myWords from Google Dictionary [REVISION 1.0]

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myWords 93 from dççÖäÉ Dictionary


Conceivable or imaginable punishment out of all mortal proportion to the offense 4. Causing or liable to cause death; fatal a mortal disease the scandal appeared to have struck a mortal blow to the government 5. (of a battle) Fought to the death from the outbuildings came the screams of men in mortal combat 6. (of an enemy or a state of hostility) Admitting or allowing no reconciliation until death 7. Denoting a grave sin that is regarded as depriving the soul of divine grace 8. (of a feeling, esp. fear) Very intense parents live in mortal fear of children's diseases 9. Very great he was in a mortal hurry 10. Long and tedious for three mortal days it rained noun /ˈmôrtl/ mortals, plural 1. A human being subject to death, often contrasted with a divine being 2. A person contrasted with others regarded as being of higher status or ability an ambassador had to live in a style that was not expected of lesser mortals SYNONYMS adjective: deadly, fatal, lethal, deathly, killing noun: human, man

mourn verb /môrn/ mourned, past participle; mourned, past tense; mourning, present participle; mourns, 3rd person singular present 1. Feel or show deep sorrow or regret for (someone or their death), typically by following conventions such as the wearing of black clothes Isabel mourned her husband she had to mourn for her friends who died in the accident 2. Feel regret or sadness about (the loss or disappearance of something) publishers mourned declining sales of hardback fiction SYNONYMS verb: lament, bewail, grieve, bemoan, weep, deplore, sorrow, wail, moan, regret

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