SBC Pray For Us Issue 221

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Jan/ No. Feb 2010 221

Pray forUs

SINGA PO RE B I B L E C O L L E G E Training faithful servants of Jesus Christ


• Tracing Paul’s Missionary Journeys In Turkey

Join Us In Thanksgiving Dr & Mrs Maak Hay Chun’s 80th Birthday

Abbreviations used this issue: SOTE=School of Theology English

There are many good ideas about church ministry that remain as what they are —“good ideas” — because they were never lifted off the minutes of a meeting or strategic planning of a leaders’ retreat. What is this so? It is due to the absence of doers! While Moses was able to provide direction as a leader, and his two capable assistants Aaron and Hur were there to support him and sustain his leadership for the long haul, the results may not have been significant without the contribution of Joshua. Joshua was instructed by Moses to “Choose some of our men and go out to fight the Amalekites.” He “…overcame the Amalekite army with the sword” (Exo 17:9,13) and got the job done! He was the much-needed doer of the team.

talents are combined with submission, they can become double-edged swords!

Lamentation and Challenge There is a common sentiment in the church today: “Where are our Joshuas?” Church leaders may be concerned about the gaps in their leadership succession plans. It may appear that the “Joshuas” have given in to worldly pursuits. The younger generation is often perceived as being more eager to establish their careers and family than to serve the church of Jesus Christ, putting on hold their duties as children of God. Church leaders lament about the lack of commitment of this generation and how the trend of instant gratification

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SOTC=School of Theology Chinese SCM=School of Church Music SOC=School of Counselling CCTE=Centre for Continuing Theological Education

MICA(P) 008/08/2009 9-15 Adam Road, Singapore 289886 Tel: (65) 6559 1555 Fax: (65) 6559 1550 Email: Website:

Talents and Submission It is wonderful to have people like Joshua. They are young and energetic, and full of passion and talents. They love challenge and will commit wholeheartedly to a project if they believe in it. Talented people are also people with strong convictions and enthusiasm. They need space to roam and a certain level of trust for them to have the freedom to exercise their giftedness. However, submission should be a part of the equation, or they can become a pain in the neck. There was a clear demonstration of Joshua’s submission to Moses’ leadership: “So Joshua fought the Amalekites as Moses had ordered…” (Exo 17: 10). When the strength and energy of gifted people like Joshua are contained within the framework of a common vision, they contribute to the momentum and ultimately bring about the completion of the project. The church of Jesus Christ is not lacking in talents and gifts. The Holy Spirit has given each believer spiritual gift(s) to serve the body of Christ (1 Peter 4: 10). What we often lack are gifted people who are willing to submit to leadership. When

has invaded the church. There may be some truths here, but it may also be timely for us to do a little reflection. Could it be that the reason for the missing “Joshuas” in the church is because we don’t have something challenging enough for them to rise up to the occasion? Talented people do not want to waste their lives. They are constantly searching for worthy causes where they can invest their lives in a productive way. When we do not have audacious goals to challenge them, they tend to drift away. May I encourage you to turn your lamentation into challenge, and your challenge may just be what the “Joshuas” have been waiting for! Or if you are a “Joshua” waiting to rise up to the occasion, speak to a church leader to see where you can be of great service. Vision without action is only good intention. Let us commit to get the job done!

Dr Albert Ting, Principal Singapore Bible College




concept of spiritual formation readily brings to mind, the practicing of spiritual disciplines like reading and meditating on Scripture, prayer, personal worship, simplifying our lives from the clutter of possessions and the busyness of activities for activities’ sake, and silence for quiet reflection and self-examination. There is another discipline however, that may not readily gain our recognition, let alone our acceptance. It is the discipline of perseverance, of enduring something we would rather avoid.

The familiar chapter of Hebrews 11 recalls household names like Noah, Abraham, Joseph and Moses who exemplified faith. Each demonstrated this noble virtue in a different manner, and yet all shared a common epitaph: “These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised” (Heb 11:39). They died without experiencing the fulfillment of God’s promise to them. They clung to the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen (Heb 11:1), all their lives long, never giving up, persevering, gutting it out. A question arises when we read Hebrews 11—why was this chapter written? The book of Hebrews, like the other NT epistles, was an occasional letter, written in response to a situation the first readers faced. Why then did these original readers need Hebrews 11? The answer is unearthed by examining the context and piecing the evidence together. In Heb 13:22, the author characterized the epistle as his “word of exhortation.” Hebrews was written to exhort the readers to take a course of action. Their situation is recounted in Heb 10: 32-35: “Remember those earlier days after you had received the light, when you stood your ground in a great contest in the face of suffering. Sometimes you were publicly exposed to insult and persecution; at other times you stood side by side with those who were so treated. You sympathized with those in prison and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property, because you knew that you yourselves had better and lasting possessions. So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.” The first readers were believers who endured persecution and the resultant affliction. They persevered joyfully as they looked with hope to the promise of better things to come. The author’s exhortation was that they hold onto their confidence or faith in the promise. Then he writes: “You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised” (Heb 10:36). The key to persevering against persecution and its

attendant tribulation, exhorts the author, is faith. The testing of faith produces endurance (James 1:3). It takes faith, the assurance and conviction that God will keep His promise, to hold on when life proves most difficult. Persevering faith gains God’s approval.

But if the readers were persevering, why write such a long chapter about faith? The clue is embedded in the assessment that they have become dull of hearing (Heb 5:11) and the following exhortation: “Therefore let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity” (Heb 6:1a). Although they had done well in the face of persecution previously, their resolve had weakened, prompting the author to draft this epistle. They were not growing towards maturity; they stagnated. The stimulus for continued progress toward maturity is persevering faith in the midst of persecution and suffering. The affliction was not of their choosing, but how they responded was theirs to determine. Faith is intentional. We choose to believe the promise and to trust God. Or we choose not to. Our faith rests on Jesus Christ as our high priest who secured our access to God (Heb 2:17-18; 4:14-16; 6:1910:21) and who ever intercedes for us (Heb 7:25). Thus, we can “hold unswervingly to the hope we profess” (Heb 10:23). Then in Heb 10:24-25, the author exhorts: “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Discouraged in the face of persecution and hardship, the readers may have ceased gathering for mutual edification and accountability. Isolated and fragmented, they could not endure and grow. With the picture now complete, we draw this conclusion: suffering and hardship may be God’s means to spur our growth towards maturity as life’s challenges require that we exercise the discipline of persevering faith and the discipline of regularly gathering with other believers for mutual edification and accountability. There is strength and safety in numbers. We may not receive God’s promise in this life, but we have a faithful high priest.

