SBC Pray For Us Issue 226

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Jan/ No. Feb 226 2011


• Congratulations to CCTE’s Graduands!

SBC Public Lectures by Dr James Hoffmeier in Biblical Archaeology

“from Issachar, men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do—200 chiefs, with all their relatives under their command;” (1 Chr 12:32 NIV)


rave warriors with different talents were attracted to join David against King Saul’s senseless rule. Some were skillful with weaponry like shields and spears, and arrows and sling stones. Others were commanders leading hundreds and thousands of fighting men. Among the warriors who joined David were the men of Issachar, who had sharp eyes and analytical minds. They were strategists with keen insights into the happenings of the times, who interpreted the happenings and formulated strategies to respond effectively to the times. Every organization needs people like the men of Issachar. Most people can be swayed or shaped by the happenings around us. Being able to make sense of the trends and interpret the signs of the times can bring about useful responses that lead to countless benefits for both ourselves and the organizations we belong to. The ability to understand the times is particularly important in today’s context as we are experiencing changes at breakneck pace. Social network Facebook is being considered the third largest country in the world if its registered users can be counted as citizens of a nation. With over 560 million users, it is reshaping the way people communicate and network with each other and how we do fellowship and cell groups in the church. Wikileaks, which publishes classified media from anonymous news sources and news leaks, is introducing a form of radical transparency which unsettles governmental officials and business communities. The new economy is focusing on “frugal innovation”— producing more with less cost and manpower. Yet inflation continues to hit us, with prices of food, oil and commodities increasing at alarming rates. Your congregation is going to be more tired, frustrated and unhappy if nothing is done to improve

their lives. How do you make sense of all these happenings? The men of Issachar understood the times and knew what Israel should do. But we are often caught in situations where we do not know what we should do! We lose direction as strategic planning becomes more challenging. Instead of taking concrete steps, many people simply feel their way across the river. At such a time as this, we need to go back to what we already know and are committed to! In the midst of the changing student profile, the popularity of e-learning and the high cost of operating a theological school, SBC falls back on what we know and are committed to: we will continue to carry out our mission of glorifying God by training faithful servants of Jesus Christ for the edification of the church and the urgent evangelization of the unreached; we will strive to train our students to be creative thinkers, effective communicators and servant leaders. As SBC is evolving into a graduate school, we will expose our students to more rigorous academic research and reflections, but we will always uphold the authority and inerrancy of God’s Word. The character and spiritual formation of our students will always be an indispensable component of our education. Our fundamentals of being Christ-centered, Bible-based, Church-oriented, Missions-directed and Context-relevant will always remain! Even as we begin this new year, we are also looking ahead to next year which will mark the 60th anniversary of SBC’s founding. As we gear up to celebrate God’s faithfulness in seeing us through our changing times, we know that we can press on with confidence, because we have built our education on solid foundation. Grow with us!

Understand the Times

迎 春 MICA(P) 173/08/2010 9-15 Adam Road, Singapore 289886 Tel: (65) 6559 1555 Fax: (65) 6559 1550 Email: Website:

r Albert Ting, Principal D Singapore Bible College

Centre for Continuing Theological Education SINGAPORE BIBLE COLLEGE

The Word of God in English F

or the Christian Church, the year 2011 is an important year. It is important because it marks the 400th anniversary of the publication of the King James Version (KJV) of the Holy Bible, known more popularly in the British Isles as the Authorized Version (AV). Throughout the English-speaking world, conferences, seminars and public lectures will be organized to commemorate this milestone in the history and translation of the Bible into the English language. In the British Isles, no complete Bible in the English language existed prior to the 14th century A.D. The common people were deprived of the Bible as their rule of faith. They depended on plays, oral transmission of biblical stories, and Latin and French Bibles of the aristocracy and the priesthood for their understanding of God’s Word. Even for the modestly educated clergy, the Bible was inaccessible. The few extant copies and their exorbitant price made owning, reading and studying the Bible impossible. For the most part, the clergy had to rely heavily on the small portions of Scripture included in their prayer books. This undesirable situation was changed for all time by one man, John Wycliffe (1320-84), known also as the “morning star of the Reformation.” Wycliffe was persuaded that God’s Word should be in the language of the common man. He wrote: “…Holy Scriptures is the faith of the Church, and the more widely its true meaning becomes known, the better it will be. Therefore since the laity should know the faith, it should be taught in whatever language is most easily comprehended…” 1 Together with his followers (the Lollards), Wycliffe translated the Bible from the Latin Vulgate into English. For the next 130 years, Wycliffe’s faithful and daring translation became the Bible of every man. The importance of this cannot be underestimated. For the first time, every literate person could read and understand God’s Word and thereby learn the truths of Scripture for faith and life. Wycliffe’s translation, however, gave

rise to the established church’s intense hatred for a Bible in the common tongue of the people. The Church subsequently formulated the infamous Constitutions which made translating Scripture into English or reading the Bible in English heretical acts. Following Wycliffe was William Tyndale (1494-1536) who shared a similar vision to see the Bible translated into the vernacular. Tyndale had reportedly said, “I defy the pope, and all his laws; and further added, that if God spared him life, ere many years he would cause a boy that driveth the plough, to know more of the Scripture than he [the pope] did.” 2 For his work of translating the Scriptures into English, Tyndale was found guilty of heresy. On 6 October 1536, he was tied to a stake, strangled, and burned. But Tyndale’s work endured and significantly influenced subsequent translations of the Bible, especially the KJV-AV of which 80 to 90 percent is the direct expression of Tyndale! Tyndale’s martyrdom prevented him from translating the entire Bible. This task awaited Miles Coverdale (14881569) who also believed that everyone should have the Scriptures for their own study. Coverdale wrote, “Sure I am that there cometh more knowledge and understanding of the Scriptures by their sundry translations than by all the glosses of our sophisticated doctors.” 3 Coverdale’s Bible, the first complete Bible in modern English, was printed in Antwerp on 4 October 1535. In the decades following, more translations appeared including the Great Bible (1539), named for its size, the Geneva Bible (1560), and the Bishops’ Bible (1568). These translations culminated in the famous King James Version (1611), named after King James I of England and Scotland (1566-1625) who appointed 54 of England’s finest scholars to undertake the task of revising previous English versions of the Bible in the light of the original Hebrew and Greek. Because of the impeccable qualifica-

