Spokane Club Magazine Jan/Feb 2015

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125th Birthday



contents Signals

The Spokane Club Magazine

January/February 2015 Volume 49 No. 3 USPS 000239 Communications Director/Editor Kate Spencer, 459-4535 Senior Designer/Web Manager Kasi Dunn, 838-8511, x118 Front Desk 838-8511


Endorsement by the management, membership or staff of the Spokane Club for product or services in paid advertising is neither expressed nor implied. Signals is published bi-monthly. Subscription rate is $1.00 an issue ($6.00 annually) and is part of monthly Spokane Club membership dues. Periodical postage paid at Spokane, Washington. Postmaster: Please send address changes to Signals, Spokane Club Magazine, 1002 W. Riverside Ave., Spokane, WA 99201

social _____ 11 Social Events

columns _______ 2

By Rick Repp

13 Club’s Within the Club

Club Management CEO . Charles Alpers 459-4230 . calpers@spokaneclub.org CFO . Shawn Smith 459-4232 . ssmith@spokaneclub.org Sales & Marketing Director . Jon Fine 459-4240 . jfine@spokaneclub.org Communications Director . Kate Spencer 459-4535 . kspencer@spokaneclub.org Hospitality Director . Ryan Lloyd 838-8511 . rlloyd@spokaneclub.org Sports & Fitness Director . Melissa Elfering

14 Burgundy’s News

business ________ 18 CEO’s Message By Charles Alpers 20 New Members 22 Thrive 125

fitness ______ By Christine Cronin, PT

535-3554 . jurie@spokaneclub.org

17 Meet Executive Chef Bob McDaniel By Kate Spencer, Editor in Chief 27 The Hearts of Champions By Kate Spencer, Editor in Chief

41 Family Calendar 42 Family Happenings

38 Aquatics News

Facilities Director . Jim Miller

Director of Tennis Operations . Jeff Urie

By Kate Spencer, Editor in Chief

40 News for Families

35 Tennis News

459-4577. jjiminez@spokaneclub.org

Reach Your Personal Best

30 Keys to Longterm Wellness

Executive Chef . Bob McDaniel

Human Resources Director . Juanita Jiminez


family _____

32 Court Sports

838-8511 x166 . jmiller@spokaneclub.org

features _______

28 Fitness News

459-4570 . melfering@spokaneclub.org


Chairman’s Message

schedules _________ 23 Gym & Aquatics Schedule 24 Downtown Schedule 25 Valley Schedule

on the cover ___________ Happy 125th Birthday! Photo Courtesy of Istock Design by Kasi Dunn

26 Events At-a-glance www.spokaneclub.org | January/February 2015 | 1

Business | Chair’s message

Planning for our Future The Spokane Club’s Strategic Planning Process

By Rick Repp, Chairman

“The exceptional place for exceptional people since 1890.” These seven words and an historic date speak to the essence of our founding and sustaining mission with a simple and pithy statement, but it took much thoughtful work, time and consideration to establish these words as a guiding star for our Club. In November of 2013, under the direction of Board Chair Taudd Hume, the Spokane Club’s Board of Trustees embarked on a multi-step strategic planning process. Our purpose was to help build a consensus among the Board as to who the Club is and who it wants to be, with a recognition that it would be beneficial to have a shared vision of what the Club could and should be when making strategic policy decisions. This process was initiated with an all-day Board retreat facilitated by Jason Swain, of Jason Swain & Associates, an organizational development consultant, and the Club’s CEO Charles Alpers. Mr. Swain guided Board members through a variety of activities and presentations designed to help us learn and apply fundamental principles of organizational effectiveness, understand the process 2 . Signals | The Spokane Club magazine | January/February 2015

for articulating a vision for the Club’s future, and identify specific action items following the retreat to establish a clear vision for the Club. As part of the retreat, Mr. Alpers also presented the Board with an overview of the 12 Hallmarks of Great Private Clubs to help the Board understand what distinguishes a truly great private club. During this retreat, the Board reviewed the steps taken by other organizations that have enjoyed enduring success by establishing a clear sense of identity and purpose that remain fixed, while their business strategies and practices continuously adapt to an ever-changing world. Although the Club has had a Mission Statement, Vision Statement and Values Statement for a number of years, there was doubt as to whether these statements defined the “purpose” of the Club in a concise way that was useful for guiding daily decisions for the Board, management and staff. The Club’s existing Mission Statement, to be “Spokane’s premier club dedicated to promoting the highest quality of life for our members through wellness programs, lasting friendships, business connections and

enduring family traditions” continues to be relevant, but we agreed that defining a more succinct purpose statement to guide our strategic planning decisions would be helpful. With this in mind, the Board then appointed an ad hoc Core Values Committee to identify and clearly define the Club’s “core values” – a small set of timeless guiding principles that would help reveal and clarify the Club’s core purpose statement as the Club’s most fundamental reason for existence. I am grateful to the mix of members, management and staff, who served the Club in this way: Kristin Condon, Jack DeWenter, Mike Dunford, Victor Frazier, Ryan Lloyd (staff), Betsy Lynch, Corky Mason, Kevin O’Neill, and Dean Reynolds. Charles Alpers, Jon Fine and Kate Spencer also attended on behalf of management. Mr. Swain, then led this committee through a process to discover the core values that he explained should be self-evident based upon their experiences at the Club. The Club’s new Core Values Statement developed by this committee and then reviewed and approved by the Board is as follows: The Spokane Club is a member community where people can achieve excellence in their own lives and nurture it in the lives of others. The specific values identified were: (1) Selffulfillment; (2) Authentic relationships; and (3) Community stewardship, which each include a detailed description of what these values mean and how they are expressed at the Spokane Club (see the Club’s website to read the entire statement). With the Core Values Statement established, the next step was to identify a Purpose Statement that captured the essence of these values. To accomplish this task, we convened a half-day mini

retreat consisting of both Core Values Committee members and Board members. Mr. Swain assured us that the right purpose statement would unveil itself, rather than needing to be forced, and he was right. Identifying the Spokane Club as “the exceptional place for exceptional people since 1890” crystallized for us what the Club has been, at its best, and what we want the Club to always be: exceptional! This is the reason that the Spokane Club exists. If we continue to focus on making sure that the Club is always an exceptional place providing an exceptional experience for our members, we will continue to attract both exceptional members and exceptional staff that want to be part of a unique experience that cannot be duplicated anywhere else in our region. Next came the hard work of identifying specific action items that would enable us to ensure the Club achieves its goal. In September of this year, we held another on-site Board retreat for a day and a half, facilitated by Norm Spitzig, the author of the 12 Hallmarks of Great Private Clubs and a nationally recognized expert in the private club industry. With the assistance of Mr. Spitzig and the Club’s executive management team, the Board took a hard look at our member demographics for the past four years, the results of CEO Alpers’ 2014 Path to Greatness member survey, feedback received from various member focus groups during recent years, and the trends revealed by recent surveys of city clubs across the country. Mr. Spitzig’s insights on the challenges that private clubs across the nation are facing were particularly helpful, and it is enlightening for us to recognize that the clubs that best withstood the recent recession were the ones that offered the highest level of service and amenities to the most selective of members.

“The exceptional place for exceptional people since 1890.” Although I was not sure at the beginning what the end results of our retreat would be, I found it encouraging that there was a strong consensus among the Board by the end of the retreat that our path forward is to continue to elevate the experience of our members and their guests, with exceptional dining/catering, athletics and activities. We agreed that a key measure of our success would be if we could return to a membership level of 2,850 members and reach the point where there is a waiting list to join the Club. We also agreed that one of the lessons of prior years is that we cannot be all things to all people and we cannot afford a competitive race to the bottom with our competitors. What we can, and must, do is focus on what we do well, what makes us unique within the Spokane community, and do it ever better. Stay tuned for the publication of the Club’s Strategic Business Plan for the next five years, which is currently being drafted by the Board’s Strategic Planning Sub-Committee co-chaired by Nancy Vorhees and Dean Reynolds. This plan

will summarize the key action items we will use to achieve the core priorities we discussed during our year-long strategic planning process: (1) enhanced quality of member service; (2) healthy membership growth; (3) increased member involvement; (4) strengthened operations; (5) responsible capital allocation; and (6) productive community engagement. Our club marks its 125th anniversary this year and these steps we are taking are designed to position the Club for continued success for not just the next five years, but the next 125 years! I hope you will join me on February 28th for our Club’s special birthday celebration, with gratitude to our founders and cheers to our future!

Rick Repp Board Chairman Spokane Club

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Reach Your Personal Best with Personal Training

By Kate Spencer, Editor in Chief

Whatever your age or stage of life, a new year presents a new beginning. Whatever your aspirations—academically, professionally, or personally—a strong, healthy body makes achieving those goals more doable, sustainable and enjoyable. And like any goal in life, having a good teacher, a strong mentor and a trusted friend for guidance can make all the difference in the outcome. That difference is what personal training is all about. The reason personal training works is simple: it’s personal. It’s tailored to the needs, abilities, goals and personality of one person: you. So whether you want to train for an elite athletic event, or drop the extra pounds that weigh you down, or rebuild strength and range of motion after an injury, or have more energy to chase your kids, grandkids or that lifelong dream of world travel, personal training can help get you there. We asked some of our Club members what personal training has done for their lives. If their experiences inspire you to add some personal training to your own life, we are here to help you find the right trainer. Because when it comes to personal training, there is no one size fits all, there’s only that perfect size that fits you. 4 . Signals | The Spokane Club magazine | January/February 2015

Have you achieved your goals? Yes, and I am confident I will continue to achieve more in the future.

What is the best part of the training experience for you? The best part of this experience was how the strength training directly translated into my being able to have more power and quicker reflexes when rowing. This made the sport much more enjoyable.

What do you see as Tim’s strongest qualities, both in terms of his training style and personality fit for you?

The Rower Member: Erin Ross Personal Trainer: Tim Arndt Why did you seek personal training? Last July, I fell in love with competitive rowing, otherwise known as “crew” here in the US. I joined the Spokane River Rowing Association and found an awesome group of people to learn from and compete with.

How long have you been training? I have been training with Tim since August.

Did you have a specific goal in mind when you started, or was it for overall strengthening and conditioning? My specific goal was to be able to compete in two regattas within 24 hours at the end of October. Two of the races were 1,000m sprints and one race was the Head of The Lake (from the UW boathouse) which was a 5,000m endurance race. This totaled 14,000m in 24 hours (because one must row to the start).

Tim has been very open to learning about the unique training needs of a rower. It is a demanding sport which requires both power and endurance, as well as the ability to mentally push through pain. His educational background enables him to create and facilitate an effective training regimen that consistently propels me toward increased strength and agility. Tim has a fun, laidback personality, and at the same time, he treats our sessions seriously, with focus and attention. I feel that this training has been time and money well spent. Want to learn more about rowing? The Spokane River Rowing Association (SRRA) is a non-profit recreational/competitive rowing club for people ages 18+. For more information, go to: www.spokanerowing.org

“Tim has been very open to learning about the unique training needs of a rower.” www.spokaneclub.org | January/February 2015 | 5

own. Was I ever wrong! I learned why strength training was important for me and understood that it was going to be a journey. When Tim was hired by the Spokane Club, I became a Club member. I started meeting Tim twice a week, working on strengthening my lower and upper body. I increased weights slowly, which helped me to have less pain during our sessions and the following days. Then I started not having the constant pain, which really surprised me. I became stronger, lost some weight, changed multiple clothing sizes, and lowered my blood pressure and heart rate. I meet with Tim three times a week now.

Have you achieved your goals? Yes. I had a great time in Disneyland. My next goal is retirement and beyond. I like the changes I’ve accomplished and know there will be more.

The Nurse Member: Maggie Reisenauer Personal Trainer: Tim Arndt Why did you seek personal training? I was going on a trip to Disneyland and knew I would be walking a lot. I had been having constant pain in my arms, legs and back for years.

How long have you been training with Tim? I have worked with Tim for 18 months.

