REPORT Gratitude Spring2024
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1 2024 So far in Unique
Grassroots Action & Alliances
In 2024 we are acting to grow our movement by growing our membership and providing more tools and skills for you to take action and advance the goals of the Decade of Change.
In January, we launched our new podcast, The Environment in Canada Podcast. We invite you and the broader public to join the podcast to learn about the Rights of Nature, keep up-to-date on environmental issues like the carbon tax, and adopt best practices on how to talk about climate change in an increasingly polarized world.
2 High Impact Advocacy
In 2024 we have a special focus on advancing the Rights of Nature. Canada played a key role in securing an international commitment to the Global Biodiversity Framework in 2023. We now have a once-in-ageneration opportunity to ensure the Rights of Nature are included in Canada’s legislation and policies to ensure we meet the targets laid out in the Global Biodiversity Framework.
Your actions and letters are helping us push for a cap on Canada’s worst emitting sector, the oil and gas industry. We are also advocating for energy democracy and creating opportunities for you and your community to take part in achieving our goal of powering our society with 100% clean energy.
Your support powers programs focused on ensuring everyone has a sense of belonging in the outdoors, improving air quality, fighting new fossil fuel projects, and protecting nature. We are particularly proud to share with you a beautiful new guide for municipalities in Quebec to protect and conserve bird habitat within their boundaries.
Like many people in Canada we are impacted by wildfires and other climaterelated events - particularly our ability to provide outdoor programming in areas impacted by wildfires, hurricanes, and poor air quality. While our Wild Child programs in PEI and Edmonton continue to thrive, Wild Child - Nova Scotia is undergoing a re-set after being impacted by last year’s wildfires. We are taking time in 2024 to better meet changing community needs. Please be in touch if you too have been impacted by climate-related events: you are not alone!
Our Mission
Sierra Club Canada empowers people to be leaders in protecting, restoring and enjoying healthy and safe ecosystems.
Sierra Club Canada is a national registered charity that includes four chapters: Atlantic, Québec, Ontario, and Prairie, plus Sierra Youth, a group whose mandate is to empower young people to become community leaders.
Our success depends on the support of individuals and organizations whose generous donations make our work possible.
Our Theory of Change
At Sierra Club Canada, we believe that people working in community are a powerful and resilient force for positive change.
We are committed to furthering the goals of the Decade of Change through grassroots action and alliances, high impact advocacy, and unique programs.
Eglington Flats
OurfighttosavetheEglintonflatsareainToronto includesprotectingancestralsacredlandsattheHumber River.Itincludesdefendingtherightsfortheurban indigenoustocontinuetoaccessthesesacredsites.We aresupportingurbanIndigenousyouthcallingforthe protectionofurbanforestandtheprotectionof1,500 treesintheEglintonFlatsareathroughafundraising campaignandsupportingadvocacyandawareness.This spring,wemetwithMPPsJoelHardenandJillAndrew to shareimpactstatementsfromourcommunityatQueens Park,participatedinapressconference,andanswered questionsonourbehalfduringaQ&Aperiod.The OntarioChapterisalsosupportinglegalinitiativesto protecthighqualitytransitandforeststhroughaSmall ChangeFundfundraisingcampaign.
Stop the Spray on Earth Day
Over320,000peoplehavesigneduptosaysnoto sprayingpoisonsinourforests!OnEarthDay,weteamed upwithStoptheSprayOntarioandSafeFoodMatters andTraditionalEcologicalKnowledgeElderstobringthis massivepetitiontotheprovincialgovernmentcallingfora banonsprayingpesticidesonforests.In2001,Québec bannedtheuseofglyphosateandallherbicides-which resultedinmorejobs!OntarioshouldfollowQuébec’s leadandstopsprayingpesticideswhicharelinkedto cancer,birthdefects,miscarriages,reproductiveproblems -nottomentionharmtowildlifeandthecontamination ofwildfoodslikeberries.
Protecting Living Waters from Nuclear Waste
SierraClubCanadahasjoinedwithKebaowekFirstNation,ConcernedCitizensofRefrewCounty andAreaandtheCanadianCoalitionforNuclearResponsibilitytochallengethepermitissuedby thefederalMinisterofEnvironmentandClimateChangetoallowthedestructionofhabitatfor threatenedandendangeredspeciesforanuclearwastedump.Theso-called“NearSurfaceDisposal Facility''(NSDF)wouldactuallybealandfillforthetoxicandradioactivewasteaccumulatedasthe legacyof80yearsofnuclearexperimentsattheGovernmentofCanada’sChalkRiverLaboratories. Theplantobuildadumpforamilliontonnesofradioactivewasteandothertoxicsubstancesina gianthillsidemound,onekilometerfromtheOttawaRiver/KichiSibiisrecklessandthreatens clean,freshwaterformillionsofpeopledownstream.Aftereightyearsofassessment,westillhave noclearanswersastothetypesofwastethatwouldgointhefacility.Itisclearthatconcernsabout violatingIndigenousrightsandharmtotheenvironmentandhumanhealthhavenotbeenheeded. Ourhopeisthatthislegalchallenge–supportedbyimpactedgroupsandIndigenousrightsholders –willforcethefederalgovernmenttoreverseitsdecisionandprotecttheoldgrowthforestatthe site,whichisknowntobehabitatforendangeredBlanding'sturtles,bats,andmonarchbutterflies; andthreatenedspeciessuchastheeasternwolf,Canadawarbler,easternwhip-poor-will,wood thrush,andgolden-wingedwarbler.