tions of the translators, its faithfulness to the Hebrew and Greek, and its excellent literary qualities, the KJV-AV eventually gained the ascendancy and triumphed over other versions. So dominant did the KJV-AV become that for about 270 years, it had no peers; it was the only version of the Bible that the entire English-speaking world read. The nineteenth century saw the discoveries of more biblical manuscripts. There were also advances made in the science of biblical textual criticism. These factors, together with rapid changes in the English language, gave rise to a strong need for fresh translations of the Bible. This resulted in a spate of translations that appeared in the latter half of the nineteenth, twentieth and twentyfirst centuries. These include the Revised Version (1881), the American Standard Version (1901), the Revised Standard Version (1952), the New American Standard Bible (1971, 1995), the New International Version (1978), the New King James Version (1982), the New Revised Standard Version (1989), the New Living Translation (1996), the English Standard Version (2001), and the Holman Christian Standard Bible (2003). As English-speaking Christians, we have been tremendously blessed with multiple versions of the Bible to help us understand its teachings. We have also been richly blessed with reference aids like commentaries on the Bible that shed important linguistic, exegetical, historical, and cultural insights. But as the history of the translation of the Bible into English has shown, the Bible has not

always been so easy to obtain, let alone to understand. Which is why, as the Englishspeaking Christian world celebrates the 400th anniversary of the KJV-AV, we cannot but be grateful and thankful to God for the work of men like John Wycliffe, William Tyndale, Miles Coverdale, the KJV translators, and many others who have painstakingly, lovingly and sacrificially laboured to translate the Bible into English, to ensure that every Christian has a Bible in his hand that he can read and understand, and to produce aids to help us understand the Bible. What are we doing with the Bible (or even Bibles) that we own and that has come to us at great cost? Are we voraciously reading it daily and regularly? When Jesus was on earth, He asked this question on several occasions, “Have you not read?” (Matt. 12:3, 5; 19:4; 21:16, 42;

22:31; Mark 2:25; 12:10, 26; Luke 6:3). Also, to use the words of the KJV-AV, do we “study [the Bible] to show [ourselves] approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15)? As a seminary that believes the Bible is the inspired and authoritative Word of God, Singapore Bible College (SBC) is committed to helping our full-time theological students to read, interpret, understand, apply, preach and teach the Bible. It is this same commitment that has also led SBC to establish the Centre for Continuing Theological Education (CCTE) so that we can promote biblical and theological literacy among the whole people of God for the general ministry and mission of the church. The growth of the church, the spread of the Gospel, and the advance of God’s kingdom on earth de-

pends in no small way on the laity who are biblically and theologically literate! We therefore invite you to join our growing CCTE community as students of Holy Scripture so that together we can pursue understanding and obedience of the Word – for our personal discipleship, for the edification of the church, and for the spread of Gospel throughout the world. Rev. Dr. Bernard Low Director of CCTE Also Associate Professor in Systematic Theology at SBC and Associate Pastor of Hebron B-P Church


1 John Wycliffe, Speculum Secularium Dominorum, Opera Minora, trans. and ed. John Loserth (London: Wyclif Society, 1913), 74. 2 John Foxe, Acts and Monuments, vol. 5 (London: Seeley, Burnside, and Seeley, 1848), 117. 3 Miles Coverdale, Dedications and Prologues to the Translation of the Bible (1535; rep. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1846), 19.


21 Mar to 13 May 2011, 7.30-9.30pm at SBC’s MPH/Lecture Theatre Room 1-302 Mondays (21/3, 28/3; 4/4, 11/4, 18/4, 25/4) MS01(K): The Principles of Mission From the beginning, our God is the living missionary God. In the OT, God called Israel - His glorious people - to proclaim His kingdom to the nations. In the NT, God also commissioned churches to advance His Kingdom. In this postmodern age, local churches too have a mission to propagate the gospel so that many will come to faith and enter into the Body of Christ, thereby enlarging God’s kingdom. Missiology, a practical systematic theology, serves to guide churches in effective kingdom-building in these last days. This course aims to challenge Christians to think (or rethink) about their role and mission in the world. L ect u rer : 1 Rev. John Lee, DTh (Trinity Theological College), General Secretary of Asia Mission Partnership in Singapore (A.M.P) and Research Professor of China Theological Seminary in Seoul (CTSS)

BI01: Hermeneutics & Biblical Interpretation This introductory course to interpreting and understanding the Bible surveys the nature, necessity, and task of biblical interpretation, as well as its significance for contemporary Christian living. It is aimed at (1) providing students with a framework to both approach and respond to the Biblical text (and its message) responsibly and (2) getting them familiar with the different genres of the Bible, as well as the significant interpretive issues involved. L ect u rer : 2 Mr. Jose Philip, Th.M. (Singapore Bible College), Pastor of Faith Mission Home and Adjunct Professor at SBC, Baptist Theological Seminary (Singapore), Bible College of Malaysia and Colombo Theological Seminary

NT02: New Testament Survey (Part 2) Building on NT01: New Testament Survey (Part 1) this course surveys the message of the remaining half of the 27 New Testament books, their relationships with each other, introductory issues (eg. author, date, occasion, uniqueness) and factors in the first century that influenced not only the life and ministry of the early church, but also affect the mission of the church today.

L ect u rer : 3 Rev. Rick Griffith, PhD (Dallas Theological Seminary), Associate Professor in Biblical Studies at SBC, Coordinator of the New Testament Department and Pastor-Teacher at Crossroads International Church.

Tuesdays (22/3, 29/3, 5/4, 12/4, 19/4, 26/4) BI11: Advanced Hermeneutics and Biblical Interpretation This course builds on BI01: Hermeneutics and Biblical Interpretation. It is designed to explore more fully the interpretive issues and challenges surrounding faithful interpretation and appropriation of the message of the Bible, an ancient text, in a contemporary context. It provides students with a framework to both approach and respond to the Biblical text (and its message) responsibly, and helps students understand (1) the interdependence between general hermeneutics, exegesis and application in the interpretation process, (2) how the ‘philosophy of language’ and the ‘theology of the text’ shape our interpretation, and (3) how to appropriately appeal to, and faithfully apply, the message of the Bible for contemporary Christian living. (Prerequisite: Students taking this course must have taken BI01: Hermeneutics and Biblical Interpretation)

L ect u rer : 2 Mr. Jose Philip, Th.M. (Singapore Bible College), Pastor of Faith Mission Home and Adjunct Professor at SBC, Baptist Theological Seminary (Singapore), Bible College of Malaysia and Colombo Theological Seminary

CE03: Facing the Hard Issues in Church Life There are many hard issues facing church life today. Moral and ethical issues may be, for some, the most critical ones. Society as a whole is changing, and modern social values and standards have also undergone dramatic shifts. The impact on the local church’s life, and church ministry in particular, is already visible. This course will allow you to reflect, discuss with your peers, and pray about some of the hard issues facing churches today, including co-habitation, divorce, homosexuality, family wellness, adultery, marital sexual abuse, child abuse and internet pornography. L ect u rer : 4 Rev. Tony Chi, PhD in Comparative Study of Religions (Northwestern University), former Senior Pastor of Wesley Methodist Church (1973-81), former Vice President for Training with Haggai Institute, and Adjunct Professor at SBC

Wednesdays (23/3, 30/3, 6/4, 13/4, 20/4, 27/4 ) OT12: Old Testament Biblical Theology (Part II) Ever wondered how we, as New Testament Christians, can apply Old Testament historical books or even wisdom literature and prophecy today? Many Christians have a piecemeal understanding of the Bible but do not know how the different books relate to one another. This course builds on the overview of OT Biblical Theology Part I. With principles and opportunities for practice, we will explore

how to read, understand and apply different genres of God’s Word – Narrative, Wisdom and Prophecy – in greater detail. Discover that the Bible is the one word of the one God of the one way of salvation. L ect u rer : 5 Rev. Chris Chia, DMin in Preaching (GordonConwell Theological Seminary), Senior Pastor of Adam Road Presbyterian Centre and Adjunct Professor in Homiletics at SBC.

