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AN ENGAGEMENT One February morning, I visited the Musée Rodin in Paris, on a suggestion by Jérôme Le Blay, author of the Catalogue Critique de l’Oeuvre Sculpté d’Auguste Rodin, to knock on the door of this institution in hope of obtaining permission to take some shots. Armed with my 35mm, I made a big tour of the icy garden where only the bronzes braved the harsh light. I discovered a medieval, gothic Rodin -but nevertheless strangely inviting because the emotions that play-out are familiar -both on the faces and in the postures -they belong to humanity. Rodin appropriates these feelings and returns them –he defies time in a vertiginous manner. I entered the museum where I found the love scenes, the carnal encounters so dear to Rodin. They made me dizzy. The photographs reproduced here have earned me an invitation from the museum, on a Monday without public, to commune with the work of the sculptor who for me embodies the notion of commitment -to the past, but also to the future -in life and in the Hereafter, in short the engagement with the study of the human condition. If the "expressionist artist has the desire to express a conception of a turbulent and rebellious world, and share with the viewer brutal and extreme sensations," the images that I captured at the Rodin Museum reflect this state of mind; I found in Rodin a timeless echo to my darkest thoughts, but also a resonance to my deep conviction that only redeeming love can save us from ourselves.


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