58 - Summer 2002

Page 1

The Inside Scoop

2 From the Editor

In this issue...

Farewell to a Scholar

President’s Message ............................................................................................................. 2 From the Heights: News About People, Programs and Events at all SHU Locations Commencement 2002.................................................................................... 4 Thirtieth Anniversary of Eclipse.................................................................... 4 Excellence on Campus .................................................................................. 6 VanHorn Garden ............................................................................................ 7 Remnant Trust ............................................................................................... 7 Campaign Update: The Kresge Challenge! ......................................................................... 8 Fieldhouse Expansion.................................................................................... 9 Alumni Spotlight: Krista Purvis Forys ‘98 .................................................. 10 A Community of Scholars ................................................................................................. 11 The Literary Tradition of Harry Potter ........................................................ 12 Tod Marshall ’90: Publishing Persistence ................................................... 13 Student Studies Purple Loosestrife.............................................................. 14 The Busy Life of a Student Scholar............................................................. 15 McNair Scholars Program .......................................................................... 18 A Legend Passes: Remembering M2 .................................................................................. 20 Class Notes ..................................................................................................................... 22 Alumni Spotlight: Mary Sullivan McLaughlin ‘38............................................................ 23 Alumni Spotlight: Jennifer Aschenbrener ‘97 ................................................................... 25

On my first day of work at Siena Heights seven years ago, Miriam Stimson marched into my office, introduced herself briskly and said, “I certainly hope you’re not going to…” As it happened, I WAS going to... And I spent the next hour or so explaining why. We discussed the issue at length, articulating our opposing views, finally agreeing (more or less) to disagree. By the end of that conversation, I had a friend. Although Miriam and I often did not see eyeto-eye, I held her in the highest regard; and she seemed to appreciate my willingness to consider and debate most any issue of interest. Her independence, humor and tenacity, combined with the joy she found in God’s world, quickly made her, in my eyes, a role model for growing—and growing old—with vigor and zest. How appropriate that we say farewell to Miriam, a great scholar, in an issue of Reflections that celebrates scholarship.

On the Cover:

Sister Miriam Michael Stimson taught chemistry at Siena Heights from 1939 to 1968 and was a familiar figure to hundreds of Siena Heights alumnae, working in the chemistry lab in full habit. Later, when she returned to campus to direct the graduate studies program, new generations of alumni became acquainted with the scholar known for her large and distinctive hats. On page 20, we remember Miriam, who died in June. We also celebrate our “Community of Scholars” and the excitement of a campaign challenge from The Kresge Foundation.

Jennifer Hamlin Church Editor

Letters to the Editor I thoroughly enjoyed the Spring Reflections. I sat down and read the entire issue with enthusiasm and interest. I loved the message on ethics, various kinds and methods of education, the photography, the Dominican Life Center, honors bestowed—just everything!

The Mission of Siena Heights University The mission of Siena Heights, a Catholic university founded and sponsored by the Adrian Dominican Sisters, is to assist people to become more competent, purposeful and ethical through a teaching and learning environment which respects the dignity of all.

Kathryn Noonan, OP ‘46 Adrian, MI

I was greatly impressed with your recent magazine. I’m sure Catherine of Siena is very proud of you! Alice Wolski, OP ‘49 Warren, MI

Reflections Staff Debbie Myers,

Editor Jennifer Hamlin Church,

Communications Specialist

Associate Vice President for Advancement

Steve Ott,

Graphic Design Rik Mertens,

Director of Marketing for Off-Campus Sites

Graphic Designer and Director of Publications

Jere Righter ’93,

Contributors Deb Carter,

Mary Weeber ’83,

Dean of the College for Professional Studies

Director of Grants and Foundations

Adjunct English Faculty

Reflections is © 2002 by Siena Heights University.

Summer at Siena: Good news, good friends, good neighbors

President’s Message


eople often ask me and other Siena Heights staff members if it isn’t awfully quiet on campus during the summer. “You have summers off, don’t you?” they ask. The question usually generates a good laugh! Summer is, in fact, a very busy time—and this summer has been busier and more exciting than most.

occasions, and we gathered with an estimated 800,000 others for a nightly vigil and morning mass with the Pope. Toronto papers dubbed the event “Popestock,” but unlike Woodstock, these youth from around the world were high on faith and fellowship.

In June…

The Holy Father’s message was inspirational as he emphasized the WYD theme from Matthew’s Gospel: you are the salt of the earth, the light of the world.

I’m excited about this grant for two reasons. First, it’s a significant restricted gift that enables us to begin construction of the new fitness center and athletic offices that are badly needed by our students and coaches. Second, the grant keeps momentum building for the campaign. The last dollars in a campaign can be the most difficult to raise, and this challenge grant offers a great opportunity for Siena to broaden our support base from alumni and friends who have not yet made a commitment to the campaign.

While in Toronto, I was delighted The group gathered on the steps of Sacred Heart Hall before boarding vans to travel to Toronto. to connect Pictured are, front row, from left, Liz McMillan, Heather Mayes-DeClercq, Sarah Vuyk, Abbey with Igbal Moore, Ann Boyak; second row, Tim Martin, Stephanie Clark, Lindsay Patton, Lindsay and Kim Roshd ’83. Gullekson, Nancy Murray, OP; third row, Amanda Porter, Tanisha Blackmon, Sasha TalbotIggy shared Dacres, Reyna Werling, Anthony Butler, Barbara Blesse, OP; fourth row, Amber Berrien, Anne Lozon, Jessica Bartz, Caroline Kutlich; fifth row, Don Malewitz, Peter Ossman, Kermit Williams spirited and Tom Puszczewicz. memories of his days reflection, prayer, and celebration. Sadly, at Siena in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s, and Sister Miriam Michael Stimson was not opened his arms in welcome to our stuamong the celebrants. The brilliant and dents—who were exceptionally grateful for feisty M-squared passed away in June. We his support of their pilgrimage. Breakfast are grateful she was able to receive the Siena at one of Iggy’s six Tim Horton restaurants Medal at graduation in May. A rememwas manna from heaven for these hungry brance of Miriam appears on page 20. pilgrims! As Reflections goes to press, we look Meeting our alumni is invariably a stimu- forward to shifting gears from summer’s lating reminder of why Joan and I are so “quiet” to the start of our 83rd academic committed to Siena Heights. The welcom- year and the reconvening of the community ing hospitality extended by Iggy, his wife of scholars you will read about in this issue. Tanzila and their two children is emblematic Herein resides more good news about our of the Siena spirit we have encountered so students and faculty, and about more good often in our travels. Welcoming arms and friends and neighbors to the east, west, north hugs were repeated by the alumni and their and south. Enjoy! families that we met the following week in New York, Connecticut and Massachusetts.

The University learned of our approval for a $750,000 challenge grant from The Kresge Foundation for the expansion and renovation of the Fieldhouse. The $1.7 million project, which you can read more about in this Reflections, is the remaining capital project in The Campaign for Siena Heights University. The challenge that we proposed and that subsequently was approved by the foundation is that we will achieve the goals of the campaign on schedule. In short, to get the grant, we must complete the $12.5 million campaign by Dec. 31, 2003.

We will be working hard these next 16 months to obtain approximately $3 million in gifts and pledges needed to complete the campaign. We will be in touch—through the annual fund and other mailings, through phone calls, through personal visits wherever possible—and I hope you will be generous in your response to our appeal.

In July…

Joan and I joined our campus ministry team and 20 students for World Youth Day (WYD) 2002 in Toronto, an amazing event that brought some 200,000 youth from 175 countries to pray, to learn and to celebrate. Some of us were fortunate to have a very close view of Pope John Paul II on several

In August…

Siena Heights helped host The Gathering of the Adrian Dominican Sisters, which brought nearly 1,000 sisters—many of them Siena alumnae—to campus for a week of

Richard B. Artman


Commencement takes on Global Dimensions Graduation was an international event for Siena Heights University at Lake Michigan College! Among the 58 men and women recognized at ceremonies on May 18 in Benton Harbor were seven students from Africa, Europe and China. “I pledge to Siena that I will never let them down!” exclaimed an exultant Godwin Ngoma, (pictured with SHU staffer Marie Suzor ‘99). Godwin’s parents and sister traveled from Lusaka, Zambia, to see him receive his Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration. After two years in the U.S., Godwin has returned with his family to Africa where he hopes to “contribute to the sound development of my country.” Godwin said he learned much about America from the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11: “The resilience in this leadership, in ordinary Americans, that’s the kind of spirit that builds great nations. Those are the kinds of things I want to carry back to the Zambian children.” In addition, he said, “I want to uphold the Siena name in Africa. I want to have the Siena spirit in Africa.” Some of the international Benton Harbor graduates this year were: • sister and brother Cholwe and Ngoma Hantuba of Zambia • Jiang Zhu of China • Aleksander Petrovic of Croatia • Aleksander Stankovic of Yugoslavia • Lewis Geza of Zimbabwe, who plans to continue his education with Siena Heights by enrolling in the master’s program in organizational leadership.

Graduation 2002:

A Day for Family Photos!

everal families attending Siena Heights Commencement ceremonies had more than one reason to cheer—and more than one graduate to capture in pictures! Among the newest SHU alumni are two parent-child combinations, a grandparent-grandchild pair, two brothersister teams, one husband-and-wife combo, and one set of identical twins. For Jennifer Letherer and her grandmother, Genevieve Siegel, sharing graduation was nothing new: four years ago, they celebrated together as Jen earned her high school diploma in Pittsford and Genevieve received her associate’s degree at Siena Heights. A few months later, both began working toward bachelor’s degrees at Siena.

While Jen lived on campus and attended full-time, Genevieve commuted, taking a few courses at a time. This spring, Jen graduated summa cum laude with a B.A. in theatre. Not to be outdone, her grandmother graduated cum laude with her Bachelor of Fine Arts! “It’s very neat, very cool,” said Jen. “Grandma’s always been an inspiration. She is my example of lifelong hard work and always wanting to learn.” Lacey Wilmot ‘02, a summa cum laude graduate, was the Commencement Speaker for the Class of 2002 on the Adrian campus.

Thirtieth anniversary he 2002-03 academic year at Siena will mark the 30th anniversary of the founding of “Eclipse, A Journal of Literature and Visual Art.” The 2002 edition of “Eclipse” (see back cover) includes written work in five languages, art work in various media, and a compact disc featuring original music as well as selected readings and close-ups of selected artwork. “Eclipse 2003” will be even more exciting, say the editors and advisers. They hope to publish “then and now” work by several previous editors of the journal, and anticipate making a limited number of copies by hand in a bookmaking workshop.

“We hope to publish work by students and alumni from the SHU degree completion centers as well as the main campus,” Simone Yehuda, professor of English, said. “We also invite any interested alumni to submit work for consideration.” A 30th anniversary celebration is tentatively planned for next spring. For further information, contact Simone Yehuda at: 517/2647675 or syehuda@sienahts.edu.

Historically, speaking...

First published in 1973, the inaugural issue of “Eclipse” was edited by Charles Fort ’74, who went on to become a nationally-acclaimed poet. Fort now holds the

Another 2002 graduate, Nick Kingsley of Hudson, planned to start at SHU then transfer elsewhere for chemical engineering—but Siena turned out to be where he wanted to stay.

• Sister and brother Cholwe and Ngoma Hantuba of Zambia, who earned degrees in hospitality management and business administration at the Benton Harbor Center.

Along the way, his sister, Kateri Kingsley ’96, returned for her master’s in teaching.

From the Heights


Nick and Kateri both graduated this spring, he with a B.S. in chemistry and a math minor, she with her M.A. Cheering them on was another Siena Heights graduate: their mom, Mary Ann Werstein Kingsley, a 1974 social work alumna! Other families who celebrated multiple Siena Heights graduations this year include: • David Klinger and his daughter Elizabeth “Liz” Klinger of Hudson, who both received Bachelor of Arts degrees; • Valria McLerran and her daughter Lisa Butterfield of Tecumseh, who completed Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Social Work degrees, respectively; • Identical twins Gary and Kevin Schultz of Clawson, who earned degrees in computer and information systems (Gary) and general studies (Kevin); • Husband-and-wife team Michael and Connie Harwood of Owosso, who earned Bachelor of Applied Science degrees at Siena’s Lansing Center, he in electromechanical technology and she in paralegal technology/legal assistant;

journal will “Eclipse” all others! Reynolds Chair in Poetry at University of Nebraska (Kearney) where he is professor of English. Other past editors have gone on to careers in art, publishing, and writing. Faculty advisor for the first issue was Simone Yehuda, now professor of English at Siena. Other English faculty also have advised the journal, but Yehuda has remained involved almost continuously since its founding. Now, a team of three faculty partner with students working on the journal: Yehuda, marketing professor Claudia Blanchard, and art professor Christine Reising.

Call for Submissions for 2003

Submissions for “Eclipse 2003” will be accepted until mid-November. Entries are invited from students, faculty, alumni and others interested in the publication. Submission is not a guarantee of publication; pieces are selected by jury. • A maximum of 6 pages of poetry may be submitted. • A maximum of 6 pages of prose and/or drama may be submitted. • A maximum of 6 pieces of art may be submitted. Black and white photographs and digital images are encouraged. All original artwork will be returned.

• Include a cover sheet with your name, address, phone number, email address, and the title of each work submitted. Do not put your name on the actual submissions, only on your cover sheet, as all work is selected by a blind jury process.