Thursdays (31/3, 7/4, 14/4, 28/4, 5/5, 12/5) NT06: Decoding the Book of Revelation (Part II) Building on NT05: Decoding the Book of Revelation (Part I), this course will enable the students to study in detail Revelation chapters 8-15. It will draw on studies in apocalyptic literature, allusions to the OT, and our understanding of first-century social, cultural and historical settings, which will help students clarify: (a) the meaning of the Seven Trumpets; (b) who the 144,000 are; (c) the identity of the Two Witnesses, the Beast of the Sea, and the Beast of the Earth; and (d) the spiritual warfare that takes place in the heavenlies and how this affects the Church. Through this course, students will appreciate how the Book of Revelation served as a pastoral manual for the suffering church of that century and how it can similarly help us today as we seek to faithfully live out the Christian life in a world that is often hostile to Christ, His gospel and His Church. L ect u rer : 6 Rev. Bernard Low, PhD (University of Nottingham), Associate Professor in Systematic Theology at SBC, Director of CCTE and Associate Pastor of Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church.

CM13: Children in Prayer God has been raising up children as intercessors in many parts of the world to bring about the transformation of communities and nations. In Matthew 11:25, Jesus praised His father in heaven that He has “hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children”. What can pastors, parents and teachers learn from God’s Word and His Spirit so that we can guide our children to become mighty prayer intercessors for His use? Can children in prayer be the new wave of spiritual awakening which God is preparing His Church to experience before the return of Jesus Christ? Come and discover with us through this Advanced Certificate in Children’s Ministry course. LEC TURERS: 7 Mr. David Leong, MCS (Regent College), Executive Director & Principal Trainer of Scripture Union Singapore 8 Ms. Gwen de Rozario, BA (National University of Singapore), Founder of ARISE! & Associate Trainer of Scripture Union Singapore 9 Dr. Cheah Fung Fong, MBBS (National University of Singapore), President of Trinity Annual Conference Board of Children’s Ministry, Council Member & Associate Trainer of Scripture Union Singapore

MS05: Contemporary Issues of Missions This course, which will be taught by various OMF personnel, addresses some key issues faced by local churches, mission agencies and missionaries: 31 Mar – Missions Partnership by Mr. Kenneth B. B. Tan, OMF Singapore Home Council; ViceChairman, Discipleship Training Centre 7 Apr – Member Care for Long Term Missionary Work by Mr. Daniel C. H. Wong, National Director, OMF Singapore Ltd; Chairman, Asian Cross-Cultural Training Institute; Vice-Chairman, FOMOS Ltd 14 Apr – Strategizing Short Term Missions for Cross-Cultural Evangelism by Mr. Robert Erion, Deputy International Director for Mobilisation, OMF International Ltd

28 Apr – Biblical Principles and Workable Practices of Church Planting in a Cross-Cultural Context by Rev. Dr. Richard Schlitt, International Director for Evangelism, OMF International Ltd 5 May – Proclamation and Demonstration of the Gospel - a Missiological Revisit by Rev. Dr. Patrick Fung, General Director, OMF International Ltd 12 May – Equipping for Cross-Cultural Missionary Work by Rev. Melville Szto, Retired missionary with OMF Singapore Ltd (with 35 years of experience in Japan); Former Dean, Asian Cross-cultural Training Institute For more information and registration, please visit Enquiries can also be directed to the CCTE Office at cctereg@sbc. or Tel: 65591551. Registration for CCTE Term II 2011 courses closes on 13 Mar 2011.









Graduands from CCTE’s Certificate Programme Since its inception in January 2009, SBC’s Centre for Continuing Theological Education has seen 9 certificate recipients, 6 of whom were enrolled in the Korean programme.

2009 Cher Yong Hwi, Lily

Certificate in Christian Studies

2010 Chan Siew Leong

Certificate in Christian Studies

Seah Siew Kheng, Samantha Certificate in Children’s Ministry

Choi Soon Cheol

Certificate in Christian Studies (Korean)

Hyun Soo Jeong

Certificate in Christian Studies (Korean)

Kim, Michael James

Certificate in Christian Studies (Korean)

Kim Minam

Certificate in Christian Studies (Korean)

Shin Soo Young

Certificate in Christian Studies (Korean)

Yoon Seung Uk

Certificate in Christian Studies (Korean)

To all recipients: Congratulations! Thank you for giving us the privilege to be part of your personal growth and equipping for the general ministry of your church.


SBC Lecture Series by James K. Hoffmeier SBC is privileged to host James K. Hoffmeier, Professor of Near Eastern Archaeology at Trinity International University, Divinity School (Deerfield, IL), from 29 Mar to 8 Apr 2011 in Singapore. Born in Egypt where he lived till age 16 has laid an important foundation for Dr. Hoffmeier to be an archaeologist. Since 1975, he has been engaged in fieldwork and research in Egypt, and since 1994, has directed the North Sinai Archaeological Project that is devoted to researching and studying Egypt’s frontier during the New Kingdom. In addition to his contributions to many journals and dictionary articles, Dr. Hoffmeier has authored and edited several books, including The Future of Biblical Archaeology and The Archaeology of the Bible. He has also appeared in a number of TV programs on Egypt and the Bible, on the Discovery Channel, the Learning Channel, the History Channel and National Geographic. SBC School of Theology (English) presents

“The Exodus in Bible, History & Theology” Morning Lectures

29 Mar (Tue) to 31 Mar (Thu), 9am to 1pm daily at Level 4 Worship Hall, SBC Free admission (freewill offering) Lecture 1 (29 Mar): Archaeology: A Com-panion for Reading the Bible The roles of archaeology in the study of Scripture with some attention given to methodology. Lecture 2 (29 Mar): Moses, the Oppression of the Hebrews & the Exodus Indirect archaeological evidence on foreigners who were in Egypt and engaged in forced labour for the Pharaoh during the period 1450-1250 B.C. Lecture 3 (30 Mar): The Geography of the Exodus the and Location of the Re(e)d Sea Archaeological and linguistic evidence for the identification of the biblical sites of Rameses, Pithom, Succoth, Migdol, Yam Suf (“Sea of Reeds”) and new information from north Sinai.

