Emerge Magazine Fall 2011

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Another One Bites the Dust by DEANA FORBES

Before I knew it I had bitten that little boy on the butt. I don’t know what made me choose such a spot. Perhaps it was just the closest body part to me. When my teacher heard his agonizing scream she immediately hopped up and said “Deana!...What did you do to him? Go to time out!”

Deana Forbes is a student at George Washington High School So there I was at Head Start with my skinny little arms folded, eyebrows raised, and feet dangling back and forth in a timeout chair that was too big for me. All I could think was, Oh well…shoot he shouldn’t have messed with us. It all started when my teacher was reading us a story about the infamous three little pigs. My best friend and I always sat side by side on the story-telling carpet. This was a time that we dreaded, not because the stories were boring, but because of this bald-headed, trouble-making little boy who picked on us every single day at story time. My teacher was in the middle of the story when the little boy decided he wanted to pull my friend’s ponytail. The only thing I remember was my frustration level was through the roof. I was going to stand up for my best friend, and my teeth clenched together so that all I heard was “ahhhhhhh!”


Emerge! | Fall 2011 | emergeva.com

I really did not care because he had it coming one way or another if you ask me. I just knew that my parents would be furious, but surprisingly their reaction was not what I expected . My parents had always taught me to keep my hands to myself… but they didn’t say anything about teeth. When my mother came later on that afternoon, I was still in time-out. My teacher called me over and told me to tell my mother what I had done. As I recounted, my mother’s eyes widened as she tried with all her might to keep a serious face, but once we made our way to the car it was all over. She laughed so hard I’m sure she got a headache. When my daddy found out he couldn’t help but laugh either. To them it was hilarious, but when it came down to reality they let me know that it is very important to control your temper no matter what the situation may be. Even when you are down to your last nerve you still have to stay calm. Acting out of anger could result in terrible consequences, but in his case terrible pain, such as a bite mark on a butt. To this day, I have learned to control my temper because strong teeth can be an unfair advantage. E

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