Send submissions to:

Eclipse c/o Simone Yehuda Siena Heights University 1247 E. Siena Heights Dr. Adrian, MI 49221

From the Heights


Excellence on Campus Outstanding Teachers and Incredible Staff By Debbie Myers

his spring at Honors Convocation, the Siena community gathered to celebrate a year of excellence. Renato Gonzalez, Carl Kaster and Ann Lauderdale were honored with Siena’s highest teaching award, the Sister Eileen K. Rice, OP Award for Outstanding Teaching. Dawn Brooks and Dean Van Horn were the 2002 recipients of the Staff Excellence Award. Renato Gonzalez, professor of Spanish, has coordinated Siena’s Spanish and foreign language program since joining the faculty in 1989. He also has put enormous energy into Siena’s semester in Mexico program, Academic Dean Sharon Weber, OP, said in presenting the award. The citation recognized Renato for fostering “an atmosphere that promotes confidence and understanding” and for stretching student intellects “even beyond Spanish” into philosophy, religion, English and education. The citation noted that, “If his contributions to teaching were summed up in a few words, they would be, ‘Renato gives you your money’s worth!’”

unlikely student.” Carl previously earned the Outstanding Teaching Award in 1985-86. Ann Lauderdale, associate professor of social work, has coordinated the social work program since her arrival at SHU in 1996 and chaired the Division of Social and Behavioral Sciences for three years. The citation noted that Lauderdale has put countless hours into updating the social work curriculum, striving “to improve the integrity of the social work program as she works tirelessly to bring it to national accreditation.” The award honored her as an approachable instructor, a sensitive and supportive adviser and “an excellent listener who demonstrates respect for the thoughts and opinions of students.”

Staff Excellence Award

Dawn Brooks came to Siena Heights in 1996 as administrative assistant to the vice president for advancement, and continued Above: Leaders in campus excellence Renato Gonzalez, Carl in that position until this summer, when she Kaster, Ann Lauderdale, Dawn Brooks and Dean VanHorn became administrative assistant to the presiCarl Kaster, professor of biology, has coordinated the science dent. “Dawn is who we all turn to when we have questions regardprogram for the 20 years he has been at Siena Heights. He is the ing any aspect” of advancement, from clerical issues to the budget force behind ScIENtiA, the science reading group nearing its 20th and the campaign, wrote one of her nominators. anniversary; and his work to establish the Xi Omega Chapter of Dean Van Horn, physical plant superintendent at Siena since 1996, Beta Beta Beta national biology honor society has provided stuis credited with accomplishments from “improving the working dents “the opportunity to share their research projects on a regional conditions for the maintenance and custodial staff to upgrading the and national level and to bring home awards at both levels,” Weber residence halls to renovating and repairing academic and adminissaid. The citation honored Kaster as a “level headed and caring but trative spaces on campus.” demanding instructor” who “not only makes science approachable but instills a love of biology and an eagerness to learn in the most

and that pictorial concerns have informed the design and construction of the built environment. Peter is the author of “Berenice Abbott’s Changing New York and Urban Planning Debates in the 1930s.” Abbott (1898-1991) photographed New York with the financial support of the Works Progress Administration’s Federal Art Project from 1935 to 1939. The essay “adds significantly to the literature on Abbott’s photography,” Peter said.

Faculty Honors and Awards Phyllis Myers (social work) received the Zonta of Lenawee Domestic Violence Prevention award for 2002. Zonta is a worldwide service organization of business and professional people working to advance the status of women. Peter Barr (art history) is a contributor to The Built Surface Volume 2, published by Ashgate Press, England. The book is a collection of essays by international scholars examining the ways that architecture has shaped the themes and styles of pictures,

Steven Wathen (chemistry) served as exhibits chair on the organizing committee for the American Chemical Society’s 34th Central

Regional Conference June 26-29. Held at Eastern Michigan University, the conference theme was “The Spectrum of Chemistry: Science Literacy to Modern Technology.” Barbara Cervenka, OP (art) exhibited a dozen watercolors and three sketchbooks this spring at the University of Michigan Institute of the Humanities. The collection was titled “Views of Bahia.” Pat Schnapp, RSM (English) had three poems accepted by the journal “Review for Religious.” The poems are titled “Feast of the Assumption,” “Late August,” and “Summer Transformation.”

Van Horn Garden to be dedicated Oct. 27

From the Heights


major gift from the Missionaries of the Precious Blood last winter, in memory of Fr. David Van Horn, C.PP.S., completed the funding needed for a meditation garden that will perpetuate the memory of Siena’s beloved teacher, artist and priest. More than 60 alumni, faculty and friends also contributed to the memorial garden, planned as a quiet and contemplative place that reflects David’s love of gardening and his strong spiritual life. Father Van Horn, a member of the Studio Angelico art faculty for 27 years, died in September 1999. The 30’x30’ garden has a Japanese theme in deference to Father Van Horn’s interest in other cultures and art forms. Art professor John Wittersheim and adjunct art professor Jamie Goode began construction work on the garden in May. They expect to complete the project this fall. A special dedication ceremony is planned for Sunday, Oct. 27. All interested alumni and friends are invited to participate. For further information, contact the art department at (517) 264-7860.

Put your hands onto some great ideas Colleges and universities throughout the country are anxious to get their hands on the documents and texts owned by the Remnant Trust – and this fall, Siena Heights University’s got ‘em! On Sept. 3, more than 50 items from The Remnant Trust will arrive on campus and remain here for use by faculty and students until December. The Remnant Trust encourages hands-on involvement with original and early edition texts by some of the world’s most respected authors on liberty, freedom and dignity. “The collection started with a copy of Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations”, said Brian Bex, president of the Remnant Trust. The collection currently numbers more than 100 items. Siena will exhibit and make available for use some of the greatest writing of all time. A first edition printing of Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation from 1862, a 1787 pamphlet printing of the Constitution of the United States, St. Thomas Aquinas’ “Summa Theologiae” from 1475, and a 1542 printing of the Magna Carta, are just some of the extremely rare treasures bestowed on Siena for the semester. Faculty, students and community members alike are encouraged to not only look at the items, but hold them, read them – learn from them. Yes, care must be taken in handling these rare editions, but it is clear from the mandate of the trust that this is not

By Jere Righter ‘93

an exhibit to sit under glass. Rather, the use of the books in class and for personal reading and reflection is encouraged and expected. The mission of the Remnant Trust is to share ideas and demonstrate that liberty did not suddenly spring from nothing, and it must never be taken for granted. “If we can regenerate the ideas of liberty–for all people–then our efforts will be valuable,” Bex said of his work with the

trust. “We stipulate to professors, ‘You’ve got to use this stuff.’ Every single professor we’ve had has been vehemently excited” including professors from Siena Heights. Mark Schersten (philosophy), chair of the Humanities Division, and Mark DiPietro (theatre), chair of the Visual and Performing Arts and Education Division, are serving as faculty coordinators of the events planned in conjunction with the Remnant Trust, which include lectures and work-

shops open to the public. Some faculty members also will highlight items from the exhibit in their fall course work. Brian Bex will speak at a dinner in October, as well as meet with interested students and faculty in September when President Artman symbolically accepts the holding of the trust. “What an opportunity for Siena Heights, our students, and the community at large!” the president commented. “We are excited to showcase these rare texts, so many of which still impact the life of our University, our country and each of us as individuals. We appreciate The Remnant Trust, and our friends and supporters who have worked to make this event a reality for us.” While at Siena, the volumes will be held in the library conference room, and will be available for use by students, faculty and community members. For a complete list of the items available at Siena Heights, see the SHU website at www.sienahts.edu. For more information on The Remnant Trust, contact Tom Kavanagh, vice president of advancement at Siena Heights, at 800/693-0506.


Campaign moves into high gear The Kresge Foundation approves $750,000 challenge grant he Campaign for Siena Heights University took a giant step forward this summer when The Kresge Foundation approved a $750,000 challenge grant for Siena Heights. The Kresge grant, designated for an expansion of the Fieldhouse, is contingent on Siena’s ability to raise all remaining funds for the campaign by December 31, 2003. All gifts received by that date—whether for the Fieldhouse, another campaign project, endowment or the Annual Fund—will help Siena Heights meet the Kresge challenge and qualify for the $750,000.

$750,000 grant. To receive the grant, SHU must first raise all other remaining funds for the campaign. The Kresge Foundation of Troy, MI, is an independent, private foundation created by the personal gifts of Sebastian S. Kresge, and is not affiliated with any corporation or organization.

The $12.5 million campaign includes funds for capital projects, endowment growth, academic programs and operations support. All projects will help SHU support students, achieve academic distinction and ensure a vibrant campus environment. University leaders have now intensified their focus on raising approximately $3 million by the end of 2003 to qualify for the

For complete information on giving opportunities in The Campaign for Siena Heights University, contact Vice President for Advancement Tom Kavanagh at 517/264-7148 or toll-free at 800/693-0506. All campaign and annual fund gifts help satisfy the Kresge Challenge.

CMS Renovation: From one successful challenge to the next! n May, Siena Heights received a $50,000 check from the George I. Alden Trust in Worcester, MA, supporting the $1.9 million renovation of the facilities in the Division of Computing, Mathematics and the Sciences (CMS).

“We are pleased, proud and very excited to receive this endorsement from The Kresge Foundation,” President Rick Artman said. “Everyone involved in the campaign is dedicated to raising the funds needed to meet the challenge set forth by Kresge.”

Campaign Opportunities:

To qualify for the Alden money, which like the Kresge gift was a challenge grant, SHU needed to raise $150,000—three new dollars for each $1 from the Trust—from alumni, friends and corporate donors. In fact, the University raised $218,996 in qualifying gifts and pledges from 86 alumni, six corporate donors and one foundation. Dr. Donita Sullivan ’52 (shown with President Artman) and Drs. Thom ’78 and Sue Kessler Gross ’78 headed up

the challenge response, first by contributing generously themselves and then by leading a fund-raising campaign among other CMS alumni. With the Alden challenge now met, Siena Heights invites CMS alumni and friends to embrace the Kresge challenge! The University still seeks about $350,000 to complete the funding for the CMS renovation. All gifts received by December 2003—including contributions to the CMS project—will help SHU qualify for the Kresge grant.

Supporting health, wellness and athletics

Campaign Report

Fieldhouse expansion


ith the Kresge challenge grant designated for the project, fund raising for a $1.7 million expansion of the Siena Heights Fieldhouse has moved into high gear. “Improving the Fieldhouse will be good for Siena and for the Lenawee County community,” President Artman said. An 8,945-square-foot addition to the front of the Fieldhouse will house a new fitness center for the campus community and an expanded training room. The addition, along with renovation of 2,531 square feet of existing space, will also provide a multi-purpose conference room, additional office space for coaches and athletic staff, and improved restrooms and service areas. Construction also will include an entry plaza and lobby. Work on the project will begin in late summer or early fall, with an official groundbreaking ceremony planned at the start of Alumni Weekend on Friday, Oct. 4—exactly 25 years after Siena Heights broke ground for the Fieldhouse.

provided a new roof and floor, lighting, paint and heating/ventilation system. Today, the Fieldhouse is home to a comprehensive and nationally ranked intercollegiate athletic program that involves more than half of SHU residential students in 14 varsity sports. Other regular users of the Fieldhouse include community groups, sports camps, and St. Joseph Academy. In addition, many students and staff seek the lifestyle benefits of fitness and exercise.

The 58,125-square-foot Fieldhouse opened its doors in 1978, when Siena’s intercollegiate athletic program was new and Americans were just beginning to explore fitness as a priority of daily life. Nearly 20 years later, in 1997, a modest renovation of the facility

The Fieldhouse has never included a fitness center. Instead, the campus relies on a makeshift 29-by-60 foot weight room in the basement of Ledwidge Hall, in a space previously used as a bookstore and coffee house. The $1.7 million expansion will quadruple the space available for fitness, provide new conference space and an expanded training room, and bring all athletic offices together under one roof.

“Improving the Fieldhouse will be good for Siena and for the Lenawee County community.” President Artman

The Campaign for Siena Heights University Campaign Objectives

Campaign Goal



$ 3,500,000

$ 2,002,039*

Capital Projects

$ 5,000,000

$ 3,101,427*

Academic Programs and University Operations

$ 4,000,000

$ 2,717,204*

Unrestricted (and unallocated) gifts and pledges**



Plus: Projected Annual Fund Support for 2002-03




$ 9,241,336

Plus: New Campaign Commitments Needed by 12/03

$ 2,508,664**

Plus: Kresge Foundation Challenge Grant


Total Campaign Goal

$ 12,500,000

750,000** $ 12,500,000**

* Gifts and pledges received as of July 31, 2002 ** SHU must secure $3,071,164 in combined Annual Fund/Campaign support by 12/31/03 to satisfy the Kresge Challenge and receive the $750,000 Challenge Grant.

Krista Purvis Forys ‘98

Looking at the question another way, what makes people decide to support Siena Heights University?

Brings a winning attitude to the Siena Heights annual fund

KPF: People who give to Siena Heights do so because they truly care about the University and its mission. I find that people are usually happy to give to Siena Heights once they realize that the Annual Fund helps provide the operating budgets for every department and program, every sports team, every off-campus center, even financial aid. I received significant scholarship assistance as a student—and I had no idea where that money came from. Now I know it came from our donors. For many alumni, knowing they can designate an annual fund gift for scholarships makes a big difference.

As a student, Krista Purvis Forys ’98 brought intensity and excitement to the volleyball court. A San Diego, CA, native who transferred to Siena from University of Toledo, OH Krista was an All-WHAC and All-Region setter, leading the Saints to the regional tournament for the first time ever in 1997. Today, she’s back on campus as director of the Annual Fund, determined to set some new records in Siena’s yearly fund raising effort. In a recent conversation, Krista reflected on her new challenges as a member of the SHU fund raising team.

Where does the rest of the money come from? KPF: It comes from gifts, grants and the Annual Fund—which means it comes from our alumni and friends who support Siena Heights year after year. The Annual Fund covers the difference between tuition income and operating expenses. Everyone who makes a gift of any size to the Annual Fund helps provide a Siena Heights education to today’s students, on the main campus and at our degree completion centers.

What are some of your goals with the Why are you so excited about giving to Annual Fund? KPF: I want to increase awareness of Siena Heights? the Annual Fund among our students, KPF: That’s easy. I know I can’t make a big gift at this point in my life, but we have so many alumni—and if we all make whatever gift we can, it adds up. I tell people, just give what you can. It WILL make a difference. And every gift to the Annual Fund will help us meet the Kresge Challenge!

Do many alumni support the Siena Heights Annual Fund?

