HAIR program

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Welcome to Signature Theatre and our production of HAIR. Originally, Signature was set to produce HAIR in the spring of 2020, but we all know what happened then. I am overjoyed to finally bring this iconic musical to our stage.

HAIR was the brainchild of James Rado and Gerome Ragni, two graduates of Washington DC’s Catholic University of America and aspiring young musical theater writers. In 1966 they saw a painting by artist Jim Dine called "Hair" at the Whitney Museum of American Art and the piece inspired them to write a new musical about “the new way men were relating to each other in the 60s.” They started by writing about two best friends, one of whom openly rejected conformity and the other who was still learning who he was. The characters of Claude and Berger were originally played respectively by Rado and Ragni. However, HAIR grew into so much more than a story about the bond between two male friends. It has become a testament to its time. Set to the lively and unforgettable music by Galt McDermot, HAIR may simply seem like a euphoric good time, and while much of it is, it is also a call to arms and a reflection of the tumultuous time when it was written.

HAIR broke all the rules of musical theater convention. The director of the Broadway production, Tom O’Horgan, said that HAIR was “a theatre form whose demeanor, language, clothing, dance, and even its name accurately reflects a social epoch in full explosion.” It put the counterculture on stage in real time—resistance to the Vietnam War, rejection of institutionalized religion, concerns about climate change, new openness about sexuality, and the use of drugs to reach a purer level of consciousness—to name just a few of the issues the piece confronts. When the musical opened at the Public Theatre in 1967 Clive Barnes called it, “an honest attempt to jolt the American musical into the nineteen-sixties . . . a mood picture of a generation dominated by drugs, sex, and the two wars, the one about color and the one about Vietnam.”

While the musical premiered over half a century ago there is so much that speaks to today, even more so than when we’d planned to do the musical four years ago. The last four years proved so transformative that they caused me to completely rethink what it would mean to produce a production of HAIR now. HAIR premiered on Broadway in 1968, one of the most tumultuous and transformational years in American history. 56 years later we are in a moment of immense social and political upheaval and the young people of today are demanding a revolution in thought and breaking free from the constructs set by their parents. In speaking out against injustice, inequality and corruption they dare to imagine a world that is more free and honest. For me, HAIR is not merely a period piece to illuminate a time in our past. There is so much to reflect upon and learn about our present.

Enjoy the show.


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THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS Groups 20+ (15 for Shear Madness and 10 for Washington National Opera) call (202) 416-8400 For all other ticket-related customer service inquiries, call the Advance Sales Box Office at (202) 416-8540. The ONLY OFFICIAL WEBSITE of the Kennedy Center (202) 467-4600 AUG. 13–SEP. 1 · OPERA HOUSE The
Foundation Theater Presenting Sponsor
Irving Laurie


“We’re moving toward a new age in ideas and events. We are soon to begin the Age of Aquarius and a young revolution in thought and manner is about to take place."

– An interview with Brian Jones of The Rolling Stones, 1967

The Age of Aquarius became a frequently used phrase in the 1960s thanks to the musical HAIR. It is the dawning of a new age of enlightenment and a desire for collective change. An age of harmony, egalitarianism and understanding following the Age of Pisces which valued money, power and control. According to astrology, an age occurs every 2000 years when the sun moves into a new constellation. So, while the popular song from HAIR may have been written over 50 years ago, it still represents a change that is only just beginning in the grand scheme of things.

Change comes with growing pains and the late 1960s was a time of immense social and political upheaval. By 1967, the Vietnam War was in its second decade, almost 500,000 American troops were serving overseas, and the government had to resort to the draft to boost its numbers. For the first time, war was on television and the images on screens showing the massacre of Vietnamese civilians turned many against the conflict. After a decades-long fight, The Civil Rights Act had only just been passed and discrimination and violence were rampant, especially in the South. 1968 saw the assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert Kennedy. The unrest was growing and boiled over at the 1968 Democratic National Convention when a protest against the unpopular establishment nominee devolved into violence and opened the door for a Nixon victory.

In 1967 young Baby Boomers, who were given the name “hippies,” converged in San Francisco to enjoy a culture of peace, free love, freedom of expression and the benefits of hallucinogenic drugs to reach new levels of consciousness. This became known as the Summer of Love. This was not just a groovy, easy-going, fun time as has often been depicted. The youth who flooded San Fransisco were calling for a revolution against society’s rules. They felt that they had no voice in their future and that this wasn’t the America they wanted. The status quo was not working for them: politically or socially. The white-washed,

Top left: Photo of 1967 Anti-Vietnam protest in Arlington, VA by S. Sgt. Albert R. Simpson. Right: Photo of 2022 protest against the overturning of Roe v. Wade in Los Angeles by Chris Jackson.

conformity-driven, conversative 1950s were not the wholesome, idyllic time they had been preached to be, and as students came of age they joined the counterculture movement and rebelled against the narrow-minded constraints placed upon them by their parents. They rejected corrupt and hypocritical religious practices, materialism, racism, sexism, and individualism over collective good. While the Summer of Love fizzled in a few months, the counterculture it birthed continued on, spreading like wildfire through the country. Shortly after the Summer of Love, HAIR premiered on Broadway. The ideas of the Summer of Love had been set loose in mainstream American culture.

Soon all over the country young people were making their ideals known and leading social reform. They gathered for anti-war protests and burned their draft cards to advocate for peace. Because of this the “hippies” were often depicted as anti-American—but to fight for a more equitable society could be considered the ultimate patriotic act, to continue to push for freedom for all. America, after all, was a country founded on revolution and to escape a system that our forefathers found repressive. Their goal was to create a more harmonious and happier country for all – something better, freer and more honest. Were they successful in their pursuit? It is undeniable that our world has improved in ways that can be traced back to the counterculture of the 1960s. But with all progress comes the threat of backsliding.

50 years later, the United States is again at a place of social and political upheaval. The divisiveness of political parties has grown to a fever-pitch. Despite nearly 50 years of precedent, Roe v. Wade was overturned by a conservative majority court. Climate change has arrived, and the consequences could be dire. Income inequality has exploded to the largest level since the Gilded Age and inflation means that the dollar does not go as far. A global pandemic disrupted the world and separated loved ones. There is a dangerous decline in democracy and a rise in global authoritarianism—and an increase in violence and repression. The fight for racial equality is ongoing in our country while brutal and unthinkable violent conflicts play out around the globe. And once again young people are raising their voices. In an Atlantic article, Derek Thompson said, “Younger generations have been the force behind equality movements such as Black Lives Matter, #MeToo, #AbolishICE, and Medicare for All, not only because they’re liberal, and not only because they have the technological savvy to organize online, but also because their experience in this economy makes them exquisitely sensitive to institutional abuses of power, and doubly eager to correct it.”

This new generation has played a critical role in leading social reform, much like the counterculture of the 1960s. How will the protests made by the youth of today affect the world in 50 years? Only time will tell, but as long as young people embrace the revolutionary spirit of the Age of Aquarius, progress has only one way—forward.

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THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS Groups 20+ (15 for Shear Madness and 10 for Washington National Opera) call (202) 416-8400 For all other ticket-related customer service inquiries, call the Advance Sales Box Office at (202) 416-8540. The ONLY OFFICIAL WEBSITE of the Kennedy Center (202) 467-4600 The
Theater Presenting Sponsor JUL. 23–AUG. 11 OPERA HOUSE































Maggie Boland Managing Director Matthew Gardiner Artistic Director
BUZZELL DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION VALERIE BUNNS IT CONSULTANT ROBERT COHN The video and/or audio recording of this performance by any means whatsoever is strictly prohibited. Please turn off all cell phones. *Members of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States. WITH BOOK & LYRICS BY GEROME RAGNI & JAMES RADO MUSIC BY GALT MACDERMOT


Claude Jordan Dobson*

Dionne Amanda Lee*

Berger Mason Reeves*

Woof Noah Israel*

Hud Solomon Parker III*

Sheila Alex De Bard*

Jeanie Nora Palka*

Crissy Caroline Graham*

Suzannah/Mother Jamie Goodson

Steve/Father Keenan McCarter*

Jonathan/Margaret Mead Nolan Montgomery*

Paul/Hubert Greg Twomey*

Lorrie Savannah Blackwell

Walter Patrick Leonardo Casimir

Emmaretta Teralin Jones*

Dance Captain Solomon Parker III*


Claude: Ethan Turbyfill; Dionne: Savannah Blackwell; Berger: Noah Israel*; Woof: Nolan Montgomery*; Hud: Patrick Leonardo Casimir; Sheila: Teralin Jones*; Jeanie: Jamie Goodson; Crissy: Lily Gilan James; Swings: Garvey X. Dobbins, Lily Gilan James, Nia-Aiyana Meeks, Ethan Turbyfill

*Members of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States.



Reed 1

Angie Benson

Ben Bokor

Reed 2 William Mulligan

Trumpet 1

Trumpet 2

Guitar 1

Guitar 2

Chris Walker

Kieron Irvine

Jonathan Marques

Alec Green

Bass Jason Wilson

Drums Manny Arciniega

Musicians are members of DC Federation of Musicians.

