SBC Pray For Us Issue 219

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Aug/ No. Sep 219 2009

Pray forUs

SINGA P OR E BI B L E C O L L EG E Training faithful servants of Jesus Christ


New Students’ Testimonies

Voices From Our CCTE Students

Let’s Meet At Homecoming Day!

Abbreviations used this issue: SOTE=School of Theology English SOTC=School of Theology Chinese SCM=School of Church Music SOC=School of Counselling CCTE=Centre for Continuing Theological Education

MICA(P) 008/08/2009 9-15 Adam Road, Singapore 289886 Tel: (65) 6559 1555 Fax: (65) 6559 1550 Email: Website:

Moses said to Joshua, “Choose some of our men and go out to fight the Amalekites. Tomorrow I will stand on top of the hill with the staff of God in my hand.” (Exo 17:9, NIV) In the battle with the Amalekites as recorded in Exodus 17:8-13, there was a beautiful display of teamwork that brought about a decisive victory for God’s people. Make no mistake; it was God who secured victory for the Israelites as He led them towards the Promised Land. However, the effective delegation of responsibilities among God’s people clearly demonstrated a working relationship worthy of our consideration. Let’s examine the role of Moses as the leader of the team.

Hold Up the Staff

weaknesses, his suc successes and failures, his ups and downs, and even his entire family may be exposed! A leader as a public person often surrenders his privacy. Because people are able to see various aspects of the leader’s life, inevitably, there will be gossips, small talks and criticisms that may lead to anger, hurt and blame. This is the price of leadership. Leadership is a lonely business because the leader can see what others can’t and know what others don’t. Moreover, there is privileged information that he cannot freely dispense. These give rise to speculations and misunderstandings. A leader is lonely because he is called to make tough decisions. He may consult specialists, check with those with experience and ask for opinions from his leadership team. But when it comes to the final decision, he is still the one who has to make the call and bear the consequences. Learn from Moses! He did not go up the hill alone, he took Aaron and Hur with him. He needed companions to support him just as we need our fellow coworkers, prayer partners, accountability group, soul mates and trusted friends to walk alongside us. Don’t go up the hill of leadership alone! To be a leader is both demanding and rewarding. The joy of mobilizing more people to take part in the building of the Kingdom of God when we hold up the staff of God is well worth the price of leadership. Lead!

of God

1. A leader leads with the vision from God Moses was called to be the leader, and he must live up the purpose and plan of God for His people. In this battle, Moses’ main responsibility was to hold up the staff of God. The Bible says that whenever the staff was held up, the people of God had the victory, and whenever the staff of God was lowered because Moses’ hands grew tired, the Amalekites were winning (Exo 17:11). The staff played a significant role in boosting the morale of the people. In the parting of the Red Sea and the supply of water to God’s people, God commanded Moses to use the staff to bring about the miraculous deliverance that came from Him. The staff is therefore rich in history and a symbol of the power and presence of God. By lifting the staff of God, Moses was showing the people that God was present and He would provide the necessary resources to carry out His plan and purpose. One of the leader’s main jobs is to show God’s intention for His people. We must hold up the staff of God, and not our personal agenda or individual ambitious rule. In other words, the leader must lead the whole team with the vision from God! 2. A leader is a public person To ensure the visibility of the staff of God, a leader must stand “on top of the hill” (Exo 17: 9). When a leader stands in high places, he is also exposed fully to all the people. They may get to see every aspect of his life: his strengths and

Dr Albert Ting, Principal

Singapore Bible College

SB C No tic e Bo ar d churches in Jakarta Dr Albert Ting will be preaching in 8-9. He will also Aug from Aug 1-2 and in Medan from 20 to Sep 3, Aug from e Rom be travelling to Paris and ip training events. preaching in retreats and at leadersh

加达的几间教会讲 陈世协院长将于8月1-2日在雅 0日至 9月3 日, 他将 赴 道, 8月8 -9日 在棉 兰讲 道。 8月2 袖培训。 巴黎和罗马在退休会上讲道并参与领

s ministered at the Rev Dr Michael Shen ha : following recent events n Christian Church Sio at at tre Re rs’ de Lea • from Jun 8-9, m ation Baptist Church fro • Church Retreat at Coron Jun 15-17, and of ration of Church of Christ • 60th anniversary celeb rist”. Ch for g vin “Li on aching Malaya from Jul 10-12, pre OMF of er for Rev Dick Dowsett Jul He was also the interpret m fro ce k” missions conferen p at their “You Are the Lin shi low Fel s’ tor ng at Baptist Pas 17-18, and will be speaki (Chinese) on Aug 5.