Building a Resilient Movement
InpartnershipwithProjectHope,wehavehostedtwoeventsfocussedonbuildingonresilienceand supportingcreativeactivism.WeweresofortunatetoworkwithIsaacMurdochandEveSaint,who broughttheirteachings,learnings,andtruth.Manythankstothevolunteerswhohelpedsupport silkscreeninginthecommunityformanywhohadnevertriedthisbefore!Wehavealsobeen hostingweeklyopportunitiesthatareopentothecommunityforpeopletocreatecollaborative spaceforallparticipants,andnopreviousexperienceinartormindfulnessmeditationisrequired.
Full Spectrum Resistance
TwodaysofRadicalImagination!Thisteach-insharedstrategiesandactions acrosstheactivistspectrum,andwashostedatOCADUinToronto,June22-23. Thisuniqueweekendinvitedsocialandenvironmentalactivistsworkingtowards ajustandhealthyplanetintoadiscussionthatwasequalpartsstrategic upgrade,festivalandretreat.WewerejoinedbyAricMcBaywhowrote‘Full SpectrumResistance’.Aricinspireduswiththeuntoldstoriesofsuccessful directaction.Leadersoftheirrespectivecampaignsalsocametosharetheir campaignstories,andwetalkedabouttopicsrangingfromtenants’rights, shuttingdownpipelines,Indigenous-ledmovements,divestment,thebeautyand challengesofsolidarityinmovements,andPalestine.
Breathe Easy
OurBreatheEasyprogramcontinuestoworkwith volunteersintheOttawaareatomeasureairqualityinand aroundbusstopsandtransithubs.Workingwithvolunteers fromtheUniversityofOttawaandtheTDLeadership Programduringthewintermonths,wefoundreadingsthat suggesthighlevelsofparticulatematter(PM2.5).
Wehaveconsultedwithairqualityexpertswhosuggested improvementswithdatawhichwillbeimplementedin Phase2-Summer2024.
Wearenowlookingformorevolunteerstohelpusgather datatoseeifwecanpinpointotherairqualityhotspotsand confirmourfindingsfromthewinter.
Working to Shut Down Line 5
ThankstoourfriendsatSierraClubUSandOilandWater Don’tMix,weareprovidingopportunitiesforvolunteers andalliestoincreasepressureonCanada’sgovernmentto stopdefendingEnbridge’sLine5pipeline.TheEnbridgeLine 5pipelinewasconstructedin1953andbuilttolast50 years.ThepipelinerunsfromSuperior,WisconsintoSarnia, Ontario.Line5runsundertheStraitsofMackinac,anarrow stretchofwaterwhichseparatesLakeMichiganfromLake Huron-alocationreferredtobyIndigenouspeoplesas“the heartofTurtleIsland”.
Thisspring,SierraClubCanadastoodinsolidaritywiththe BadRiverBand,whosechallengetothepipelinetocrossing theirterritoryreceivedalegalblowthisspring.Atthattime, April11th,theUSDepartmentofJusticeweighed-inin favourofEnbridgeandalliesintheCanadiangovernment.
"The Sierra Club Canada Ontario Chapter stands in solidarity with Bad River Band as they lead the fight to defend their home. Their actions reverberate into the future, and embolden us to care for the Great Lakes as a cross-border and international initiative. If the Government of Canada thinks Canadians will not join the challenge for the largest freshwater body on the planet, at the heart of Turtle Island, they are sorely mistaken. The triple win for the planet, the people, and the economy is to retract and decommission both the pipeline and the use of the 1977 Treaty."
- Jessica Murray, Sierra
Wild Child Edmonton
Our Wild Child programs in Edmonton continue to create opportunities for youth and children to thrive in nature. Since last fall our programs have provided over 8,000 hours of outdoors time for 300 children and youth in the Edmonton area! We are so grateful to be partnering with the Argyll Community Hall for providing much needed indoor space in case of poor air quality or cold weather!
Home for the Birds
Many towns and cities do not realize that the Migratory Birds Convention Act requires all levels of government to do their part to protect migratory bird habitat. Every spring, millions of birds travel thousands of kilometres - traversing numerous obstacles - to find a safe haven to have their young. If brush and trees are cut at the wrong time, nesting birds and their babies don’t stand a chance. With support from the Echo Foundation and TerraHumana, we have produced a guide for towns and cities in Québec to explain how they can step up to ensure habitat for birds is protected and handled with care.
This Planet is Not for Sale !
