Paddy Murphy Guide

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Hello brothers, and welcome to another year of Paddy Murphy. For years, brothers of SAE have rallied around the spirit of philanthropy and care for others in one of the most recognized and anticipated events known as Paddy Murphy. A successful Paddy Murphy event can be one of the most memorable moments of your chapter’s year and can lead to years of tradition and enjoyment. Ultimately, Paddy Murphy is a way to give back and make a lasting impact in the lives of others while also stimulating excitement and healthy competition on your campus. To


SAE prides itself on its long history of generosity and philanthropic giving. In our core values as True Gentlemen, we find our desire to help others less fortunate than ourselves. In this spirit, SAE encourages our members and chapters to engage in this practice of giving and generosity by hosting a Paddy Murphy Event.

It’s time to address the facts of Paddy Murphy and, yes, unfortunately, deflate the dreams of so many members. Paddy Murphy was not a real man nor brother of SAE. Of course, we’re sure a man named Paddy Murphy is out there somewhere, but not the one from the legend. We know this is probably worse than when you found out Santa Claus wasn’t real. It’s going to be okay. SAE is here for you, and we will get you through this.

“Paddy Murphy,” started by Barry McNulty (Northwestern ‘45), began as a social event theme for the chapter at Northwestern University (Illinois Psi-Omega) to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, which took inspiration from the old Irish Jig “The Night Paddy Murphy Died.”

The event was a great success, and other chapters heard of the unique event known at Northwestern University as “Paddy Murphy.” As other chapters adopted the event for themselves, the legend went through different variations, and the notion of weaving a week-long philanthropic focus into the traditional event was introduced. This weeklong event would allow campus clubs and organizations to battle in a healthy and fun way in the name of raising money and awareness for various charitable topics. Since its inception, Paddy Murphy has been a staple event for nearly all chapters of SAE. It is iconically SAE, and we are proud of that. Moreover, we are proud of the generosity that our members display during this week and the enthusiasm they generate on their campuses to raise awareness in the name of charity.


The Legend of Paddy Murphy is one of the most famous and storied tales in the history of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. It is a story of greed, heroism, life, death, and brotherhood. Many SAEs for years have honored the memory of Paddy Murphy by committing to a week-long period of philanthropic generosity, capped off with a social celebration to the memory of one of SAE’s finest. Yes, many SAEs love the week that is Paddy Murphy’s, but so

few know the significance of the life of this Irish-born son of Minerva.

There is power in legend. Throughout history, legends have influenced how others view the world and their place in it. If told correctly, the legend of Paddy Murphy can influence the weakest member of your chapter to become the strongest he can be because it reminds us of what truly matters. It should be the privilege of all members to learn this legend and proclaim its message with pride.

On January 17, 1920, the eighteenth amendment went into effect and effectively banned the legal manufacturing, transportation, and sale of alcohol in the United States. By the early 1930s, prohibition had left behind waves of amateur and organized crime throughout the country, from moonshiners and bootleggers in the hollers of Appalachia to the mafia bosses in the nation’s major cities like New York and Chicago. One such boss was the infamous Al Capone, who had built one of the most successful bootlegging operations in the city of Chicago. Capone had a knack for recruiting strong and young, influential men to work for him with promises of unimaginable wealth. Any man willing to risk his freedom or life could expect Capone to make good on his offer. There was plenty of money in the vice. One such young man was an Irish-born immigrant named Paddy Murphy.

Murphy had emigrated to the United States in 1926 and focused on getting a quality education so he could provide for his family with a quality job. While in school, he joined the local Sigma Alpha Epsilon chapter and wore his brother’s badge with pride. Upon his graduation in 1930, Murphy moved to Chicago searching for work, but the Great Depression took away the hope of finding any. One night he was introduced to Al Capone by a friend and employee of the mafia boss. Capone was impressed by Murphy’s natural strength and quick wit, and he offered Murphy a job within his organization. Without many options and thinking of his family back in his home country, Murphy reluctantly agreed.


Across the windy city in a stuffy federal office sat a young federal agent named Eliot Ness (University of Chicago ‘25). Capone’s operations had led to dangerous gang activity, such as the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre. Taking down Capone became a top priority for the U.S. Justice Department, and Ness had been hand-picked to be the one to carry out the honor. Ness and his team of prohibition agents, known as “The Untouchables” for their reputation of integrity and honor, began wiretapping several of Capone’s top men to intercept large shipments of alcohol and make several key arrests. Ness and his men inflicted major financial issues for the Capone business.