Did you have a specific goal in mind when you started, or was it for overall strengthening and conditioning? I had not been regularly exercising for a long time and knew I needed to do this for my health. I went back to the gym [Editor’s note: A fitness chain, where Tim was working at the time] to walk on the treadmill. I wanted a better 6 . Signals | The Spokane Club magazine | January/February 2015

What is the best part of the experience for you? plan and asked about trainers. I met with Tim and it was not what I had expected. I didn’t exercise until the end of our second session. He quizzed me on what I wanted out of our sessions and gave me homework. I thought he would give me some exercises to do on the weight machines and then I would be on my

I became stronger, lost some weight, changed multiple clothing sizes, and lowered my blood pressure and heart rate.

I really want to exercise now and enjoy it. That was the biggest shocker to me and it has changed my life.

What do you see as Tim’s strongest qualities, both in terms of his training style and personality fit for you? Tim takes a personal interest in me. He works me to my potential and treats me with respect. He changes up the routines and tries new things, like boxing. Tim knows his job. I feel safe in whatever challenge he has for me that day. He is a great communicator, supportive, encourages and motivates.

makes me take more complete advantage of the Club’s facilities.

What do you see as Luke’s strongest qualities, both in terms of his training style and personality fit for you? In his work as a trainer, Luke is the consummate professional. He has a wide grasp of training techniques and, more importantly, he tailors the workout to meet client needs. For example, Luke also trains my wife and I have observed his interactions with her. His workouts are designed to meet our individual needs and he has the ability to gauge our workouts to achieve the desired outcomes for each of us, as different as those goals are.

The University Provost Member: Rex Fuller Personal Trainer: Luke Brady Why did you seek personal training? My wife and I started the Fit for Life program together and I started working with Luke to lose weight and build core strength.

How long have you been training with Luke? Since Fit for Life, so about two years.

Did you have a specific goal in mind when you started, or was it for overall strengthening and conditioning?

I learned that the fitness equipment, when used correctly, can enhance one’s overall quality of life. Additionally, it makes me take more complete advantage of the Club’s facilities.

My goal was to lose weight, which I did, and build strength and flexibility to improve my tennis and golf. Luke’s guidance has helped me achieve all three goals—but, more important, has made fitness a part of my regular routine.

Have you achieved your goals? Yes.

What is the best part of the experience for you? Learning that the fitness equipment, when used correctly, can enhance one’s overall quality of life. Additionally, it www.spokaneclub.org | January/February 2015 | 7

What is the best part of the experience for you? Bill: Having Tim as a trainer has made me much more focused on weight training. My discipline as a runner has helped me in my weight training. Cathy: Getting to know Tim and seeing results that I get to wear daily.

What do you see as Tim’s strongest qualities, both in terms of his training style and personality fit for you? Bill: Tim’s knowledge about proper posi-

The Couple Members: Bill and Cathy Sutherland Personal Trainer: Tim Arndt Why did you seek personal training? Bill: Every time I trained on my own I got injured. My wife was really happy with her results so I went to Tim’s seminar and was impressed with his knowledge. Cathy: I saw other people getting results working with Tim and I wanted to have a trainer who would not just stand with a clipboard and chat with me while I lifted.

How long have you been training with Tim? Bill: 6 months Cathy: 7 Months

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Did you have a specific goal in mind when you started, or was it for overall strengthening and conditioning? Bill: To gain muscle and lose fat. Cathy: I wanted to become stronger and get muscle definition and increase my bone density.

Have you achieved your goals? Bill: I am stronger and I have lost some fat.

Cathy: I’m a work in progress but I have seen improvement in my strength and endurance.

tioning, reps, weight and a plan that keeps me from getting injured has really helped me advance beyond what I thought possible. I have had a couple of trainers at the Club over the years and they simply gave me a set of exercises and never watched to see if I was properly positioned. Tim is the best trainer the Club has ever had, in my opinion. Cathy: I like how educated he is about the muscle groups and how to strengthen and grow muscle. He is very conscientious and when I’m working with him I feel I’m getting 100% of his attention. His workouts are organized to fit my needs and I refer to him as “Torture Tim” (lovingly). Tim has made this journey a fun and rewarding experience and I would recommend Tim to anyone serious about muscle development.

Tim’s knowledge about proper positioning, reps, weight and a plan that keeps me from getting injured has really helped me advance beyond what I thought possible.

Tim’s strongest qualities are his willingness to help out and be there for me. He is also one of the most quality and kind people I’ve ever met.

The Cross Country Runner Member: Turlan Morlan Personal Trainer: Tim Schultz Why did you seek personal training?

What was your goal?

I was running cross country with a long arm cast which twisted my form, resulting in a stress fracture.

My goal was to get back into the cross country season as fast as possible. But it was also just looking to get some extra strengthening and conditioning.

How long did you train with Tim? I trained with him twice a week for four weeks. I am not currently training with him.

Have you achieved your goal?

What do you see as Tim’s strongest qualities, both in terms of his training style and personality fit for you? Tim’s strongest qualities are his willingness to help out and be there for me. He is also one of the most quality and kind people I’ve ever met.

A Parent’s Point of View Melanie Morlan When Turlan got injured he was really disappointed. It’s an emotionally brutal experience to go from the elation of running well enough to earn a varsity team spot to being fully side-lined overnight your second week of practice. When I called the Club to see if it would be possible for a 14-year-old to work with a trainer a few nights a week, they were very accommodating and set us up with Tim Schultz. It was a good fit from the start for all of us. Turlan’s dad, Chris, and I were able to come down to the Club and work out while Turlan had his sessions with Tim, and Tim helped keep all of us in a better mood during the time Turlan was injured and recovering. The occasional cheeseburger at Burgundy’s helped too! It was the personal training sessions that helped Turlan rise up from injured to inspired and motivated him to come back not just injury-free, but actually stronger.

I have definitely achieved my goal. I finished top three on my varsity cross-country team, partially thanks to Tim.

What is the best part of the experience for you? The best part for me was meeting Tim and getting stronger.

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Have you achieved your goals? I’ve learned that I don’t have to lift extremely heavy weights and be unable to walk without hurting. I can honestly say my workouts have been immensely fun. I’ve learned how to stretch, use a roller, and watch my body change before my very eyes. I’ve learned how to make the most of my workouts and under 1 hour.

What do you see as Josh’s strongest qualities, both in terms of his training style and personality fit for you? I look forward to continuing my training and workouts with Josh! The end result with training is a healthier, stronger me.

The Change Maker Member: Eileen Barbieri Personal Trainer: Joshua Key Why did you seek personal training? Who needs a trainer when you’re taking five to six exercise classes a week, right? Wrong. So very wrong. I decided I needed a different direction for myself since I wasn’t seeing the results I was looking for. That’s when I met Josh. After speaking with him I knew that having a trainer would be perfect for me.

10 . Signals | The Spokane Club magazine | January/February 2015

Did you have a specific goal in mind when you started, or was it for overall strengthening and conditioning? I was having difficulty specifically with my shoulder and hips. Josh and I have been working together for just 6 weeks now and what a difference he has made in my life!

Note: We are pleased to announce the addition of the LifeFitness Synrgy 360s to the Valley facility! (Pictured to the left.) This piece of fitness equipment has space for TRX straps, medicine ball rebounder, pull up bars, kettle bells, dip handles and resistance tubing anchors. The Synrgy allows the user to complete a variety of workouts including functional fitness to sports performance training. In addition, our trainers will begin to create and educate members on how to complete fitness circuits on the Synrgy giving the member an overall workout. Would you like to learn how to use this equipment for great results? Join us for a free, fun and functional workout that teaches you how to use this this amazing piece of equipment. Contact Josh at jkey@spokaneclub.org or details.

Social | events

Winter Crab Feed

Ice Skating at Riverfront Park

Gather your family, come in out of the cold and head down to the Club for one of our members’ favorite events! We’ll be providing the bib as you dig into an amazing buffet of your favorite crab dishes! You won’t find white linens at this event, but we will be rolling out butcher paper, crab-crackers and even crayons for the kids. Our amazing bartenders will be serving up great wine, cocktails and other beverages to make this night one to remember. Reservations required, call 838-8511 or reserve online at spokaneclub.org. To avoid charges to your account cancellations must be made by January 9th. Friday, January 16 Seatings starting at 5:30 pm; Georgian Adults $40++; Ages 13-15, $22++ Ages 6-10 $17++; 5 and under No charge

Lace up your skates and bundle up, as we invite you to join in with other members of your Club to skate the afternoon away. We have arranged a special package price for our members, so this is a great opportunity to start the year off with a new family tradition on the ice. There will be plenty of hot chocolate to go around to warm you from your head down to your toes. We’ll see you out on the ice! Reservations required, call 838-8511 or reserve online at spokaneclub.org. To avoid charges to your account cancellations must be made by January 9th. Saturday, January 17; 1:00 - 3:00 pm; $7 (includes skates and hot chocolate)

Dance Jumpstart Workshop – The ABC’s of Social Dance Learning to Dance is Simple…Start with the Basics! Join our professional dance instructors, Glenn and Patty Braunstein and kick off a wonderful New Year’s resolution that can enhance your life for years to come. This workshop is designed for beginners looking to learn the basics of dance steps. Once you know the basic elements of Social Dancing, you will have the skills required to learn how to make those elements work together to form dance steps, then patterns, then whole dances. Learn the letters…Learn to read…Learn the basics…and learn to dance! Saturday, January 10; 1:30 – 4:30 pm

Big Night Out Bingo! Even though you’ll soon be yelling “Touchdown” during the big game on this super Sunday weekend, this Friday night is for those ready to yell “BINGO”! We have purchased an array of prizes with the final blackout winner collecting a cash prize. There will be delicious small bites during the first hour. This event is for adults only and sure to sell out, so make your reservations as soon as possible! Reservations required, call 838-8511 or reserve online at Spokaneclub.org. Cancellations by January 23rd. Friday, January 30; 6:00 pm Library; $10++ /person; Adults Only $2 for ea BINGO card, or $3 for 2; Cash only please

Downtown, Studio 4 Complimentary for Members; guests $25

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Social | events

Hot Tickets for 2015!

Hotty Toddy Tubing This amazing adults-only afternoon and evening of fun will begin at the Valley parking lot where we will board first-class transportation and head up to the Bear Creek Lodge. While on the bus we’ll warm everyone up with our specially made “Hotty Toddy” drink. After the fun-filled 90 minutes of tubing, enjoy a delicious and hearty spaghetti feast in the Bear Creek Lodge. There are only 50 spots available, so call and reserve yours today! Reservations required, call 838-8511 or reserve online at Spokaneclub.org. Cancellations by January 31st. Saturday, February 7; 3:00 – 9:00 pm $45 Transportation, Tubing, and Meal

The Spokane Club has expanded our ticket program at some of Spokane’s greatest venues and we are excited to save you money on all tickets purchased through our new Lobby Box Office. Be the first to know when we get tickets to Best of Broadway, select Spokane Arena shows, The Bing Crosby Theater and Spokane Symphony. The Spokane Club has secured great seats and big discounts exclusively for our members for great entertainment throughout Spokane! Upcoming shows are: Monster Jam – Spokane Arena Memphis – INB Alton Brown – INB Mamma Mia – INB Camelot – INB Guys and Dolls – INB To purchase any of these great discount tickets call Jess at 459-4239!