Were you aware of the annual fund as a student? KPF: No, not at first. I thought tuition covered everything and paid all the bills at Siena. It never occurred to me that Siena needed to raise money. After I began working with (then Annual Fund director) Jeff Freshcorn, I gained some understanding of the Annual Fund. One of my goals now is to make every student aware of where the money to operate SHU comes from.

You’re saying tuition DOESN’T cover the cost of a student’s education? KPF: No, it doesn’t. Tuition covers only a portion of the cost of paying faculty and staff, maintaining facilities, providing computers and library resources, and sustaining programs and services. When you factor in financial aid, tuition covers even less.

KPF: We have many loyal contributors among our alumni. But compared to other colleges and universities, we have a pretty low participation rate among our alumni. We have wonderful alumni who are using their education to do terrific things. Most of them have very positive feelings about the University, but they haven’t established a connection with SHU.

So…why don’t people give to Siena? KPF: Sometimes it’s that lack of connection with Siena—maybe we haven’t reached out to them or haven’t asked the right way. Or, more likely, we haven’t given them a good enough reason to give. There are lots of worthy causes competing for charitable donations, and we need to make a compelling case for Siena Heights. We are very grateful when our alumni decide to share their resources with SHU. My job is to give people the information they need to make that decision and to show them what an impact their gift can have here.

our alumni and our community partners. I’d like students to understand that other people are helping to make their education possible. I’d like alumni to realize that a gift to the Annual Fund can help support whatever program was most important to them when they were in school. I’d like our area neighbors and friends to know what a difference Siena Heights makes in the county, the state and across the country. Our alumni are contributing to their communities, churches, schools and professions. They are leading lives that are competent, purposeful and ethical—and the Annual Fund had something to do with that!

How does the Annual Fund relate to the current Campaign? KPF: The Annual Fund is part of the Campaign, but the Campaign is more than the Annual Fund. We hope the Campaign provides the impetus for many alumni to become Annual Fund donors—and we hope those who already give to the Annual Fund will consider an additional gift supporting whatever campaign project means the most to them.

Is there anything else you’d like to say to the readers of Reflections? KPF: I consider it a privilege to work for Siena Heights and support the mission and values of my alma mater. And, I look forward to meeting as many readers of Reflections as I can!


12 Is Harry Potter Christian? Because of the prominence of witches and wizardry in the Harry Potter books, Rowling’s work has been the subject of debate and criticism from some religious factions, “but I think it is very clear that she is not anti-Christian,” McVeigh said. He explores these ideas in “Is Harry Potter Christian?” scheduled for publication in an upcoming edition of the literary journal “Renascence: Essays on Values in Literature,” published by Marquette University. Coleridge, like Lewis an Anglican, saw the Bible as literature and did not promote a literalist reading of Biblical texts, McVeigh said. “How you read Harry Potter has something to do with how you read the Bible,” he continued. A reader’s response to the Rowling books depends in part on whether the reader accepts wizardry as a metaphoric device or insists on a literal meaning. Religion and Literature McVeigh’s interest in religion and literature dates back to graduate school at the University of North Carolina, where he wrote his Ph.D. dissertation on the relationship between Coleridge’s literary theory and his politics and religion. McVeigh has published a number of articles on the religious underpinnings of literature and finds that the themes he has been exploring for years recently have become “hot” topics in literary circles. “Does literary theory have religious roots? How political is literature? These and related questions are subjects of considerable attention these days,” he said. By Jennifer Hamlin Church

What do the wildly popular Harry Potter books have in common with “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” that classic of 19th century British poetry? More than you might think, according to Professor Dan McVeigh, a specialist in the works of British Romantic poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge and a fan of the J. K. Rowling books about the adventures of a young wizard.

Coleridge, C. S. Lewis (best known as the author of “The Chronicles of Narnia”) and J. R. R. Tolkien (creator of the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy) were all men of faith who wrote fantasy stories to explore the depths of the heart and soul.

“Rowling is coming out of the literary tradition established by Coleridge and Wordsworth, and followed by Lewis and Tolkien,” McVeigh said recently.

Rowling does much the same thing with Harry Potter, McVeigh explained. “She is writing in a Christian Romantic tradition that has a lot to do with children, and magic, and transformation through imagination.”

Staying involved in the scholarship of his field is important to McVeigh as a means of broadening his knowledge and deepening his teaching. “I like to see scholarship as something that goes along with and complements teaching,” he said. “Scholarship is often seen to be a kind of enemy of teaching” at many schools, he said, especially at large institutions that reward faculty for research and publication but provide little incentive for good teaching. “There’s a definite ‘publish or perish’ mentality at a lot of larger schools.” By contrast, at Siena Heights “we call ourselves a teaching institution, and we are,” he said. “We place a high value on teaching.” With typical four-course teaching loads every semester, however, faculty have less time for scholarly inquiry.

Nonetheless, McVeigh tries to publish an article and deliver a paper at least every couple years. A Scholarly Community He also has been an enthusiastic supporter of campus activities such as the Humanities Consortium, organized two years ago by Kimberly Blessing of the philosophy department. At monthly or bi-monthly consortium events, one member of the faculty delivers a paper, a student offers commentary on the paper, and all in attendance then join in discussion. The events are open to the entire community. Thanks to the Humanities Consortium, McVeigh has become more aware of what his colleagues are writing, researching and contributing to their disciplines.

It is part of the Adrian Dominican tradition to learn in community, to contemplate and share the fruits of that contemplation. A colloquium series in the Computing, Mathematics and Sciences division, as well as students’ senior presentations and other activities, also help to promote scholarly discussion on campus, he said. “Scholarly work often is done in isolation, but scholarship should not be a solitary activity—it should be shared,” McVeigh said. It is part of the Adrian Dominican tradition to learn in community, he added, to contemplate and share the fruits of that contemplation. “I believe it’s my responsibility to make scholarship part of my life at Siena,” McVeigh concluded. “Then the challenge is to make scholarship part of the public discourse. Can I get a group to listen and respond to something I’ve written?”

13 13

If at first you don’t succeed, rewrite and try again

Persistence leads to publishing success for alumni poet By Mary Weeber ‘83, Adjunct Faculty English od Marshall’s advice about publishing: Drop the ego. Don’t give up. To fulfill the requirements of the English major at Siena Heights, Tod Marshall ‘90 wrote his first serious body of poetry. Feeling his opus was the next Waste Land, Tod decided to send it off to David Hamilton, editor of the prestigious Iowa Review, who happened to be a family friend of one of Tod’s boyhood buddies. Tod figured he would be getting a call within a couple of days confirming that he was, in fact, T. S. Eliot’s heir apparent. Six weeks later, a letter from Hamilton arrived acknowledging their mutual friends and describing the poems as, for the most part, “terrible, but not without some energy—so keep at it. And for future reference, whenever you send something to an editor, send a selfaddressed stamped envelope.” Several years later during graduate school at Eastern Washington University, Tod sent a long poem to the Iowa Review through the normal submissions route. A full year later he received another rejection letter from David Hamilton, but this time, Hamilton wrote a detailed critique of the poem and made several suggestions. And he mentioned the earlier submission from Tod’s Siena days. Tod kept working on the poem, incorporating some of Hamilton’s suggestions, rejecting others that didn’t seem to work. In 1997 the poem, “Botticelli,” was published in The Denver Quarterly and was nominated for a Pushcart Prize, an anthology of the best poetry, fiction, and essays published during the year. During his doctoral studies at the University of Kansas, Tod fashioned his obsession with the Goldberg Variations, Bach, concentration camps, Hildegard of Bingen, and the “rage for order” exemplified in Wallace Steven’s “The Idea of Order at Key West” into “Eclipse,” a 32-section poem echoing the structure of Bach’s Goldberg Variations. Once again he sent it off to the Iowa Review for submission. Nine months later he received an acceptance letter from the poetry editor of the journal, but nothing from David Hamilton. One week later, a letter from Hamilton arrived—he thought the poem was marvelous!

letters for negative inspiration, but they were really just bad energy so I threw them away,” Tod says. “You just have to keep faith in your abilities.” Years before he wrote “Eclipse,” Tod’s first published poem, “Breakfast,” appeared in Bellowing Ark, a tabloid-type literary magazine out of Seattle. While there was no financial gain involved (he received two copies of the paper), Tod felt validated as a poet: “Someone out there thought I had a clue. And when you get that feeling from someone, the encouragement is incomparable.” Tod cites the influence of Sr. Pat Schnapp and many others during his Siena years. “Sr. Pat made me memorize a poem for the first time and I’ll always love her for that. I still ‘have’ the poem by heart.” Although he was influenced by several of his professors at Siena and EWU, his recently published “Range of the Possible” (interviews with contemporary poets) was his real education. Intense preparation (reading all of the works by and about the 20 poets he interviewed) revealed the complexity and range of the art and the craft of verse, guiding his development as a poet. “It takes time to find your own voice. You need to read and imitate other poets, and eventually you will hear your own voice emerging from the polyphony. Imitate and imitate and imitate until you can move out of the imitation and into your own voice. Don’t worry about being unique—if your poetry is good, then the individuality will shine through.” Tod cites a litany of artists who moved from early derivative work to their own unique style: Jackson Pollack, Thomas Hart Benton, continued on 30

The lesson? For people serious about publishing, rejection is a way of life. “For one year, I kept all of my rejection Tod Marshall in his Siena student days with English mentor Mary Weeber, author of the story above.


A Community of Scholars:

Loosestrife Beetle Research By Debbie Myers ill beetles native to Europe be able to help control purple loosestrife in Michigan?

capabilities of the plant,” Nick explained. The flowers produce the seeds that make it possible for loosestrife to proliferate.

That’s what Nick Krueger of Tecumseh, a senior biology major at Siena Heights, is trying to determine. Nick is working with Michigan State University and the Michigan Sea Grant College Program to study how long it takes for a particular beetle species, Galerucella calmariensis, to affect loosestrife plants.

“The idea behind the beetles is to weaken the root crown, which has large food storage capabilities, by depriving the plant of foodproducing capabilities because the adult beetles eat holes in the leaves and the larvae just eat the top layer of each leaf (the foodproducing layer of the leaf),” he explained Although he visits the property every other week, “I don’t expect a whole lot. It takes a while to grow a large enough population of beetles to have a big effect,” he said. However, “it is truly amazing to see the destruction that one little larva can cause.”

Purple loosestrife, a native of Europe and Asia, is often seen growing along roadways and near lakes, wetlands and other moist areas. The plant has no natural enemies in Michigan, grows four to seven feet tall and has long spikes of purple flowers. “The idea is that these insects are native to Europe and we know they eat the loosestrife, but that could be different when you change their environment,” said Dr. Jun Tsuji, associate professor of biology at Siena, who is overseeing Nick’s research. In the beginning Last spring Nick went to Lansing to learn about the purple loosestrife project at MSU. He was given one loosestrife plant and 20 adult beetles. The beetles were released in a Siena Heights laboratory in April to give them time to produce offspring. On June 30, Nick released about 150 beetles at Sanctuary Farms, owned by Gary ‘85 and Amy Lillywhite Sturtevant ‘80 in Addison. “I set the plant from the lab out in the purple loosestrife (on the property) and will see how far the beetles (from the lab) fan out,” Nick said. He divided the patch of loosestrife on the property into quadrants. “What I do for this study is go to a quadrant and count adult beetles, eggs, and larvae and establish the damage to the purple loosestrife. Then I count the number of loosestrife stems that come out of the ground and then record the height. “I watch if the beetles have eaten the plants, because that slows the growth and flowering

Studies conducted at Cornell University and MSU show the beetles will not cause harm to humans or other plants; they won’t eat anything but the loosestrife, Nick said. Crawling over this page is a Galerucella calmariensis L. (Loosestrife Leaf Beetle), which may be a natural solution to controlling Purple Loosestrife (below).

The insects have been tested to determine their safety, host specificity and effectiveness and received USDA approval in 1992, according to The Purple Loosestrife Project. Why attack Loosestrife? Some may find purple loosestrife attractive and wonder why it is being attacked. “The reason is that it’s killing natural plants, like cattails and native grasses,” Nick said. A decrease in the natural species affects wildlife that depend on them. “Ecologists are concerned about the loss of habitat for endangered plants and animals, and declines in ducks, muskrats, mink, and some amphibians,” according to The Purple Loosestrife Project. Loosestrife is classified as a noxious weed and Michigan has banned the sale of the plant. The beetles will not eliminate loosestrife, but reduce the density of the plant. Each loosestrife plant can have 30 to 50 flowering stems, with each flower producing 150,000 seeds that are easily carried in the air. The plants flower between midJuly and September. The biggest problem with the huge n u m b e r of seeds produced is that up to 80 percent of the seeds can germinate up to three years after they were spread, Nick said. How to remove Loosestrife The best remedy for eliminating a small patch of loosestrife is to pull it out and remove all the roots, Nick explained. He does not advise mowing or burning the plant because it does not effectively kill the root crown, which is resistant to adverse conditions. For example, the root crown can survive years of drought and return to full strength in less than one season of ideal conditions, he said. Avoid chemical weed killers because of the plants’ proximity to water, he advised. For more information about The Purple Loosestrife Project or to get involved, visit the “purple pages” website at www.miseagrant.org/pp/.

So Long, Supergirl


The busy life of a student scholar hat does Siena Heights offer a “self-proclaimed nerd” who loves school, loves learning, and keeps all her textbooks instead of selling them at the end of the semester? What, indeed! “I had no idea, coming to Siena Heights, that I would be able to write two plays and see them produced, that I would edit a magazine, that I would sing Renaissance music and perform in four Madrigal Dinners! You can do as much as you want at Siena,” says Jennifer ‘Jen’ Letherer ‘02. A summa cum laude English/theatre double major and co-recipient (with summa cum laude biology major Lacey Wilmot ‘02) of the Outstanding Undergraduate Student Award, Jen is a sterling example of the student scholar. Coming to SHU from a farm in Pittsford, she lived on campus for four years, taking every opportunity she found to extend her education beyond the basics. She participated one way or another, on stage or off, in almost every theatre produc-

tion during her time here. She sang with the Cecilian Choristers and the Madrigal Singers. She became a McNair Scholar. She contributed to, then became literary editor of, the literary magazine Eclipse. She wrote, produced and performed a one-person play, “So Long, Supergirl,” for her senior project; and wrote another play, “Dreaming of Sugarplums and Maintenance Men,” for a friend to produce. Still, she says, “I wish I’d had time to take photography, more art, some music theory and more literature.” After graduation, Jen spent the summer working at the Croswell Opera House. She hopes to spend a year in some kind of internship before going on to graduate school in film. She aims to become a filmmaker. “Siena Heights might look like your typical university, but there’s so much here,” Jen says. “The education you get here can equal the very best.”

