SBC Pray For Us Issue 227

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Mar/ No. Apr 227 2011


Living with the Reality


SBC 58th Graduation Ceremony

SBC Scholarships

Abbreviations used this issue: SOTE = School of Theology English SOTC = School of Theology Chinese SCM = School of Church Music SOC = School of Counselling CCTE = Centre for Continuing Theological Education

MICA(P) 173/08/2010 9-15 Adam Road, Singapore 289886 Tel: (65) 6559 1555 Fax: (65) 6559 1550 Email: Website:


he rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem was completed in record time of 52 days! Through much prayer and with the help of God, Nehemiah was able to fend off waves of attack and assaults of various kinds to finally arrive at that stage. Mission accomplished! It should be time to celebrate with a dedication service. Unfortunately, not quite! The assault continued, albeit in a different form. In reality, Nehemiah faced an even tougher situation. The enemies used to be easy to detect, as the wall of Jerusalem served as a dividing line: with friends inside, foes outside. But now the line has blurred. Through the forging of relationships of various kinds, enemies have moved in. The Bible passage suggests that the nobles of Judah were communicating with Tobiah, and he had been courting their relationship on a regular basis. Many in Judah were under oath to him, possibly in business dealings. Tobiah was the son-in-law of a committed Jewish family (3:29) and his son was married to the daughter of another faithful builder of the wall (3:4). These families were engaged in a PR campaign on behalf of Tobiah and they sent intelligence to Tobiah, which he used as insider information to intimidate Nehemiah. When you cannot keep Tobiah out, you live in the reality of facing Tobiah! Like Nehemiah, we are sometimes caught in such situations, where there is not much we can do to rid Tobiah. The “Tobiah effect” may be widespread and hard to contain, but turning our focus away from the enemy to something more manageable in ourselves may be wise.

Nehemiah 6:15-19

that we’d thought was hard to scale. Such is the nature of ministry and life. We cannot afford to live in self-deception and think that the challenges that come our way will cease completely. Never be surprised by the reality.

2. Integrity is our best bet We also cannot be naive to start exercising alertness or prudence only upon entering the enemy’s territory. When Tobiah is your neighbour, you’d want to be as consistent as possible. Sometimes you survive the trials and sometimes you don’t, but ensure that you maintain integrity. You are a public person when you lead a ministry. Cultivate a life of holiness and integrity.

3. Trials are part of God’s training program A church leader commented that it is sad to have to face the “Tobiah effect” on a regular basis. What is the meaning of all these? Trials prepare us for other challenges ahead. God was preparing Nehemiah to move people to dwell in Jerusalem (Ch 7, 11); to nurture people spiritually (Ch 8-9); to challenge the people to commit to God (Ch 10), and finally, to enjoy the dedication service (Ch 12). When you have built something, you will also be defined by the success of the project. A project will be your last unless you are willing to be stretched to face a bigger challenge. Reality may not always be easy nor pretty. Learn to live with it while holding on to what God has called you to achieve!

1. Accept the realities in ministry There will be more challenges after we have conquered one. There will be higher mountains to climb after we have reached the summit of one

Dr Albert Ting, Principal Singapore Bible College

Mr David Lang



13 Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise. 14 Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. 15 And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. 16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. 17 Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed fervently that it might not rain, and for three years and six months it did not rain on the earth. 18 Then he prayed again, and heaven gave rain, and the earth bore its fruit. (James 5:13-18, ESV)

Popular understanding of this passage implies that when a sick Christian is not healed, either he is at fault or his pastor is at fault. The sick Christian is at fault if he does not call on his pastor to pray or if he does not attend healing rallies. His pastor is at fault if the person has called on the pastor and the person is not healed; the pastor is either unrighteous or lacks faith. Is this view correct? 1. The context of James is that the poor in the church were viewed negatively and as a result, neglected and cast aside in worship. It is possible that some of the poor were sickly because they suffered the lack of food, clothing and money (2:15-16; 5:4-6). James 2 shows that during worship, the poor were cast aside whereas the rich given prominent roles. Thus in chapter 5, James corrects the problem by insisting that they be allowed active participation in worship. 2. James 5:14 is not commanding the sick to go to the elders.It is a command to Christians, possibly to the rich and the leaders of the church, to not forbid the sick or poor from participating in church worship, be it saying prayers, singing praises, or seeking the elders to pray ceremonially for them. Some may have treated the sick as if they were cursed and condemned and so judged that they cannot be saved (3:9; 4:11-12). The commands beginning with “Let him...” in Greek are stated in third person imperatives. A careful study of Greek grammar shows that when a command is stated in the third person, it is not always the third person who has to act. Often, it is a command that the listener must do. E.g.

the third person imperative, “Do not let sin reign in your body” (Rom 6:12) is really not a command for sin (addressed to in the third person) to obey, but for the listeners to ensure that sin does not rule. 3. “The prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick and the Lord will raise him up” (5:15) is not about praying and expecting instant answers or miraculous healings. The word “restored” in 5:15 comes from the Greek word which means “saved.” All other uses of this word in James (1:21; 2:14; 4:12; 5:20) concerns salvation. The context suggests in 5:16 is spirthat the healing, itual - it concerns the forgiveness of sin (cf. Heb 12:13; 1 Pet 2:4). If there is anything in 5:15 that comes close to physical healing, it is the phrase “the Lord will raise him up.” “Raise” is used most often to refer to the raising of the dead. The section of 5:8-20 is set in the context of the second coming of Christ. If physical healing is to be expected, it is expected to take place primarily at the second coming of Christ. James 5:7-9 calls us to “Be patient…until the coming of the Lord…for the coming of the Lord is at hand.” The interpretation that James advocates instantaneous healing rather than End-time healing runs contrary to his call in 5:10 to imitate the prophets’ patience and suffering and his call in 5:11 to endure suffering like Job. 4. The word “faith” in the phrase “prayer offered in faith” (literally, “prayer of faith”) must be understood against the faith that does not save, dealt with in 2:1-26 and introduced in 1:6. James 2 defines true faith as one that does not judge the poor but instead gives practical help. James 1:6, correctly interpreted also calls for a faith that does not judge or discriminate against the poor.. The word “doubting” comes from the Greek , which can mean word “judging”, “condemning” or “making distinctions”. This word should not be translated as “doubting” but as “judging” or “making distinctions” as is the case in 2:4. Although in our New Testament , this word is sometimes translated (I believe wrongly) as “doubting,” outside the New Testament, this word never has that meaning (BDAG, p.231). James 1:6 should be translated as “let him ask in faith without judging.” As in James 2, the person who has faith but judges the poor actually has a dead faith that cannot save; so in 1:6 those who have faith but judge those in trial will not receive anything from the Lord. They are contrasted to those who remain steadfast in trial and who will receive the crown of life (1:12). In calling for a prayer of faith that will save the sick in 5:15, James is thus calling for those who pray for the sick to back their prayer