Family Night! - Dinner & a Movie Enjoy a delicious family-style meal in the Library and don’t forget the sleeping bags, pillows and lawn chairs so you can kick-back and watch The Boxtrolls. We will supply complimentary popcorn, and there will be a selection of candy and drinks to purchase during the movie. Dinner reservations required, call 838-8511. To avoid charges to your account cancellations must be made by January 30th. Saturday, February 7 Dinner 5:00 pm Movie starts at 6:15 Adults; $15++; Kids 12-16, $12++ Kids 6-11, $10; 5 and under free

Save the Dates

Springtime Seafood Buffet Friday, March 27

Awaken Spring - Ladies Luncheon Wednesday, April 1

Easter Brunch Sunday, April 5 12 . Signals | The Spokane Club magazine | January/February 2015

Clubs Within the Club Book Club Second Wednesdays at 7:00 pm Contact: Kay Lester, 838-2862 January: The Professor’s House by Willa Cather February: Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemmingway

Cellar Dwellers Wine Club

Celebrate wine, friendship and adventure with this dynamic group. Contact: Alex at 459-4234

Children of the Sun Investment Club

Last Wednesdays at 5:30 pm Contact: Max Johnston, 924-0018

Wednesday Bridge Luncheon

Third Wednesdays at 11:30 am Reserve by the Friday before Contact: Marge Folsom at 443-9377 November winners: 1st Place, Verona Southern 2nd Place, Mary Secrest

Partners Evening Bridge

Second Tuesdays at 6:30 pm Reserve by the Friday before. Contact: Marge Folsom at 443-9377

Beginning Dance Classes Thursdays; 6:45 pm – Merengue; 7:30 pm- East Coast Swing; Fourth Floor Studio Complimentary for members; Member guests $15/person, per session

Level Two Dance Classes Beginning dance class is a prerequisite. Tuesdays; 5:30 pm – West Coast Swing; Studio B; Complimentary for members

Social Dance practice is held EVERY TUESDAY night from 6:45-8:15 pm, and EVERY SATURDAY from 11:15 am -1:15 pm Studio 4 of the Athletic Building. Members only!

Social Dancers of the Spokane Club

November winners: 1st Place, Mary Pat Strange & guest 2nd Place, Dottie Larson & guest

Singles Club

Second and Fourth Fridays at 6:00 pm Contact: Steven True, 991-8820

Social Dancers

Every Thursday at 6:45 pm No charge, members only Contact: Andy DeMott at ademott@ comcast.net www.spokaneclub.org | January/February 2015 | 13

125th Birthday BIG BASH!

14 . Signals | The Spokane Club magazine | January/February 2015

February 28 6:00pm–1:00am $85 – Early Bird (Until January 23) $95 Call 838-8511 to purchase your tickets today!

Join fellow members at the Club’s 125th Birthday Party and enjoy amazing food, creative and nostalgic cocktails, non-stop entertainment, dancing, singing and much more including: • Ribbon cutting ceremony • The Variety Pack playing from 6-9pm • DJ Decades 9:30-1:00am • Norma Stejer playing Happy Birthday on her saxophone • Karaoke in Burgundy’s

• Casino Games and Fun! • Bristol playing in the library 7:30-10:30pm • Silent Auction • Scotch & Whiskey tasting • Wine Tasting Room with cork pull

• Lifetime Membership raffle giveaway!

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Burgundy’s | news

International Cuisine in Burgundy’s Scotland January 28, 29 & 30 Dinner only 5:00 - 9:00 pm

International Cuisine in Burgundy’s Argentina February 25, 26 & 27 Dinner only 5:00 - 9:00 pm

St. Patrick’s Day Party

Valentine’s Dinner in Burgundy’s Bring your Valentine to a romantic dinner in Burgundy’s and enjoy a wonderful menu from the Club’s new Executive Chef, Robert McDaniel. This special Saturday Valentines night is a wonderful opportunity to make a true weekend date night. Make your reservation early as seatings for this romantic dinner are limited. Reservations required, call 838-8511. To avoid charges to your account cancellations must be made by February 7th.

Wear some green and bring your friends and family to enjoy our famous green draft beer for just $1 or enjoy $3 Guinness bottles from 11:00 am to close. No blarney.... this is sure to be a full day of shenanigans at the Club! Tuesday, March 17; 11:00am - close Burgundy’s Restaurant; à la carte menu

Saturday Social and 10-year plus Member Appreciation

Saturday, February 14; 5:30pm - close; Burgundy’s Restaurant

Enjoy your first well cocktail, draft beer or glass of house wine on us! Stop by the Front Desk to get your drink ticket, where they will verify membership years and provide a drink ticket for 10+ year members.

Sweetheart Lounge in the Cutter Library

Every Saturday; 4:00 – 6:00 pm (for 10+ member complimentary cocktail)

After your Valentine’s Dinner, stop by the Cutter library and share a romantic dance with your sweetheart and make this year’s Valentine’s night a special one. Dance to your favorite love songs at this complimentary member gathering. Enjoy a night cap in a warm, romantic, candlelit setting. Saturday, February 14 6:00 – 10:00 pm; Cutter Library à la carte specialty drink menu

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Friendly Fridays Enjoy complimentary hors d’oeuvres every Friday. No reservation is needed, plan to join us for a great time! Every Friday; 4:00 – 6:00 pm

Holiday Hours New Year’s Day

Closing at 2:00 pm

Introducing Executive Chef Bob McDaniel By Kate Spencer, Editor in Chief

An innate sense of adventure inspired Bob McDaniel, Certified Executive Chef, to take his first job in the private club industry. A strong sense of community and service sustains his commitment to it. “I like to try new things and had never worked at a private club before,” Chef recalls of his first job at Handlery Hotel Resort and Country Club in San Diego. “I really wanted to see what the industry was about and once I tried it, I loved it.” Though brand new to the industry at the time, Chef McDaniel’s background in the public sector paved the way for his success. After graduating from culinary school, Chef McDaniel gained on-the-job experience training under both European and American chefs. He then went to work for Pacific Far East Line on the ocean liner SS Mariposa, and later, worked at a number of California restaurants. Looking to broaden his experience, he took the job at Handlery. Five years later, he moved to Lomas Santa Fe Country Club, a vibrant, family-oriented club in Solana Beach, California. “The positive relationships with members and how well the staff was treated by them, along with the variety and dynamic flow of the workday, were all a great fit for me. That’s when I really fell in love with the industry.”

From the Lomas club, Chef moved to Bernardo Heights County Club in Bernardo, CA. His recollections of that job—the times, the people and the experiences—would make a great movie. But something else was working its way into Chef ’s adventurous spirit. “I wanted to leave California and find a better way of life in a beautiful area.” In 2003 he arrived in Spokane in the middle of a major snowstorm to interview for the Executive Chef position at The Club at Black Rock. He got the job and dove into the new creative venture. “I had a blank canvas there,” he recalls. “From hiring, training and mentoring, to creating all-new dining and catering experiences for a very high end clientele, it was anything and everything and a whole lot of fun.” But with the downturn in the economy and the upheaval of the recession, it was time for another change. A two-year stint as Executive Chef at Boise State University opened a new world of opportunities to mentor and teach. In addition to running a 425-seat facility, 12 campus food outlets, all catered events and staff hiring and training, he also coached the Western Region Culinary team to an American Culinary Federation Silver Medal, was the Western Regional Food Champion and

was the District Chef for nine universities in Idaho, Washington and Oregon. In 2011, he was recruited by Kootenai Health for the Executive Chef position where, in addition to all the rigorous and diverse duties of the Executive Chef of a major health institution, he implemented an ongoing competency-based culinary training program for the professional growth of the kitchen staff. He trained the staff in scratch cooking, replacing the typical heat-and-serve method, and introduced the region’s best fresh ingredients to the menus for patient room service, the café and other internal food outlets, and catering services. He also supervised the first phase of a major kitchen and café redesign. Along the way, he earned two consecutive perfect scores on stringent state health department inspections The love of the private club industry, however, was never lost. And when the posting went up for the Executive Chef position at the Spokane Club in late 2014, he applied for the position, went through multiple interviews, including those conducted by the Executive Chef Search Committee members, and won the position. “The Spokane Club is a wonderful place. I love the traditions and the history we have here. The sense of family that members and staff share is really terrific.” Having just completed his first holiday season with the Club, Chef McDaniel is now focused on the future. “I’m evaluating everything we do in Food and Beverage and seeing what we need in each category. From there I’ll create a game plan and work with Club management to put the plan in place. My goal is to polish the food program for the Club and its members and establish an education-based program for the staff. It’s a great place to be and to be of service.” www.spokaneclub.org | January/February 2015 | 17

Business | CEO’s message

Our Path to Greatness Winter 2015 Update

By Charles Alpers, CEO


t was wonderful seeing your Club bustling with so many members and their guests throughout this past holiday season. Burgundy’s Restaurant, in particular, has enjoyed several consecutive months of increased business at levels we have not seen in at least seven years. That significant and sustained increase in dinner business has prompted your management team to create some new restaurant reservation procedures that will better enable our small Burgundy’s kitchen to produce your food in a timelier manner. Although the prior systems worked in the past, the increased business we are consistently seeing in Burgundy’s, especially during dinner, has stretched the capacity of that kitchen to the point that it was adversely affecting the timing of meal production throughout the restaurant, something we cannot continue if we expect to provide the level of service you expect from your Club.

The changes in Burgundy’s are as follows: Reservations in Burgundy’s for a single table will now be taken for groups of up to 12. Larger parties will be split into two or more groups. This change will ensure that the kitchen is able to produce meals for the larger groups more quickly, and 18 . Signals | The Spokane Club magazine | January/February 2015

without causing long delays with our other diners in Burgundy’s restaurant and bar. Burgundy’s kitchen will continue to serve parties in Burgundy’s restaurant and bar, City Hall and the Riverside Room. All other catering event spaces in the Club will be served through our Catering Department, which can create wonderful menus for you and your guests to enjoy. These procedures are consistent with those in other private clubs, and they will make a marked improvement in your service timing in Burgundy’s.

We had a wonderful holiday season at the Club to celebrate the end of 2014 in style. I want to extend a heartfelt thanks to our holiday decorating committees for making your Club so festive this past season. The Downtown committee is co-chaired by the spectacular Corky Mason and Rosemarie Talkington, with a dedicated team of members who worked tirelessly during the post-Thanksgiving weekend to make your Club look so beautiful. Special thanks also goes out to the dynamic Stephanie Bregher and her talented team of holiday decorators at our Valley location for making that facility look so good. Within the next month we will complete Phase 1 of our Downtown Athletics facility renovation. During that renovation we will replace all of our aerobic and strength conditioning equipment. Some of the newer existing equipment will be used to replace older equipment at our Valley facility. The remaining equipment will be labeled and offered for sale to our members by sealed bid. More details will follow as they become available. A major focus for the coming year will be developing and implementing a

A heartfelt thanks to our holiday decorating committee

comprehensive, service-oriented training program that goes way beyond what was offered in the CMAA (Club Managers Association of America) University program that was introduced last year. Your Club management team will be working closely with Juanita Jiminez, our new Human Resources Director, to establish specific service standards for each department, and then develop a training program that will provide significant and measurable enhancements to our members service Club-wide. Your Club’s entire management and supervisory-level team is meeting monthly to addresses issues that affect all of their departments. Topics for our discussions have included methods for eliminating waste; methods for increasing sales without raising prices; methods for increasing member usage of the Club facilities; methods to improve communication and reduce employee turnover, and methods for improving member services. Your Club Board Chairman, Rick Repp, also attends quarterly management meetings and he addresses the team regarding important issues he hears from our members. I am delighted to announce that a new reciprocal club has been added to our list. The Athenaeum Club is located on the campus of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). It’s a beautiful club in Pasadena and one I was proud to oversee as General Manager in the 90s. There are 28 hotel rooms, four of which are lovely suites. A fun fact is that one of those suites was the West Coast home of Albert Einstein! I encourage you to visit and assure you will be treated very well. Finally, I want to remind you to use your Club and all that it has to offer your life. As a full service private club, we offer the opportunity for each of you to increase your physical fitness, enjoy

Cory Yost, Melissa Elferring and Jeff Nagel great food in a warm and welcoming community, and build traditions and memories to last a lifetime. As much as the Club can benefit your life, you will not realize its full potential to do so without using its services on a regular basis. By its very nature, a private club depends on its members to thrive. Let’s make 2015 our most vibrant year yet! I look forward to seeing you at your Club.

Burgundy’s Restaurant, in particular, has enjoyed several consecutive months of increased business at levels we have not seen in at least seven years.

