SBC Pray For Us Issue 210

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Oji Press Pte Ltd

In Barcelona, Spain, a monument was built to commemorate the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus. The statue portrays him looking intently towards the land in the far distance. With one hand, he points towards the direction of the new continent; with the other hand, he holds what appears to be a map. His eyes are gazing with determination. This is the portrayal of a man with a sense of purpose! Paul is a man with a sense of purpose. He demonstrates that clearly in Philippians 3 : 12-14. His direction is “to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus” (v. 14); his map is “to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me” (v. 12); and his determination comes from the sense that he is not there yet (v. 12, 13). These are the three ingredients for a purposeful life: a clear direction, a helpful roadmap, and a resolute determination. As we press on in 2008, we also need a clear direction from God for us to pursue, a helpful roadmap from God to show the path and a resolute determination not to give up until we have reached the destination! People with these ingredients usually stand out among the crowd. They tend to finish well and finish strong.

February 2008


This year we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the School of Theology (English) and the 25th anniversary of the founding of the School of Church Music. We want to thank God for the expansion and contribution of these two schools. Many alumni have been trained through the diligent labors of our lecturers in these two schools. These alumni serve effectively and faithfully in different parts of the world. I also want to remind you that you have played a great part in the training of these students through your donations and prayers to support the theological education at Singapore Bible College. Thank you so much for your partnership in ministry.

Direction, Map, Determination God has brought 38 new students to SBC in the new semester. Currently, the total number of full-time and part-time students stands at 574. We are thankful for the increase in enrollment. We are committed to do our best to train faithful servants of Jesus Christ for the edification of the church and the urgent evangelization of the unreached. Please continue to support us to carry out our mission. Have a blessed New Year!

Dr Albert Ting, Principal Singapore Bible College

Dr Bernard Low The New Year has always been a time when many people reflect on the changes they want (or need) to make and then resolve to follow through on those changes.

In practical terms, what would walking with God entail? The late Ray Stedman helpfully suggested three things that walking with God would involve.

Among the top ten resolutions which people commonly make for the New Year are the following: (1) spend more time with family and friends; (2) get physically fit; (3) tame the bulge (i.e., lose weight); (4) quit smoking; (5) enjoy life more; (6) quit drinking; (7) get out of debt; (8) learn something new; (9) help others; and, (10) get organized.

Firstly, to walk with God means to go in the same direction as God. The man who walks with God is one who discerns which way God is going and goes the same way. He sees where God is working and joins Him there.

What resolutions have you, as a Christian, made for 2008? Do they include improving your walk with God? If you look back on the year 2007, how would you evaluate your walk with God? More importantly, how would God evaluate your walk with Him? Suppose today turns out to be the last day of your life and before you expire, you have the opportunity to write your own obituary in one sentence, what would you write? What would God write? In Genesis 5 which contains the genealogy of Adam, we find God writing, as it were, the obituaries of various people who lived many thousands of years ago. These follow a definite numerical pattern: (a) So-and-so was X years old at the birth of the son named; (b) He lived for Y years after the birth of the son and had other sons and daughters; and, (c) He lived altogether for Z years and then he died. Reading this genealogy, one cannot but notice the repetitiveness and ordinariness of the lives of these men. They appear so mundane and, if I may add, insignificant. These men seem to be just going through the motion of living, giving birth, and then dying. However, the genealogy has one exception. There is one man whose life stands out. There is one man whose obituary reads very differently: “When Enoch had lived 65 years, he became the father of Methuselah. And after he became the father of Methuselah, Enoch walked with God for 300 years and had other sons and daughters. Altogether, Enoch lived 365 years. Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away” (Gen. 5:21-24). Whereas everyone else in this genealogy lived, gave birth to children, and then died, it is not said of Enoch “and he died.” Instead, and very significantly, it is said twice of him that he “walked with God” and he did this for 300 years. This is evidently the highlight of this genealogy. A clear distinction is obviously made between Enoch who walked with God and the other men who were merely going through the motion of living, giving birth, and then dying. What did it mean for Enoch to walk with God? Enoch did not literally walk with God. This is a figurative expression which, in the Old Testament, conveys the idea of intimacy and closeness. The idea of walking with God connotes a daily life of devotion, faithfulness and service to the Lord (e.g., 2 Kgs. 20:3).