HAIR runs approximately 2 hours and thirty minutes including one fifteen-minute intermission




Dionne & Company


Berger & Company

Hashish Company


Woof & Company

Colored Spade

Hud & Company

Manchester, England

Claude & Company

I’m Black

Hud, Woof, Paul, Claude & Company

Ain’t Got No

Woof, Hud, Dionne & Company

Dead End

Lorrie, Steve, Hud, Dionne, Emmaetta & Walter

Sheila Franklin Company

I Believe in Love


Ain’t Got No Grass



Jeanie, Crissy & Dionne



Manchester II


I Got Life

Claude & Company

Initials Company

Going Down

Berger & Company


Claude, Berger & Company

My Conviction

Margaret Mead

Easy to Be Hard


Don’t Put It Down

Woof, Berger & Steve

Frank Mills


Be-In “Hare Krishna” Company

Where Do I Go

Claude & Company


Electric Blues

Steve, Suzannah, Paul, Jonathan, Emmaretta & Company

Oh Great God of Power Company

Black Boys

Jeanie, Crissy, Suzannah, Steve, Hud & Walter

White Boys

Dionne, Emmaretta & Lorrie

Walking in Space Company

Abie, Baby

Hud, Walter, Steve & Lorrie

The War, Give Up All Desires

Emmaretta, Jeanie, Sheila, Dionne, Crissy & Jonathan

Three-Five-Zero-Zero Company

What a Piece of Work is Man

Emmaretta & Jonathan

How Dare They Try Company

Good Morning Starshine

Sheila & Company

Reprise: Ain’t Got No

Claude & Company

The Flesh Failures


Eyes, Look Your Last Company

Let the Sunshine In Company


Savannah Blackwell she/her (Lorrie) HOWARD UNIVERSITY: The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee (Logainne/Marcy Swing); Musical Theatre Departmental Cabaret 2021 and 2023. EDUCATION: Howard University: BFA Musical Theatre, Class of 2025; Overtures: Signature's Musical Theatre Institute. @blackorchd

Patrick Leonardo Casimir (Walter & Hud Understudy) INTERNATIONAL: Edinburgh Arts Festival (Performing Artist). NATIONAL TOURS: VT Dance: "What's Going On" (Company Member); Universal Studios of Orlando (Performing Artist). DC AREA: ArtsCentric: Little Shop of Horrors (Orin), Snapshots (Darryl), Black Nativity (Joseph), Aida (Ensemble/Dance Captain), Chicago (Ensemble/Dance Captain); ArtsCentric/Baltimore Center Stage: Cinderella (King Maximillian/Dance Captain); Olney Theatre: Fela! (General, Helen Hayes Nominated); Constellation Theatre: Armand (Dance Captain, Helen Hayes Nominated); Keegan Theatre: Robin (Dance Captain, Helen Hayes Nominated), Memphis (Delray U/S). REGIONAL: Bishop McNamara High (Resident Choreographer). EDUCATION: Master of Business Administration; Bachelor of Arts in Dance; Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. Instagram: @leonardo_de_cashmere

Alex De Bard she/her (Sheila) SIGNATURE: Private Jones, Passing Strange, Into the Woods, RENT, Gun & Powder. DC AREA: Monumental Theatre Company: tick, tick…BOOM! (Helen Hayes NominatedOutstanding Supporting Performer), 5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche; Olney Theatre Center: Kinky Boots, A.D. 16; NextStop Theatre: Little Women, First Date; Bay Star Theatricals: The Condition of Ellen Mitchell; Museum of the Bible: Amazing Grace; Adventure Theatre: The Velveteen Rabbit, Elephant & Piggie’s “We Are in a Play!”, Fancy Nancy’s Splendiferous Christmas, Blueberries for Sal. REGIONAL: Goodspeed: Private Jones (workshop). EDUCATION: The Catholic University of America, BM. IG: @alexdebardmusic

Garvey X. Dobbins he/him (Swing) SIGNATURE: Sizzlin’ Summer Nights Cabaret. DC AREA: Round House Theatre: Next to Normal; Workhouse Theatre: Carrie. EDUCATION: Stella Adler Studio of Acting; George Mason University BFA Theater, Concentration Musical Theater.

Jordan Dobson he/him (Claude) BROADWAY: Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Bad Cinderella (Prince Sebastian, OBC), Hadestown (Orpheus), A Beautiful Noise: The Neil Diamond Musical (Shilo, OBC), West Side Story (Tony, directed by Ivo Van Hove). SELECT REGIONAL: Two River Theatre: Hair; ACT of Connecticut: Austen’s Pride, Into the Woods; Papermill Playhouse: The Wanderer; Arden Theatre Co.: Cabaret, Gypsy; Oguma Playhouse: Hamlet; Theatre Horizon: The Color Purple. FILM: William in the new Leonard Bernstein biopic Maestro, directed by Bradley Cooper (Netflix), Jericho in Closing Night (Amazon Prime). @jordandobson_

Jamie Goodson she/her (Suzannah/Mother & Jeanie Understudy) SIGNATURE: Beaches. DC AREA: Arena Stage: The Music Man; Kennedy Center: Ragtime; Ford’s Theatre: A Christmas Carol. REGIONAL: Dutch Apple/Broadway Palm: Footloose; Arizona Broadway Theatre: Ghost; Summer Repertory Theatre: Bonnie and Clyde (Bonnie). EDUCATION: CCM: Bachelor of Fine Arts, Signature: Overtures.

Caroline Graham she/her (Crissy) DC AREA: NextStop: Little Women (Helen Hayes Award Nominated- Outstanding Supporting Performer); Adventure Theatre MTC: Junie B. Jones, You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown; Olney Theatre Center: Fiddler on the Roof; Keegan Theatre: Suessical; Monumental Theatre Co.: Tick…Tick…Boom! REGIONAL: Great Lakes Center for the Arts: Godspell. EDUCATION: The Catholic University of America, BM.

Noah Israel (Woof & Berger Understudy) DC AREA: Olney Theatre Center: A Nice Indian Boy; Rep Stage: The Glass Menagerie, The 39 Steps, Sweeney Todd (Antony); The Keegan Theatre: Legally Blonde (Emmett); Imagination Stage: Aquarium; Adventure Theatre-MTC: Big River. REGIONAL: La Jolla Playhouse: To The Yellow House; San Diego Rep: The Whole Megillah; The Phoenix Theatre Company: Bandstand (Wayne); Shenandoah Summer Music Theatre: Hairspray (Link), Beauty and the Beast, Oklahoma!. OTHER: Solo Work: The Wunderlich. EDUCATION: MFA University of California San Diego. @noahcisrael

Lily Gilan James they/she (Swing) DC AREA: Monumental Theatre Co: Spring Awakening. REGIONAL: SpeakEasy Stage: English. WORKSHOPS/READINGS: The Old Globe: Emerson Loses Her “Miand”; Boston Playwrights’ Theatre: Kimia; Moonbox Productions: The Prince and the Painter. EDUCATION: BFA, Boston Conservatory at Berklee. @lilgilan


Teralin Jones any pronouns (Emmaretta & Sheila Understudy) NATIONAL TOUR: Jagged Little Pill. DC AREA: Monumental Theatre: Spring Awakening. OTHER: Lin-Manuel Family Fellowship Alumna. EDUCATION: National Theatre Institute, Howard University: BFA Musical Theatre. @elsie_johns

Amanda Lee she/her (Dionne) REGIONAL: Short North Stage: Rent (Joanne), Wagon Wheel Center for the Arts: Cinderella (Marie), Smokey Joes Café. OTHER: Norwegian Cruise Lines: SIX (Catherine Parr). EDUCATION: Florida State University: Bachelor of Fine Arts in Musical Theatre. @amandasimonelee

Keenan McCarter he/him (Steve/Father) SIGNATURE: Ragtime, The Color Purple. DC AREA: Ford’s Theatre: Shout Sister Shout! REGIONAL: Southern Illinois Summer Music Festival: Roméo et Juliette (The Duke), La bohème (Schaunard); Lyric Opera of Chicago OIN: La Cenerentola (Dandini), Die Zauberflöte (Papageno); American Chamber Opera: Madama Butterfly (Sharpless); U.S. Army: The Falling and the Rising (Homecoming Soldier). OTHER: The U.S. Army Field Band and Soldiers’ Chorus; The U.S. Army Chorus in Washington, DC. EDUCATION: Alabama State University: Bachelor of Arts, vocal performance; Southern Illinois University, Carbondale: Master of Music, vocal performance.

