven Endorses. Author Randy Alcorn propounds the Treasure Principle –‘You cannot take it with you – but you can send it ahead.’ 3. Increase in Returns and Results

From the Desk of the Director of Development


耶稣为什么告诉我们不要积存财宝(投 资)在地上呢?因钱财是万恶之首吗? 不,乃因钱财是属世界的。耶稣说“要积 儹财宝在天上”。这是自私的吗?不,乃 是为着你的好处着想。你已有一个天上的 银行户头,它既安全又有保障,不会有通 货膨胀、货币贬值或毁坏的担忧。你的十 一奉献是天上永保的投资。作家兰迪.奥 尔康提出财富的原则 –“钱财是带不走的 - 但却可以让它为你效力。”

our desire to have more of God and others and less of self. He must increase and I must decrease. The more you give to Him, the closer you are drawn to Him. Giving develops our character to conform to the image of Christ. “Stewardship is not humanity’s way of raising money, but rather God’s way of raising people into the likeness of His Son.” - Doug Carter


Jesus Christ, in the Sermon on the Mount, proclaimed a list of Blessedness (or Beatitudes). However, He added later a Better Beatitude – “More Blessed” in Acts 20:35 – “Remember the words of the Lord Jesus that He Himself said ‘It’s more blessed to give than to receive.’” This must be a significant saying as it is the only recorded earthly statement of Jesus outside the four Gospels. The world says ‘it is better to receive than to give’. By nature, we prefer to receive rather than to give. Why is it better to give than to receive? What are the blessings of giving?

The Bible applies the law of sowing and reaping (2 Cor 9:6-8) to the practice of giving - sow a seed and reap a harvest. Your gift can be an investment which pays manifold returns and eternal dividends. A wise steward will want to leverage his/ her resources by increasing the means to accomplish more results. I recall a quote by John Morley, a British statesman: “He who does the work is not so profitably employed as he who multiplies the doers”. Let me narrate a testimony of a businesswoman who shared of her desire to serve God in foreign mission when she was young. She could not go then and instead went into business. However her desire is now being fulfilled through those she sponsored to study in SBC. She provided scholarships to 40 students, half of whom have recently graduated. They are pastors, missionaries, church planters, theological educators, musicians and Christian workers in various ministries, missions and marketplaces. They return to their home nations – China, Mongolia, India, Indonesia, Kenya and others - to do the work and train others as well. That is leveraging on her resources through multiplication of workers.

1. Intimacy in Relationship Giving directs our attention and affection to God. When you give, consciously present your gift to God. If your giving is merely to a ministry or need, it is only charity. But if it is to the Lord, it is an act of worship. When you give your gift to the Lord, your heart will automatically be drawn to Him. Your heart follows after the treasure. “For where your treasure (investment) is, there your heart (interest) will be also” Matthew 6:21. Our giving shows

Billy Chiang Director of Development

FINANCIAL REPORT 财务报告 General Fund 经常费 Income 收入 (01/02/11-30/04/11)

S$ 1,097,064

Expenditure 支出 (01/02/11-30/04/11)



Surplus/(Deficit) 盈余/(不敷)




iving to SBC is an outward expression of our love for God, being a partner in God’s redemptive work for the world through the training of faithful servants of Jesus Christ for the edification of the Church and the urgent evangelization of the unreached. The tuition fee collected covers only 20% of our total operation cost and the balance 80% need to be raised. We invite you to partner us in the Kingdom’s work by investing in the lives of future leaders who will transform lives and communities. No matter what the size of gift, every donation to SBC touches the lives of our students, and your support will be a worthwhile investment in impacting the world for Christ.

为新加坡 神学院奉献 是我们爱神的一个外在表现, 是我们在神 的救赎工作上的一种参与 – 训练耶稣基督 忠心的仆人, 使他们造就教会, 传扬福音给 未得之民。学院所收到的学费只占总开销 的 20%, 我们需要筹募剩下的 80%。我们 邀请您成为我们的同工, 一起参与神国的 圣工; 为这些未来领袖的生命作出投资, 使 他们将来得以去改变这个社会并更多的生 命。无论数目多少, 每一份为新神所作出 的捐款都是一个宝贵的投资。您的支持将 影响我们学生的生命, 进而藉着他们为基 督去影响这个世界。

How You Can Support Our Ministry


>> Donors in Singapore

Cheque donation - please make cheque payable to Singapore Bible College. Cash donation - please deposit cash into our UOB a/c 126-300-592-4 and send us the deposit slip with your name and address.