Secondly, to walk with God means to keep in step with Him. No one can walk with another person if he does not keep in step with him. Sooner or later, there comes imbalance: one either goes ahead or lags behind. Thirdly, to walk with God means there is no controversy between Him and us. “Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so?” asks the prophet Amos (3:3). The man who walks with God must agree with things as God sees them. Enoch walked with God and that for 300 years. Although his lifespan was considerably shorter compared to the other men in the genealogy – he lived only 365 years – his was a life which was considerably more significant and meaningful from God’s perspective. Unlike the other men, Enoch did not live his life merely going through the motions. On the contrary, he walked with God! This is the greatest glory that can come to any man. If your name were listed in this genealogy, what would it say? What would God write in your obituary? Would it say that you merely went through the motions of living, giving birth (replace this with what you ordinarily do in your daily life) and then dying? Or would it say that you walked with God? There is no better way to walk with God than to walk according to His revealed purposes for us. In recent years, Rick Warren has done the Christian Church a great service by reminding us of God’s purposes for us. These include worship, fellowship, discipleship, service, and evangelism. When we walk with God in both daily and weekly worship, this will help us to focus on God. When we walk with God in fellowship both with Him and our fellow Christians, this will help us to face life’s problems. When we walk with God in intentional discipleship, growing in Christ and growing to be like Him, this will help us to fortify our faith. When we walk with God in service, using our spiritual gifts to edify the Church, this will help us to find our place in ministry. When we walk with God in evangelism, testifying to the Gospel of God’s saving grace in Jesus Christ, this will help us to fulfill our God-given life mission. What ultimately matters to God and should matter to us is that we walk with Him. May the New Year 2008 see us walking a new walk with God. This is what SBC aims to do: to train and equip faithful servants of Jesus Christ who walk with God and who can in turn help churches and Christians walk with God too. Rev Dr Bernard Low lectures in Systematic Theology at SBC. He is also an Associate Pastor of Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church.


CollegeEvents From the desk of the Director of Development

“Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart…” Strands of singing floated out of a village church in the highlands of Nagaland. The sound of singing drew curious villagers and children to the entrance of the church. Very soon an impromptu mini “concert” was held in the church for the villagers. It was totally unplanned.

Singapore Bible College – Hong Kong Alumni Association Limited has been successfully registered. With immediate effect, SBC Hong Kong alumni and supporters can donate in HK dollars or issue HK dollar cheques as donations. Please make cheques payable to Singapore Bible College – Hong Kong Alumni Association Limited and send to 1-2/F, Fortune Garden, 15 Wing Ting Road, Ngau Chi Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tax-deductible receipts will be issued to donors in Hong Kong.

> SBC-NAF Directors

This was an event from a missions trip to Nagaland by some SBC alumni, students and a supporter in November/December 2007. The team visited a village in Nagaland together with some Naga alumni a day before we returned to Singapore. As we reflected on the trip, this was a special moment as we sang the SBC anthem “Be Thou My Vision” in the village church. The alumni were from different countries, different ministries and different age groups. However, as we sang the college anthem, we felt the warmth, the love and the sense of belonging in one big family. Front L-R : Rev Chan Pak Fai, Mrs Irene L. Li, Mdm Eleanor Kay, and Mr Edward Liu. Back L-R: Mr Anthony Chau, Dr Albert Ting, Mr Johnson K. Lee, Dr Chang Pu Kwang, Dr Samuel Cheung, and Rev Samuel Ng Hiow Beng. (Absent: Elder Jeremiah Cua Lian Ki, and Dr Joshua Ting Sih Ching)

Rev Dr Samuel Cheung was elected as Chairman of the Board of SBC North America Fellowship. There are 3 new Board Directors, including Mdm Eleanor Kay, Mr Johnson K. Lee, and Mr Edward Liu. We warmly welcome them. We would also like to thank all of them who serve faithfully on the Board to connect SBC and North America churches and supporters. May our Lord use them to develop and bless SBC North American Fellowship ministries.