Lecture 4 (30 Mar): Where is Mt. Sinai and why it does not matter While research does not permit us to precisely locate Mt. Sinai, it does make it possible to eliminate a number of candidates, and suggest why Mt. Sinai does not play an important role in Israel’s history after the book of Numbers. Lecture 5 (31 Mar): The Covenant and the Tabernacle Critical scholars since the 19th century have argued that the law and tabernacle were developments of the exilic or post-exilic period, hence a fabrication by later priestly writers. But various Egyptian data demonstrate both the antiquity and authenticity Israelite Tabernacle. Lecture 6 (31 Mar): Why the Exodus & Wilderness Period is vital to Biblical Theology This final lecture examines the various uses of the exodus-wilderness tradition within the Old Testament, which demonstrate that the Egypt-Sinai period of early Israel was archetypal, foundational to Israelite, religion, law, worship and self understanding as a people.

For more information on these lectures, as well as an additional Ichthus Seminar, David’s Triumph Over Goliath: 1 Samuel 17:54 and Ancient Near Eastern Analogues, please visit for more information.

Collaborative Innovation: A Better Way to Change the World! Presented by International Partnership Institute, an educational initiative of visionSynergy, and SBC 14 Mar (Mon) & 15 Mar (Tue) 2011, 9:00am to 5:00pm, Blk 1 Multi-Purpose Hall, SBC Collaborative Innovation is a two-day workshop for Christian leaders who want to learn how to launch and lead collaborative partnerships to more effectively accomplish challenging goals, address complex situations, and bring God-sized dreams to reality. Designed in cooperation with leading experts in collaborative partnerships for Christian mission, this workshop uses engaging and interactive activities for participants to learn how God’s people can actually work together in tangible ways to achieve breakthroughs that lead to real and lasting changes in the world. In this workshop you will discover the principles and best practices of partnership that can be applied in any context, whether ministry, education, business, or community. Especially for faculty of Christian colleges, universities and seminaries… Following the workshop, SBC will host a one-day orientation on 16 Mar for faculty interested to offer the collegelevel course, Cause Collaboration: a

better way to change the world! For more information about the Cause Collaboration course, go to To register for the faculty orientation, email

SBC Ichthus Research Centre presents

“Recent Developments in Biblical Archaeology” Evening Lectures 7 Apr (Thu) & 8 Apr (Fri), 8:00pm to 9:30pm daily at Blk 3 Lecture Theatre, SBC. Free admission (freewill offering) Lecture 1 (7 Apr): The Kingdom of David and Solomon and recent Historical and Archaeological Debates This lecture will review some of the stunning archaeological evidence from Tell Dan, Jerusalem, Khirbet Keiyafa ‘Ain Dara (Syria) and Khirbet el-Nahas (Jordan) that support the portrayal of the United Kingdom based in Jerusalem under the kingships of David and Solomon. Lecture 2 (8 Apr): Key Archaeological Discoveries concerning the Life of Jesus and Ministry of Paul Excavations for more than a century in Israel and the Mediterranean world have shed considerable light on the life and times of the Lord Jesus and the Apostle Paul, and important discoveries continue to be made, such as the Pool of Siloam and Herod’s tomb. This lecture will review old and new discoveries to flesh out the background to the New Testament. Speakers: Phill Butler, Founder and Director of visionSynergy, has led the way in developing inter-organizational partnerships and initiatives in more than 20 countries for over two decades. Phill is author of Well Connected: Releasing Power, Restoring Hope Through Kingdom Partnerships. Lucas King, Associate Director of visionSynergy, focuses on developing educational resources for the training and development of collaborative leaders. Lucas is the primary designer for this workshop, as well as the Christian higher education course on ministry partnership called Cause Collaboration. Registration fee: $80 (materials included, lunch excluded). For more information and registration by 5 Mar 2011, please go to

SBC’s Bible Land Study Tour 2010:

Jordan and Israel F

rom 22 Nov to 4 Dec 2010, SBC organized a study tour to Jordan and Israel. Altogether 86 people representing different denominations and churches went on this tour. The tour brought the participants to places like Mount Nebo (from where Moses saw the Promised Land), Bethany beyond the Jordan (where Jesus was baptized), Petra (the ancient land of the Edomites), Timnah National Park (where they saw a life-size model of the Tabernacle), Ein Gedi (where David sought refuge when he fled from King Saul), the Dead Sea (where many participants had a great time floating on it!), Qumran (where the 2,000-year-old Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered), Hezekiah’s Tunnel (the participants walked through the tunnel), Bethlehem, Jerusalem (where we spent about four days visiting many interesting places), Meggido, Nazareth (which has a very educational biblical village), Capernaum (the home town of Peter and the base of Jesus’ early ministry), the Golan Heights, Beth Shean, and many more places. Amongst the highlights of the tour were the opportunity to look at Golgotha (where our Lord was crucified), entering into an empty tomb, and observing Holy Communion at the Garden Tomb. The boat-ride on the Sea of Galilee where we had a wonderful time worshipping the Lord in songs was meaningful for many. The visit to Timnah National Park and the Temple Institute also gave the participants a clearer understanding of 年11月22日至12月4日,新神举办 One group posing for what the Tabernacle and the Temple looked like. a picture in front of 了一个约旦和以色列的圣地考察之 The local tour guides that we had, both of whom are Messianic the Tabernacle 旅 。 全 团 共 有  8 6  位 来 自 不 同 教 会 Jews, were excellent; they were knowledgeable and helped us to 和宗派的信徒。考察团游览了尼波山 (摩西在此观看应 understand the Bible better. In many places, we had opportunities 许之地) 、约旦河后的伯大尼 (耶稣受洗之地) 、佩特拉  to read the Bible onsite; this made the Bible came alive. We also had (以东人祖先之地)、亭纳国家公园(观看会幕实物大模 lectures and devotions back in our hotels. 型)、恩戈地(大卫逃避扫罗王避难之处)、死海(许多 We invite you to join us on SBC’s next Bible Land Study Tour to 团员享受在死海中的漂浮!)、昆兰(发现 2000 年历史的 Turkey and Greece, to be held from 16 to 28 May 2011. Please visit 死海古卷)、希西家的隧道(团员在隧道中步行)、伯利 for more information. — Rev Dr Bernard Low 恒、耶路撒冷(我们大约花了四天的时间参观许多有趣  的地方)、米吉多、拿撒勒(一个具有浓厚神学教育色 The thought of going on an Israel tour was planted during our church camp 彩的村落)、迦百农(彼得的故乡和耶稣早期在此传福  in June 2009, when Rev Dr Bernard Low (our camp speaker) shared about the SBC-conducted Bible Land tours. Everyone became excited about it. When it 音)、戈兰高地、贝丝希恩…等许多地方。

