SBC Pray For Us Issue 217

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Apr/ No. May 2009 217

Pray forUs

SINGA P O R E B I B L E C O L L E GE Training faithful servants of Jesus Christ


Hanging out in the Electronic Agora

Be Inspired!

The Gift of Scholarships

• Donor

Appreciation Concert Abbreviations used this issue: SOTE=School of Theology English SOTC=School of Theology Chinese SCM=School of Church Music SOC=School of Counselling

One of

the best ways to know about a person’s passion and life goal is to discover who his or her hero is. Heroes are people who inspire us to achieve a greater height. Most of them are much more advanced in an area we would like to emulate or reproduce. They serve as an inspiration to our growth and strengthen our levels of determination. 1. Be Inspired by the Heroes

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” (Hebrews 12:1, NIV) The author of Hebrews listed many Jesus is the ultimate example

spiritual heroes of the past as an inspiration because he opens and

to us in Hebrews 11. accomplishes the path of faith for They are saints of the past who have left an us and our heroes. He has gone indelible mark in the Christendom. They are ahead of us and finished the race. of different gender, background and walks of life. Some are well-known figures, others anonymous. Because of the variety, most of us can find someone from the list who can inspire us to higher MICA(P) 014/08/2008 achievements. 9-15 Adam Road, Heroes inspire us because they are one of us. Singapore 289886 They may be smarter or brighter, but they are one Tel: (65) 6559 1555 of us nevertheless; they are flesh and blood just like Fax: (65) 6559 1550 us. The sentiment is that, “if they can do it, so can Email: I.” Their failures make ours normal or acceptable. If Website: they encounter oppositions or setbacks, then our CCTE=Centre for Continuing Theological Education

share of heartaches are not abnormal. Who are your heroes? Find one and be inspired! As much as we may look up to our most admired heroes for inspiration, they still disappoint us at times. The author points us to another source of inspiration. 2. Be inspired by Jesus

“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” (Hebrews 12:2-3, NIV) Jesus is the ultimate example because he opens and accomplishes the path of faith for us and our heroes. He has gone ahead of us and finished the race. He is the reason why all these heroes of faith are able to leave their marks. But unlike other heroes, he never disappoints. He endured physical and emotional pains for the sake of the redemption of mankind and to fulfill the will of the Father, because he never loses sight of where he is heading! One of the ways for us not to lose heart is to meditate on Him. Eugene Peterson says it well in The Message: “When you find yourselves flagging in your faith, go over that story again, item by item, that long litany of hostility he plowed through. That will shoot adrenalin into your souls.” There will always be challenges and struggles in our lives. Meditate on Christ and surround yourself with heroes. Be inspired!

Dr Albert Ting, Principal Singapore Bible College


Hanging Out in the

Electronic Agora An article that I read recently gave six reasons why pastors

gave six reasons why Pastors should should blog.1 There is value in pastors keeping weblogs because be on Facebook. Being a member blogging provides them opportunities i) to write, ii) to teach, of Facebook i) allows you to be iii) to recommend, iv) to interact, v) to develop an eye for what accessible to others, ii) is in line with a Kingdom-focus, is meaningful and, vi) to be known. As I iii) shows that we’re all human, iv) gives reflected on the reasons presented, it struck The question others a look at your heart and passions, v) me how much digital spaces provide pastors encourages learning, sharing and discussion, platforms for ministry opportunities as well posed therefore and vi) provides another door into your local as opportunities for personal growth and church.4 A quotation from that book is worth is, “Are pastors enrichment. reflecting on: amongst the Digital spaces are part of the ecology of spaces Jesus was usually found where people were that 21st century life straddles across. Not only influencers and in the New Testament. He gave quality time to do we conduct business, work, communicate, opinion leaders rich young rulers, religious leaders, and more. learn, and have fun in geographic spaces, But he also made time for people on the fringe increasingly this is a generation that has that form this of society, people who were heretics, publicans, migrated those activities into digital spaces. tax collectors, etc. Matthew recalls, “When he Curious about what was in vogue in digital 1% ?” or “Are saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, spaces, I set myself the task of “being there” they amongst because they were harassed and helpless, like to gain first hand experiences of life on the sheep without a shepherd.” (Matthew 9:36, electronic agora. the silent voices NIV) I wonder if Jesus would have a Facebook profile. We can’t say if Jesus would or not, but But it wasn’t the blogsphere I wanted to be at that form the Facebook is where people are. I have spent the this time. I was already familiar with blogs. I 99% majority ?” last few months thinking about social media started my first blog in 2003 and learned HTML and how it can be used in ministry. I have to embellish my blogs. Blogs however seemed come to the conclusion that many pastors could benefit too one-way as a communication platform. This time I was more their ministry if they would begin to use social media, and a interested in experiencing the connectivity and interactivity good place to start your “Church 2.0” ministry is Facebook. which Web 2.0 social networks offered.

I thus became active on Facebook beginning December 2008.2 I’m not a digital native, and as a digital immigrant, still carry a somewhat thick immigrant accent. Being in Facebook however didn’t make me feel like a visitor or an immigrant. In fact, it wasn’t difficult to become a contributing Netizen within a short time. Before long, I was connected to a vibrant Facebook community. I would advertise upcoming SBC events, connect with students, alumni and old classmates, post a video of myself playing the guitar, upload photos demonstrating a useful collaborative learning strategy for teaching bible texts, and share my list of favourite quotations relating to using visuals for communicating in the 21st century. The important discovery for me however was not finding out what I could do in Facebook or becoming more comfortable in that space. For me, what was significant was stumbling upon a very active and vibrant community posting their photos and videos, sharing their links, and updating what was on their hearts and minds. Being both participant in as well as observer of an interactive and interconnected community of friends and friends-of-friends opened my eyes to an emerging reality which cannot be ignored anymore. Web spaces have truly become more social and interactive. Young and old, they are all there!3 A Facebook friend recently sent me a link to a free e-book entitled Facebook for Pastors. Like the earlier article, the author