Nia-Aiyana Meeks she/her (Swing) NEW YORK: Hi-ARTS: The Last Gatekeeper, If This be Sin. DC AREA: Shakespeare Theatre Company: The Amen Corner (Sister Sally); Roundhouse Theatre Company: Adia and Clora Snatch Joy. EDUCATION: BFA Musical Theatre Howard University. @_librania

Nolan Montgomery they/he (Jonathan/Margaret Mead & Woof Understudy) SIGNATURE: The Bridges of Madison County. NEW YORK: 54 Below: Our Time Cabaret. REGIONAL: Slow Burn Theatre Company: The Little Mermaid; SpeakEasy Stage Company: The Prom; Out of The Box Theatre Company: Alice By Heart, Moonbox Productions: Late: A New Musical. TV/FILM: Miramax: The Holdovers. AWARDS: Two-Time Santa Barbara Indy Award for Best Actor. EDUCATION: BFA Boston Conservatory. @nolan_mont

Nora Palka (Jeanie) SIGNATURE: Girlstar, Gypsy, Best Little Whorehouse in Texas. DC AREA: Creative Cauldron: On Air (Helen Hayes Award Best Lead Performer in a Musical); Kennedy Center: Shear Madness, Gift of Nothing (TYA), Orphie and the Book of Heroes (TYA), Elephant and Piggie: We are in a Play! (TYA); Washington Stage Guild: Back to Methuselah, Pygmalion; Studio Theatre 2nd Stage: Rocky Horror Show; Keegan Theatre: Spring Awakening. FILM: Eagle Productions: Malice Metamorphosis, Malice Wars, Malice Emergence. MUSIC: “The EP” (Wild Idol). OTHER: Voice Teacher at Nora Palka Voice Studio. EDUCATION: London Dramatic Academy, Catholic University (BM).

Solomon Parker III (Hud/Dance Captain) SIGNATURE: The Color Purple (Helen Hayes for Outstanding Supporting Performer in a Musical - Hayes), RENT, After Midnight, Ain’t Misbehavin’, Grand Hotel, Billy Elliot, Jesus Christ Superstar. Regional: Portland Center Stage: Hair; Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival: In the Heights. DC AREA: Olney Theater: Kinky Boots; Ford’s Theatre: The Wiz, Grace the Musical, A Christmas Carol; Keegan Theatre: Legally Blonde; Toby's Dinner Theatre: Kinky Boots, Dreamgirls, Hairspray; Monumental Theatre Co: Pippin, Sunday Funday, Montgomery, Bashful; EDUCATION: Montgomery College. @thesolomonexperience

Mason Reeves he/him (Berger) NATIONAL TOUR: Frozen (Kristoff, First Natl.) REGIONAL: ART: Real Women Have Curves (Henry); MUNY: Footloose (Ren); PCLO: Once On This Island (Daniel); Connecticut Repertory Theatre: Mamma Mia! (Sky). UNIVERSITY: We Are Proud to Present… (Actor 2), The Last Days of Judas Iscariot (Jesus of Nazareth). FILM: Inhuman (Elliot), How To Cure Insomnia. EDUCATION: BFA in Musical Theater, University of Michigan. Instagram: @rasonmeeves

Ethan Turbyfill he/him (Swing) DC AREA: Monumental Theatre Company: Spring Awakening (Helen Hayes Award nomination, Outstanding Ensemble); Catholic University: Carrie, Anything Goes, The Sound of Music. EDUCATION: Pellissippi State: Associate of Fine Arts; The Catholic University of America: Bachelor of Music ‘25. @ethanturby

Greg Twomey he/him (Paul/Hubert) SIGNATURE: Ragtime. DC AREA: ArtsCentric: Rent; Toby’s Dinner Theatre: Memphis, Rent, Xanadu; Adventure Theatre: Oliver, Petite Rouge; Olney Theatre Center: Big River, Witness for the Prosecution. EDUCATION: Montgomery College, University of Maryland @g2dot


Gerome Ragni (1935-1991) From Pittsburgh PA, Gerome was the youngest of a large family with six sisters and two brothers. After four years as a medic in the United States Air Force, he began acting and was recognized by winning the Barter Theatre Award as Outstanding Young Actor. He appeared on Broadway in John Gielgud's Hamlet featuring Richard Burton, and he starred off-Broadway in The Knack. He was involved with The Open Theater (which he named) studying experimental theater techniques with Nola Chilton and Joseph Chaikin. With James Rado he cocreated the American Tribal Love-Rock Musical HAIR, and their lyrics were set to music by Galt MacDermot. A dynamic stage and life presence, he originated the role of Berger in HAIR. On his own, he authored the Broadway musical Dude, with score by MacDermot. He teamed up with another composer, Steve Margoshes, who wrote the music for the Ragni opus Jack Sound and His Dog Star Blowing His Final Trumpet on the Day of Doom. Soon thereafter, he and Rado rejoined forces to collaborate on a new musical they called Sun. A gifted actor and prolific writer and painter, he originated "paper-napkin art" and he wrote a volume of dynamic poetry under the pen name Virginia Miller. He passed in 1991. His son, Erick Ragni, is an innovative architect.

James Rado (1932-2022) was an actor, songwriter and co-creator of the characters, story, dialogue and lyrics of HAIR. His daydream, since he was a teenager, was to write a Broadway musical. He taught himself how to write lyrics from intense study of Rodgers & Hammerstein, Rodgers & Hart, Cole Porter, etc., as well as pop music from the 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s. In college, he wrote the music and lyrics for two shows: Interlude at the University of Maryland and Cross Your Fingers at the Catholic University of America. After a two-year gig in the U.S. Navy, in 1956 he moved to New York to be an actor. Five years later he got his first Broadway break when the famed director and teacher Lee Strasberg plucked him

from an acting class for a small part in June Havoc’s Marathon ’33 starring Julie Harris. This led to a string of acting roles in Luther, Generation, The Knack and, in 1964, Hang Down Your Head And Die, where he met fellow actor Gerome Ragni. He told Ragni about his daydream of creating a Broadway musical and proposed that they team up to write a show about the hippies and the antiwar movement which was happening all around them. Ragni came aboard with some of his exciting experimental poetry. In 1966, in the midst of writing HAIR, Rado got a leading role as Richard the Lionhearted in the James Goldman play The Lion in Winter, starring Robert Preston, Rosemary Harris and Christopher Walken. By 1967, Rado and Ragni had a presentable script of HAIR, which they gave to the producer Joseph Papp. Papp liked what he read and decided HAIR would be the inaugural production of his newly-founded New York Shakespeare Festival at The Public Theater on New York City’s Lower East Side. HAIR opened on Broadway in the spring of 1968 and starred Rado and Ragni in the lead roles. The rest is theatrical history. In his later years, Rado continued working on two other pieces: American Rainbow and Sun

Galt MacDermot (1928-2018). Two-time Grammy and Tony Award-winning composer Galt MacDermot is best known for the music he wrote for the Broadway scores of HAIR and Two Gentlemen of Verona. He garnered his first Grammy for the song "African Waltz" in 1960. His work spans the gamut of performing arts: musicals, ballet scores, film scores, chamber music, the Anglican liturgy, orchestral, poetry, drama accompaniments, band repertory and opera. His work encompasses a wealth of musical genres, crossing the boundaries of jazz, folk, funk, gospel, reggae and classical styles. The son of a Canadian diplomat, Galt was born and raised in Montreal. He received a Bachelor of Music from Cape Town University, South Africa. Based on his traditional training, he wrote his own arrangements. He moved to New York in

1964 and, three years later, wrote the music for the landmark Broadway production HAIR, which he later adapted for the screen. He formed the New Pulse Band in 1979, which features his original music played by some of the world’s greatest musicians, including Bernard Purdie and Wilbur Bascomb. Galt’s music is consistently sampled by hip hop and rap artists who find his rhythms perfect for setting their lyrics to, as in Run DMC’s Grammy Award-winning "Down With The King" and Billboard’s top chart-buster, "Woo-Hah!! Got You All In Check" by Busta Rhymes. Galt MacDermot wrote more than 3,000 songs over his lifetime. His music is listened to and enjoyed in 179 countries worldwide, and HAIR has been performed constantly since its inception in over 40 countries worldwide. Galt MacDermot is music.

Matthew Gardiner (Director) Please see bio on Leadership page.

Ashleigh King she/her (Choreographer)

SIGNATURE: Ragtime (Choreo, Helen Hayes nomination), Which Way to the Stage (Choreo, Helen Hayes nomination), Hairspray (actor), Dreamgirls (actor).

NATIONAL TOUR: Jenn Weber and MEP’s The Hip Hop Nutcracker. DC AREA: The Kennedy Center: Fovea; Ford’s Theater: Little Shop of Horrors, Grace; Woolly Mammoth: Sensational Sea Minkettes, Teenage Dick, Fairview; Keegan Theatre: Seussical (Helen Hayes nomination), Legally Blonde (Helen Hayes Award), The Full Monty; Studio Theare: Fun Home; Solas Nua: Maz and Bricks; Labor Heritage Foundation: Working the Musical; Imagination Stage: A Year with Frog and Toad (Helen Hayes nomination), Nate the Great; Adventure Theater MTC: Junie B. Jones, Charlie Brown, Make Way for Ducklings, Big River, Alexander and the Terrible...REGIONAL: Northern Stage: ‘Bov Water, Spring Awakening, Spamalot; Huntington Stage: Teenage Dick; Virginia Rep: Mamma Mia (RTCC Award).