2010 新神圣地 考察: 约旦和以色列 2010

Several participants share their experiences:

finally happened, there were about 30 of us from Glory Presbyterian Church! We thought it was an opportune time to visit the Bible land to see and experience the geography and culture firsthand. It was really an eye-opener to witness the harsh terrain and the vegetation, and to soak in the climate. What we read in the Bible, the study aids, etc, came alive. We also gained a better understanding of the political situation. News reports on the region are now read with a ready imagery from the trip. Crossing into Bethelem, passing through the checkpoint, seeing the concrete wall — all these added to our visual backdrop and mental picture as we read the biblical accounts and news articles. The days spent in Jerusalem helped us understand where and how Jesus walked. The Gospel accounts also became much clearer and vivid. All in all, my wife Ah Choo and I thoroughly enjoyed the tour. The company of friends, being enlightened by great lecturers and informative tour guides throughout the sitewalks, and the additional evening sessions, made this a much treasured and added experience in our Christian education and in our lives. God is good!

整个圣地考察的高潮就是到各各他(主被钉在十字架的地 方)、进入空坟墓和在花园墓领受圣餐。在船上游览加 利利海时,我们唱诗歌敬拜神并感到意义非凡。参观亭 纳国家公园和圣殿研究所时,团员们对会幕及圣殿的真 貌有了更深入的了解。领团的两位当地导游是弥赛亚犹 太人,不但经验丰富而且学识渊博,无时不刻地帮助我 们了解圣经。行程中的许多景点,都有摆放圣经供人查 阅,这使得圣经里的内容更加地栩栩如生!在返回饭店 后,我们也有开课讨论和祷告分享。 求主继续带领我们下一次的圣地之旅,我们也希望邀请 学院通讯与代祷的读者和我们一同参与。下一次圣地考 察将会到土耳其和希腊,日期定为 2 011年 5月16至 28 日。预知更多详情请至新神网站

— 刘文良牧师(博士)

My wife and I had always wanted to visit Israel as part of our spiritual development and growth. We were blessed with a tour guide who is of Jewish heritage, yet of like faith and someone grounded in the Word of God. To us, this was crucial to the entire learning opportunity. The trip was visually enriching as we related biblical references to the many places we visited. As we followed the footsteps of Jesus, our guide helped us in understanding not only the historical events but also the foreshadowing of our Lord in the Old Testament history through ceremony and prophecy. We thank God for archaeologists who continue to uncover and preserve the sites as evidence of historical statements in the Bible. Nothing could have been more fascinating than being right there to see and feel a piece of the past. This experience has added new geographical and chronological perspective to our reading of the Bible. We will treasure the wonderful memories.

My wife Yi Zhen wanted to visit Israel and Jordan to know the places mentioned in the Bible. She prayed and when God provided, we joined the tour with Singapore Bible College in Nov 2010. This tour has helped to give us the ultimate visual aid to appreciate and understand more clearly the Bible, the lifestyles, the culture, the places and God’s attributes. It is the land where Jesus Christ lived, died and rose again. The land fixes the gospel firmly in space and time and this is vital because our faith depends on things that God said and did in particular places at a particular time. It was the most wonderful experience to be able to place our footsteps in the places where God had done His works and where His people in the Bible had been. The trip deepened our faith and we are reminded of His faithfulness, His provision and His grace. We also came to know and interacted with the locals, the Jews and Messianic Jews, and to have God’s passion for Jerusalem. As Psalm 122:6 enjoins us, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem”. Truly the trip was a blessing from God.

— Ray and Linda Ang, Nazareth Bible-Presbyterian Church

— Phoon Kok Kwong and Yi Zhen, Ang Mo Kio Methodist Church

— Elder Andrew Goh and Ah Choo, Glory Presbyterian Church

Another group posing for a picture in front of the Dome of the Rock

Recently in Nov 2010, my husband and I took an incredible journey to the Holy Land organized by the Singapore Bible College. We saw God’s goodness, His provision and His amazing love for us. Indeed, the Bible came alive during this trip as we were blessed with an excellent local guide who led us through the scriptures in many sites in Israel. Seeing the historical sites and archaeological evidences of many places mentioned in the Bible further strengthened our faith. As we travelled from the Arava Border to the Jordan River, we experienced special moments of walking through Israel in the footsteps of Jesus. Reading the Bible is not going to be the same again. We have fallen in love with Israel and hope to return to this land for another visit. — Aji and Malar Thomas, Mount Hermon Bible-Presbyterian Church

新神布告栏 欢迎新讲师

A Warm Welcome To Our New Lecturer 欢迎新加入我们的华文神学系的 助理教授张心玮女士。她分享 说:“感谢神的恩典带领我们一 家在去年的圣诞节那天回到了暌 违十多年的母校新神来事奉祂。我来自台湾,从小 在教会中长大,十九岁蒙召,二十一岁开始全时间 事奉。在芝加哥三一神学院进修博士时,主修旧约 与古代近东研究,主要研究範围是摩西五经,特别 是利未记研究。与丈夫陈健辉传道育有一儿:韫祈 和一女:韫宣。切盼在新神的大家庭里一同事奉, 一同成长!”

We warmly welcome our newest SOTC faculty member, Assistant Professor Cynthia Chang. Cynthia shares, “Thank God for His grace in leading us as a family to move back to SBC on Christmas day 2010, after we have graduated from SBC more than 10 years ago. I grew up in a church in Taiwan, and at 19 years old, was touched by God’s call to serve Him full-time. At the age of 21, I started this journey. More recently, I pursued PhD studies at TEDS Chicago, where my concentration is in Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies. My research focus is the Pentateuch with emphasis on Levitical studies. Together with my husband Pastor Amos Chan, we have a son, Clement, and a daughter, Priscilla. We are all excited to be in the SBC family, and look forward to serving and growing together!”


SBC Notice Board 讲师脚踪 FACULTY NEWS 陈世协院长于1月7-9日在雅加达基 督教浸信会为道堂参与事奉、1月 12-17日在沙巴领袖培训会讲道。1 月27-29日,陈院长将参加在马尼 拉举行的亚洲神学协会董事会议。

Dec-Jan Issue of Impact magazine. Dr James also delivered a message on “Abiding in Christ” at the Yio Chu Kang Church camp held at Pulai Springs in Dec 2010.