In less than a year of service to Al Capone, Paddy Murphy had made a name for himself within the crime syndicate. Murphy was revered for his hard work, loyalty, and strength. He was Capone’s ideal employee and was paid handsomely for his commitment. On the night of March 9, 1931, Murphy was assigned to oversee a shipment of alcohol being delivered from Canada. Furious that Eliot Ness had disrupted several of his operations already, Murphy was given the order by Capone himself to “Defend the shipment with your life.” Murphy and his men waited at a warehouse where Lake Michigan fed into the Chicago River. The night was frigid, and an eerie quiet fell across the water. As the shipment arrived, Murphy’s men began to unload the casks. Suddenly, the front doors burst open as Eliot Ness and his squad of untouchables demanded the outlaws surrender. Murphy and his men took cover and fired on the G-Men.

A large firefight ensued, resulting in several casualties. Murphy had several opportunities to attack Ness but could not bring himself to pull the trigger for some reason unknown to him. It wasn’t long until Murphy and his men were pinned by gunfire behind several casks of alcohol. In an attempt to get a better vantage point, Murphy got up and made a run for a barrel across the warehouse. Ness spotted Murphy and took his aim and hit Murphy. As the fight came to an end, the G-Men began making their arrests. Ness approached the Irish outlaw with his pistol drawn and, upon inspection, realized that his shot would prove fatal to Murphy. The mortally wounded outlaw glimpsed at Ness’s lapel as he leaned over to check the wound. Shocked, Murphy saw the distinguishable badge indicating Ness as a Son of Minerva. To Ness’s surprise, Murphy reached for his hand and gave him the grip that

only SAE’s know and whispered the motto that only SAE’s utter. Murphy pulled his coat to the side to reveal his badge on his lapel in his last moments.

Ness, unable to control himself, wept with the realization that he had killed his own brother. Ness ordered that Paddy Murphy receive Chicago’s finest traditional Irish funeral. He arranged the Chicago Police Department’s brigade of bagpipers to play for the wake of his brother. If bringing Capone to justice had not been a priority for Ness, it was now as he blamed the mafia boss for bringing his brother into a life of crime. Paddy’s wake lasted a full week, and his body was sent back to his family in Ireland. In his coffin, Ness placed his badge and a bouquet of violets. It was said that Ness never fully recovered from what took place on that ill-fated night in March 1931. And so, we remember the lives of Murphy and Ness. Two men on different sides of life’s road, separated by the world but united by the brotherhood. In a world that seeks to find differences, may we find commonalities within one another. May we remember these men who remind us that no matter where life takes us, may we always be united as Sons of Minerva and brothers of Sigma Alpha Epsilon.


As the True Gentleman Days of Service have become known throughout the realm and on college campuses for community service and volunteering, the modernday goal for Paddy Murphy events is to be known in the same way for raising funds to benefit philanthropic organizations. During the 165th Anniversary Convention, the Supreme Council set a goal that by 2025 the Fraternity would raise at least $1,000,000 in philanthropic support for not-for-profit and community partners. To support this initiative, the Fraternity has put together this resource to help chapters in their respective efforts to raise at least $1,000 annually towards this goal.

NMDP provides ground-breaking research, innovative technologies, patient support, and education that save lives. Over the past 30 years, they have managed the most diverse marrow registry in the world. They work every day to save lives through blood stem transplants and therapies.

Sleep in Heavenly Peace (SHP) believes all children deserve a safe, comfortable place to lay their heads. Across the U.S., too many boys and girls go without a bed - or even a pillow - to sleep on. These children end up sleeping on couches, blankets, and even floors. This can affect their happiness and health.

Although a Chapter is free to assist any charitable cause of their choosing, including allocating proceeds from your Paddy Murphy event to a local philanthropic organization, we encourage you to consider the event benefiting one of our four National Service/Philanthropic partners. Of note, as you will see in the Sample Agendas Section, we encourage you to include a service event as a part of Paddy Murphy.

Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals (CMN Hospitals) is the largest network of children’s hospitals in the United States and Canada and partners with leading providers of pediatric healthcare with a mission of helping as many kids as possible live better, healthier lives.

