Understanding Micron Filter Syringe - Simsii Inc.

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The Function Of Micron Filter

know why do some drugs need a micron filter!


Filters for intravenous (IV) medication administration are used to remove contaminants from intravenous products. This filtration is intended to protect the patient receiving the medication by filtering out particulate matter, bacteria, and air emboli, protecting the patient from phlebitis due to particulates or infection due to bacteria.

Difference between 0.45 and 0.22-micron filters? The 0.45 um filter cost less than 0.22 um, and there is less pressure drop to overcome. However, the 0.22 um filters are good for completely sterile samples, as the cutoff for biological organisms near the 0.45 um cutoff.

By understanding Micron Filter Syringe, you can pick your option and employ it according to your requirement.

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