JT, Sharon and Clark prepare for a large lunch reservation. www.spokaneclub.org | January/February 2015 | 19

Business | new members

Welcome to our New and Returning Members! April Anderson*, Attorney, Workland & Witherspoon, PLLC, and Andy Anderson, Product Manager, Itron; Sponsored by Peter Moye and Gary Brajcich Ryan Bates, Owner, The Blind Buck, and Dianna Dahlgren, Model

Northwestern Mutual; Sponsored by Jordan Piscopo

Mary P Cullinan, President, EWU, and Jeffrey Kelter; Sponsored by Michael Westfall and Bill Chaves

Richard Gill, President, Applied Cognitive Science, and Betsy Jewett, Artist; Sponsored by Erle Furbeyre

Jes Danielson, Marketing Coordinator, NAC Architecture, and Jeremy Sink, CAD Designer, DCI Engineers; Sponsored by Craig Crowley and Janet Bumgartner

Eric Grimsrud and Katherine Grimsrud; Sponsored by Amy Anderson and Eric Anderson Nick Hammer, Tax Manager, WipFli Accounting CPA, and David Benam, Residence Director, Gonzaga University; Sponsored by William Hamilton

Jim Bell*, CFO, Red Lion Hotels, and Lisa Bell, Teacher, St. Al’s; Sponsored by Dave Mikkelsen and David Gruber

Kent Davis, Personal Trainer, SCE Fitness; Sponsored by Sharon Ditzler

Michael Bohrnsen, Sports Chiropractor; Sponsored by Cynthia Bohrnsen

Steven J Depner, President, Depner Financial Services; Sponsored by Lynn Sorenson

Claire Browning, Assistant Teacher, Windsong School; Sponsored by John Richardson and Connie Richardson

Tracy Engdahl, Supervising CCO, Washington St. Dept. of Corrections; Sponsored by Heidi Drynan

Jason Hogan, Manager, The Blind Buck

Dallas R Buchanan, MD, Spokane Plastic Surgeons, and A. Michelle Buchanan, RN, Spokane Plastic Surgeons

Ryan Esslinger

Louis Hurd, Real Estate Investor, Spokane’s Superior Solutions, and Meli Marquez; Sponsored by Jordan Piscopo and Blake Stepp

Susan Busch*, Photographer, and Ross Busch, Account Manager, Costar;Sponsored by Karen Cook and Stephanie Butler Lisa Cordier, School Counselor, Riverside Middle School; Sponsored by Barbara Bates and Sandra Nauditt

Jacob Evans, CEO, Spokanes Superior Solutions Gina Fast* and Dan Ashe, Lieutenant, Spokane County Fire Dist 9 Dave Frank, Owner, Greenacres Gypsum, and Andrea Frank Derek Gianukakis, Financial Representative,

Andy Hansen, Director of Sales & Marketing, Cochrane & Company; Sponsored by Janelle Carney and William Wrigglesworth

Bill Kuhn, Owner, William Kuhn Excavating; Sponsored by William Barber and Robert Rowles Erin LaHonta, Physicial Therapist, Udistrict PT, and Kyle LaHonta, Financial Advisor, Northwestern Mutual; Sponsored by Jamie Lee Gavin LaRowe, CEO/Owner, ChalkLabs; Sponsored by John Spitz and Joe Gammon Sue Linderman, RN, Rockwood Clinic; Sponsored by Colleen Pirrie and Patricia Macaulay David Lumley, Account Manager, BioRx Specialty Pharmacy, and Nataliya Lavrova; Sponsored by Kane Kuhn

Our business is turning them into realities. We do this by helping our clients plan and manage their financial resources. Fee-only. For a complimentary consultation or brochure, call: Greer Gibson Bacon, CFP® (509) 838-4175 or (888) 864-8827 assetplanning.com

Ron Molina, Day Room Manager, Union Gospel Mission, and Beth Molina, Admin Assistant, Nordstroms Brain Mullin, Senior Consultant, Rolta/Trinet, and Jessie Mullin, Principal, Solved Tax & Accounting; Sponsored by Ronnie Rae McKenzie Murphy, Graduate Assistant, Eastern Washington University; Sponsored by Matt Murphy JD Nichols, Management Assistant, River City Management, and Nicole Nichols, Nanny; Sponsored by Kathleen Nichols Mike Olson, Customer Service Rep, Applied Industrial Tech David Pearson, Pastor, Life Change Church, and Susan Pearson, Pastor, Life Change Church Gregory W Potts*, Director of Operations, DOD/ USAFR, and Shannon M Potts, Consultant Pharmacist, ReliantRx Danial Ranjha, Software Engineer, Amazon.

* denotes families with minor children 20 . Signals | The Spokane Club magazine | January/February 2015

Spokane Club Board Members com; Sponsored by Abdul Roshdy and William Barber Jim Renga and Nancy Parker; Sponsored by Jane Slater and Tom Parker Steven K Richardson*, MD, Spokane Respiratory, and Heidi Richardson, MD, Rockwood Clinic; Sponsored by Kate Reed and Richard Lambert

Rick Repp Chairman


Nancy Vorhees Vice Chair/Chair-Elect

Taudd Hume Past Chair



Pam Lund Treasurer

Chris Bell Trustee

David Riley, Assistant Men’s Basketball coach, EWU; Sponsored by James Hayford Charlie Shrope, VP Procurement, Spokane Seed Company, and Mary Shrope, Dental Hygienist, Wiegand Dentistry; Sponsored by Peter Johnstone and Andrew Fountaine David Siguaw, Executive Director, Marriott International; Sponsored by James Workland and Bob Pate Doug Smith; Sponsored by Bill Graham and Kerry Anderson

Latisha Hill Secretary




Corky Mason Trustee

Stephanie Bregher Trustee

Steve Larsen Trustee

Paul Sorensen, Director of Sales, Vision Marketing Alynne Elizabeth Starks and Sean Daly; Sponsored by Jake Krummel and Emilie Krummel Tom Stebbins, Owner, Vision Marketing Lisa Stiller*, MD, Providence, and Geoff Stiller, MD, Palouse Surgeons; Sponsored by Mark Russell Nick Velis, Dentist, Velis Family Dental Care, and Kaitlin Jeffres




Phyllis Wilhelm, RN, Eastgate Chiropractor; Sponsored by Roger Carney and Linda Carney L. Kay Zovanyi, Architect

IN MEMORIAM Bill Bartlett Member since February 1986 Carolu Condon Member since March 1966

Kim Cronen Trustee

Anne Marie Axworthy Trustee

Eva Roberts Trustee




Trish McFarland Trustee

Pat DeVries Trustee

Dean Reynolds Trustee

Howard Bergdoll Member since October 1969 Chuck Brooks Member since October 2011 George Cole Member since June 1971 Michael Yates Member since December 2011




www.spokaneclub.org | January/February 2015 | 21

Membership | news

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THRIVE 125 Drive

Building Birthday Momentum!

Thanks to our wonderful members for early and sustained success with our Thrive 125 membership drive. Do you know someone whose life could be enriched by membership to your Club? Call Carol McQuaid for more information. Here’s to the next 125 years of excellence! Member Name Eleanor Andersen Marianne Bornhoft Karen Cook Kim Cronen Craig Hart Craig Hart David Klaue Barbara Kubu Jamie Lee Patti Marvel Shelley McDowell Dave Mikkelsen

New applicant Alison Carl White Nathan Taylor Susan Busch Tamara Gower Garrett Anacker Carson Van Valkenburg Julien Sather Samantha Agopsowicz Erin LaHonta Carol Sobson Cecelia Benzel Jim Bell

Member Name Arman Mohsenia Ryan Moore Shaun Murray Crystil Murray-Mills Jordan Piscopo Ron Reynolds Eva Roberts Mark Russell Jacque Sanchez Judy Stone Robert Van Cott Larry West


New applicant Billy Page Matthew Brown Matthew Lefler Ketti Mulrine Derek Gianukakis Gary Kirchner Pamela Cloninger Lisa Stiller Glenn Turner Ron Hannum Zach Shallbetter David Sewell

For more information, please call Carol McQuaid at 459-4242 or email her at CMcQuaid@spokaneclub.org

Member Name Esther Wilson Erle Furbeyre Eric Anderson Jake Krummel Sharon Ditzler Kane Kuhn Roger Carney Jeff Johnson McKenzie Murphy Tracy Enghahl Tracy Enghahl Will Tombari Dristi Schall

New applicant Ryan Herzog Richard Gill Eric Grimsrud Alynne Starks Kent Davis David Lumley Phyllis Wilhelm Kaitlin Caudle Daniel Murphy Terry McGuire Kendra Powers-Engdahl Ryan Beaudoin Daryce Wyborney


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unique traditional wallcoverings fabrics bridgit wilson . 509-879-6960 . bridgit@nookinteriors.com

gym schedule monday open GYM



open GYM

7:00 - 9:00AM

7:00 - 11:00AM

open GYM


11:30 - 4:00PM


11:00AM - 2:00PM; 21+

open GYM

7:00 - 11:00AM

7:00 - 9:00AM


open GYM

11:00AM - 2:00PM; 21+

10:30 - 4:00pM

2:00 - 5:30PM



open GYM


4:00 - 5:50PM

2:00 - 5:30PM

open GYM

BASKETBALL program training

7:00 - 9:00PM

5:30 - 9:00PM (RESERVED)

open GYM

5:30am - 10:00pm

friday open GYM

7:00 - 9:00AM


11:00AM - 2:00PM; 21+

saturday open GYM

7:00 - 9:00AM


9:00 - 11:00AM (RESERVED)


4:00 - 5:50PM 7:15 - 8:45PM

thursday open GYM

open GYM

open GYM

5:30 - 9:00am

open GYM

10:30am - 10:00pm

open GYM

2:00 - 9:00PM

open GYM

11:30AM - 7:00PM

sunday open GYM

7:00am - 12:00pM


12:00 - 2:00PM

open GYM

2:00 - 7:00PM

5:30 - 9:00PM (RESERVED)

open GYM


5:30am - 8:15am

5:30am - 5:00pm

open GYM

open GYM

5:30am - 10:00pm

open GYM

9:30am - 10:00pm

7:00pm - 10:00pm

open GYM

7:00 - 8:45am

open GYM

7:00am - 7:00pm

open GYM

10:00am - 7:00pm

Please note: Non-Members using the court as part of a team or group are charged a per-person guest fee and are limited to 4 visits per year, as stated in Club bylaws/policies. Schedule subject to change. Special events have priority. Thank you for understanding if the gym is booked.

