Living Lavishly

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I asked what really wants to be nourished? There was a time in my own life when I realized that I had been using food to numb out, escape or selfsoothe when I was dissatisfied with other areas of my life. It became a compulsion. I wasn’t actually hungry for food, but could not stop eating. So often we are searching for something to be fulfilled and try to fill that empty void or anxiousness with food.

There are three steps to transform these negative thoughts or old wounds:

It’s a sign that something is wanting our attention. Maybe it’s a part of us that wants to be expressed, but feels suppressed. Maybe we are working too much and our creativity has been put on hold.

3. Have gratitude. When you have an attitude of gratitude, your life is abundant.

But instead of recognizing the message in this hunger, we only recognize the feelings of dissatisfaction or anxiety and turn to food to medicate ourselves. This is called compulsion. But there is a gift in compulsion. It’s our body trying to communicate a need or desire, usually some place in our lives where we are under-expressed. This is our innate wisdom. What is your body trying to tell you? Do you ever find yourself looking in the mirror and inspecting or criticizing certain things? I would like to invite you into a new perspective, a new way to think about your body. Instead of criticizing or being mad, think of it as potential energy. Physiologically, it’s stored energy. Psychologically, it’s stored personal power. It’s life process that’s been put on hold, stored emotions, the digesting of past experience, undelivered communication, undone actions wanting to happen.

1. Be honest with yourself and others; 2. Forgive those you need to forgive to heal the wounds;

Focusing on what you have, instead of what you don’t, is what I call abundant thinking. When you focus on the things you do have, and love what is currently in your life, you open yourself up to so much more of what you love. When she’s not taking tai chi, fitness or kickboxing classes at Morro Bay Martial Arts and Grateful Body, Certified Holistic Health Coach Tami Cruz helps clients with habit changes and to achieve goals they never dreamed were possible. She can be reached 805 235-7978 or by visiting

What about being more present? Meditation is a powerful tool to facilitate this, as it helps the mind drop the busyness it gets caught up in from past and future thinking, and drop into a center point. I like to say that deep breaths are inspirations. Research has shown that strong emotions cause changes in the biochemistry of the body. It’s your biography, or your story that creates your biology. What is the story you identify yourself with? Is it a wound or an empowering story? Fear or stress, when it’s chronic, can slow down metabolism, increase depression, and influence our overall well-being. Your thoughts create your life. What you put out comes back to you. Simply said, when you think only negative things, you manifest that.


LIVING Lavishly



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