with a faith that is true - a faith that does not condemn the sick and a faith that gives practical help to the needy. 5. The assurance that the prayer of a righteous man accomplishes much in 5:16, and the example of Elijah in 5:17-18, are not given to teach instant answers to prayer, such as miraculous healings. By telling us how long there was drought before the rain came and the earth produced fruit, James is putting Elijah as an example of one who had to wait. Elijah’s waiting serves as an example for Christians who are called to wait for the coming of Christ to enjoy the “rain” and the “fruit” (5:7). In conclusion, the expectation of miraculous healing based on James 5:1416 wrongly puts the burden of healing on the sick or on the pastor. The desire to see the sick healed may be good, but we must be careful, because in our overenthusiasm to see them healed, we may end up committing the errors that James seeks to correct in his letter: a) We may err by practising a religion that is useless or a faith that is dead. In our preoccupation in teaching about faith healing and in praying for healing, we may inadvertently neglect to give the practical help that God commands: James 1:27 (NASB) Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. James 2:15-17 (NASB) If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and be filled,” and yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body, what use is that? Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself.

b) We may err by not viewing sickness and suffering as blessings if we suggest that those who are sick ought not be sick or that if they continue to be sick and not seek miraculous healing, they are missing out on God’s blessings. We contradict James in his calls for an attitude change to consider those sick and those enduring sickness as blessed (1:2,12; 5:11). They are blessed even though they have to wait till the second coming before receiving the fruit of their prayers. God can and does heal sickness sometimes He heals instantly and sometimes slowly. Often He heals even before any symptoms appear. But for all believers, total healing comes only when Christ comes again. Whatever their situation, even in sickness, God’s people are blessed! Blessed be the Lord!



SOTE Faculty Contributions 英文神学系讲师贡献

Dr Calvin Chong conducted “ The Digital Communications Revolution: Changes and Challenges that Confront the Church Today ” workshops at Mt Carmel Bible Presbyterian Church (12 Feb), Pasir Panjang Hill Brethren Chapel (12 Mar), and for clergy and pastoral workers from the Anglican Chinese Board (24 Mar). He also submitted an article “Pastoral Responses to the Dark and Fascinating World of the iPod Generation” for publication in Church + Society in Asia Today. Dr Rick Griffith taught the book of Romans (MDiv3 English text) at Myanmar Evangelical Graduate School of Theology (MEGST ) in Yangon from 24-28 Jan. His Internet Biblical Seminar y “New Testament Survey ” course has been published and is available at site. Dr Samuel Goh conducted a half day “Reading History as HIS-tor y ” seminar at The Bible Church on 29 Jan. Dr Jerry Hwang was guest speaker at the Christian Mission Overseas Retreat, 17-21 Jan, Yangon, Myanmar. His article “ Turning the Tables on Idol Feasts: Paul’s Use of Exodus 32:6 in 1 Corinthians 10:7” was accepted for publication in the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (forthcoming). A second article “Yahweh’s Poetic Mishpat in Israel’s Kingship: A Reassessment of 1 Samuel 8-12” was submitted to Westminster Theological Journal. Dr Hwang also submitted 3 book reviews: Rob Barrett’s Disloyalty and Destruction: Religion and Politics in Deuteronomy was published in the Review for Biblical Literature (13 Jan 2011) and can be accessed at BookDetail.asp?TitleId=7543. Vincent Sénéchal’s Rétribution et intercession dans le Deutéronome was submitted to Bulletin for Biblical Research. Leo Perdue’s Wisdom & Creation was submitted to Themelios. Rev Dr Bernard Low spoke at Johor Bahru Baptist Church on 20 Feb. He taught Revelation 1-7 at St. John’s - St. Margaret’s Church on 29 Jan, 12, 19, & 26 Feb. He also contributed three devotions to Mercy Embraces Me: Daily Devotions for Lent 2011 which is a project commissioned by the National Council of Churches of Singapore and published by the Bible Society of Singapore.


SOTC Faculty Movement 华文神学系讲师动态

Principal’s Office 院长行程/消息

Dr Albert Ting preached at the following locations and events in Mar 2011: 2-8 Mar: Chinese Revival Meeting and Overseas Chinese Mission Association Leadership Training in New York 14-15 Mar: Chinese Methodist Church District Retreat in Medan 17-20 Mar: Gereja Kristen Baptist Jakarta Kelapa Gading in Jakarta 25-28 Mar: Bible Seminary of Philippines in Manila 28-29 Mar: Synod AGM in KL, Malaysia Dr Albert Ting’s younger brother Alex Ting had gone to be with the Lord on 18 Feb, after months of battling with leukemia. He died of brain aneurysm in Miri, Sarawak, and was 49. He is survived by his wife and three sons. The SBC community expresses deepest sympathy to Dr Ting and his family in their bereavement. 陈世协院长于今年三月在各地的讲道行程及地点: • 三月2-8日纽约华人培灵会和中年宣联会领袖 训练。 • 三月14-15日印尼棉兰卫理华人教区同工进修会。 • 三月17-20日雅加达基督教浸信会为道堂。 • 三月25-28日马尼拉菲律宾圣经学院。 • 三月28-29日马来西亚吉隆坡年议会。 陈世协院长的弟弟陈世伟弟兄在与白血病搏斗几个 月后,于二月18日安息主怀。陈弟兄因脑动脉瘤逝 世于沙捞越美里,年仅49岁,身后留下妻子与三名 儿子。在经历丧亲之痛,新神全体社群向陈院长及 家属致以最深切的慰问。

Pray for Us 代祷事项

Please join us in praying for our final-year students as they complete their courses of study and prepare to graduate this May. Pray that they may discern God’s will and be effective in their ministry. Do pray also for the new students who are enrolling for study at SBC. Pray that Christians will respond to the Master’s call to equip themselves for the advancement of God’s kingdom.