AQUATIC SCHEDULE monday lap swim

5:00 - 7:30am

Aqua Fitness**


7:30 - 8:30am


9:00 - 11:00am

circlE swim

11:00am - 1:00pm

open swim**

1:00 - 3:30pm

open/lessons/team* 3:30 - 5:00pm


5:00 - 6:30pm

open SWIM**

6:30 - 8:00pm

tuesday lap swim

wednesday lap swim

thursday lap swim

5:00 - 7:30am

5:00 - 7:30am

5:00 - 7:30am

Aqua Fitness boot camp**

7:30 - 8:30am


9:00 - 11:00am

circlE swim

11:00am - 1:00pm

open swim**

1:00 - 3:30pm

1:00 - 5:30pm

open/lessons/team* 3:30 - 5:00pm

5:30 - 6:30pm

7:30 - 8:30am

9:00 - 11:00am

11:00am - 1:00pm 1:00 - 3:30pm

open/lessons/team* 3:30 - 5:00pm

Aqua Fitness** Open/lessons** circlE swim

open swim**



5:00 - 6:30pm

open SWIM**

6:30 - 8:00pm

5:00 - 6:30pm

open SWIM**

Aqua Fitness**

7:30 - 8:30am


9:00 - 11:00am

circlE swim

11:00am - 1:00pm

Open/lessons** Team***

lap swim

5:00 - 6:30pm

friday lap swim

5:00 - 7:30am

Aqua Fitness**

7:30 - 8:30am

adult swim Aqua Fitness

7:30 - 8:30am

adult swim

5:30 - 7:30am

Adult swim

7:30am - 3:00pm; 18+


adult swim

adult swim

5:30 - 7:30am

aqua fitness

7:30 - 8:30am

Adult swim

7:30am - 3:00pm; 18+

adult swim

circlE swim

open swim**

1:00 - 5:00pm

lap swim

5:00 - 6:30pm

adult swim

5:30 - 7:30am

aqua fitness

7:30 - 8:30am

adult swim

8:30 - 9:00am

aqua fitness

aqua fitness

aqua fitness

Adult swim

10:00am - 3:00pm; 18+

open swim

3:00 - 7:00pm

open swim

3:00 - 4:00pm


4:00 - 6:00pm

aqua core training open SWIM

5:30 - 6:30pm

Adult swim

6:30 - 9:00pm; 18+

6:00 - 7:00pm

Adult swim

7:00 - 9:00pm; 18+

Adult swim

10:00 - 3:00pm; 18+

open swim

3:00 - 7:00pm

aqua core training

5:30 - 6:30pm

Adult swim

6:30 - 9:00pm; 18+

9:00 - 10:00am

open swim

3:00 - 4:00pm


4:00 - 6:00pm

Adult swim

Adult swim

7:00 - 10:00am; 18+

aqua fitness

9:00 - 10:00am

open swim

10:00am - 4:00pm

open swim

10:00am - 4:00pm

open swim

3:00 - 7:00pm

adult swim

open SWIM Adult swim

Adult swim

7:00 - 9:00am; 18+

10:00 - 3:00pm; 18+

4:00 - 7:00pm; 18+

6:00 - 7:00pm

7:00 - 9:00pm; 18+

* = one lap lane available ** = two lap lanes available

8:30 - 9:00am

9:00 - 10:00am

Swim Meet dates Jan 23, Feb 20, March 20 April 24 & May 22

open SWIM**

6:30 - 8:00pm

8:30 - 9:00am

9:00 - 10:00am

open swim**

noon - 6:00pm

11:00am - 1:00pm

open SWIM**

adult swim

open swim**

9:00am - 6:00pm

lap swim

7:00am - noon

open swim**

6:30 - 8:00pm

5:30 - 7:30am

lap swim

7:00 - 9:00am


9:00 - 11:00am

6:30 - 8:00pm

5:30 - 7:30am


Adult swim

4:00 - 7:00pm; 18+

Adult Swim

7:00 - 9:00pm; 18+

lifeguard hours • valley

Washington State regulations require that children under the age of 18 are not allowed in the pool without a lifeguard on duty.

monday GUARD

3:00 - 7:00pm

tuesday GUARD

3:00 - 7:00pm

wednesday GUARD

3:00 - 7:00pm

thursday GUARD

3:00 - 7:00pm

friday GUARD

3:00 - 7:00pm

saturday GUARD

10:00am - 4:00pm

sunday GUARD

10:00am - 4:00pm

www.spokaneclub.org | January/February 2015 | 23

downtown Fitness classes • 509.459.4571 • 1002 w riverside • Schedule subject to change based on member needs Athletic Club Hours • Monday thru Friday, 5:00am - 9:00pm; Saturday/Sunday, 7:00am - 7:00pm Conditioning Room • Open all hours of the Club; (Adults only, 11:00am - 2:00pm & 5:00pm - 7:00pm); Workout at your own risk. monday 6:00am

Elite Fitness

6:00AM; lana G

tuesday Body pump™

6:00am; david G

6:00am; ryne G

Tai Chi

Beginning Yoga

6:00am; Natalie S4


6:00AM; David C


Aqua fitness

7:30am; whitney P



6:00am; melissa C

Aqua fitness

7:30am; janel P

Elite Fitness

thursday bodyPump™

6:00am; david G


Aqua fitness

7:30am; whitney P


6:00am; jacque G 6:00am; natalie S4


6:00am; serina C

Aqua fitness

7:30am; janel P


6:00am; vicki C

Fitness classes last 50 minutes unless noted otherwise

Aqua fitness

7:30am; jamie P


7:30am; jacque SB

gentle yoga

8:00am 8:30am

8:00am; cyndi S4

core/power yoga

8:30AM; jacque S4

Flow yoga

8:30 - 9:15am; rachel S4

Barre Fusion

8:30am; natalie S4


8:00am; jacque C


Flow yoga

8:30am; ryne SB

8:30 - 9:15am; rachel S4

piyo sculpt

Most Cycle classes run 45 minutes TRX is 45 mintues

9:00am; Natalie/ jill S4



9:00am; jacque C





Elite Fitness

beginning yoga

6:00am; natalie S4 6:00am; vicki C


9:30AM; evy G

senior fitness

9:30AM; cyndi S4


9:30am; Oksana/donna SB


9:30am; leanne C

piyo sculpt


piyo sculpt

Dance Fusion

9:30am; rachel S4

9:30am; serina G

9:30am; rachel S4

9:30am; clare G


senior fitness


barre fusion

9:30am; Serina C

9:30am; cyndi S4

9:30am; clare SB

barre fusion

easy - moderate


9:30 - 10:45am; michele SB

senior fitness

9:30 -10:45am; Michele SB

9:30am; cyndi S4



10:00am; natalie/ sara S4

Flow yoga

Barre fusion 10:30am 10:30aM; larkin S4

barre Fusion

10:30am; natalie S4

10:30am; larkin S4


10:30AM; rachel SB

Core fusion

10:30am; evy G



11:00am; Clare S4

11:00am; Larkin S4

Core fusion

Core fusion 11:30am 11:30am; donna S4 12:15PM; linda S4



12:15pm; tom S4

11:15am-1:15pm S4

Core fusion

11:30am; oksana S4 12:15pm; ryne SB

Dance Practice




11:30am; molly S4


12:15pm; ryne SB



12:15pm; tom S4


12:15pm; oksana C

12:15pm; oksana C

Dance Practice


2:00-6:00pm SB

Flow yoga

4:00pm; cyndi/ christine S4



4:00pm; dan C




4:30pm; leanne C

Body pump™

5:30pm; melissa S4

barre fusion

5:30pm; michele SB


4:30pm; leanne S4

Intermediate Dance Lessons

5:30-6:30pm SB



4:30pm; leanne C

4:30pm; leanne S4

Body pump™

Beginning yoga

5:30pm; melissa S4

5:30pm; tom S4


5:30pm; jill C

Flow yoga

5:30pm; christine S4



S4 – Studio 4

SB – Studio B

X FIT Bootcamp

X FIT Bootcamp

6:00 - 6:45pm; luis G

6:00 - 6:45pm; ryne G

G – Gym

C – Cycling Room

5:30pm; jill C


Location Key

Dance Practice

6:45-8:15pm S4

24 . Signals | The Spokane Club magazine | January/February 2015

Dance Class

6:45pm - Merengue 7:30pm - East Coast Swing S4

P – Pool

VALLEY fitness classes • 509.535.3554 • 5900 E Fourth Ave • Schedule subject to change based on member needs Athletic Club Hours • Monday thru Friday, 5:30am - 10:00pm; Saturday/Sunday, 7:00am - 7:00pm Conditioning Room • Open all hours of the Club; Workout at your own risk monday 6:00am 7:30am





7:30am; Parney P

7:30am; parney P



8:30am; molly G

Aqua fitness

Aqua fitness

Aqua fitness

9:00am; parney P

9:00am; parney P

9:00am; parney P

Aqua fitness

9:00am; claire P

Insanity/Body pump™

9:00am; molly G



9:15am; jill C


9:15am; clare G



barre fusion Gentle Yoga

Gentle yoga


9:30am; cyndi S

9:30am; cyndi S

10:30am; natalie S




barre fusion

9:30am; natalie S


10:30am 12:00pm; dan C

Yoga flow for Tennis

Yoga flow for Tennis

12:15pm; cyndi S

12:15pm; cyndi S



4:00PM; Pauline S

4:00PM; Pauline S




4:45pm; oksana C

4:45pm; oksana C



5:15pm; molly S


5:30pm; claire P

Aqua fitness

Group Fitness Policy Any Group Fitness class that does not maintain a minimum of 4 or more for 4 consecutive weeks will be removed from the schedule for further review.

9:15am; jill C

9:15am; molly C 9:15am; clare S


sunday easy - moderate

Aqua fitness

Aqua fitness

Aqua fitness

7:30am; parney P


6:00Am; lanA C

6:00Am; SARA C

8:30am 9:00am

thursday cycle


barre fusion

5:15pm; jillS


5:30pm; sara S

Aqua fitness

5:30pm; claire P

Location Key


5:30-6:15pm; sara S

G – Gym C – Cycling Room S – Studio P – Pool

TENNIS 9:00am

ladies’ league

ladies’ league

3.0-4.0 9:00am - 12:00pm

2.5-3.5 9:00am - 12:00pm

ladies’ league

4.0+ 9:00am - 10:30am

Pee-wees 4-7 year olds


$11/class/person 10:15 - 11:00am





mega cardio

$13/class/person 9:00 - 10:15am

Men’s Doubles

cardio Tennis

league 4.5+ 12:00 - 1:30pm

$12/class/person 12:00pm

High School clinic

High School clinic

$18/class/person 3:00 - 4:30pm

$18/class/person 3:00 - 4:30pm

8-14 year-old Clinic

8-14 year-old Clinic

$18/class/person 4:30 - 6:00pm

$18/class/person 4:30 - 6:00pm

ladies’ league

3.0-4.0 6:00 - 9:00pm

Weekly Friday Night Mixed

$4/player 6:00-730PM

Men’s league

2.5-4.5 6:00 - 9:00pm

www.spokaneclub.org | January/February 2015 | 25




Events | at a glance

9 10 14 16 17 19 22 30

Dive In Movie January 9; 5:30pm Dance Jumpstart Workshop January 10; 1:30pm Yoga for Kids Starts January 14; 4:00pm Crab Feed January 16; 5:30pm Ice Skating at Riverfront Park January 17; 1:00pm School Break Camp January 19; 9:00am-3:00pm Mindfulness & Meditation January 22; 6:00pm Big Night Out Bingo January 30; 5:45pm

Holiday Hours New Year’s Day


12 13

Hot Toddy Tubing February 7; 3:00 – 9:00pm Family Night: Dinner and a Movie February 7; 5:30pm Valentine Stretch by Candlelight February 12; 6:30 – 8:00pm Kid’s Valentine Story Cooks February 13; 10:00am Valentine Tennis Mixer February 13; 6:00pm

14 Valentine’s Dining in Burgundy’s February 14; 5:30pm 16 School Break Camp February 16; 9:00am-3:00pm 28 125th Birthday Big Bash! February 28; 6:00pm 16 Charity Bracket Buster Auction March 16; 5:00pm 17 St. Patrick’s Day in Burgundy’s March 17 20 Father Daughter Dance March 20; 5:00pm 27 Seafood Buffet March 27; 5:30pm

26 . Signals | The Spokane Club magazine | January/February 2015

Burgundy’s 8:00 am – 2:00 pm Athletics 7:00 am – 3:00 pm Pool closes at 2:00 pm Childcare Closed No Group Exercise

The Hearts of Champions

By Kate Spencer, Editor in Chief


n November 14, 2014, two men met on a Spokane Club Valley tennis court for what would become the fight of a lifetime. That fight would change both men’s lives and both men, in their own way, would prove their mettle. It started as an ordinary morning, with Luis Brito, a then-new Conditioning Room attendant, making his way to the Sports Shop desk, while member Bob Rowles, devout tennis player, was about 30 minutes into a match. As it turned out, Bob’s fiercest opponent that

morning was a heart attack that came out of nowhere. News spread quickly that Bob’s life was in danger and as the 911 call for paramedics went out, Luis hurried to the court to start CPR. His previous training gave Luis the technical knowhow, but raw instinct gave him the determination to step in and stay in. “I just felt like I needed to hold myself accountable,” says Luis. “Growing up I was always put into pressure situations, and always wanting to lead by example made me feel like it was my

responsibility to step in. I just went into auto pilot mode and reacted. I didn’t really think about what was going on until the paramedics got there.” Neither, of course, did Bob, whose body was in dire emergency mode. But some raw instinct in the tennis player responded to the steady compressions of Luis and his insistence to “stay with me.” And Bob did stay, finally gasping that first breath that would keep him in the world. It took an eternity for that first breath to come: it took seven minutes. “Thank God that Luis was there,” says Bob. “He saved my life and I’m so lucky to be here.” Bob is recovering nicely at home now after a short stay at a rehabilitation center. And while he isn’t allowed to drive for six months and has more rehab ahead of him, he looks forward to the day he’ll be back on the courts again playing a game he has loved since grade school. Once a tennis player, always a tennis player. Nearly losing one’s life is life changing. So is saving one. “It’s something I will never forget, and it really opened my eyes,” says Luis. “Life is too short and we have to be thankful for every second we spend on this earth and for our loved ones. In terms of my career path, it made me love what I do even more. Performance training and helping people become healthier and reach their fitness and life goals is definitely the most rewarding feeling in the world. And having Bob thank me for saving his life was really amazing beyond words and completely rewarding.” Cheers to the hearts of these champions! Look for another update on Bob and Luis in your March/April edition of Signals. www.spokaneclub.org | January/February 2015 | 27

Fitness | news

What’s Your New Year’s Resolution? Come train with us and we will help you get the results you’re looking for. No Excuses This Year! Whether it’s David’s early morning Body Pump, Rachel’s PIYO or Cyndi’s Gentle Yoga we have a class for you with over 80 a week to choice from.