The call in this quote is for pastoral presence and influence wherever the people are. In the noisy marketplaces in Palestine as well as in the multimedia networks in Cyberia, both are places where Christian influence should be found. The need for pastoral presence and influence in the Internet hit home recently after I read about Nielsen’s “90-9-1 Rule of Unequal Participation” and thought about its implication for the church. Nielsen’s “90-9-1 Rule” states that in most online communities, 90% of users are lurkers who never contribute, 9% of users contribute just a little, and 1% of users account for almost all the action.5 The flip side to this rule is that 90% of the content created and consumed on the Internet arise from 1% of the users, while 0% of the content is attributed to 99% of the users. The question posed therefore is, “Are pastors amongst the influencers and opinion leaders that form this 1%?” or “Are they amongst the silent voices that form the 99% majority?” Identities, worldviews, values, intuitions, and habits of fellow citizens and congregation members are shaped through interactions and participation in media saturated digital spaces. Is it time for God’s shepherds to extend pastoral presence and influence by hanging out in the electronic agora? You won’t need to be there 24-7-365, but just that little bit of time there might make all the difference! Dr Calvin Chong is Academic Dean of the School of Theology (English).

Footnotes 1 blog/ 2 To sign up for an account, visit 3 See Time Magazine’s article “Why Facebook is for Old Fogies,” available at 0,9171,1879169,00.html

4 5

SBC Notice Board FACULTY NEWS 讲师脚踪

at the English Dr Albert Ting will be speaking from Apr 8es Seri Presbytery of Singapore Lent l Chinese loca a at tion ven 10, and at an Easter Con He will 3. 10-1 Apr from Italy e, church in Rom ese Chin l a loca also be preaching and training in May from nds erla church in Amsterdam, The Neth 17-22.

文长老会辖区 陈世 协博 士:4月8-10日在新加坡英 4月10-13日在意 举办的大斋期系列讲座上作讲员; 大会 上作 讲员 ; 大利 罗马 一家 华人 教会 的复 活节 5月 17-2 2日 在荷 兰阿 姆斯 特丹 的一家华人教会讲道并培训。

Dr Albert Ting speaking at a leadership training session at the Chinese Bible Church of San Diego from Mar 20-22. 3月 20-2 2日 陈世 协博 士在 圣地 牙哥主恩堂讲授领袖培训。

h in g an w w ill b e te ac Lo d ar n er B r in e of th e R ev D on “T h e D oc tr se ur co Apr 25. ve si n in te B-P Church on on m er H nt ou Church” at M 黑门山堂教 信圣经长老会 4月 25 日 在 笃 刘文良牧师: 程。 教义”的密集课 授有关“教会的

eople-Helping nducted a “P co h oh G ny n Synod Yout Rev Dr Dan the Presbyteria o tw ith w g tin ng uc ni ai Skills” tr ill be cond w d an , of 21 rs b be Leaders on Fe ent workshops with mem hm 25. d ric an En 18 ge pr ria A Mar Church on n tia ris Ch de Marine Para 年事工领袖作 老会大会青 2月 21 日 为 长 马林百 吴永成牧师: 18 和 25 日 为 ”的 培 训 ;4月 巧 技 的 人 他 “帮助 婚姻工作坊。 成员举办丰盛 烈基督教堂的

Rev Dr Rick Griffith taught homiletics at Lanka Bible College and Seminary from Mar 14-21. Rick�G riffit h�博士:3月14-21日在兰卡神学院 讲授布道学。



Dr Florence Tan edited a book entitled Creative Crossings: Navigating 21st Century Contextualisation which was published in Feb 09. 陈宝莲博士编辑的名为有创意的跨越:航行于21世纪的本色化中 一书于2009年2月出版。

“Creative Crossings is a work that brings light and breadth to the Singapore missions movement. It moves beyond theory to clarify principles for those who want to be purposeful functionaries for global missions. Dr Florence Tan has put together authors with vast and varied experiences. Out of their rich learning, they have written a thoughtful guide for the Christian who desires to move beyond missions as a sideline. The authors integrate the theological, the practical and the sociological. The reader will be challenged to seriously consider the current and


Dr Calvin Chong attended the Alliance Biblical Seminary 110th Anniversary Consultation on Theological Education in Hong Kong from Mar 2021, where he presented a paper on “Challenges & Opportunities for Theological Education in the Internet Age.” 庄 秉 俊 博 士 :5月2 0-21日 参加香 港建道 神学院 建院 110年神 学教育研 讨会,并 在会上宣 读题为“网络时 代 神学教育面对的挑战和拥有的机会”的论文。

From Mar 17-20, Dr Violet James attended the Asian Society of Missiology’s History of Missions Forum at Semarang, Indonesia, and presented a paper on “The History of Missions in the Church in Singapore”. Violet� James�博士:3月17-20日参加在印度尼西亚的三 宝垄召开的亚洲宣教学协会组织的宣教历史座谈会,并 宣读题为“新加坡教会的宣教史”的论文。

Dr Paul Woods attended the 5th ATS Annual Theological Forum in Makati City, Manila from Feb 12-13 where he presented a paper on “Caring for a world we don’t belong to? The need to teach the paradox of Christian environmental responsibility.” 林保罗博 士:2月12-13日参加在马尼拉的马卡迪城举 办的亚洲神学院第五届神学研讨年会, 并在会上宣读了 论文: “应照顾我们所不属于的世界吗?教育基督徒对 环境负责是自相矛盾吗?”