自1月开始 • 黄志伦牧师与陈恩慧牧师(夫妇)两人开始全时间进修教牧 学博士,为期一年半。 • 陈世冠老师开始全时间修读神学博士,为期两年。 • 储备师资张心玮老师开始在本院任教旧约科目。 • 冯志就老师开始一年的安息年,撰写《箴言》注释书。

请为我们即将在五月毕业的学生祷告,求神使他 们能够明白神的旨意,并且在事工中能更有效的 服侍。 请为新生申请报读新神祷告。求神让更多的基督 徒能够回应上帝的呼召,装备自己,使神的国度 得以开展。


Where Have All the


hen James Emery White was inaugurated as the fourth president of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary on 6 October 2006, he delivered his inaugural address in which he shared his vision to advance Christ’s kingdom in all of life and culture through the ministry of Gordon-Conwell.1 Speaking of the role that a seminary can play, White pointedly proclaimed: “To impact the culture, you have to impact the church. To impact the church, you have to impact her leaders. And no other institution is positioned to do this like a seminary.” 2 Reading these “impactful” words, I could not but utter a resounding “Amen!” Leaders are critical and vital to the establishment, growth and multiplication of healthy churches and healthy ministries which are intentional about fulfilling God’s purposes for them and for the culture in which they find themselves. They are “critical and vital” because they exert influence. As John Maxwell has famously and rightly put it, “Leadership is influence: nothing more, nothing less.” Agreeing, J. Robert Clinton has very helpfully defined a biblical leader as “a person with God-given capacity and God-given responsibility to influence a specific group of God’s people towards His purposes for the group.” 3 Leaders of the church – whether they be pastors, staff workers, elders, deacons, small group leaders, and so on – have a sacred trust and stewardship which is to influence the church towards God’s purposes for her. They are given the privilege and honour of partnering with God to influence the church to see God’s vision for her, to carry out God’s purposes for her, and to join God in His mission to redeem the world. This is why leadership in the church is such an important, critical and noble calling. This is why too aspiration to leadership in the church ought to be greatly encouraged. As the Apostle Paul puts it, “If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task” (1Tim.3:1,ESV). Notwithstanding, as important and critical and noble as the calling to leadership may be, there is a dearth of leaders in many churches. Few people are forthcoming to avail themselves for leadership in the churches at various levels. Whichever church one visits, this reality and problem of the shortage of leaders stares us in the face: there is a shortage of pastors, staff workers, elders, deacons, Sunday School teachers, small group leaders, and the list just goes on. On the notice boards of SBC, many churches, both local and overseas, have advertised various vacancies in their churches to be filled. After reading their letters, sev-

eral questions crossed my mind: • • • •

“Why aren’t these churches producing leaders and workers themselves?” “Why aren’t they calling, developing, and equipping their own members to be pastors and staff workers?” “Why aren’t their own members coming forward to avail themselves for fulltime Christian ministry to serve and meet the needs in their own churches?” “Where have all the leaders gone?”

It used to be that churches of a bygone era would produce leaders not only for themselves but also for society. Today’s churches, however, seem to fare less well in this area. So where have all the leaders gone? Why aren’t Christians coming forward to assume leadership in their churches, whether in full-time Christian ministry or in lay leadership? I offer the following observations based on my acquaintance with what is happening in many churches and to many pastors: • • • • • • •

Many churches are not intentional about discipleship and leadership development. They don’t have a culture in which believers are discipled, mentored and encouraged to be leaders. Many churches seldom preach and teach about the high, noble and rewarding calling of leadership in Christ’s church. There has been a deemphasis on the call of God to leadership. Many Christians, who have at some point thought that God may be calling them to full-time Christian ministry, just cannot cross the faith barrier which requires them to give up their high salaries in the marketplace for the low stipends of the church. Some churches may be at fault here for failing to compensate their ministers and staff workers adequately. Many Christians have seen how their own churches have overworked, underpaid, and mistreated their own pastors. Consequently, they do not want to be in the ministry; neither will they encourage their own children to do so. Some Christians have been deeply hurt by the politics taking place in the church and decided that the ministry or church leadership is not for them. Some churches and their leaders do not see the office of a pastor as a high and noble office. Instead, they see the pastor merely as a hireling to


meet their needs and do their bidding. This often results in frustrated, demoralized and unfulfilled pastors and frequent pastoral turnovers.

The dearth of leaders, for whatever reasons, is not peculiar to the churches in Singapore. It is also faced by the churches in the West. In an interview following his retirement as the third president of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Walter C. Kaiser was asked, “What do you think are today’s greatest challenges to theological education and to the church?” Kaiser replied, “To continue to have a group of men and women who really sense the call of God and are the best of what we can get from our sons and daughters and grandchildren. I think more and more, there is a de-emphasis on the call of God. Thinking of the ministry only as a back-up plan rather than the highest and best calling has really turned away many, many candidates from the ministry of the church. By contrast, in South Korea, it is the number two profession among all the professions they have in that country.” 4 In the face of the dearth of leaders, SBC has been established since 1952 to come alongside churches to help them train and equip leaders who can impact the church, which in turn can impact the culture. By God’s grace, we endeavour to equip and empower such impactful leaders who will be effective communicators, creative thinkers and servant-leaders. CCTE shares this vision and invites all Christians who love the church and are burdened by the leadership gap to join us on a journey of hearing and responding to God’s call and yielding to God’s moulding of our lives so that we can develop our God-given capacity and carry out our God-given responsibility to influence the church towards God’s purposes for her. For more information on CCTE and the courses we offer, please visit www.sbc., or contact us at phone: 6559 1551 or email:

Rev. Dr. Bernard Low Director, CCTE Also Associate Professor in Systematic Theology at SBC and Associate Pastor of Hebron B-P Church


1 James Emery White’s address was reproduced in Contact, Winter 06/07, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 3-10. Contact is the ministry magazine of Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. 2 Ibid., p. 7. 3 J. Robert Clinton, The Making of a Leader: Recognizing the Lessons and Stages of Leadership Development (Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1992), p. 213. Emphasis mine. 4 “The Best Years of My Life: Reflections on Nine Years as President,” in Contact, p. 32. Emphasis mine.