New Classes to Try This Year!


Total Body Conditioning Define and strengthen your muscles by constantly challenging your body using Bands, dumbbells, fit balls and of course your own body weight.

Modern Barre Ballet

Tuesday/Thursday; 4:30 – 5:15 pm; &

Learn some simple choreography and modern dance disciplines that will have that body shaping up like never before!

Want more dance from your Barre class? Join Natalie Gauvin in January for a new and exciting take on our popular Barre Classes. She will show you Barre technique with some simple choreography and modern dance disciplines that will have that body shaping up like never before! With over 20 years experience in teaching movement Natalie will help you lengthen, strengthen and discipline your body into the dancer within. Sign up today by calling the Sport Shop at 459-4571.

Thursday; 11:00am; Studio 4

TRX: Monday; 9:30am; Studio B Cycle: Wednesday/Friday; 12:15pm Cycle: Monday/Wednesday; 4:30pm Pilates: Tuesday; 11:00am; Studio 4 Body Pump: Mon/Wed: 5:30pm

Saturdays, Jan 10 – Feb 14; 11:30 – 12:30 pm; (6 week session) $60; Downtown; Studio B

For the Second year in a Row Body Weight Training and “HIIT” (High Intensity Interval Training) were again voted best workouts for 2015. WHY! Because you see fast results and never get bored. Challenge yourself this year and give one a try. Insanity: Thursday; 8:30am; Saturday; 9:00am; Valley Elite Fitness: Monday/Wednesday/Friday; 6:00am; Downtown and Saturday; 9:00am; Valley

100 Classes Fit It’s not to late to sign up. Every time you participate in a Group Fitness class mark the sheet which is found in each studio. When you’ve completed 100 classes you’ll receive a fun free shirt. 28 . Signals | The Spokane Club magazine | January/February 2015

Valley Cycle: Tuesday/Thursday; 6:00am & Wednesday; 12:00pm Core/Yoga: Thursday 5:30 - 6:15pm Zumba: Monday/Wednesday; 4:00pm

Fitness | news

Yoga For Kids! (ages 4 – 10)

Valentine Stretch By Candlelight Balance your body and mind during this relaxing yoga stretch by candlelight. Yin yoga is a deep, meditative stretching that can decrease stress, improve your flexibility and transform your body. Accessible to all bodies and yoga newbies. Sign up at the Valley Sport Shop or by contacting Cyndi Slizza at cslizza@ spokaneclub.org. Thursday, February 12; 6:30 – 8:00 pm Valley Studio; $10 for Members $20 for guests

Mindfulness & Meditation Mindfulness training is a proven strategy to decrease your stress level, which is important for your health and longevity. In this special workshop you will learn techniques to become more aware of your thoughts, breathing and posture. Join us to reduce your stress and become more present in your life! Sign up at the Downtown Sport Shop, or contact Cyndi Slizza at cslizza@ spokaneclub.org. Thursday, January 22; 6:00 – 7:30 pm

Children will gain coordination, strength and body awareness in these fun filled classes that use music, games and imaginative stories to teach yoga poses. Relaxation time can help develop concentration and allow your child to find a sense of calm. Sign up at the Sport Shop or by contacting Cyndi Slizza at cslizza@ spokaneclub.org

Downtown; $10 for Members $20 for guests

Group Fitness Policy Any Group Fitness class that does not maintain a minimum of 4 or more for 4 consecutive weeks will be removed from the schedule and upon review may be reinstated at a later time. Please call the Sport Shop at 459-4571 with any questions about the current schedule.

Wednesdays, 4:00 – 4:45 pm January 14 – February 18 Downtown; Studio 4 $30 for Members for session $40 for guests for session

www.spokaneclub.org | January/February 2015 | 29

Fitness | physical therapy

Keys to

Lo n g te r m Wellness

By Christine Cronin, PT


appy New Year! Typically we set New Year’s resolutions, often focused on weight loss, exercise or diet. Unfortunately, most of these resolutions are given up in the first 6-8 weeks. Let’s focus a little less on shortterm diet and exercise goals and more on being well. Wellness is defined as being in good health of the body and

mind. Recently there have been some really interesting studies about wellness, specifically the “Blue Zones.” In 2004, Dan Buettner teamed up with National Geographic and traveled the world making an incredible discovery. The team discovered pockets in the world they coined Blue Zones, where people lived to be 100 years old at a rate 10 times greater than the average American. Once they discovered these places, they were able to determine nine characteristics that facilitated longevity.

This year let’s focus a little less on short term diet and exercise goals and more on being well.

30 . Signals | The Spokane Club magazine | January/February 2015

The nine characteristics of Blue Zone longevity are: 1. Move naturally 2. Have a purpose 3. Down shift and develop good stress management 4. Follow the 80% rule and stop eating when you are 80% full 5. Eat a mostly plant-based diet 6. Consume wine moderately 7. Belong to a community and attend faith-based services 8. Put your loved ones first and stay close to both the aged and the young 9. Find the Right Tribe that supports healthy behaviors One of the keys to acquiring the 9 characteristics of the Blue Zone community is to make the healthy choice, the easy choice. For example, not everyone in the Blue Zones does 60 minutes of cardio at the gym daily, but they do tend a garden, and walk or hike regularly as part of life, not in addition to it. This makes the goal of regular daily activity easy because it’s built into a normal day. As for Purpose, when asked, each Blue Zone centenarian had a strong, stated reason for waking up in the morning. Their healthy approach to stress reduction further enhanced their odds of longevity by reducing the amount of cortisol, a stress hormone that is released in the body. Nutritionally, in the plant-based diet, beans are the major source of protein, with meat being consumed five times or less each month. In Okinawa, one of the Blue Zones, they use the 80% rule to avoid over-eating. This rule can make all the difference in weight management. Blue Zoners are regular, moderate wine drinkers (1-2 glasses per day) and share their wine with friends at meal time. Faith-based services of any denomination are generally attended four times

per month in Blue Zones. And hanging with the right crowd, though something emphasized for teenagers in our culture, seems just as important for living to be 100! If your social network makes good choices, so will you. What does all this mean? It means it’s a lot harder to live healthy lives when we have options to supersize meals, work longer hours, and are too busy to spend time with friends or family. Conversely, maybe we can make some easy choices this New Year that result in long-term benefits. Instead of focusing on the scale, try the 80% rule and give yourself time (the whole year!). Focus on surrounding yourself with people that make you better and are already living a healthy life. Make it a priority to find ways to manage stress, and make time to

What does all this mean? It means it’s a lot harder to live healthy lives when we have options to supersize meals, work longer hours, and are too busy to spend time with friends or family. spend with the ones you love. Use your Club as a life resource. There are many great people here, living healthy lifestyles and that can be the best accountability partner you’ll ever find. (Read more about them in our cover story starting on page 4.)

www.spokaneclub.org | January/February 2015 | 31

Fitness | court sports

48th Annual Lilac Handball “MONEY” Shoot-Out


he inaugural Lilac Handball Tournament was played in 1966 at the Elks Lodge in Spokane, WA, and this year the tradition gave way to the 48th Annual Lilac Handball Money Shoot-Out at the Spokane Club. The winners and runners-up of every division earned $100 for 1st place and $50 for 2nd place, all due to the generosity of our members. See a list of tournament sponsors on the next page.

32 . Signals | The Spokane Club magazine | January/February 2015

The Lilac “MONEY” Shootout is in a class of its own, setting the bar for handball and athletic tournaments alike. Fredrick Schoener, Tournament Director for the third straight year, had 65 plus players and hosted close to 150 players and spectators who visited throughout the weekend. The entry limit of 65 players was nearly reached one month before the event, proving that handball is very much alive and growing. The

competition was fierce with players traveling all over the western USA including California and even Canada. Paul Morgan Photography was again the official handball photographer. Paul went all out this year with extra photographers capturing the action, social scenes and finalists. Paul also set up a great flat screen display within the hospitality area showcasing photos from last years’ Lilac up to the current year. Needless to say it was a hit. Check out the photos at www.actionshotsnw.com. Hospitality had been the hallmark of The Lilac in years past, and the feedback from the players was solid proof that the tradition has returned fully. In regard to the food Tournament Director Fredrick Schoener says “This year the Club out did itself with the quality of food and service. The food was complimented on so much that players wanted to sign up for next year’s tournament right-away.” The quality of any tournament can be measured in many ways and this event delivered on all counts, including fantastic food and tasty microbrews, cleanly-seeded brackets, high rate of on-time matches, a lively and unique esprit de corps, and a varsity effort by Fredrick Schoener, Trevor Buckley (2nd year coordinating) and the rest of the Spokane Club Athletic team.


Lilac Tournament Sponsors






Mick & Shelley McDowell of

Jerry Thew, CFI 7



Jud Heathcote Steve Dashiell, CPA. CGMA





Blake Cloninger Mike Dunford Paul Buller Maloney O’Neill, Insurance Brokers

FOOD SPONSORS 1. Open: 1st Jay Balkenbush, 2nd Josh Robles 2. A: 1st Tom Polzin, 2nd Lara Schoener 3. B: 1st Clancy Welsh, 2nd Rich Campbell 4. C: 1st David Fernimen, 2nd Kevin Noland 5. Masters (40+): 1st Joe Hogan, 2nd Kevin Price 6. Golden Masters (50+): 1st Rick Edwards, 2nd Steve Maier 7. Super Masters (60+): 1st Bob DeVleming, 2nd Jack Cosby 8. Diamond Masters (70+): 1st Larry White, 2nd Paul Polzin 9. Open Doubles: 1st Jay Balkenbush & Pete Svennungsen, 2nd Frederick Schoener & Josh Robles 10. B/C Doubles: 1st Kevin Noland & Clancy Welsh, 2nd Ryan Karpenko & Stuart Karpenko 11. 40’s/50’s Doubles: 1st Russ Akerhielm & Steve Maier, 2nd Matt Hoit & Ryan Luttmann 12. Super Masters (60+) Doubles: 1st Ken Eng & Rob Nichols, 2nd Jim Hatch & Jerry Thew

King Beverage

www.spokaneclub.org | January/February 2015 | 33

Fitness | court sports

Fall 2014 Basketball League Champions

Valley High School Squash Clinic Come play squash, meet other players and learn more about the game. Reserve your space by emailing Cal Larson at callarson@aol.com. Saturday February 7; 3:30 pm; Free

4th Annual Inland Empire Squash Tournament

Left to right: Arman Mohsenian, Nick Velis, Justin Bright, Spencer Bishop, Garrett Strocsher, Casey Calvary, Kreg Shelby, and Cody Coombs

Join fellow squash enthusiasts at this fun mid-winter tournament. With a double elimination format, each player is guaranteed a minimum of two matches. Draw will be available on March 18th at the Valley. Please direct any scheduling questions or requests to Trevor Buckley at tbuckley@spokaneclub.org. March 20 – 21; Matches start Friday at 5:00 pm; Entry Deadline is March 13; $38

Winter 2015 Men’s Basketball League The Winter league kicks off on January 13th with games every Tuesday evening through the beginning of March. Join us for Draft Night January 6th for a chance to win two free tickets to the Big Bash! (must be present and must be a league participant). $2 draft beers will be available during Draft Night as well as league nights. Draft Night: January 6; 5:30 pm; Downtown Gym

Women’s Basketball Program to Launch The Club is excited to announce the formation of a Women’s Basketball Program. With several prominent female players from the Spokane community recently joining as Spokane Club members, we are searching for other female players among our existing membership interested in getting a consistent basketball run. To express your interest, or if you have any questions, please contact Jordan Piscopo at bensen.piscopo@ gmail.com.