> Mr Joshua Tew was appointed IT Manager on 1 December 2007.

L-R: Jasen Chadi (MACE ’06 Nagaland), Ian Chng (MAIS ’06 Singapore), Madeleine Foo (MAIS ’06 Singapore),Won Jin Ju (BTh ’07 Korea), Josephine Tan (BTh/MA ‘06 Singapore), Lee Hwee Chin (MABS ’05 Singapore), Bethel Therie (BCM ’06 Nagaland)

It was awesome as we thought of the work of the sovereign Lord in our lives: different branches that sprang forth from the same tree (SBC) rooted in Jesus Christ. The Lord has placed each of us in different ministries, be it in the church, seminary or in the marketplace. SBC is the nurturing ground and your prayers and financial support have made it possible for our alumni to be trained and to serve the Lord Jesus Christ in different parts of the world. Indeed, may the Lord remain our vision as we enter the New Ye ar. God bless you and happy Lunar New Ye ar! Ian Chng Director of Development

Congratulations Our SOTC lecturer Rev Michael Phua passed his Ph.D. dissertation oral defense on 5 February, and was conferred his Ph.D by Westminster Theological Seminary.

> Rev Dr Bernard Low (SOTE) was appointed Director of Centre for Continuing Theological Education on 1 January 2008.

> Director of Ichthus Research Centre, Dr Walter McConnell, ended his service at SBC on January 2008. We Thank him for his faithful service and pray that God will bless and guide his future path.

> On 12 November 2007, our lecturer Mr Peter Chung (SOCM) and family left for doctoral studies at the University of Auckland, New Zealand.

> Rev Dr Rick Griffith (SOTE) ended his 6-month sabbatical leave and returned to Singapore on 7 January 2008. We warmly welcome him.



> Staff Movements

Dr Albert Ting was invited to host the ordination service for our alumni Lim Sen Kwang (SOTC / BTh / 1998) and Fung Tehin Seng (SOTC / BTh / 2001) on 5 January at church of SIB The Way, Kuching, East Malaysia. On 15 to 17 February, he will preach at Chinese Christian Church of Thousand Oaks, USA in evangelistic and revival meetings. On 22 February, he will preach in Jakarta, Indonesia, and from 29 February to 3 March, he will go to Vancouver, Canada, to host the SBC Canada Board Meeting and speak in the Revival Meeting and Pastoral Leadership Conference.

During the month of December 2007, we bade farewell to six staff who left SBC for various personal reasons: Finance Manager - Lim Siew Peng, Book Centre Manager - Estella Lee, Database Programmer - Edwin Toh, Book Centre Assistant – Fanny Yip and Secretaries in the Registrar’s Office - Ko Sek Bee and Fita Lia. They have served the SBC community faithfully for several years and we wish them well in the next phases of their lives. At the same time, we extend a very warm welcome to the following staff who joined us recently: Finance Manager – Linda Chia, IT Officer – Samuel Chandra, Secretaries in the Registrar’s Office – Lisa Yin and Yvonne Poh (part-time), and Assistant Secretary in the Principal’s Office – Isabella Tu. Linda worships at Toong Chai Presbyterian Church, Samuel at Bethesda (Bedok-Tampines) Church, Lisa at Bukit Batok Presbyterian Church, Yvonne at Changi Baptist Church and Isabella at Queenstown Baptist Church.

Dr Bernard Low will be preaching in the following churches: Hebron B-P Church (his homechurch) on 27 Jan, First Evangelical Reformed Church on 20 Jan and 3 Feb; and Providence Reformed Presbyterian Church on 24 Feb. In his homechurch, he taught a course on "Discerning, Deciding and Doing the Will of God" on 20 Jan and he will conduct a series on the book of Revelation from Feb onwards Dr Florence Tan went through Galatians 1 – 3 with ladies at Covenant Community Methodist Church in Jan and Feb; from 1 to 4 January, in a Southeast Asian country on Missions and Church Growth; on 14 January at Asian CrossCultural Training Institute on Mentoring; she gave a talk on Teachability to the Youth at the People’s Bible Church on 27 January. She also spoke on The Race at Singapore Charismatic Church in February.