Angie Benson she/her (Music Director/ Conductor) SIGNATURE: Pacific Overtures, Which Way to the Stage, Into the Woods, The Color Purple, We Shall Someday, She Loves Me, RENT, Midnight at The Never Get, Ol' Blue Eyes: Frank Sinatra, Assassins, Grand Hotel, Girlfriend. NATIONAL TOUR: A Chorus Line, Barry Manilow’s Copacabana. DC AREA: Kennedy Center: Through the Sunken Lands; Studio Theatre: Fun Home; Olney Theatre Center: Singin’ in the Rain, Elf. REGIONAL: Playhouse Square: I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change; Northern Stage: A Christmas Carol: The Musical (Composer); Stoneham Theatre: The Who’s Tommy; Kansas City Starlight: First Date; Utah Musical Theatre: Side By Side By Sondheim, West Virginia Public: Seussical; New Theatre: Have You Met Miss Jones (starring Shirley Jones and Patrick Cassidy). TEACHING: University of Mary Washington: adjunct professor of musical theatre.

Paige Hathaway she/her (Scenic Design) SIGNATURE: Penelope, No Place to Go, The Upstairs Department, Rent, Ain't Misbehavin', Escaped Alone, John, The Gulf. DC AREA: Ford's Theatre: Little Shop of Horrors; Arena Stage: The High Ground, The Right to be Forgotten; Woolly Mammoth: The Sensational Sea Minkettes, Familiar; Round House Theatre: The Mountaintop, Jennifer Who is Leaving, On the Far End; Kennedy Center: Me… Jane; Folger Theatre: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead. REGIONAL: Santa Fe Play House: On Clover Road; Barrington Stage: A New Brain; Writer's Theatre: A Distinct Society; Amphibian Stage: Miss Molly; The Muny: Mary Poppins, The Sound of Music, Matilda, Cinderella, A Chorus Line; Cleveland Play House: The Three Musketeers; Asolo Rep: Sweat; Arden Theatre Company: Assassins, A Streetcar Named Desire, A Midsummer Night’s Dream. EDUCATION: University of Oklahoma: BFA in Scenic Design; University of Maryland: MFA in Scenic Design. Local USA 829. @paigehathawaydesign


Kathleen Geldard (Costume Design)

SIGNATURE: (selected) Bridges of Madison County, Assassins, Billy Elliot, Kid Victory (world premiere), Shakespeare’s R&J, Xanadu, Brother Russia, The Boy Detective Fails (world premiere), Sunset Boulevard, Chess, Les Misérables. DC

AREA: Shakespeare Theatre Company: Macbeth; Arena Stage: The Year of Magical Thinking; Woolly Mammoth; Kennedy Center; Studio Theatre; Round House Theatre; Imagination Stage; Folger Theatre.

REGIONAL: Denver Center of Performing Arts: 39 Steps; Alabama Shakespeare Festival: A Christmas Carol, The Tempest, Macbeth; Cincinnati Playhouse: Dracula, A Chorus Line, Alias Grace, You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown, Misery, Shakespeare in Love; Portland Center Stage; Actors Theatre of Louisville: Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime, Peter and the Starcatcher, Humana Festivals 2015-2018; Huntington Theatre, La Jolla Playhouse; Berkeley Rep; CenterStage; Alabama Shakespeare Festival; Florida Studio Theatre; Weston Playhouse; Maltz Jupiter Theatre; Children’s Theatre of Charlotte.

Jason Lyons (Lighting Design) SIGNATURE: Crazy For You, Jesus Christ Superstar, La Cage, West Side Story, Girlstar, Cabaret. BROADWAY: Hand to God, On the Town, Bronx Bombers, Let It Be, Bring It On, Rock of Ages (Vegas, Toronto, Australia, London and National Tours), The Threepenny Opera, Barefoot in the Park, Good Vibrations. NEW YORK: The Public Theatre: Dry Powder, Barbecue, Venice; 2nd Stage: Smart People. MTC: Linda, Important Hats of the 20th Century, The Commons of Pensacola; Primary: Lives of the Saints, Poor Behavior, All in the Timing; New World Stages: Heathers; CSC: Uncle Vanya; LCT: Broke-ology, Clay. RECENT REGIONAL:

Asolo: Crazy For You; Barrington Stage: A New Brain; The Muny: Beauty & the Beast, Joseph…, Seven Brides…; TUTS: Sweeney Todd, Rock of Ages, Mamma Mia, Oklahoma; 5thAve: Austen’s Pride; Romy & Michele…; Old Globe: Robin Hood, Red

Velvet, Loves Labors Lost, Macbeth; Artistic Director of the Bakowski Bridge of Lights.

Eric Norris he/him (Resident Sound Designer) SIGNATURE: Penelope, Private Jones, Ragtime, The Bridges of Madison County, Sweeney Todd, Passing Strange, Pacific Overtures, Into the Woods. REGIONAL: Casa Mañana: The Producers, Grease, Next to Normal, Hello Dolly!, Mamma Mia, Madagascar, Beauty and the Beast, T’was the Night Before Christmas, Neverland; North Shore Music Theatre: A Christmas Carol ‘16/’17(Associate); Wheelock Family Theatre: Billy Elliot, Beauty and the Beast, Hairspray; SpeakEasy Stage Company: In the Heights, Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson. AWARDS: 2013 Independent Reviewers of New England: Best Sound Design, Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson; 2013 Eliot Norton: Best Overall Design, Best Production, Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson. EDUCATION: New England Institute of Art: BS-Audio and Media Technology. @Cruel_Cinema

Patrick W. Lord he/him (Video Design) SIGNATURE: Private Jones. NATIONAL TOUR: On Your Feet, Hairspray. NEW YORK: Lincoln Center: Where Words Once Were; White Plains Performing Arts Center: The Bodyguard. DC AREA: The Kennedy Center: The Dragon King’s Daughter, Earthrise, Voyagers, Digging Up Dessa, Where Words Once Were; Shakespeare Theatre Company: Hamlet, Twelfth Night; Everyman Theatre: Dinner and Cake; Olney Theatre Center: The World Goes ‘Round, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, A Christmas Carol; Gala Hispanic Theatre: On Your Feet: La Historia de Gloria y Emilio Estefan ¡En Español!, Fame: The Musical; 1st Stage: The Phlebotomist, Columbinus; Synetic Theatre: The Phantom of the Opera; Theatre Alliance: Mnemonic. REGIONAL: Flatrock Playhouse: Girl on the Train, Cinderella, West Side Story, South Pacific; People’s Light: Thurgood; Resident

Ensemble Players: In the Heat of the Night. AWARDS: Helen Hayes Award; Barrymore and B. Iden Payne Nominee. EDUCATION: MFA, The University of Texas at Austin. @pwlord

Anne Nesmith (Wig Design) SIGNATURE: Private Jones, Ragtime, Sweeney Todd, Detroit ‘67, Grand Hotel, Passion, A Little Night Music, La Cage aux Folles, Road Show, West Side Story, Cabaret, The Threepenny Opera, Miss Saigon, Hairspray, Sunset Boulevard, Ace. DC AREA: Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Arena Stage, Ford's Theatre, Shakespeare Theatre Company, Woolly Mammoth Theatre, Folger Shakespeare Theatre, Washington Ballet, Washington National Opera. REGIONAL: Opera Philadelphia, Opera Boston, Boston Lyric Opera, Boston Ballet, Wolf Trap Opera, Castleton Music Festival, Annapolis Opera, Opera Delaware, Baltimore Opera Company (Resident Wig/Makeup Designer).

INTERNATIONAL: Hyogo Performing Arts Center in Nishinomiya, Japan; Seiji Ozawa Matsumoto Festival. TV: MD Public Television: Francis Scott Key and the Song that Built America; Military Channel: Great Planes; Investigation Discovery: Ice Cold Killers. OTHER: Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, The Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery's Cultures in Motion Programs; US Army’s tour Spirit of America.

Casey Kaleba he/him (Fight Choreographer) SIGNATURE: Ragtime, King of the Yees, The Bridges of Madison County, Sweeney Todd, Selling Kabul, Into the Woods, The Color Purple, Gun & Powder, Easy Women Smoking Loose Cigarettes, Blackbeard, Billy Elliot, West Side Story. NATIONAL TOUR: An Officer and a Gentleman. DC AREA: Wolf Trap Opera: Semele, Faust, Don Giovanni; Washington National Opera: Il Trovatore, Carmen, Don Giovanni; Round House Theatre: We Declare You a Terrorist, Quixote Nuevo; Olney Theatre Center: Kinky Boots, Singin' in the Rain, Mary Stuart; Ford’s Theatre; Folger Theatre; Rorschach

Theatre; Keegan Theatre; Constellation Theatre; Theatre J; We Happy Few; Avant Bard. SELECT REGIONAL: Guthrie Theatre, Spoleto Festival, Glimmerglass Festival. AWARDS: Four-time Helen Hayes nominee. Society of American Fight Directors.