Movember focuses on three important men’s health issues: mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer, and testicular cancer. Men are dying on average six years earlier than women and from largely preventable reasons. Movember is on a mission to change this.

Visit to learn more about how to support each organization.



Selecting your chairman for Paddy Murphy is an essential starting point for a successful event. The chairman should be:

• A well-known member of the chapter in the campus community

• A proven task and goal-oriented leader

• Incredibly enthusiastic

• Your chairman will be most successful if he stays on task, connects with donors or participants, and motivates the chapter and participants to complete the event.

Tip for success: This person could be your Chapter’s Service and Philanthropy Chair if you have one.


The Paddy Murphy Chairman should form a small committee to assist in event planning, implementation, and support.

Tip for success: Committee members could include chapter members, SAE alumni, school officials (including members of the Fraternity and Sorority Life Office), representatives from other chapters, community members (including representatives from the organization(s) you are supporting), and other college/university alumni.


Although chapters host Paddy Murphy at various points throughout the year, the most common time is around Saint Patrick’s Day in March, and this is our suggestion for chapters. While the chapter has the final say when they host the event, national branding and communication will be most significant in March.

Considerations for when you hold Paddy Murphy Week:

• Campus or community restrictions

• Is weather likely to be an obstacle?

• Is your Paddy Murphy event around the same time each year?

• Are other student organizations hosting an event, or is there a hold on events for observances?

Be sure to avoid dates that coincide with:

• Greek week

• Major sports events

• Exam schedules

• Other Greek-letter organizations’ events

• Initiation schedules

• Member education schedule

• Province or National Events

• Participants’ philanthropic event schedules


• See page 10 for Paddy Murphy schedule and structure samples.

• Who are the participants? (student clubs, organizations, sororities and fraternities, athletic teams, etc.)

• Are there prizes for winners of certain events?

• Do members need to act as coaches for participants? (Chapter ambassadors to inform and motivate competitors)



The chapter’s Executive Council and/or Paddy Murphy Chairman/committee should set goals for a successful event. These could include some of the following:

• Number of participants

• Fundraising goal

• Chapter participation

• Alumni engagement

• Positive publicity


Once a philanthropic organization has been selected, it is a good idea to educate your members and all participants about your philanthropy, so they know who will benefit and what the impact will be. It is also a good idea to promote that organization at every event. Most organizations will have promotional materials they can provide and may visit a chapter meeting to present about their organization. It might also be helpful to remind all participants before each event about the philanthropic organization you are benefitting.


Blast Paddy Murphy content all over your social media and market it on campus with fliers, tabling, and dialogue.

All members need to take an active role in publicizing the event. No one wants to participate in something when the hosts aren’t enthusiastic about it. This is intended to be a fun event, and all members should have fun with it!


While some chapters only open up participation to those they know on their campus, it is beneficial to open up the week to all fraternities, sororities, and other student organizations. This will raise the fundraising ceiling, demonstrate campus involvement, and spread your chapter’s good work farther across campus.


Make this the most anticipated event of the year for the chapter. Talk about it throughout the year and hype it up to get your members excited. Involve all members in the event as well. Members want to feel part of something. Let them serve in some way and have a stake in the event’s success.


After the event, consider what went well and what could improve. We do not like being stagnant in SAE. We always look for ways to improve, and this event is no different.

Tip for Success: Create a short survey for brothers to complete at the first chapter meeting following the event.



It is important to note that although brothers should enjoy themselves during Paddy Murphy, socializing is only one component of the event. Social events have little to do with the mission of Paddy Murphy. Events should be educational, philanthropic, and social in nature, not just one of these three. Accordingly, it is imperative to keep health and safety in mind at all times when planning and hosting Paddy Murphy events. Raising money for a good cause does not suspend one’s obligation to abide by Minerva’s Shield and policies of both the Fraternity and our host institutions, including student codes of conduct or any similar policies.


All Paddy Murphy events must follow all policies and expectations outlined in Minerva’s Shield. You should take time to review our official health and safety guidelines to ensure all aspects of your Paddy Murphy event(s) comply with the outlined policies. The Event Planning section, beginning on page 19, will be particularly relevant as you plan for Paddy Murphy. Sigma Alpha Epsilon maintains a zero-tolerance policy for behaviors and actions that violate our regulations or deviate from our creed and values.