The pros know where to go for a great cut! Drop in or call 459.4575 for an appointment.

34 . Signals | The Spokane Club magazine | January/February 2015

Fitness | tennis

2015 Spokane Club Invitational Sponsored by South Perry’s Pizza Mark your brand new calendar for the first big tennis event in 2015, the Spokane Club Invitational January 15-18. This Level 1 USTA event has been huge over the past two years with over 165 event entries producing a weekend of late night tennis. Out-of-towners are sure to challenge Spokane’s hold on the titles from 2014. This year, we are proud to be partnering with Club member John Siok, owner of South Perry Pizza, to make this event one to remember! South Perry Pizza will provide a Saturday player luncheon at the Club! Come for the tennis, stay for the awesome pizza luncheon. Players can register on-line now at PNWUSTA.com under adult tournaments! Contact Jeff at 535-3554 for additional info. January 15-18

Valentine’s Tennis Mixer

Luke Jensen to Conduct Doubles Clinics at the Club!

Former French Open Grand-slam “Cool Hand” Luke was Doubles champion, Luke Jensen is famously dubbed coming to the Spokane Club Wednesday, February 4th for a day of on-court tennis “Dual Hand Luke” by the clinics! This world class player, ESPN media for his ability to play analyst, dynamic speaker, and pure tennis guy will conduct four 1.5 hour and serve (at 130 mph) clinics throughout the day aimed at with either hand. improving your doubles game through strategy and tactics development. Three of the four clinics will be geared toward adults while one will target the junior tournament players. Cost of the clinics is $50/player and will be limited to 8 players per clinic. For additional details and reservations contact Jeff at 535-3554 or jurie@ spokaneclub.org. Wednesday, February 4; $50 per player

Share a special night on court with your sweetie (and with Jeff)! Our tennis mixers are fun dates for the young at heart. This mixer promises to bring out the competitive Valentine in us all! Cost will be $21/person which includes tennis, dinner, and a ton of fun! Bring your friends and let’s make this a mixer to remember. Sign-ups will be available at the Valley Desk in January. Call Jeff at 535-3554 if you have any questions about this event. Friday, February 13; 6:00 – 9:00 pm $21 per person

www.spokaneclub.org | January/February 2015 | 35

Fitness | tennis

Men’s Open Singles Charles Adams def Kyle Fager 6-3;3-6;11-9

13th Annual Spokane Club Tennis Member’s Tourney Re-cap! By Jeff Urie The 13th annual member’s tennis tournament was played over two weekends (Nov 13-16 for Singles/Mixed and Nov 20-23 for Men’s/Women’s Doubles) for a reason… with over 255 event entries and dozens of “avoidance” requests, we couldn’t do it any other way and we like it that way! The two week span gives players options to play in up to four events instead of the usual two. Participation was near-record levels with a 20% increase over last year. In the year of the towel, every player received participation “tennis ball” towels while champions walked away with either sweet logo Spokane Club beach towels or coffee mugs fit for a Porsche (or Rav4, in my case)! This tournament is always a great way to see fellow members in a quasi-competitive mode while socializing both on and off court. Truly another great showing for the Club players!

Men’s 3.5 Singles Nick Vishwanath def Kevin Collins 6-0;6-2 Men’s 3.0 Singles John Moloney def John Bumgarner 6-2;5-7;10-8 Women’s Open Singles Abby Denike def Anna Lambert 7-5;7-5 Women’s 4.0 Singles April Denike def Kim Bayley 6-4; 6-3



Men’s 4.0 Singles Charles Haigh def Larry West 6-3; 6-2

Women’s 3.5 Singles Holly Whitman def Heather Stiegelmeyer 6-4;4-6;10-6




Women’s 3.0 Singles Jill Leonetti def Dacia Murillo 4-6;6-4;12-10 6.0 Mixed Doubles Karen/Jerry Henderson def J. Moloney/ Janie Slater 6-3;6-4




7.0 Mixed Doubles Chris Tate/Valerie Whitman def William Miller/Holly Whitman 6-1;6-0 8.0 Mixed Doubles Tod/Valerie Whitman def Joe/Sarah Hamilton 6-1;6-2

1. 3.0 Finals: Bill Kuhn, William Miller, Kevin Collins, Kerry Anderson 2. M3.5: Runners-up Kyle Williams/Jerry Henderson with Champs William Miller and Joe Hamilton 3. M4.0: Finalist “Team Hamilton” and Champs Chris Tate/Tom Griner 4. Men’s Open finals: Kirk Vradenburg, Chris Martin, Tod Whitman, Chris Tate 5. W3.0: Champs Terry O’Neill and Deana Brower! 6. W3.5: Champs Holly and Valerie Whitman with Finalists Kay Carlsen and Susan Shirzad. 7. The W4.0 finals! Mona Ryan, Tamara McGregor, Lori Nicol, Andi Hart! 8. Anna Lambert and Coach Sarah Open Dubs Champs 36 . Signals | The Spokane Club magazine | January/February 2015

Open Mixed Doubles Charles Adams/Anna Lambert def Abby Denike/Kyle Fager 6-2;2-6;10-6

Men’s Open Doubles Kirk Vradenburg/Tod Whitman def Chris Matin/Chris Tate 6-3;6-3 Men’s 4.0 Doubles Tom Griner/Chris Tate def Joe/Michael Hamilton 6-1;6-2 Men’s 3.5 Doubles Joe Hamilton/William Miller def Kyle Williams/Jerry Henderson 6-3;6-1 Men’s 3.0 Doubles Kevin Collins/William Miller def Kerry Anderson/Bill Kuhn 6-2;6-4 Women’s Open Doubles Sarah Dix/Anna Lambert def Abby Denike/Lizzy Marcinkowski 6-0;6-4 Women’s 4.0 Doubles Tamara McGregor/Lori Nicol def Andi Hart/Mona Ryan 1-6;6-4;10-8 Women’s 3.5 Doubles Holly Whitman/Valerie Whitman def Kay Carlsen/Susan Shirzad 1-6;6-4;10-5 Women’s 3.0 Doubles Deana Brower/Terry O’Neill def Valerie Whitman/Karen Henderson 7-5;2-6;10-6

Congratulations to all of the 2014 Member’s Tournament Winners!

W7.0 Team (l to r): Barbara Bates, Lisa Marks, Joanne Heyamoto, Carol Oyler, Iris Harrison, Cheryl Klein, Vonnie Ticknor and Cheryl Lepper.

Spokane Club Seniors at Nationals! The Carol Oyler 7.0 Women’s 55+ Spokane Club team traveled to Surprise, AZ, to compete in the USTA National Championships along with 17 teams representing every USTA section in the nation on November 7-9. Temperatures soared to 90 degrees on the courts while team Oyler brought their own heat to the table winning 2 of the 4 matches played. Even the losses were close with four individual matches ending in super-close match tie-breakers! As Captain Carol put it, “We enjoyed the ambiance of the beautiful Surprise area and the tennis center and mingling with the best of the best!” The Women’s 8.0 Van Breda Koff team also made it to Nationals at the same venue the prior week. They fought hard and even managed to have the same 3-1 win-loss record as the flight Champion. But after drilling down through the various tie-breakers ended up in 3rd place. The 8.0 team captained by Kris Van Breda Koff also had club members Jan Johnson and Kellie Yates on the roster.

Spokane Club Winter Leagues Resume Tuesday, January 6 A great option and awesome bargain for players looking for weekly competition, guaranteed court time, and new playing partners continues to be the Spokane Club tennis leagues! Sign-up now by contacting Jeff or the front desk at 535-3554 to reserve your spot now! Tuesday AM Ladies’ League: All levels; 9:00–10:30am, and 10:30am–12:00pm Tuesday PM Ladies’ League: 2.5-4.0 players; 6:00–7:30pm or 7:30–9:00pm Wednesday PM Men’s Night: All Levels 6:00–7:30pm or 7:30–9:00pm Thursday AM Ladies League: All Levels; 9:00-10:30 or 10:30-12:00pm Friday Ladies AM League: 4.0+ players in a round-robin format; 9:00am www.spokaneclub.org | January/February 2015 | 37

Fitness | aquatics

Swimming Lessons

Private Swim Lessons

Whether you are looking for morning or evening lessons, our wonderful instructors are here to help you stay safe and enjoy swimming. Morning lessons run from 9:00 – 11:00 am and evening lessons run from 3:30 – 5:30 pm on Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday for four weeks or Saturday Session. Classes are available Downtown and in the Valley. Register for lessons by calling 459-4571 x512.

Weekday Sessions Session 5 • (4 Weeks)

Session 7 • $40 (4 Weeks)

Monday/Wednesday: Jan 5-28 • $35 (No class on Jan 19th) Tuesday/Thursday: Jan 6-29 • $40 Registration Ends Monday, Dec 30

Monday/Wednesday: March 2-25 Tuesday/Thursday: March 3-26 Registration Ends Monday, Feb 23

Session 6 • (4 Weeks)

Session 8 • $30 (3 Weeks)

Monday/Wednesday: Feb 2-25 • $35 (No class on Feb 16th) Tuesday/Thursday: Feb 3-26 • $40 Registration Ends Monday, Jan 26

Monday/Wednesday: April 13-29 Tuesday/Thursday: April 14-30 Registration Ends Monday, April 6

Saturday Sessions Saturday Session 2 • Valley Only $40

Saturday Session 3 • Valley Only $40

Levels 1-3 and Parent Tot Jan 10-Feb 28 Registration Ends Monday, Dec 30

Levels 1-3 and Parent Tot March 14-May 9 (No class on April 11th) Registration Ends Monday, March 2

Parent-Tot Classes Parent-Tot swim lessons are an excellent way to get your child ready to swim. In the class you will learn basic skills to help your child be comfortable in the water. Parent-Tot classes will be offered on Saturday mornings at the Valley. The classes will follow the Saturday swim lesson schedule and fees. We must have 3 families signed up to run this class. 38 . Signals | The Spokane Club magazine | January/February 2015

Children – One-on-one instruction is a great way to get your child familiar with the water and ready for group lessons. It’s also really helpful when your child is ready to take swimming to the next level and improve stroke technique and to get ready for swim team! Adult – Whether you are training for a triathlon, uncomfortable in the water, or just looking for some stroke technique, private lessons with our instructors might just be for you. Give us a visit down at the pool or give us a call at 459-4571 x512 if you have any questions.

Adult Group Training If you and a friend or two have been interested in getting better acquainted with the amazing sport of swimming, this is your chance! Groups of up to 4 people (similar skill levels preferred) are encouraged to take advantage of the Small Group Training program. The Adult Group Training will operate very similar to small group personal training upstairs. Classes will run 45 minutes with times to be set up based on student request and pool availability. Get training from basic swimming skills to advanced stroke technique/development. And with each swimmer you bring, the price gets better! Two person training is $35 each, three for $25 or if there are 4 participants the cost is only $20 per student! If you are interested in finding a group to join or combining your group, please let us know. We want to get you the best experience at the best price. If this sounds like something you may be interested in, call to set up a class request with the pool. We look forward to seeing you!