活动中参与事奉: 沈立德牧师在以下几项 安堂领袖退修会作教导 • 6月8-9日在基督教锡 信会退修会讲道 • 6月5-17日在加冕浸 灵会上主 亚 基 督 教 会 60 周 年 培 • 7月 10 -1 2日 在 马 来 � 讲“为主而活” 教年会为 就是所缺的环节”宣 • 7月17-18日在“你 译 k�Dowsett�牧师翻 � 海外基督使团的�Dic 同工团契讲道 • 8月5日在浸信会华文

Dr Paul Woods taught a missions course at “Malaysia Baptist Theological Seminary”, Penang, at the beginning of July. He was part of a panel discussion at the “A Rocha” seminar on Christians and the environment on Jul 10, and was involved in a workshop on diaspora ministry at the FOMOS “You are the link” missions event on Jul 17. He also presented a paper and facilitated group discussion at the ATA Theological Consultation in Malang, Indonesia between Jul 21 and 24. He will give two devotional talks at an evangelism seminar at Shalom B-P Church on Aug 10. 林保罗博士:

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7月初在槟城的马来西亚浸信神学院讲授有关宣教 的课程 7月10日 在AROC HA有关 基督徒 与环保 的座谈 会 上回答与会者的问题 在7月17日的“你就是所缺的环节”宣教年会中有 关散居民事工的工作坊中分享 林博士 在7月2 1-24日 在印度 尼西亚 玛琅举 办的 ATA神学研讨会上宣读文章并带领小组讨论 8月10日,林博士将在长老会沙龙圣经教堂举办的 传福音讲座上讲道两次

Rev Dr Donald Leung attended the 3rd International Congress of Ethnic Chinese Biblical Scholars: OIKONOMIA: Biblical and Chinese Perspective in Taiwan from Jun 1-4, where he presented a paper on “Church management in light of 2 and 3 John”. Rev Dr Leung’s article (in Chinese) “The Prayer of Jesus: Church Unity” was published in the Apr 2009 issue of Chinese Churches Today. 梁仲尧博 士:6月 1-4日参 加在台湾 中原大学 举行的第 三届国 际华裔 圣经学 者研讨 会:OIK ONOMIA :�圣经 与 中国观 点,并 在会上 宣读论 文(英文): “从约 翰二书 和三书看 教会管理 ” 。梁博士 的文章“主的祈 求教会合 一”已在今日华人教会�2009�年4月期中发表。

On Aug 10, Rev Dr Bernard Low will be conducting a workshop on apologetics for Grace B-P Church’s conference on evangelism. During SBC’s mid-semester break from Sep 5-13, he will be leading a mission team from his church to an East Asian country. 8月10日,刘文良博士将在长老会恩典圣经堂的传福 音大会 上带领 有关护 教学的 工作坊 。在新 神的期 中假 期(9月5-13日),刘牧师将带领他的教会的短宣队去一个 东亚国家。

Dr Florence Tan’s latest book, Ministry Moments with My Maker (9th in the series) has been printed in Jun! She also visited alumni in the KL and PJ areas of Malaysia in May/ Jun and spearheaded the Alice Matthews Ladies’ Seminar on Jul 11. She will teach at Redcliffe College in Sep/Oct during her sabbatical in the UK this semester. 陈 宝 莲 博 士 的 新 作“ 与 我 的 造 物 主 在 一 起 的 事 奉 时 光” (系 列 之 九 )在 六 月 出 版 了 ! 她 拜 访 了 住 在 吉 隆 坡和珀塔灵贾亚地区的校友,并于6月11日发 起 A l i c e �M a t t h e w s �妇 女 座 谈 会 。 这 学 期 在 英 国 的 休 假 年 期 间 , 她 将 于 9 月 和 1 0 月 在 �R e d c l i f f e� 神学院授课。

Mrs Chua-Lee Chee Chew’s article,“Goyim (‘Nations’) in Gen 35:11 and the Abrahamic Blessings for the Nations”, was published in the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society in Apr. “创世记35章11节中的 蔡 李 志 秋 讲 师 的 文 章, G O Y I M �( 族 ) 和 上 帝 借 着 亚 伯 拉 罕 对 万 族 的 赐 福 ” 发表在福音派神学协会杂志4月期中。

A WARM WELCOME TO OUR NEW Dr Gilbert Soo Hoo joins SOTE this Semester and will teach exegesis and theology of LukeActs. Prior to joining SBC, Dr Soo Hoo served as a pastor of young adults in their 20s and 30s in the United States, with emphasis on teaching and mentoring. He was also an adjunct seminary professor and lay elder. He shares passionately, “I look forward to working with young people who love the Lord and people as they prepare for ministry.” His recent book, “The Pedagogy of the Johannine Jesus: A Comparative Study of Jesus’ Pedagogy to the World and to His Own” has just been published. Together with his wife, Ming Soo Hoo, they look forward to their new ministry in Singapore. 司徒松炽 博士这学 期加入英 文神学系 ,讲授解 经学,路 加 福音和使徒行传中的神学。来新神前,司徒博士在美国作牧 师,牧养二、三十岁的年轻人,重点在教导和辅导。他也是 “我 神学院的 兼职教授 和教会的 长老。他 充满激情 地分享: ”他 备服侍。 助他们准 同工,帮 的年轻人 主也爱人 盼望和爱 教育 育世人和 福音中教 稣在约翰 比较了耶 新书分析 刚出版的 与在 都盼望参 徒严善明 和太太司 司徒博士 同方法。 门徒的不 事工。 新神的新


Rev Kenneth Ting is an alumnus of SBC. After graduating in 1994, he returned to his hometown in East Malaysia and served as a pastor of Miri Gospel Chapel. In 2000, he moved to Taiwan and pursued further studies at China Evangelical Seminary, whi ch led to his completion of the M.A .R. and Th.M. programs. Concurrently, he also worshipped and served at Hsin-Yi Friendship Pres byterian Church, Taipei. Rev Ting is still pursuing his Ph.D at the Taiwan Graduate School of Theology, even as he joins SBC’s SOTC this Semester to teach Systema tic Theology and Homiletics. Married to Fanny Ling, also an alumni of SBC, they have two children, ages 12 and 9.