SBC Notice Board Dr Albert Ting spoke at the leadership training of Sabah Basel Church, Inanam, from Jan 15-17, and preached at their Sunday worship service. From Feb 25-27, he will attend the Asia Theological Association (ATA) Board Meeting in Manila, and from Mar 19-21, he will be speaking at the Jakarta Mandarin Fellowship leaders’ retreat in Jakarta. 陈世协院长于1月15-17日在沙巴巴 色会夏南南堂的领袖培训会上作教 导,并在教会的主日崇拜中讲道。 2月25-27日,陈院长将参加在马尼 拉举行的亚洲神学协会董事会议。 3月19-21日,他将在雅加达国语聚 会领袖退修会上发言分享。

Dr Ting fellowshipped with alumni from Kota Kinabalu and Sabah during his trip there on Jan 16. 陈世协院长于1月16日在马来西亚时, 与亚庇和沙巴的新神校友交通团契。

Rev Dr Michael Shen shared reflections on theological education at the Faculty Retreat, Malaysia Bible Seminary, from Nov 9-10. 沈立德 牧师11 月9-10日 在马来西 亚 圣经神 学院讲 师退修 会分享 神学教 育的反省。

Rev Dr Bernard Low’s paper, “Marriage: A Biblical and Theological Perspective”, was published in Church and Society in Asia Today, Vol. 12, No. 3, Dec 2009, pp. 123130. During Nov 3-5, he was on a 3-member ATA accreditation team visiting TCA College, Singapore, to conduct an accreditation exercise for their School of Divinity’s Chinese programmes. He also led a 27member group for SBC’s Bible Land Study Tour to Turkey from Nov 16 to 28. 刘 文 良 博 士 的论 文《从 圣经 和神 学的 角度 看婚 姻》 发表 在 Chu rch

and Society in Asia Today 的12月 刊( 123 -13 0页 )。1 1月 3-5 日, 以刘 博士 和其 他二 人组 成的 亚洲 神学 协会 学术 认可 小组 拜访 了新 加坡 的新 亚学 院并 对其 神学 系的 中文 课程 进行 了评 估。 11月 1628日 ,刘 博士 带领 27人 的考 察团 赴土耳其进行了圣地考察。


新讲师 A WARM WELCOME TO OUR NEW LECTURERS 欢迎 SBC warmly welcomes our new faculty members: Dr Jerry Hwang at SOTE, and Rev Grace Tan at SOTC, and Dr Virginia Tsai at SCM.

Rev Jacob Hwang

新神热情 欢迎新讲 师黄正义 博士(英 文神学系 ),黄志伦 牧师与陈 (中文神学系)和蔡伟玮博士(圣乐系)。

恩慧牧 师

to With their two children, Dr Jerry Hwang and his wife Jackie moved Jerry Dr ia, Californ in While . Angeles Los from 2009 er Singapore in Decemb his served as an Adjunct Professor at Talbot School of Theology. He earned courses His nt. Testame Old PhD from Wheaton College and specializes in the s II (Isaiah). Jerry and for the Jan-May semester include OT Studies III (Prophets) and OT Exegesi l to join a long line gratefu are They ional. Internat OMF Jackie are on secondment to SBC from SBC! at served have who of OMF missionaries

新加坡。在加州时,黄 黄正义博士,妻子王家齐和他们的两个孩子2009年12月从洛杉矶搬到 约。1月至5月这个 ,主修旧 博士是塔尔博特神学院的兼职教授。他从惠顿学院获得博士学位 家齐被海外基督 和妻子王 学期,他教授旧约研究三(先知)和旧约解经学(以赛亚)。黄博士 感恩! 的行列而 团宣教士 使团差派到新神。他们为能加入众多在新神服侍过的海外基督使

Rev Jacob and Grace Hwang, both Singaporeans and a husband and wife team, are alumni of SBC. After graduating in 1994, they returned to serve in their home church, Providence Presbyterian Church, and subsequently planted a branch church in western Singapore’s Bukit Batok. In their 15 years of pastoring, they have built a church with 1000-strong congregation of adults and children. In 2002, they started their part time ThM program (NT) at SBC and completed the program in May 2009. Rev Jacob Hwang is currently pursuing his D.Min at the China Evangelical Seminary in Taiwan, even as he joins SBC’s SOTC this semester to teach Homiletics Dr Florence Tan recently complet- and Spiritual Exercise. Rev Grace Hwang will start her D.Min ed her three 10-week sabbaticals, program at Dallas Theological Seminary this July. She joins SOTC this semester to teach Women Ministry. where she had the joy of teaching – nts contine t differen in three 黄志伦与陈恩慧牧师夫妇是新加坡神学院94年的校友。俩 America, Australia and Europe. She 人自毕业后便加入母会恩泽堂长老会(前乌节路长老会华 will be meeting alumni, interacting 语聚会)服事。黄牧师被委派负责开拓武吉巴督新聚会, with small groups, teaching youth 陈牧师随后成为该堂同理。在这15年的服事里,他俩同 and speaking at two Sunday 心建立了一间在组屋区里迅速发展的千人教会。他们于 services in a church at Surubaya, 2002开始在母院以部分时间方式修读神学硕士课程,并 Indonesia, from Feb 11-15. 陈宝莲博士完成了她三段,每段各 十周的安息年假。在此期间,她有 幸在三大洲授课:美洲,澳洲和欧 洲。2月11-15日,她将会到印尼的 苏腊巴亚的一间教会拜访校友,联 络细胞小组,教导青年人,并 在两堂崇拜中讲道。

From Jan 18-23, Rev Dr Rick Griffith taught the Gospel of John in a creative access nation. Rick Griffith牧师于1月18-23 日在一创启国讲授约翰福音。

Dr Clement Chia will be speaking at a Chinese church in Indonesia from Apr 2-4 as it observes the Holy Week. 谢木水博士4月2-4日将在印尼某 华人教会主讲受难周培灵会。

于2009年5月毕业,主修新约。黄牧师现于台湾中华福音 神学院修读教牧博士,主修教会管理与牧养事工。目前在 神学院教授《释经讲道法》和《灵命操练》。陈牧师将于 今年7月在美国达拉斯神学院就读教牧博士,主修妇女事 工。目前在神学院教授《姐妹关顾与牧养》。