More Than The Classroom… By Dr. Koh Siang Kiang

Christian Education Coordinator

Reaching out to the elderly at All Saints Home

Students learn the reality of ministry through field trips and practical sessions. This semester, in looking at the big picture of ministry, we’ve not only studied and served in churches, but visited Homes and organizations that reach out to what we might often consider the “untouchables.” We were so aptly reminded that the church is not a “museum for saints but a hospital for sinners.” The Great Commission to make disciples is a call for us to work with people of all ages and stages of life, from the cradle to the grave. It is for teaching to change the lives of both saints and sinners. Not only people with higher but even lesser abilities. Not just the young

who may be seen as the potential leaders of tomorrow, but the older generation whose contribution may seemingly be in the past. Each life is precious to the Lord and therefore worthy of every ounce of effort as the Lord enables us. To ensure we teach well, we need to practice well. For that we thank Westside Anglican Church for giving us the opportunity to train their Sunday School teachers, as part of our hands-on learning. If your church has a need we can meet, we will be happy to talk to you. But, we also hope that some of you (or someone you know) will come and join us in this kind of learning which moves out of the classroom of theoretical experience and into the area of real life. For more information, please contact Dr. Koh Siang Kiang at tel: +65 6559 1555 ext 7116 or via email:

Singapore Bible College School of Theology (English) presents a public lecture on

Bible & Technology Speaker: Dr Roy Brown, President of OakTree Software

3 May 2011 (Tue) 7.30-9.30pm, Worship Hall at Block 7 Level 4, SBC “Bible and Technology” will look at the development of technology from antiquity to modern times, with a focus on three core technological developments: the invention of writing, the invention of printing and the invention of computer technology. Examples, advantages and disadvantages of each technology will be presented, with particular focus on the advantages of computer technology. Gain insight into the kinds of modern technology that are useful for Biblical studies. Through illustrations from Bible software usage, learn about the various ways in which technology can be used to enhance the study of the Bible.

ABOUT THE SPEAKER Roy Brown, Ph.D. is the president of OakTree Software, Inc., the developers of Accordance Bible Software. He has been involved in Bible software since 1987, with the first Bible program for Macintosh, and then as the primary developer of Accordance. Roy combines a serious interest in the Bible with fluency in Hebrew and considerable ability in Greek. These, together with his ability to program sophisticated and powerful software with a simple and friendly interface, have resulted in Accordance becoming the leader in the field.

Oaktree Software also presents

Training Seminar for Accordance 9 Bible Software ®

30 Apr 2011 (Sat) 9.00am-4.00pm, Level 3, Block One, Room 1-303, SBC

In this session, Dr. Brown, will demonstrate Accordance Bible Software using a live presentation with a projector. He will first cover the interface of Accordance. Depending on the audience he will then focus on the English or the original language features, texts and tools. He will show how easily Accordance sets up and performs even complex searches of texts, and enables quick lookup in all the resources. There will be opportunities to ask questions as well as to purchase or upgrade Accordance. Accordance continues to be on the leading edge of Bible Software, both for the power of the searches and analysis of the texts, the unique original language texts available, and the wide range of available tools such as lexicons, commentaries, and journals. The interactive and customizable Atlas and Timeline integrate with different collections of images to illustrate the background of the Bible. Bibles in Chinese, Japanese, or Korean can be viewed in parallel with the other Bible texts.

Admission to both events is free, but please register your attendance in advance at


Fri, 15 Apr 11, 7:30pm


Esplanade Concert Hall

B elshazzar ’ s F east




指挥:林曜 新加坡交响乐团合唱团 新加坡神学院合唱团 哈利路亚合唱团 爱乐室内合唱团


The Creation of the World




Symphony of Psalms




Belshazzar’s Feast


Perhaps his most celebrated composition, Walton’s largescale oratorio Belshazzar’s Feast initially upset cathedral authorities with its vividness and bloodthirsty exultation. Commissioned for the 50th anniversary of the Boston Symphony, the austere Symphony of Psalms quickly became a choral classic and was written not long after Stravinsky’s conversion to Christianity. Tickets are available from SISTIC hotline: +65 6348 5555, website:, SISTIC counters islandwide and Esplanade Box Office.

沃尔顿最著名的一部作品,规模庞大的清唱剧《伯萨沙王的宴 会》因其生动和鲜活的狂喜而一度激怒教堂权威人士。简朴的 《诗篇交响曲》是波士顿交响乐团50周年庆的委约作品,于 斯特拉文斯基皈依基督教后不久创作,并在很短的时间内成为 合唱经典。 门票可在新加坡滨海艺术中心与各SISTIC售票处购得。SISTIC 热线:+65 6348 5555, 网址:。

SBC Lecture Series by James K. Hoffmeier

SBC is privileged to host James K. Hoffmeier, Professor of Near Eastern Archaeology at Trinity International University, Divinity School (Deerfield, IL), from 29 Mar to 8 Apr 2011 in Singapore. Born in Egypt

where he lived till age 16 has laid an important foundation for Dr. Hoffmeier to be an archaeologist. Since 1975, he has been engaged in fieldwork and research in Egypt, and since 1994, has directed the North Sinai Archaeological Project that is devoted to researching and studying Egypt’s frontier during the New Kingdom. In addition to his contributions to many journals and dictionary articles, Dr. Hoffmeier has authored and edited several books, including The Future of Biblical Archaeology and The Archaeology of the Bible. He has also appeared in a number of TV programs on Egypt and the Bible, on the Discovery Channel, the Learning Channel, the History Channel and National Geographic.