Dr Albert Ting preached and ministered at Gereja Kristen Baptist Jakarta from Jan 7-9, and spoke at a Sabah Leadership Training Camp from Jan 12-17. From Jan 27-29, he will attend the Asia Theological Association (ATA) Board Meeting in Manila.

Rev Dr Bernard Low gave an address on “Biblical Eldership” to the English Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church of Singapore on Oct 16.

Dr Jerry Hwang did a Bible reading and paper on “OT Theology & Mission” for OMF’s “Aspect of Trinitarian Mission - The Holy Spirit and Spirit Worlds of Asia” Missions Consultation, Oct 4-7 2010. Dr Violet James’s article “The Church in Singapore – Glimpses from the Past” was published in the

Rev Dr Paul Wood’s article, “Debunking myths: We don’t even have time for evangelism. Social action has to wait.” was published in the Nov 2010 issue of Perspective. The article is an amended version of the plenary session he delivered at the FES National Conference from Sep 23-25 and can be downloaded from http://www. perspective/2010/Perspective_ Nov_2010.pdf

Evening Course @ School of Church Music

Basic Vocal Techniques Do you love to sing for the Lord? Are you a choral singer hoping to produce a melodious tone through the use of proper vocal techniques? Here’s a course you must not miss! This course covers (1) The Instrument of Singing, (2) Breath Control, (3) Voice Production and (4) Voice Projection. Limited to a maximum of 10 students for conducive learning, do register early with paid fees to avoid disappointment!

李振群博士受邀将于10月31日至11月2日,前 往吉隆坡马新基督教信义会邀担任宗教改革纪 念日讲员。本聚会是为教会牧者和信徒所开办 的。届时杨金兰老师也会一同前往,并与新神 校友会面。

Dr Christopher Lee was invited by the Lutheran Church in Malaysia & Singapore (LCMS) to conduct Reformation Day lectures in Kuala Lumpur for pastors and members of the church from Oct 31 - Nov 2. Together with Mrs Karen Lee, they also fellowshipped with SBC alumni.

Dates: 6 sessions, conducted on Mar 4, 11, 18, 25 and Apr 1 & 8, 2011 (Fridays) Time: 7.30pm – 9.30pm Venue: Lecture Theatre Registration Fee: S$200 Language: English and Chinese

Lecturer: Ms Anna Koor Chooi Choo, part-time lecturer (Voice) at SBC, is a lyrical-dramatic mezzo-soprano with a rich, mellow and emotive voice. She holds a Fellowship (Fellowship Trinity College London) in Voice Performance and was one of the ten finalists at the World Chinese Vocal Competition 2000. Anna has performed in numerous public concerts in Australia, China, East & West Malaysia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Philippines and Singapore, and has also judged at many vocal competitions.

COLLEGE FOCUS 学院动态 Introducing SBC’s Director of Development

We warmly welcome Mr Billy Chiang as our new Director of Development, who joined SBC on 10 Jan 2011. He will work closely with the Principal and the Chief Strategy Officer to plan and execute a comprehensive fund development program to promote involvement with and giving to SBC. Billy is no stranger to the Christian education and training community. He was formerly the Executive Director of Development for Asia at Haggai Institute, where he served for more than twenty years. He is a Business Administration graduate from the University of Singapore with a banking career background. Billy shares, “I thank God for leading me to serve at SBC, giving me the opportunity to meet many more Christian students and leaders who share the common passion of wanting to know God more and desiring to advance His Kingdom. As we press on to train effective servant leaders of Jesus Christ, we look UP to a faithful

God who ‘will meet/supply all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus’. Fund raising also involves raising faith and friends. Thank you for your partnership in the gospel and I look forward to meeting you.” Billy is married to Ruth and they are blessed with a daughter and a son, as well as 2 grandsons. He echoes St. Paul’s thanksgiving in 1 Timothy 1:12 – I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has given me strength (enabled), that He considered me faithful (entrusted), appointing me to His service (elected).

新神拓展部主任介绍 我们欢迎蒋福裕弟兄于今年一月十日加入 新神担任拓展部主任职位。他将与院长及 企划主任密切合作,计划和执行一套全方 位基金发展方案,以鼓励外界支持与参与

新神事工。 蒋弟兄对神学教育和培训社群并不 陌生。他曾担任亚洲哈该培训学院拓部执 行主任职位,服侍超过二十年。他毕业于 新加坡大学商业管理系,同时也拥有银行 工作的经验。 他说, “感谢神带领我在新神的服 侍,有机会认识更多的神学生和教会的 领袖。我们抱着共同的热诚,想更多的认 识神,扩展祂的国度。致力于训练耶稣基 督忠心的仆人的同时,我们仰望信实的上 帝,将会在耶稣基督荣耀的丰盛里供应和 满足我们的需要。筹款不仅是资金的筹 募,也包括信心的提升和友谊的建立。谢 谢您的同工支持福音事工,我期盼与您会 面。” 蒋弟兄伉俪育有一儿一女,并有两 个孙子。 他引用保罗在提摩太前书一章12节 的经文作为你我的勉励 - 我感谢那给我力 量的,我们主基督耶稣,因他以我有忠 心,派我服事他。

FINANCIAL REPORT 财务报告 General Fund 经常费 Income 收入 (01/07/10-31/10/10) S$ 1,273,297 Expenditure 支出 (01/07/10-31/10/10) 1,247,970 Surplus/(Deficit) 盈余/(不敷) S$ 25,318

How You Can Support Our Ministry


>> Donors in Singapore

Cheque donation - please make cheque payable to Singapore Bible College. Cash donation - please deposit cash into our UOB a/c 126-300-592-4 and send us the deposit slip with your name and address.

>> Donors in Malaysia

Cheque donation (in RM) or Bank draft donation (in S$) – please make cheque or bank draft payable to Singapore Bible College and mail it to us at 9-15 Adam Road, Singapore 289886.

>> Donors in Hong Kong

Cheque donation - please make cheque payable to Singapore Bible College-Hong Kong Alumni Association Ltd. Mail to 1/F Maidstone Apartments 35 Maidstone Road, Tokwawan, Kowloon, Hong Kong

>> Donors in Taiwan

Cheque donation - please make cheque payable to Singapore Bible CollegeThe Alumni Association in Taiwan. Mail to 221台北縣汐止市林森街31號2樓 新 加坡神學院台灣校友會收. Bank/ATM transfer – please transfer funds to a/c “Singapore Bible College-The Alumni Association in Taiwan” under Mega International Commercial Bank-Taipei Branch (Bank Code 017), bank a/c 20210-31116-7.

>> Donors in USA

Check donation - please make check payable to SBC North America Fellowship. Mail to Singapore Bible College, North America Fellowship, 4732 El Rancho Verde Drive, La Palma, CA 90623, USA.

check. Mail to Partners International, 8500 Torbram Road, Unit 56, Brampton, Ontario L6T 5C6, Canada.

