Thesis Book : Shriyak Singh

Page 34


Strong visual cues, coupled with the overall essence of the space, which lie incidentally in public thoroughfares, can have a quick and affective impact on the psychology of the user.

A study in New York conducted by Charles Montgomery, a Canadian writer and urbanist, showed that positive human emotion in people, which was the result of the then interactions with the built environment and the other people, resulted in a distinctively humane and kinder response to a certain set of questions, for which New Yorkers in general had a more harsh response. (The happy city experiment : Charles Montgomery, 2014) Thus, it can be considered that the built environment, by the means of its interactions with the people, has the ability of guiding the society towards one with better social values. This influence however is very subtle and secondary. The experiment also throws light on how the more apparent senses of vision and hearing can have a much more immediate impact on the people. (The happy city experiment : Charles Montgomery, 2014) Hence we can reflect, strong visual cues, coupled with the overall essence of the space, which lie incidentally in public thoroughfares, can have a quick and affective impact on the psychology of the people. Architecture is not an issue that stands alone, but a part of nature and human culture. Conversely, the architecture also needs to take a stance or give a response in accordance with natural conditions, and what happens in the order of people’s minds. Therefore, architecture is not free of values. A form of architecture is the implementation of a set of attitudes, preferences, responses to the problems or challenges, both to the function of the building itself and all the elements involved.



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