myWords from Google Dictionary [REVISION 1.0]

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myWords 25 from dççÖäÉ Dictionary

noun cash, plural 1. A coin of low value from China, southern India, or Southeast Asia SYNONYMS verb: encash noun: money, ready money, dough, ready cash

ca·su·al adjective /ˈkaZHo͞oəl/ 1. Relaxed and unconcerned she regarded his affairs with a casual indulgence he tried to make his voice sound casual 2. Made or done without much thought or premeditation a casual remark 3. Done or acting in a desultory way to the casual observer, rugby looks something like soccer 4. Done or acting without sufficient care or thoroughness the casual way in which victims were treated 5. Not regular or permanent the tent is ideal for casual outdoor use casual jobs 6. (of a worker) Employed on a temporary or irregular basis casual staff 7. (of a sexual relationship or encounter) Occurring between people who are not regular or established sexual partners 8. Happening by chance; accidental he pretended it was a casual meeting 9. Without formality of style, manner, or procedure, in particular 10. (of clothes or a style of dress) Suitable for everyday wear rather than formal occasions 11. (of a social event) Not characterized by particular social conventions 12. (of a place or environment) Relaxed and friendly the inn's casual atmosphere noun /ˈkaZHo͞oəl/ casuals, plural 1. A person who does something irregularly a number of casuals became regular customers 2. A worker employed on an irregular or temporary basis 3. Clothes or shoes suitable for everyday wear rather than formal occasions SYNONYMS adjective: accidental, incidental, fortuitous, occasional, chance, random, adventitious

cas·u·al·ty noun /ˈkaZH(o͞o)əltē/ casualties, plural

1. 2.


A person killed or injured in a war or accident A person or thing badly affected by an event or situation the building industry has been one of the casualties of the recession (chiefly in insurance) An accident, mishap, or disaster

SYNONYMS noun: accident, victim, mishap

cat·a·log noun /ˈkatlˌôg/ /-ˌäg/ catalogs, plural; catalogues, plural 1. A complete list of items, typically one in alphabetical or other systematic order, in particular 2. A list of all the books or resources in a library 3. A publication containing details and often photographs of items for sale, esp. one produced by a mail-order company 4. A descriptive list of works of art in an exhibition or collection giving detailed comments and explanations 5. A list of courses offered by a university or college 6. A series of unfortunate or bad things his life was a catalog of dismal failures verb /ˈkatlˌôg/ /-ˌäg/ cataloged, past participle; cataloged, past tense; cataloging, present participle; catalogs, 3rd person singular present; catalogued, past participle; catalogued, past tense; catalogues, 3rd person singular present; cataloguing, present participle 1. Make a systematic list of (items of the same type) 2. Enter (an item) in such a list the picture was withdrawn before being cataloged 3. List (similar situations, qualities, or events) in succession the report catalogs dangerous work practices in the company SYNONYMS verb: catalogue, list noun: catalogue, list, index, schedule

catch verb /kaCH/ /keCH/ catches, 3rd person singular present; catching, present participle; caught, past participle; caught, past tense 1. Intercept and hold (something that has been thrown, propelled, or dropped) she threw the bottle into the air and caught it again 2. Intercept the fall of (someone) 3. Seize or take hold of

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