Linda Chia

Samuel Chandra

Lisa Yin

Yvonne Poh

Isabella Tu

> Improvements to our Facilities and Infrastructure We completed the following improvement projects between November 2007 and January 2008: Projects under the IT Upgrading Programme (sponsored by Mr Michael Wong): • Upgrading of Existing Firewall: We replaced our existing firewall with one that providing greater flexibility and ease in configuring and monitoring. • Upgrading of Network Switches: Our old network switches that had started failing were replaced with new ones providing faster inter-building connections, higher level of flexibility and security. • Extension of Wireless Internet Access: New access points were installed to provide campus-wide wireless access to the Internet. • Upgrading of Servers: We upgraded our domain, database, mail and web servers to meet rising users’ demand for more efficient IT services and greater IT processing power. Other Projects Upgrading of PABX Equipment: New PABX equipment were installed and Direct Dial-in (DDI) numbers were issued to more faculty and staff to provide better service to the SBC community. Replacement of Ceiling Boards in the Dining Hall: For better hygiene, we replaced our old gypsum ceiling boards in the dining hall with non-flaky ones.

Dr Violet James taught at ACTI on 21 and 28 January, on Communicating Christ to People of Other Faiths at Pasir Ris. Dr Rick Griffith preached on 1 Corinthians 6 at Crossroads International Church where he serves as pastor teacher.

AlumniNews > Our Alumni in Cambodia

L-R: Sharon Lim (BTh/96) finished an assignment after having been in the country for a decade and will probably move further in, God willing. Saing Sok Heang (BTh/07) and Vanna Nhep (BTh/07) are teaching at the Phnom Penh Bible College. Ling Lebrun and her husband are involved in the building of a spiritual retreat centre.

NewBooks Managing Moments with My Maker Author: Dr Florence Tan Poh Lian Contact: 6559 1527

A Cloud Of Witnesses — in remembrance of Elder Harry Sim Chek Hui “Harry kept himself involved in various ministries, and took many new initiatives in finding new ways to serve the Lord.” ~ Bishop Robert Solomon “Harry has been a marvelous model for us. Who will follow Harry as he followed his Master?”~ Dr James H. Taylor III Publisher: Pauline Ang Hooi Yeong Minimum offering per book: S$20.00 All offerings will be channeled to Christian Communications (Singapore), OMF (Singapore) Ltd., Hallelujah Oratorio Society and Singapore Bible College. For enquiries, call SBC Book Centre at 6559 1507 or email:

L-R: Alumni serving with OMF: Dr Jeffrey Lum (DICM/02) takes care of medical needs of OMF missionaries. Serene Lum (BTh/93) serves the short-termers. Kurt and Sally Kovach (MAIS/04 and 03) are learning the Khmer language.

Condolences We extend our deepest sympathy to our part-time lecturer, Mrs Lan Loo Geok, our lecturer Mr David Lang, and the family. Mrs Lang’s father passed away on 11 November 2007.

Upcoming Seminars

> Ichthus Report

> Listening to the Voice of Jesus; Living with a Sense of Calling. These are two seminars on Christian Spirituality and Vocational Ministry that SBC is organizing together with the English Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church in Singapore. They will feature Dr Gordon Smith, president of Resource Leadership International and former Dean of Regent College. The seminars will be held on Thu & Fri evenings, 14 & 15 Feb, 7.30 pm at True Way Presbyterian Church [no fee; freewill offering], and Sat, 16 Feb, 9 am – 5 pm at SBC [$50 per person, lunch & tea included]. Please check our website or call Maureen/ Lesley at 6559-1555. > Continuing Education for Church Musicians, School of Church Music Praise Guitar (I & II) Lecturer: Mr Chan Kum Soon Date: 20 Feb to 23 Apr, 2008 (Wednesday), 10 sessions Time: Guitar I: 7.30-8.30pm Guitar II: 8.30-9.30pm Venue: Block 1 Multi-Purpose Hall Registration fee: S$200.00 Language: English and Chinese Maximum 10 students for each class Basic Vocal Technique (Class Voice 2) Lecturer: Mdm Anna Koor Date: 15 Feb to 28 Mar, 2008 (Friday), 6 sessions Time: 7.30-9.30pm Venue: B03 & Lecture Theatre Registration fee: S$200.00 Language: English and Chinese Maximum 12 students