Chemistry research Senior chemistry majors Nick Kingsley and Amanda Koyl, along with assistant professor of chemistry Steven Wathen, attended the Great Lakes College Chemistry Conference at Michigan State University last spring. Nick and Amanda presented posters on their senior research projects in chemistry. The Siena group also attended workshops and met other chemistry students and faculty.

Working in (and for) the community Students in Linda Easley’s advanced anthropology/sociology class put scholarship to work last spring, conducting a “rapid assessment” for a Lenawee agency. Easley’s students gathered information from agency staff about the internal dynamics of the organization and from community partners about both the organization and its programs. From left: Monroe Center director Margie Bacarella, Monroe Center honoree Kathy Ticich ‘02 and psychology program coordinator Peggy Motsch.

In Adrian and at the Centers

Student Scholars Psychology Honoree Kathryn Ticich ’02 of Carleton was honored as the outstanding student in psychology at the Monroe Center by the Siena Heights Division of Social and Behavioral Sciences. The award was presented at a division reception following Honors Convocation on the main campus in Adrian in April. The occasion marked the first time a graduate of one of the degree completion centers has received one of the major academic awards given by Siena Heights. Kathryn graduated magna cum laude with a degree in psychology.

Designed to assist the agency with its planning, the project culminated in both a preliminary oral report and a final written report. During the study, known in the trade as a mini-rapid assessment process, students focused on five activity areas within the organization. Primarily using an anthropological approach to information gathering, students worked in teams conducting semi-structured face-to-face interviews, analyzing data and preparing the reports. The project gave students experience with an intensive, team-based qualitative inquiry, and with using triangulation, iterative data analysis and additional data collection to quickly develop a preliminary understanding of a situation from an insider’s perspective.


Alumni Weekend 2002 Awaits you in October! You are enthusiastically invited to the Adrian Campus for Alumni Weekend Oct. 4-6! Here are some of the highlights. Watch your mail for more information.

Groundbreaking On Friday, Oct. 4 exactly 25 years after breaking ground for the Fieldhouse, SHU will break ground for an expansion of the building. Help celebrate this project of The Campaign for Siena Heights University.

Theatre Production Theatre Siena presents The Diary of Anne Frank, Thursday - Saturday, Oct. 3 - 5. Buy your tickets early and save $2 off the ticket price at the door.

All-Alumni Reception All guests of Alumni Weekend are invited to a reception in Archangelus Ballroom from 5:30 to 6:45 p.m. Saturday, prior to the evening’s activities.

Siena Fest! This informal event from 12:30 - 4 p.m. Saturday is hosted by SHU faculty and students. Look for the fun in the east Fieldhouse parking lot and stop in for hot dogs, popcorn, coffee, cookies and lemonade! Grilling the ‘dogs will be all your favorite faculty chefs! There will be many children’s activities at Siena Fest, such as face painting, crafts, and a moonwalk. Bring the kids and enjoy a beautiful Saturday afternoon at SHU.

Golf Scramble The Alumni Weekend golf scramble has moved from Saturday to Sunday so more people can participate! For information, call 517/264-7870.

Celebrate with the Sisters! A special gathering is planned for Saturday afternoon to give our Adrian Dominican alumnae an opportunity to celebrate and give everyone a chance to mingle with the Sisters. Say hello to the Sisters who taught you and guided you in your Dominican education.

Alumni Board Reunion Dinner Were you a member of the Siena Heights alumni board? The current alumni board would love to meet you at a reunion dinner planned especially for former alumni board members.

Registration Use the enclosed registration card or go online at www.sienahts.edu/~alum/.


Athletic Hall of Fame:

Meet the 2002 Inductees Induction ceremonies for the Siena Heights Athletic Hall of Fame will take place Saturday, Oct. 5. This year’s inductees include six athletes and a coach. In addition, the 1985 men’s soccer team will be honored. Alumni and friends are welcome to join the Athletic Hall of Fame festivities. For tickets to the induction banquet ($25/person), contact Terry Carlson in the SHU athletic department (517/264-7870). The honorees are: Doug Mello ‘86/MA wore many hats at Siena between 1982 and 1988: soccer and tennis coach, intramural director, events supervisor, transfer student coordinator. But he made his mark in soccer, starting both the men’s and women’s programs and turning them into nationally-ranked teams in the 1980s. He compiled a record of 84-33-12 with the men (1983-88) and a 54-106 record with the women (1986-88). He led the men to five district titles, one regional championship and their first trip to the NAIA national tournament in 1985. His three women’s teams won three district championships and were nationally ranked all three years, achieving the #1 ranking in 1988. Ken Ferreira ’90 was a four-year starter in men’s soccer (1986-89) and ranked second in goals scored and total points when he graduated. He was named to the NSCAA honorable mention All-America team in his senior season. While at Siena Heights, he helped the team win three district championships and advance to three Area VI title matches. As of fall 2002, Ken is one of only five former Saints players to score over 100 points in his career. Julie Tortora Baechler ’90 was a three-sport athlete at Siena Heights, playing soccer for four years, basketball for two years and tennis for one year. She was named All-American in soccer her freshman year and was a member of the regional championship team.

Dennis Szczechowski ’94 was a four-year stand-out on the baseball team (1988-92). During his career, Dennis earned All-District honors and was named NAIA National Player of the Week. In 1991, he received the Thomas Emmett Award from Siena Heights, given to the outstanding male and female athletes in the junior class. Shannon Bezeau ’96 played four years of Saints softball, culminating in an outstanding senior year marked by many honors: All-American 2nd team, NAIA-All Region, WHAC All-Conference, WHAC All-Academic, and WHAC Player/Pitcher of the Week. Matt Geha ’97 ran indoor and outdoor track and cross country for four years, amassing numerous honors and leading the Saints to the WHAC championship in cross country all four years. He was a three-time All-American in cross country, three-time WHAC cross country champion, Joe Dettling ’99 was a big man in Saints basketball from 1992 to 1997 going to the national tournament in 1994 and 1997—the year the Saints went all the way to the championship game. He holds the Saints career rebounding record. The 1985 men’s soccer team had 8 freshmen and 8 sophomores on its 21-man roster. Like their coach, Doug Mello, they were young, brash and confident. In just their third year as a varsity program, the ’85 Saints were District 23 champions and Area VI regional champions, and competed in the NAIA national tournament.


Shaileen Thompson ‘04 and mentor Virginia O’Reilly, OP

“Tee” Greer-Travis ‘03 and mentor Mark Schersten

McNair program transforms students into scholars By Jennifer Hamlin Church

hen Keith Rusie arrived at Siena Heights, he was the first in his family to graduate from high school. In 1999, he became the family’s first college graduate. Now, he’s the first with an advanced degree. While working full-time in management for General Motors in Ohio, he completed a Master of Business Administration at Kent State University, graduating August 17. Another ’99 alumnus, Ali Shakoor, is on track to earn a Ph.D. at the University of Michigan where he is one of very few black students in the School of Natural Resources and Environment. And Gabe Fonseca ’99 is working toward his doctorate in psychology and gerontology at the University of Rhode Island. Jennifer Berdayes ‘02 and mentor Mark DiPietro

Paul Her ‘03 and mentor Tim Husband

Keith, Ali and Gabe are three of the success stories of the Ronald E. McNair Post Baccalaureate Achievement Program, now beginning its 10th year at Siena Heights. Funded by the U.S. Department of Education and named in memory of one of the astronauts lost aboard the space shuttle Challenger, the program engages undergraduate students from both SHU and Adrian College in a variety of scholarly activities—with a goal of preparing and motivating them to pursue graduate education.

the skills—to aim for the highest degree of academic achievement. The goal is to make it possible for students who may never have heard of a doctorate to “embrace the notion of graduate school, go on to earn their Ph.D.s and ultimately return to academia as role models,” says Sharon Weber, OP, Dean of the College of Professional Studies. “It’s about young scholars aspiring to be faculty, researchers, even deans!” Although the Siena Heights McNair program (one of five in Michigan, 156 nationally) has yet to produce a college professor among its alumni, the program so far has graduated 56 men and women whose lives were, without a doubt, changed by the experience. Expanding horizons The McNair program offers students “phenomenal opportunities,” says Professor Carl Kaster, a faculty mentor in the program. Beginning with a summer research and orientation seminar after the sophomore year, McNair provides participants with an intensive two-year infusion of academic challenge and support.

Two-thirds of the students in the program must be low-income, first-generation college students; and one-third from groups underrepresented in graduate school.

Each student is paired with a faculty mentor. The mentor helps direct the student in completing two research projects—a junior year poster presentation and a major publication and/or presentation during senior year—and guides the development of research and writing skills.

Administered by Siena Heights and directed since 1998 by Dr. Nellie Branch-Kanno, the McNair program is all about giving unlikely candidates the opportunity—and

McNair scholars also benefit from monthly seminars and special events, frequent meetings with Dr. Kanno, technology support (students can borrow laptop computers, for

19 example), summer internship opportunities, conference attendance, graduate school visits, preparation for the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), assistance with graduate school applications—and a generous stipend, on top of all that. Money makes the program somewhat challenging to administer, Kanno admits. Potential scholars are attracted by the money “but we want students who are looking for more than money,” she says. “We look for students with character and a vision.” They don’t need to have all the advantages, she adds; in fact, many are “diamonds in the rough” who have survived poverty, homelessness or worse. What Kanno does look for is capability and something else: a dream—and the courage to go beyond familiar horizons. Community is an important element of the McNair program. Students share their research and experiences with other students at various campus events. By working with a mentor, they also learn to discuss ideas with faculty scholars. For Keith Rusie, meetings with his mentor, Pat Palmer of the business faculty, played a key role in his academic development. “When we would meet, Pat would suggest books and articles for me to read. He was helpful as I prepared my papers and projects,” Keith recalls. In addition, “we often talked about my career plans, the auto industry, graduate school and life in general.” Groups of McNair scholars and mentors also travel to conferences and academic meetings, o f t e n at large research universities where students can rub Keith Rusie ‘99 elbows with graduate students, formulate questions about grad school, and measure the quality of their own work against other research.

Aiming higher and further It’s not a simple thing, Sharon Weber notes, to take students with strictly short-term goals— get a degree, get a job, earn money—and empower them to see a larger future. “What we do through McNair,” she says, “is tell these students, ‘You have what it takes to do more and to go further, and we’re going to show you what that means and help you gain those skills.’” It’s especially challenging when families are unfamiliar with the notion of graduate school.

Ronald McNair is an impressive role model for today’s McNair scholars. Born in modest circumstances in rural South Carolina, McNair went on to become one of the first African Americans in the space program. He earned a Ph.D. in physics, worked as a research physicist and, in 1978, was selected by NASA for the space shuttle program from a pool of 10,000 applicants. He died January 28, 1986 in the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger. But the McNair Program already is providing some of its own role models. Ali Shakoor, for example, assists with recruitment for McNair, interviewing applicants to assess their academic desire and motivation. “I was sure happy to meet Ali,” said Lanitta Williams of Detroit, a junior who entered the McNair program this past summer. “Ali motivated me, being a young black male getting his Ph.D. It makes me so excited to think I can do the same.”

“My family supported my educational efforts but they were unable to provide much guidance based on experience,” Rusie recalls. “I believe many McNair Scholars share the same challenge.”

The greatest benefit of McNair, he adds, is that “it requires students to consider graduate school as an option. Going to conferences was a great way to force myself to explore the possibilities. Without McNair, I probably wouldn’t have given grad school much thought.” It’s Kanno’s goal for every McNair Scholar to give serious thought to graduate school. And the program definitely has had some success. Here are just a few recent examples:

“My family supported my educational efforts but they were unable to provide much guidance based on experience. I believe many McNair Scholars share the same challenge.”

In addition, Kanno says, travel “helps take the boundaries off provincialism” for students who may never have been anywhere except Adrian and home. Kanno tries to include “cultural enrichment” with every trip: museums, historic sights, even regional cuisine.

Role models

• Mantrell Goodrum ‘98 earned a Master of Fine Arts in motion graphics from the Savannah College of Art and Design and is now a digital artist in Washington, D.C.

• Dana Wade ’98 is pursing graduate study at Wayne State while teaching full time. • Social work major Erika Price ’01 is working on her M.S.W. at Eastern Michigan University. • Vernon Johnson ’01, now at Eastern for a master’s in mathematics, will continue at the University of Michigan for a Ph.D. in bio-statistics.

• Child development major Deny’s Hunter ‘02 and social work major Jesusa Arnett ’02 both have been accepted into master’s programs at Eastern Michigan. Jesusa has been nominated for a doctoral continuation program at University of Michigan. • Although she plans to take a year off first, ideally in a professional internship, theatre/English major Jen Letherer ’02 plans to pursue a master’s degree in film. • Irene Garcia-Solis ’94, one of Siena’s first group of McNair Scholars, earned an M.A. at Siena Heights; today she serves on Siena’s Board of Trustees and is part owner of Ixtlan Technologies. Not All McNair Scholars end up focused on graduate school, but the program has undoubtedly transformed the lives and goals of many participants. “The thing that really opened my eyes was seeing how people believe in you once you are in this program,” says new McNair scholar Lanitta Williams ‘04. Says Kanno, with pride: “When I look at our students and know what the McNair program has done for them, I know it’s worth it.” Siena Heights will reapply to the Department of Education this fall and hopes to renew funding for the McNair program.