Dr Florence Tan is on sabbatical from Feb 8 to Apr 18 in Brisbane, Australia, with active participation at Salisbury Baptist Church and Malyon College. 陈宝莲博士:2月8日-4月18日在澳大利亚的布里斯班渡 “休假年” ,同时积极参与索尔兹伯里浸信会和默咏学 院的活动。

Dr Raymond Chiu has resigned from SBC as a lecturer effective Jun 1. He will be returning to Hong Kong together with his wife to care for both their ageing mothers. We are grateful for his service at SBC. 赵维本博 士自6月1日起辞去在新神的讲师职位。他和 他的夫人 将回香港 照顾他们 年迈的母 亲。我们 感谢他 为新神的服务。

potential impact of making a crossing to share the transforming message of Christ.” ~ Rev Ben Lee, Senior Pastor, Hope Church Rev Dr Bernard Low’s article on worship entitled “Just One Thing: God’s Will from Now to Eternity” was published in the Apr-May 2009 issue of Impact magazine. 刘文良牧师所著的关于敬拜的文章“只是一件事情:上帝的旨意从 今直到永远”在冲击杂志2009年4-5月期中发表。

Dr Linda Bubod’s article “Have I been here before? A Christian perspective on Déjà vu” was published in the Feb/ Mar 2009 issue of Impact magazine. Linda� Bubod�博士的论文“我曾经来过 这儿吗?基督徒对记忆错觉的看法”在 冲击杂志2-3月期中发表。

Centre for Continuing Theological Education SINGAPORE BIBLE COLLEGE

Why the Laity Also Need Theological Education

Theological education can be a way to a meaningful life in part because the study of theology can offer the student “a coherent world-view, a meaning in mystery, a love of God for the mind.”3 On this point, Howard Butt rightly argues that “[i]f the Christian gospel is true, if Many Christians in the church pews Jesus does in fact reveal reality, [then] (commonly called the laity) have the theological education is the goal and mistaken notion that theological eduground of all learning, both ‘sacred’ and cation is meant only for fellow Christians ‘secular.’”4 who are preparing themselves to become The laity brings with them a wealth 3. In our education-minded society, full-time pastors (commonly called the of experience and insights which can more and more of our laity are ready clergy). Few, however, are aware that they inform and enrich the teaching of the for serious theological study, even are also fully entitled to the benefits of professors. The challenges that they of the same kind and scope offered serious theological study as are their face in their Christian faith and also the the clergy.5 As Susan Willhauck has pastors. needs of the churches they represent will observed, “lay people want to wrestle At SBC, we are persuaded that also motivate the seminary professors to with truth issues, and they are interested theological education belongs to the provide a theological education that will in sharpening their intellectual tools and whole people of God, i.e. to both clergy best support the ministry of the laity and building practical skills.”6 This will not and laity alike. Consequently, we are the mission of the church. only make for a better situation in their committed to invest our resources, not Since CCTE launched its first batch local churches but also for their work and only to train and equip believers for fullof weekday evening courses in January witness in the marketplace. time Christian service, but also to train 2009, we are delighted and encouraged and equip lay Christians to obey God’s 4. The health of the local church to see 112 students sign up for our call on them to carry out the general depends in part on the training courses. The people of God are indeed ministry of the church. To this end, SBC and equipping of the laity. What ready for a theological education which has recently established the Centre for James Seller said of the churches of will help them to fulfill their Christian Continuing Theological Education (CCTE). his generation – there is “the need to vocation to be God’s people doing God’s The aim and purpose of CCTE is to bring provide our churches with a cadre of work in God’s world and in God’s church. the Christian laity within the compass of theologically educated and ethically For the six reasons mentioned above, we serious theological education. responsible laymen”7 – remains true of would like to encourage you and the There are several important reamany of our churches today. In the view churches or Christian organizations you sons why the laity also needs theological of Susan Willhauck, which many church represent to prayerfully consider joining education. leaders would concur, “the church is these students to study with us. CCTE is at its best when it has lay leadership 1. All of God’s people are called and here to serve and equip that is enthusiastic, spiritually centered, not just the clergy. Susan Willhauck you not only for your own informed, and biblically and theologically rightly points out that the divine call to personal growth but also well grounded.”8 every Christian “is the call to conversion, to empower you to fulfill to a life of faith and a call to live out that your Christian vocation 5. Pastors cannot do the ministry faith in a particular way” so that he or she as God’s people. laity, the of help the need they alone; can be a witness to the kingdom of God.1 especially those who are qualified, Rev. Dr. Bernard Low If Christians are to respond in obedience trained and gifted. The theological Director to God’s call on them to serve in the education of the laity will general ministry of the church, they need therefore improve relations be- CCTE Courses for Term III 2009 to be equipped for their calling through tween clergy and laity. For one 20 Jul to 28 Aug 2009 some serious theological study. thing, the laity will have a better Mondays (20/7, 27/7, 03/8, 17/8, 24/8, 31/8) understanding of ministry and TH02 2. God’s people are searching for – The Doctrines of Revelation and the theological basis for it. For Scripture by Rev Dr Bernard Low meaning and purpose. They are seekanother, they will be able to OT02(K) – Old Testament Background and ing to find meaning in their lives and Survey Part II (Korean) by partner with the clergy to allow desiring more meaning than the world Rev Jacob Jeon for more effective ministry and alone can give them. To use Walter to bring the message of the Tuesdays (21/7, 28/7, 4/8, 11/8, 18/8, 25/8) Brueggemann’s word from “Covenanting CM03 – Creative Bible Storytelling by Mr David Gospel in the world. as Human Vocation”, they are “trying to Leong and Scripture Union Trainers find a purpose for being in the world 6. Seminaries like SBC need Wednesdays (22/7, 29/7, 5/8, 12/8, 19/8, 26/8) 2 that is related to the purpose of God.” and can learn from the laity. MM01 – Spirituality in the Marketplace by Rev Dr Tan Soo-Inn Thursdays (23/7, 30/7, 6/8, 13/8, 20/8, 27/8) 1 Susan Willhauck, “Cultivating a Culture of the Call: A Model for Lay Theological Education,” LCL03 – Leadership Principles from 2 Timothy Theological Education, 38.2 (2002): 115. by Rev Dr Daniel Chua 2 Walter Brueggemann, “Covenanting as Human Vocation,” Interpretation 33 (April 1979): 126. 3 Howard Butt, “The Lay-Viewpoint,” Theological Education, 15 (1979): 116. Fridays (24/7, 31/7, 7/8, 14/8, 21/8, 28/8) 4 Butt, “The Lay-Viewpoint,” p. 117. – Introduction to Christian Apologetics AP02 5 So James Sellers, “Our Reluctant Laity and the Seminaries,” The Christian Century, April 29, by Mr Jose Philip 1964, p. 578. MLM02 – Leadership Notebook 2 by Trainers 6 Willhauck, “Cultivating a Culture of the Call,” p. 116. from Equipping Leaders for Asia 7 Sellers, “Our Reluctant Laity and the Seminaries,” p. 552. Trainers 8 Willhauck, “Cultivating a Culture of the Call,” p. 119.