Chelsea Pace she/her (Intimacy Choreographer) SIGNATURE: Bridges of Madison County, Into the Woods, Passing Strange, Color Purple, Daphne's Dive, RENT, Detroit '67, Resident Intimacy Consultant and Choreographer. BROADWAY: Strange Loop, Leopoldstadt, K-POP. OFFBROADWAY: SoHo Rep: Snatch Adams… Time of the Month, The Shed: HELP, INTAR: Bundle of Sticks. DC AREA: Woolly Mammoth: Incendiary, Strange Loop, Are You Single, Resident Intimacy Consultant; Studio Theatre: Fun Home, John Proctor… Villain, White Noise; Arena Stage: Seven Guitars, Folger: Midsummer Night’s Dream REGIONAL: Berkeley Rep: POTUS, ACT: Big Data, Strange Loop. La Jolla: SUMO, As You Like It. Aurora Theatre Co: Born with Teeth, 1984. Philadelphia Theatre Co: Tattooed Lady, FILM/TV: Select: Elsbeth, League of Their Own, Harlem, Best Man: Final Chapters, Wu-Tang: An American Saga, The Tender Bar, MASHED, Drive Away Dolls, Dr. Death, Mother’s Instinct. Forthcoming TV/Film: American Sports Story. Founder, Open Intimacy Creatives. AUTHOR: Staging Sex: Best Practices Tools and Techniques for Theatrical Intimacy AWARDS: Kennedy Center Gold Medallion. @professorpace

Sinai Tabak (Orchestrations) BROADWAY: Associate Music Director: A Beautiful Noise, The Cher Show. Keyboard sub: Aladdin, Tootsie, The Band’s Visit. REGIONAL: Asolo Rep: Hair, Sound of Music, Evita (music supervisor and additional arrangements); Muny: Paint Your Wagon; 5th Avenue Theatre: Bliss; Kennedy Center: Footloose; Dallas Theater Center: Les Misérables. OFFBROADWAY: DR2 Theatre: Stars of David; Actors Temple: Goldstein. FILM: Hello


Again. Education: NYU: Music Theory and Composition. Website:

Alexander Greenberg he/him (Copyist/ Keyboard Programmer)

SIGNATURE: Ragtime, Pacific Overtures, The Color Purple, Sweeney Todd, Crazy for You, Passing Strange, Billy Elliot, She Loves Me, A Chorus Line, Rent, Grand Hotel, The Scottsboro Boys. BROADWAY: A Beautiful Noise (Keyboard 2 Sub, Supervising Copyist), Moulin Rouge! The Musical (Rehearsal Pianist), Aladdin (Keyboard Tech), Gettin’ The Band Back Together (Music Assistant, Keyboard Programming Associate). NATIONAL TOUR: Moulin Rouge! The Musical (Rehearsal Pianist), Pippin (Keyboard 2, Assistant MD). OFFBROADWAY: Playwrights Horizons: Unknown Soldier (Rehearsal Pianist, Music Assistant). NEW YORK: Papermill Playhouse: The Wanderer (Supervising Copyist); BC/EFA: The Jimmy Awards (Pianist), Broadway Backwards (Keyboard Programmer); John W. Engeman Theater: Beauty and the Beast (Keyboard 2 Sub); Argyle Theater: Mamma Mia! (Sub Conductor). DC AREA: Olney Theater Center: Mary Poppins, Evita, Avenue Q; Studio Theater: Carrie, The Rocky Horror Show. OTHER: Coach for Broadway Artists Alliance. EDUCATION: Ithaca College: BM Piano with Theater. @agreenbmusic

Jorge Acevedo he/him (Casting Director)

SIGNATURE: Casting Director & Manager of Artistic Programs: RENT, Daphne’s Dive, She Loves Me, The Upstairs Department, The Color Purple, No Place to Go, Into the Woods, Which Way to the Stage, Selling Kabul, Pacific Overtures, Passing Strange, Sweeney Todd, The Bridges of Madison County, King of the Yees, Ragtime, Private Jones, Penelope; Casting & Executive Coordinator: Simply Sondheim, Daniel J. Watts’ The Jam: Only Child, Midnight at The Never Get, After Midnight, Detroit 67. DC AREA: The Kennedy Center: The Mortification of Fovea Munson;

Shakespeare Theatre Company: The Amen Corner; Working In DC: Working: A Musical OTHER: Casting Directive – Broadway for Racial Justice: Inaugural Class. TEDxBroadway: Young Professionals Program, 2018. EDUCATION: Wagner College. @TheeJorgeAvocado.

Whitley Theatrical (New York Casting). Benton Whitley CSA & Micah JohnsonLevy. CURRENT BROADWAY/NY: Hadestown (Artios Award). PREVIOUS BROADWAY/NY: How to Dance in Ohio, Life of Pi, Chicago the Musical, Paradise Square, Rock of Ages, Lightning Thief, Great Comet of 1812, Elf, On the Town, Pippin, La Cage aux Folles, Radio City Christmas Spectacular. TV/FILM: Netflix, 20th Century Fox, NBC, Lionsgate, Disney Channel. WEST END/UK: Hadestown, Thriller Live, Menier Chocolate Factory. US TOURS: Hadestown, Hairspray, Waitress, Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, Finding Neverland, Into the Woods, We Will Rock You. REGIONAL: American Rep, Berkeley Rep, Alley, Shakespeare Theatre Co, Bay Street, For The Record, TUTS, Hollywood Bowl, McCarter, Signature. Follow: @whitleytheatrical &

Kerry Epstein she/her (Production Stage Manager) SIGNATURE: Resident Stage Manager; 18 seasons and over 80 productions. Recent credits include Private Jones, Ragtime, The Bridges of Madison County, Sweeney Todd, Pacific Overtures, Into the Woods, The Color Purple, We Shall Someday, She Loves Me, RENT, Detroit ’67, After Midnight, Midnight at The Never Get, Daniel J. Watts’ The Jam: Only Child, Simply Sondheim, Gun & Powder, A Chorus Line. Additional Sondheim productions include Assassins, Passion, A Little Night Music, Road Show, West Side Story, Sunday in the Park with George, Gypsy, Company, Side By Side By Sondheim, Merrily We Roll Along. Stage Management mentor for Signature in the Schools. INTERNATIONAL: Dublin Theater Festival. REGIONAL: Steppenwolf Theatre, Goodman Theatre, Northlight

Theatre, Rivendell Theatre Ensemble, Lyric Theatre of Oklahoma. EDUCATION: Dickinson College.

Julia Singer she/her (Assistant Stage Manager) SIGNATURE: Ragtime, Into the Woods, She Loves Me. DC AREA: Woolly Mammoth: The Sensational Sea Minkettes; Ford’s Theatre: Something Moving, The Trip to Bountiful, My Lord, What A Night, Silent Sky, Fences, Twelve Angry Men, Born Yesterday, Death of a Salesman, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf, A Christmas Carol, Driving Miss Daisy; The Kennedy Center: The Mortification of Fovea Munson, Acoustic Rooster’s Barnyard Boogie, Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!, How to Catch a Star, Me…Jane, Elephant and Piggie’s: We are in a Play!; Folger Theatre: Love Labour’s Lost, The Winter’s Tale; Imagination Stage: Mr. Popper’s Penguins, The Ballad of Mu Lan. EDUCATIONAL: The Juilliard School: This Is Our Youth, Cymbeline, A Little Night Music, Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune, You Are Here.

Clancey Yovanovich any/all (Associate Director) SIGNATURE: Associate Director: Ragtime, The Bridges of Madison County, Into the Woods; Assistant Director: Which Way To The Stage, The Upstairs Department, She Loves Me, RENT, Escaped Alone. DC AREA: Assistant Director: Folger Theatre: The Merry Wives of Windsor; Ford’s Theatre: Born Yesterday; Theater J: Tuesdays with Morrie, Talley’s Folly; Keegan Theatre: As You Like It - The Musical. EDUCATIONAL: American University: Bat Boy (Director).

Jenelle Figgins (Associate Choreographer)

DANCE: Companies: Dance Theatre of Harlem, Aspen Santa Fe Ballet, Wideman Davis Dance, Washington National Opera. Repertoire: George Balanchine (The Four Temperaments, Serenade, Agon, Tchaikovsky Pas De Deux, Glinka Pas de Trois), Marius Petipa (Raymonda), Ulysses Dove (Dancing on the Front Porch of Heaven), Nacho Duato (Coming Together), Robert Garland (Return, Gloria), Alvin Ailey

(The Lark Ascending), John Alleyne (Far But Close) Alejandro Cerrudo (Silent Ghost, Little Mortal Jump), Jorma Elo (Silent Ghost, Half/Cut/ Split), Cayetano Soto (Huma Rojo), Nicholo (Beautiful Decay, Where We Left Off), Jiri Kylian (Sleepless), Alexander Eckman (Tuplet), Fernando Melo (Re:Play Dream Play), Donald Byrd (From Other Suns; Contested Space) Thadius Davis & Tanya Wideman Davis (Migratruse Ataraxia), La Boheme (Ben Wright). TV/ FILM: BOLDEN!, Beyonce. PRINT: Dance Magazine, Dance Spirit Magazine, SELF, Pointe Magazine, The Washington Post, The New York Times AWARDS: 2014 Princess Grace Award, 2015 Top 25 to Watch.