陈世冠讲师94年新神毕业后回家乡母 会美里福音堂配 搭牧会。两千年赴台湾中华福音神学 院进修,先后取 得圣经硕士与神学硕士。期间与毕业 后皆参与台北中 华基督教长老会信友堂的牧职事奉。 现在台湾神学院 神学博士进修中。妻子林碧玉同为新 神校友;夫妇俩 育有儿子明磊(12岁)、女儿绚忻(9 岁)。教导科目: 系统神学,讲道研习。


Embark on a journey through places of historic Christian significance. Follow the trail of St. Paul in Turkey where he spent most of his life and ministry spreading the Gospel. Turkey is also home to all seven churches mentioned in Revelation 2-3. Join us for an inspirational and unforgettable journey!

Package Pric


• Twin/Triple Sha • Single supp ring: S$2,595 lement: S$450 • Tour fee do es not include Highlights o Airline fuel surcharge an d taxes • Tarsus, the birthplace of St. Paul. (approximatel h whic from ch y chur S cave $3 a ch, 29 Antio in ) stle Apo the r o Travel insu • Grotto of Pete rance missionary journey. o Personal Paul and Barnabas were sent on their first ex penses and dr the and s ary rock formation inks during meals • Cappadocia, a landscape of extraordin o Mineral w land of saints and early Christians. ater consumed and gained many converts. on the bus or during the tour • Derbe, where Paul preached the gospel m, amu Perg is, Sard , icea o Visa, if ap • The seven churches of Revelation: Laod plicable tira. o Thya and hia, Tips to porter delp Phila , esus Smyrna, Eph (US$1) per ho tel only, if a was held in 325 A.D. services are re • Nicea, where the famous Council of Nice quired ar, Baza d Gran que, Mos Blue , eum Mus For more info Istanbul – St. Sophia rmation abou t the itinerary registration fo Bosphorus Cruise and Topkapi Palace. and rm, please visi t • Temple of Apollo. .sg. Temple of Artemis, considered one of the

• The Seven Wonders of Antiquity.

COLLEGE FOCUS 学院动态 的勇士”为题与毕业生共勉,鼓励所有 毕业生在即将奔赴各自的事工之际做忠 心的仆人。新神感谢有这么多朋友和支 持者来参加典礼。


SBC’s 56th Graduation Ceremony was held on May 16 at Covenant Evangelical Free Church. Some 1,600 people attended the Ceremony, to worship together and congratulate the 110 new graduates, comprising of 60 from SOTC, 28 from SOTE, 10 from SOCM and 12 from SOC. Speaking on the theme of “Servants Who Brave the Times”, Rev Edmund Chan encouraged all graduates to be faithful servants as they step out into their various areas of ministry. SBC is grateful for the presence of so many friends and supporters at the Ceremony.

新神第56届毕业典礼于5月16日在圣约播 道会举行,有大约1600人出席,共同敬拜 和恭贺110名新 的 毕 业 生 。毕 业 生中60�位来自中 文神学系,28位 来自英文神学 系,10�位来自圣 乐系,12�位来自 辅导系。曾金发 牧师以“做时代

how people need the Lord, and a video presentation with updates from several alumni serving in different parts of the world.

W 5

With “A Prayer of Thanksgiving”, SBC held its first Donor Appreciation Concert on the evening of May 9, which welcomed some 500 donors and friends. Featuring the premier performances of the songs “A Prayer of Thanksgiving” that was composed by Dr Cainan Mui, Dean of SOCM, based on 1 Chronicles 29:13-18, and “The Deep Deep Love of Christ” that was written by Mrs Karen Lee, Lecturer of SOTC, the Concert struck a chord with the audience. They were also treated to cultural performances which reflected

How You Can Support Our Ministry 您可以如

何支持我们的事工 >>

月 9 日 晚 ,新 神 以“ 献 上 感 谢 ”为 题 举 办了首次感谢捐献者音乐会。音乐会 迎来了大约500位捐献者和朋友。这次 音乐会首次呈现圣乐系主任梅广文博士 根据历代志上29章13-18节创作的一曲 “感恩的祷告”和中文神学系讲师杨金兰 老师所写的歌曲“基督的深情大爱” ,真 可谓动人心弦。与会者还观看到表现人 需要神的文 化表演和 反映几位 校友在世 界不同地 方事奉的 录像。

Kong Alumni Association Ltd. Mail to 1-2/F, Fortune Garden, 15 Wing Ting Road, Ngau Chi Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong.