Sigma Alpha Epsilon has policies and statements to help guide you when making decisions. They can be found at A few of the most pertinent are listed below.

• Diversity and Inclusion Position Statement

• Sexual Misconduct and Assualt Position Statement

• Non-Discrimination Policy

• Good Samaritan Policy



Partnering with Sleep in Heavenly Peace, NMDP, Movember, or Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals is preferred for your Paddy Murphy event. Unless the steering committee suggests otherwise, all fundraising efforts should be directed to one of these Sigma Alpha Epsilon National Service/Philanthropic partners. Chapters, on occasion, have donated a portion of their proceeds to local or campus charities. No matter the organization you choose to support, it is important to share how the proceeds from your Paddy Murphy will be distributed.


Establishing a Paddy Murphy committee will be critical for a successful event. Furthermore, you will find it helpful to involve all chapter members and assign them to teams to help with specific tasks or projects. Involving individuals from alumni to parents and university faculty/staff to community members is not an easy feat. It will take a developed communication plan to keep everyone up-to-date and be able to check in, especially as you get closer to your Paddy Murphy. Ideally, you will have a date for your Paddy Murphy event established at least a year out to help “Save the Date” for those you wish to involve. Be sure to send reminders about the event!


Raising money to support any organization can be fun, challenging, and time-consuming. This is especially true if your chapter does not have a plan in place. We recommend the chapter first set a goal for their targeted fundraising goal. There are several ways to raise money, but we have found some of the most popular is by soliciting sponsorships from local businesses, alumni, family, and friends.

Other ways we have seen chapters raise money is through selling items like T-shirts, penny wars, and pancake breakfasts, to name a few. Although chapters have different levels of success depending on their community, it is vital to communicate early to any potential funders to ensure you are a part of their budget to support. Most importantly, be creative and find something unique for your campus that will draw in community members to support your efforts.

Sigma Alpha Epsilon has partnered with Crowd Change to provide easy-to-use tools for setting up and growing your fundraising efforts.


Hosting a Paddy Murphy event is one of the best ways to promote your chapter and Sigma Alpha Epsilon. What better way to showcase living our values of brotherhood, leadership, and service than having the chapter come together to support and raise money to benefit the community? Hosting a Paddy Murphy will likely engage members of your campus community you may not normally interact with, including potential new members.

With all of that said, if your community doesn’t know about the event, it won’t be successful. Be sure to issue a press release to your campus and local newspapers, television, and radio stations announcing the event, its purpose and share information about the events you have planned. Be sure to have flyers posted around campus, including the various housing facilities and other fraternities and sororities.

Be sure you continue your communication about the event after it starts, so those participating don’t forget about the various events. After the event has concluded, don’t forget to share details about the event’s success with local media and the Fraternity Service Center through completing the Service & Philanthropy Reporting Form. You never know; your chapter might be the next post on SAE’s social media or the next feature article in the Record.



1. No sponsorships from:

a. Alcohol distributors or manufacturers;

b. Bars or taverns;

c. Tobacco companies;

d. Vape, legal, or illegal marijuana distributors; or

e. Any other socially sensitive venue or commercial vehicle.

2. No event or activities will be centered around:

a. Alcohol consumption;

b. Auction of human beings or servitude;

c. Beauty pageants;

d. Boxing events or fight nights;

e. Chariot races;

f. Eating contests;

g. Female-only activities or competitions;

h. Illegal or immoral activities;

i. Racially or sexually insensitive imagery, activity, or material;

j. Selling or distributing animals of any kind; or

k. Scavenger hunts

3. All events will follow the laws and rules of the university, state or province, federal government, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and any organizations of participants.

Tip for Success: Develop a good working relationship with your university administrator (Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life, Dean of Students, etc.) before the event. Invite them and other administrators to your even. If the event is off-campus, reach out to the local officials for necessary approvals. For example, suppose you host a 5K off-campus. In that case, you may consider reaching out to your university administrator(s), city government, and local police departments to gain approvals and work together on logistics.