Christian Worship and its Surrounding Culture A one-credit hour interterm course for SCM and SOTE students Date and time: Place: Lecturer:

Registration fee:

Jul 6-15, 9am to 12pm SBC Lecture Theatre Dr Terry York, associate professor of Christian ministry and church music at the Baylor School of Music. He authored several articles and books including America’s Worship Wars and The Voice of Our Congregation (with David Bolin). He was the project coordinator for the Baptist Hymnal (1991). He also wrote a number of hymns including Worthy of Worship. S$100 for church staff, seminary students and SBC alumni

Men in Counselling: Opportunities, Challenges and Alternatives Counsellors have long seen men as informants to their wives’ condition as being the absent figure in the home and the stern and distant disciplinarian in the lives of their children. Only recently are men seeking help for themselves. The stereotypes that men have of themselves and society has of them do limit their access for treatment. This seminar will explore the needs of men which may point us to new areas of ministry. It will also identify the challenges confronted when trying to help men, and present options and alternatives for reaching out to them. Date & Time:

Aug 14-15, 7pm to 9pm (Aug 14), 9am to 5pm (Aug 15)

To register for the seminar, please contact Veronica at 65591528 or email: deansoc Please visit for more information.

华 文 神 学 系 网上学园

第 三 个 网 上 课 程《 旧 约 信 息 》于 2009年10月至2010年3月开办由王苹 老师教授。 请密切留意8/9月期刊登的详情。

Speaker: Mr. Benny Bong (M. Social Work) is a Family and Marital Therapist with over 25 years of experience as a counsellor, trainer and consultant. He is the Director of Family Works Pte Ltd, and teaches parttime at NUS and Swinburne University of Technology, Australia. In the last 20 years, Benny has been involved with the work of reducing Family Violence through his involvement with the Society Against Family Violence.

The 56th Graduation Ceremony

will be held at Covenant Evangelical Free Church (90 Woodlands Drive 16, Singapore 737878) on 16 May 2009 (Sat) at 4:00 p.m. Speaker: Reverend Edmund Chan Kim Huat Senior Pastor, Covenant Evangelical Free Church


COLLEGE EVENTS 校 园 动 态 2 1 8




1. On Jan 15-16, CCTE together with the Trinity Annual Conference (TRAC) of the Methodist Church in Singapore and Sports Coalition Singapore jointly organized a Sports Mentoring & Chaplaincy Seminar with the theme “Transforming Lives in Sport”. International sports chaplains and mentors Roger Lipe, Armenio Anjos and Moses Lim conducted the training for about 60 participants who attended.

督里的成熟,并讲解了这个目标应如何影响个人生命、教会事工和神 学教育。

3. An action-packed game between SOTE and SOTC at the SBC Basketball Match on Feb 17. SOTE beat SOTC by a narrow lead of 5856.

1月15-16日,神学延伸教育中心、新加坡卫理公会的三一年议会 2月17日,英文神学系和华文神学系进行了一场扣人心弦的篮球比 和新加坡体育联盟联合举办了题为“通过运动改变生命”的体育辅 赛。英文系以58比56的成绩险胜华文系。 导与牧养讲座。国际运动牧师和辅导教师Roger Lipe、Armenio 4. SOCM presented Church Music Festival 2009 on Feb 20-21, Anjos 和 Moses Lim 训练了到场的大约60位参加者。

with the 21st Century Transformational Worship Seminar. Dr Jim Lemons, Director of Worship Leadership program of Dallas Baptist University, was the speaker. Pastors, music and worship leaders, and seminary students from various countries were reminded that biblical worship is life-transforming, and enlightened by the well-balanced explanation of postmodernism and the emerging church movement. Participants also realized that many Asian cultures and churches are already affected by these and were challenged to respond biblically. 英文神学系和 恩典工程 合作,于2月6日请来了Gordon Smith 博士就 Dr Lemons also spoke at two combined chapels.

2. In partnership with GraceWorks, SOTE welcomed Dr Gordon Smith to SBC on Feb 6 to deliver three lectures on Spiritual Maturity. Dr Smith provided participants with a biblical definition of Christian maturity and proposed how this goal of the Christian life can inform the life of the individual, the ministry of the church and the work of good theological education. 灵性成熟做了三个讲座。Smith 博士向与会者解释圣经如何定义在基



2月20-21日,圣乐系举办了2009年圣乐节,内容是二十一世纪有 改变能力的敬拜讲座。达拉斯浸信大学的敬拜领袖项目的主任Jim Lemons博士提醒来自不同国家的牧师、音乐敬拜带领人和学生:符 合圣经教导的敬拜会带来生命的改变。Lemons博士还全面地讲解了 后现代主义和新兴教会。与会者意识到亚洲许多文化和教会已经受 到它的影响,作出合乎圣经教训的回应是个挑战。Lemons博士还两 次在双语早会上讲道。

6. SBC held its annual Missions Emphasis Week from Mar 3-6. Drawing reference from Revelation 7:9, this year’s theme was “Every Tribe, Every Tongue”. The colorful display of costumes, culture and food by students from many nations allowed everyone to gain a better understanding and appreciation of each country, while reminding all on the urgent evangelization of the unreached.