Donors in Taiwan Cheque donation - please make cheque payable to Singapore Bible College-The Alumni Association in Taiwan. Mail to 221 北县汐止市林

Donors in Singapore Cheque donation please make cheque payable to Singapore Bible College. Cash donation - please deposit cash into our UOB a/c 126-300-592-4 and send us the deposit slip with your name and address.

森街31号2楼,新加坡神学院台北 校友会收. Bank/ATM transfer

Singapore Bible College” on check. Mail to Partners International, 8500 Torbram Road, Unit 56, Brampton, Ontario L6T 5C6, Canada.


Donors in Other Countries Bank draft donation (in S$/US$) – please make draft payable to Singapore Bible College and mail it to us. Telegraphic transfer United Overseas Bank Ltd, Bukit Timah Branch, 587 Bukit Timah Road, # 02-16 Coronation Shopping Plaza, Singapore 269707. Bank Code 7375, Branch Code 026. A/c no. 126300-592-4. Swift code: uovbsgsg.


Donors in Malaysia

Cheque donation (in RM) – please make cheque payable to Singapore Bible College and mail it to us. Bank draft donation (in S$) – please make draft payable to Singapore Bible College and mail it to us. Cash donation - please deposit cash into our Public Bank Berhad a/c 498-58-18-127 and send us the deposit slip with your name and address.


– please transfer funds to a/c “Singapore Bible College-The Alumni Association in Taiwan” under Mega International Commercial BankTaipei Branch (Bank Code 017), bank a/c 202-10-31116-7.

Donors in Hong Kong Cheque donation please make cheque payable to Singapore Bible College-Hong


Donors in USA Check donation please make check payable to SBC North America Fellowship. Mail to Singapore Bible College, North America Fellowship, 4732 El Rancho Verde Drive, La Palma, CA 90623, USA.


Donors in Canada Check donation - please make check payable to Partners International and indicate “For

Tax-deductible receipts will be issued to donors in Taiwan, USA and Canada. If you are receiving our newsletter by mail, kindly return the white cover sheet containing your particulars, together with your donation. 若您通过邮件方式收到 此刊,奉献时请寄回随邮件附上已 填有您个人资料的白色封面。

FINANCIAL REPORT 财务报告 General Fund 经常费� Income 收入�(01/03/09-30/04/09) Expenditure 支出�(01/03/09-30/04/09) Surplus/(Deficit) 盈余/(不敷)� SBC conducts enrolment exercises twice annually, for its January and July intakes. We welcome 106 students enrolled for this July’s intake, and are encouraged by their testimonies of faithfulness in responding to God’s call, some of which are shared with us on the next 2 pages.

新神每年招生两次, 新生于1月或7月入 学。今年7月我们迎来了106名新同学。 他们对神的呼召作出回应,并体验到神的 信实,对我们是很大的鼓舞。现刊登几位 同学的见证与大家共享。

Blk 5 Building Fund 第五座院舍建筑基金� Collection b/f as at 承前�01/07/08 Donations received 累积收入�(01/07/08 - 30/04/09) Less 减�: Completion of Nehemiah Blk 5 & Maintenance Work 尼西米工程第五座院舍及维修� Balance as at 余额截至�30/04/09

S$ S$

729,391 588,841 140,550

� S$ 5,701,695 2,244,245 7,945,940 � (7,671,582) S$ 274,358

SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINES FOR URBAN CHRISTIANS Spiritual Practices for Those Called to Live in the City Speaker: DR GORDON SMITH Date: Friday, Sep 25, 2009 Time: 2.30pm to 9.30pm Venue: Singapore Bible College With so many Christians living and working in the city, our spirituality must fit the dynamics and challenges of urban life. We need to learn to be “in but not of” the city. This seminar will explore several spiritual disciplines and practices that will enable us to be faithful and joyful Christians in the midst of the trials and temptations of the city. We will draw on the teaching of the Scriptures and the wisdom of our spiritual heritage in considering these spiritual practices. Particular attention will be given to the interplay of individual and corporate spiritual practices for life in an urban context. These include confession and repentance, the use and reading of Scriptures, the practice of Sabbath and the Lord’s Supper. This seminar is jointly organised by SOC and SOTE. For more information and registration, please visit

ABOUT THE SPEAKER Gordon T. Smith is the president of reSource Leadership International, an agency that fosters excellence in international theological education. He also teaches at Regent College, Vancouver, Canada and serves as the interim preaching pastor of Tsawwassen Alliance Church, near Vancouver. He is the author of a number of books, including Beginning Well: Christian Conversion and Authentic Trans-formation (IVP, 2001); The Voice of Jesus: Discernment, Prayer and the Witness of the Spirit (IVP, 2003) and A Holy Meal: The Lord’s Supper in the Life of the Church (Baker, 2005). Married to Joella, they have two grown sons.