One-Day Paddy Murphy:

Philanthropy/ Fundraising Event

Could integrate Paddy Murphy Funeral before or after philanthropy/ fundraising event

Three-Day Paddy Murphy:

Day 1: Brotherhood Event

Day 2: Community Service Event

Day 3: Philanthropy/ Fundraising Event

Could integrate Paddy Murphy Funeral before or after philanthropy/ fundraising event

Five-Day Paddy Murphy:

Week-long fundraising effort

Day 1: Brotherhood Event

Day 2: Community Service Event

Day 3: Campus-Wide Event

Day 4: Paddy Murphy Funeral

Day 5: Philanthropy/ Fundraising Event



All You Can Eat Food Sale

Shirt or Apparel Sale

Penny Wars

Paddy Murphy Funeral

Charge a $5 entry fee for all you can eat - make something simple like grilled cheese, pancakes, etc. Ask your local grocery stores to donate the ingredients.

Design a Paddy Murphy shirt with the Official SAE Store and sell it to your community.

Determine the focal point for the donation. Some have used a representation of the participating organizations; some have used a banner, mural, or an individual connected to your philanthropic cause. Then, put out water jugs with the picture and allow people to vote with change or cash. Some variants allow for negative voting. Use discretion when allowing for negative voting.

Get permission to set up in a public space on campus. Bring chapter letters and a simple wooden coffin with a flag draped over it. The chapter may wear sunglasses to symbolize mourning. A member can read the folklore of Paddy Murphy, and the chapter sings a few songs.


Fundraising: High Community: High Service: Zero

Fundraising: Medium Community: Medium Service: Zero

Fundraising: High Community: High Service: Zero

Fundraising: Zero

Community: Med - Low Service: Zero

Athletic Tournament


Fire Truck Clean-Up

Get Your Feet Wet With SAE

Support A Campus Organization or Athletic Event

Design Competition

Host a small sports tournament and open it up to all fraternities, /sororities, and student organizations. Invite potential new members to attend and network with the chapter and organizations around campus.

Host a barbeque at your chapter house or get permission to host it on campus. Invite members of other organizations, faculty/staff, and parents.

Arrange with your local or campus fire station for your chapter to volunteer by washing and cleaning up the fire trucks.

Get permission to host a water fight on campus or find a local outdoor venue. Everyone brings a water gun (or the chapter can supply them), dye the water, and have a water gun fight in white t-shirts.

Support a campus organization’s event or a university athletic team by having the chapter attend the event/game and cheer.

Host a t-shirt, banner, or coffin design competition. Organizations can each submit a design, and the winner can earn points toward the whole event and/or their design can be used in event marketing.

Fundraising: Zero (unless you charge for team entry or sell refreshments)

Community: High Service: Zero

Fundraising: Zero (unless you charge for entry)

Community: High Service: Zero

Fundraising: Zero

Community: Med - Low Service: High

Fundraising: Zero

Community: Med - Low (unless you make it a community event) Service: Zero

Fundraising: Zero

Community: High Service: Zero

Fundraising: Zero

Community: High Service: Zero

BTM Swab EventBrotherhood

BTM Swab EventCommunity

Toy Drive


Educate your brothers about BTM at a chapter meeting, get everyone swabbed, and join the registry.

Host a community event to get all the fraternity and sorority members on your campus swabbed and to join the registry or table in a high-traffic area on campus to educate your community about BTM and allow them to get swabbed and join the registry.

Hold a toy drive to gather gifts for the kids at your local CMN Hospital.

Host a walk/run 5k on campus or in your community and encourage participants to get pledges from friends and family to support your philanthropy.

Fitness/Step Challenge For every 1,000 steps (or another milestone), participants donate $1 (or another dollar amount).

Paper Miracle Balloons

Car Smash

Mustache Shave (“Save it or Shave it”)

Pie-A-Brother or Dunk Tank fundraiser

Pie-A-Brother or Dunk Tank awareness event

Build Day

Bedding Drive

Charge a small fee for people to write their name on a paper cut out of the CMN Hospitals hot air balloon logo and post them somewhere visible on campus, like in your student union or chapter house.

Find a local company with liability insurance to host a car smash on your campus. Charge a per person fee to hit the car with a large mallet.

Community members can pay to shave someone else’s mustache. Participants can pay not to have their mustache shaved off.

Guests pay to pie a brother. Include statistics and educational facts about men’s health (or another philanthropic cause).

Guests answer trivia questions about men’s health (or another philanthropic cause) for a chance to pie a brother.