Refiye Tappan she/her (Associate Music Director) DC AREA: Constellation Theatre Company: Once On This Island (Music Director/Conductor/Keys 1 - HHA nomination), Desperate Measures (MD/ Conductor/Pianist); Mosaic Theatre Company: Max & Willy’s Last Laugh (staged reading - Associate MD); Keegan Theatre: Seussical (Associate MD); Creative Cauldron: On Air (MD/Conductor/PianistHHA nomination), Always Patsy Cline (MD/ Conductor/Pianist) REGIONAL: Virginia Stage Company: A Merry Christmas Carol (MD/Pianist, Arranger, Actor), Fiddler on the Roof (Associate MD/Conductor/Pianist), Henry V (MD/Pianist, Composer/Arranger), A Merry Little Christmas Carol (MD/Pianist, Arranger, Actor). Zeider’s Theater: Fountain of You (Associate MD) Virginia Opera: The Sound of Music. Virginia Musical Theatre: Mamma Mia. AWARDS: Helen Hayes Nominee for Music Direction 2020, 2023. EDUCATION: Royal Birmingham Conservatoire: BMus (Hons) Piano Performance. University of Reading: PG Cert. UPCOMING: Virginia Musical Theatre: Jersey Boys.

Sharon Eddy CASL ChFC CLU CPCU, Agent 6020 Richmond Highway, Suite 201 Alexandria, VA 22303 Bus: 703-535-3115

If there’s anything you need, call me. That’s why I’m proud to be here to help life go right ™ – and to support Signature Theatre since 2007.

State Farm, Bloomington, IL

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May 2

The Mead Lobby and online, 1 – 2PM FREE HAIR and Ragtime choreographer Ashleigh King sits down with Education Director David Zobell to talk about her past career as an actor, her work as a director, and how she uses movement to tell the story. Signature's Education and Community Programs are sponsored by

Community means everything.


Maggie Boland she/her (Managing Director) has led tremendous organizational growth since joining Signature in 2008, more than doubling Signature’s annual revenue, increasing the annual audience by 50,000 patrons and expanding the full-time staff by 76%. Under her leadership, Signature generates more than $15 million in annual economic activity and employs more than 600 individuals each year, making it one of Arlington’s most important small businesses and Virginia’s largest non-profit professional theater. Prior to joining Signature, Boland spent 10 years at Arena Stage in increasingly senior positions, beginning as the Marketing Director and later assuming oversight of the Annual Fund and $125 million Next Stage Campaign as the Director of External Affairs. Her experience also includes six years in fundraising with Roundabout Theatre Company. Boland was a 2016 recipient of the Washington Business Journal’s Women Who Mean Business award. She is a member of the Board of Directors of Theatre Washington and serves as Vice President of the League of Resident Theatres (LORT).

Matthew Gardiner he/him (Artistic Director) has directed and/or choreographed more than 40 productions at Signature Theatre, including Ragtime, She Loves Me, RENT, A Chorus Line, West Side Story, La Cage aux Folles, Jelly’s Last Jam, The Threepenny Opera, and No Place to Go, as well as several world premieres including Really Really, Soon, and Midwestern Gothic. With Signature’s special commitment to producing the work of Stephen Sondheim, Matthew has directed and/or choreographed many Sondheim musicals including Into the Woods, Passion, Sunday in the Park with George, Company, Sweeney Todd and the world premiere of Simply Sondheim. Prior to being named Signature’s Artistic Director in the summer of 2021, Matthew was Signature’s Associate Artistic Director for over a decade, helping to build several groundbreaking seasons, cultivating relationships with prominent and emerging artists, and overseeing several of Signature’s new work development initiatives. Outside of Signature, Matthew has directed and/or choreographed at the Washington, DC theaters Arena Stage, Ford’s Theatre, The Kennedy Center, Round House Theatre, Shakespeare Theatre Company, and Studio Theatre. Matthew has also worked abroad, choreographing Titanic and directing and choreographing Doctor Zhivago for OD Musical Company in Seoul, Korea. Matthew is the recipient of three Helen Hayes Awards for Outstanding Director of a Musical and has been honored with more than a dozen nominations

HAIR Production Crew

Production Assistant Genevieve Dornemann

Assistant Lighting Designer Elijah Thomas

Assistant Sound Designer Madeline 'Mo' Oslejsek

Associate Video Designer Clara Ashe-Moore

Assistant Video Designer Brian Staton

Assistant Wig

Designer Ali Pohanka

Rehearsal Drummer Manny Arciniega

Carpenters RJ Carreston, Jen Caviness, Sky Horne, Kieran Kuhn, Marlee Laws, Joe Miller, Dlorian Strozier, Leo Wilson, Timothy Zeiser

Painters Angela Armstrong, Mikayla French, Jovi Hobson, Megan Holden, Yaritza Pacheco, Sarah Phillips, Kelley Rowan, Nadya Yaksich

Properties Artisan Jack Dorsey

Run Crew Hannah Allison, Leo Wilson

Stitchers Jaime Orrego, Jessica Utz

Dressers Viola Costen, Breanna Dunbar, Violet Lane-Ruckman, Olivia Viola

Wig Runners Pax Gregory, Caitlin O’Brien, Jalisa Williams

Electricians Angela Armstrong, L Bruce, Susannah Cai, Jeff Campbell, Stefanie DeHart, Mikayla French, Gamage, Lared Loeb, Marcelo Riveros, Kristop Rosario, Timothy Zeiser

Followspot Operators L Bruce, Jared Loeb

Light Board Operator Mikayla French

Physical Therapists VA Sportsmedicine Institute Physical Therapy. Maureen Bradley, PT, DPT, CMTPT; Dianne Robbins, PTA; Kelly McGraw, PT, DPT, CMTPT; Tom Stormer PT, DPT

Signature Theatre is a member of the League of Resident Theatres. The scenic, costume, lighting and sound designers of Signature Theatre are represented by United Scenic Artists, Local USA-829 of the IATSE.

This Theatre operates under an agreement between the League of Resident Theatres and Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States.

Signature’s 2023/24 season is supported, in part, by the Virginia Commission for the Arts, the Virginia Assembly and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.



Artistic Director Matthew Gardiner

Managing Director Maggie Boland

Executive Assistant Angelica Miguel


Associate Artistic Director Ethan Heard

Director of Artistic Development Anika Chapin

Casting Director/Manager of Artistic Programs

Jorge Acevedo

Resident Intimacy Consultant Chelsea Pace

Director of Signature Cabarets Mark G. Meadows


General Manager Jim Gross

Associate General Manager Laura Matey

Maintenance Associate Craig Townsend

Custodians Maria Carranza, Henry Pineda


Production Manager Kyle Grant

Assistant Production Manager Jonathan Maag

Resident Stage Manager Kerry Epstein

Technical Director David Phelps

Assistant Technical Director Noah Beye

Lead Carpenter Alex Sasse

Staff Carpenters Sam Bay, Quinlan Boyle, Abby Feinstein

Deck Chief Tess Wagner

Scenic Charge Artist Leila Spolter

Costume Director Natalie Kurczewski

Associate Costume Director Jeffery Park

First Hand Vicki Burroughs

Wardrobe Supervisor Courtney Leigh Wood

Assistant Wardrobe Supervisor Dominique Travers

Lighting Supervisor Dan Kimble

Head Electricians Tim Strickland, Chris Stull

Properties Director Kasey Hendricks

Associate Properties Director Pamela Weiner

Props Runner Laura Wade

Resident Sound Designer Eric Norris

Lead Sound Engineer Kendric Maxey

Deck Sound Engineer Danielle McBride


Director of Advancement and Planning Christine Stanley

Deputy Director of Development, Institutional Giving Erin Harms

Deputy Director of Development, Individual Giving

Dori L. Sophia

Associate Director, Capital Campaign & Special Projects

Morgan Tucker

Donor Services Manager McKinley Seale

Development Manager Julia Souza

Board of Directors

Chair Dottie Bennett

Vice Chair Cathy Bernard

Vice Chair Russ Schriefer

Secretary Patricia Payne

Treasurer/Finance Committee Chair Don Irwin

Governance Committee Chair Sue Cunningham

Anti-Racism Committee Chair Deborah Gandy

Past Chair Bonnie Feld


Director of Marketing Jennifer Buzzell

Deputy Director of Marketing, Publications Director

Katherine Tucker

Graphic Designer Anjali Nanda

Deputy Director of Marketing, Director of Creative Content

James Gardiner

Deputy Director of Marketing, Digital Media Sara Broderick

Social Media Manager Caroline Tattersfield

Marketing Manager: Grassroots, Group Sales and Digital Content Natalie Ridgley

Marketing Manager and Publicist Zachary Flick

Advertising Services Allied Global Marketing


Box Office Manager Becca Holland

Assistant Box Office Manager Gabby Wilson

Box Office Associates Darren Badley, Anon Cadieux, Robert Grimm, Luci Harris, Toni Henry, Lizzie Nigro, Riley Salazar


Guest Services Manager Micaela Lell

Guest Services Coordinator Mackenzie Girard

House Managers Kat Baxter, Megan Bunn, Sam Carlos, Tara Clinton, Chris Courtney, Mia Ewell, Katie Fitz, Patty Kelleher, Julie Neuber, Sam Wilhelm