>> Donors in Other Countries

Bank draft donation (in S$/US$) – please make draft payable to Singapore Bible College and mail it to us. Telegraphic transfer United Overseas Bank Ltd, Bukit Timah Branch, 587 Bukit Timah Road, # 02-16 Coronation Shopping Plaza, Singapore 269707. Bank Code 7375, Branch Code 026. A/c no. 126300-592-4. Swift code: uovbsgsg. Tax-deductible receipts will be issued to donors in Taiwan, USA and Canada.

>> Donors in Canada

Check donation - please make check payable to Partners International and indicate “For Singapore Bible College” on



括未接触过福音的族群、跨文化宣教、传扬真理、职场宣教及 长期委身於宣教。他也挑战所有的人,要竭尽所能地将福音传 遍地极。

本次大会的主题讲员为戴继宗牧师。他是海外基督使团华语福 音事工动员主任,也是戴德生先生的第五代孙儿。戴牧师以华 语和英语分别在早堂的主题信息和晚间的公开讲座分享,使得 许多的人倍受激励。他提到宣教所面临到许多方面的挑战,包

大会共有12个英语和10个华语的工作坊,供大会参加者选择。 此外,在大会期间还有不同宣教机构和学生团体摆设摊位,并 且展览一个标示新神校友分散各地的世界地图。值得一提的 是,藉由团体外出会探访和报告,使参加者学到许多关于不同 国家和他们的文化。最后,新神的“国际之夜”成为整个大会 的高潮。嘉宾有机会欣赏民族服饰、舞蹈、歌曲和小品等多彩 多姿的表演。

神二零一零年的差传周与往常相比,显得格外的不 同。2010 年11月15-19日我们举办了第一届麦希真宣 教行动大会,题为“把握时机”。这是为教会、校友 和学生所办为期一周的宣教行动大会,也是我们第一次以华英 双语来进行。这次的大会乃是第四届荣誉院长麦希真牧师本着 对福音事工和宣教的热诚,奉献金钱而发起成立的。



1st Maak Hay Chun Missions Challenge:

Seize the Moment


observed Mission Emphasis Week with a difference in 2010. From 15 to 19 Nov, we held the 1st Maak Hay Chun Missions Challenge, with the theme, “Seize the Moment”. This week-long event also marked another first for the College - being our first BILINGUAL conference that was organised for churches, alumni and students. The event was launched with the seed money donated by Dr Maak Hay Chun, the 4th principal of Singapore Bible College, in keeping with his passion for missions and worldwide evangelization. Rev Jamie Taylor, Director of Mobilisation for Overseas Missionary Fellowship’s (OMF’s) Chinese Ministries and great-great grandson of James Hudson Taylor, was the keynote speaker. Rev Taylor was a great inspiration to all, speaking at separate English and Chinese morning plenary sessions and evening public meetings. He identified the various challenges of missions, in-

cluding unreached people groups, cross-culture missions; proclaiming the whole gospel, professing through our professions and commitment to long term missions. He also challenged all to promote worldwide evangelisation and missions through every possible means. Participants also attended different workshops, choosing from a range of 12 English and 10 Chinese workshops. There were also booth displays by various mission organisations and student groups, including a display that showed the spread of SBC alumni on a world map. A major highlight of the week was the People Groups Field Visits and Presentations, where participants learnt much more about the different countries and their cultures. The week culminated in SBC’s traditional International Night, where audiences were treated to a colourful display of cultural costumes, dances, songs, skits and other performances.


终极无憾 好

几年前,美国的一位 John Basagno 牧师参加 John Maxwell 牧师举办的领袖训练班。在休息时,Basagno 牧师 向 M axwell 牧 师展示一本老旧的圣经,并说: 「我在二十一  岁那年接到邀请我讲道的电话,立刻告诉岳父这个“好消 息”,你知道他怎样回答我吗?他说: “每十个传道人中,只 有一个会持守岗位,直到六十五岁!”」 Basagno 牧师打开那一本圣经,很激动的说: 「当天,我在 圣经内页写下和我一起进神学院的二十五位同学的名字,那 时,我们都只有二十岁出头,现在我快六十五岁了,很遗憾 的是,其中有二十个人已经转行了!」接着他说: 「即使赴汤 蹈火,我都在所不辞,我决定要成为到达终点者之一。我一 定要过一个终极无憾的一生。」 从历代志下16章,描述亚撒如何不能终极无憾的过程。他  的生命历程可以分为两个阶段:前 35年:忠心跟从主,是个 「热心爱主的领袖」;后6年:远远的离开了主,是个「冷 淡狂傲的领袖」。事实上,有不少牧师传道的生命也有同样 的故事: 「先盛后衰」、「晚节不保」,真是可惜、可怜、可 悲!亚撒落入“晚节不保”有两个明显的症兆:

皇宫的宝物送给大马色王,责备他透过敌人大 马色王的手,来打败北国以色列王。哈拿尼指出亚撒两个明 显的罪状:第一、不求问神,不依靠神;第二、不择手段, 只求有功。哈拿尼对亚撒说:「你这事行得愚昧。」哈拿尼 代表神来指出亚撒的罪行,期望他能听进去,而痛哭悔改。 可是,亚撒对先知的劝告,对从神而来的责备,一概充耳不 闻,无动于衷。不单如此,第10 节说,亚撒还把哈拿尼关在 监牢里面,也虐待所有和他意见不同的百姓! 做牧师久了,有一种倾向,凡与我意见不和的,凡是反对我 的,就是反对神!于是,我就多方拦阻他,不让他做执事、 委员,主日学教员,任由他作「无业游民」。我们锻炼出很 好的口才,总能数点出那些非我族类怎样坏,怎样无药可 救。更可悲的,是我们有意无意的用讲台作炮台。我们说 我们要组成一个同心合意的团队,其实,我们说的「同心合 意」,是同我的心,合我的意,而不是以基督的心为心。一 个对真理充耳不闻的牧者,有下面四大特征: • 听道时会在台下作出在批评:喜欢批评讲员的释经是否正  确,例子是否生动。


• 为着会友听道:讲员常会指出我们许多盲点,但我们喜欢  说: 「啊,如果某某执事或姐妹在这里就好了!」

在亚撒的前卅五年:当古实王带领大军来犯时,形势极为恶 劣,亚撒面对一个以寡敌众的局势 – 敌军有100万军兵,而 亚撒只有58万军兵。然而,亚撒用坚定的信心向神祷告,求 神帮助。结果,亚撒大获全胜。亚撒早年的祷告,也是我们 在讲道前、在处理棘手问题前的一个真诚的祷告。

选择性的聆听:不少讲员从圣经指出教会必须推动,参与  差传,但我们回到执事会,却说我们一定会开始推动差  传,不过不是现在;我们还在建堂呢!我们的收入还很  少呢!