We joined forces with Pour le futur Montréal, ATTAC Québec, La planète s’invite au parlement and a team of dedicated citizen organizers, including our Québec Director Shirley Barnea to organize a march. The event focused on Earth Day as a moment to explore Québec’s energy transition, to celebrate the progress made thanks to our movement, and to demonstrate that the transition must reduce over-consumption as well as GHG emissions. The march was organized in collaboration with le Chœur de la transition de Montréal, who added their voice to the march with environmentally- and socially-minded songs.
Stop Atlantic Gas Alliance
As part of the Stop Atlantic Gas Alliance (SAGA), we stood up to proposals on behalf of New Brunswick’s Premier Blaine Higgs to lift the regulation banning fracking in the province and his embrace of LNG fed by fracked gas in his State of the Province address in January.
We continue to monitor the proposed Placentia Bay LNG Project in Newfoundland and Labrador. Recent correspondence with the provincial government’s indicates there has been no move on the part of the company to move its project forward through the assessment process. We remain vigilant.
Bay du Nord
Working with activists and partners in NL, across Canada, and around the world, we convened a strategy session on stopping the Bay du Nord project, supporting energy democracy, and an energy transition in St. John’s NL. Twenty-six experts and community leaders - from sixteen organizations - convened to share their thoughts on how to target Equinor and convince them to convert their project’s three-year delay into a cancellation.
Also in May, we were part of the launch of the new website for the International Equinor Out campaign, joining forces with groups around the world trying to stop Equinor from drilling off their coasts in complete disregard for global climate targets.
As always, we continue to bring attention to Equinor not meeting its own commitment to the Paris Accord and not being honest about its climate record - something the company was called out on by the UK’s Advertising Standards Authority (ASA). We also asked you to take action in solidarity with environmental groups in Costa Rica who are asking Norway to halt its involvement in promoting oil and gas development there.
Your Impact
At Sierra Club Canada we want to extend our gratitude to you for all you do to make our work possible. This impact report gives us the chance to give back and share with our supporters what have we been up to since January.
It measures the impact that Sierra Club Canada is having in the lives of those who join our community and become involved in many of our projects.
Sierra Club Canada’s Decade of Change is an ambitious vision for a positive change that we know will only happen by working with people like you It will only happen by supporting allies and leaders who are making change in their communities
The shift toward 100% clean energy is well underway. The cost of clean energy sources like wind and solar power are now less than coal, oil, and gas. An analysis from Climate Analytics shows that the growth in clean energy for power may mean GHG emissions have finally hit their peak.
You are making this change happen by stepping-up to be part of climate solutions like energy democracy. Pressure from you and people from across Canada has resulted in Equinor placing a three-year pause on the Bay du Nord oil drilling project
This spring, thanks to collaboration between our Ontario Chapter and the Sierra Club U S , we succeeded in initiating a grassroots campaign to counter Canada’s support for the Line 5 pipeline which threatens fresh water in the Great Lakes Thanks to hundreds of supporters like you, the federal government has proposed a draft regulation on Canada’s worst climate polluting sector, the oil and gas industry, an emissions cap.
We were thrilled in December 2023 when the Global Biodiversity Framework included making space for acknowledgement of the Rights of Nature. But we knew that this was just the first step in seeing transformative change on the ground in Canada. That’s why in 2024 we are pushing to see the Rights of Nature included in Canada’s corresponding legislation to the Global Biodiversity Strategy We are creating opportunities for more people to learn about the transformative concept of the Rights of Nature, and supporting groups such as the Tenàgàdino Alliance who are making this concept a reality on the ground.
The Decade of Change is an ambitious vision, and we know we will not achieve our goals without working with changemakers like you to grow the Sierra Club Canada. This summer we are focused on building our membership and supporting efforts in our Chapters to take on challenges and be a voice for positive change in their communities
We hope in the months ahead that we can have more conversations with you about what drives you to give to our work, and how we can do even more together to make positive change.
You are helping keep up momentum for this Decade of Change. We know we have lots to do to make sure we meet our goals and continue to grow as an organization. We look forward to working with you to guarantee your contribution makes the biggest impact possible. Thank you once again for being a powerful force for positive change!
Support from you has enabled us to more than double our revenue and impact since 2017!
$41,771 Donations as of May 2024 Individual Donations as of May 2024 191 Total Revenue Donations from Individuals and Corporations
Thinking of Gift Planning?
We are pleased to announce Sierra Club Canada is partnering with the national Will Power campaign. We are one of many charities, financial and legal advisors that are part of this initiative; showing Canadians how to make a bigger difference through their strategic charitable giving.
Did you know leaving a small percentage in your Will to charity could result in a major donation? The kind of contribution that creates serious change for the better? You do not have to use money you need now or take away from what your loved ones will need either. In fact, your donation could offset the taxes your family will have to pay on your behalf. Stay tuned for more information and tools to help you add power to your giving.
In 30 days in June 2024 l ’ h d
Podcast downloads online. That’s not counting our FM Radio reach in Montréal.
Our social media channels have reached
From January 2024 to July 2024. That’s not including reach from news coverage.
"Thanks to you and the Sierra Club for all the work you do to make Canada a better place! It is truly inspiring for us musicians to witness your activities and impact."
- Nicolas Ellis, Conductor, Founder and Artistic Director of the Orchestre de l’Agora