>> Donors in Malaysia

Cheque donation (in RM) or Bank draft donation (in S$) – please make cheque or bank draft payable to Singapore Bible College and mail it to us at 9-15 Adam Road, Singapore 289886.

>> Donors in Hong Kong

Cheque donation - please make cheque payable to Singapore Bible College-Hong Kong Alumni Association Ltd. Mail to 1/F Maidstone Apartments 35 Maidstone Road, Tokwawan, Kowloon, Hong Kong

>> Donors in Taiwan

Cheque donation - please make cheque payable to Singapore Bible CollegeThe Alumni Association in Taiwan. Mail to 221台北縣汐止市林森街31號2樓 新 加坡神學院台灣校友會收. Bank/ATM transfer – please transfer funds to a/c “Singapore Bible College-The Alumni Association in Taiwan” under Mega International Commercial BankTaipei Branch (Bank Code 017), bank a/c 202-10-31116-7.

>> Donors in USA

Check donation - please make check payable to SBC North America Fellowship. Mail to Singapore Bible College, North America Fellowship, 4732 El Rancho Verde Drive, La Palma, CA 90623, USA.



>> Donors in Canada

Check donation - please make check payable to Partners International and indicate “For Singapore Bible College” on check. Mail to Partners International, 8500 Torbram Road, Unit 56, Brampton, Ontario L6T 5C6, Canada.

>> Donors in Other Countries

Bank draft donation (in S$/US$) – please make draft payable to Singapore Bible College and mail it to us. Telegraphic transfer United Overseas Bank Ltd, Bukit Timah Branch, 587 Bukit Timah Road, #02-25/26/27/28 Coronation Shopping Plaza, Singapore 269707. Bank Code 7375, Branch Code 026. A/c no. 126-300-592-4. Swift code: uovbsgsg. Tax-deductible receipts will be issued to donors in Taiwan, USA and Canada.

华文神学系 夜校课程 「 起 初」 ~ 编 号 1 4 4 讲师﹕潘隆正博士 时间﹕傍晚 7: 30 至 9: 00 日期﹕27/7, 3/8, 10/8, 17/8, 24/8 & 31/8/2011 (星期三) 收费 :新币64.20(不包括讲义费)

课程简介 圣经的第一句话『 起初…』开宗明义 的道出了《创世记》 的内容,不只是创造 的开始,更是一切的 开始,特别是神与以 色列关系的开始。本科目将带领学生读完《创世记》,从历 史、文学和神学三方面来剖析《创世记》的信息:神守约施慈 爱、不断更新与其百姓的关系。以此鼓励信徒更认识造物主 并委身于祂。

「旧约律法与基督徒 生活」 ~ 编 号 145 讲师﹕张心玮老师 时间﹕傍晚 7: 30 至 9: 00 日期﹕13/9, 20/9, 27/9, 4/10, 11/10 & 18/10/2011(星期二) 收费 :新币64.20(不包括讲义费)

课 程 简 介 本课程将探讨旧约律法对新约、对教会以及对基督徒生活的 影响和重要性。藉由概览旧约律法之基石─摩西五经中几个 律法段落的重要议题来追溯从旧约律法至新约的圣经神学发 展,并对现今教会和基督徒生活的实际操练。课程内容:约 与律法、在历史中颁布的十诫、献祭与安息对教会和基督徒 生活之应用、洁净对基督徒之应用、旧约律法的目的与诠 释、旧约律法的功用与合一性。

询问:吕秀婷姐妹,6559-1518,   网上注册,教务咨询,华文神学系,夜校证书科。

益道公开讲座 耶稣的 比喻 一直以来,耶稣的比喻广为传颂, 是为教导的模楷。诚然,耶稣比喻题材看来简单,路旁百合、 天空小鸟、田间乡里见闻,无一不是顺手拈来的小事,转眼间 却又绽放神国奥秘。但在马可福音第四章里,耶稣却曾明言, 他用比喻讲论,为要听众不明白。究竟耶稣讲比喻之目的何 在?本讲座将从文学形式开始,理解耶稣比喻,从而掌握耶稣 比喻的意义和特色,并以几个比喻解释作例说明。