在亚撒的后六年:北国以色列王巴沙修筑了耶路撒冷以北的 一个城市拉玛,占据了拉玛,借此而封锁犹大的北面,然后 再一步一步的进攻南国。亚撒不像上次那样祷告神,他变得 骄傲、狂妄自大,他靠自己的小聪明来处理–没祷告,没求 问神!他以为上次的得胜是靠自己的力量!这次,他竟然将 圣殿和皇宫的宝物和圣物送给大马色王便哈达,求他来帮 助,击退北国大军。

• 对那些指正我毛病的会友,我们蓄意避开,结果身边剩下  的朋友,都是称赞我,讨好我的死党,这样一来,我就永  远被蒙蔽。


畅销书小说《根》(Roots) 的作者是哈利 (Alex  Haley),在 他的办公室里面挂着一幅画,有一只乌龟伏在一条高高的柱 子上面。每当哈利看见这幅画,就会记得他的一位朋友的忠 告良言: 「假如你看到乌龟伏在柱子顶上的时候,你就知道 它曾经得到别人的帮助,才可以爬到那个位置。」哈利说:  「无论什么时候,只要我夸口说, “我的地位有多么高啊”, 我就会立刻看看那幅图画,而且记起这只乌龟–也就是我, 是怎样上到那柱顶的。」

谦卑"祷告"赐福"骄傲"堕落"重新谦卑在神的面前 在前35年,当亚撒谦卑下来,愿意依靠神,向神祷告的时 候,神就赐福给他。可是,当他的江山稳固后,有了聪明才 智,有了物质享受后,他的骄傲就完全显露出来了。他离 开了神,靠人的力量,靠自己的智慧,他的生命就开始堕  落了。 在传道人生涯中,我们也不难看到这个循环。起初我们很谦 卑地、天天跪在神的面前,全心全意地寻求神。神听了我们 的祷告,祝福了我们的教会与事奉,然而我们却因得著这些 恩典,将我们的眼目,从这位施恩的主的身上转移了;我们 被这些礼物占据了。我们谦卑柔软的心消失了,心里只有自 己,失去了与神相遇时的特别感动。愿我们脱离狂妄自大, 向神呼求,一心一意,靠圣灵来面对我们一切的难处!

第二、充耳不闻(代下16:7-10) 代下16:7-9,哈拿尼先知来到亚撒面前,责备他将圣殿与

一个在坐上高位的领袖,可能变成听觉迟钝,视力模糊。他 听不到人的评语,看不到自己应该改善的地方。所以,我们 必须求神赐给我们灵敏的听觉和清晰的视力。

请永远记得保罗所说的名 言: 「然而我今日成了何 等人,是蒙神的恩才 成的。」  (林前15:10) 教牧同工们,是主 的恩典,才使你我 有令人羡慕的事 奉。愿我们立志过 一个 终 极 无 憾 的 人生,切勿落入  亚撒的两个陷阱–狂妄自大与充耳 不闻!

2011年 嘉声 1/2 月 226

训 练 耶 稣 基 督 忠 心 的 仆 人


• 过一个 终极无憾 的人生


Dr Albert Ting Mrs Karen Lee Rev Dr Rick Griffith Dr Myrleene Yap Rev Dr Bernard Low Rev Dr Paul Woods Mrs Serena Chan 编 辑 部 陈世协博士 杨金兰讲师 顾力凯博士 叶慕灵博士 刘文良博士 林保罗博士 陈诗韵女士

“以萨迦支派,有二百族长都通达时务,知 道以色列人所当行的。他们族弟兄都听从他 们的命令。(代上12:32)”

敢大能的勇士纷纷投向大卫以推翻 扫罗王无能的统治。他们当中有些 善于拉弓,能用左右两手甩石射 箭,也有能拿盾牌和枪的战士。另一些则是 军长首领率领成千上百的战士。加入大卫的 勇士中有一些是以萨迦人,他们目光敏锐、 头脑清晰。不仅是对时事具有敏锐洞察力的 战略家,对事物进行深刻分析,制定相应的 策略,并且作有效地的回应。 每一个机构都需 要有像以萨迦这 样的人。我们大 多数的人都可能 会因周遭发生的 事产生动摇。若 是能够明白时事 趋势与发展,便 可以使机构和自 己从中得到莫大 的益处。

以萨迦人通达时务,知道以色列的人当怎么 行;然而我们却常在遇到某些情况时,不知 道该如何行!当策略规划越来越富挑战时, 我们反而失去了方向。有许多的人只是跟着 感觉走,而不采取具体的行动。越是在这样 的时刻,我们需要回到我们已经知道的和  要做的事。 在学生组成结构的改变,网上函授课程普及 和神学院经营成本高昂之中,新神只能退回 到我们已知道的和要做的事:我们将继续以 荣耀神为使命,致力于训练耶稣基督忠心的 仆人去建立教会、奋得万民;全力培育学生 成为有效的沟 通者,教会的 领袖及富创意 的思考者。新 神正转变为一 所研究院,我 们将给予学生 严格的学术研 究和探讨,并 永远秉持神话 语的权威和无 误。学生品格 和灵命的塑造 始终将是我们 教育中永不可 或缺的要素。 定位基督、基 于圣经、服侍 教会、奋力宣 教和切合时代始终是我们一贯秉持的教育方 针。

通达时务 历代志上12 : 32

我们处在一个 急速变迁的社 会,具有通达时 务的能力在今 日的社会中尤 其显为重要。 如果注册用户可以当作为一个国家的国民人 口计算,那么社会网络面簿(Facebook)拥 有超过五亿六千万全球会员数,已经可以算 是世界第三大的国家。它正改变人与人之间 的沟通、互动和联系的方式;如此下去,我 们该如何在教会团契和开办小组。维基解密 (WikiLeaks)— 一个专门揭发匿名者所提 供的资料来源和泄露机密文档的网站,因追 求信息透明化,而让不少国家的政府和企业 感到恐惧和不安。新经济“节俭式创新 ”的 生产模式正受到重视 — 以降低成本及减少人 力,大幅提升生产力。然而,通货膨胀持续 的打击我们,食品、石油和各商品的价格持 续以惊人的速度上涨。若不采取措施改善, 你的会众将会感到更疲累、沮丧和不满。你 如何明白这些发生的事情呢?

迎接新的一年开始,展望明年,新神将庆祝 六十周年纪念。感谢神的信实,带领我们 顺应时代的发展,相信我们必能够充满自信  地向前迈进,因为我们教育建立在坚固的根 基上。 让我们一同成长!

博士 新加坡神学院院长

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