新神于3月3-6日举办了一年一度的差传周。今年的主题是“万族万 民” ,取自启示录7章9节。不同国家的同学展现的多姿多彩的民族服 5. Another fun-filled, team-spirited outing at the Inter-Col- 装、文化和食品让每一位参加者不仅对每个国家有了更多的认识和 lege Sports Day on Feb 27. Drawing active participation from Baptist 赏识,而且也提醒大家奋得未得之民的紧迫性。

Theological Seminary, East Asia School of Theology, Trinity Theological College and SBC, the games was a good opportunity for the stu7. International Night marked the close of Missions Emphasis dents to meet. SBC was honored to win the Champion Cup for the Week with a treat for all - spectacular performances of songs, cultural event! and tribal dances, dramatic skits and a glow-in-the-dark hand mime.

2月27日的校际运动会妙趣横生,充满团队精神。浸信神学院、东亚 差传周以国际之夜结束。精彩的表演,例如歌曲演唱、民族舞蹈、 神学院、三一神学院和新加坡神学院都参加了比赛,运动会是学生 小品和在黑暗中发光的手的哑剧,让大家度过了一个愉快的夜晚。 相见的好机会。新神荣获冠军杯!



I came across a hymn “God Leads Us Along” by George A. Young, which is very meaningful. The composer of this song was an obscure rural preacher and carpenter who lived in the late 19th century. Often, he and his family had to struggle to make ends meet. The story tells that George Young and his family were eventually able to move into their own house which they built themselves. Their joy was shortlived as some vandals who opposed his preaching set fire and destroyed his house when he was conducting gospel meetings elsewhere. Through the ashes and pain, he reaffirmed his faith in God and penned the words to the song: In shady green pastures, so rich and so sweet, God leads His dear children along Where the water’s cool flow bathes the weary one’s feet, God leads His dear children along. Some through the waters, some through the flood, some through the fire, but all through the blood. Some through great sorrow, but God gives a song in the night season, and all the day long. Sometimes on the mount where the sun shines so bright, God leads His dear children along Sometimes in the valley, in darkest of night, God leads His dear children along. The words of this song echo the words of Isaiah 43:2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. When we are tired and weary of the journey, let us take comfort that God is with us and He will see us through, be it floods or fire. He will give us a song in the night and we can trust in Christ our solid rock. Let us always be assured that “God Leads Us Along”. Ian Chng Director of Development

我偶然读到George A. Young 写的一 首 赞 美 诗 , 叫 作“ 上 帝 领 着 我 们 往 前 走” ,歌词意味深长。歌曲的作者是一位 生活在19世纪末的,鲜为人知的农村传 道人,他也是个木匠。他和他的家人经常 生活拮据。故事讲到George Young 和 他一家终于搬到了他们自己盖的房子里 。但好景不长,当他在外地举办福音聚会 的时候,一些反对他的布道的坏人放火把 他的房子烧了。在废墟和痛苦中,他再一 次认定他对神的信心,并写下这首歌: 在阴凉的青草地,浓绿,甜美, 上帝领着他的孩子们往前走, 清凉的溪水流过劳累的脚, 上帝领着他的孩子们往前走, 不管走过河水,走过洪水, 或是走过火焰,却都走过血水,虽经历

苦难,上帝白天黑夜唱给你歌一首, 有时高山正午,上帝领着他的孩子们往 前走,有时低谷深夜, 上帝领着他的孩子们往前走。 这首歌的歌词重复了以赛亚书43章第2节 你从水中经过的时候,我必与你同在; 你渡过江河的时候,水必不淹没你; 你从火中行走的时候,必不会烧伤; 火焰也不会在你身上烧起来。 当我们在人生的旅途上疲倦困乏 时,让我们记住上帝与我们同在,不 管我们遇到洪水还是火焰,他都会保守 我们安全行过。他会在黑夜给我们一首 歌,我们可以信靠基督我们的磐石。让 我们总是确信“上帝领着我们往前走。” 庄英豪 拓展部主任

FINANCIAL REPORT 财务报告 General Fund 经常费� Income 收入�(01/01/09-28/02/09) Expenditure 支出�(01/01/09-28/02/09) Surplus/(Deficit) 盈余/(不敷)�

S$ S$

Blk 5 Building Fund 第五座院舍建筑基金� Collection b/f as at 承前�01/07/08 Donations received 累积收入�(01/07/08 - 28/02/09) Less 减�: Completion of Nehemiah Blk 5 & Maintenance Work 尼西米工程第五座院舍及维修� Balance as at 余额截至�28/02/09

830,645 582,958 247,687

� S$ 5,701,695 2,128,946 7,830,641 � (7,536,888) S$ 293,753

Prayer of Thanksgiving A

SBC’s 1st Donor Appreciation Concert Saturday, 9 May 2009 • 7:30pm to 9:30pm Featuring a premier performance of the latest compositions by Dr Cainan Mui, Dean, School of Church Music

献上感谢 新加坡神学院首次感恩音乐会 2009年5月9日(星期六) w 呈献梅广文博士新作


Due to limited seating, admission will be by tickets only. To book your free tickets, please contact Lydia Tsai at tel: 65591514 or email: 由于座位有限,需凭票入场。预订免费入场券, 请联系蔡英青(电话:65591514 / 电邮