Manila God brought Dr Virginia Tsai from Music rch Chu of to SBC to earn her Master tist Bap rn este thw Sou degree and to both , DMA her for as) (Tex y inar Theological Sem g people to in composition. Her heart is to brin ic, and to mus the Lord, especially through purposes. ’s God for ic mus equip others to use and music leadership ship wor in ed serv has To this end, she Singapore, and the nes, positions in churches in the Philippi and…dogs. ds, frien her ily, US. Dr Virginia loves her fam

新神 获得 圣乐 硕士 学位 , 上帝 把蔡 伟玮 博士 从马 尼拉 带到 萨思 州) 获得 音乐 艺术 博 又带 她到 西南 浸信 神学 院( 德克 她热 衷于 领人 信主 ,特 别 士学 位, 两个 学位 都有 关作 曲。 成就 神的 旨意 。为 此, 她 是通 过音 乐, 并装 备他 人用 音乐 教会 中做 崇拜 和音 乐事 工 一直 在菲 律宾 ,新 加坡 和美 国的 友和。。。狗。 的领袖。蔡伟玮博士爱她的家人,朋

Centre for Continuing Theological Education SINGAPORE BIBLE COLLEGE

CCTE & Your

2010 Resolutions


have just bidded farewell to the year 2009 and welcomed the New Year 2010. The end of the old year and the beginning of the New Year is a time when most people will reflect on their lives and make new resolutions. According to one source, there are five most popular resolutions which people would make every year. The fifth is to take up a new hobby, the fourth to make more money, the third to improve relationships, the second to stop smoking, and the first, you guessed rightly, is to lose weight. A new year gives us an opportunity to start afresh and better ourselves. What resolutions have you made for the New Year? Whatever they may be, may I suggest they should also include 2 Peter 3:18, “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (NRSV). One aspect of spiritual growth that the Apostle Peter highlights here is growth in knowledge. The object and content of this knowledge has to do with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ which no doubt includes, firstly, knowledge of His life, ministry, death, resurrection and teachings and, secondly, a deeply personal acquaintance with Him. How do we come to have such knowledge? One important way is the discipline of prayer. But our prayer must be one that is informed by knowledge of the Scriptures and theology. Thus another important means is the discipline of study. For the Christian, why is study so important? One reason why it is important is because the lack of knowledge is destructive. In the days of Hosea the prophet, God lamented this fact about His people, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hos. 4:6). What was true of Israel of old is, sadly, still true today. Rev Edmund Chan, Senior Pastor of Covenant Evangelical Free Church and an alumnus of SBC, makes the following observation about today’s church: The Church of today faces a serious theological crisis. The ideological virus of secular humanism has been so entrenched in our ‘Christian’ mindsets that our ability to think deeply about the things of God has been entirely compromised, often without our realizing it. …we are unaware of the extent to which our thinking has been compromised and shaped by a secular mindset. We accept as a norm the profound lack of willingness, or ability, to think deeply and consistently about truth. We are lulled into a passive mode of thinking. Instead of countering the fallacy of secular philosophy with rich biblical and theological truths, and a deep life congruent with those truths, we live in a generation where a sound theological foundation is ignored, or worse, even disdained. Unexamined assumptions shape the intellectual contours of a lazy and slothful generation, tainting the moral and spiritual landscape of the soul. As such,

one of the distinct weaknesses of the modern Church is that of having zeal without knowledge. We end up with a superficial faith without a deep theological foundation.1 How do we counter a superficial faith? By developing a deep theological foundation! This necessarily involves study, especially the study of theology. Wayne Grudem rightly points out that we need to study theology so that we can “effectively teach ourselves and… teach others what the whole Bible says.” This will help us to fulfil the second part of the Great Commandment which enjoins the Church to teach disciples all that Jesus has commanded us.2 But there are also other benefits that will come from studying theology. Grudem mentions three: Studying theology will help us… •

To overcome our wrong ideas,

To be able to make better decisions later on new questions of doctrine that may arise, and

To grow as Christians.3

These benefits aside, one other reason why Christians should be studying theology is because this is one important way we obey the Great Commandment to “love the Lord your God… with all your mind” (Matt. 22:37). CCTE exists to equip Christians so that they will develop strong theological foundations, enabling them to think deeply and consistently about truth and about the things of God. For your New Year’s resolutions, why not also include a resolution to sign up for at least one course per term and also to invite a friend along to join our community of students who seek to love God with all our mind? For more information or to register for any of the courses on the following page, please visit, or contact the CCTE Office at 65591555. Rev Dr Bernard Low is the Director of SBC’s Centre for Continuing Theological Education. He also teaches theology at SBC’s School of Theology (English).

_______________________ Footnotes 1 Edmund Chan, Growing Deep in God: Integrating Theology & Prayer, 2nd ed. (Singapore: Covenant Evangelical Free Church, 2008), 57-8. 2 Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine (Leicester, England: Inter-Varsity Pres, 1994), 27. 3 Ibid., 28-9.

CCTE COURSES FOR TERM II 2010 29 Mar to 7 May 2010, 7.30 -9.30pm at SBC’s MPH / Lecture Theatre / Room 1-302 Mondays (Mar 29; Apr 5, 12, 19, 26; May 3) NT03 (K): Theology of the Apostle Paul (Korean) Paul’s encounter with our risen Christ and his conversion on the road to Damascus transformed his Pharisaic theology into Christian theology. Paul’s theology can be referred to as the theology of Jesus Christ. This course examines Paul’s theological interpretation of the person of Jesus Christ (Christological perspective) and his Christian understanding of the gospel’s outreach to the Gentiles (Soteriological perspective), with applications made to the Christian life of the church today. Lecturer: Rev Hwang Jae Myeong, BBA, M.Comm, M.Div; Lecturer at Korean Father School (Singapore).