Assistant Bar Manager Benjamin Royer

Kitchen Manager and Head Chef Jayme Rodríguez


Information Technology Consultant Robert Cohn

IT Associate Jess Lee


Director of Finance and Administration Valerie Bunns

HR & Business Manager Kate Foster Vishniakova

Assistant HR & Business Manager Bailey Howard


Education Director David Zobell

Education Program Manager Matthew Taylor Strote

Board Members Barbara M. Angus, Sydney M. Avent, J. Max Barger, Jeff Bell, Maggie Boland, Michael DeSantis, James W. Dyer, Matthew Gardiner, Robert T. Grimm, Jr., Frank Guzzetta, Dana Hearn, Brian Huseman, Lou Mazawey, Terrance McGowan, Peter Michel, David Ochsman, Chuck Porvaznik, Rynthia Rost, Susan C. Schwab, Eric H. Schwartz, Debbie Shrager, Merrill Shugoll, Carl Spatz, Peter Tanous, Sarah Valente, Arthur A. Warren, Maya Weil

The Paul Wojcik Emeritus Board Members David W. Briggs, Mary G. Cadagin, Jean Cantrell, Enrico Cecchi, Patricia Alper Cohn, Michael Danzansky, Marybeth Fraser, Thomas Gage, Mary Ann Gilleece*, Maxine Isaacs, Tim Keating, Lisa Kountoupes, Tina Martin, Celie Niehaus, Wesley Pickard, Bob Rosen, Steven M. Rosenberg, Kathleen T. Ross, Kathie Shank, Victor Shargai*, Patti Sowalsky, Chris Wailoo

Honorary Trustees Fred Ebb*, John Kander, Cameron Mackintosh, Stephen Sondheim*

Signature Council Helen Lee Henderson*, Arlene and Robert Kogod, Gilbert and Jaylee Mead*, Ted and Mary Jo Shen *In memoriam

Signature Staff

$500,000 AND ABOVE

$200,000 TO $499,999

Anonymous (2)

Bonnie Feld

Dan and Gloria Logan


Arlene and Robert Kogod

Michelle S. Lee and STGi

$100,000 TO $199,999

Dottie Bennett and Richard Morton

Cathy Bernard/Bernard Family Foundation

deLaski Family Foundation

Payne/Firestone Fund for Arts & Education

The Shubert Foundation

$50,000 TO $99,999

Barbara M. Angus

John F. Benton* and David W. Briggs

Mike Blank

The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation

Bradley S. Frey/J. Watkins’ Fund for Arts and Education

Philip L. Graham Fund

Frank Guzzetta and Paul Manville

Don and Angela Irwin

The Jean T. Pelham and Heyward G. Pelham Foundation

Lou Mazawey

David Ochsman

Jenna and Paul Segal

Share Fund

The Ted & Mary Jo Shen Charitable Gift Fund

Virginia Commission for the Arts


$25,000 TO $49,999

William S. Abell Foundation

Stuart and Martha Bindeman Charitable Trust

Stephen and Nancy Brown

Deborah G. Gandy

Lois C. Greisman

Barron Hall

Rick Kasten

The Meredith Foundation

Peter and Mary Jay Michel

$10,000 TO $24,999

Anonymous (4)

Atavis Jet

Sydney M. Avent

Theodore H. Barth Foundation

J. Max Barger and Gary L. Phillips

Chevy Chase Trust

National Endowment for the Arts

Celie and Tabitha Niehaus

Nirschl Orthopaedic Center

Micheal J. O’Connor

H. Mac and Michele-Anne Riley

Susan Carroll Schwab

Susan Gage Caterers

Jeffrey Thurston and Charlie Berardesco

Maya Weil

Jody Katz and Jeffrey Gibbs

Lisa Kountoupes and Jack Sava

Mark T. Lewellyn

Mars Foundation

Limelight Insights by Shugoll

Terrance and Sue McGowan

The Dallas Morse Coors Foundation for the Performing Arts

Sue Cunningham and Howard Moore

Jim Davidson and Cheryl Williams

Ashley Davis

Michael DeSantis and Patrick Baugh

Dorothy Dickman Trust

Dominion Energy Charitable Foundation

The Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.

Margia and Jim Dyer

Sharon Eddy, State Farm Agent

R. Michael Gadbaw and Sally Chandler

The Geary-O’Hara Family Foundation


Mary Ann Gilleece*

Marilyn and Michael Hausfeld

Dana A. Hearn and Kevin J. McCloskey

Maxine Isaacs/The Max Productions LLC

Christopher McMackin, M.D. and David Svatos

MHE Foundation

Ruth Moorman and Sheldon Simon

Chris and Karen Peace

Penelope Bourbon

Wesley Pickard and Jeanette Studley*

Charles Porvaznik and Thomas Paese

James Pridgen* and Arthur Warren

Lola C. Reinsch

Debra and Dave Rose

Russ Schriefer and Nina Easton

David S. Shrager Foundation

Carl Spatz and Thomas Hesselbrock

Peter and Ann Tanous

Sarah Valente

Venable Foundation

Washington Forrest Foundation

*In memoriam

$5,000 TO $9,999

A Life Well Drunk

Anonymous (3)

Greg Albright and Wes Combs

Patricia Alper Cohn and David I. Cohn

Alan and Barbara Anderson

Brenda K. Ashworth and Donald Welch

Jeff Bell

The Dorothy G. Bender Foundation

The John Bickford Foundation

Maggie Boland and John Hance

Susan L. and Dixon M. Butler

Blain and Peg Butner

Jean Cantrell

Tim Carlton

Frederick Corte and Christopher Ingram

Dennis Deloria and Suzanne Thouvenelle

Thomas B. DePriest

Dimick Foundation

DoPaNo Productions

Glen Fernald and Charles Rhode

Jay and Susan Finkelstein

Veronika Folz

Dave Fowler and Todd Metzler

Dianne Geiger

Anonymous (3)

Nathan, Debbie, and Isaac Ainspan in memory of Martin, Phyllis, and Sara Ainspan

Dr. Stewart Aledort and Dr. Sheila Rogovin*

John Andelin and Virginia Geoffrey

Patricia Beneke

Penny Bonda

Bonnie* and Jere Broh-Kahn

Patricia Bryant

The Charles Delmar Foundation

Roy Cooper and Bonnie Carroll

James and Dorothy Dake

Debra N. Diener in memory of Naomi and Sol Diener

Barbara and Kevin Donnellan

Robert J. Eatinger, Jr., PLLC

Marietta Ethier

Donald and Cathy Fogel

Raymond Foote and Isamu Danura

Gary Fontaine and O’Shelia Brown

Marybeth and Zack Fraser

Matthew Gardiner

Jillian Clark Gibson

Nancy E. Gwinn and John Y. Cole

Susan and Tim Gibson

Benjamin A. Gitterman

Alan* and Hedda Gnaizda

Paul R. Gordon and John H. Price*

Graham Holdings

Lucia and Woolf Gross

Laurie Hand and Jonathan Gowdy

Carolyn and Jim* Harris

Meg and John Hauge

F. Lane Heard and Margaret Bauer

Kaye Ann Hellmich

Adam R. Henderson and Bruce C. Marshall

Don Hesse and Jerrilyn Andrews

Hilton Garden Inn


Brian Huseman

Juel Janis

Herschel Kanter

Andi Kasarsky

Barry Kropf

Missy Kurek

Ted and Michele* Leber

Myron Lehtman

Leon Fund at Richmond Community Foundation (Irene and Alan Wurtzel)

Joan Lynn/Galen Miller Fund

John and Mary Lee Malcolm

Mars Foundation

Ray and Nancy McKinley

Howard Menaker and Patrick Gossett

Jeffrey Menick

Dennis Milliron

Larry L. Mitchell

J.P. Morgan

The Morningstar Foundation

National Constitution Center

Sylvia and Lloyd* Oliver

Craig Pascal

Janis Reed

Steven M. Rosenberg and Stewart C. Low III

Evelyn Sandground and Bill Perkins

The Savada-Stevenson Family

Sheldon Seidel

Antonia Browning Smiley

Anne Smith

Linda Smith

Robert Stacy

Richard Underwood

Kathleen and Victor Utgoff

Tom and Carol Wheeler

Deborah and David Yaffe

Joseph and Linda Young

Judy and Leo Zickler

Hacken Charitable Fund

Alan and Bonnie Hammerschlag

James Hawkins

Robert E. Hebda

Sue Henry and Carter Phillips

Jill Herscot and Andrew Bartley

Doug Holtz-Eakin and Beth Robinson

RC Howes

Henry D. Kahn and Laura Primakoff

Daniel Kaplan and Kay Richman

Richard M. Kellogg

Kyle Kerr

Peter Kimmel and Stephanie Jackson

Elise and Michael Kirby

Renee Klish

Judith Knee

Leslie S. Kogod, Lauren S. Kogod, and Stuart A. Kogod

Steven B. Kruse

Rob Liberatore and Debra Kraft

Nancy Limprecht and Rick Haines

Julianna Mahley

Tina M. Martin and Mita M. Schaffer

Russell Matthias and Dwight Horkheimer

Emmy McArver

Adele Mouzon and Mark Perry

Judith and Mary O’Brien

John Robert Porter

Robert and Elaine Porter

Michael and Jane Powell

Michele K. Ross

Roberta Roumel

Jo Ella Samp

David A. Sayles

Diane and Peter Schaefer

Sally Simms

Carl W. Smith and Michael L. Burke

Martha and Horace Sneed

Mark and Lynn Spates

John Sporing Jr.

