Digital Marketing vs Traditional Marketing - SysTab

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WHAT IS TRADITIONAL MARKETING? Traditional Marketing is the form of marketing in which we target our audience through physical forms like, newspaper ads, TV ads, radio ads, pamphlets, magazines ads, banners and more. This form of marketing is useful for local audiences who are residing in your region and is not for a niche audience. This marketing has some advantages and disadvantages too.

Benefits of Traditional Marketing Reach local target audience easily: By advertising on FM radio and local editions of newspapers, you can easily target the potential customers in a particular city. Flyers in the mail also help target specific suburbs or areas.

Save hard copies: Your target audience can keep hard copies of your advertising materials, like flyers and magazine ads, which they go through repeatedly. Nowadays, it’s become easier for designers to create appealing flyer designs using some really cool stock images and background vectors.

Easy to Understand: Anyone without internet can be reached through this approach, and people understand it easier as they have been used to it for some time. A study conducted by a neuro-marketing firm in Canada showed that direct mail required 21% less cognitive power to process vis-à-vis

Disadvantages of Traditional Marketing It is less engaging It’s a more passive form of marketing, and there is very little actual engagement. It consists of providing information to the customer and hoping that they will purchase.

It is more expensive Advertising in the newspaper, radio, and TV can be very expensive – no wonder most TV ads are just a few seconds!

Difficult to measure ROI It is very difficult to see how successful or otherwise your marketing campaign was, as there are no numbers to measure.


Digital Marketing is the form of marketing where you can market your business product/services on the Internet, using Google, Social Media, Emails, Paid ads and more, directly on the consumer's mobile phones, tablets, and laptops.

Advantages of Digital Marketing

You can Target a Vast Audience

You can not only reach larger numbers of people, you can reach them regardless of their geographic location. When you post something on your Facebook page, you can reach someone who lives a couple of blocks away, or a continent away too!

Tap New Markets Digital marketing helps you explore and tap hitherto undiscovered or untapped markets to enter.

You can tailor Content Depending on your ideal buyer persona – age, gender, profession, income, preferences, dislikes, fears, goals etc. – you can personalize the content so that it gets their attention.

Advantages of Digital Marketing It is More Engaging Through social media, live chat, and email, you can easily engage with your target audience, which is not possible through traditional marketing methods. Liking, sharing, commenting on social media posts, rating products and leaving reviews are the ways in which the audience can communicate with you. You need to respond promptly and professionally to keep them engaged.

It is Cost Effective Digital marketing activities cost a whole lot less than traditional methods – even if you include paid ads, and cost of hiring an agency for marketing. This means at a fraction of the cost of traditional marketing, you can

The Target Audience Can Choose the Medium Different audience members may choose different marketing mediums to consume – blogs, videos, emails, etc. This choice is not available in traditional methods. Often, flyers in the mailbox get crumpled and thrown away. But with digital, people have the choice to sign up and unsubscribe to marketing materials.

Advantages of Digital Marketing Instant Publicity When you post something on YouTube or Facebook, your target audience can see it almost immediately – gaining your business instant publicity. However, in traditional methods, you have to wait; TV or radio ads are scheduled for a specific time; the reader needs to come to the newspaper ads; they have to pass the billboards on the roads to see them. But with a huge population constantly hooked on to social media, you can reach your audience much faster.

Measuring ROI is Easier: Google Analytics and other tools help you record things like the number of people who visited your website, how many clicked on ads, how long they stayed on the website, how many purchased, and so on. This way, you can easily measure your ROI. You can see in a jiffy what worked for the business and what did not, and make the necessary changes.

Instant Results With just a few clicks you can get all the statistics – so no more waiting to know what is happening. To give a boost to your business, all it takes is a couple of weeks, unlike traditional marketing which could take

Advantages of Digital Brings Everyone To TheMarketing Same Level A startup can compete with an industry giant if they have a crafty digital marketing strategy. However, this is not possible in traditional marketing. A small business would scarcely have the resources to spend on TV and print ads.

Brand Building An awesome website with great content will go a long way in generating leads and helping conversions; similarly, engaging social media posts and creative videos will also create brand awareness, and even help build loyalty. If you give your consumers something of value, you can be sure they will keep coming back for more. With traditional marketing, only big businesses can successfully build the brand, as it is a very expensive affair.

It is Not Intrusive Viewers usually get annoyed when their favorite shows or sports telecasts are frequently interrupted by commercials; newspaper readers usually skim over the ads in it – unless they are looking for something specific. They did not choose these media to look at ads. However, online, customers can choose to completely ignore the ads, or can actively engage with them too. Often, online marketing – say social media posts for instance – are not overt; they are rather subtle ads. They provide the user with something of value, while advertising remains in the background.

Advantages of Digital Marketing The Possibility of Virality The only scope for virality in traditional marketing is word of mouth publicity by customers. Have you ever seen people passing on flyers or letters they received to others? But in the online market, this scope is tremendous. A well-made video or well crafted social media post can get shared by tens of thousands of people – making it viral, and increasing the reach even further.

Suitable Across Industries Every type of industry – education, finance, healthcare, retail, hospitality, or anything else – can benefit from digital marketing. The size of the business, or how long it has been operational is also not important when it comes to digital marketing methods.

Round The Clock Availability Once you post something online, it is there for good, and your audience can access it whenever they want to, as per their convenience. This is not possible in the case of say TV ads, which are telecast at specific times.

Disadvantages of Digital Marketing

Negative Feedback

The main drawback of digital marketing is that negative feedback or complaints left by unhappy customers are visible to the general public – and that too could get shared quickly.

Requisite Expertise in the Field To truly exploit the potential of digital marketing, you would need to employ someone who has the requisite expertise in the field – and they would also need to know your business well.

Regulation by Search Engines Digital marketing is subject to regulation by search engines like Google; they frequently issue guidelines as to what is acceptable and what is not. The search engine algorithms are also updated regularly, and the efforts you have put in may go waste, as you may need to make drastic changes in the strategy.

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