Centre for Continuing Theological Education SINGAPORE BIBLE COLLEGE




CCTE is a community of faith that comprises students who represent different Christian traditions in the evangelical church, yet share a commonfaith commitment to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. CCTE is also a centre of learning where students gather together weekly to study the Scriptures and theology, to be equipped with practical skills for the general ministry of the church, and to be prepared for a lifetime of ministry through grounding in biblical and theological foundations and equipping in ministry skills. Since CCTE started offering courses in January 2009, more than 110 students have enrolled. Four of our students share their experiences with us here. Ms Irene Seah from Elim Church attended the course “Introduction to Children’s Ministry” taught by Mr David Leong and his team from Scripture Union Singapore. Here is what she has to say: “Classes with our lecturer, Mr David Leong, are never boring. Our bubbly and experienced lecturer, David, brings out his lessons in a fun, informal and interactive way. He also provides and shares with the class many great insights into the ministry’s needs and the challenges we face as children’s ministers today. The lesson notes are well-planned and comprehensive too. I have learnt so much in just one module under his anointed teaching and I am looking forward to more! This is definitely a course not to be missed!” Ms Wee Yongxin who comes from Family of Grace Evangelical Free Church, attended the course “The Christian Mind” taught by Rev Dr Paul Woods. Here are her impressions: “This course has set me thinking, on what exactly is right or wrong in such a grey world we live in today. Also, it has helped me to become more aware of the things that are happening around me. As Christians, I believe we should not only be concerned with biblical teachings butalso with how we can apply them to the world today. Instead of hiding ourselves from this secular world, we should learn to embrace it with a clear

understanding of the biblical worldview. I feel that this course is a good start for us to question ourselves in order to be certain of what our stand should be. This is especially so for younger Christians like me, who often face a lot of critical and complex issues in today’s world. Moreover, this course has also enabled me to better understand the differences in nonChristians’ worldviews, and equipped me to share the gospel with them.” Mr Lee Wah Kok from Little Flock International Chattended urch the course, “The Christian Faith and Chinese Trataught ditions by Rev Canon Daniel Tong. Wah Kok writes: “Singapore is a multi-cultural, multiracial and multi-religious society. When we share the gospel with people, more doors can be opened if we are able to have an understanding of their background and beliefs, coupled with knowledge of the Bible. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Rev Daniel Tong has painstakingly introduced the basic beliefs and develop-ment of major schools of thoughts from ancient China, such as Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. This has helped us to share God’s love effectively and powerfully with non-

believers, just like how Paul did when he was in Athens.” Mr Sherman Low, who attends Charis Evangelical Free Church, signed up for two courses, “New Testament Survey Part 1” and “Leadership Notebook 1.” Sherman shares the following with us: “The New Testament Survey course taught by Rev Dr Rick Griffith was spiritually stimulating and intellectually invigorating. I benefited a lot from Dr Rick’s lectures. Despite having taught the subject for many years, one can see still the zeal and passion he exudes in expounding the Bible. That makes attending the class an enjoyable and enriching experience. Above all, it has ignited my interest to want to delve deeper into the Word of God…The Leadership Notebook 1 course was another eye-opening experience for me. The lecturers from Equipping Leaders for Asia, who themselves are corporate leaders, often peppered their lessons with many practical real life examples. This course has equipped me with biblical leadership principles. I believe all who desire to become more effective in our ministry should attend this course at least once.”

Hearing these and similar testimonies cannot but bring joy to our hearts. To help students grow in their faith and be equipped for the general ministry of the church is what CCTE exists to do. Why not join us in one of our courses? For more information about CCTE’s course offerings for Term IV (14 Sep to 24 October) and registration details, please visit Enquiries can be directed to the CCTE Office at tel: 65591551 or via email:

Rev. Dr. Bernard Low Director Centre for Continuing Theological Education

CCTE COURSES FOR TERM IV 2009 14 Sep to 24 Oct 2009, 7.30 -9.30pm at SBC’s MPH / Lecture Theatre / Room 1-302 Mondays (14, 28 Sep; 5, 12, 19, 26 Oct) NT01(K): New Testament Survey I (Korean) This course seeks an overview of the New Testament (NT), tracing its teaching with respect to historical backgrounds and literary characters. It is designed to assist students in studying the origins of Christianity by means of its canonical literature (the NT) and help them acquire essential primary elements for their interpretation of the NT. The two-part course (NT Survey 1 and 2) will examine the message of the 27 NT books, undertaking a survey of introductory issues and historical-cultural contexts of the early church in the first century. Lecturer: Rev Hwang Jae Myeong, BBA, MComm , MDiv is a lecturer at the Korean Father School (Singapore) and has taught biblical and theological courses at International Baptist Church (Singapore). He is presently studying for his Master of Theology degree at the Biblical Graduate School of Theology, Singapore. AP03: World Religions Understanding People of Other Faiths This is an introductory course on world religions – about how different cultures at different times have developed belief systems, holy scriptures, priests, etc to give expression to their spirituality. It is designed to give the big picture of world religions such as Animism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Islam; their main tenets, beliefs, practices; and how each one has shaped and influenced the daily lives of those who profess them. Lecturer: Rev Dr Tony Chi, BTh, MA, PhD, has been the former Senior Pastor of Wesley Methodist Church (1973-1981) and also the Vice-President for Training with Haggai Institute (2001-2009). Tuesdays (15, 22, 29 Sep; 6, 13, 20 Oct) CM04: Creative Evangelism and Discipleship of Children In this course, participants will learn the following: (a) How to plan effective outreach programmes for children; (b) How to lead children to Christ for salvation; (c) How to use some tools and resources for effective sharing of the gospel with children; (d) How to followup and disciple children for Christ. There