SBC School of Theology (English) presents

“The Exodus in Bible, History & Theology” Morning Lectures

29 Mar (Tue) to 31 Mar (Thu), 9am to 1pm daily at Level 4 Worship Hall, SBC Free admission Lecture 1 (29 Mar): Archaeology: A Companion for Reading the Bible Lecture 2 (29 Mar): Moses, the Oppression of the Hebrews & the Exodus Lecture 3 (30 Mar): The Geography of the Exodus the and Location of the Re(e)d Sea Lecture 4 (30 Mar): Where is Mt. Sinai and why it does not matter Lecture 5 (31 Mar): The Covenant and the Tabernacle Lecture 6 (31 Mar): Why the Exodus & Wilderness Period is vital to Biblical Theology

新加坡神学院 第五十八届毕业典礼 Singapore Bible College 58th Graduation Ceremony

Growing &


彼得后书 1:1-11 谨订于二零一一年五月十五日(星期日) 下午四时三十分正 假新加坡圣约播道会(兀兰)举行

第五十八届毕业典礼 恭请新加坡基督教信义会 纪木和会督 证道

主题:成长... ... 发光

The Board of Directors, Principal, Faculty, Staff & Graduating Class of Singapore Bible College cordially invite you to the

58th Graduation Ceremony at Covenant Evangelical Free Church (Woodlands) on Sunday, 15 May 2011 at 4:30 pm (please be seated by 4:20 pm) Speaker: Bishop Terry Kee Lutheran Church in Singapore

敬邀光临 ,同颂主恩 (请于下午四时二十分前就座)

新加坡神学院 董事会﹑院长﹑教职员﹑毕业班 敬邀

敬辞花篮 ,所有爱心奉献将拨充学院经常费

SBC Ichthus Research Centre presents Ichthus Seminar Series IRCS0053

“David’s Triumph Over Goliath” 1 Samuel 17:54 and Ancient Near Eastern Analogues 4 Apr (Mon) 10:00am to 12:30pm at Block 3 Lecture Theatre, SBC Fee: S$10 for general public; S$5 for SBC alumni; Free of charge for Ichthus members with membership card The story of David and Goliath is one of the best-known dramatic narratives in the Bible. In this paper, we will investigate the significance of removing Goliath’s head to Jerusalem, a Jebusite stronghold, and attempt to resolve the question of “whose tent” was taken and why. By carefully examining 1 Sam 17:54 and offering contextual data about an-

Message: Growing and Glowing Light refreshments will be served after the ceremony


For more information on these lectures, visit events/487-the-exodus-in-bible-history-and-theology.

2 Peter 1:1-11

Please do not send flowers. Love gifts will be channeled to the SBC General Fund.

cient Near Eastern military practice, we will attempt to answer what was behind David’s strange antics after slaying the Philistine champion. These questions will also be examined within the present debate about the historiographical value of 1 Sam 17 and the proposed Greek influence on the biblical narrative.

Archaeological Debates This lecture will review some of the stunning archaeological evidence from Tell Dan, Jerusalem, Khirbet Keiyafa ‘Ain Dara (Syria) and Khirbet el-Nahas (Jordan) that support the portrayal of the United Kingdom based in Jerusalem under the kingships of David and Solomon.

For more information, visit http://www. To register for the seminar, please contact Phyllis at +65 6559 1532 on Tues/Fri or via email

Lecture 2 (8 Apr): Key Archaeological Discoveries concerning the Life of Jesus and Ministry of Paul Excavations for more than a century in Israel and the Mediterranean world have shed considerable light on the life and times of the Lord Jesus and the Apostle Paul, and important discoveries continue to be made, such as the Pool of Siloam and Herod’s tomb.

SBC Ichthus Research Centre presents

“Archaeology of the Bible” Evening Lectures 7 Apr (Thu) & 8 Apr (Fri), 8:00pm to 9:30pm daily at Blk 3 Lecture Theatre, SBC Free admission Lecture 1 (7 Apr): The Kingdom of David and Solomon and recent Historical and

For more information on these lectures, visit events/491-recent-developments-inbiblical-archaeology.

COLLEGE FOCUS 学院动态 拓展部主任的话 身为新任职的拓展部 主任,我认为筹款的 职责是我的呼召和使 命。为基督教机构筹 款是一项事工,其中 包含建立关系、促进 支持代祷、参与宣教 活动、助于金钱奉献 的管理和操练神信实 的供应。这是按照圣经的教导的属灵事 工。 关于金钱的事,事实上,钱不仅重 要,而且是相当重要的。我们处理金钱的 方式是一种具体行为的表现,也是我们属 灵状态的实际指标。在圣经里面有许多关 于金钱和财务的相关经节:耶稣在福音书 中每十段经节中有一段,三十八个比喻故 事中有十六个就涉及到这个议题。容我这 样说,若是主耶稣在当时提到这么多关于 金钱的议题,在这唯物主义的时代,我们 还需要在此提出多少呢! 忠心的门徒和尽职的管家乃是一体 之两面。我们的管理是我们属灵状态的晴 雨表;对主的委身往往反映和表露在我们 的奉献上。

望那厚赐百物给我们享用的神。又要嘱咐 他们行善,在善事上富足,慷慨好施。这 样,就为自己在来世积聚财富,作美好 的基础,好叫他们能够得着那真正的生 命。” 奉献带来即时和永恒的果效。耶稣 在马太福音六章21节里说: “你的财宝在 哪里,你的心也在哪里。”了解我们人性 的实际状况,祂教导我们要为自己积聚 财宝在天上,这样我们的心才能追随主的 国度。作为一名前银行家,容我这样的诠 释 - 你在哪里的投资,你的利益也会在哪 里。 蒋福裕 拓展部主任


为什么要奉献?单从这三个基本理由来思 想: 1. 感恩 - 对主的美善,表达感谢的心。 保罗说: “神使你凡事富裕,就可以慷 慨地捐输。”感谢神使我们能够慷慨的奉 献。忧虑的人是吝啬的;喜乐的人是慷慨 的。 2. 献身 - 敬拜和降服 我们要把身体献上,作圣洁而蒙神悦纳的 活祭;这是你们理所当然的事奉。我们身 上的资源包含了才干、时间和财富。所 以,我们不能单单奉献金钱,而没有献上 自己。 3. 顺服 – 作为主宰和供应者的神吩咐我 们,是祂的僕人和管家。 在提摩太前书六章十七-十九节里告诉我 们, “你要嘱咐那些今世富有的人… 要仰