2007 has been a fruitful year for Ichthus. We have hosted several enriching events which were widely received. We owe our thanks to our panel of distinguished speakers and the active participation from the audience. We started the year with Dr Richard Phua, currently with TCA College, who read a paper entitled “Faithfulness to God in Pauline Literature.” The next seminar organized by Ichthus was held in conjunction with Singapore Bible College’s Church Music Festival where Dr. Howard Vanderwell and Ms. Norma de Waal Malefyt from the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship reflected on the congregations’ expectations of worship today. In the third quarter of the year, Prof. Larry W. Hurtado, Head of the School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh and the Director of the Centre for the Study of Christian Origins shared his views on Binitarian Monotheism: God and Jesus in the NT. Prof. Hurtado in his capacity as the Head of the School of Divinity in the University of Edinburgh also shared his thoughts on further education in the UK. Last but not least, we ended the year with Prof. D. A. Carson from the Trinity Divinity Evangelical School who spoke on The Emerging Church Seminar. In 2008, we are starting the new year with an English seminar in March by Dr. Daniel Block, who lectures at the Graduate School of Wheaton College, where he also serves as the Gunther H. Knoedler Professor of Old Testament. For further details, please refer to our website. If you wish to receive mailers on our events, please email us at

Vocal Technique (Class Voice 4) Lecturer: Mdm Leona Quek Date: 26 Feb, 4, 11, 18, 25 Mar and 1 Apr, 2008 (Tuesday), 6 sessions Time: 7.30-9.30pm Venue: B03 & Lecture Theatre Registration fee: S$200.00 Language: English and Chinese Maximum 12 students


For enquiry, please contact: SBC School of Church Music 9-15 Adam Road, Singapore 289886 Tel: 6559 1520 Fax: 6559 1550 Email: Website:

July 2008 Enrollment The new academic year begins on 21 July 2008. Applicants planning to enroll in any of the three schools as stated below may ask for an application package or more information at the Registrar’s Office. Local applications must reach SBC by 15 April 2008.

Needed: Flats for Rent The College is looking to rent 3- or 4-room HDB flats to house new student families for the academic year starting July 2008. We hope to be able to start the rental in July for a period of one to two years. Please call us if you have a unit available, and could avail it to us to help us train students from neighboring countries. Please contact Rita, secretary to the Dean of Students, at Tel: 6559 1558 or E-mail: deanstu@ Thank you.

School of Theology (Chinese) School of Theology (English) School of Church Music The Registrar’s Office Email: • Tel: (65) 6559 1521 or 1522


FinancialReport Income and Expenditure Statements for the period from 01/07/2007 to 31/12/2007

Property, Plant, and Equipment Fund

General Fund

S$ Income (01/07/2007 --- 31/12/2007) Expenditure (01/07/2007 --- 31/12/2007) Surplus Accumulated surplus as at 01/07/2007 Balance as at 31/12/2007

1,791,483 1,927,144 (135,661) 144,519 8,858

(Previously know as Building Fund)

Balance b/f as at 01/07/2007 Donations received (01/07/2007 --- 31/12/2007) Add: Surplus from 55th Anniversary Fundraising Music Concert Less Purchase of Equipment (01/07/2007 --- 31/12/2007) Work in progress for Nehemiah Project: Blk 5 Balance as at 31/12/2007

* This comprises Blk 5 Rebuilding Fund (S$3,266,073), IT Upgrading Fund (S$105,404), & others (S$950,168).