CM04: Creative Evangelism and Discipleship of Children Can young children understand the gospel and receive Jesus as their personal Saviour? What is your church and the Christian community doing to reach the ‘4-14 window’? Are children ‘disciples in waiting’ or ‘disciples in training’? We are in danger of losing our next generation unless we creatively share the gospel of Jesus with them and intentionally build them up in the Christian faith. In ten years’ time, will we have made a great difference in their lives? Come and learn how to do that. Lecturers: Mr David Leong, MCS, Executive Director & Principal Trainer of Scripture Union Singapore (SUS); Mrs Geneieve Tang, BA, Council Secretary & Associate Trainer of SUS; Mrs Percy Loh, B.Th, Children Ministry Staff of Charis Methodist Church & Associate Trainer of SUS; Mr Simon Say, BBA, MACE, Children Ministry Staff of Kum Yan Methodist Church & Associate Trainer of SUS;

Mr John Sim, B.Div, Children Pastor of Chapel of the Resurrection & Associate Trainer of SUS. Tuesdays (Mar 30; Apr 6, 13, 20, 27; May 4) OT02: Old Testament Survey II OT survey II studies the poetic and prophetic books from Job to Malachi. Students will learn the backgrounds (author, date, origin, recipients, occasion, characteristics and argument) of each book, the major themes and relationships between them, their general content and relevance to Asian culture and world mission. Also, general biblical theology, backgrounds on foreign countries that affected Israel and a chronology of the history of Israel will be covered. Lecturer: Rev Dr Rick Griffith, B.Sc, Th.M, Ph.D; Lecturer in Biblical Studies at SBC and Pastor-Teacher at Crossroads International Church. Wednesdays (Mar 31; Apr 7, 14, 21, 28; May 5) OT03: Out of the Desert: Israel’s Spiritual Formation in Exodus-Numbers To prepare Israel for the promised land, God shapes and forms the spiritual life of the nation. Primarily, God uses two devices to achieve the purpose: the Torah and the desert. In Exodus-Numbers the two elements create dynamics which reflect the key concepts of the nation’s spiritual formation (such as knowing and being, living with God, holiness, guidance and submission, and hazards faced). This course explores these concepts and looks at how they are developed for Christian discipleship. Lecturer: Rev Dr Samuel Goh, B.Th, M.Div, Th.M, Ph.D, Lecturer at SBC & Associate Director of its Ichthus Research Centre. CM02: Creative Children’s Worship Have you heard that ‘Children should be seen and not heard in church especially during worship services’? This can be inferred that children are not capable of praising and worshipping God in spirit and in truth. Yet, we have been told in Psalm 8:2 that God has ordained praise from the lips of infants and children to silence God’s enemies! Our children must

learn what it means to worship God from a very young age so that they grow up not only knowing Jesus but loving and serving Him. This course concentrates on training children to do that. Lecturers: Mr David Leong, MCS, Executive Director & Principal Trainer of SUS; Miss Ruth Tan, B.Th, Certificate in Creative Arts, Itinerant Children Minister & Associate Trainer of SUS; Mrs Percy Loh, B.Th, Children Ministry Staff of Charis Methodist Church & Associate Trainer of SUS. Thursdays (Apr 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; May 6) CE01: The Sexual Ethics of the Bible The Bible says “male and female He created them.” Our sexuality is a key part of our humanity. But what does it mean to follow Christ as sexual beings? How do we express our sexuality in a fallen world as we await our new bodies in the new heaven and the new earth? Exploring issues like marriage and singleness, widowhood, homosexuality, divorce and remarriage, participants will learn to work a biblical framework for their thinking that will help them in their lives and ministries. Lecturer: Rev Dr Tan Soo Inn, Th.M, D.Min; Director of Graceworks and honorary associate pastor of Evangel Christian Church. TH05: Sin and Salvation This course explores the two theological issues at the heart of the Christian faith: the origin, nature and transmission of sin, along with the remedy that God provides in Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. It examines the biblical and practical dimensions of the doctrines of sin and salvation. Issues under review will be original sin, individual and corporate sin, bondage to sin, election, the nature of saving faith, justification, adoption, sanctification, union with Christ, persevering faith, the eternal security of the believer, and how to communicate a biblical view of sin to those from other religions. Lecturer: Rev Dr John Massey, BA, MDiv, PhD; Lecturer at the Baptist Theological Seminary; also serving with the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, USA.

SBC BIBLE LAND STUDY TOUR 2009: TURKEY Travertine formations of calcium deposits from hot spring water, a magnificent view of Hierapolis-Pamukkale

2009 新神圣地考察∶ 土耳其

From Nov 16 to 28, 2009, Rev Dr Bernard Low led a 27-member group on a study tour

Greeks hid in a Trojan Horse like this one, defeating the Trojans in Troy

of Turkey, the land of Paul’s missionary journeys and also the Seven Churches of Asia Minor mentioned in the book of Revelation. The tour brought members to Antioch, Tarsus, Cappadocia, Iconium, Pisidian Antioch, Colossae, Laodicea, Hieropolis, Philadelphia, Sardis, Ephesus, Symrna, Pergamum, Troy, and Nicea (where the famous and important Council of Nicea was held in 325 A.D.). The tour ended with a two-night stay in Istanbul, during which the group cruised through the Straits of Bosphorus and visited the St Sophia Museum, Blue Mosque, Hippodrome of Constantinople, Topkapi Palace and Grand Bazaar of Istanbul. The group began every day with worship led by Dr Low who would read portions from Paul’s letters and then lead the group in praise and worship. Every other evening, the group also met for sharing, reflection or mini-lectures by Dr Low. One Lord’s Day evening, the group met for worship. On yet another evening, the group also observed Holy Communion to celebrate their unity in Christ. Group members came from Singapore, the USA and Mauritius, representing different Christian traditions including Baptist, BiblePresbyterian, Christian & Missionary Alliance, Independent, Lutheran, Methodist, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, and Reformed. Everyone gained a deeper appreciation of Paul’s life and missionary efforts and also a better understanding of the background of the book of Revelation. Some have also shared their photos and experiences here. SBC would like to thank Omega Tours & Travel Pte Ltd for organizing the tour. SBC’s next Bible Land Study Tour to Israel and Jordan will be from Nov 21 to Dec 4, 2010.