From the Desk of the Director of Development As the new Director of Development, I consider my role in fund-raising as a calling and ministry. Fund-raising for a Christian cause is a ministry that involves building relationships, promoting prayer support, participating in mission, encouraging giving in stewardship and exercising faith in God’s provision. It is a spiritual ministry with a scriptural basis. Let us talk about money matters. The fact is that money does matter, and it matters a lot. The way we handle our money is a tangible expression and practical indicator of the spiritual condition of our heart. There are many Scripture references to this subject of money and possessions – 1 out of every 10 verses of the Gospels, 16 out of 38 parables told by Jesus deal with this subject. I submit to you that if our Lord Jesus in his day spoke much about this subject, how much more we should address this subject in this modern age of materialism. Discipleship is one side of the coin and the other side is stewardship. Our stewardship is a barometer of our spiritu-

FINANCIAL REPORT 财务报告 General Fund 经常费 Income 收入 (01/11/10-31/01/11)

S$ 1,241,451

Expenditure 支出 (01/11/10-31/01/11)

S$ 1,120,143

Surplus/(Deficit) 盈余/(不敷)

S$ 121,308

ality. Our giving reveals and reflects our devotion. What are the reasons for giving? Let us consider the 3 basic reasons: 1. Gratitude – appreciation of God’s goodness, expression of thanksgiving. St. Paul says, “As God has prospered you, so give gratefully and generously.” Gratitude to God generates generosity in giving. Miserly people are miserable people; generous people are joyous people. 2. Consecration – worship and surrender We are to offer our bodies as living sacrifices which is our spiritual worship. Our bodies encompass our resources of talent, time and treasures. We cannot consistently give money without giving self. 3. Obedience – God as owner and provider commands us, His servants and stewards. In 1 Tim 6:17-19, we read, “Command those who are rich in this present world….to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.” Giving has immediate and eternal consequences. Did Jesus say “Where your heart is, there your treasure will be also”? No! He said in Matthew 6:21 – “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Understanding the practical reality of our human nature, He instructs us to store up for ourselves treasures in heaven and then our hearts will follow in pursuit of the Kingdom of God. As an ex-banker, let me paraphrase it this way – Where your investment is, there your interest will be also. Billy Chiang Director of Development



新加坡神学院提供部分奖学金给经济上有需要的全时间在籍学生。此奖学金向所有毕 业后从事基督教事工全时间事奉的新加坡人,新加坡永久居民和海外学生开放。

新学年从2011年7月14日开始,有计划到 新神就读的申请者,请到注册处索取申 请表格与资料。华文神学系的申请者: 海外的申请者请于 2011年3月15日前将 申请表格呈交新神,本地的申请者请于4 月30日前呈交申请表格。英文神学系、 圣乐系和辅导系的申请者:海外的申请 者 请 于  2 0 1 1 年 4 月 1 5 日 前 将 申 请 表 格 呈交新神,本地的申请者请于5月30日 前呈交申请表格。若有任何疑问,请与注 册处联络,请电邮或 致电:65-6559 1521,6559 1522 询问。

申请周期 如 下 : 申请周期



• 在籍学生


• 将在7月份入学的新生

批准时间 下一年的 1月

• 将在11月份入学的教牧学博士新生 1月15日至

• 在籍学生


• 将在1月份入学的新生


• 将在5月份入学的教牧学博士新生 关于奖学金标准和申请的更多详情,请通过电邮 联络高级招生员傅 爱玲姐妹。

SBC Scholarships SBC provides partial scholarships to full-time students who require financial support. The scholarships are open to all Singaporeans, Singapore permanent residents and international students who will be involved in full-time Christian ministry upon graduation. Application periods are as follows: Application Period

15 Jul to 30 Aug

Application to

Commencement of Grant

• Current Students • New students of July enrollment

January of the following year

• New DMin students of November enrollment 15 Jan to 28 Feb

• Current Students • New students of Jan enrollment

July of the same year of application

• New DMin students of May enrollment

For more details on scholarship criteria and application, please email Ms Yvonne Poh, Senior Admissions Officer, at .

JULY 2011 Enrollment The new academic year begins on 14 Jul 2011. Applicants planning to enroll for studies at SBC may obtain an application package and more information at the Registrar’s Office. For enrollment in SOTC, international applications must reach SBC by 15 Mar and local applications by 30 Apr 2011. For enrollment in SOTE, SCM and SOC, international applications must reach SBC by 15 Apr and local applications by 30 May 2011. For enquiries, please contact The Registrar’s Office via email: reg@ or tel: +65 65591521/2.

How You Can Support Our Ministry


>> Donors in Singapore

Cheque donation - please make cheque payable to Singapore Bible College. Cash donation - please deposit cash into our UOB a/c 126-300-592-4 and send us the deposit slip with your name and address.

>> Donors in Malaysia

Cheque donation (in RM) or Bank draft donation (in S$) – please make cheque or bank draft payable to Singapore Bible College and mail it to us at 9-15 Adam Road, Singapore 289886.

>> Donors in Hong Kong

Cheque donation - please make cheque payable to Singapore Bible College-Hong Kong Alumni Association Ltd. Mail to 1/F Maidstone Apartments 35 Maidstone Road, Tokwawan, Kowloon, Hong Kong

>> Donors in Taiwan

Cheque donation - please make cheque payable to Singapore Bible CollegeThe Alumni Association in Taiwan. Mail to 221台北縣汐止市林森街31號2樓 新 加坡神學院台灣校友會收. Bank/ATM transfer – please transfer funds to a/c “Singapore Bible College-The Alumni Association in Taiwan” under Mega International Commercial BankTaipei Branch (Bank Code 017), bank a/c 202-10-31116-7.