Dive in Movie How to Train Your Dragon 2

Swim Team Rocks! Welcome back Swimmers! We hope everyone had an excellent holiday. It’s time to start the new season of swim team! Practice for the winter season begins on January 5th and we would like to invite and encourage anyone interested in Swim Team to come join the fun! The team is always accepting new and returning Penguins. It is a great way to get out of the house and work out some wiggles. Swimming is also excellent cross training for those of you participating in other winter sports, an opportunity to stay active and limber. Additionally, a chance for parents with multiple children (either team or lessons) to get the whole family swimming.

Celebrate the New Year and sign up this awesome back to school event. As always we will be kicking off the season with sandwiches, fruit, cookies, popcorn and lemonade! Sign up today and come join in the fun! Drop off will be available at 5:30 in front of the studio B. The pool will open at 5:45 and the movie starts at 6:15. Please make sure to check your children in with the Life Guard, and out again at the end of the night. We kindly ask that children be picked up promptly at 8:00. • Children under the age of 3 must be accompanied by an adult. • Children 3 years of age will be required to wear a life jacket • All children must be potty trained Please call the pool at 459-4571 x512 to register and save your space today! All participants must be registered prior to the event. Friday, January 9; 5:30 pm drop off $12 for the first child and $10 for each additional

Silver team is a great starting point for our beginning swimmers and practices Monday and Wednesday from 4:15-5:00 pm. Gold team works a little more with endurance and technique and practices Monday-Wednesday from 5:00-6:00 pm. The Platinum team continues to build on the previous teams and add more advanced elements to the workout. Their practice is Monday-Wednesday from 5:30-6:30. We also have an optional All Team Practice on the First and Third Thursday of the month from 5:30-6:30. Here, all the penguins join to work on blocks, turns and always some fun team building. We also have a swim meet once a month for those interested. The next scheduled meets are: January 23, February 20, March 20, April 24 and May 22. Special note: with Winter in full force we would like to remind everyone that in the event of a school closure for District 81 we will also cancel practice. If you have any other questions please contact the Downtown Pool. We can’t wait to see you! GO PENGUINS!

Upcoming Swim Meet Dates: January 23 • February 20 • March 20 • April 24 • May 22

Athletic Cancellation policy The Club will determine if a class/ event has to be canceled due to low enrollment 48 hours prior to the start of the class/event. If the class/ event has to be canceled due to low enrollment, the member will be notified and a full refund will be given for the cancellation. www.spokaneclub.org | January/February 2015 | 39

Family | happenings

Errand Day Every Day! Finding it hard to get things done? Need some time for you? Errand day is the solution! Errand day gives you 3 hours of time to run errands while your children are at the Club having fun. Choose your 3 hour time slot during any of the weekday hours we are open. Call Downtown Childcare at 459-4571 x515 (please specify which location). Reservations are required; $18 for one child, $7 each additional sibling

Crafty Kids Hola! Did you know that learning a foreign language helps boost preschoolers cognitive, memory, and listening skills? When learning a foreign language the earlier a child starts the better. We are providing a beginning Spanish class for our young members ages 3-5 here at the Club. This fun and exciting class will meet once a week for a six week session. Sign up today! Space is limited to 7 kids. Email Lisa Repp at lisalawrie1@yahoo.com for more information. Call 459-4571 x515 to reserve your child’s spot.

Do you have a child that loves to make crafts? Bring them to the Club on Thursday afternoons for ages 5-9 and Friday mornings for ages 2-4. We will be making simple, fun and easy crafts that are age appropriate and will let the kids imaginations run wild! Reservations required. Call Childcare at 459-4571 x515 to reserve your child’s spot.

Mondays Starting January 12; 10:00 am; Youth Lounge; $8 per class for members/$10 per

Begins January 8; Downtown

class for non-members

Thursday 3:30 – 4:30 (ages 4 – 9) Friday 10:00 –11:00 (ages 2 – 4)

Valley Movie and Popcorn Nights Our evenings at the Valley Childcare have gotten much more fun! Each evening we are open we will be showing an entertaining kids movie. The kids will get to pick the movie they watch from our collection. All movies are kid friendly and either rated G or PG. We will also have popcorn for the kids to eat! Bring those kiddos down to the Valley Childcare while you get in a workout at our awesome Valley location. Movie starts at 5:00 pm Regular Childcare rates apply

40 . Signals | The Spokane Club magazine | January/February 2015

Regular Childcare rates apply

Friday Date Night Winter Fun (ages 2-12) Leave the kids at the Club for fun play, crafts and a movie while you go out and enjoy some time alone. You may leave the Club for this event. Reservations required and space is limited. Call Childcare at 459-4571 x515 to reserve your child’s spot. Friday January 16; 5:30 – 8:30 pm Downtown; 1 child $18 $7 each additional sibling










2 Crafty Kids (Ages 2-4)

Crafty Kids (Ages 4-9)



PeeWee Tennis

Dive In Movie


Swim Lessons



Session 5 Begins






Spanish for Preschoolers

PeeWee Tennis



9 Crafty Kids (Ages 4-9)

Crafty Kids (Ages 2-4) 10:00-11:00am



Friday Date Night 5:30-8:30pm






School Break Camp

PeeWee Tennis



Crafty Kids (Ages 4-9)


Crafty Kids (Ages 2-4) 10:00-11:00am



Swim Meet

Spanish for Preschoolers






Spanish for Preschoolers

PeeWee Tennis



26 Sunday


21 3:30pm


27 monday


Crafty Kids (Ages 4-9) 3:30-4:30pm

PeeWee Tennis



Crafty Kids (Ages 2-4) 10:00-11:00am




Spanish for Preschoolers





Crafty Kids (Ages 4-9)

Crafty Kids (Ages 2-4)





Swim Lessons


Session 6 Begins





5 Crafty Kids (Ages 4-9)

Spanish for Preschoolers 10:00am


PeeWee Tennis


Crafty Kids (Ages 2-4) 10:00-11:00am

Valentine Story Cooks



Friday Date Night







Crafty Kids (Ages 4-9)

School Break Camp





Swim Meet









Crafty Kids (Ages 4-9) 3:30-4:30pm

PeeWee Tennis






Crafty Kids (Ages 2-4) 10:00-11:00am




Crafty Kids (Ages 2-4)

PeeWee Tennis

Spanish for Preschoolers




february www.spokaneclub.org | January/February 2015 | 41

Family | happenings

PeeWee Tennis Downtown

Bring your kid’s ages 2-5 to Childcare for a super fun story time. We’ll read The Night Before Valentine’s Day by Natasha Wing, make a yummy Valentine treat and a Valentine’s Day Card! Call 459-4571 x515 to reserve your child’s spot.

Friday, February 13; 10:00 am; Downtown; Regular childcare rates apply

Just like the Pee Wee Tennis in the Valley we are offering this fantastic class at the Downtown athletic facility. Kids ages 4-7 will have fun learning to use a racket and hit tennis balls. This class is taught by Sarah Dix one of our experienced tennis pros! We will meet on Court 4 on the 3rd floor. Reservations required: call the Valley at 535-3554 to reserve your child’s spot. NOTE: PeeWee Tennis is also available in the Valley on Saturdays at 10:15 am. Wednesdays; 3:30 pm; Downtown $11 per week per child; Begins in January

Save the dates!

3rd Annual Father Daughter Dance – Enchanted Nights

Dads, bring your little ones, as it will be magical night to create and capture lasting memories between you and your daughter(s) at our 3rd annual Father Daughter Dance. Friday, March 20; 5:00 – 8:00 pm

Friday Date Night Valentine’s (ages 2-12)

Valley Easter Egg Hunt

Leave your kiddos in Childcare while you and your sweetheart go have a romantic dinner! In Childcare the kids will get to play, make cards and crafts, and watch a movie! You may leave the Club for this event. Reservations required and space is limited. Call Childcare at 459-4571 x515 to reserve your child’s spot.

Join us for our annual Egg Hunt with golden eggs with special prizes, candy, a petting zoo with rescued animals, hot chocolate, cookies and more

Friday, February 13; 5:30 – 8:30 pm; Downtown; 1 child $18, $7 each additional sibling

Saturday, April 4; 2:00 – 4:00 pm

School Break Camps (ages 4-11) Bring the kids to the Spokane Club for a fun day of arts, crafts, gym games, and swimming. Our camps are fun and happy places to be when school is out. We keep the kids busy and active all day! Give them a try! Reservations required. For more information or to make reservations call 459-4571 x515.

Martin Luther King Day; Monday, January 19 President’s Day; Monday, February 16 9:00 am – 3:00 pm; extended hours available upon request for an extra fee. Cost: $36 for first child, $26 for each additional sibling. Non-members 25% more.

42 . Signals | The Spokane Club magazine | January/February 2015

$14++ per child, $5++ per adult

Athletic Cancellation policy

The Club will determine if a class/ event has to be canceled due to low enrollment 48 hours prior to the start of the class/event. If the class/ event has to be canceled due to low enrollment, the member will be notified and a full refund will be given for the cancellation.

Family | happenings

Birthday Party Packages (Ages 3-17) Available Saturday and Sunday at both locations

Party Package 1 (2hrs)

$100 for 10 kids ($5 for each additional child)

• 1 hour of swimming • Fun space for eating, gift giving and partying.

Party Package 2 (2hrs) $100 for 10 kids ($5 for each additional child)

• 1 hour in gym with jumping castle (DT Only) • Fun space for eating, gift giving and partying Ask about our gym only package

Party Package 3 (3hrs) $200 for 10 kids ($5 for each additional child)

• 1 hour of swimming • 1 hour in gym with jumping castle (DT Only) • Fun space for eating, gift giving and partying Contact Levi at 459-4571 x515 or email lsymanowski@spokaneclub.org

Childsitting Schedules monday




downtown 8:00 am 7:00 pm



8:00 am 7:00 pm


8:00 am 7:00 pm


8:00 am 7:00 pm



8:00 am 8:00 pm



8:00 am 12:30 pm



valley 8:30 am 1:30 pm 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm to

8:30 am 1:30 pm 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm to

8:30 am 1:30 pm 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm to

8:30 am 1:30 pm 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm to

8:30 am 1:30 pm


9:00 am 12:00 pm



Ages one and over, $5.00/hour/child, plus $2.25/hour for each additional child per family. For infants under one year, cost is $6.00/hour/child.

No reservations are necessary except for infants under 1 year they are required 24 hours in advance & not more than 2 days prior Monthly regular Childcare rate charges for 3 hours or less per day can be included in our $100 cap. All other programs and events such as camps, Friday Fun Nights, Errand days, Parents night Out, Kids classes, etc. are not included in the cap and will be an extra fee. www.spokaneclub.org | January/February 2015 | 43

Good Friends, Tasty Food and New Memories at the Spokane Club!

44 . Signals | The Spokane Club magazine | January/February 2015

Third Annual

March Madness

B y r t a i c r ket a h C a r u e c t t ion s u B

and Celebrity Sports Talk Monday, March 16

5:00 – 8:00 pm • Cutter Library Be part of March Madness fun—and raise funds for local charities! The Club will be “auctioning” the field of 64, with winning bidders assigning their team to a charity. If your team makes it to the final four, your chosen charity is a winner! 100% of all proceeds go to the winning charities.

To join the fun just: · Reserve your spot by calling 838-8511, register online, or email kspencer@spokaneclub.org · Choose your charity (all charities must be 501c3s) · Grab your friends and donors · Come to the Club on March 16 at 5 pm and let the charity madness begin!

Complimentary adult beverages will be available for pre-registrants! Contact Kate Spencer @ kspencer@spokaneclub.org for more information.

Photos courtesy of Ifong Chen Photography

Bridal Elegance Show

at the Spokane Club


y 20 r a u r

• 5-8 pm

Visit with premier vendors, enjoy delicious hors d’oeuvres and sparkling refreshments!

Presented by


by occasion

Members: Complimentary – Reserve at Spokaneclub.org Non-members: $7 – Reserve by calling 459-4237

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