A Legend Passes Dr. Miriam M. Stimson, OP ‘36 1913 – 2002 By Jennifer Hamlin Church

ister Miriam Stimson—acclaimed chemist, inquiring scholar, inspirational teacher and quintessential lifelong learner—died June 15 after suffering a massive stroke. Just six weeks earlier, at Commencement on May 5, she was awarded the Siena Medal, the highest honor given by Siena Heights University, in recognition of her outstanding career and life accomplishments. The Siena Medal is given only occasionally, and honors individuals who embody Christian commitment and help to transform the social and political world. In response to a standing ovation that May day, Miriam spoke of her continuing excitement about Siena Heights. “When you have students in the classroom who want to know what’s going to be new tomorrow, not just what was new yesterday, then I think you can move forward with great confidence,” she said, speaking from a wheelchair due to a recent hip fracture.

Research chemist and teacher

Vividly remembered by generations of alumni, Miriam was part of Siena Heights almost from the beginning. After coming to St. Joseph Academy in the 1920s, she graduated from St. Joseph College just 17 years after its founding. Three years later, when the college became Siena Heights, Miriam began a 29-year career teaching chemistry to Siena’s Valiant Women. Miriam brought many innovations to the teaching of chemistry. She established a research laboratory, introduced micro methods and undergraduate research to the curriculum, and conducted

21 her own research, including funded cancer research. In her early years as a chemist, she pioneered a technique for analyzing solids by means of infrared absorption. In 1953, she lectured at the International Colloquium in Spectroscopy held at the Sorbonne in Paris, only the second woman invited to lecture at the Sorbonne; the first was Madame Marie Curie. Later, she was invited to Rome for an audience with the Pope. In 1968, Miriam left Siena for research and an eventual teaching assignment at Keuka College in New York; but she returned to Siena Heights 10 years later, serving as director of graduate programs from 1978 to 1991 and developing a graduate program in addiction counseling. Her research in those years took her to Leningrad, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Moscow. In 1989, she was invited to lecture at Jilin University, Manchuria, in the People’s Republic of China.

A continuing presence at Siena

Upon retirement in 1991, Miriam was named professor emerita. For the next decade, she kept an office in Sacred Heart Hall which she visited daily, reading scientific journals, following national and international news, corresponding with former students, conversing with faculty, and keeping Siena Heights administrators on their toes with her proofreading and policy ideas. When the college changed its name in 1998, it was Miriam—whom President Artman introduced as “an institution herself”—who unveiled the new sign for Siena Heights University. Until moving to the Dominican Life Center a year ago, she was a reliable participant in the intellectual life of the University, attending student presentations, faculty lectures, presidential forums and alumni activities— always wearing one of her trademark hats.

A pioneer among women

Miriam entered chemistry at a time when women were not readily welcomed into the field. In her master’s and doctoral studies at Institutum Divi Thomae in Cincinnati, OH, she often found herself the only woman. In 1953, the same year she spoke at the Sorbonne, she also was the first woman invited to lecture at the University of Notre Dame. When her early accomplishments merited national recognition, she was included (despite her gender!) in several editions of American Men of Science. Later when

“Miriam is at rest, but I imagine that heaven is astir and will never be the same!” Marcine Klemm, OP women were less rare in scientific fields, she was included in several editions of American Men and Women of Science. She was listed as one of the Foremost Women of the 20th Century in 1985.

a lively intellectual life, traveling to professional seminars into her 80s. And her joy in living never diminished. “Isn’t this a beautiful day?” she said often as she made her way slowly to her office.

A lively and enduring legend

“Heaven is astir”

After Vatican II, Alumni Weekend returnees met a new M-squared (“Just call me Miriam”) in slacks, hair flying, welcoming former students to her home for snacks and conversation.

In announcing her death to the Siena Heights community, Sister Marcine Klemm, another of Miriam’s former students, paid homage to her mentor’s untiring curiosity, directness and zest: “Miriam is at rest,” she said, “but I imagine that heaven is astir and will never be the same!”

Alumnae from the ‘40s and ‘50s remember Sister Miriam Michael in the chemistry lab in full habit, an imposing, demanding but deeply caring mentor. They also remember her patrolling the residence hall; she was unbending if she caught a young woman smoking!

Over the past decade, as health problems slowed her down physically, Miriam still led Biology Professor Jun Tsuji, who introduced Miriam for the Siena Medal is writing a biography of Dr. Stimson.

Sharon Weber, OP ’69, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and one of Miriam’s many protégées, used to tell her own chemistry students that even the chairs in the science lecture hall could explain chemistry if they would just listen….Miriam was that good as a teacher.

And the winner is... The Alumni Association Board of Directors has established a new award honoring outstanding service to the Alumni Association—and proudly announces that the first recipient of the new “Alumni Board Award” is Elizabeth (Betty) Dolan, OP ’46. Sister Betty recently completed a threeyear term as a member of the Alumni Board—but she has served the Alumni Association for many more years. Prior to this term of service, which was a return of sorts, Sister Betty served as alumni director and Alumni Association moderator, and held various executive positions on the Alumni Board. In 1973, then-President Hugh Thompson appointed Betty as alumni director. She had previously spent a year on the development staff and two years teaching biology and ecology to Siena science students. A native of Jackson, Betty now lives at the Dominican Life Center. She received the award, which was a surprise, at an Alumni Board dinner in May. She was nominated for award consideration by Dorothy Burns, OP ’50.

Alumni Association Board of Directors Alexandra Harvey Quinn ‘91 (Adrian), President Keith Rusie ‘99 (Adrian), Vice President Joe Balusik ‘90 (Adrian) Petrina Biondo ‘72 (Adrian) Amy Cousino ‘96 (Adrian) Dante Davoli ‘00 (Southfield) D. Jean Heller-Britton ‘75 (Adrian) Tiffany Jackson ‘00 (Benton Harbor) Deb Carrington Keller ‘74 (Adrian) Brandy Roshawn Lovelady ‘95 (Adrian) Mary Phillips ‘71 (Adrian) Mabel Pye ‘01 (Southfield) Daniel Robinson ‘99 (Battle Creek) Stacey M. Sheats ‘98 (Adrian) Catherine Schiel ‘00 (Jackson) Sister Jodie Screes, OP ‘53 (Adrian) Susan Strupulis ‘95 (Battle Creek) Denise Washington ‘01 (Battle Creek)

Class Notes are compiled from letters, news clippings, the reply cards included in each issue of the magazine, and contributions sent through the SHU website (www.sienahts.edu). We do not announce engagements or pregnancies, but we will gladly report marriages and births after they have occurred; be sure to send us your announcements. Information received after June 30 will be included in the next issue of Reflections.

unteers at hospice as well as acting in stage productions with numerous theatre groups around the Lansing area. She also stays busy Mary Lou Fox Litke ‘46 sadly reports the traveling and taking classes. Geraldine taught death of her husband, Victor, this past March. school for 33 years before retiring. Mary Lou lives in Interlochen. Beverly Bobola, OP ‘65 lives in Henderson, Lois Spear, OP ‘46 of Adrian has just pub- NV, where she has been chaplain at St. Rose lished her second book, God is With You: Dominican Hospital since autumn 1999. Prayer for Men in Prison (St. Anthony MesDorothy Elve Tombaugh ‘65/MA of Tucson, senger Press). Lois also serves as editor of the AZ, sadly reports the death of her husband, McNair Scholarly Journal at Siena Heights. Roy, on March 4. Earlier in their lives, DoroClare Wrona Marcyan ‘53 of Dearborn thy (who taught biology and chemistry in Heights has eight children and 15 grand- Euclid, OH, for many years) and Roy lectured children. She occasionally visits with Phyllis at schools and universities around the country Coscarelly ’53, Julie Minck Smith ’53, Fran through a National Science Foundation grant. Rutkowski Demarco ‘53 and Rosemarie Zag- Dorothy published numerous journal articles laniczny Lawrence ’52. “Hope to see every- about teaching science to physically impaired one for our 50th reunion.” students, and wrote the book, “Biology for Joan Delaplane, OP ‘56 gave two presenta- the Blind.” She received an honorary doctortions at the Springfield, IL, Clergy Convoca- ate from Siena Heights in 1982, and another tion last fall, speaking about “Creativity and from Alfred University in 1983. After retireImagination In Preaching” and “The Spiri- ment, Dorothy and Roy explored most of the tuality of the Preacher.” Also last fall, at the U.S. and Canada by travel trailer before setannual conference of the Academy of Homi- tling in Tucson.

Pat Schnapp, RSM

letics, she received an award honoring her as Janet Warner Bennett ‘68 is battling cancer the first woman to join the Academy in 1977 at her home in Birch Run, where she lives and the first woman and first Catholic to be with her husband, Steve. elected president of the Academy in 1987. Sharon Miller Molesworth ‘68 writes from Patricia O’Reilly Rush ‘58 reports from Cross Plains, TX: “Finally I’m out of the upstate New York: “After earning my Ph.D. snow and cold of Michigan. My husband is in English from Washington University in St. retiring from Ford and we’re going to play Louis, I taught at both DePaul and Loyola cowboy in Texas!” universities in Chicago. My husband, Charles Christopher, and I have two children, a son, George Christopher (31) and a daughter, Margaret (29). Both live in New York City, so we Joan Ebbitt ‘71 is a certified social worker see them often. After moving east, I began an in private practice specializing in the treatadministrative career at Union College, ending ment of eating disorders. She also counsels up as the executive director of the Landis people suffering from depression, anxiety, Arboretum. I retired three years ago and now grief, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic spend my time cycling, hiking, gardening, disorder and other behavioral health probreading, and being a grandma to 18-month- lems. After living and working in Chicago for old Christopher James Rush. Classmates can more than 20 years, Joan recently returned to reach me at: chrisrush@prodigy.net.” Adrian, her hometown. The author of several

Student Representative

Geraldine Skala Linsemier ‘64 is enjoying books including “The Eating Illness Workretirement in Eaton Rapids where she vol- book” (Hazelden Publishing), Joan recently

Faculty Representative

Peter Ossmann ‘03

conducted several workshops for son High School and taught high the Lenawee Chamber of Com- school in Dundee for 18 years. merce. Marcia Best ‘76 lives in AlbuJanet Huvaere ‘72 has been querque, NM, where she recently doing secretarial work in a parish moved her fiber design business, office since retiring. She lives in BestGraphics, to “better serve my Harrison Township. client base. I am still painting and am participating in a two-person Margaret “Mo” Mollica Zarshow in December of this year.” band ‘72 and her husband, Tony, live in Asheville, NC. She Albert Swindle ‘76 of Adrian, an writes: “We moved so many inventory specialist in Ann Arbor, times. Sorry I lost contact. Would is a candidate for the Michigan love to hear from classmates State Senate, 16th District. (maggyz2000@yahoo.com). I Jane Payeur Kelley ‘77 is the have three beautiful children new chief of police for the Vilaged 22, 19 and 16; and work as lage of Blissfield. a hospice nurse. Got my B.S.N. Kathleen Schanz ‘78/MA from Oakland University.” received the Lenawee County D. Jean Heller Britton ‘75 is Chamber of Commerce Athena the new director of the South and Award for 2002, in recognition West Washtenaw Consortium, of her volunteer contributions to a cooperative effort between the Lenawee community. She is Saline, Milan, Chelsea, Manchesdirector of the Weber Center and ter and Dexter school districts to a past president of the Lenawee provide vocational education proChamber. grams for students. Jean has been assistant principal at Saline High John Frownfelder ‘79 of School since 1996; previously, Tecumseh works for the Michishe served as principal of Addi- gan Department of Corrections

at the Gus Harrison Facility in Adrian.

Vickie Lynne Massie ‘81 writes from Henderson, NV: “In addition to being director of human resources at the El Dorado Casino in Henderson, I am currently director of music for First Henderson United Methodist Church. I’m also teaching several children in private piano lessons; my oldest student is a senior at the Las Vegas Academy of Performing Arts in advanced piano and has just auditioned and received a scholarship to attend the University of Nevada Las Vegas. I owe it all to Sister Mag-

Mary Sullivan McLaughlin ‘38 Day care pioneer is honored in Boston In 1948, when “day care” was an unknown concept, Mary Sullivan McLaughlin opened Wee Folks Nursery School in the working class neighborhood of South Boston, Massachusetts. Late last summer, Mary watched as the final graduating class of Wee Folks left the school, located in the same building for all of its 53 years. “I have watched three generations of children pass through my doors and I wish them all success,” she said in a final letter to parents, noting her constant joy in operating the school over the years. “I have wonderful memories.” She also accumulated a few admirers in her 53 years as director of Wee Folks. Last October, the Massachusetts Department of Social Services honored Mary for her “outstanding commitment” to the state’s

Class Notes

Bonnie Hood-Scott ‘79, who began at Siena in 1967 then served in the Army before completing her BFA, is now a teacher/artist in Marietta, GA. She has three sons, Jonathan, Andrew and Aaron Gutierrez.

children. “Your efforts and contributions on behalf of the children of the Commonwealth are deeply and sincerely appreciated.” Known as “Boston” to her Siena friends because of the accent she brought to Michigan from her hometown, Mary graduated from Siena Heights—then St. Joseph College—in 1938, then returned home to earn a master’s degree in education. Starting Wee Folks allowed her to pursue her career while caring for her five children, all of whom are among the school’s alumni—as are Mary’s grandchildren. She also earned a second master’s degree, in early childhood education, while working at the school. Mary’s nursery school was an early leader in providing the kind of child care needed by working parents. Open from 7 a.m. to 5

23 dalena for her years of instruction and inspiration!” Paul Zdanis ‘81 is a photographer with his own business, Zdanis Photography in New Buffalo. He writes, “After working towards it for five years, I have finally received ‘certified’ status from the Professional Photographers of America.” Paul and his wife, Stephanie, live in Three Oaks. Carolyn Welniak Donaldson ‘82 of Hollidaysburg, PA, is anchor of WTAJ-TV 10’s News at Five and co-anchor of 10’s News at Six and 10’s News at Eleven. She began her anchoring duties at WTAJ in December 1995 and previously worked the morning and noon news shows. She also serves as the station’s “parenting

p.m., the school served three meals a day, including a hot breakfast and a hot lunch. Daily activities involved the children in storytelling, creative arts, hands-on activities of all sorts, even discussions of current events—and plenty of playtime, indoors and out, along with an afternoon nap. In the early years, it was not uncommon for Mary to pick children up in the morning and deliver them home at the end of the day. By the 1990s, Wee Folks enrolled up to 40 children, many staying until they “graduated” to elementary school. Many were second and third generation attendees. At closing ceremonies last fall, a South Boston newspaper observed that the tiny graduates, all capped in mortar boards, “had bright, laughing eyes. They were going on from Wee Folks Nursery School with their enthusiasm, curiosity and creativity intact.” Now retired, Mary continues to live in the Boston suburb of Quincy, a few blocks from the ocean, in the home she’s had for 50 years.