2009年11月16日至28日,刘文良牧师(博士)一行27人赴土耳其参观考察。土耳其 是保罗宣教所到之处,也是启示录中提到的小亚细亚七个教会的所在地。 考察团游览了安提阿、大数、加帕多家、以哥念、彼西底的安提阿、歌罗西、 老底嘉、希拉波利城、非拉铁非、撒狄、以弗所、士每拿、别迦摩、特洛伊和尼西亚 (公元325年重要与著名的尼西亚会议就在这里召开)。行程的最后两夜是在伊斯坦 布尔度过的,这期间考察团坐渡轮游览了博斯普鲁斯海峡,参观了圣索菲娅博物馆、 蓝色清真寺、君士坦丁堡竞技场、卡比皇宫和伊斯坦布尔大市场。 团队以敬拜来开始每一天,刘牧师首先朗读保罗书信的片段,然后带领大家敬 拜。每隔一天晚上,团队成员都会聚在一起分享,反思,和听刘牧师的短讲。一个 主日的晚上,大家一起崇拜;另一个晚上,大家领圣餐,欢庆在主内的合一。 考察团成员来自新加坡、美国和毛里求斯,代表不同的基督教传统,包括浸信 会、圣经长老会、宣道会、独立教会、路德教、卫理工会、灵恩派、长老教会和改革 Dr Low, Betty and Leonard cruising the Straits of Bosphorus 派。每个人都对保罗的一生和他的宣教工作又增添了一份钦佩,并对启示录的背景有 that divides the European and 了更深的了解。 Asian parts of Turkey 新神愿借此机会感谢 Omega Tours & Travel Pte Ltd 组织此行。新神下一次圣地 考察的时间是2010年11月21日至12月4日,地点为以色列和约旦。

Wong Mui and Beng Lay enjoying the splendor of unusual rock formations at Cappadocia

“The Turkey tour was appropriately named ‘Bible Land Study Tour’ as we toured many places that Paul and the other apostles visited and ministered in. Coming from landA warm moment scarce Singapore, the vastness of in cold Laodicea Turkey was a great sight to behold. for Daniel, Peng Leng and The snow-capped mountains addTheophilus ed to the grandeur; we felt tiny compared to them. Looking at the unfriendly terrain, one wondered how Paul and his team travelled in his three missionary journeys. How did Paul plan his route and accommodation without GPS or the Internet? Was he always welcomed? Did Paul and his companions ever get “Our tour began in the city of Antioch, lost or injured? We can only conclude where the disciples were first called that God led Paul and his team.” Christians. We visited the key sites of – Leonard & Betty Wong, from Christ Paul’s ministry, such as Pisidian Antioch Methodist Church where he first brought the Word to the Gentiles, and Ephesus where he remained to build the church for three years. En route, we visited six of the seven churches of the Revelation, noting with amazement how the character of each city was so strongly linked to its letter. Laodicea, for example, was the only city in the region with both hot (from the springs of Pamukkale) and cold (from the mountains beyond) Lanny at the water supply; and thus the analogy of Library of Celsus being lukewarm to highlight their poor in Ephesus, which once held nearly attitude towards the Word. Crossing 12,000 scrolls Cappadocia, we also came to marvel at “This trip was a dream come God’s creation - it was amazing to see true as I walked in the footsteps how God used the rock formations to of the apostle Paul in Asia Minor hide his people during the period of (Anatolia), visited 6 out of 7 churches persecution. The cave cities that we (excluding Thyatira) the apostle John visited bore chambers that were used wrote to in the book of Revelation, and as churches and monasteries, testaalso other early churches. I returned to ment to the blessings of our Creator Singapore feeling spiritually uplifted. in their time of need. It also made I was encouraged by Paul’s perseverus realise how we took our modern ance to fulfill God’s command to be his witness ‘to the ends of the earth’ (Acts 1:8). Having seen how the churches are located in strategic trading centers surrounded by paganism, I understood John’s concern that the people would easily be lured by temptations, and his command to all believers in every generation to have an unwavering dedication to follow Christ. Only then will we have victory and have the right to the ‘tree of life’ when Christ returns (Rev 22:14).” – Lanny Widjaja from the Lutheran Church of our Redeemer

Temple of Trajan, a symbol of imperial cult and paganism in Pergamum

churches, with advanced and comfortable facilities, for granted most of the time. Turkey as a nation taught us much more than we imagined; it was and is definitely worth the visit.” – Theophilus Kwek, the youngest member of the group, with parents Daniel and Peng Leng, from First Evangelical Reformed Church “The tour gave us a sense of the history of the early church and made the book of Acts come alive. We visited a cave church called the Grotto of Peter the Apostle in Antioch, where Paul and Barnabas were sent on their first missionary journey. We saw caves and walked inside the underground city of the rocks in Cappadocia where many early Christians hid, lived and worshipped God during the persecutions. We marveled at the construction and acoustic of the amphitheater in Ephesus where craftsmen who made the shrines of Artemis rioted against Paul. As we traveled from one city to another in the comfort of a bus, it dawned on us that the early missionaries who travelled on foot or rode on donkeys, would take days or weeks to get from one city to another to preach the gospel. Apart from enjoying the sceneries, the friendships of group members, the food and shopping, this tour has encouraged us to remain faithful to God and to serve Him, just like the countless early Christians and missionaries who had to suffer for their faith.” – Wong Mui & Beng Lay, from Jurong Christian Church

Taking a seat at the famous amphitheater in Ephesus

麦希真牧师自1975年即加入新加坡神学院。从1979至1992年间出任院长,领 导院务。麦牧师及师母自蒙召事主已超过六十年,在宣教植堂,神学教育, 牧养培育,世界华福等方面贡献良多,诚为众人楷模,是大家所尊重爱戴的 长辈。欣逢麦希真牧师伉俪八十大寿,新加坡神学院特此主办『麦希真牧师 教牧讲座』、『麦希真牧师培灵大会』及感恩晚宴,敬请踊跃赴会。

Dr Maak Hay Chun joined SBC in 1975 and led us as our Principal from 1979 to 1992. Dr & Mrs Maak have served the Lord for over 60 years in missions and church planting, theological education and pastoral ministry, CCCOWE and other ministries. They are well respected and loved by many around the world. On the occasion of their 80th birthdays, SBC is honored to host a series of events this May when Dr & Mrs Maak will be in Singapore, including a Pastors’ Conference and Revival Meetings in Mandarin, and a Thanksgiving Dinner where all are welcome.

麦希真牧师教牧讲座 麦牧师。。。牧者心语

牧师传道,你的近况如何?你的师母的近况又如何呢?你的长执呢?教会的布道与差传近况可好?你要如何才 能在个人、夫妻关系、教会与长执之间全面兼顾,竭诚为主,荣神益人呢? 新加坡神学院荣誉院长,麦希真牧师将予2010 年5月12 至14 日在本院举办教牧讲座。麦牧师将从他多年牧 会、领导长执同工、推展布道、投身差传事工、多方面丰富精采的经验中与各位教牧长执深入地探讨这多层重 要的课题。麦牧师也将分享他事奉主六十年来如何坚守神在他身上的呼召,亲身经历神在他一生中奇妙的带领 和作为。让我们一起以期待的心来赴这个盛会!