>> Donors in USA

Check donation - please make check payable to SBC North America Fellowship. Mail to Singapore Bible College, North America Fellowship, 4732 El Rancho Verde Drive, La Palma, CA 90623, USA.



>> Donors in Canada

Check donation - please make check payable to Partners International and indicate “For Singapore Bible College” on check. Mail to Partners International, 8500 Torbram Road, Unit 56, Brampton, Ontario L6T 5C6, Canada.

>> Donors in Other Countries

Bank draft donation (in S$/US$) – please make draft payable to Singapore Bible College and mail it to us. Telegraphic transfer United Overseas Bank Ltd, Bukit Timah Branch, 587 Bukit Timah Road, #02-25/26/27/28 Coronation Shopping Plaza, Singapore 269707. Bank Code 7375, Branch Code 026. A/c no. 126-300-592-4. Swift code: uovbsgsg. Tax-deductible receipts will be issued to donors in Taiwan, USA and Canada.



《人之为人─神学人类学素 描》 ,谢木水博士著 马来西亚:协传培训中心出版,7/2010 古今中外的宗教、哲学、科学及人文界尝试回答“人是什 麽?”这问题,在众多答案中却往往引发更多难以理解的 人性问题;而这些问题与人的生存、尊严及价值息息相 关。《人之为人》深入探讨人的来源和本质、此时当下人 存在的意义,以及人性朝向未来的完美。本书同时参照圣 经,和其他不以圣经为本的世俗人论,使得如此真理不 单属于信仰圣经的宗教人士,也向其他领域的专家学者 开放。更重要的是,如此真理公开给任何真诚寻求真理 的公众人仕去思考和判断。

一些读者回应: “《人之为人》在我看来是不落俗套的,通过逻辑论证思考, 层层推进处理人论,而非根据历史进程或各神学家立场来谈。 如此进路方能令一般读者得益,而不是流于熟悉学术领域的专 门讨论而已。”~江仁佑校友(柔佛新山恩典基督教会传道)

“看了这本论述人属性的书, 让我觉得作人真难,要作好人更 难!岂不是吗?对跟随主的人, 要 作 合 神 心 意 ,不 作 罪 的 奴 仆  ( 约 8 : 3 4 ) , 为 义 受 苦 ( 提 后 3 : 12),作毫无瑕疵,天天委身基 督的人,那是太不容易的事!原 因是我们还活在恶的势力下 (弗 6:12 ),但因主耶稣的大能与宝 血,使我们成为属天的人, 得以 认识父神,走在永生之道!(约17: 3)。本书让我们从圣经、神学、科 学等角度来看神给我们世人向神向 人开放的地平线。”~陈志德弟兄 ( 新 加 坡 浸 信 会 国 际 机 构  Baptist Global Response 执行干事) “《人之为人》是一部值得阅读的 书,尤其是在此时当下的 我们。了解当今处境背后的神学、 哲学与科学的问题是牧养教会、甚至世界必须具备的。本书也 尽显出作者对当代神学、哲学和科学思潮的掌握能力,以及面 对哲学、科学那广阔的胸怀。但是,这书仍有进一步说明 (人 性) 的空间。也许这就是作者给予人论的答案。” ~毛加勒同学 之书评 (新加坡神学院应届毕业生)

29-31 Mar (Tue-Thu) 10:00am-7:30pm 新神图书中心 Tel: 6559 1506/7 Email:


网上 学园 eLearning

2 011年4月至 9月开办

《人人的神学》 网上课程

讲员 :谢木水博士

“神学”( Theology) 是基督徒耳熟能详的“大字”( Big Word ), 也是最难理解的一个概念。有人认为神学是基督徒信仰的结 晶,是所有笃信圣经的信仰不可缺少的属灵知识;有人认为 神学经常造成教会信仰混乱和冲突,是所有忠于圣经的基督 徒不可涉猎的理论学问;可是所有基督徒都无可避免的继承 某一神学传统,给自己的信仰内涵—圣经的解释、属灵的经 验、教会的事奉、宣教的使命—清楚明确又前后一致的理性 表达。此课程以深入浅出的方式说明神学思考的方法、目的

和内涵,让所有初学者能够一尝神学知识给个人和教会生命 的造就。因此,神学知识不是专家的独门学问,而是人人的 神学。 报名: 即日起接受报名,请填妥网上报名表格,并于截止日期前将学 历证件影印本及学费寄达学院。 截止日期:2011年4月4日 逾期完成报名者,另加 S$32.10 的行政费用。 欢迎浏览华文神学系网上学园的网页,以了解更多的详情。 网页 网上学园办公室电话:6559-1551 ( 星期一至五,1:30-6:00pm ) 电邮


写作 《使徒信经》 有感 也

许因为自己主修的是历史神学,因此对於一些重要的 历史文献,往往情有独钟。《使徒信经》就是其中之一。事 实上,基督教是一个拥有两千年历史的信仰。在传承的过程 中,自然会累积许多内容丰富的属灵产业, 《使徒信经》当 然也是这份产业的一部分。只是不晓得一般信徒是否对这些 文献也怀抱类似的情怀。为此,心中就萌生了写作《信仰溯 源:使徒信经今昔》一书的念头。 开始的时候,一直思考要如何落笔来阐述这份宝贵产业。这 是很早就出现在基督教会中的一份信仰宣告,因此需要论述 《使徒信经》的来历,以及它在历史中的演变过程吗?阐述 的范围该如何拿捏?需要逐句逐段注解吗?在整理这些纷乱 的思维过程中,不禁问自己一个颇为基本的问题:为什么会 有信徒想阅读这样的课题?为强烈的历史感?不是吧!因为 《使徒信经》本身很有趣?不会吧!为了应付考试?不可 能!那会是什么呢?我留意到好些教会,每个主日都要求信 徒一起背诵《使徒信经》。我自己的母会就是这样。我不期 然的想到:这些信徒真的明白~它的内容吗?不见得!曾经 有人告诉我:她听到过身旁的信徒,将信经中「拯我出恶」 (即白话文版本的「救我脱离凶恶」那句),念成「拯我出 国」!或许这人真的是极度盼望移民计划成功;但更可能的 是,这人或许根本不知道原句的「出恶」是多么了不起的一 份恩典。看来越是背诵的多,可能就越是不明白《使徒信 经》的所以然。因此我决定放弃学术性的论述,将写作的重 点放在这信经的内容含义上。接着就以此为重点,整理了过 去的一些讲座录音、重写了某些部分,只着重阐述昔日的使 徒信经,对今日的信徒来说,到底有什么重要性。然後就把 稿件送到出版社去了。 出乎意料的是, 《信仰溯源:使徒信经今昔》这书的销售比我 预期来的好!出版社的负责人告诉我,他们三个多月之後就 要进行第二印了。《使徒信经》是很重要的文献,这书受到 欢迎,我当然感到欣喜。看到许多信徒、教牧感到需要认识