S$ 3,045,694 1,982,576 74,163 5,102,433 (118,925) (661,864) *4,321,644

“ Those who need money and those who can give money meet on the common ground of God’s love.� Henri J. M. Nouwen

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Time flies and the year 2007 has just ended. As I sat down to reflect and take stock of what I have done and achieved in 2007, I want to thank God for his provision during this past year. He enabled me to read a few good books, including going through the New Testa ment once again. The year 2007 was a bountiful year and the Lord has blessed me much in every way. When Singapore Bible College contacted me through our brother Ian Chng asking for a love gift to be made to SBC, my heart leapt with joy because I remember the Lord Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive� (Acts 20:35). Indeed it was my joy as I counted it to be worthy of God’s calling and to walk in obedience. I was further encouraged to hear the vision that God has impressed upon SBC during its ground breaking ceremony, and see so many brothers and sisters who love the Lord Jesus dearly giving generously for the extension of God’s Kingdom. I will continue to pray that God would raise many more God-fearing men and women and use them for His glory. I thank God for the many faithful servants in Singapore Bible College. May the Lord God Almighty continue to shower His abundant blessings on you.

Juan Hui Currently worshipping at Yio Chu Kang Chapel

> Block 5 Residence Hall Redevelopment Project

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Thank you to our many supporters for your generous contributions

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towards our Block 5 Residence Hall building fund. We have the honour of sharing with you the testimonies of two of our donors, Mr Juan Hui and Mdm Pauline Ang. May their messages encourage you as you serve the Lord for the extension of His Kingdom.

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We thank God that the building project has gathered momentum. At mid-January 2008, the structural work for the basement, first and second storeys have been completed. By God’s grace, we hope to meet our building completion target date, June 2008. Gift naming opportunities are available which allow a donor to permanently affiliate his or her name, the name of a corporation, foundation or church, or the name of a loved one with Singapore Bible College. Two 2-bedroom apartments and twenty-seven dormitories are yet to be named. Your support is an investment in eternity as students from different nations, who live there, will be trained to carry the gospel to all corners of the earth. We appreciate your support and prayers. As at 31/12/2007: ŕŠ•á’° ࣲ ŕ°Ľ ெ˞ྣ៝༠á?ŁŕżšË¨ŕŠ?ፎ঴ŕŽ?Ὁ Quantity

Taken Balance Gift Amount Up Available Per Unit S$

Gift Amount Per Unit US$

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Donors in USA Check Donation – please make cheque payable to SBC North America Fellowship and indicate “For Singapore Bible College� on the check. Mail your check to: Singapore Bible College, North America Fellowship, 4732 EI Rancho Verde Drive, La Palma, CA 90623, USA