日期:2010年5月12-14日(星期三至星期五)������ 时间:上午九点至下午一点 地点:新加坡神学院大礼堂 注册:报名费S$60(只限牧师、传道、神学院校友、神学院学生参加)

主题讲师:麦希真牧师 你的教会,近况如何?

2、如何牧养多世代、多语文、 多文化的北美华人教会? 3、如何计划全教会的布道事工?





2、如何预防、分析、化解、 改写、根治内部冲突?


4、如何获得心理健康? 5、福音遍传天下(VCD麦牧师 故事) 6、超乎想象,精彩丰富(VCD蒙 召六十年)

7、如何落实和踏实教会的差传事 工?最佳伴侣



2、亦师亦友 - 你国是我国、你神 是我神


3、上向的生活 - 属灵的高峰



1、教会存在的使命:布道(徒1: -9:)和差传(徒10:-28:)


4、横向的生活 - 人际关系我、 关系我

3、如何处理批评? 4、如何增进教牧、长执的互动? (个案研究)

1、最佳伴侣 - 骨中骨、肉中肉


教 牧 讲 座 报 名 表 格


姓名(中):__________________________(英):_________________________________________ 收表日期:____________ 性别:□男 □女

年龄:□---19 □20-30 □31-40 □41-50 □51-60 □61---

现属教会/机构:_________________________________ 职份:□ 牧师






收到款项:____________ 本人签名:

通讯地址:_____________________________________________________________________________ 电话:_______________传真:_______________ 电邮:_______________________________________ ________________________ 缴费:附上新币支票/汇票_____________________元 (请勿邮寄现金,外地报名者请勿寄当地支票。支票/汇票抬头请写 SINGAPORE�BIBLE�COLLEGE) 报名日期:由即日起至4月30日止。报名手续:填妥报名表格,连同费用寄交 Singapore�Bible�College, 9-15,�Adam�Road,�Singapore�289886.

日期: ________________________

新加坡神学院荣誉院长 麦希真牧师主讲

必需不一样和 可以不一样 麦希真牧师培灵大会 日期:2010 年5月11 至13 日(星期二至星期四) 时间:晚上7点30分至9点30分 地点:新加坡神学院大礼堂 电话:65591555

培灵会总题:必需不一样和可以不一样 分题�

1、耶稣基督,你知多少?- 靠近欣赏圣经中精彩的画象 2、建筑 一条小小的篱笆 - 如何爱得成熟和老练? 3、萧萧洒洒走一回 - 细看腓立比书的全卷精义


新神感恩晚宴暨麦希真牧师伉俪 八十大寿庆典 并设立

“麦希真牧师伉俪神学教育永久基金” 新加坡神学院订2010年5月14日,星期五,晚上7点30分至10点,假座 胡姬花乡村俱乐部举行感恩聚会,为本院荣誉院长麦希真牧师伉俪举 行八十大寿庆典并设立“麦希真牧师伉俪神学教育永久基金” ,以示对 他们在上帝圣工上卓越表现的敬意。特设此感恩聚会祝贺,敬请主内 同工同道届时出席,并祈望诸位慷慨奉献,共同完成美举,以肯定上 帝忠心仆人的贡献。请于四月十五日之前回复。传真:(65)�65591550� /�电邮�/�电话:(65) 65591549 萧淑慧。

��������������������������������� ������������������������������������ �����������������������

��������������������������������� ������������������������������ Singapore Bible College is honored to host a Thanksgiving dinner on 14 May 2010 (Friday), 7:30 – 10.00 p.m. at Orchid Country Club to thank God for His faithfulness and to celebrate our Principal Emeritus Dr Maak & Mrs Maak’s 80th Birthday. In honor of Dr & Mrs Maak’s significant contribution to God’s ministry, SBC is pleased to announce the establishment of Dr & Mrs Maak Hay Chun Endowment Fund for Theological Education. Please come and join us in this joyous occasion in celebrating God’s goodness and faithfulness. We also sincerely invite you to give generously to honor these faithful servants of God. Please RSVP by 15 April 2010. Fax: (65) 65591550 / Email: / Phone: (65) 65591549 Hannah.

Peacemaking for Church Leaders

Do you love ministering for the Lord but are growing weary of the conflicts and “difficult people in your congregation”? Are some members miserable in their relationships or on the brink of divorce? Do you wonder if they can be reconciled? Is peace even possible? This seminar is designed to help pastors and church leaders learn how to better encourage, sustain, and live out Matthew 5:9, “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God.” Peace is possible! With a Christ-centered, gospel-focused, biblical theology of conflict resolution, you can help your people work through their conflicts in a redemptive manner. Peacemaking for Church Leaders will provide you with everything you need to embrace and develop a culture of peace where members truly live out the gospel in their relationships and regularly experience the blessings of peace: strengthened marriages and families, healthier churches, and a thriving, gospel-centered ministry. You will • gain a clearer understanding of what Scripture says regarding the causes of conflict and how conflict impacts the people you lead; • be encouraged by how clearly the gospel applies to conflicts and be better equipped to help others to lay hold of Christ even in the midst of painful and seemingly overwhelming conflicts; and • learn and practise applying a systematically biblical theology for peacemaking to the conflicts of life. Date: Time: Venue: Cost:

May 8, 2010 (Sat) 9am to 12pm SBC’s Worship Hall $20 covering materials and tea; $10 for SBC students

Speakers: Jeanine Parolini, Ph.D in Leadership and Organizational Development, Peacemaker Ministries Certified Christian Conciliator, Coach, Consultant, Facilitator and Trainer; Adjunct Professor at Bethel Seminary University and Trinity Western University. Dennies Reiter, DMin, Peacemaker Ministries Certified Christian Conciliator, Adjunct Instructor and Mentor; Adjunct Professor with Bethel Seminary of the East and Associate Pastor of Baptist Fellowship in Columbia. Our prayerful goal is that Peacemaking for Church Leaders will refresh you in the hope of the gospel and help equip you to bring the peace of reconciliation to your church. For information and registration, please visit, or contact / 65591551.

Alumni News

校 友消息 Congratulations 恭贺 邱武申牧师(中文神学系00年道学硕士) 于2009年11月14日在华夏宣教神学使团被 按立。今年1月1日,他也正式加入了马来 西亚浸信会神学院,担任图书馆主任。照 片:邱牧师与家人。

Rev Roland Ho Fui Cheon (SOTE BTh97) was ordained at City Gate Church, Singapore on Jan 3. Joining him in the photo are his wife, Chun Mei, and the Ordination Counsel of the church.