学院 动态





年11月,一个西方的基金会通知新神:由于全球金融危机, 他们不能继续为我们的学生提供奖学金。作为刚上任的总行 政主任,我自然很着急,也不愿意把消息告诉学生。一个、两个、三个星 期过去了,我知道我不能再隐瞒消息,因为新学期就要开始了。我发出了 一封电邮,通知学生们奖学金已经停止,但用神的话语鼓励他们继续仰望 神满足他们的所需: “这位神,他的道路是完全的;耶和华的话是炼净的; 凡是投靠他的,他都作他们的盾牌。” (诗篇18章30节)听到消息,很多学 生很沮丧,但同时被神的话语鼓舞。一两个星期又过去了,我又发出了一 封电邮。但这次,情况大不相同。我等不及和大家分享学院又可以颁发奖 学金的好消息:一对新加坡夫妇慷慨奉献,补上了基金会取消的奖学金。 再加上另外两个人的捐献,学院最终向来自11个国家的44名同学颁发了奖 学金。大多数的奖学金领受者来自中国和印度尼西亚。对学院的师生员工 来说,这是一次信心之旅。神的话确实是完全的;他是所有投靠他的人的 盾牌!


n Nov 2008, the College was informed by a Foundation in the west that it would cease awarding scholarships to our students due to the global financial crisis. As the newly appointed Chief Administrative Officer, I was naturally concerned and reluctant to release the news to the students. One . . . two . . . three weeks had passed, and I knew I could not withhold the bad news any longer as the new semester was about to begin. I sent an e-mail message informing students of the cessation of scholarships and encouraging them to continue to trust God to provide for them by quoting the assuring words of God: “As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the LORD is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in him.” (Psalm 18:30) Many students were discouraged by the bad news but encouraged by God’s words. Subsequently, another one . . . two weeks passed, and I sent another e-mail message. However this time, the mood was different as I could not wait to share the good news that scholarships would be awarded to students again as a Singaporean couple had contributed generously towards the scholarships that were earlier cancelled by the Foundation. With further donations from two more individuals, the College was able to award scholarships to 44 students from 11 nations. Most of the scholarship recipients are from China and Indonesia. It was a faith journey for the College’s staff, faculty and students. God’s way is indeed perfect; He is a shield for all who take refuge in Him!

林玉珍��Donna Lim 总行政主任 Chief Administrative Officer

非常感谢天父,在 的恩手带领之下, 我已经进入了第三年的学习。三年来 完全仰赖主的恩典度过。今年的金融海 啸让我几乎失去继续就读的机会。赞美 神!因 是信实的,耶和华以勒的神正 如当年供应 的仆人以利亚一样,奇妙 地透过爱 的弟兄姊妹来帮助我完成剩 余的神学课程。我除了感恩之外唯一能 够做的就是认真读书,好好装备和充实 自己,以期将来能够做个合神心意的基 督工人,尽心地服事这个时代,造福缅 甸。敬祝主恩满溢! 毛富银 华文神学系


在全球受到 金融海啸冲 击的情况下, 我仍能得到 这份奖学金, 心中非常感 动。奖学金对 于我们一家四 口在新加坡生活、两个孩子上学读书是 一个很大、很及时、很实在的帮助与补 贴。原来心中有很大的压力,不知该怎 样面对接下来的学习与生活,但同时深 信神既然带领我们从中国来到新加坡读 神学, 必供应一切所需经费。感谢神 感动爱主的弟兄姐妹奉献支持,成为神 学训练的祝福!愿神赐福在暗中奉献支 持我们的弟兄姐妹!

I thank God so much for the SBC scholarship that I have received. By this scholarship I can still continue my study here as it helps me to pay for my tuition, books and living expenses which I cannot afford on my own. Spiritually, this scholarship has been an unforgettable reminder for me of God’s providence, whereby I am strengthened to face the future ministries with confidence that He will continue to supply all my needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus (Phi. 4: 19). I pray that God will continue to allow SBC to bless many more servants of the Lord.

Sometimes, we may feel that we have got everything planned and under control. But in 2007 when I studying at SBC, when my wife broke the news that she was pregnant, it was a joy on one hand and a struggle on the other. We were unable to manage the high living costs in Singapore and had to think of some possibilities, one of which was sending her back to Indonesia, where the cost of living is much lower. During that time, I learnt about the scholarship program at SBC and submitted an application, praying that God will pave the way for us. And God did answer our prayer; my scholarship application was approved! Together with the support from my home church, local church and friends, we can continue to stay together in Singapore as a family. Through the scholarship, God had certainly shown his faithfulness to us. To God be the glory!

柏约翰� 华文神学系

Moe Ka Fat, SOCM

Toni Siau, SOTE

以下是四位奖学金获得者的感恩之辞 -


Here is a sharing of thanksgiving from four of our scholarship recipients -

Alumni News

校 友消息

Rev Michael Shen fellowshipped with 沈立德牧师 alumni in Ipoh on Jan 2. 与校友于1月2日在怡保团契。

(L-R) Wong Kok Sheong, Liew Chee Kay, Law Hwa Ting, Rev Shen, Yap Yin Har, Choong Chee Tuck, Henry Yong. (左至右) 黄国雄,刘志奇,刘华天,沈牧 师,叶燕霞,钟志德,Henry Yong 。

前正在新神修教牧学博士)和苏志青牧 师(华文神学系98年道学硕士和神学学 士,95年基督教研究文凭;目前正在新 神修教牧学博士)。

When Rev Dr Bernard Low was in Korea to attend the “Awaken the Laity” Seminar organized biannually by SaRang Community Church, he met several SBC alumni who also attended the seminar. These alumni are all faithfully serving the Lord in their respective churches and mission field. 当刘文良博士在韩国参加爱之教会一年 两次举办的“唤醒平信徒”研讨会时, 他遇见了好几位也来参加研讨会的新神 的校友。这些校友都在各自的教会和工 场忠心地服侍。


陈世协博士于3月12-14日在马来西亚参 加了第一届主教管区的教牧和平信徒领 袖大会,并有机会和新神的校友和学生 交通团契。

(L-R) Rev Dr Bernard Low, Rev Derek Lim (B.Th 96; Priest-in-Charge of All Saints’ Church), Rev Timothy Sng (B.Th 08; Deacon at All Saints’ Cathedral, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah), Rev Tony Yeo (B.Th 90; Lead Pastor, Covenant Evangelical Free Church - Woodlands Campus), Rev Yee Ching Wah (MBS 97; Dean of the Anglican Church in Thailand) and Ven Canon John Yeo (B.Th 93; Archdeacon of West Coast of Sabah and Rector of Christ Church Likas ).