will be hands-on demon-stration and sharing of various church experiences and resources materials. Lecturers: 1. Mr David Leong, M.C.S. , Executive Director of Scripture Union Singapore;

2. Mr John Sim, BTh, Children’s Pastor of Chapel of the Resurrection;

3. Mr Simon Say, BBA, MACE, Children’s Pastor of Kum Yan Methodist Church;

4. Mrs Percy Loh, BTh, Children’s Pastor of Charis Methodist Church.

Wednesdays (16, 23, 30 Sep; 7, 14, 21 Oct) TH03: The Doctrine of Christ Each generation of believers must reaffirm its confession of Jesus Christ in order to preserve and extend His Gospel, strengthen His church, and extend the fame of His name among the nations. This course will examine the identity of Jesus Christ: who He is, what He came to do, what He is doing today in the world and in the church, and what He will one day do at His return. It will examine issues like: Could Jesus have sinned, and if not, does this make Him less than human? When Jesus ascended into heaven after His resurrection, did He take his glorified humanity with Him? When the Son of God was conceived in the womb of Mary, did He lay aside His deity? Are the Mormons correct in their teaching that Jesus is more than a human but less than God? What does the Bible mean when it calls Jesus as God’s “only begotten” Son? What is the basis of my salvation: my faith or the death of Christ? Did Christ die for all people everywhere or only for the elect? Where does ultimate authority reside in the church? Lecturer: Dr John Massey, BA, MDiv, PhD, is a lecturer in Theological and Historical Studies at the Baptist Theological Seminary, Singapore and an ordained

Southern Baptist minister. He and his wife, Vanessa, serve with the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, USA, and have been living in Singapore for the last six years. Thursdays (17, 24 Sep; 1, 8, 15, 22 Oct) AP04: Conversational Evangelism (Practical Apologetics) This course emphasizes that in a postmodern world, we need to give attention to strategic pre-evangelism. It thus explores effective ways of integrating compelling Christian evidences into our daily conversations with pre-believers. There are primarily four types of conversational engagements: (1) a conversation that focuses on hearing what the other person actually believes; (2) on asking questions illuminating gaps in their belief systems; (3) on uncovering real barriers and deeper root issues; and (4) on building a bridge to the gospel. This course also teaches us how to answers people’s questions in a way that helps them to take one step closer to Christ each day. Lecturer: Rev Dr Dave Geisler, ThM, MABS, DMin in Apologetics, is the founder and President of Meekness and Truth Ministries Inc., Singapore and also an adjunct lecturer in Apologetics at several seminaries in Singapore including SBC. MS02: Missionary Vocation - Life and Work This course aims to cover the following topics: Preparation for mission service; Serving as families and singles; Serving in multi-cultural teams; Serving in a creative-access context; Women and mission; and Spirituality and mission. In each session, you will also have the chance to hear the personal testimony from an invited missionary with time for interaction. Lecturers: Drs Patrick and Jennie Fung are OMF missionaries who first served in South Asia as medical missionaries for about 7 years. Since then, they have been involved in mission mobilization, missionary training and member care. Patrick is currently the General Director of OMF International and Jennie is the Medical Advisor for OMF Singapore.

Alumni News

校 友消息

Mr Pandit Samson (SOTE M.Div 92) has been the Operations Director for The Leprosy Mission in Bangladesh since Jun 08. Pandit�Samson�先生 (92�年 英文神学系道学硕士) 自�08�年6月起担任孟加拉的麻风使团的行 动主任。

4月18日,吴秀全牧师 (89年中文神学系 神学文凭)在新加坡的樟宜伯大尼教会被 按立。

Rev Yip Meng Leong (SOTC M.Div 02) was ordained into the Holy Ministry at Vision Christian Fellowship in JB, Malaysia on Apr 25.

林惠综牧师(08年英文神学系神学学士 /硕士)和谢诗韵最近在新加坡牛顿生命 堂共结连理。他们是如此分享他们的喜 乐和感恩的: “愿颂赞归与在基督里赐给我们 各样属灵福气的神! 愿颂赞归与赐给我们09年5月 30日的有福的婚礼的神! 愿颂赞归与呼召我们以牧师和护 士的身份服侍 的神!”