Alumni Rachel, Ling, Emily, Siew Kheng, Patrick and Adrin with Dr Ting at ALL #22

Alumni Lunch & Learn (ALL) is an informal lunchtime meeting held once or twice a semester, organised by the Alumni & Church Relations Director, SOTE. Returning alumni are those available meet to chat, share and pray over lunch. At times, the Principal, SOTE Dean or Alumni Advisor will also join the group, which usually has a turnout of about 7-10 persons. The recent ALL #22 was held on Jan 8. Join us at the next ALL on Apr 16 (Fri), 1:00-2:30pm. 陈宝莲博士拜访了泰国 Santiphap事工的七间 教会。元真珠姐妹(英 文神学系09年基督教 教育硕士)在此协助 Santiphap的创办人 金祯倍牧师(95年跨 越文化事工文凭)。

Dr Florence Tan visited seven churches of the Santiphap ministry in Thailand where Won Jin Ju (SOTE MACE09) is assisting founder Rev Dr Kim Chong Pae (DICM95).

何辉全牧师(英文神学系97年神学学士) 于1月3日在新加坡的城门基督教会被按 立。照片:何牧师与妻子春梅和教会按 立委员会的成员。

Rev Khoo Wu Shen (SOTC M.Div2000) was ordained on Nov 14, 2009 at Malaysia’s Hua Xia Mission Partnership Mobilization. On Jan 1 this year, he has also joined Malaysia Baptist Theological Seminary as its Chief Librarian. Kango Lukito 牧师(英文神学系00年神学 学士)去年在苏腊巴亚的Jalan Pacar的 GKA Gloria 被按立。

Rev Kango Lukito (SOTE BTh00) was ordained last year in GKA Gloria, Jalan Pacar Surabaya. Lal Ngura(英文神学系97年基督教研究 硕士)被委任为缅甸基督教浸信会的宣教 总书记。他目前在CBCM任Salem的牧师 兼传道主任。

Lal Ngura (SOTE MCS97) has been appointed Mission General Secretary of the Christian Baptist Church of Myanmar. He concurrently functions as a Pastor and Director of Evangelism of Salem, CBCM.



网上课程 本课程主要是以新约圣经各书卷的综 览入手,对新约作一初步性的探讨,藉 此帮助学生可以进一步的了解每书卷的 导论问题。 报名: 即日起接受报名,请填妥网上报名表 格,并于截止日期前将学历证件影印本 及学费寄达学院。 截止日期:2010年3月21日 逾期完成报名者,另加S$30 的行政费 用。 授课讲师:吴 荣 滁 博 士

FINANCIAL REPORT 财务报告 General Fund 经常费� Income 收入�(01/07/09-31/08/09) Expenditure 支出�(01/07/09-31/08/09) Surplus/(Deficit) 盈余/(不敷)�


Blk 5 Building Fund 第五座院舍建筑基金�

� S$ 7,949,390 57,833 8,007,223

Collection b/f as at 承前�01/07/09 Donations received 累积收入�(01/07/09 - 31/08/09) Less 减�: Completion of Nehemiah Blk 5 & Maintenance Work 尼西米工程第五座院舍及维修� Balance as at 余额截至�31/08/09


597,578 561,262 36,316

� (7,690,908) S$ 316,315

毕业于台湾国立成功大学化工研究所硕 士;曾任职工程师于飞利浦公司。蒙召 后进入神学院受装备,先后于中华福音 神学院、新加坡神学院、美国GordonConwell神学院进修;最后于美国威敏 斯特神学院完成其哲学博士学位,主修 新约研究。吴博士曾于高雄武昌教会 牧会。从美国回到亚洲后,即任职新加 坡神学院讲师,并曾出任代教务主任一 职;目前吴博士在美国牧会。 欢迎浏览华文神学系网上学园的网页, 以了解更多的详情。 网页: 网上学园办公室电话: 6559-1551(星期一至五,1:30-6:00pm) 电邮

《散 居 之 民》 1 的神学反思 谢木水博士 新加坡向来是散居之民落地生根的地方。过去全球化 经济带来因生计、教育、婚姻等因素,许多外来移民定居新 加坡,产生一种超国界、跨文化又去除“族群中心”的散居 现象,也带来本地人和移民之间的张力:有的认为外来者改 变本地的文化、习惯、语言表达等;有的认为他们抢了本地 人的就业机会、经济资源、甚至伴侣爱人等;故不少人埋怨 :谁受害?谁害人?谁负责?身处此时此地的教会有神学反 思的责任。系统神学如何思考散居现象?

首先、认识时代的问题 1990年代中叶,美国哈佛大学社会学家亨廷顿提出“文明冲 突论” ,预测未来的国际社会的冲突点在于不同文化或文明的 价值和信仰差异所致。2 此后,大众媒体趋向采纳如此逻辑分 析社会冲突:首先,人类社会以不同文明—儒释道回基等宗教 传统—为基础;其次,社会成员都是某个文明孕育而成的, 自然被界定为某文明某宗教的身份;其结论是,任何社会问 题都可以按照肇事者或受害者的文化身份加以分析、归纳和 定论。 近年亨廷顿在《我们是谁?》一书提醒美国人要提防外来的 3 文明塑造和界定自己的文明身份。 他继而捍卫美国立国的 文化精神和核心价值,由内而外去实现自身的文化身份。然 而,亨氏忽视在多元文化处境下,为了实现信仰、兴趣、理 想等目标,个人会情理兼具地做出不同程度调整和改变,以 致产生新的身份定位。4 这一点也正是本于圣经的系统神学所 要强调的。

其次、学习圣经的智慧 系统神学要求思考者容让圣经的智慧指导理性思维(scriptural reasoning) ,顺服圣灵的光照和引导,进而针对自身处 境的事件和课题做客观、逻辑而清晰的分析和反思。5 圣经见证的是一个自有永有、自由自主又独具人格特质的 神(a personal God)。从 神 主 动 地 创 造 万 有 、 启 示 真 理 和 救赎世人的历史进程中,折射出独一神有着圣父、圣子及

注脚 1

本院益道研究中心于2009年10月5日举行《散居之民》(Diaspora)讲 座,笔者负责从系统神学的角度思考“散居”的神学意义。


Samuel P. Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996).