Condolences 慰唁

(L-R) Rev Jacob Bau Chian Hui (SOTE M.Div 99), Dr Albert Ting, Bishop Ng Moon Hing (Bishop of Angilcan Diocese of Malaysia; currently pursuing his D.Min at SBC) and Rev Stephen Soe Chee Cheng (SOTC M.Div & B.Th 98, DipCS 95; also currently pursuing his D.Min at SBC). (左至右)Bau Chian Hui牧师(英文神 学系99年道学硕士),陈世协院长,主 教黄满兴(圣公会马来西亚教区主教;目

A number of our alumni were ordained in their churches recently. We rejoice with them! 最近,几位校友在各自的教会被按立。我 们与他们一同欢喜快乐!

Pastor Janet Yan Yin Wai (SOTE MA 02) was installed at Abundant Life Baptist Church in Singapore on Feb 22. 牧师甄贤慧(英文神学系02年文学硕 士)于2月22日在新加坡丰盛生命浸信堂 被按立为牧师。

Rev Chang Yuik Foong (SOTC B.Th 03) was ordained at Peace Presbyterian Church in Johor Bahru, Malaysia on Feb 28. 郑玉凤牧师(华文神 学系03年神学学士) 于2月28日在马来西 亚的新山和平教会受 按立为牧师。

Rev Timothy Lai (retired) with his wife and daughter.

Dr Albert Ting attended the First Diocesan Clergy and Lay Leaders Conference on Mar 12-14 in Malaysia, and fellowshipped with several SBC alumni and students.

Congratulations 恭贺

Rev Daniel Tan Hoo Sun (SOTC B.Th 97) was ordained as Senior Pastor of Living Praise Presbyterian Church in Singapore on Mar 7. 陈富山牧师(华文神学系97年神学学 士)于3月7日在新加坡的活颂堂就职 授任为主理牧师。

Rev Dorcas Ho Yee Wan (SOTC B.Th 82/Dip.Th 77) was ordained at Gereja Presbyterian Perling, Malaysia on Apr 8. 何绮云牧师(华文神学系82年神学学士/ 77年神学文凭)于4月8日在马来西亚的 圣光柏林堂受按立为牧师。

Our alumnus Rev Christopher Lee Swan Yap (SOTC Dip.Th 99) was called home to glory on Mar 13. 我们的校友李选业牧师 (华文神学系99年神学文 凭)在3月13日被召回天 家,安息主怀。

Pastor Julie Sim Joo Yee (SOTE M.Div 04) was ordained at the Unity Presbyterian Church in Johor Bahru, Malaysia on Apr 沈如意牧师(英文神学系04道学 18. 硕士)于4月18日在马来西亚新山合一长 老教会受按立为牧师。


抚平;有时为了不伤和气,不敢 讲明真理,这样将真理和爱心切 割的沟通,是有害的。

“在爱心中过诚实的生活”是保罗教导信徒在 生活上的重要原则(弗四15,新译本)。其它译本作 “在爱心中说诚实话”、 “在爱心中说真理”。这篇短 文则主要以“沟通”为范畴。 凭“爱心”说话是沟通的基本态度,但说出“真理” 才是沟通目的。只有爱心,没有真理,它是妥协、放 纵、甚至犯罪(情境伦理);若只有真理,没有爱心, 那是论断、定罪甚至成为人的绊脚石。

但“ 说 真 理 ”会 不 会 变 为“ 论 断”呢?耶稣说“你们不要判断 (论断)人 为什么看见你弟 兄眼中的木屑,却不理会自己眼 中的梁木呢?” (太七1,3) “Judge” (论断)一字,有“辨 别”、“审判”及“定罪”的意思,但有时是同时具有 以上的意思。耶稣并非说不可评断,而是要我们不可 有“自以为义”的心态。 司 托 得 说“ 如 果 没 有 爱 心 予 以 软 化 ,真 理 会 变 得 困难;如果没有真理强化,爱心则是软弱无力的。”所 以我们常有的挣扎是:在一个不定罪的心态中,作 出明智中肯的评断;也惟有在爱心中,说出真理才 不会沦为论断。

爱和真理是分不开的。主耶稣是真理, 也是爱, 所以当主耶稣一开口说话, 不但是宣讲真理,更 是流露大爱。有人说, 在�心中���的生活在�心中���的生活在�心中��� 十字架是神公义和慈爱 的 生 活 在 � 心 中 � � � 的 生 活 在 � 心 中 � � � 的 生 活 在 � 心 中 ���的生活在�心中���的生活在�心中���的生活在 �的生活在� 心中��� 同时彰显的地方,非常 � 心 中 � � 的生活在 � 心 中 ���的 � 心 中 � 有理!但“同时”这两 生 活 在 ��的 生活在 中 � 个字,在神学上似乎 � 心 � � 的 生 有点困难,因为公义和 活 在 � 心 中 � � � 慈爱原是一体的、融合 的 生 活 在 � 心 中 � 的、完整的,原来就 � � 的 生 心中� 活在� 没有时序之别;就好像 � � 的 生活在 ��的生 心中� 吃柳橙,它的香味、甜 � ���的生 活在�心中 在�心中�� �的生活在� 味、和酸味是整个一起 活 �心中���的生 心中���的生活在 在�心中���的生活 在�心中���的生活 吃进去的。因此,真理 活 在�心中���的生活在� 心中���的生活在�心 ��的生活在�心中��� ���的生活在�心中� 和爱心是不能分开的, 中 的生活在�心中���的生活 在�心中���的生活在�心 中���的生活在�心中���的生活在�心中���的生活 例如: 在�心中���的生活在�心中���的生活在�心中��� 的生活在�心中���的生活在�心中���的生活在�心中