ญ਌ŕ ”༼࣎ Goodwins Law Corporation á—‰Ěƒ ழҫâ€ŤÚšâ€Źá ˇÖ‘ŰśÍ˜Ô¤

ࣲ ఼៝ʡáŁ?á¤‰ĐšĐ›ŕŻ‘áŤŽĚƒâ€ŤÝ‹â€ŹË€ˤŐ‘áźťŕą„ŕŚ–Đ?ྫྷ࣎១ŕŁƒŕŽŒ៸ఢ ŕ ŤŕŠˆÍƒŕŤ?ŕŠ?ఌТʡáŁ?á¤‰Đšá‡¸ßŚáŹ“ŕŹŒÔŞá?ŤáŒˇÇ?ŕŠˆÍƒࡼఌâ€ŤÚ€â€ŹáĽ˜៝ˡਥ᧘á?§á?ˇáŁżá¤ˆážˇáŽĽáźťŕŁłŕ ­ŕśťá‡¸á„ŠŕŤ‰ á‡¨áźťÔťŕŻ§â€ŤÝ˝â€ŹáŒźŕˇĽŕ°ŚŐŚŇ‚ŕŚ?ᇸߌᄊÖ?Ô¸Ç?ᙊཊʡáŁ?ࡼఌÇ”ŕ°ťÍ˜Ç•ŕŚ?á‡¸ßŚáźťŕŠˆÍƒŕş‡á…źáĽ‹á‡¸ßŚáŹ“Ëžಏ ۲ÇŒá?ŤáŒˇÖ—áœ‰â€ŤÜŹâ€Źá‡¸á„ŠĚŞĚĄáźťŕ°ŠÎ”Í•ŕŽ”Í˜ÍŠá§˜á?ŤáĽ‹á¤ŠÇ?ႀ̆ʡáŁ?ఢ‍ښ‏ʟʡᇸߌᏓఊΔ᣿៝ŕŠžĚżŕ Ťá‡¸ ߌᏓ‍ښ‏á?ƒá ʽᄊऋܸá­Šáœśŕ°ŚĚ?Ě€á??Ç?Ꮤྼ˨ܹ៝๤ৼáˆ‹â€ŤŢšÝżâ€ŹáźˇŕŁƒŕŽŒ៸â€ŤŕŠˆÚšâ€Źŕ¤¨â€ŤËŠੰݽâ€ŹŐ‘ŕĄƒʡá„°Ů—Öš ឭ៝ᔪఌ۳ᅖ२੽ŕŠˆÖ§ážœఌТá‰ĄáĽŒŮ—á„ŠĚƒ৹௑៝ѭѭáœśá?¨ĚľÍƒá…źáĽ‹á‡¸ßŚáŹ“Ö—á?ľÜłáˆ‰áŽƒŕ°ťŕąžâ€ŤÚšâ€Źá?ƒŕš€ Ę˝á„Šá­ŠáœśáźťË…á´‚Ҿ̾Íƒâ€ŤÚšâ€ŹŃŹáŚĄá ‰Ě—ŕŻ‘áźťŕ ˛á‡¸ßŚáŹ“á„ŠĚƒࢺÖ—á­ŠáœśáźťŃľËžÔŞá„žá?¨Ë¨á?Śá§šÇ?ŕŠˆˡॊ᧚‍ښ‏ ᤠŕĽ‡á„ŠŕŻ‘Ď‹áźťË€ŕŚ„â€ŤÝ?‏ᄊ֚ٗ៝ߌ̿á’ąá šÇ? ༇ழᇸொరᄊੱथࢺáˆŽŕ¤¨â€ŤÝ˝â€ŹŕŻ‘áźťŕŠˆÍƒáŚ?Ő?ŕ¨“áœśÔ Ë á¤ˆࢺáˆŽá„Šâ€ŤÝ‹â€ŹŕżšÇ?ԝ௧៝á‡ŒĘ˝ŕŠˆŕŠžੰËŠá„ŠĚƒŇŹŕŠž ‍ࣲ ښ‏ᒰ ࣲరáŤŽáźťá‚€Ě†ŐŒÍ—̥˨áŤŽá„ŠáŤˆᎼ៝ŕĄ?ŕľ“á­§ŕ ŤŕŞ&#x;á?§ÇŒŕŽˆáŒ¸ÇŒŐŒࣳŐ‘ÔĄŕŞ&#x;á?§áŠŽáŤˆ ᎼÇ?ŕŹŒá…Œ௧ĚƒŇŹŕŠžŕŠžá ‡á„ŠĎ˜áźťŕ Žá’ąŕŠˆఌʡŕś€ŕŻ‘áŤŽ៝ࡼఌŕŽƒÔŠá˜ĄŕśľÇ?Ô ÎŽĎŚŕ ˇáŽ—á˜ĄáźťËˇŕŻ§ŕ śË¨ÔĄ ŕ śÇ?ἧ௑ʡáŁ?ŕŁƒâ€ŤÚšâ€ŹĐ›ŕŻ‘áŤŽĚƒâ€ŤÝ‹â€ŹáźťáźˇĚľŕŻ§Ë?੤á‰‡á‰‡á„Šá˘†ŃŁŕ ’ŕ¤‘á ˇŕ¨“៝ࡼఌÍŠÍľáˆĽá—¨Ç?៸ŕ ’ŕ¤‘á„ŠÎ“࣢ नኙ៝ߧß•Íƒá„Šá­ŠáœśáŠŽáźťâ€ŤÚšâ€Źá?ƒŕš€ŃŁá€˜áŒ‹ফŕż„Ń†ŕŻ‘ŕĄƒŕĽŞŇŻá šŕŠˆá„ŠáˆĽá—¨Ç?ŕŠžĚżáźťŕŠˆÍƒË€ŕŽ˜Đ´ŕ˝ŠÔ Ë á?Ł ࿚១Ë€௧Ρ༡Ë€áĄœἻ௧ণË€á‘&#x;ŕĄ&#x;á›ĄŕŻ‘ŕĄƒÍ˜ŕ¨–Ň‚༢̇ྒ៰៸Ç?ᤈನá„Š৹цˡÎŽŕŠˆË”ĚĄŕ°ŚŕŻ‘ŕ°łá‘&#x;ॊ Ç”ӥʡÇ•˨á Š៝༡Ë—ʡá„°ŕ¨–Ň‚ŕ Ťá‡¸ŕĽ˘Ě‡ŕľ’Ö—ĐŻá‚§Ç?