Maureen Brady Colleen Kane Mohan ‘84 lives Leonard ‘83 of Farm- in Clawson and works as a senior ington Hills is man- programmer for CDI Profesager of special events sional Services in Troy. and communications Kenneth Kops ‘84, an infantry at Barat Child and officer with the U.S. Army in reporter” and writes a weekly Family Services in Detroit. She West Des Moines, IA, recently “Monday’s Child” segment and her husband Tom have one completed an MBA at Touro Unifeaturing a Little Brother/Little child, daughter Elizabeth. versity and was selected to attend Sister story. Before coming to Michael Morgan ‘83 sends the U.S. Army War College’s Pennsylvania, she worked for the greetings from his home in Man- Defense Strategy Course. CBS affiliate in Charlotte, NC. According to the WTAJ website, Carolyn and her husband, Donald Alumni News from (an attorney with the Altoona, PA, firm of Hippo and Donaldson), are actively involved in Siena Heights at Monroe County Community College (since 1990) community service and have Debbie Jo Szajna ‘95 of Feb. 16 in Monroe, where they co-chaired the local United Way Temperance, a certified public now live. Tamara works for campaign. Carolyn serves on the accountant for Weber O’Brien La-Z-Boy, Inc. and Gerald is boards of the Altoona Symphony Ltd., ran for election to the employed by Kuehnlein Farms Orchestra and the Hollidaysburg Bedford school board this and Trucking. Area Women’s Club; and has spring. She has been actively Tracy Kominek ‘00 of Erie is been honored with the YWCA involved in the Bedford Public the new financial aid director Tribute to Women award and the Schools PTA for more than 13 at Monroe County Community Humanitarian of the Year Award years. She and her husband, College. In the position, she is from the Blair-Bedford Central David, have three children, responsible for administering one has graduated from Labor Council. Carolyn and all federal, state, local and instiBedford High School and the daughters Sarah and Elisabeth tutional financial aid programs younger two are still in school. also appear on stage in local theat MCCC. She previously was atre productions. Tamara Kuehnlein ‘99 mar- administrative assistant to the

Class Notes


officer of the Northwestern Ohio affiliate of Fifth Third Bancorp in July. Bruce joined Fifth Third Bank in 2001 following the acquisition of Capital Bank, N.A., where he was executive vice president. Before this recent announcement, he was executive vice president, commercial banking division for Fifth Third. Bruce and his wife, Lisa, live in Toledo.

SHU in Monroe

ried Gerald J. Schmidt, Jr. on

Pam Payne ‘82/AA married Dave Fraley on Jan. 5. After enjoying a Caribbean cruise, the Fraleys settled in Webberville. chester, CT. “Can’t believe that next year, 2003, marks 20 years since I graduated from Siena. I am planning on heading out to ‘Adrian’ for my 20th reunion next year—any other class members coming? Would love to hear from classmates. Use my email (MichaelPMorgan@aol.com) if you’re coming this way or just want to say hi.” Michael is an account manager with Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co.

Kathy Engardio ‘83/MA of Adrian and her husband, Sam, received the 2001 Stubnitz Award recently from Lenawee United Way. United Way presents the award annually to the individual(s) who best typifies the humanitarian spirit of volunteer leadership and service.

Hilda Martinez Castillo, who studied at Siena Heights in the Intensive English as a Second Language Course in 1983, is living in Caracas, Venezuela, where she is a health advisor with EMECOX, C.A., an insurance broker. She would love to hear from others who participated in Siena’s ESL course.

department since 1994. Tracy holds a master’s degree from the University of Phoenix. Carri Irby ‘02 of Newport is advertising and public relations coordinator for Tenneco Automotive in Monroe. Participating in SHU graduation on the main campus was “very special,” Carri writes. She and her husband, Chris, have two sons, Christopher (13) and Jonathan (11).

director, and has worked in the

Lisa Tinkham Lambert ‘85 and her husband, David, live in Greenfield, IN, with their four children, Malcolm, Eric, Scott and Amanda. Lisa is a registered nurse working in pediatrics at a hospital in nearby Shelbyville. Cecil Daniels ‘85 has joined Comau Pico, a global supplier of body assembly systems and powertrain machining, assembly and test systems, as the firm’s DaimlerChrysler sales account manager. He works out of the company’s Southfield office. Comau Pico designs, builds and installs integrated manufacturing systems for the automotive, heavy truck, agricultural/construction, aerospace and recreational vehicle markets. Previously, Cecil was product manager with Nothelfer GmbH.

Kurt Fleischhut ’86 of Auburn Hills is a degree counselor at Rochester College in Rochester Hills. He and his wife, Jody, have a two-year-old daughter, Meta Grace. Shelly Woodworth ’87 of Onsted works for DaimlerChrysler at the Chelsea Proving Grounds. Cassie Chamberlain Veselovsky ‘88 writes from East Lansing: “In October 2001, my husband, daughter and I moved to Michigan after five years in Australia. We have settled in the Lansing area where I am the youth services librarian for the Capital Area District Library. It is wonderful to finally have a position where I can use all of my degrees—and to be close enough to Adrian that I can finally attend an Alumni Weekend!”

Bruce Lee ‘85 was named Mary Kloeckner Halley ‘89 president and chief executive was married June 14 to Sid

Halley. Mary is a teacher and coach in Hillsdale. Andrew Crawford ‘89 moved back to Michigan recently after spending seven years in Buffalo, NY. He has retired from playing professional soccer and now works as soccer director for High Velocity Sports in Canton, where he lives with his wife, Trish, and three kids: Ian (9), Morgan (5) and Caleb (1).

Nancy Greenwood Gorey ‘90/ AA is a registered nurse. She writes from St. Clair Shores: “I am currently working as a traveling pediatric nurse. I married Chris Greenwood of North Carolina in May 2001. He plays professional golf for a living. We enjoy traveling and are hoping to start a family this summer.” Brenda Heins Perry ‘90 lives in Michigan Center with her husband, Jack, and enjoys being at home raising two children, Lydia (3 ½) and Boomer (1). John ‘90 and Alexandra Harvey Quinn ‘91 of Joliet,

IL, announce the birth of a son, Shawn Patrick, on May 9. With daughters Shannon and Colleen, the Quinns are a family of five. Alex currently serves as president of the Siena Heights Alumni Association Board of Directors.

Jennifer “Nif” Havelka ‘92 is “alive and well and still can’t sleep at night!” She lives in Clawson and is a service coordinator for Kelly Services, Inc. in Troy.

Lisa Livingston Rathke ‘91 reports from Central Lake: “I now live in beautiful northern Michigan with my husband, Brian, and our daughters, Maggie and Katie. Brian owns the dental practice (Bellaire Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, PC) where I have worked parttime for the past three years. We keep very busy with family and friends, and I stay in close touch with Tina DiGiorgio Forsythe ’93—we enjoy hearing of each other’s family-oriented lives and how much change has taken place since 1991. Wow!”

Julie Cox Yeager ‘92/AFA and her husband, Alex, moved to Toledo, OH, in January and both started new jobs. Alex works for Martiz Research and Julie is a program specialist with the Girl Scouts of Maumee Valley Council, overseeing the Older Girl program.

Shelly VanderVeen ‘91 lives in Corona, CA, and is a police detective for Los Angeles County. Last year, she was promoted to “agent” and is currently assigned as a detective investigating robberies and homicides.

Kim Hill Rogers ‘92 is a workers’ compensation claims analyst for Tecumseh Products. After completing most of her education at Siena in 1983-86, Kim reports that she enlisted in the U.S. Army, married Troy Rogers, then had two children, Caitlin and Jakob. Along the way, she finished her degree. She was honorably discharged from the Army in 1997. Kim, Troy and the kids now live in Onsted.

Jennifer Aschenbrener ‘97 New veterinarian enjoys northern life (Note: This article originally appeared in the Alcona County Review and is excerpted by permission.)

Living in northern Michigan and taking care of the animals in Alcona County agrees with the new veterinarian for the area.

Class Notes

By Cheryl Peterson

and received a bachelor of science degree in biology from Siena Heights University. After four more years of study, she graduated from Michigan State with a doctor of veterinary medicine.

Dr. Jennifer Aschenbrener, or “Dr. J” as many call her, began practicing at the Alcona Animal Clinic in Lincoln with Dr. Kathy Jo Schwartz in June 2001. Since then, she has been busy meeting the two-legged and four-legged residents of Alcona County.

Ever since she was a young girl, Aschenbrener knew she wanted to be a vet. “I’ve always liked animals and wanted to work with them,” she said. As part of her duties at the Alcona Animal Clinic, Aschenbrener sees smaller, more mobile patients at the clinic and then travels to area farms to attend to larger patients.

Aschenbrener was born in Erie, PA, and raised in Carleton, MI, just north of Monroe. She graduated from St. Mary Catholic Central High School in Monroe

Aschenbrener said she enjoys all aspects of the profession but finds small animal surgery especially interesting.

25 Douglas Cunningham ‘93 is executive director of the Community Respite Center in Jackson. Beth Nichols Hemry sends greetings to fellow 1993 master’s candidates in counseling. Beth lives in Clarksville with her husband, Scott, and three children: daughter Noelani (almost 13), and sons Sean (5) and Dakota (3). She is “currently looking for a nanny.” Rebecca Renaud Harrison ‘94 lives in Novi and is a 911 dispatcher for the Ann Arbor Police. “I am attending Eastern Michigan U. as a graduate student and working toward obtaining my secondary teaching certification. My husband, Jim, is a police officer for Canton Township.” Jacob Bialik ‘94 is the quality control and environmental

Finding a place to work after graduation wasn’t difficult for Aschenbrener, as she had an externship with Dr. Schwartz during her rotation. She spent three weeks in mid-March working with Dr. Schwartz and enjoyed it very much. She also liked the area. After graduation she had several offers, but took the one that led her back to Lincoln and the Alcona Animal Clinic. “I really enjoy it up here,” Aschenbrener said. “You get something from a small community that you don’t get in a city. I like developing a relationship with my patients and their owners. I really like working with Dr. Schwartz. She is a wonderful teacher.” When she isn’t working or visiting her fiancé, Aschenbrener enjoys reading and painting and in the winter, skiing and snowboarding.

zation through its uses of a visual vocabulary derived from 20th century popular culture.” If you can’t make it to Detroit, Erin says, “check us out online (www.cpop.com). By summer of 2002, my works will also be available online.”

Class Notes

26 supervisor at Morton Salt International/Rohm & Haas, a position he has held for three years. “My wife, LeAnne, and I have two children, Zachary (7) and Alex (5). We are living in our hometown of Manistee.” Lori Schliesser Daniels ‘95 writes from Brighton: “Casey and I are building a house in Brighton with our daughter, Jessica, born June 26, 2000. Last year we traveled to Tahiti. What a vacation! This year we’re going to Punta Mita!” Christopher O’Neill ‘95/AA writes from Arizona: “After searching for that ‘perfect job’ for nearly a year, I was accepted into the Bank One family this month as a client specialist. July marks my one year anniversary of relocating to Phoenix (my solution to surviving another Ohio/Michigan winter) and I haven’t regretted the move yet. I do miss my Siena friends, namely Mary Boneville ‘95 and Amanda Rhoades ‘97 and would like a shout out to let them know I’m still alive!” Coleen Dowling Warriner ‘95 earned a Ph.D. in pharmacology at Michigan State after graduating from Siena. She also did a six-month post-doc at MSU. With her husband, Wade, she now lives in Arvada, CO, and is at home with her three sons, Wesley, Logan and Duncan. Erin Harvey ‘95 of Plymouth is “going for it! Chasing the ART dream! I am currently working for CPOP Gallery, the #1 art gallery in Detroit.” Erin is sales and marketing coordinator for CPOP, located in the Majestic Theater Complex on Woodward Ave. CPOP showcases the art of the post-pop movement: art that “turns a critical eye on our consumer-driven, rock & roll civili-

Matthew Carter ‘95 of Farmington Hills is general manager of the Yondotega Club in Detroit. He and his wife, Tammy Guczwa Carter ‘95, have one daughter, Brooke, who will be two in October. Amy Cousino ‘96 is having fun living with friends in Monroe. “Besides working in the mortgage lending industry (senior loan coordinator at Washington Mutual Bank in Livonia), I am also a yoga instructor with my sister.” She reports proudly that she also finished a triathlon in Defiance, OH, last summer. Amy recently became a member of the Siena Heights Alumni Association Board of Directors. Billy Houghteling ‘96 lives in Cary, NC, and now works as a technology development asso-

ciate at North Carolina State University. Katina Kuhn ‘96 lives in Jackson and teaches English and history at Springport High School. Michelle Zimmerman Simmons ‘96 and her husband, Jeff, of Newport celebrated the birth of their third child, Matthew, this past March 18. Michelle is enjoying being a stay-athome mother with Matthew, Christopher and Breeanna, and volunteering whenever possible at her older children’s school. Michelle and Jeff will celebrate their seventh wedding anniversary this fall. Mary O’Connor Carcone ‘97 “survived medical school” and was among 119 graduates who received Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) degrees from Michigan State University in May. Catching up with Professor Carl Kaster, Mary reported that her SHU education had prepared her well: “Through all the ups and downs of the roller coaster ride that is medical school I have worn my Siena Class of ’97 ring as a symbol of strength and courage.” Mary

is doing a residency in internal medicine at Pontiac Osteopathic Hospital. She and her husband, Michael, who works for Ford, have bought a home in Redford. Karen Reeves Cook ‘97 was married in November. Her husband, David, is a sergeant in the U. S. Army stationed at Fort Knox, KY. Karen is a massage therapist. The Cooks are living in Radcliff, KY. DeAnna Stycos Judson ‘97 is a substitute teacher at Sauk Trail Academy in Hillsdale and lives in Jonesville with her husband, Ben Judson ‘99, a manager in training for Wal-mart in Coldwater. Their daughter, Bella, is a kindergarten graduate about to turn six. DeAnna also still does theatre at the Sauk Theatre in Jonesville, where she is a board member and recently directed a one-act show. Andrew Schiller ‘97, a classical guitarist, won a national competition to perform as a featured resident solo artist at the Rome Festival in Italy this summer. He spent the month of July in Europe and hopes the experience will “help me to better

Welcome to our newest alumni! (Note: The following text is excerpted from Keith’s May 5 Commencement remarks to this year’s graduates. A former president of Student Senate, Keith now lives in Boardman, OH, and works for General Motors.)