主耶稣面对一个行淫 的妇人被捉拿时, 不定她的罪,这是 的慈爱,但 更重要的是 告诉她“去吧,从此不要再犯罪了。 ”这 是真理的训示。(约八11)

当少年官来见耶稣求问得永生之道时,耶稣看着他就 爱他,但仍然对他说“你还缺少一件”主耶稣的爱和 真理是融合而毫不含糊的。 (可十21) 当彼得认耶稣是基督,是永生神的儿子时,耶稣就称 赞他;但以後,当彼得想拦阻耶稣上耶路撒冷时,耶 稣却义正词严地责备他说“撒旦!退到我後边去!你 是绊倒我的 ” (太十六23)无论是赞美或责备,耶稣 都是在显明真理。因此,爱心和真理是一体的两面, 当保罗说到“爱”时,他也诠释作“不喜欢不义,只 喜欢真理”。 (林前十三6) 我们人常常把爱心和真理作了二分法。有时基於血 气,先用“真理”把人伤害了,再想用“爱心”去弥补


下面几点是自己的反 省,也作为彼此勉励: 1. 真 理 与 爱 心 不 可 分割。没有爱心 时,暂时不要沟 通。但为表达爱 心时,却不可将真 理妥协。 2. 不要说别人认为他 如何,而表明是自 己的观点,自己负 责。

用真理判断人之前,先用真理省察自己。不要 “理直气壮”,可以“理直气柔”。 (西四6)

4. 不攻击对方的“人品”,不揣测别人的“动机” (Mindreading), 而 只 是 陈 述 他 行 为 的“事 实” (Statement)。承认自己也不完全。 5. 不单单拆毁,而要给以建设性的建议,并容许对 方有足够的时间改变。 6. 爱心的判断不是惩罚性,而是救赎性,使彼此生 命能够成长。 (加六1)


2009 年 嘉声 4 / 5 月 217


新 加 坡 神 学 院 训 练 耶 稣 基 督 忠 心 的 仆 人


在爱心中 过诚实的生活

奖学金 这件礼物

新神首次 感恩音乐会


Dr Albert Ting Mrs Karen Lee Rev Dr Rick Griffith Dr Myrleene Yap Rev Dr Bernard Low Rev Dr Paul Woods Mrs Serena Chan 编 辑 部 陈世协博士 杨金兰讲师 顾力凯博士 叶慕灵博士 刘文良博士 林保罗博士 陈诗韵女士

受鼓舞! 要了解 一个人对什 么有强烈的爱好,他 生命的目标是什么, 最好的一个方法就是 搞清他崇拜的英雄是 谁。英雄就是那些激 励我们再上一层楼的 人。他们大多拥有我 们还不具备但却非常 羡慕并愿意模仿的品 质或才能。他们因此 激励我们再接再厉, 不轻易气馁。

虽然我们崇拜我 们心目中的英雄,他 们有时还是会让我们 失望的。希伯来书的 作者引导我们把目光 转向另一个地方。

2. 让耶稣来鼓舞你

“仰望为我们信心创 始成终的耶稣。他因 那摆在前面的喜乐, 就轻看羞辱,忍受了 十字架的苦难,便坐 在神宝座的右边。 那忍受罪人这样顶撞 的,你们要思想,免 得疲倦灰心。”(希 伯来书12章2-3节) 耶稣是我们最 终的榜样,因为他 为我们和我们的英雄 1. 被英雄鼓舞 开辟并成就了信心之路。他 耶稣是我们最终 “我们既有这许多的见证 走在我们之前,并走完了全 人,如同云彩围着我们, 就当放下各样的重担,脱去 的榜样,因为他 程。因着他,这些信心的伟 人才能够留下他的印记。但 容易缠累我们的罪,存心忍 是,耶稣不同于这些英雄的 耐,奔那摆在我们前头的路 为我们和我们的 地方是他从不让我们失望。 程。”(希伯来书12章1节) 他为了救赎人类,成全 希伯来书的作者在希伯 天 父 的旨意,能够忍受身体 英雄开辟并成就 上和感情上的痛苦,是因为 来书第11章列举了许多过去的 属灵英雄来激励我们。这些 他从未迷失方向!我们不疲 圣徒在基督的国里留下了不 了信心之路。他 倦灰心的一个方法就是思想 可磨灭的印迹。他们有男有 耶稣。尤金彼得森说得好: 女,背景和社会阶层都有差 “当你信仰动摇时,重温耶 走在我们之前, 异,他们其中一些很有名, 稣基督的故事,一个细节, 另一些却鲜为人知。正因为 并走完了全程。 一个细节的,看他是如何顶 他们各有千秋,所以我们才 住数不清的敌对行为,艰难 可以从这个名单中找出适合 地向前跋涉的。这样做就好 自己学习的榜样。 比给你的灵魂注入肾上腺素。” 英雄之所以能够激励我们是因为他们 在我们的生活中总会有挑战和挣扎。 是我们中的一员。他们也许比我们聪明, 默想基督,让你所崇拜的英雄来环绕你。 但他们还是我们中的一员;他们像我们一 让我们不断地被激励! 样有血有肉。我们的感觉是这样的:“如 果他们做得到,我也做得到。”他们的失 败使我们的失败显得正常,可以接受。如 果他们也曾遇到反对和挫折,那么我们现 博士 在的伤痛也并不希奇。你的英雄是谁?找 新加坡神学院长 一个英雄,让他来鼓舞你!

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