Rev Dr Peter Chin (D.Min 05) underwent a brain operation in May 09 in KL, Malaysia. Do pray for his recovery. 陈 美 德 牧 师 博 士 (0 5 年 教 牧 学 博 士 ) 于5月在马来西亚的吉隆坡接受了脑部手 术,请为他早日康复祷告。

Congratulations 恭贺 The Lutheran Church in Singapore (LCS) installed its new bishop, Rev Terry Kee (SOTE B.Th 90), at a special installation service held on May 24. Bishop Terry Kee succeeds Bishop John Tan as the second bishop of the Lutheran Church in Singapore since its formation in 1997. The installation service for the new Bishop and Executive Committee at the Lutheran

called us to serve Him as a pastor and a nurse!”

4月25日,叶明亮牧师 (02年中文神学系 道学硕士)在马来西亚的新山异象基督教 会被按立。

Rev Timothy Sng (SOTE B.Th 08) was ordained into priesthood on May 1, and is now pastoring Christ the King in KK, Sabah. In the same month on May 22, he was also united in Holy Matrimony with Fong Soo Jean. What a joy!

Rev Yu Chien Chung (SOTC B.Th 99) was ordained as Associate Minister of Bethany Presbyterian Church in Singapore on May 30. 俞 建 中 牧 师 (9 9 年 中 文 神 学 系 神 学 学 士 )于 5 月 3 0 日 在 新 加 坡 的 长 老 会 伯 大 尼堂被按立为同理牧师。

Rev Daniel Sun Pei Sheng (SOTC B.Th 06) was ordained on Aug 9 at Yio Chu Kang Gospel Hall in Singapore. He is also currently pursuing his M.Div at SOTC. Church of Our Redeemer was attended by some 300 people including local mainline denomination church and seminary leaders, representatives of Lutheran churches from the region and missions agencies worldwide. 新加坡信义会于5月24日在一个特别的任 命礼上任命纪木和牧师( 90年英文神学系神 学学士)为新的会督。他是新加坡信义会 自97年成立以来的第二任会督。在信义会 救主堂举行的会督和执行委员会任命礼有 差不多300人参加,包括主流教派教会和 神学院的领袖,新加坡地区信义会教会的 代表和其它国家的宣教机构的代表。

Rev Goh Siew Chuan (SOTC DipTh 89) was ordained at Changi Bethany Church in Singapore on Apr 18.

孙 培 胜 牧 师(0 6 年 中 文 神 学 系 神 学 学 士 )�于8月9日在新加坡的杨厝港福音堂 被按立。他目前正在新神中文神学系攻 读道学硕士。 孙天能牧师(08年英文神学系神学学士) 于5月1日被按立,现在在沙巴亚庇的基 督君王教会牧会。在同月的22日,他和 冯淑晶共结连理。多么喜乐!

Pastor Vincent Lim (SOTE B.Th/MA 08) and his wife Emily were recently united in Holy Matrimony at Newton Life Church in Singapore, where they are serving. They share their joy and thanksgiving: “Praise be to our God who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ! Praise be to our God who has granted us a blissful wedding matrimony on 30th May 09! Praise be to our God who has

Condolences 慰唁 Our deepest condolences to Rev Soh Guan Kheng (SOTE B.Th 97), Pastor of Yishun Christian Church, whose beloved wife Aileen passed away from final-stage cancer on Aug 9. 义顺基督教会的苏源卿牧师(97年英 文神学系神学学士)的爱妻Aileen于 8月9日因晚期癌症医治无效去世,我 们向苏源卿牧师表示深切的慰问。

华 文 神 学 系 网上学园

2009年10月至2010年3月开办 《旧约信息》网上课程 旧约圣经中非常重要和宝贵的书卷是新约书卷的真理基础,需要认真探讨。本课 程的宗旨乃探讨旧约圣经逐卷的主要信息,以致学生能了解和掌握旧约圣经中上 帝不变的真理,并学习如何在今天的环境中,实行此“真理”。

课程方式 圣经记载的事件




• 当时的处境-事件发生的原因是什么?当时的处境如何?文化因素? 明�经 • 不变的真理-从事件中,上帝要我们看到的真理是什么? • 现今的处境-在今天的环境中,如何实行此“真理”? 客观的真理




报名: 即日起接受报名,请填妥网上报名表格, 并于截止日期前将学历证件影印本及学 费寄达学院。 截止日期:2009年9月15日 逾期完成报名者,另加S$30�的行政费用。 授课讲师:王苹牧师 毕业于新加坡神学院道学硕士;美国旧金山州立大学文学 硕士。现任长老会真恩教会主任牧师,新加坡神学院兼职 讲师。著有《雅各书查经课程》、《与爱有约� -� 婚前辅导课 程》、《人生的福气�-�个人布道》译有《爱情 • 信仰路》。 欢迎浏览华文神学系网上学园的网页,以了解更多的详情。 网页 网上学园办公室电话: [ �� 电邮



金钱、性、权力、情操和品格,是我们教牧不愿公开谈论的话 题。但这些话题却是我们所服侍的人们和我们自己生活中要面 对的问题。在这次的校友日,将有一个由牧师、辅导员和律师 组成的研讨会来谈论这些话题,发表高见。校友日还会是一个 各系校友和老同窗共享午餐、叙旧话新的美好时光。