Paul and Crystal Stanley

Aileen and Jack Sullivan

Brett Tarnutzer and Eric Bash

VentureVest Foundation Fund

(Kenneth B. Ullman)

B. White and S. Pickett

Gail and Jim Woolwine

Jeffrey and Kathleen Wright

Jane Yanulis

Nancy and Stephen McGuire
$3,000 TO $4,999 THANK YOU
Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy. If an error has been made, please accept our apologies and contact 571 527 1828 or

$1,200 TO $2,999

$1,200 TO $2,999

Anonymous (7)

Tony Anderson and Kevin Lorei

Susan Angell

James Asp and Perry Streidel

Victoria Avera and John Dick

Loretta and Tom Beaumont

Scott Douglas Bellard

Karen Berg

Sara and Karan Bhatia

Darwin B. Bingham

Janet Boyd

Linda Brooks

Arlene Brown and Gene Bialek

Jeanne M. Broyhill and Joe Ventrone

Candice C. Bryant

David Cade

Fred Cantor

Carol Caparosa

Jim Carroll

Carol Cataldo

George Christensen and Steven Kotrch

Heidi Christensen and Gene Kendall

Diane Clark and Peter Garcia

Janice King Crawford

Matthew Crouch

John and Valerie Cuddy

Jeffrey Dale

Steve Danielson and Kenneth Hoyle

Michael W. Danzansky and Cate Gaffney

Gail Davenport

Curt Decker

Ian DeWaal and Caroline Smith DeWaal

Jay Dick and Charles Salvetti

Eric N. Dobson

Diane DuBois and Elizabeth Rutherford

Bill and Joan Eisner

David and Marilyn Falksen

Denise Flanagan

Sallie H. Forman and Ines Garcia

Wes and Betty Foster

Carolyn Fowler

Cary C. Fuller

Virginia C. Gano

Aaron Gibson

Robert L. Giron and Ken Schellenberg

Ronnie Gold

Jinny and Michael Goldstein

Michael M. Goldstein

Randi L. Greenberg

Mark Greenwald

Jane P. Guiliano

Frona Hall

Sophia Hall

Hon. Jane Harman

Erin Harms and Marc Olano

Dale Hedding

Bert Helfinstein and Margaret Rodenberg

Sue Henry and Carter Phillips

Lucia and Fred Hill

Mark Hindin

Glen and Lauren Howard

Vicki Howard

Sally E. Howe

David and Brenda Humm

Ira Ludwick Salon

Alice and David Joseph

Bob and Jean* Kapp

Jodie Kelley and Scott Sinder

Eileen Kenna

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Kerwin

Peter Kester

Robert L. Kimmins

Gary and Vicki Kirkbride

Caroline Klemp

Miodrag Kukrika

Sandy and Dick* Laeser

Steve and Maureen Landry

Eugene Lang Foundation

Chad Lash and Caryn Wagner

John LeBlanc and Haywood Torrence Jr.

Alan Levy

Kerry E.M. Liesveld

Robert and Ann Lingo

David and Diane Litman

Adlyn Loewenthal

Wes MacAdam

Catherine MacNeil-Hollinger and Mark Hollinger

Tom Mannion* and Douglas Mearns

Pete and Karen Mattheis

Martha Matthews and Arthur Reiger

Alan McAdams

John McCall and Daniel W. Hicks

Colleen and Larry McCarthy

Betsy McCluskey

Michael McHugh and David Wolfe

McCain McMurray and Cameron Griffith

Robert F. Miailovich

Joetta Miller

Judith M. Miller

Phillip Lee Milstead

George* and Nancy Miron

James A. Mulligan

Carl and Undine Nash

Michael Natrella

Steve and Marsha Nelson

Elizabeth Newell

William and Louisa Newlin

Khoa Nguyen

Randy and Suzanne Nuckolls

Melanie and Larry Nussdorf

Linda and Frank Nutter

Oliver Ocean

Patricia and Gerald Olszewski

Daniel Onstad and Deborah Winters

Sonja and Don Palomaki

Stan Peabody

John B. Pitchford and Lenny Stumpf

Jane Power

Deb and Ed Psioda

Abby and Stuart Raphael

Brian Reid and Brett Brenner

Shelly and Barbara Repp

Alan and Terry Rettig

Alan and Linda Rinker

Julie Rios

Lynda J. Robb

Marda Robillard and Patrick Tribe

Vince L. Rodriguez and Ted A. Culler

Jeffrey Rogers and Sharon Zackula

Bruce Rosenblum and Lori Laitman

Rynthia Rost

Lauren Rowley

Gail Ruf

Thomas A. Sachs and William H. Moses

Terry Savela and Dean Amel

Amy E. Schaffer

Eric Schwartz

Gerald Schwartz and Karen Hainer

Richard and Rosemary Schwartzbard

Adele and James Sebben

David Selden and Julie Wallick

Richard and Jacqueline Sellers

Wayne S. Sellman

Marsha L. Semmel

Elaine and English Showalter

Terry Singer

Jim Sirbaugh and Garry Hartsock

John Smeallie and Dean Baker

Ed and Andy Smith

Ms. Susan P. Snowdon

Patti and Jerry Sowalsky

Lawrence and Arlene Spinelli

Thomas and Kathalina Stein

Mr. and Mrs. George Stevens, Jr.

Mary Sturtevant

Ellen Swyler

Ed Szrom and John Geiger

Timothy Temple

Mei Su Teng

Peter E. Threadgill

Timothy and Jennifer Tomlinson

Annette Totten


Carol Trawick

Walton Family Foundation

Ed and Liz Ward

Karen Wax

Rich Weaver and Joao Freitas

Walter L. Wentz

Dudley and Jennifer Winthrop

Anita Woehler

Dov Zakheim

*In memoriam


Anonymous (7)

Dr. Stewart Aledort and Dr. Sheila Rogovin*

Allan Armus

Susan Barrett

Scott Douglas Bellard

Dottie Bennett

Monique Boulanger

David W. Briggs

Bonnie and Jere Broh-Kahn

Louise Budelis

Anne Buzalski

Jean Cantrell

Tim Carlton

Diane L. Carroad

Bruce A. Cohen*

Edward* and Andrea Cooper

Estate of Sharon H. Dantzig*

Capt. Joan Darrah and Lynne Kennedy

Bob and Tracy Dattner

Martin A. Davis* and Belle N. Davis

L. William Derrow*

Barbara and Kevin Donnellan

Terri G. Dunahay*

Keith Eby

Eddie and Rachel Eitches

R. Glen Fernald, Charles Rhode

William Giroux*

Ellen L. Goldstein

Paul R. Gordon

Jeff and Joan Greene

Lois C. Greisman

Judy Grill

Signature recognizes the following members who have included the Theatre in their estate plans:

Frank Guzzetta and Paul Manville

Carolyn Harris

Robert E. Hebda

Kristine Heine

Kaye Ann Hellmich

Barbara Hill and Carol Krueger

Naomi K. Horowitz*

RC Howes

Gerald Hurwitz and Stephanie George

Jan Inscore-Boswell

Andrew A. Isen

James Johnson & Matthew Shepard

Pamela Kalinowski

Andi Kasarsky

Robert L. Kimmins

Renee Klish

Judith Knee

Seth Koch, V.M.D. and Barbara Bellman

Steven B. Kruse

Steven Arthur Landry and Maureen Oglivie Landry

Michele* and Ted Leber

Debra and Michael Linick

Julianna Mahley

Wells R. McCurdy

Robert J. McDonald and David J. Insinga

April McGuire

Jean R. McKean

Janice N. McLean

McCain McMurray and Cameron Griffith

Howard Menaker and Patrick Gossett

Laura Ariane (Laurie) Miller*

Phillip Lee Milstead

William Moses and Thomas Sachs

Michael Mueller and Kristopher Zgorski

Roland Ninomaya*

Micheal J. O’Connor

Wesley Pickard and Jeanette Studley*

Suzy Platt*

Richard and Wendy Rahm

Mike Rankin, M.D.

Eric Schaeffer

Henry J. Schalizki* and Robert D. Davis*

Richard* and Rochelle Schwab

Skip Seward

Victor Shargai*

Larry Shaw and Richard Freitag

Merrill and Mark Shugoll

Constance Sorrentino

Carl H. Spatz & Thomas D. Hesselbrock

Aileen and Jack Sullivan

Bill Vess*

Arthur A. Warren

Maya Weil

Paul Wojcik*

Janet Yandik

Cynthia Young*

*In memoriam

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