Host an SHP build day. Invite the community to come out and learn about SHP. You can even include a competition to see how many beds you can build at your event.

Host a drive to collect bedding materials (pillows, sheets, comforters, etc.) to donate to your local SHP chapter.

Fundraising: Zero Community: Zero Service: High

Fundraising: Zero Community: High Service: High

Fundraising: Low Community: High Service: High

Fundraising: Medium Community: High Service: Med - Low

Fundraising: Medium Community: High Service: Low

Fundraising: Medium Community: High Service: Zero

Fundraising: High Community: High Service: Low

Fundraising: High Community: High Service: Low

Fundraising: Medium Community: High Service: Zero

Fundraising: Zero Community: High Service: Medium

Fundraising: Low Community: High Service: High

Fundraising: Low Community: High Service: High


Dear Brother [Last Name],

It is time for the [University Name] chapter’s fourth annual Paddy Murphy philanthropic event! This year promises to be our most successful ever. On behalf of the undergraduate brothers of [Chapter Designation], we invite you to participate in this year’s exciting event. As you may recall from your undergraduate days, Paddy Murphy is a multipleday philanthropic event aimed to raise money for worthy causes while promoting campus spirit and unity through social, athletic, and service-oriented events. Once again, the chapter has decided to make the [Philanthropic Organization] our primary philanthropy. [Insert a line about the philanthropic organization.]

We would like to take this opportunity to ask for a small tax-deductible donation to the [Philanthropic Organization] through Paddy Murphy.

As the enclosed schedule indicates, Paddy Murphy is scheduled for [Month Day through Month Day], with an appreciation dinner, to which you are cordially invited, scheduled for Friday evening: if at all possible, I encourage you to stop by campus or the house and participate in the activities of the week and help us make this Paddy Murphy the most successful ever. [Philanthropic Organization] is a worthy cause that touches us all and Paddy Murphy is a proud Sigma Alpha Epsilon tradition.

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to seeing you during Paddy Murphy.

Phi Alpha.

Carson Smith

Paddy Murphy Chairman


Dear [Business Name],

The Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity chapter at [University Name] would like to invite your company to participate in our three-day philanthropic event, called Paddy Murphy, benefitting [Philanthropic Organization]. It will be held from March 14 through March 16 on the campus of [University Name].

Paddy Murphy, dating back to the 1940s at our Northwestern University chapter, offers an excellent opportunity for advertising and continued public relations while making a contribution to a deserving cause. Since its inception, Paddy Murphy has raised millions of dollars on campuses in the United States and Canada for numerous philanthropies.[Insert a line about your philanthropic organization.]

I realize that with so many needs in our society, your company must plan its philanthropic budget with extreme care and consideration. Paddy Murphy is well worth this support, as it offers the opportunity to make an important contribution to the community in which we live and work.

I encourage you to consider making a donation or sponsoring an ad in the Paddy Murphy brochure. All contributions are tax-deductible, and anyone donating over $500.00 will have their company name or logo listed as a platinum sponsor.

Since Paddy Murphy is fast approaching, I am eager to discuss your company’s potential involvement. Please feel free to contact me at (555) 555-1856 to discuss ways your company can participate in Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s Paddy Murphy. I appreciate your consideration and look forward to hearing from you.

Phi Alpha.

Carson Smith

Paddy Murphy Chairman




CONTACT: Carson Smith (555) 555-1856


The Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity at [University] will hold its 15th annual Paddy Murphy philanthropic event from March 14 to 16, 20XX. Sigma Alpha Epsilon will donate all proceeds to the [Philanthropy Organization] and a charity designated by the winning group. The sororities and club sports teams will also be participating in Paddy Murphy. The teams (list them) will give their time and efforts to make Paddy Murphy successful. Paddy Murphy raised more than $5,000 last year, and the chapter hopes to continue its success in 20XX.

“We are very excited about this year’s Paddy Murphy,” said chapter president [Name].

“We have planned many new events and are encouraging all campus organizations to participate.”

Paddy Murphy events during the week will include a NMDP swabbing event, a men’s health educational campaign, a bed build day, an Olympic-style field day, and a visit to the local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital to meet the children who will benefit from the money raised.

[Philanthropic Organization] has been one of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity’s preferred philanthropic partners since [CMN Hospitals - 2000; BTM, SHP, and Movember - 2021].

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