Today marks the end of a journey—the completion of your degree. It also represents the beginning of your journey as graduates and alumni of Siena Heights University. As you depart to assume your role in post-graduate life, the future may seem uncertain. However, the education you have received at Siena should serve as a reminder that you have been blessed with unique talents and abilities that extend beyond your chosen field of study. It should also serve as a reminder that you have a duty and responsibility, as educated citizens, to seek out opportunities to make an impact in the world.

By Keith Rusie ‘99 Alumni Association Board of Directors

Higher education is not only an honor, but also a privilege; and with privilege comes responsibility. The journey ahead will be filled with challenges that you will have to turn into opportunities. I hope you will keep the spirit and mission of your alma mater close at heart. Remain steadfast in your pursuit of truth—and act competently, purposefully and ethically in all that you do. While today symbolizes the completion of your degree, I hope it will be the beginning of a new relationship between you and your alma mater. As alumni, we have the opportunity to help ensure that future generations receive a quality education from this university. Congratulations, best wishes and God bless!

serve Siena Heights University, Adrian College, the Adrian Symphony, my students and my church.” Andrew also will debut with the Adrian Symphony in December as featured soloist performing Vivaldi’s Concerto in D Major for Guitar. Andrew lives in Adrian and teaches at both AC and SHU.

Marty Dwyer Frew ‘99 teaches children’s art lessons at the Ella Sharp Museum in Jackson where she lives with her husband, Jeremy Frew ’95, and their two children, son Ethan (3) and daughter Abigail (1). Marty says, “It was great seeing our small school on the ‘Today’ show! Jeremy and I miss Siena but we are leading busy lives with two Russell Stringfellow ‘97 of St. little ones and a new house!” Clair Shores says he “won’t bore Jeremy is a financial aid advisor you guys with a resume. Hope at Lansing Community College. everyone is doing well, though. Drop me a line!” Lidia McGee ‘97 of Lansing is a departmental analyst with CIS/Bureau of Health Services. “Many thanks to Bill Blackerby for assigning us all those case studies to analyze. I ‘analyze’ for a living!” Lidia has three daughters: Cristina, Rikki-Leigh and Miranda. Joyce Sarapo ‘97 has joined the Adrian firm of Gil Henry & Associates, Inc., Realtors, as a real estate salesperson specializing in residential and commercial sales.

Lori Mason ‘99 plans to attend Eastern Michigan U. this winter, working toward a teaching certificate in elementary art.

Natalie Sandusky ‘99 lives in Morenci where she has been Stacy Cantu Thomas ‘98 is teaching elementary school “doing well and enjoying being a for three years, “loving every mom. My husband, Derrick, and minute.” I have a handsome 9-month old son named Derrick Jose.” The Jason ‘97 and Margaret Burch Bomia ‘00 of Marshall welThomases live in Adrian. comed their first child, Jonathan Angela Miller ‘98 is a youth Clark, on Sept. 1, 2001. They specialist at the Adrian Training are looking forward to purchasSchool. She also is a master’s ing a new home. Margaret is a candidate in the Siena Heights kindergarten teacher at the Arbor graduate program in organiza- Academy in Battle Creek. tional leadership. Victoria Fox ‘99 lives in Texas where she is an enforcement coordinator for the Fair Housing Choi Palms-Cohen ‘00 of Ann Council of Greater San Antonio. Arbor is enjoying life, managing a boutique clothing store (across Molly Baker Berner ‘99 from Zingermann’s Deli) and proudly announces the birth of singing with several different Emily Rose on March 8. Molly groups, appearing quite often her husband, Craig, and baby in the Detroit area. In June, she Emily live in Trenton. Molly is a was back in Adrian as the guest manager at Eddie Bauer. singer with Mike Lorenz of the Andrew Bodary ‘99 is a certi- SHU music faculty, performing fied public accountant work- at Siena’s annual golf outing ing for Deloitte & Touche in and celebration for leadership Detroit’s Renaissance Center. He donors. lives in Clawson.

Amy Cox ‘00 of Adrian is general manager at the Island Resort at the Legacy, a new resort on US Route 223 adjacent to the Legacy Golf Course.

Class Notes

Chanda Filipek ‘00 married Eric Bergman June 22 in Pigeon Forge, TN. Chanda is an admissions representative for Siena Heights and Eric is an electrician with Northstar BHP Steel in Delta, OH.

27 The Muellers are living in their hometown, Deerfield.

Crystal Starkey ‘00 is living in Midland, working as director of youth development programs at Delta College, and working on her master’s degree in English at Central Michigan U. She also is “looking forward to water-ski Christina Krawczyk ‘00 of season after a good snow-ski Blissfield, a tax accountant with season as a ski patroller at CabWeber O’Brien, Ltd. in Sylvania, erfae Peaks.” OH, received her MBA from the Karla Pennington ‘00 and Kris U. of Toledo in May. Stanton ‘02 were married June Bridget Hite ‘00 married Jason 15 in Lumen Ecclesiae Chapel Kiser in April and is working as on the Siena Heights campus. a photographer’s assistant in Ann Arbor. The Kisers are living in Nancy Momenee ‘01 of Adrian began work in January as a social Saline. worker at the Lenawee Medical Dana Falke ‘00 married Ryan Care Facility—and was named Mueller Oct. 20, 2001, and employee of the month for April. enjoyed a honeymoon trip to As reported in the Daily TeleFlorida. Bevin Malley ‘00 was a gram, Nancy was nominated for bridesmaid at the wedding. Dana the award because she “is very is a sales coordinator at Premium positive and always looks for the House in Ann Arbor; Ryan is good in people. She has a way of a technical design specialist at putting people at ease and always Syron Engineering in Saline.

Alumni News from

SHU in Lansing Siena Heights at Lansing Community College (since 1996)

Kenneth Roberts ‘99 was married May 18 to Jennifer Doody. They honeymooned in Las Vegas and now live in Haslett. Kenneth is a radiation therapist and Jennifer is a paramedic. Lansing Center Director Lynda Cowes (2nd from right) with this year’s Lansing graduates at Commencement.

by the Ann Arbor News, an honor he shared with Judy Rumelhart. The two were honored for their community service which includes work on behalf of the Washtenaw Housing Alliance to raise funds for a new homeless shelter in Ann Arbor.

Class Notes

28 takes the time to listen to the residents and the staff.” Shannon Dumire ‘01 lives in Ann Arbor and works in credit analysis for TCF Bank. Becky Jo Franklin ‘01 lives in Swanton, OH, and teaches at Evergreen Middle School in Metamora. Victoria Hayes ‘01 is a touring exhibition assistant with Artrain, USA, a job that keeps her on the move. When she’s home, she lives in Ann Arbor. Lindsey Morse ‘01 of Jasper is working this summer as a Children’s Zoo keeper at the Toledo Zoo. She recently completed a nine-month internship at the Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge and Foundation, a 459-acre refuge in the Ozark Mountains near Eureka Springs, AR. During her internship, she assisted with the care of about 150 wild animals living at the refuge, more than 100 of which were “large cats”—tigers, lions, leopards and cougars. The cats, mostly former pets whose owners found they could no longer care for them, lack the survival skills to return to the wild. Ryan Robinson ‘01 works for Info Plus Accounting of Ann Arbor. Jessica Morris Seagraves ‘01 and her husband, Jason (SHU student from 1997 to 2000), own a business in Toledo, OH, and plan to move there from Adrian in the future. Jason and Jessica were married in August 2001.

Joe Fitzsimmons of Ann Arbor, a member of the Siena Heights Board of Trustees, was named Citizen of the Year for 2001

Warren Reuther, former Siena Heights Trustee, recently received the Golden Heart Award at the conclusion of Michigan Week 2002, in recognition of going “the extra mile in working toward the betterment of Michigan and the community.” Warren founded the Payback to Education program in Lenawee and Monroe counties, has been a leader with United Way and the March of Dimes, and is a member of the Monroe County Chamber of Commerce and Monroe County Community Foundation.

Miriam Stimson, OP ‘36, professor emerita of chemistry at Siena Heights and 2002 recipient of the Siena Medal, died June 15 at the Dominican Life Center at the age of 88. Also known as Sister Miriam Michael and, familiarly, as “M-squared,” Miriam was an accomplished chemist who taught 29 years at Siena Heights (1939-1968), then chaired the chemistry department at Keuka College in New York before returning to Siena as director of graduate studies (1979-1991). She earned master’s and doctoral degrees in chemistry at Institutum Divi Thomae in Cincinnati, OH. Internationally recognized for her research in spectroscopy, she was only the second woman invited to lecture at the Sorbonne in Paris—the first was Madame Marie Curie. Miriam is survived by her sister, Kay Stimson Dymond ‘45 of Acworth, GA, and many nieces and nephews. (For additional information, see related article on page 20.)

Alumni News from

SHU in Metro Detroit Siena Heights Metropolitan Detroit Program (since 1977)

George Olshavsky ‘90 lives in Mission, TX, where he is Mexican operations engineering manager for TRW. Christine Beacco ‘93 of Okemos works at Jackson Community College where she recently was promoted from registrar to Dean of Academic Services. David Pollock ‘95 has joined Amplitude Research, Inc., in Birmingham as Director of Sales. The position includes overall responsibility for North American sales activities including client presentations, management of targeted vertical markets, building strategic relationships, sales force management, and implementation of various marketing programs. David is former senior sales manager for the central U.S. and Canada at Williams Communications. He also was a senior sales executive at Akamai Technologies where he directed the sales in enterprise

Colette Martin, OP ‘37 died June 8 at the Dominican Life Center. She was 97 and in the 77th year of her religious profession. Sister Colette came to

streaming media applications for automotive and financial services markets. He has over 17 years of experience in the automotive and technology industries including as President of Virtex International and General Manager and Business Development Director of the Center for Professional Studies. He is a member of the Detroit AdCrafters and the Society of Automotive Engineers. Amplitude Research is an online survey company that provides complete online survey design, administration and post-survey reporting and analysis. Amplitude also designs and administers national and international consumer research surveys with an emphasis on technology and biotechnology. David lives in Lake Orion. Marilyn Mazur ‘95 moved recently and is living in Durand. Simone Yancy ‘97 lives in Detroit and has earned a mas-

Siena Heights (then St. Joseph College) from St. Joseph Academy. She enjoyed a successful career in education, ministering for 33 years in Illinois, Michi-

Benincasa illustrator dies at age 88 Ade Bethune, the nationally recognized illustrator and housing designer who created the frescos outside Benincasa Dining Hall at Siena Heights, died May 1 in Newport, RI, at the age of 88. Her artwork appeared in The Catholic Worker for more than 60 years. Born in Belgium, Bethune emigrated to the U.S. in 1928. In 1966, she co-founded Church Community Housing Corp., which developed

housing for poor residents in Rhode Island. She also was art director of the Terra Sancta Guild, which made religious goods on special order. Her work can be found in special collections at the College of St. Catherine in Minneapolis, MN, and Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI—and in the hallways of Siena Heights University. In 1939, Mother Gerald Barry directed Sister Helene O’Connor, director of Studio

ter’s in social work (MSW) from Wayne State University. Sharrain McFarley Stafford ‘99, who earned her associate’s degree on Siena’s main campus in 1991 and completed her bachelor’s eight years later in Southfield, is a special education teacher living in Detroit and working on a master’s degree at Wayne State. A former Lady Saint who played basketball at Siena Heights, Sharrain has one son, Dylan Kerigan (4). Dante Davoli ‘00 of Waterford is serving on the Siena Heights Alumni Association Board of Directors.

ing toward his second Siena Heights degree as a master’s candidate in the organizational leadership program. He recently was promoted to Commander of the First Precinct, becoming the youngest commander in the Detroit Police Department. This was a twostep promotion from Lieutenant to Commander, skipping the Captain rank. Asked if his Siena Heights education had played a role in this promotion, Ralph answered, “Absolutely!” Leo Patrick Dion ‘01 lives in Howell and is an engineer with EDS at the GM Proving Grounds in Milford.

Ralph Godbee, Jr. ‘00, a Detroit police officer, is work-

ment, Sister Colette was an active and creative craftsperson, who sewed and crocheted until just a few months before her death. For the last few years, she had made baby booties for the Siena Heights Alumni Office to send to the “Baby Saints” of SHU alumni parents.

Class Notes

Florence Therese McKernin, OP ‘37 died June 19 at the Dominican Life Center. She was 98 and in the 75th year of her religious profession in the Adrian Dominican Congregation. She attended St. Joseph Academy before earning her bachelor’s degree at Siena Heights. She spent 64 years ministering in education in Ohio, Michigan, Illinois and Florida. She retired in 1990 when she came to the DLC. Franc Gage Rockwell ‘37 of Largo, FL, passed away Feb. 12.