主讲人:孙宝玲博士 香 港 浸 信 会 神 学 院 道 学 硕 士 , 美 国 南 方 浸 信 会 神 学 院 哲 学 博士。曾任香港浸信会神学院新约讲师,现为新加坡浸信会神 学院院长。孙博士著作丰富,著有《约翰福音文学注释》, 《路加福音析读》,《启示录—万主之主》,《福音之始--馬可 福音》等书籍。 日期﹕ 2011年8月19-20日 时间﹕ 8:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. 地点 :新加坡神学院敬拜礼堂 入场免费,无需报名。


耶 稣说:“全部律法和先知书,都以 这两条诫命作为根据”:(1)你要全心、 全性、全意爱主你的神;(2)要爱人如己 (太22:34-40)。1 新约书信中,也提到 “爱人如己”为律法的总纲(加5:14;雅 2:8)。我们在教会中,常常听到基督徒 应当“爱神”的教导。或许在有些人的脑 海中,那些热心参加教会聚会和服事,并 且常常祷告读经的基督徒,就是“爱神” 的人。虽然从某个角度看来, “爱神”的 人的确会有这些外显的特质;但是,到 底怎样是爱神呢?圣经中“爱神”的定 义,比上述所言之几项特质更加地宽广, 例如:“那领受我的命令,并且遵守的, 就是爱我的” (约14:21a)。约翰壹书2:5 也说:“凡是遵守他的道的,他爱神的心 就的确在他里面完全了。”此外,约翰 壹书4:20-21也进一步说明 — 爱弟兄的信 徒,才是爱神的人。 在圣经中,第一次论及“爱主你的神” 这个教导的经文是申命记 6:5,而“爱人 [ 即 邻 舍 ] 如 己 ” 则 出 现 在 利 未 记 1 9 : 18。将爱神和遵守神命令二者联系在 一起的这个教导源于申命记(例如:7: 9;10:12-13等),我们相信这也是上述 所提新约经文的背景。启示录2:1-7中所 提到的以弗所教会是我们耳熟能详的经 文,虽然他们有不少优点,但是主耶稣却 责备他们失去了起初的爱。试问:到底信 徒如何才能一生持守爱神爱人的心呢?让 我们从申命记的几段经文来思考这个问 题:


持 持 守 守 爱 爱 神 神 的 的 心 心

在申命记中,摩西一再要神的子民回顾神如何拯救他们,免 得他们进入迦南地过着安逸生活的时候就忘记了神 — 不 但自以为一切的财富完全是靠自己努力而取得的,甚至去随 从别的神(申8:11-20等)。不但如此,摩西也要神的子民谨 记他们悖逆神之际所承受的严重后果,以及他们如何因着 摩西的代求,在不配得恩典的情况下蒙了神的赦免(申9:7- 29)。因此,身为神的儿女,我们需要时常回顾自己是如何 地不配却蒙恩得救;从而涌出感恩,在感恩之际流露出爱神 的心,立定心志遵行神的话。

____________________________ 注脚 1 除非另有注明,本文的经文都取自《圣经新译本》。 2 Werner E. Lemke, “Circumcision of the Heart: The Journey of a Biblical Metaphor,” in A God So Near (Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 2003), 303–8. 3 John Stott, The Contemporary Christian: Applying God’ s Word to Today’ s World (Downers Grove: IVP, 1992), 148.

二、回顾、谨记与爱人 摩西在颁布有关善待照顾奴隶和孤儿寡妇 的条例时,也要他们回想起以前在埃及为 奴时所受的欺压和痛苦,并且谨记神是 如何地将他们从痛苦中拯救出来。这么一 来,他们才能够更加怜悯在困苦中的人, 藉着遵守善待他人的条例,流露出爱人和 爱神的心(申15:15等;也参利19:34)。 与此同时,藉着回想以前受他人伤害以及 受人恩惠的经历,神的儿女们能够以此为 借镜和典范,并提醒自己要善待他人,透 过爱他人的实际行动表露出爱神的心。毕 竟耶稣也曾说过: “你们愿意人怎样待你 们,你们也要怎样待人,这是律法和先知 的总纲。” (太 7:12)

