Magazine Evaluation

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Evaluation of Magazine Front Cover The design brief for this was to create a student magazine. From the research that I have done, I have accomplished this. I am proud of this because I personally think it would appeal to the target audience which are young college students. I have included a medium close-up which connects with the main pull quote, and take up most of the cover. Along with the mast head which stands out from the rest of the text and is clear with the red gradient behind it. I like how the red has worked as it makes the mast head stand out. I like how the pull quotes are positioned on the page and also the colours. The different use of colours and the text being on the wonk gives it, it’s informal, teenage look, which contrasts with the audience, and makes it stand out. The Important words have been highlighted to show that they are important which I like. I don’t like how the barcode is big and could improve on it by making this smaller and adding a price or maybe scrap that idea and make it free. If I was to make it free then I would make sure that there was a space on the cover for this to be and put it in big typeface and a start shape to show its free and can just pick it up, its free of charge. Also being a student I know that the target audience would be looking for bargains, especially with a quality like this. It is clear what is inside of the magazine and that there is more to be found inside, this shown along the flag line.

Contents page With the contents page we had to continue on the whole student magazine theme and also a continuous house style so that they don’t look like different magazines but belong to the same magazine. I am also proud of the outcome of this because it continuous the house style by the way I have used the same typeface from the masthead for the header of this page also there are pictures included, which goes back to my designing and planning process were I had looked at out contents and had similar designs to mine. I like how it’s not too formal but its set out so you can understand everything and all the text and pictures are sized right so they are clear. Also the colours go back to the front cover. I like the idea of using something different, including a sneak peek next weeks issue as I didn’t find this in any other magazine that I looked at for this project. It’s clear what picture represents with the page number. Again pictures also contrasting back to the front cover witch continues with the house style. Although if I was to make/design this again I would change the number of pictures that are similar, maybe use a different typeface so it makes it more exciting, or have not so much on the page as it does look a bit overly crowded with lots of things to look at.

‌Overall I think this project was successful I could go on and do a survey to see if it would appeal to my target audience to see how successful it would be. I have kept to the theme of a student magazine and made sure that I had a continuous house style. The colours contrast well and everything links in well. Adding on to improvements If I had more time to develop this project I would take more time in editing and cutting photos or make sure I have a decent set of photos, maybe make sure that the photos I take have a good back drop to them so I don’t have to cut them and have a plain black background as it would make it more interesting.

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