《使徒信经》,这实在是一件值得高兴的事。但是我也不禁 在问:这现象反映了什么?我开始向一些信徒了解他们买这 本书的原因。结果让我认识到一件事:一般上信徒虽然听过 《使徒信经》,甚至能够背诵它,但是对这份信经的内容, 其实大多仍是模糊不清的!教会如此重视《使徒信经》,要 信徒每周背诵,但信徒却仅是例行公事的诵读,对其内容 无动於衷。能够有书本讲解信经的内容,使他们能够明白其 意义,知道《使徒信经》到底有些什么了不起的内容,这些 信徒也就乐於买来一看究竟。看来对信仰认真的信徒还不在 少数! 这让我又想到:今天教会在强调圣经之馀,会否在不知不觉 中,忽略了一些历史的属灵产业?或许我们认为:只要有圣 经就够了,其他的都可有可无?记得在美国修读博士课程的 时候,有位教会领袖知道我在修读历史神学的时候,相当吃 惊的问我: 「为何不修读新约或旧约?为何浪费资源去读历 史?这对教会的使命、事工有什么助益?」倘若仅是个别人 士如此,问题还不大;只是我担心许多信徒,甚至领袖都会 有类似的想法!只是历史仍然是重要的。我的一位恩师曾指 出: 「就连异端都认为自己合乎圣经,因此问题不在於我们 是否合乎圣经,而是我们要以怎样的进路去理解圣经」。而 历史肯定提供了我们一个极其重要的进路。我确信:忽略历 史的,至终定被历史愚弄,甚至因重蹈覆辙而吃历史的亏。 认识历史的,将会因历史而增长智慧,甚至因以史为鋻而领 受更大的恩惠。 但愿耶稣基督的教会更加看重历史,因而更加尊崇上帝为历 史的主。

欲购《使徒信经》一书,请到新神图书中心 (电话: 6559 1506/7,电邮:。

2011年 嘉声 3/4 月 227

训 练 耶 稣 基 督 忠 心 的 仆 人



• 第五十八届 毕业典礼

尼希米记6 : 15-19

• 新神奖学金

稣撒冷城墙重建以惊人的速度在五 十二天内竣工!经过许多的祷告和 神的帮助之下,尼希米才足以排除 万难、克服重重障碍,支撑到最后阶段。终 于任务完成!看起来似乎可以举行感恩奉献 礼来庆祝 ? 可惜的是,事与愿违!尽管形式 不同,敌人的攻击还是持续不断。


Dr Albert Ting Mrs Karen Lee Rev Dr Rick Griffith Dr Myrleene Yap Rev Dr Bernard Low Rev Dr Paul Woods Mrs Serena Chan 编 辑 部 陈世协博士 杨金兰讲师 顾力凯博士 叶慕灵博士 刘文良博士 林保罗博士 陈诗韵女士

事实上,尼希米当时乃是处在一个更加艰难 的处境。以往敌人的意图总是容易察觉。原 本耶稣撒冷城墙如同一条分界线,将敌人划 分在城外,而朋友在城内;但是这条分界线 却在各种关系的伪装下变得模糊起来,敌人 因此而超越了界线。经文提到,犹大的贵族 和多比雅有通信往来,而多比雅也与他们往 来频繁。犹大有许多人与多比雅结盟,可能 是商务上的往来。多比雅是一位令人敬重犹 太家的女婿 (尼3:29);而他的儿子娶了另一 位忠心建造城墙者的女儿为妻 (尼3:4)。因为 这样的关系,使得这些家庭为多比雅大力的 宣传;反之又将内部情报传给多比雅,让他 用这些消息来恐吓尼希米。如果你无法预防 多比雅进入,那你就得活在面对多比雅的现 实中。 如同尼希米一样,我们有时也陷入相同的情 况中,要摆脱多比雅似乎是不可能的。 “多比 雅效应”可能广泛蔓延开而难以控制,但若 是将目光从敌人的身上转移到一些容易处理 的事情可能是明智之举。

等着我们去攀登。这就是事工和生活的写 照。我们不能活在自欺当中,认为来临的 挑战终会完全的停止。不要为现实而感到 惊奇。

2. 诚信是你最佳的筹码 你也不能天真的在进入敌人的领土后,才开 始提高警觉或谨慎小心。当多比雅是你的 邻居时,你要尽可能里外一致。你不一定每 次能够胜过试验,但却不可忘记保守你的诚 信。当你带领一个事工时,你就是一个公众 人物。要培养一个圣洁和诚信的生命。

3. 试炼乃是神训练计划的一部分 一位教会领袖曾经这样说到,令人遗憾的是 我们经常需要面对“多比雅效应”。这些“现 实”的意义何在?试炼乃是预备我们将来面 对其它的挑战。神是要预备尼希米让百姓们 住在耶路撒冷 (尼7);喂养他们的灵命 (尼89 );挑战他们对神的委身 (尼10 )。最后,享 受城墙重建竣工的感恩奉献礼 (尼12 )。当你 完成一个任务时,你的任务也定义了你的成 就。除非你愿意接受更大挑战的磨练,否则 这将会是你终极的成就而无法再攀高峰。 现实生活不总是一帆风顺或多彩多姿,学习 与现实并存,坚持完成神所托负的使命。

1. 接受事工中的现实 在胜过一个挑战后,会有更多的挑战等着我 们去克服;在登上山巅后,会有更高的山峰

博士 新加坡神学院院长

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