Many Metro Detroit grads received Kente stoles at graduation in Adrian.

gan, Puerto Rico and Florida, including serving as principal of St. Alphonsus School in Deerfield from 1933 to 1939. She also ministered in social work

Angelico, to provide appropriate decoration for the pure white walls at the entrance of the new Benincasa Dining Hall, named in honor of St. Catherine Benincasa, of Siena, Italy. Sister Helene had just returned from art studies in Italy, where she was impressed by the staying power of Italian frescos (wall paintings) that had lasted centuries with no diminution of color. Sister Helene invited Ade Bethune to Siena Heights to design and execute a series of frescos for the Benincasa entrance.

in Cincinnati and Chicago, and was general assistant at Maria Health Care Center (Dominican Life Center) from 1975 until she retired in 1985. In retire-

Bethune’s illustrations depict Catherine in her home: washing clothes, working in the kitchen and preparing meals for her many brothers and sisters. The scene paintings are accompanied by texts selected from “The Dialogue of St. Catherine of Siena.” Ade Bethune did the work at Siena Heights in the summer of 1939 with help from Siena art students, particularly Sisters Dorothy Ferguson ‘OP ’42, Eileen Minges, OP ’49 and the late Jane Burke, OP.

Mary Jo Campbell, OP ‘42 (formerly known as Sister Mary Maxine) died May 10 in Waukegan, IL, where she lived since retiring in 1988. A graduate of St. Joseph Academy, she went on from Siena Heights to graduate school at the University of Michigan. She ministered in education for 54 years in Michigan, Florida and Illinois.

29 Gabrielle Woytko, OP ‘43 of Oxford, MI, died March 6 at the age of 86. She served as an elementary and high school teacher and school counselor for 47 years and was the author of the book “Slovakia’s Road to Statehood” and many articles on education. Ethyl Yacht Valentine ‘45 of Oakland, CA, died suddenly on June 11. Active throughout her life, she celebrated her 80th birthday in April with children and grandchildren, and was planning a trip with her husband, Val, at the time of her death. “My mother spoke of Siena Heights and the time she spent there as some of the more colorful and fun days,” wrote her daughter, Melissa Valentine-Robinson. “She spoke of the piano recitals and dance performances as if they were the most important things in her life.” Ethyl and Val traveled often, first hiking and camping with their family and later traveling with Elderhostel and a local walking group. They settled in the San Francisco Bay area in 1965. Anne Lyons, OP ‘46 (formerly Sister James Anne) died June 7 at the Dominican Life Center at age 79. An alumna of St. Joseph Academy, she earned her master’s in English at University of Michigan after graduating from Siena Heights. She ministered in education for 28 years in Illinois, Michigan and Florida. In the 1970s, she worked at the Adrian Dominican Motherhouse and at St. Henry Rectory in Lincoln Park before retiring in 1977. She is survived by two sisters, a brother, and a cousin, Marie Bride Walsh, OP ’43. Rebecca Shiroda, OP ‘46 (formerly known as Sister Class Notes continued on 31

Continued from 30

Persistence Leads to Publishing continued from 13

Class Notes

30 Numbers, Names and Faces This issue’s corner photos introduce some of the current and former participants in the McNair Scholars program (see story page 18). Here are the names that match the faces on our pages. 2:

Frances ‘Frankie’ Palazzolo ‘03


Kermit Williams ‘04


Jeremy Rose ‘01


Deny’s Hunter ‘02


Jesusa Arnett ‘02


Jason Owens ‘04


Keira Johnson ‘04


Andrew Guerrero ‘04

22: Lanitta Williams ‘04 23: Lisa Gregg ‘04 24: LaMont Mitchell ‘02 25: Lynette Thick ‘03 26: Jake Hunter ‘03 27: Kristin Reese ‘04 28: Robb Gafford ‘03 29: Lanetta Williams ‘04 30: ‘Tee’ Greer-Travis ‘03 31: Amanda Rainsberger ‘04

Next Issue: Our “Christmas-time” Issue is just around the corner. In it will be... •

2002-03 Giving Report

Updates on The Campaign for Siena Heights University as we enter the last year of the campaign

Highlights from Alumni Weekend 2002 (don’t miss it. See the center spread in this issue)

Your class notes

News from the campus and our across the state

And much more.

Adrian centers

Wassily Kandinsky. “Ezra Pound’s first book, Personae, consisted entirely of Pound trying different voices and techniques.”

book from other publishers shortly after being notified of the University of Georgia award.

Past recipients of the Georgia Contemporary Poetry award include several poets who In addition to imitating the greats, Tod passes later won Pulitzer Prizes and National Book on the advice of Horace: Don’t share any- Awards. Add this award to Tod’s impressive thing with the public for ten years. “Dryden list of poems, essays, interviews, and book and Pope shortened that to five years, but reviews published in many high profile journow we want to publish immediately. If I nals and David Hamilton’s praise, and one could do it over, I’d have more patience along would assume some level of contentment or assurance. But Tod still does not feel conthose lines.” fident that he Last March the has conquered Eastern Washthe world of ington Univer“Breakfast” publishing. On sity Press pubthe contrary. from Dare Say by Tod Marshall lished Tod’s first “When Dare book, Range of Snow on the sidewalk, Say was the Possible, a elegant icicles accepted for compilation of publication, I interviews with dangling from drain gutters. realized that American poets This is not about the cold, five years of born between obsessive 1941 and 1959. only burnt toast, tinkering with He began the those poems more coffee brewing, interview colhad left a big lection in 1992, and orange juice poured in a glass. gap in my writnot as a book, ing.” Although These and the tinny clink but as a way Tod had been to talk to poets and clank of silverware writing new he admired. As poems during rinsed in the sink the pieces were that time, he being pubherald a gentle end feels like a lished in journovice as he nals such as to morning. Remember the sound begins the The American of juice, bacon crackling cycle once Poetry Review, again: writThe Denver in the pan. Remember the smooth sheen ing poems, Quarterly, of fragile wings. Ours to touch. sending them The Kenyon out, collecting Review, Quarterly West, and Willow Springs, the idea of a rejections, reworking, resending, and on and book emerged. His editor recently proposed on. a follow-up anthology of poetry to accompany “When I received a GAP Grant from the this book, with a November 2002 publicaWashington Artists Trust last spring, my first tion date. The two books will be packaged thought was ‘Great!’ My second thought together and marketed as a textbook for was, ‘Now I really have to do this. I have to poetry classes, but Tod hopes the books will really confront the blank page.’” also be read by people interested in contemAnd there are other projects. He hopes to porary American poetry. “salvage” about half of his doctoral dissertaIn January, Tod received news that he had tion, a collection of essays on 20th century won the Georgia Contemporary Poetry poetry and poetics, add some new material Series Award, which will result in the publicaand submit it by December to The Kenyon tion of Tod’s second book, Dare Say, by the Review’s Parnassus Prize in Criticism. “I University of Georgia Press. Competition for plan on gathering lots of rejection letters with the Series is stiff; the press receives well over that.” a thousand manuscripts. Dare Say is due out in November and includes his poems “Break- Which he surely will. But given his perseverfast,” “Botticelli,” and “Eclipse.” This honor ance, the book, tentatively titled The Provdid not come as a total surprise: Tod started inces of Poetry, will find a publisher. to compile this book of poetry in 1995 and Receiving degrees in philosophy and English, submitted it to the Georgia contest six times, Tod Marshall graduated from Siena Heights coming in as a finalist last year, and finally in 1990; he currently teaches at Gonzaga winning the award this year. As he says, he University in Spokane, Washington, where he was a “form letter recipient” five times. And lives in an eclectic old neighborhood called ironically, he received two letters of rejection “Peaceful Valley” with his two sons. (but they were “nice rejections”) for this same

Class Notes continued from 29

Thomas Edward) died June 9 at the Dominican Life Center at the age of 87. A graduate of St. Joseph Academy and Siena Heights, she ministered in education for 42 years in Michigan, Illinois and Ohio. She also worked in pastoral ministry and social work in East Lansing, Bad Axe and Rosebush, MI. She also served as receptionist at Maria Health Care Center (Dominican Life Center) and at the Adrian Dominican Motherhouse. She retired in 1982.

ing assignments in Michigan, 50 years in Michigan Illinois, Ohio, and Florida. She and Illinois. She retired retired in Chicago in 1991. in 2000 and came to the DLC in 2002. Rosa Nilda Torres Fermoso ‘53 of Yauco, Puerto Rico, died Madonna Michael Dec. 31, 2001, after suffering a Gerrity, OP ‘60 died severe stroke. “During her time March 7 at the Dominican Life at Siena, she was dearly loved Center. A native of Chicago by the faculty as much as the and graduate of Aquinas High students,” friend and classmate School, she spent 44 years minisHilda Fernandez Nadal ‘53 tering in education in Michigan, wrote from New York, NY. Rosa Illinois and Missouri. She came is survived by her older sister, to the DLC in 1998. Miriam. Sharon Pfund Portrey ‘66 of Helen Edward Duncan, OP ‘56 Burley, IA, died suddenly June died May 8 at the Dominican 16. A native of Adrian, she Life Center at the age of 71. earned her master’s degree from A graduate of Dominican High Gonzaga University after graduSchool in Detroit, she studied ating from Siena Heights. She Latin at Siena Heights and spent worked in education throughout 25 years ministering in education her career. She is survived by in Michigan and Ohio. She also her husband David, three sons, was parish minister for 17 years a daughter, grandchildren and a at St. Ambrose in Detroit. sister.

Class Notes

Maxine Robertson Goll ‘51 died March 26 at home in Sand Creek, MI. She retired in 1978 after 39 years teaching in the Adrian Public Schools, and had been wintering in Florida for two decades with her husband of 62 years, Elwood. She is survived by her husband, a son, six grandchildren, and a great- Eileen Morley, OP ‘57 (formerly known as Sister Patrick granddaughter. Mary) died June 23 at the Mary Skender, OP ‘52 (forDominican Life Center at the merly known as Sister Mary age of 70. She came to Siena Vincent), a teacher and secretary Heights after graduating from St. at Siena Heights from 1961 to Joseph Academy, and went on 1968, died March 11 in Berwyn, to earn a master’s degree from IL. She was 79. She ministered DePaul University in Chicago. in education for 42 years, includShe ministered in education for

31 founding her own consulting company, Linda Liske, Inc., in the early 1980s. Linda is survived by her father, a brother and sister and their families, and long-time companion Tom Treuter. Word was received of the death of Michael “Mick” Shugar of North Royalton, OH, a Siena student in the mid-1970s, of a sudden heart attack. He is survived by his wife, Charlene Schostek Shugar ‘77.

Andra Rae Parker ‘88, ‘91/MA of La Jolla, CA, formerly of Adrian, died March 12 after a short illness. A veteran of service in the U.S. Navy, she studied at Linda Liske ‘70 of Pleasant the San Diego College for jourRidge, MI, died May 28 after a nalism and the Hawaii Medical six-year battle with colon cancer. Center as well as Siena Heights. She was 53. Linda was a graphic designer nationally known for her work in corporate publication design, especially in the health care industry. She worked at Parke-Davis and Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak before

Alumni News from

SHU in Battle Creek & Kalamazoo Siena Heights at Kellogg Community College (1992)

Shannon McDonald Baird ‘98 and her husband, Todd, made news this spring when they welcomed their second set of twins. Fraternal twins Hannah and Travis were born April 25 in Battle Creek. Identical twins Taylor and Kaitlyn, now 2 ½, were born in August 1999. According to the Battle Creek Enquirer, the probability of having twins without taking fertility drugs or undergoing fertility treatments is about 1 in 80-90 pregnancies. The chance of having two sets of twins, one identical and one fraternal, is as rare as 1 out of 6,400 pregnancies, the paper reported. The Bairds did not take fertility drugs or treatments either time; and although both Shannon and Todd have twins in their families, they were “pretty much in total shock and disbe-

lief” when they learned they would have a second baby twosome. “All in all, it’s good,” said Todd. “I guess we were given four kids for a reason.” Shannon and Todd both work at Denso Manufacturing Michigan Inc. in Battle Creek, Shannon in human resources and Todd in information systems. Bonnie Timbs Eyre ‘98 works for Pharmacea in Battle Creek and is a master’s candidate in the Siena Heights graduate program in organizational leadership. Bonnie and her husband, Lee, live in Athens. Jennifer Schoch ‘01 lives in Battle Creek and works for The Kellogg Company. LaChel Burton ‘02 was featured in the Battle Creek Enquirer this spring when she accomplished a lifelong dream by graduat-

ing from Siena Heights. During the past year, LaChel and three of her five children were all taking classes on the Kellogg Community College campus at the same time: LaChel was finishing her bachelor’s with Siena Heights, two sons were working on associate degrees with KCC, and one daughter, a high school senior, was taking classes at KCC through dual-enrollment. Having the family on campus together is likely to continue for awhile, too: LaChel plans to pursue a master’s at the Siena Heights KCC program. “I’m a lifetime student, always chomping at an education and I’m trying to get my kids to follow through— because education is the key to the world,” LaChel told the Enquirer.

Eclipse 2002 on Sale Now! “Eclipse 2002” includes original poetry, fiction, non-fiction, music, paintings, prints and photography in a 103-page book. Contributors include students, alumni, faculty and members of the general public. The journal includes writings in Hebrew, French, Spanish and Arabic (with transliterations) as well as English. Jen Letherer ’02 served as literary editor, Holly Czupich ’03 as art editor. Included with the 2002 journal is a compact disc— recorded and burned by Ben Cedoz ’03 in the Siena Heights music recording studio—featuring music, selected readings of poetry and fiction, and close-up views of selected artwork.

Order Your 2002 Edition Today! “Eclipse 2002, A Journal of Literature and Visual Art” is available for $15 which includes the “Eclipse” CD and shipping and handling. Contact Claudia Blanchard at: 517/264-7621 or cblancha@sienahts.edu.

30th Anniversary Eclipse. See page 5.

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