让我们在一年一度的新神校友日相会! 2009年9月28日,星期一,上午9点至下午2点, 在新加坡神学院举行

多年来,很多华人教会和神学院都得借助英文来教授希腊文,给 英文基础较差的学生造成了很多不便。早期的教授希腊文的中文 教材也都是从英语教材翻译过来的,但因为是翻译的教材,所以 还存在着语言和文化的隔阂。可想而知,华人教会多年来一直期 盼着一本由华人学者写作并清楚讲解新约希腊文的中文教材。新 加坡神学院的杨金兰老师刚刚出版的名为《新约希腊文初阶》的 课本和练习册对渴望学习希腊文的华人来说犹如荒漠甘泉。杨老 师在教授希腊文方面拥有超过二十年的经验。二十多年来,她不 断反省,改进教学方法,探索如何才能培养学生对圣经原文的兴 趣,建立学生使用原文解经的信心。这本教材内容齐备,讲解清 晰,对华人老师和学生都将成为一大祝福。

Money, sex, power, personal integrity and character. These are topics which we as pastors and ministers don’t talk openly about. Yet, they are pressing issues among the people we minister to, as well as in our own lives! This Homecoming Day, we look forward to an insightful panel discussion on these issues by pastors, a counsellor and a lawyer. It’ll also be a great time to catch up with good old friends through the School gatherings and over a sumptuous lunch!

Let’s meet at our once-a-year SBC Homecoming Day 2009! Monday, 28 September 2009, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at SBC

2009 年 嘉声 8 / 9 月 216


新 加 坡 神 学 院 训 练 耶 稣 基 督 忠 心 的 仆 人



新约希腊文 中文原作, 未经翻译


摩西对约书亚说: “你为我们选出人来,出去 和亚玛利人征战。明天我手里要拿者神的 杖,站在山顶上。 ”(出埃及记17章9节) 出埃及记17章8-13节记载了以色列人与亚玛 利人的征战,这是团队合作的美好体现。 团队合作正是上帝的子民取得这个决定性 胜利的原因。请不要误会:当然是神在带领 以色列民进入应许之 地的路途上使他们得 胜。但是,神的子民 有效的分工合作,向 我们清楚展示了一个 很值得我们学习的工 作关系。现在就让我 们来探讨有关摩西的 领袖角色。


1. 领袖带着从神 而来的意向领导


摩西既然被召为领袖,他就必须实践上帝对 的子民的目的和计划。在这场征战中,摩 西的主要责任就是举起神的杖。圣经说:摩 西何时举杖,以色列人就得胜;何时摩西因 为手发沉而垂杖,亚玛利人就得胜(出埃及 记17章11节)。神的杖起了鼓舞士气的重要 作用。


Dr Albert Ting Mrs Karen Lee Rev Dr Rick Griffith Dr Myrleene Yap Rev Dr Bernard Low Rev Dr Paul Woods Mrs Serena Chan 编 辑 部 陈世协博士 杨金兰讲师 顾力凯博士 叶慕灵博士 刘文良博士 林保罗博士 陈诗韵女士

在把红海的水分开和磐石出水两个事件中, 上帝都命令摩西用杖带来 奇妙的解救。所 以,这根杖具有历史以及上帝的能力和同在 的象征。每次摩西举起神的杖,他就是在向 神的子民表示神与他们同在,并会提供实现 其计划和目标的必要资源。 领袖的其中一个主要任务,就是要表明上帝 对 子民的心意。我们必须举起神的杖,而 不是我们个人的计划和雄心。换句话说,领 袖必须按照上帝的意向来领导。

2. 领袖是一个公众人物 为了让大家看到上帝的杖,领袖必须站在 “山顶上”(出埃及记17章9节)。当领袖站 在高处时,他的一切便暴露无遗。众人会看 到他生活的每一面:优点和缺点,成功和失 败,上下顺逆,甚至连他的家人也逃不过众 人的眼睛!

领袖作为一个公众人 物经常会失去隐私。 因为众人可以看到他 生活的方方面面,结 果难免会产生谣传, 闲谈和批评,导致气愤,伤害和指责。这就 是作为领袖所要付上的代价。 作领袖是孤单的,因为领袖可以看到别人看 不到的,知道别人不知道的。而且,有些保 密资料他也不能随便与人分享。这就有可能 会引起猜测和误解。领袖感到孤单,因为有 时他必须作出很艰难的决定。他可以向专家 咨询,向有经验的人请教,向他的领导团队 征求意见。但至终,决定还得由他来作,后 果还得由他来承担。 让我们向摩西学习!他没有独自上山,而是 带上了亚伦和户珥同去。摩西需要同伴的支 持,就像我们需要同工,代祷伙伴,问责小 组,灵友和密友和我们一同前行。不要独自 一人登上这座「领袖山」! 作为领袖虽艰难,但却有回报。当我们举起 神的杖,动员更多的人参与建设神的国时, 那喜乐值得我们为之付上作领袖的代价。 去领导吧!

博士 新加坡神学院长

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