三、爱神 — 人的责任与神的保守

“全心、全性、全力爱耶和华神”的表彰 乃是神子民对他拯救之爱的回应与责任。 但是,人是软弱的,又如何能够一生持守 爱神的心呢?神知道他的子民凭着自己是 做不到的;因此摩西说: “耶和华 — 你的 神要使你的心…受割礼,好叫你尽心尽性 爱耶和华 — 你的神…” (申30: 6a;和合 本修订版)。 “心受割礼”是一种隐喻,意 思是“听从耶和华神”。2 换言之,神也会 保守我们的心、帮助我们谨记他的话,并 且藉着时常回顾神如何地恩待我们而帮助 我们听从他的话,尽心尽性地爱他。故此,若要一生持守爱 神的心,我们实在需要仰赖神的保守。诚如约翰壹书 4:19 所 言: “我们爱,因为神先爱我们”;神的儿女就算是能一生持 守爱神的心,也是没什么可自夸的。最后,愿神藉着他忠心 的仆人 — 斯托得的一番话提醒并激励我们: “知识是极 其重要的,信心是不可或缺 的,信仰的经历是必须 的,事奉是必要的。 但是,保罗却将爱放 在最优先的地位。爱 是世界上最重要的, 因为‘神就是爱’。”3

2011年 嘉声 6/7 月 229

训 练 耶 稣 基 督 忠 心 的 仆 人


• 持守 爱神的心

• 让我们向 长执致敬


Dr Albert Ting Mrs Karen Lee Rev Dr Rick Griffith Dr Myrleene Yap Rev Dr Bernard Low Rev Dr Paul Woods Mrs Serena Chan 编 辑 部 陈世协博士 杨金兰讲师 顾力凯博士 叶慕灵博士 刘文良博士 林保罗博士 陈诗韵女士

神学教育 的省思

董事会委派我为新加坡神学院第六 届院长至今,已经过了五个年头。在 任职几年的学习中,使我得着许多宝贵的经 验。 成为一名学术界领袖是没有捷径的;往往是 在领导过程中学到最多。在领导的过程中, 会向前辈们询问意见;与其他院长谈话,交 流带领神学院的心得。参加不同的研讨会, 沉浸在神学的教育世界。向不同的专业领 域、经验丰富的专家请教问题。尽最大的努 力在每个方面取得平衡;讲师、同工和学生 们的需要,校园设备的维修,足够的运作资 金,稳定的招生人数和教会关系的建立。蒙 神的祝福,在新神有一群支持的董事会和能 干的团队,齐心合力履行神的使命“为荣耀 神而训练耶稣基督忠心的仆人,去建立教 会、奋得万民。” 承办神学教育需要投入心力和牺牲奉献的精 神。我们力求在每个领域做到卓越成长,让 教职同工和学生们付出的时间和努力都卓有 成效。当继续带领新神迈向前面的道路时, 我深刻的感受到神要我们在三个重要的领域 上继续成长: 1. 为服侍教会而存在 新神的存在乃是为教会提供和培育忠心仆 人。我们致力于训练学生成为上帝话语有 效的传讲者,教会的仆人领袖及神国事工创 意思想者,以便能更好的服侍教会。我们需 要专注于服侍教会!虚心聆听教会的意见, 以了解今日教会需要什么样的神国工人。同 时,也必须思想该如何从学生当中,帮助教 会提升他们的领袖。学术机构有时会因全神 贯注于学术上的追求,而忽略了外在环境的 发展。要成为一所卓越的学府,新神需要成 为一个好的聆听者。

2. 不能仰赖三年教育 在新神三年制的教育体制中,我们希望学生 追求学术成就时,也能达到灵性培养和品格 塑造。一些学生在圣经教导上已有良好的基 础,门徒训练对他们也相对也较为容易;但 是其他的人,还是需要有更多的训练,甚至 于是在他们毕业之后。神学装备固然是回应 神全职呼召的最好方式,但却不能在学习结 束后就完全的停止下来。身为一所神学院, 我们需要更积极的鼓励学生毕业后继续进 修,为他们提供在职训练课程,以帮助他们 在讲道、领袖的领域上更趋成熟,进而培养 终身学习的热情。 3. 需要共同携手同工 评估我们神学教育成效的其中一个方法,就 是从毕业生在教会的服侍表现衡量。然而, 我们需要知道每一个学生拥有不同的恩赐和 才干。因此,我们需要各方提供帮助,使我 们达到所期盼的教育成果。恳求神在我们的 社群当中,带来生命的改变和灵里的复兴。 我们需要教会提供学生教会实习的机会并协 助督导,磨练他们在事工中服事的技巧。此 外,也需要奉献者一起同工,为学院提供有 效的运作资金。您的同工将帮助我们实现上 帝对新神的呼召,培育神国忠心的精兵。 正当我们即将跨入新神2012年的六十周年 庆,我们再一次的重新委身,为教会事工、 宣教禾场和职场见证人训练耶稣基督忠心仆 人。愿神鉴我忠诚!

博士 新加坡神学院院长

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