Donors in Hong Kong Cheque Donation – please make cheque payable to Singapore Bible College – Hong Kong Alumni Association Ltd, and indicate “ For Singapore Bible College� on the cheque. Mail your cheque to 1-2/F, Fortune Garden, 15 Wing Ting Road, Ngau Chi Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

>> Donors in Malaysia Cheque Donation (in ringgit) – please make cheque payable to Wong Ai Kiu, Tee Meng Heng, Foo Swee Sang and mail it to our college. Bank Draft Donation (in S$) – please make draft payable to Singapore Bible College and mail it to our address. Cash Donation – please deposit the cash into our Public Bank Berhad account no. 498-58-18-127 and send us the deposit slip together with your name and address.

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ਖá&#x;™á‡¸áźťŕ¤ĽáŠ“ࢺáˆŽá„ŹŇ’ྤâ€ŤÝ â€Ź ༢â€ŤÝ â€Źá•śâ€ŤÚĄâ€Źá¤‰á›ĄË—áźťâ€Ť ښ‏ ࣲʡ఼Ë—áźťßšŕŠ‡Ě€â€ŤÚĄâ€ŹĘžŕ ‰ÇŒ ʡÇŒĚ„ŕ´Žá„Š़ናá?‡ŕąžÇ?á­Ľá…Œ ᇸᄊেЧ៝ŕŠˆÍƒá„łŕ°Ž ࣲ ŕ°Ľá‘&#x;â€ŤÝ â€Źŕ°°á‰§ŕ˘şÇ? á?ŁŐ?‍݋‏࿚˄ವଢΙ‍݋‏࿚á?¨ŕ ˛ á’­ŕŁ‚ÇŒĐ?Őƒá›ĄŐ‚ÇŒŰłá§›Í˜ŕŠ‹ ŕŽ”Í˜áźťá ľá’°ŕŤ?ŕž–á?¨á„ŠŐ?ßšáźť භˤδß›â€ŤÚšâ€ŹŕŽ´ŇŤâ€ŤÚšâ€Źá‡¸ßŚáŹ“áźť ̿ШභˤáŒ˘ŕŚ?Ç? á„ŹŇ’ŕ ťŕ°Ś áŤŽßŚá ˇŕ —á’źĚżÔŁ ፎË?ŕŠ?रĐ?ŕ ̯៝༠ৌá„Š á?ŁŐ?‍݋‏࿚Ç?ŕŠˆÍƒŕ¨–á&#x;™ŕ§Śŕ Ťá¤ˆ ᎊභঽŕŞ†á Ťá„ŠŕŽƒŕŤ‡áźťÎŽŕą?á’­ Ë€Ő?â€Ťŕ ’ÚŽâ€Źá„ŠßŚá ˇŕĽŞĚżâ€ŤÚšâ€ŹŕľĽßˇ ŕĄ?៝˄༡ŕŹŒÔŞáœ‰â€ŤÜŹâ€ŹáźťŕŞ‚áˆ‰áŽƒ ÍœáĽ†Đ›Ë‡á‚?ŐŠË”á?ˆá—€Ç?

ŕŞ†á ŤŕŽ´á‡¸áźťŕśˇŕŚ˝Ăžá?§ŕ§ŒĂżá„Šâ€ŤÚ€â€ŹŕŞ‘

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Telegraphic transfer to: United Overseas Bank Ltd, Bukit Timah Branch, 587 Bukit Timah Road, #02-16 Coronation Shopping Plaza, Singapore 269707. Bank Code 7375, Branch Code 026 A/C no. 126-300-592-4. Swift code: uovbsgsg. Tax-deductible receipts will be issued to donors in USA, Canada, and Hong Kong.

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