亨廷顿观察: “一般上,虔诚的宗教徒,会是投入建设国家的爱国人 士。”因此主张美国人的身份定位在于持守新教的核心理念。 Samuel P. Huntington, Who Are We? The Challenges to America’s National Identity (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2004), 365.

圣灵三重位格 (persons),并且是位格之间彼此团契的本体 (the Being in communion)。6 按此按此三一论,万物受造也 分享了从一而多,由聚而散的本质。所以按神形象受造的男 女,必须离开自己的父家(创2:22-24),由聚而散的寻求各 别所归属的他者,形构成新的位格和身份。7 如此,人 的 本 质 就 在 充 满 动 态 的 聚 散 之 间 ,不 断 形 成 我 和 他者之间的“约”。三一神与亚伯拉罕一人立约,由其后裔雅 各一家成为以色列国,要此国民在列邦中宣扬弥赛亚带来全 人类的救赎盼望。无论世人如何评价以色列国的成败,那在 永恒中从父神而生,在历史中道成肉身的犹太人耶稣,以先 知的热忱、君王的权柄和祭司的感召,先向本族人传讲天国 福音,后传给受本族排挤或边沿化的人群,拆除犹太人和外 族人之间的攀篱,打破民族/国家主义,撒下福音普世化的 种子。 初代犹太籍基督徒也因此为传扬福音而跨越地区、文化、族 群的隔阂。以后数以万计的外族人归信基督,因不同的因素 而散居他乡,一方面持守基督信仰,一方面积极融入当地社 会文化,以当地语言宣讲基督的福音,把福音普世化和本地 化。散居因此是福音传播的生态,教会更是散居者安身立命 的空间。

最后、建构散居的神学 教会发展史印证了一个事实:离开本族本乡的散居之民, 能在他乡借着当地教会的信仰培育,寻得重构身份的空间。 当然,散居之民是否能够融入异乡社会,有赖本土和异乡群 体双方是否能互相尊重和彼此珍惜的开放态度。而从福音信 仰而论,教会必须培养本地和散居的信仰个体和群体,去实 践“为这城求平安”的福音使命和建立“上帝之城”的文化使 命,让散居者能够融入本土,产生共存共构共荣的积 极 力 量。

作者谢木水博士是新加坡神学院中文神学系《系统神学》讲 师;助理训育主任兼实习主任


Amartya Sen, Identity and Violence: The Illusion of Identity (New York: W. W. Norton, 2006).


加尔文的《基督教要义》就是依循如此智慧为圣经教导做系统性的梳 理,为要信徒学习并成为真正敬虔的人。参《基督教要义》,钱曜诚译 (台北:加尔文出版社,2007),前言。


主后四世纪的加帕多家教父 (the Cappadocian Fathers) 在这方 面的思考成为三一神论发展史的重要里程碑。参 John D. Zizioulas, Communion & Otherness (London: T&T Clark, 2006), 155-70.


人格是我与他者的互动关系(the personhood in communion)。参 根顿, 《如此我信》,赵崇明、邓绍光译(香港:基道,2009) ,4956 。

2010 年 嘉声 1 / 2 月 221


新 加 坡 神 学 院 训 练 耶 稣 基 督 忠 心 的 仆 人

要闻 麦希真牧师伉俪 八十大寿庆典: 培灵大会



很多有关教会事工的好主意只停留在“好主 意”的阶段,因为它们从来没有离开过会议 记录或领袖退修会的策略计划。问题出在哪 里?因为没有人去实行! 当摩西作为领袖指引方向,他的两个能干的 助手亚伦和户珥在他左右长时间全力支持 他时,如果没有约书亚的贡献,恐怕成就 也不会那么大。摩西吩咐约书亚去“选出人 来,出去和亚玛力人争战。 ”他“。。。用刀 杀了亚玛力王和他的百姓”(出埃及记17章 9, 13节),完成了任务!他是团队里急需的干 实事的人。

和顺服相结合时,它们就可以成为两刃的 利剑!

慨叹和挑战 今天教会普遍的感慨就是: “我们的约书亚 们 在 哪 儿 ?”教 会 领 袖 担 忧 他 们 将 后 继 无 人。 “约书亚”们好已经向属世的追求屈服 了。大家认为年轻的一代往往更加热衷建 立自己的事业与家庭,过於服事耶稣基督的 教会,忽略他们作为神儿女的责任。教会领 袖慨叹年轻的一代缺乏委身,而追求即时满





Dr Albert Ting Mrs Karen Lee Rev Dr Rick Griffith Dr Myrleene Yap Rev Dr Bernard Low Rev Dr Paul Woods Mrs Serena Chan 编 辑 部 陈世协博士 杨金兰讲师 顾力凯博士 叶慕灵博士 刘文良博士 林保罗博士 陈诗韵女士

有约书亚这样的人真是太好了。他们年轻力 壮,充满活力,满怀热情,并才华横溢。他 们乐於接受挑战,一旦认定某个事工,就会 全心投入。有才干的人也往往具有强烈的信 念与热忱。他们需要施展的空间与一定程度 的信任,以致能够自由发挥他们的才华。然 而同样地,这里面也应该包括顺服在内;否 则,这种人往往会成为烦恼的根源。 约书亚明确地表达了顺服摩西的领导:“于是 约书亚照着摩西所说的话行。。。”(出埃及记 17章10节)。当约书亚般有才能的人,其能量 在一个共同异象的架构中发挥时,便会起到 推波助澜的作用,并最终完成任务。 耶稣基督的教会不乏才干和恩赐。圣灵赐 给了每个信徒属灵的恩赐,来服事基督的身 体(彼得前书4章10节)。我们所缺乏的,往往 就是既有才干又甘心顺服领导的人。当才干

足的风气已经侵蚀到教会。这种看法也许正 确,然而我们也该及时反思一下了。

教会中之所以缺乏“约书亚”,是不是由于我 们没有提供足以挑战他们的机会?有才干的 人都不愿虚度此生。他们总是不停地寻找值 得投入生命的事业。当我们没有以勇敢的目 标挑战他们时,这些人便会失望而去。让我 来鼓励你:把慨叹化为挑战吧,你的挑战也 许正是这些“约书亚”们所期盼的!或许, 你正是其中一位“约书亚”,在等待着迎战困 难。那么你不妨和你的教会领袖探讨一下, 你的用武之地到底在哪里。 没有行动的异象,只不过是一个美好的愿 望。让我们委身去完成任务!

博士 新加坡神学院院长

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